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10 files changed, 3029 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/blit.lua b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/blit.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..934804b5b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/blit.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+--[[ Lua Blit Operations
+ * __________ __ ___.
+ * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
+ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
+ * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
+ * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
+ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+copy(dst, src, [dx, dy, sx, sy, offset_x, offset_y, clip, _blit.OP, clr/customfunct])
+ blit allows you to copy a [portion of a] source image to a dest image applying
+ a transformation operation to the pixels as they are copied
+ offsets are auto calculated if left empty or out of range
+ blit will default to copy if operation is empty or out of range
+it is slightly faster to use the number directly and you don't really
+ need to define all (any) of these if you don't use them but I put them
+ here for easier use of the blit function
+if not rb.lcd_framebuffer then rb.splash(rb.HZ, "No Support!") return nil end
+local _blit ={} do
+ _blit.CUSTOM = 0xFF --user defined blit function func(dst_val, x, y, src_val, x, y)
+ _blit.BCOPY = 0x0 --copy (use :copy() instead it is slightly faster
+ _blit.BOR = 0x1 --OR source and dest pixels
+ _blit.BXOR = 0x2 --XOR source and dest pixels
+ _blit.BNOR = 0x3 --(NOT) (source OR dest pixels)
+ _blit.BSNOR = 0x4 --(NOT source) OR dest pixels
+ _blit.BAND = 0x5 --AND source and dest pixels
+ _blit.BNAND = 0x6 --(NOT) AND source and dest pixels
+ _blit.BNOT = 0x7 --NOT source and dest pixels
+ --blit functions for masks
+ _blit.BSAND = 0x8 --copy color to dest if source pixel <> 0
+ _blit.BSNOT = 0x9 --copy color to dest if source pixel == 0
+ --blit functions for masks with colors
+ _blit.BSORC = 0xA --copy source pixel or color
+ _blit.BSXORC = 0xB --copy source pixel xor color
+ _blit.BNSORC = 0xC --copy ~(src_val | clr)
+ _blit.BSORNC = 0xD --copy src_val | (~clr)
+ _blit.BSANDC = 0xE --copy src_val & clr;
+ _blit.BNSANDC = 0xF --copy (~src_val) & clr
+ _blit.BDORNSORC = 0x10 --copy dst | (~src_val) | clr
+ _blit.BXORSADXORC = 0x11 --copy dst ^ (src_val & (dst_val ^ clr))
+ _blit.BSNEC = 0x12 --copy source pixel if source <> color
+ _blit.BSEQC = 0x13 --copy source pixel if source == color
+ _blit.BSGTC = 0x14 --copy source pixel if source > color
+ _blit.BSLTC = 0x15 --copy source pixel if source < color
+ _blit.BDNEC = 0x16 --copy source pixel if dest <> color
+ _blit.BDEQC = 0x17 --copy source pixel if dest == color
+ _blit.BDGTC = 0x18 --copy source pixel if dest > color
+ _blit.BDLTC = 0x19 --copy source pixel if dest < color
+ _blit.BDNES = 0x1A --copy color to dest if dest <> source pixel
+ _blit.BDEQS = 0x1B --copy color to dest if dest == source pixel
+ _blit.BDGTS = 0x1C --copy color to dest if dest > source pixel
+ _blit.BDLTS = 0x1D --copy color to dest if dest < source pixel
+ --Source unused for these blits
+ _blit.BCOPYC = 0x1E --copy color
+ _blit.BORC = 0x1F --OR dest and color
+ _blit.BXORC = 0x20 --XOR dest and color
+ _blit.BNDORC = 0x21 --~(dst_val | clr)
+ _blit.BDORNC = 0x22 --dst_val | (~clr)
+ _blit.BANDC = 0x23 --AND dest and color
+ _blit.BNDANDC = 0x24 --copy (~dst_val) & clr
+ _blit.BDLTS = 0x25 --dest NOT color
+end -- _blit operations
+return _blit
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/color.lua b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/color.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..267728e072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/color.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+--[[ Lua Color functions
+ * __________ __ ___.
+ * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
+ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
+ * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
+ * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
+ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+--[[ Exposed Functions
+ _clr.set
+-- Exposed Constants
+if not rb.lcd_framebuffer then rb.splash(rb.HZ, "No Support!") return nil end
+-- Only true when we're on a color target, i.e. when LCD_RGBPACK is available
+if rb.lcd_rgbpack ~= _NIL then
+local _clr = {} do
+ -- Internal Constants
+ local _NIL = nil -- _NIL placeholder
+ local maxstate = (bit.lshift(1, rb.LCD_DEPTH) - 1)
+ local function init(v)
+ return v or 0
+ end
+ -- clamps value to >= min and <= max rolls over to opposite
+ local function clamp_roll(val, min, max)
+ if min > max then
+ local swap = min
+ min, max = max, swap
+ end
+ if val < min then
+ val = max
+ elseif val > max then
+ val = min
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+ -- sets color -- monochrome / greyscale use 'set' -- color targets 'r,b,g'
+ -- on monochrome/ greyscale targets:
+ -- '-1' sets the highest 'color' state & 0 is the minimum 'color' state
+ local function clrset(set, r, g, b)
+ local color = set or 0
+ if (r ~= _NIL or g ~= _NIL or b ~= _NIL) then
+ r, g, b = init(r), init(g), init(b)
+ color = rb.lcd_rgbpack(r, g, b)
+ end
+ end
+ return clamp_roll(color, 0, maxstate)
+ end -- clrset
+ -- de/increments current color by 'inc' -- optionally color targets by 'r,g,b'
+ local function clrinc(current, inc, r, g, b)
+ local color = 0
+ current = current or color
+ inc = inc or 1
+ local ru, gu, bu = rb.lcd_rgbunpack(current);
+ if (r ~= _NIL or g ~= _NIL or b ~= _NIL) then
+ r, g, b = init(r), init(g), init(b)
+ ru = ru + r; gu = gu + g; bu = bu + b
+ color = rb.lcd_rgbpack(ru, gu, bu)
+ else
+ ru = ru + inc; gu = gu + inc; bu = bu + inc
+ color = rb.lcd_rgbpack(ru, gu, bu)
+ end
+ else
+ color = current + inc
+ end
+ return clamp_roll(color, 0, maxstate)
+ end -- clrinc
+ -- expose functions to the outside through _clr table
+ _clr.set = clrset
+ = clrinc
+end -- color functions
+return _clr
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/draw.lua b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/draw.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f59e439137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/draw.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+--[[ Lua Drawing functions
+ * __________ __ ___.
+ * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
+ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
+ * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
+ * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
+ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+--[[ Exposed Functions
+ _draw.circle_filled
+ _draw.ellipse
+ _draw.ellipse_filled
+ _draw.ellipse_rect_filled
+ _draw.ellipse_rect
+ _draw.flood_fill
+ _draw.hline
+ _draw.image
+ _draw.line
+ _draw.polygon
+ _draw.polyline
+ _draw.rect
+ _draw.rect_filled
+ _draw.rounded_rect
+ _draw.rounded_rect_filled
+ _draw.text
+ _draw.vline
+--[[ bClip allows drawing out of bounds without raising an error it is slower
+ than having a correctly bounded figure, but can be helpful in some cases..
+if not rb.lcd_framebuffer then rb.splash(rb.HZ, "No Support!") return nil end
+local _draw = {} do
+ -- Internal Constants
+ local _LCD = rb.lcd_framebuffer()
+ local LCD_W, LCD_H = rb.LCD_WIDTH, rb.LCD_HEIGHT
+ local BSAND = 8 -- blits color to dst if src <> 0
+ local _NIL = nil -- nil placeholder
+ local function set_viewport(vp)
+ if not vp then rb.set_viewport() return end
+ if rb.LCD_DEPTH == 2 then -- invert 2-bit screens
+ --vp.drawmode = bit.bxor(vp.drawmode, 4)
+ vp.fg_pattern = 3 - vp.fg_pattern
+ vp.bg_pattern = 3 - vp.bg_pattern
+ end
+ rb.set_viewport(vp)
+ end
+ -- line
+ local function line(img, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, bClip)
+ img:line(x1, y1, x2, y2, color, bClip)
+ end
+ -- horizontal line; x, y define start point; length in horizontal direction
+ local function hline(img, x, y , length, color, bClip)
+ img:line(x, y, x + length, _NIL, color, bClip)
+ end
+ -- vertical line; x, y define start point; length in vertical direction
+ local function vline(img, x, y , length, color, bClip)
+ img:line(x, y, _NIL, y + length, color, bClip)
+ end
+ -- draws a non-filled figure based on points in t-points
+ local function polyline(img, x, y, t_points, color, bClosed, bClip)
+ if #t_points < 2 then error("not enough points", 3) end
+ local pt_first_last
+ if bClosed then
+ pt_first_last = t_points[1]
+ else
+ pt_first_last = t_points[#t_points]
+ end
+ for i = 1, #t_points, 1 do
+ local pt1 = t_points[i]
+ local pt2 = t_points[i + 1] or pt_first_last-- first and last point
+ img:line(pt1[1] + x, pt1[2] + y, pt2[1]+x, pt2[2]+y, color, bClip)
+ end
+ end
+ -- rectangle
+ local function rect(img, x, y, width, height, color, bClip)
+ if width == 0 or height == 0 then return end
+ local ppt = {{0, 0}, {width, 0}, {width, height}, {0, height}}
+ polyline(img, x, y, ppt, color, true, bClip)
+ --[[
+ vline(img, x, y, height, color, bClip);
+ vline(img, x + width, y, height, color, bClip);
+ hline(img, x, y, width, color, bClip);
+ hline(img, x, y + height, width, color, bClip);]]
+ end
+ -- filled rect, fillcolor is color if left empty
+ local function rect_filled(img, x, y, width, height, color, fillcolor, bClip)
+ if width == 0 or height == 0 then return end
+ if not fillcolor then
+ img:clear(color, x, y, x + width, y + height, bClip)
+ else
+ img:clear(fillcolor, x, y, x + width, y + height, bClip)
+ rect(img, x, y, width, height, color, bClip)
+ end
+ end
+ -- circle cx,cy define center point
+ local function circle(img, cx, cy, radius, color, bClip)
+ local r = radius
+ img:ellipse(cx - r, cy - r, cx + r, cy + r, color, _NIL, bClip)
+ end
+ -- filled circle cx,cy define center, fillcolor is color if left empty
+ local function circle_filled(img, cx, cy, radius, color, fillcolor, bClip)
+ fillcolor = fillcolor or color
+ local r = radius
+ img:ellipse(cx - r, cy - r, cx + r, cy + r, color, fillcolor, bClip)
+ end
+ -- ellipse that fits into defined rect
+ local function ellipse_rect(img, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, bClip)
+ img:ellipse(x1, y1, x2, y2, color, _NIL, bClip)
+ end
+ --ellipse that fits into defined rect, fillcolor is color if left empty
+ local function ellipse_rect_filled(img, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, fillcolor, bClip)
+ if not fillcolor then fillcolor = color end
+ img:ellipse(x1, y1, x2, y2, color, fillcolor, bClip)
+ end
+ -- ellipse cx, cy define center point; a, b the major/minor axis
+ local function ellipse(img, cx, cy, a, b, color, bClip)
+ img:ellipse(cx - a, cy - b, cx + a, cy + b, color, _NIL, bClip)
+ end
+ -- filled ellipse cx, cy define center point; a, b the major/minor axis
+ -- fillcolor is color if left empty
+ local function ellipse_filled(img, cx, cy, a, b, color, fillcolor, bClip)
+ if not fillcolor then fillcolor = color end
+ img:ellipse(cx - a, cy - b, cx + a, cy + b, color, fillcolor, bClip)
+ end
+ -- rounded rectangle
+ local function rounded_rect(img, x, y, w, h, radius, color, bClip)
+ local c_img
+ local function blit(dx, dy, sx, sy, ox, oy)
+ img:copy(c_img, dx, dy, sx, sy, ox, oy, bClip, BSAND, color)
+ end
+ if w == 0 or h == 0 then return end
+ -- limit the radius of the circle otherwise it will overtake the rect
+ radius = math.min(w / 2, radius)
+ radius = math.min(h / 2, radius)
+ local r = radius
+ c_img = rb.new_image(r * 2 + 1, r * 2 + 1)
+ c_img:clear(0)
+ circle(c_img, r + 1, r + 1, r, 0xFFFFFF)
+ -- copy 4 pieces of circle to their respective corners
+ blit(x, y, _NIL, _NIL, r + 1, r + 1) --TL
+ blit(x + w - r - 2, y, r, _NIL, r + 1, r + 1) --TR
+ blit(x , y + h - r - 2, _NIL, r, r + 1, _NIL) --BL
+ blit(x + w - r - 2, y + h - r - 2, r, r, r + 1, r + 1)--BR
+ c_img = _NIL
+ vline(img, x, y + r, h - r * 2, color, bClip);
+ vline(img, x + w - 1, y + r, h - r * 2, color, bClip);
+ hline(img, x + r, y, w - r * 2, color, bClip);
+ hline(img, x + r, y + h - 1, w - r * 2, color, bClip);
+ end
+ -- rounded rectangle fillcolor is color if left empty
+ local function rounded_rect_filled(img, x, y, w, h, radius, color, fillcolor, bClip)
+ local c_img
+ local function blit(dx, dy, sx, sy, ox, oy)
+ img:copy(c_img, dx, dy, sx, sy, ox, oy, bClip, BSAND, fillcolor)
+ end
+ if w == 0 or h == 0 then return end
+ if not fillcolor then fillcolor = color end
+ -- limit the radius of the circle otherwise it will overtake the rect
+ radius = math.min(w / 2, radius)
+ radius = math.min(h / 2, radius)
+ local r = radius
+ c_img = rb.new_image(r * 2 + 1, r * 2 + 1)
+ c_img:clear(0)
+ circle_filled(c_img, r + 1, r + 1, r, fillcolor)
+ -- copy 4 pieces of circle to their respective corners
+ blit(x, y, _NIL, _NIL, r + 1, r + 1) --TL
+ blit(x + w - r - 2, y, r, _NIL, r + 1, r + 1) --TR
+ blit(x, y + h - r - 2, _NIL, r, r + 1, _NIL) --BL
+ blit(x + w - r - 2, y + h - r - 2, r, r, r + 1, r + 1) --BR
+ c_img = _NIL
+ -- finish filling areas circles didn't cover
+ img:clear(fillcolor, x + r, y, x + w - r, y + h - 1, bClip)
+ img:clear(fillcolor, x, y + r, x + r, y + h - r, bClip)
+ img:clear(fillcolor, x + w - r, y + r, x + w - 1, y + h - r - 1, bClip)
+ if fillcolor ~= color then
+ rounded_rect(img, x, y, w, h, r, color, bClip)
+ end
+ end
+ -- draws an image at xy coord in dest image
+ local function image(dst, src, x, y, bClip)
+ if not src then --make sure an image was passed, otherwise bail
+ rb.splash(rb.HZ, "No Image!")
+ return _NIL
+ end
+ dst:copy(src, x, y, 1, 1, _NIL, _NIL, bClip)
+ end
+ -- floods an area of targetclr with fillclr x, y specifies the start seed
+ function flood_fill(img, x, y, targetclr, fillclr)
+ -- scanline 4-way flood algorithm
+ -- ^
+ -- <--------x--->
+ -- v
+ -- check that target color doesn't = fill and the first point is target color
+ if targetclr == fillclr or targetclr ~= img:get(x,y, true) then return end
+ local max_w = img:width()
+ local max_h = img:height()
+ local qpt = {} -- FIFO queue
+ -- rather than moving elements around in our FIFO queue
+ -- for each read; increment 'qhead' by 2
+ -- set both elements to nil and let the
+ -- garbage collector worry about it
+ -- for each write; increment 'qtail' by 2
+ -- x coordinates are in odd indices while
+ -- y coordinates are in even indices
+ local qtail = 0
+ local iter_n; -- North iteration
+ local iter_s; -- South iteration
+ local function check_ns(val, x, y)
+ if targetclr == val then
+ if targetclr == iter_n() then
+ qtail = qtail + 2
+ qpt[qtail - 1] = x
+ qpt[qtail] = (y - 1)
+ end
+ if targetclr == iter_s() then
+ qtail = qtail + 2
+ qpt[qtail - 1] = x
+ qpt[qtail] = (y + 1)
+ end
+ return fillclr
+ end
+ return _NIL -- signal marshal to stop
+ end
+ local function seed_pt(x, y)
+ -- will never hit max_w * max_h^2 but make sure not to end early
+ for qhead = 2, max_w * max_h * max_w * max_h, 2 do
+ if targetclr == img:get(x, y, true) then
+ iter_n = img:points(x, y - 1, 1, y - 1)
+ iter_s = img:points(x, y + 1, 1, y + 1)
+ img:marshal(x, y, 1, y, _NIL, _NIL, true, check_ns)
+ iter_n = img:points(x + 1, y - 1, max_w, y - 1)
+ iter_s = img:points(x + 1, y + 1, max_w, y + 1)
+ img:marshal(x + 1, y, max_w, y, _NIL, _NIL, true, check_ns)
+ end
+ x = qpt[qhead - 1]
+ qpt[qhead - 1] = _NIL
+ if not x then break end
+ y = qpt[qhead]
+ qpt[qhead] = _NIL
+ end
+ end
+ seed_pt(x, y) -- Begin
+ end -- flood_fill
+ -- draws a closed figure based on points in t_points
+ local function polygon(img, x, y, t_points, color, fillcolor, bClip)
+ if #t_points < 2 then error("not enough points", 3) end
+ if fillcolor then
+ local x_min, x_max = 0, 0
+ local y_min, y_max = 0, 0
+ local w, h = 0, 0
+ -- find boundries of polygon
+ for i = 1, #t_points, 1 do
+ local pt = t_points[i]
+ if pt[1] < x_min then x_min = pt[1] end
+ if pt[1] > x_max then x_max = pt[1] end
+ if pt[2] < y_min then y_min = pt[2] end
+ if pt[2] > y_max then y_max = pt[2] end
+ end
+ w = math.abs(x_max) + math.abs(x_min)
+ h = math.abs(y_max) + math.abs(y_min)
+ x_min = x_min - 2 -- leave a border to use flood_fill
+ y_min = y_min - 2
+ local fill_img = rb.new_image(w + 3, h + 3)
+ fill_img:clear(0xFFFFFF)
+ for i = 1, #t_points, 1 do
+ local pt1 = t_points[i]
+ local pt2 = t_points[i + 1] or t_points[1]-- first and last point
+ fill_img:line(pt1[1] - x_min, pt1[2] - y_min,
+ pt2[1]- x_min, pt2[2] - y_min, 0)
+ end
+ flood_fill(fill_img, fill_img:width(), fill_img:height() , 1, 0)
+ img:copy(fill_img, x - 1, y - 1, _NIL, _NIL, _NIL, _NIL, bClip, BSAND, fillcolor)
+ end
+ polyline(img, x, y, t_points, color, true, bClip)
+ end
+ -- draw text onto image if width/height are supplied text is centered
+ local function text(img, x, y, width, height, font, color, text)
+ font = font or rb.FONT_UI
+ local opts = {x = 0, y = 0, width = LCD_W - 1, height = LCD_H - 1,
+ font = font, drawmode = 3, fg_pattern = 0xFFFFFF, bg_pattern = 0}
+ set_viewport(opts)
+ local res, w, h = rb.font_getstringsize(text, font)
+ if not width then
+ width = 0
+ else
+ width = (width - w) / 2
+ end
+ if not height then
+ height = 0
+ else
+ height = (height - h) / 2
+ end
+ -- make a copy of the current screen for later
+ local screen_img = rb.new_image(LCD_W, LCD_H)
+ screen_img:copy(_LCD)
+ -- check if the screen buffer is supplied image if so set img to the copy
+ if img == _LCD then
+ img = screen_img
+ end
+ -- we will be printing the text to the screen then blitting into img
+ rb.lcd_clear_display()
+ local function blit(dx, dy)
+ img:copy(_LCD, dx, dy, _NIL, _NIL, _NIL, _NIL, false, BSAND, color)
+ end
+ if w > LCD_W then -- text is too long for the screen do it in chunks
+ local l = 1
+ local resp, wp, hp
+ local lenr = text:len()
+ while lenr > 1 do
+ l = lenr
+ resp, wp, hp = rb.font_getstringsize(text:sub(1, l), font)
+ while wp >= LCD_W and l > 1 do
+ l = l - 1
+ resp, wp, hp = rb.font_getstringsize(text:sub( 1, l), font)
+ end
+ rb.lcd_putsxy(0, 0, text:sub(1, l))
+ text = text:sub(l)
+ if x + width > img:width() or y + height > img:height() then
+ break
+ end
+ -- using the mask we made blit color into img
+ blit(x + width, y + height)
+ x = x + wp
+ rb.lcd_clear_display()
+ lenr = text:len()
+ end
+ else --w <= LCD_W
+ rb.lcd_putsxy(0, 0, text)
+ -- using the mask we made blit color into img
+ blit(x + width, y + height)
+ end
+ _LCD:copy(screen_img) -- restore screen
+ set_viewport() -- set viewport default
+ return res, w, h
+ end
+ -- expose functions to the outside through _draw table
+ _draw.image = image
+ _draw.text = text
+ _draw.line = line
+ _draw.hline = hline
+ _draw.vline = vline
+ _draw.polygon = polygon
+ _draw.polyline = polyline
+ _draw.rect = rect
+ = circle
+ _draw.ellipse = ellipse
+ _draw.flood_fill = flood_fill
+ _draw.ellipse_rect = ellipse_rect
+ _draw.rounded_rect = rounded_rect
+ -- filled functions use color as fillcolor if fillcolor is left empty...
+ _draw.rect_filled = rect_filled
+ _draw.circle_filled = circle_filled
+ _draw.ellipse_filled = ellipse_filled
+ _draw.ellipse_rect_filled = ellipse_rect_filled
+ _draw.rounded_rect_filled = rounded_rect_filled
+ -- adds the above _draw functions into the metatable for RLI_IMAGE
+ local ex = getmetatable(rb.lcd_framebuffer())
+ for k, v in pairs(_draw) do
+ if ex[k] == _NIL then
+ ex[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+end -- _draw functions
+return _draw
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/image.lua b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/image.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0cf3f370e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/image.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+--[[ Lua Image functions
+ * __________ __ ___.
+ * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
+ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
+ * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
+ * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
+ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+--[[ Exposed Functions
+ _img.rotate
+ _img.resize
+ _img.tile
+ _img.load
+-- Exposed Constants
+--[[Other rbimage Functions:
+img:_len() or #img -- returns number of pixels in image
+img:__tostring([item]) or tostring(img) -- returns data about the image item = 0
+ is the same as tostring(img) otherwise
+ item = 1 is the first item in list
+ item = 7 is the 7th item
+ item = 8 is the data address in hex
+ -- See Constants _img.RLI_INFO_....
+img:_data(element) -- returns/sets raw pixel data
+ NOTE!! this data is defined by the target and targets with
+ different color depth, bit packing, etc will not be
+ compatible with the same image's data on another target
+if not rb.lcd_framebuffer then rb.splash(rb.HZ, "No Support!") return nil end
+local _img = {} do
+ -- internal constants
+ local _NIL = nil -- _NIL placeholder
+ local _math = require("math_ex") -- math functions needed
+ local LCD_W, LCD_H = rb.LCD_WIDTH, rb.LCD_HEIGHT
+ -- returns new image -of- img sized to fit w/h tiling to fit if needed
+ local function tile(img, w, h)
+ local hs , ws = img:height(), img:width()
+ local t_img = rb.new_image(w, h)
+ for x = 1, w, ws do t_img:copy(img, x, 1, 1, 1) end
+ for y = hs, h, hs do t_img:copy(t_img, 1, y, 1, 1, w, hs) end
+ return t_img
+ end
+ -- resizes src to size of dst
+ local function resize(dst, src)
+ -- simple nearest neighbor resize derived from rockbox - pluginlib_bmp.c
+ -- pretty rough results highly recommend building one more suited..
+ local dw, dh = dst:width(), dst:height()
+ local xstep = (bit.lshift(src:width(),8) / (dw)) + 1
+ local ystep = (bit.lshift(src:height(),8) / (dh))
+ local xpos, ypos = 0, 0
+ local src_x, src_y
+ -- walk the dest get src pixel
+ function rsz_trans(val, x, y)
+ if x == 1 then
+ src_y = bit.rshift(ypos,8) + 1
+ xpos = xstep - bit.rshift(xstep,4) + 1
+ ypos = ypos + ystep;
+ end
+ src_x = bit.rshift(xpos,8) + 1
+ xpos = xpos + xstep
+ return (src:get(src_x, src_y, true) or 0)
+ end
+ --/* (dst*, [x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, clip, function]) */
+ dst:marshal(1, 1, dw, dh, _NIL, _NIL, false, rsz_trans)
+ end
+ -- returns new image -of- img rotated in whole degrees 0 - 360
+ local function rotate(img, degrees)
+ -- we do this backwards as if dest was the unrotated object
+ degrees = 360 - degrees
+ local c, s = _math.d_cos(degrees), _math.d_sin(degrees)
+ -- get the center of the source image
+ local s_xctr, s_yctr = img:width() / 2, img:height() / 2
+ -- get the the new center of the dest image at rotation angle
+ local d_xctr = ((math.abs(s_xctr * c) + math.abs(s_yctr * s))/ 10000) + 1
+ local d_yctr = ((math.abs(s_xctr * s) + math.abs(s_yctr * c))/ 10000) + 1
+ -- calculate size of rect new image will occupy
+ local dw, dh = d_xctr * 2 - 1, d_yctr * 2 - 1
+ local r_img = rb.new_image(dw, dh)
+ -- r_img:clear() -- doesn't need cleared as we walk every pixel
+ --[[rotation works on origin of 0,0 we need to offset to the center of the
+ image and then place the upper left back at the origin (0, 0)]]
+ --[[0,0|-----| ^< |-------| v> 0,0|-------|
+ | | | 0,0 | | |
+ |_____| |_______| |_______| ]]
+ -- walk the dest get translated src pixel, oversamples src to fill gaps
+ function rot_trans(val, x, y)
+ -- move center x/y to the origin
+ local xtran = x - d_xctr;
+ local ytran = y - d_yctr;
+ -- rotate about the center of the image by x degrees
+ local yrot = ((xtran * s) + (ytran * c)) / 10000 + s_yctr
+ local xrot = ((xtran * c) - (ytran * s)) / 10000 + s_xctr
+ -- upper left of src image back to origin, copy src pixel
+ return img:get(xrot, yrot, true) or 0
+ end
+ r_img:marshal(1, 1, dw, dh, _NIL, _NIL, false, rot_trans)
+ return r_img
+ end
+ -- saves img to file: name
+ local function save(img, name)
+ -- bmp saving derived from rockbox - screendump.c
+ -- bitdepth is limited by the device
+ -- eg. device displays greyscale, rgb images are saved greyscale
+ local file
+ local fbuffer = {} -- concat buffer for file writes, reused
+ local function dump_fbuffer(thresh)
+ if #fbuffer >= thresh then
+ file:write(table.concat(fbuffer))
+ for i=1, #fbuffer do fbuffer[i] = _NIL end -- reuse table
+ end
+ end
+ local function s_bytesLE(bits, value)
+ -- bits must be multiples of 8 (sizeof byte)
+ local byte
+ local result = ""
+ for b = 1, bit.rshift(bits, 3) do
+ if value > 0 then
+ byte = value % 256
+ value = (value - byte) / 256
+ result = result .. string.char(byte)
+ else
+ result = result .. string.char(0)
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+ end
+ local function s_bytesBE(bits, value)
+ -- bits must be multiples of 8 (sizeof byte)
+ local byte
+ local result = ""
+ for b = 1, bit.rshift(bits, 3) do
+ if value > 0 then
+ byte = value % 256
+ value = (value - byte) / 256
+ result = string.char(byte) .. result
+ else
+ result = string.char(0) .. result
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+ end
+ local function c_cmp(color, shift)
+ -- [RR][GG][BB]
+ return, shift), 0xFF)
+ end
+ local cmp = {["r"] = function(c) return c_cmp(c, 16) end,
+ ["g"] = function(c) return c_cmp(c, 08) end,
+ ["b"] = function(c) return c_cmp(c, 00) end}
+ local function bmp_color(color)
+ return s_bytesLE(8, cmp.b(color))..
+ s_bytesLE(8, cmp.g(color))..
+ s_bytesLE(8, cmp.r(color))..
+ s_bytesLE(8, 0) .. ""
+ end -- c_cmp(color, c.r))
+ local function bmp_color_mix(c1, c2, num, den)
+ -- mixes c1 and c2 as ratio of numerator / denominator
+ -- used 2x each save results
+ local bc1, gc1, rc1 = cmp.b(c1), cmp.g(c1), cmp.r(c1)
+ return s_bytesLE(8, cmp.b(c2) - bc1 * num / den + bc1)..
+ s_bytesLE(8, cmp.g(c2) - gc1 * num / den + gc1)..
+ s_bytesLE(8, cmp.r(c2) - rc1 * num / den + rc1)..
+ s_bytesLE(8, 0) .. ""
+ end
+ local w, h = img:width(), img:height()
+ local depth = tonumber(img:__tostring(6)) -- RLI_INFO_DEPTH = 0x6
+ local format = tonumber(img:__tostring(7)) -- RLI_INFO_FORMAT = 0x7
+ local bpp, bypl -- bits per pixel, bytes per line
+ -- bypl, pad rows to a multiple of 4 bytes
+ if depth <= 4 then
+ bpp = 8 -- 256 color image
+ bypl = (w + 3)
+ elseif depth <= 16 then
+ bpp = 16
+ bypl = (w * 2 + 3)
+ else
+ bpp = 24
+ bypl = (w * 3 + 3)
+ end
+ local linebytes =, bit.bnot(3))
+ local bytesperpixel = bit.rshift(bpp, 3)
+ local headersz = 54
+ local imgszpad = h * linebytes
+ local compression, n_colors = 0, 0
+ local h_ppm, v_ppm = 0x00000EC4, 0x00000EC4 --Pixels Per Meter ~ 96 dpi
+ if depth == 16 then
+ compression = 3 -- BITFIELDS
+ n_colors = 3
+ elseif depth <= 8 then
+ n_colors = bit.lshift(1, depth)
+ end
+ headersz = headersz + (4 * n_colors)
+ file ='/' .. name, "w+") -- overwrite, rb ignores the 'b' flag
+ if not file then
+ rb.splash(rb.HZ, "Error opening /" .. name)
+ return
+ end
+ -- create a bitmap header 'rope' with image details -- concatenated at end
+ local bmpheader = fbuffer
+ bmpheader[01] = "BM"
+ bmpheader[02] = s_bytesLE(32, headersz + imgszpad)
+ bmpheader[03] = "\0\0\0\0" -- WORD reserved 1 & 2
+ bmpheader[04] = s_bytesLE(32, headersz) -- BITMAPCOREHEADER size
+ bmpheader[05] = s_bytesLE(32, 40) -- BITMAPINFOHEADER size
+ bmpheader[06] = s_bytesLE(32, w)
+ bmpheader[07] = s_bytesLE(32, h)
+ bmpheader[08] = "\1\0" -- WORD color planes ALWAYS 1
+ bmpheader[09] = s_bytesLE(16, bpp) -- bits/pixel
+ bmpheader[10] = s_bytesLE(32, compression)
+ bmpheader[11] = s_bytesLE(32, imgszpad)
+ bmpheader[12] = s_bytesLE(32, h_ppm) -- biXPelsPerMeter
+ bmpheader[13] = s_bytesLE(32, v_ppm) -- biYPelsPerMeter
+ bmpheader[14] = s_bytesLE(32, n_colors)
+ bmpheader[15] = s_bytesLE(32, n_colors)
+ -- Color Table (#n_colors entries)
+ if depth == 1 then -- assuming positive display
+ bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = bmp_color(0xFFFFFF)
+ bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = bmp_color(0x0)
+ elseif depth == 2 then
+ bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = bmp_color(0xFFFFFF)
+ bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = bmp_color_mix(0xFFFFFF, 0, 1, 3)
+ bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = bmp_color_mix(0xFFFFFF, 0, 2, 3)
+ bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = bmp_color(0x0)
+ elseif depth == 16 then
+ -- red bitfield mask
+ bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = s_bytesLE(32, 0x0000F800)
+ -- green bitfield mask
+ bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = s_bytesLE(32, 0x000007E0)
+ -- blue bitfield mask
+ bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = s_bytesLE(32, 0x0000001F)
+ end
+ dump_fbuffer(0) -- write the header to the file now
+ local imgdata = fbuffer
+ -- pad rows to a multiple of 4 bytes
+ local bytesleft = linebytes - (bytesperpixel * w)
+ local t_data = {}
+ local fs_bytes_E = s_bytesLE -- default save in Little Endian
+ if format == 3553 then -- RGB565SWAPPED
+ fs_bytes_E = s_bytesBE -- Saves in Big Endian
+ end
+ -- Bitmap lines start at bottom unless biHeight is negative
+ for point in img:points(1, h, w + bytesleft, 1) do
+ imgdata[#imgdata + 1] = fs_bytes_E(bpp, point or 0)
+ dump_fbuffer(31) -- buffered write, increase # for performance
+ end
+ dump_fbuffer(0) --write leftovers to file
+ file:close()
+ end -- save(img, name)
+ --searches an image for target color
+ local function search(img, x1, y1, x2, y2, targetclr, variation, stepx, stepy)
+ if variation > 128 then variation = 128 end
+ if variation < -128 then variation = -128 end
+ local targeth = targetclr + variation
+ local targetl = targetclr - variation
+ if targeth < targetl then
+ local swap = targeth
+ targeth = targetl
+ targetl = swap
+ end
+ for point, x, y in img:points(x1, y1, x2, y2, stepx, stepy) do
+ if point >= targetl and point <= targeth then
+ return point, x, y
+ end
+ end
+ return nil, nil, nil
+ end
+ --[[ we won't be extending these into RLI_IMAGE]]
+ -- creates a new rbimage size w x h
+ local function new(w, h)
+ return rb.new_image(w, h)
+ end
+ -- returns new image -of- file: name (_NIL if error)
+ local function load(name)
+ return rb.read_bmp_file("/" .. name)
+ end
+ -- expose tostring constants to outside through _img table
+ _img.RLI_INFO_ALL = 0x0
+ _img.RLI_INFO_TYPE = 0x1
+ _img.RLI_INFO_WIDTH = 0x2
+ _img.RLI_INFO_HEIGHT = 0x3
+ _img.RLI_INFO_ELEMS = 0x4
+ _img.RLI_INFO_BYTES = 0x5
+ _img.RLI_INFO_DEPTH = 0x6
+ _img.RLI_INFO_FORMAT = 0x7
+ _img.RLI_INFO_ADDRESS = 0x8
+ -- expose functions to the outside through _img table
+ = save
+ = search
+ _img.rotate = rotate
+ _img.resize = resize
+ _img.tile = tile
+ -- adds the above _img functions into the metatable for RLI_IMAGE
+ local ex = getmetatable(rb.lcd_framebuffer())
+ for k, v in pairs(_img) do
+ if ex[k] == _NIL then ex[k] = v end
+ end
+ -- not exposed through RLI_IMAGE
+ = new
+ _img.load = load
+end -- _img functions
+return _img
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/lcd.lua b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/lcd.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62fa988ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/lcd.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+--[[ Lua LCD Wrapper functions
+ * __________ __ ___.
+ * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
+ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
+ * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
+ * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
+ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+--[[ Exposed Functions
+ _lcd.clear
+ _lcd.duplicate
+ _lcd.image
+ _lcd.set_viewport
+ _lcd.splashf
+ _lcd.text_extent
+ _lcd.update
+ _lcd.update_rect
+-- Exposed Constants
+ _lcd.CX
+ _lcd.CY
+ _lcd.DEPTH
+ _lcd.W
+ _lcd.H
+ _lcd
+ _LCD
+if not rb.lcd_framebuffer then rb.splash(rb.HZ, "No Support!") return nil end
+_LCD = rb.lcd_framebuffer()
+local _lcd = {} do
+ --internal constants
+ local _NIL = nil -- _NIL placeholder
+ local LCD_W, LCD_H = rb.LCD_WIDTH, rb.LCD_HEIGHT
+ -- clamps value to >= min and <= max
+ local function clamp(val, min, max)
+ -- Warning doesn't check if min < max
+ if val < min then
+ return min
+ elseif val < max then
+ return val
+ end
+ return max
+ end
+ -- return a copy of lcd screen
+ local function duplicate(t, screen_img)
+ screen_img = screen_img or rb.new_image()
+ screen_img:copy(rb.lcd_framebuffer())
+ return screen_img
+ end
+ -- updates screen in specified rectangle
+ local function update_rect(t, x, y, w, h)
+ rb.lcd_update_rect(x - 1, y - 1,
+ clamp(x + w, 1, LCD_W) - 1,
+ clamp(y + h, 1, LCD_H) - 1)
+ end
+ -- clears lcd, optional.. ([color, x1, y1, x2, y2, clip])
+ local function clear(t, clr, ...)
+ if clr == _NIL and ... == _NIL then
+ rb.lcd_clear_display()
+ else
+ rb.lcd_scroll_stop() --rb really doesn't like bg change while scroll
+ _LCD:clear(clr, ...)
+ end
+ end
+ -- loads an image to the screen
+ local function image(t, src, x, y)
+ if not src then --make sure an image was passed, otherwise bail
+ rb.splash(rb.HZ, "No Image!")
+ return _NIL
+ end
+ _LCD:copy(src,x,y,1,1)
+ end
+ -- Formattable version of splash
+ local function splashf(t, timeout, ...)
+ rb.splash(timeout, string.format(...))
+ end
+ -- Gets size of text
+ local function text_extent(t, msg, font)
+ font = font or rb.FONT_UI
+ return rb.font_getstringsize(msg, font)
+ end
+ -- Sets viewport size
+ local function set_viewport(t, vp)
+ if not vp then rb.set_viewport() return end
+ if rb.LCD_DEPTH == 2 then -- invert 2-bit screens
+ --vp.drawmode = bit.bxor(vp.drawmode, 4)
+ vp.fg_pattern = 3 - vp.fg_pattern
+ vp.bg_pattern = 3 - vp.bg_pattern
+ end
+ rb.set_viewport(vp)
+ end
+ -- allows the use of _lcd() as a identifier for the screen
+ local function index(k, v)
+ return function(x, ...)
+ _LCD[v](_LCD, ...)
+ end
+ end
+ -- allows the use of _lcd() as a identifier for the screen
+ local function call()
+ return rb.lcd_framebuffer()
+ end
+ --expose functions to the outside through _lcd table
+ _lcd.text_extent = text_extent
+ _lcd.set_viewport = set_viewport
+ _lcd.duplicate = duplicate
+ _lcd.update = rb.lcd_update
+ _lcd.update_rect = update_rect
+ _lcd.clear = clear
+ _lcd.splashf = splashf
+ _lcd.image = image
+ _lcd.DEPTH = rb.LCD_DEPTH
+ _lcd.W = rb.LCD_WIDTH
+ _lcd.H = rb.LCD_HEIGHT
+ _lcd.CX = (rb.LCD_WIDTH / 2)
+ _lcd.CY = (rb.LCD_HEIGHT / 2)
+ _lcd = setmetatable(_lcd,{__index = index, __call = call})
+end -- _lcd functions
+return _lcd
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/math_ex.lua b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/math_ex.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0bf55c1ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/math_ex.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+--[[ Lua Missing Math functions
+ * __________ __ ___.
+ * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
+ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
+ * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
+ * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
+ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+--[[ Exposed Functions
+ _math.clamp
+ _math.clamp_roll
+ _math.d_sin
+ _math.d_cos
+ _math.d_tan
+ _math.i_sqrt
+local _math = {} do
+ -- internal constants
+ local _NIL = nil -- _NIL placeholder
+ -- clamps value to >= min and <= max
+ local function clamp(iVal, iMin, iMax)
+ if iMin > iMax then
+ local swap = iMin
+ iMin, iMax = iMax, swap
+ end
+ if iVal < iMin then
+ return iMin
+ elseif iVal < iMax then
+ return iVal
+ end
+ return iMax
+ end
+ -- clamps value to >= min and <= max rolls over to opposite
+ local function clamp_roll(iVal, iMin, iMax)
+ if iMin > iMax then
+ local swap = iMin
+ iMin, iMax = iMax, swap
+ end
+ if iVal < iMin then
+ iVal = iMax
+ elseif iVal > iMax then
+ iVal = iMin
+ end
+ return iVal
+ end
+ local function i_sqrt(n)
+ -- Newtons square root approximation
+ if n < 2 then return n end
+ local g = n / 2
+ local l = 1
+ for c = 1, 25 do -- if l,g haven't converged after 25 iterations quit
+ l = (n / g + g)/ 2
+ g = (n / l + l)/ 2
+ if g == l then return g end
+ end
+ -- check for period-two cycle between g and l
+ if g - l == 1 then
+ return l
+ elseif l - g == 1 then
+ return g
+ end
+ return _NIL
+ end
+ local function d_sin(iDeg, bExtraPrecision)
+ --[[ values are returned multiplied by 10000
+ II | I 180-90 | 90-0
+ ---(--)--- -------(--)-------
+ III | IV 180-270 | 270-360
+ sine is only positive in quadrants I , II => 0 - 180 degrees
+ sine 180-360 degrees is a reflection of sine 0-180
+ Bhaskara I's sine approximation formula isn't overly accurate
+ but it is close enough for rough image work.
+ ]]
+ local sign, x
+ -- no negative angles -10 degrees = 350 degrees
+ if iDeg < 0 then
+ x = 360 + (iDeg % 360)
+ else --keep rotation in 0-360 range
+ x = iDeg % 360
+ end
+ -- reflect II & I onto III & IV
+ if x > 180 then
+ sign = -1
+ x = x % 180
+ else
+ sign = 1
+ end
+ local x1 = x * (180 - x)
+ if bExtraPrecision then -- ~halves the largest errors
+ if x <= 22 or x >= 158 then
+ return sign * 39818 * x1 / (40497 - x1)
+ elseif (x >= 40 and x <= 56) or (x > 124 and x < 140) then
+ return sign * 40002 * x1 / (40450 - x1)
+ elseif (x > 31 and x < 71) or (x > 109 and x < 150) then
+ return sign * 40009 * x1 / (40470 - x1)
+ end
+ end
+ --multiplied by 10000 so no decimal in results (RB LUA is integer only)
+ return sign * 40000 * x1 / (40497 - x1)
+ end
+ local function d_cos(iDeg, bExtraPrecision)
+ --cos is just sine shifed by 90 degrees CCW
+ return d_sin(90 - iDeg, bExtraPrecision)
+ end
+ local function d_tan(iDeg, bExtraPrecision)
+ --tan = sin0 / cos0
+ return (d_sin(iDeg, bExtraPrecision) * 10000 / d_sin(90 - iDeg, bExtraPrecision))
+ end
+ --expose functions to the outside through _math table
+ _math.clamp = clamp
+ _math.clamp_roll = clamp_roll
+ _math.i_sqrt = i_sqrt
+ _math.d_sin = d_sin
+ _math.d_cos = d_cos
+ _math.d_tan = d_tan
+end -- missing math functions
+return _math
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/print.lua b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/print.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e9be373d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/print.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+--[[ Lua Print functions
+ * __________ __ ___.
+ * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
+ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
+ * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
+ * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
+ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+--[[ Exposed Functions
+ _print.clear
+ _print.f
+ _print.opt
+ _print.opt.area
+ _print.opt.autoupdate
+ _print.opt.color
+ _print.opt.column
+ _print.opt.defaults
+ _print.opt.get
+ _print.opt.justify
+ _print.opt.line
+ _print.opt.overflow
+ _print.opt.sel_line
+ _print.opt.set
+if not rb.lcd_framebuffer then rb.splash(rb.HZ, "No Support!") return nil end
+local _print = {} do
+ -- internal constants
+ local _clr = require("color") -- _clr functions required
+ local _NIL = nil -- _NIL placeholder
+ local _LCD = rb.lcd_framebuffer()
+ local LCD_W, LCD_H = rb.LCD_WIDTH, rb.LCD_HEIGHT
+ local WHITE = _clr.set(-1, 255, 255, 255)
+ local BLACK = _clr.set(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ local DRMODE_SOLID = 3
+ local col_buf, s_lines = {}, {}
+ local _p_opts = _NIL
+-- print internal helper functions
+ -- clamps value to >= min and <= max
+ local function clamp(val, min, max)
+ -- Warning doesn't check if min < max
+ if val < min then
+ return min
+ elseif val < max then
+ return val
+ end
+ return max
+ end
+ -- updates screen in specified rectangle
+ local function update_rect(x, y, w, h)
+ rb.lcd_update_rect(x - 1, y - 1,
+ clamp(x + w, 1, LCD_W) - 1,
+ clamp(y + h, 1, LCD_H) - 1)
+ end
+ -- Gets size of text
+ local function text_extent(msg, font)
+ font = font or rb.FONT_UI
+ -- res, w, h
+ return rb.font_getstringsize(msg, font)
+ end
+ -- Sets viewport size
+ local function set_viewport(vp)
+ if not vp then rb.set_viewport() return end
+ if rb.LCD_DEPTH == 2 then -- invert 2-bit screens
+ --vp.drawmode = bit.bxor(vp.drawmode, 4)
+ vp.fg_pattern = 3 - vp.fg_pattern
+ vp.bg_pattern = 3 - vp.bg_pattern
+ end
+ rb.set_viewport(vp)
+ end
+ -- shallow copy of table
+ function table_clone(t)
+ local copy = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(t) do
+ copy[k] = v
+ end
+ return copy
+ end
+ -- Updates a single line on the screen
+ local function update_line(enabled, opts, line, h)
+ if enabled ~= true then return end
+ local o = opts or _p_opts
+ update_rect(o.x, o.y + line * h + 1, o.width, h)
+ end
+ -- Clears a single line on the screen
+ local function clear_line(opts, line, h)
+ local o = opts or _p_opts
+ _LCD:clear(o.bg_pattern, o.x, o.y + line * h + 1,
+ o.x + o.width, line * h + h + o.y)
+ end
+ -- Sets the maximum number of lines on the screen
+ local function max_lines(opts)
+ local h = opts.height
+ local _, _, th = text_extent("W", opts.font)
+ return h / th
+ end
+ --saves the items displayed for side to side scroll
+ local function col_buf_insert(msg, line, _p_opts)
+ --if _p_opts.line <= 1 then col_buf = {} end
+ if not col_buf[line] then
+ table.insert(col_buf, line, msg) end
+ end
+ --replaces / strips escape characters
+ local function check_escapes(o, msg)
+ local tabsz = 2
+ local tabstr = string.rep(" ", tabsz)
+ local function repl(esc)
+ local ret = ""
+ if esc:sub(1,1) == "\t" then ret = string.rep(tabstr, esc:len()) end
+ return ret
+ end
+ msg = msg:gsub("(%c+)", repl)
+ local res, w, h = text_extent(msg, o.font)
+ return w, h, msg
+ end
+ -- set defaults for print view
+ local function set_defaults()
+ _p_opts = { x = 1,
+ y = 1,
+ width = LCD_W - 1,
+ height = LCD_H - 1,
+ font = rb.FONT_UI,
+ drawmode = DRMODE_SOLID,
+ fg_pattern = WHITE,
+ bg_pattern = BLACK,
+ sel_pattern = WHITE,
+ line = 1,
+ max_line = _NIL,
+ col = 0,
+ ovfl = "auto",
+ justify = "left",
+ autoupdate = true,
+ }
+ _p_opts.max_line = max_lines(_p_opts)
+ s_lines, col_buf = {}, {}
+ return _p_opts
+ end
+ -- returns table with settings for print
+ -- if bByRef is _NIL or false then a copy is returned
+ local function get_settings(bByRef)
+ _p_opts = _p_opts or set_defaults()
+ if not bByRef then return table_clone(_p_opts) end
+ return _p_opts
+ end
+ -- sets the settings for print with your passed table
+ local function set_settings(t_opts)
+ _p_opts = t_opts or set_defaults()
+ if t_opts then
+ _p_opts.max_line = max_lines(_p_opts)
+ col_buf = {}
+ end
+ end
+ -- sets colors for print
+ local function set_color(fgclr, bgclr, selclr)
+ local o = get_settings(true)
+ if fgclr ~= _NIL then
+ o.fg_pattern, o.sel_pattern = fgclr, fgclr
+ end
+ o.sel_pattern = selclr or o.sel_pattern
+ o.bg_pattern = bgclr or o.bg_pattern
+ end
+ -- helper function sets up colors/marker for selected items
+ local function show_selected(iLine, msg)
+ local o = get_settings() -- using a copy of opts so changes revert
+ if s_lines[iLine] == true then
+ if not rb.lcd_set_background then
+ o.drawmode = bit.bxor(o.drawmode, 4)
+ else
+ o.fg_pattern = o.bg_pattern
+ o.bg_pattern = o.sel_pattern
+ end
+ -- alternative selection method
+ --msg = "> " .. msg
+ end
+ set_viewport(o)
+ o = _NIL
+ end
+ -- sets line explicitly or increments line if line is _NIL
+ local function set_line(iLine)
+ local o = get_settings(true)
+ o.line = iLine or o.line + 1
+ if(o.line < 1 or o.line > o.max_line) then
+ o.line = 1
+ end
+ end
+ -- clears the set print area
+ local function clear()
+ local o = get_settings(true)
+ _LCD:clear(o.bg_pattern, o.x, o.y, o.x + o.width, o.y + o.height)
+ if o.autoupdate == true then rb.lcd_update() end
+ set_line(1)
+ for i=1, #col_buf do col_buf[i] = _NIL end
+ s_lines = {}
+ collectgarbage("collect")
+ end
+ -- screen update after each call to print.f
+ local function set_update(bAutoUpdate)
+ local o = get_settings(true)
+ o.autoupdate = bAutoUpdate or false
+ end
+ -- sets print area
+ local function set_area(x, y, w, h)
+ local o = get_settings(true)
+ o.x, o.y = clamp(x, 1, LCD_W), clamp(y, 1, LCD_H)
+ o.width, o.height = clamp(w, 1, LCD_W - o.x), clamp(h, 1, LCD_H - o.y)
+ o.max_line = max_lines(_p_opts)
+ clear()
+ return o.line, o.max_line
+ end
+ -- when string is longer than print width scroll -- "auto", "manual", "none"
+ local function set_overflow(str_mode)
+ -- "auto", "manual", "none"
+ local str_mode = str_mode or "auto"
+ local o = get_settings(true)
+ o.ovfl = str_mode:lower()
+ col_buf = {}
+ end
+ -- aligns text to: "left", "center", "right"
+ local function set_justify(str_mode)
+ -- "left", "center", "right"
+ local str_mode = str_mode or "left"
+ local o = get_settings(true)
+ o.justify = str_mode:lower()
+ end
+ -- selects line
+ local function select_line(iLine)
+ s_lines[iLine] = true
+ end
+ -- Internal print function
+ local function print_internal(t_opts, x, w, h, msg)
+ local o = t_opts
+ if o.justify == "center" then
+ x = x + (o.width - w) / 2
+ elseif o.justify == "right" then
+ x = x + (o.width - w)
+ end
+ local line = o.line - 1 -- rb is 0-based lua is 1-based
+ if(o.ovfl == "auto" and w >= o.width) then -- -o.x
+ rb.lcd_puts_scroll(0, line, msg)
+ else
+ rb.lcd_putsxy(x, line * h, msg)
+ if o.ovfl == "manual" then --save msg for later side scroll
+ col_buf_insert(msg, o.line, o)
+ end
+ end
+ --only update the line we changed
+ update_line(o.autoupdate, o, line, h)
+ set_line(_NIL) -- increments line counter
+ end
+ -- Helper function that acts mostly like a normal printf() would
+ local function printf(...)
+ local o = get_settings(true)
+ local w, h, msg
+ local line = o.line - 1 -- rb is 0-based lua is 1-based
+ if not (...) or (...) == "\n" then -- handles blank line / single '\n'
+ local res, w, h = text_extent(" ", o.font)
+ clear_line(o, line, h)
+ update_line(o.autoupdate, o, line, h)
+ if (...) then set_line(_NIL) end
+ return o.line, o.max_line, o.width, h
+ end
+ msg = string.format(...)
+ show_selected(o.line, msg)
+ w, h, msg = check_escapes(o, msg)
+ print_internal(o, o.col, w, h, msg)
+ return o.line, o.max_line, w, h
+ end
+ -- x > 0 scrolls right x < 0 scrolls left
+ local function set_column(x)
+ local o = get_settings()
+ if o.ovfl ~= "manual" then return end -- no buffer stored to scroll
+ local res, w, h, str, line
+ for key, value in pairs(col_buf) do
+ line = key - 1 -- rb is 0-based lua is 1-based
+ o.line = key
+ if value then
+ show_selected(key, value)
+ res, w, h = text_extent(value, o.font)
+ clear_line(o, line, h)
+ print_internal(o, x + o.col, w, h, value)
+ update_line(o.autoupdate, o, line, h)
+ end
+ end
+ o = _NIL
+ end
+ --expose functions to the outside through _print table
+ _print.opt = {}
+ _print.opt.column = set_column
+ _print.opt.color = set_color
+ _print.opt.area = set_area
+ _print.opt.set = set_settings
+ _print.opt.get = get_settings
+ _print.opt.defaults = set_defaults
+ _print.opt.overflow = set_overflow
+ _print.opt.justify = set_justify
+ _print.opt.sel_line = select_line
+ _print.opt.line = set_line
+ _print.opt.autoupdate = set_update
+ _print.clear = clear
+ _print.f = printf
+end --_print functions
+return _print
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/timer.lua b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/timer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6797874329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/timer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+--[[ Lua Timer functions
+ * __________ __ ___.
+ * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
+ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
+ * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
+ * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
+ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+--[[ Exposed Functions
+ _timer.check
+ _timer.split
+ _timer.start
+ _timer.stop
+local _timer = {} do
+ --internal constants
+ local _NIL = nil -- _NIL placeholder
+ -- newer versions of lua use table.unpack
+ local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
+ --stores time elapsed at call to split; only vaid for unique timers
+ local function split(index)
+ if type(index) ~= "table" then return end
+ index[#index + 1] = rb.current_tick() - _timer[index]
+ end
+ -- starts a new timer, if index is not specified a unique index is returned
+ -- numeric or string indices are valid to use directly for permanent timers
+ -- in this case its up to you to make sure you keep the index unique
+ local function start(index)
+ if index == _NIL then
+ ---if you have _timer.start create timer it returns a unique Id which
+ -- then has the same methods of _timer :start :stop :check :split
+ index = setmetatable({}, {__index = _timer})
+ end
+ if _timer[index] == _NIL then
+ _timer[index] = rb.current_tick()
+ end
+ return index
+ end
+ -- returns time elapsed in centiseconds, assigning bCheckonly keeps timer active
+ local function stop(index, bCheckonly)
+ local time_end = rb.current_tick()
+ index = index or 0
+ if not _timer[index] then
+ return 0
+ else
+ local time_start = _timer[index]
+ if not bCheckonly then _timer[index] = _NIL end -- destroy timer
+ if type(index) ~= "table" then
+ return time_end - time_start
+ else
+ return time_end - time_start, unpack(index)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- returns time elapsed in centiseconds, assigning to bUpdate.. updates timer
+ local function check(index, bUpdate)
+ local elapsed = stop(index, true)
+ if bUpdate ~= _NIL and index then
+ _timer[index] = rb.current_tick()
+ end
+ return elapsed
+ end
+ -- returns table of active timers
+ local function active()
+ local t_active = {}
+ local n = 0
+ for k,v in pairs(_timer) do
+ if type(_timer[k]) ~= "function" then
+ n = n + 1
+ t_active[n]=(k)
+ end
+ end
+ return n, t_active
+ end
+ -- expose functions to the outside through _timer table
+ = active
+ _timer.check = check
+ _timer.split = split
+ _timer.start = start
+ _timer.stop = stop
+ -- allows a call to _timer.start() by just calling _timer()
+ _timer = setmetatable(_timer,{__call = function(t, i) return start(i) end})
+end -- timer functions
+return _timer
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/lua.make b/apps/plugins/lua/lua.make
index 2365150c1e..a8932c0482 100644
--- a/apps/plugins/lua/lua.make
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/lua.make
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ LUA_OBJ := $(call c2obj, $(LUA_SRC))
+LUA_INCLUDEDIR := $(LUA_SRCDIR)/include_lua
+LUA_INCLUDELIST = blit color draw image lcd math_ex print timer
ifndef APP_TYPE
ifneq (,$(strip $(foreach tgt,RECORDER ONDIO,$(findstring $(tgt),$(TARGET)))))
### lowmem targets
@@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ else
ROCKS += $(LUA_BUILDDIR)/lua.rock
-$(LUA_BUILDDIR)/lua.rock: $(LUA_OBJ) $(TLSFLIB) $(LUA_BUILDDIR)/actions.lua $(LUA_BUILDDIR)/buttons.lua $(LUA_BUILDDIR)/rocklib_aux.o
+$(LUA_BUILDDIR)/lua.rock: $(LUA_OBJ) $(TLSFLIB) $(LUA_BUILDDIR)/actions.lua $(LUA_BUILDDIR)/buttons.lua $(LUA_BUILDDIR)/rocklib_aux.o $(LUA_INCLUDELIST)
$(LUA_BUILDDIR)/actions.lua: $(LUA_OBJ) $(LUA_SRCDIR)/
$(call PRINTS,GEN $(@F))$(CC) $(PLUGINFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -E $(APPSDIR)/plugins/lib/pluginlib_actions.h | $(LUA_SRCDIR)/ > $(LUA_BUILDDIR)/actions.lua
@@ -46,6 +49,9 @@ $(LUA_BUILDDIR)/rocklib_aux.c: $(APPSDIR)/plugin.h $(LUA_OBJ) $(LUA_SRCDIR)/rock
$(LUA_BUILDDIR)/rocklib_aux.o: $(LUA_BUILDDIR)/rocklib_aux.c
$(call PRINTS,CC $(<F))$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(PLUGINFLAGS) -I $(LUA_SRCDIR) -c $< -o $@
+ $(call PRINTS,CP $(subst $(LUA_INCLUDEDIR)/,,$<))cp $< $(LUA_BUILDDIR)/$@.lua
$(LUA_BUILDDIR)/lua.refmap: $(LUA_OBJ) $(TLSFLIB)
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/rocklib.c b/apps/plugins/lua/rocklib.c
index 2268063d3f..ced83a51df 100644
--- a/apps/plugins/lua/rocklib.c
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/rocklib.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2008 Dan Everton (safetydan)
* Copyright (C) 2009 Maurus Cuelenaere
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@@ -47,127 +48,1215 @@
- * -----------------------------
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Rockbox Lua image wrapper
- * -----------------------------
+ * Some devices(1-bit / 2-bit displays) have packed bit formats that
+ * need to be unpacked in order to work on them at a pixel level.
+ *
+ * The internal formats of these devices do not follow the same paradigm
+ * for image sizes either; We still display the actual width and height to
+ * the user but store stride based on the native values
+ *
+ * Conversion between native addressing and per pixel addressing
+ * incurs extra overhead but it is much faster to do it
+ * on the 'C' side rather than in lua.
+ *
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define ROCKLUA_IMAGE "rb.image"
+#define ERR_IDX_RANGE "index out of range"
+#define ERR_DATA_OVF "data overflow"
+/* mark for RLI to LUA Interface functions (luaState *L) is the only argument */
+#define RLI_LUA static int
+#ifndef ABS
+#define ABS(a)(((a) < 0) ? - (a) :(a))
+#ifndef LCD_BLACK
+#define LCD_BLACK 0x0
struct rocklua_image
- int width;
- int height;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ int stride;
+ size_t elems;
fb_data *data;
- fb_data dummy[1][1];
+ fb_data dummy[1];
-static void rli_wrap(lua_State *L, fb_data *src, int width, int height)
+/* holds iterator data for rlimages */
+struct rli_iter_d
- struct rocklua_image *a = (struct rocklua_image *)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(struct rocklua_image));
+ struct rocklua_image *img;
+ fb_data *elem;
+ int x , y;
+ int x1, y1;
+ int x2, y2;
+ int dx, dy;
- luaL_getmetatable(L, ROCKLUA_IMAGE);
- lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
+/* __tostring information enums */
- a->width = width;
- a->height = height;
- a->data = src;
+static inline unsigned invert_color(unsigned rgb)
+ uint8_t r = 0xFFU - RGB_UNPACK_RED((unsigned) rgb);
+ uint8_t g = 0xFFU - RGB_UNPACK_GREEN((unsigned) rgb);
+ uint8_t b = 0xFFU - RGB_UNPACK_BLUE((unsigned) rgb);
+ return LCD_RGBPACK(r, g, b);
+#else /* !HAVE_LCD_COLOR */
+#define invert_color(c) (~c)
+#endif /* HAVE_LCD_COLOR */
+#if (LCD_DEPTH > 2) /* no native to pixel mapping needed */
+#define pixel_to_fb(x, y, o, n) {(void) x; (void) y; do { } while (0);}
+#define pixel_to_native(x, y, xn, yn) {*xn = x; *yn = y;}
+#define init_pixelmask(x, y, m, p) do { } while (0)
+#else /* some devices need x | y coords shifted to match native format */
+static fb_data x_shift = 0;
+static fb_data y_shift = 0;
+static fb_data xy_mask = 0;
+static const fb_data *pixelmask = NULL;
+/* conversion between packed native formats and individual pixel addressing */
+static inline void init_pixelmask(fb_data *x_shift, fb_data *y_shift,
+ fb_data *xy_mask, const fb_data **pixelmask)
+ static const fb_data pixelmask_v1[8] =
+ {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80};
+ *pixelmask = pixelmask_v1;
+ (void) x_shift;
+ *y_shift = 3U;
+ *xy_mask = ((1 << (*y_shift)) - 1);
+ static const fb_data pixelmask_v2[4] = {0x03, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC0};
+ *pixelmask = pixelmask_v2;
+ (void) x_shift;
+ *y_shift = 2U;
+ *xy_mask = ((1 << (*y_shift)) - 1);
+ static const fb_data pixelmask_vi2[8] =
+ {0x0101, 0x0202, 0x0404, 0x0808, 0x1010, 0x2020, 0x4040, 0x8080};
+ *pixelmask = pixelmask_vi2;
+ (void) x_shift;
+ *y_shift = 3U;
+ *xy_mask = ((1 << (*y_shift)) - 1);
+ /* MSB on left */
+ static const fb_data pixelmask_h2[4] = {0x03, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC0};
+ *pixelmask = pixelmask_h2;
+ (void) y_shift;
+ *x_shift = 2U;
+ *xy_mask = ((1 << (*x_shift)) - 1);
+ #warning Unknown Pixel Format
+#endif /* LCD_PIXELFORMAT */
+} /* init_pixelmask */
+static inline void pixel_to_native(int x, int y, int *x_native, int *y_native)
+ *x_native = ((x - 1) >> x_shift) + 1;
+ *y_native = ((y - 1) >> y_shift) + 1;
+} /* pixel_to_native */
+static inline fb_data set_masked_pixel(fb_data old,
+ fb_data new,
+ fb_data mask,
+ int bit_n)
+ /*equivalent of: (old & (~mask)) | ((new << bit_n) & mask);*/
+ return old ^ ((old ^ (new << bit_n)) & mask);
+} /* set_masked_pixel */
+static inline fb_data get_masked_pixel(fb_data val, fb_data mask, int bit_n)
+ val = val & mask;
+ return val >> bit_n;
+} /* get_masked_pixel */
+/* conversion between packed native formats and individual pixel addressing */
+static void pixel_to_fb(int x, int y, fb_data *oldv, fb_data *newv)
+ fb_data mask;
+ int bit_n;
+ (void) x;
+ const uint16_t greymap_vi2[4] = {0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0100, 0x0101};
+ bit_n = (y - 1) & xy_mask;
+ mask = pixelmask[bit_n];
+ *newv = greymap_vi2[*newv &(0x3)]; /* [0-3] => greymap */
+ *newv = set_masked_pixel(*oldv, *newv, mask, bit_n);
+ *oldv = get_masked_pixel(*oldv, mask, bit_n);
+ if((*oldv) > 1) /* greymap => [0-3] */
+ *oldv = ((*oldv) & 0x1U) + 2U; /* 2, 3 */
+ else
+ *oldv &= 1U; /* 0, 1 */
+#elif(LCD_DEPTH <= 2)
+ if(y_shift)
+ bit_n = (y - 1) & xy_mask;
+ else if(x_shift)
+ bit_n = xy_mask - ((x - 1) & xy_mask); /*MSB on left*/
+ if(y_shift || x_shift)
+ {
+ mask = pixelmask[bit_n];
+ bit_n *= LCD_DEPTH;
+ *newv = set_masked_pixel(*oldv, *newv, mask, bit_n);
-static fb_data* rli_alloc(lua_State *L, int width, int height)
+ *oldv = get_masked_pixel(*oldv, mask, bit_n);
+ }
+ #error Unknown Pixel Format
+} /* pixel_to_fb */
+#endif /* (LCD_DEPTH > 2) no native to pixel mapping needed */
+/* Internal worker functions for image data array *****************************/
+static inline void swap_int(bool swap, int *v1, int *v2)
- size_t nbytes = sizeof(struct rocklua_image) + ((width*height) - 1) * sizeof(fb_data);
- struct rocklua_image *a = (struct rocklua_image *)lua_newuserdata(L, nbytes);
+ if(swap)
+ {
+ int val = *v1;
+ *v1 = *v2;
+ *v2 = val;
+ }
+} /* swap_int */
+/* Throws error if x or y are out of bounds notifies user which narg indice
+ the out of bound variable originated */
+static void bounds_check_xy(lua_State *L, struct rocklua_image *img,
+ int nargx, int x, int nargy, int y)
+ luaL_argcheck(L, x <= img->width && x > 0, nargx, ERR_IDX_RANGE);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, y <= img->height && y > 0, nargy, ERR_IDX_RANGE);
+} /* bounds_check_xy */
+static struct rocklua_image* rli_checktype(lua_State *L, int arg)
+ void *ud = luaL_checkudata(L, arg, ROCKLUA_IMAGE);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, ud != NULL, arg, "'" ROCKLUA_IMAGE "' expected");
+ return (struct rocklua_image*) ud;
+} /* rli_checktype */
+static struct rocklua_image * alloc_rlimage(lua_State *L, bool alloc_data,
+ int width, int height)
+ /* rliimage is pushed on the stack it is up to you to pop it */
+ struct rocklua_image *img;
+ const size_t sz_header = sizeof(struct rocklua_image);
+ size_t sz_data = 0;
+ size_t n_elems;
+ int w_native;
+ int h_native;
+ pixel_to_native(width, height, &w_native, &h_native);
+ n_elems = (size_t)(w_native * h_native);
+ if(alloc_data) /* if this a new image we need space for image data */
+ sz_data = n_elems * sizeof(fb_data);
+ /* newuserdata pushes the userdata onto the stack */
+ img = (struct rocklua_image *) lua_newuserdata(L, sz_header + sz_data);
luaL_getmetatable(L, ROCKLUA_IMAGE);
lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
- a->width = width;
- a->height = height;
- a->data = &a->dummy[0][0];
+ /* apparent w/h is stored but behind the scenes native w/h is used */
+ img->width = width;
+ img->height = height;
+ img->stride = w_native;
+ img->elems = n_elems;
+ return img;
+} /* alloc_rlimage */
+static inline void rli_wrap(lua_State *L, fb_data *src, int width, int height)
+ /* rliimage is pushed on the stack it is up to you to pop it */
+ struct rocklua_image *a = alloc_rlimage(L, false, width, height);
+ a->data = src;
+} /* rli_wrap */
+static inline fb_data* rli_alloc(lua_State *L, int width, int height)
+ /* rliimage is pushed on the stack it is up to you to pop it */
+ struct rocklua_image *a = alloc_rlimage(L, true, width, height);
+ a->data = &a->dummy[0]; /* ref to beginning of alloc'd img data */
return a->data;
+} /* rli_alloc */
+static inline fb_data data_setget(fb_data *elem, int x, int y, fb_data *val)
+ fb_data old_val = 0;
+ fb_data new_val = 0;
+ if(elem)
+ {
+ old_val = *elem;
+ if(val)
+ {
+ new_val = *val;
+ pixel_to_fb(x, y, &old_val, &new_val);
+ *elem = new_val;
+ }
+ else
+ pixel_to_fb(x, y, &old_val, &new_val);
+ }
+ return old_val;
+} /* data_setget */
+static inline fb_data data_set(fb_data *elem, int x, int y, fb_data *new_val)
+ /* get and set share the same underlying function */
+ return data_setget(elem, x, y, new_val);
+} /* data_set */
+static inline fb_data data_get(fb_data *elem, int x, int y)
+ /* get and set share the same underlying function */
+ return data_setget(elem, x, y, NULL);
+} /* data_get */
+static fb_data* rli_get_element(struct rocklua_image* img, int x, int y)
+ int stride = img->stride;
+ size_t elements = img->elems;
+ fb_data *data = img->data;
+ pixel_to_native(x, y, &x, &y);
+ /* row major address */
+ size_t data_address = (stride * (y - 1)) + (x - 1);
+ /* x needs bound between 0 and stride otherwise overflow to prev/next y */
+ if(x <= 0 || x > stride || data_address >= elements)
+ return NULL; /* data overflow */
+ return &data[data_address]; /* return element address */
+} /* rli_get_element */
+/* Lua to C Interface for pixel set and get functions */
+static int rli_setget(lua_State *L, bool is_get)
+ /*(set) (dst*, [x1, y1, clr, clip]) */
+ /*(get) (dst*, [x1, y1, clip]) */
+ struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1);
+ int x = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
+ int y = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ fb_data clr = 0; /* Arg 4 is color if set element */
+ fb_data *p_clr = &clr;
+ int clip_narg;
+ if(is_get) /* get element */
+ {
+ p_clr = NULL;
+ clip_narg = 4;
+ }
+ else /* set element */
+ {
+ clr = FB_SCALARPACK((unsigned) luaL_checknumber(L, 4));
+ clip_narg = 5;
+ }
+ fb_data *element = rli_get_element(a, x, y);
+ if(!element)
+ {
+ if(!luaL_optboolean(L, clip_narg, false)) /* Error if !clip */
+ bounds_check_xy(L, a, 2, x, 3, y);
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ lua_pushnumber(L, FB_UNPACK_SCALAR_LCD(data_setget(element, x, y, p_clr)));
+ /* returns old value */
+ return 1;
+} /* rli_setget */
+static bool init_rli_iter(struct rli_iter_d *d,
+ struct rocklua_image *img,
+ int x1, int y1,
+ int x2, int y2,
+ int dx, int dy,
+ bool swx, bool swy)
+ swap_int((swx), &x1, &x2);
+ swap_int((swy), &y1, &y2);
+ /* stepping in the correct x direction ? */
+ if((dx > 0 && x1 > x2) || (dx < 0 && x1 < x2))
+ dx = -dx;
+ /* stepping in the correct y direction ? */
+ if((dy > 0 && y1 > y2) || (dy < 0 && y1 < y2))
+ dy = -dy;
+ d->img = img;
+ d->x = x1;
+ d->y = y1;
+ d->x1 = x1;
+ d->y1 = y1;
+ d->x2 = x2;
+ d->y2 = y2;
+ d->dx = dx;
+ d->dy = dy;
+ d->elem = rli_get_element(img, d->x, d->y);
+ return(dx != 0 || dy != 0);
+} /* init_rli_iter */
+/* steps to the next point(x, y) by delta x/y, stores pointer to element
+ returns true if x & y haven't reached x2 & y2
+ if limit reached - element set to NULL, deltas set to 0 & false returned
+static bool next_rli_iter(struct rli_iter_d *d)
+ if((d->dx > 0 && d->x < d->x2) || (d->dx < 0 && d->x > d->x2))
+ d->x += d->dx;
+ else if((d->dy > 0 && d->y < d->y2) || (d->dy < 0 && d->y > d->y2))
+ {
+ d->x = d->x1; /* Reset x*/
+ d->y += d->dy;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d->elem = NULL;
+ d->dx = 0;
+ d->dy = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ d->elem = rli_get_element(d->img, d->x, d->y);
+ return true;
+} /* next_rli_iter */
+static int d_line(struct rocklua_image *img,
+ int x1, int y1,
+ int x2, int y2,
+ fb_data *clr,
+ bool clip)
+ /* NOTE! clr passed as pointer */
+ /* Bresenham midpoint line algorithm */
+ fb_data *element;
+ int r_a = x2 - x1; /* range of x direction called 'a' for now */
+ int r_b = y2 - y1; /* range of y direction called 'b' for now */
+ int s_a = 1; /* step of a direction */
+ int s_b = 1; /* step of b direction */
+ int d_err;
+ int numpixels;
+ int *a1 = &x1; /* pointer to the x var 'a' */
+ int *b1 = &y1; /* pointer to the y var 'b' */
+ if(r_a < 0) /* instead of negative range we will switch step instead */
+ {
+ r_a = -r_a;
+ s_a = -s_a;
+ }
+ if(r_b < 0) /* instead of negative range we will switch step instead */
+ {
+ r_b = -r_b;
+ s_b = -s_b;
+ }
+ x2 += s_a; /* add 1 extra point to make the whole line */
+ y2 += s_b; /* add 1 extra point */
+ if(r_b > r_a) /*if rangeY('b') > rangeX('a') swap their identities */
+ {
+ a1 = &y1;
+ b1 = &x1;
+ swap_int((true), &r_a, &r_b);
+ swap_int((true), &s_a, &s_b);
+ }
+ d_err = ((r_b << 1) - r_a) >> 1; /* preload err of 1 step (px centered) */
+ numpixels = r_a + 1;
+ r_a -= r_b; /* pre-subtract 'a' - 'b' */
+ for(;numpixels > 0; numpixels--)
+ {
+ element = rli_get_element(img, x1, y1);
+ if(element || clip)
+ data_set(element, x1, y1, clr);
+ else
+ return numpixels + 1; /* Error */
+ if(d_err >= 0) /* 0 is our target midpoint(exact point on the line) */
+ {
+ *b1 += s_b; /* whichever axis is in 'b' stepped(-1 or +1) */
+ d_err -= r_a;
+ }
+ else
+ d_err += r_b; /* only add 'b' when d_err < 0 */
+ *a1 += s_a; /* whichever axis is in 'a' stepped(-1 or +1) */
+ }
+ return 0;
+} /* d_line */
+/* ellipse worker function */
+static int d_ellipse_elements(struct rocklua_image * img,
+ int x1, int y1,
+ int x2, int y2,
+ int sx, int sy,
+ fb_data *clr,
+ fb_data *fillclr,
+ bool clip)
+ int ret = 0;
+ fb_data *element1, *element2, *element3, *element4;
+ if(fillclr && x1 - sx != x2 + sx)
+ {
+ ret |= d_line(img, x1, y1, x2, y1, fillclr, clip); /* I. II.*/
+ ret |= d_line(img, x1, y2, x2, y2, fillclr, clip); /* III.IV.*/
+ }
+ x1 -= sx; /* shift x & y */
+ y1 -= sy;
+ x2 += sx;
+ y2 += sy;
+ element1 = rli_get_element(img, x2, y1);
+ element2 = rli_get_element(img, x1, y1);
+ element3 = rli_get_element(img, x1, y2);
+ element4 = rli_get_element(img, x2, y2);
+ if(clip || (element1 && element2 && element3 && element4))
+ {
+ data_set(element1, x2, y1, clr); /* I. Quadrant +x +y */
+ data_set(element2, x1, y1, clr); /* II. Quadrant -x +y */
+ data_set(element3, x1, y2, clr); /* III. Quadrant -x -y */
+ data_set(element4, x2, y2, clr); /* IV. Quadrant +x -y */
+ }
+ else
+ ret = 2; /* ERROR */
+ return ret;
+} /* d_ellipse_elements */
+static int d_ellipse(struct rocklua_image *img,
+ int x1, int y1,
+ int x2, int y2,
+ fb_data *clr,
+ fb_data *fillclr,
+ bool clip)
+ /* NOTE! clr and fillclr passed as pointers */
+ /* Rasterizing algorithm derivative of work by Alois Zing */
+#if LCD_WIDTH > 1024 || LCD_HEIGHT > 1024
+ /* Prevents overflow on large screens */
+ double dx, dy, err, e2;
+ long dx, dy, err, e2;
+ int ret = 0;
+ int a = ABS(x2 - x1); /* diameter */
+ int b = ABS(y2 - y1); /* diameter */
+ if(a == 0 || b == 0 || !clr)
+ return ret; /* not an error but nothing to display */
+ int b1 = (b & 1);
+ b = b - (1 - b1);
+ int a2 = (a * a);
+ int b2 = (b * b);
+ dx = ((1 - a) * b2) >> 1; /* error increment */
+ dy = (b1 * a2) >> 1; /* error increment */
+ err = dx + dy + b1 * a2; /* error of 1.step */
+ /* if called with swapped points .. exchange them */
+ swap_int((x1 > x2), &x1, &x2);
+ swap_int((y1 > y2), &y1, &y2);
+ y1 += (b + 1) >> 1;
+ y2 = y1 - b1;
+ do
+ {
+ ret = d_ellipse_elements(img, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0, 0, clr, fillclr, clip);
+ e2 = err;
+ /* using division because you can't use bit shift on doubles.. */
+ if(e2 <= (dy / 2)) /* target midpoint - y step */
+ {
+ y1++;
+ y2--;
+ dy += a2;
+ err += dy;
+ }
+ if(e2 >= (dx / 2) || err > (dy / 2)) /* target midpoint - x step */
+ {
+ x1++;
+ x2--;
+ dx += b2;
+ err += dx;
+ }
+ } while(ret == 0 && x1 <= x2);
+ while (ret == 0 && y1 - y2 < b) /* early stop of flat ellipse a=1 finish tip */
+ {
+ ret = d_ellipse_elements(img, x1, y1, x2, y2, 1, 0, clr, fillclr, clip);
+ y1++;
+ y2--;
+ }
+ return ret;
+} /* d_ellipse */
+/* Lua to C Interface for line and ellipse */
+static int rli_line_ellipse(lua_State *L, bool is_ellipse)
+ struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1);
+ int x1 = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
+ int y1 = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int x2 = luaL_optint(L, 4, x1);
+ int y2 = luaL_optint(L, 5, y1);
+ fb_data clr = FB_SCALARPACK((unsigned) luaL_checknumber(L, 6));
+ fb_data fillclr; /* fill color is index 7 if is_ellipse */
+ fb_data *p_fillclr = NULL;
+ bool clip;
+ int clip_narg;
+ if(is_ellipse)
+ clip_narg = 8;
+ else
+ clip_narg = 7;
+ clip = luaL_optboolean(L, clip_narg, false);
+ if(!clip)
+ {
+ bounds_check_xy(L, a, 2, x1, 3, y1);
+ bounds_check_xy(L, a, 4, x2, 5, y2);
+ }
+ if(is_ellipse)
+ {
+ if(!lua_isnoneornil(L, 7))
+ {
+ fillclr = FB_SCALARPACK((unsigned) luaL_checkint(L, 7));
+ p_fillclr = &fillclr;
+ }
+ luaL_argcheck(L, d_ellipse(a, x1, y1, x2, y2, &clr, p_fillclr, clip) == 0,
+ }
+ else
+ luaL_argcheck(L, d_line(a, x1, y1, x2, y2, &clr, clip) == 0,
+ return 0;
+} /* rli_line_ellipse */
+/* Pushes lua function from Stack at position narg to top of stack
+ and puts a reference in the global registry for later use */
+static inline int register_luafunc(lua_State *L, int narg_funct)
+ lua_pushvalue(L, narg_funct); /* lua function */
+ int lf_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
+ lua_settop(L, 0); /* clear C stack for use by lua function */
+ return lf_ref;
+} /* register_luafunc */
+/* User defined pixel manipulations through rli_copy, rli_marshal */
+static int custom_transform(lua_State *L,
+ struct rli_iter_d *ds,
+ struct rli_iter_d *ss,
+ int op,
+ fb_data *color)
+ (void) color;
+ fb_data dst;
+ fb_data src;
+ unsigned int params = 3;
+ int ret = 0;
+ lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, op);
+ dst = data_get(ds->elem, ds->x, ds->y);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, FB_UNPACK_SCALAR_LCD(dst));
+ lua_pushnumber(L, ds->x);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, ds->y);
+ if(ss) /* Allows src to be omitted */
+ {
+ params += 3;
+ src = data_get(ss->elem, ss->x, ss->y);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, FB_UNPACK_SCALAR_LCD(src));
+ lua_pushnumber(L, ss->x);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, ss->y);
+ }
+ lua_call(L, params, 2); /* call custom function w/ n-params & 2 ret */
+ if(!lua_isnoneornil(L, -2))
+ {
+ ret = 1;
+ dst = FB_SCALARPACK((unsigned) luaL_checknumber(L, -2));
+ data_set(ds->elem, ds->x, ds->y, &dst);
+ }
+ if(!lua_isnoneornil(L, -1) && ss)
+ {
+ ret |= 2;
+ src = FB_SCALARPACK((unsigned) luaL_checknumber(L, -1));
+ data_set(ss->elem, ss->x, ss->y, &src);
+ }
+ lua_pop(L, 2);
+ return ret; /* 0 signals iterator to stop */
+} /* custom_transform */
+/* Pre defined pixel manipulations through rli_copy */
+static int blit_transform(lua_State *L,
+ struct rli_iter_d *ds,
+ struct rli_iter_d *ss,
+ int op,
+ fb_data *color)
+ (void) L;
+ fb_data clr = *color;
+ fb_data dst = data_get(ds->elem, ds->x, ds->y);
+ fb_data src;
+ /* Reuse 0 - 7 for src / clr blits*/
+ if(op >= 30 && op <= 37)
+ {
+ op -= 30;
+ src = clr;
+ }
+ else
+ src = data_get(ss->elem, ss->x, ss->y);
+ switch(op)
+ {
+ default:
+ /* case 30: */
+ case 0: { dst = src; break; }/* copyS/C */
+ /* case 31: */
+ case 1: { dst = src | dst; break; }/* DorS/C */
+ /* case 32: */
+ case 2: { dst = src ^ dst; break; }/* DxorS/C */
+ /* case 33: */
+ case 3: { dst = ~(src | dst); break; }/* nDorS/C */
+ /* case 34: */
+ case 4: { dst = (~src) | dst; break; }/* DornS/C */
+ /* case 35: */
+ case 5: { dst = src & dst; break; }/* DandS/C */
+ /* case 36: */
+ case 6: { dst = src & (~dst); break; }/* nDandS/C */
+ /* case 37: */
+ case 7: { dst = ~src; break; }/* notS/C */
+ /* mask blits */
+ case 8: { if(src != 0) { dst = clr; } break; }/* Sand */
+ case 9: { if(src == 0) { dst = clr; } break; }/* Snot */
+ case 10: { dst = src | clr; break; }/* SorC */
+ case 11: { dst = src ^ clr; break; }/* SxorC */
+ case 12: { dst = ~(src | clr); break; }/* nSorC */
+ case 13: { dst = src | (~clr); break; }/* SornC */
+ case 14: { dst = src & clr; break; }/* SandC */
+ case 15: { dst = (~src) & clr; break; }/* nSandC */
+ case 16: { dst |= (~src) | clr; break; }/* DornSorC */
+ case 17: { dst ^= (src & (dst ^ clr)); break; }/* DxorSandDxorC */
+ case 18: { if(src != clr) { dst = src; } break; }
+ case 19: { if(src == clr) { dst = src; } break; }
+ case 20: { if(src > clr) { dst = src; } break; }
+ case 21: { if(src < clr) { dst = src; } break; }
+ case 22: { if(dst != clr) { dst = src; } break; }
+ case 23: { if(dst == clr) { dst = src; } break; }
+ case 24: { if(dst > clr) { dst = src; } break; }
+ case 25: { if(dst < clr) { dst = src; } break; }
+ case 26: { if(dst != src) { dst = clr; } break; }
+ case 27: { if(dst == src) { dst = clr; } break; }
+ case 28: { if(dst > src) { dst = clr; } break; }
+ case 29: { if(dst < src) { dst = clr; } break; }
+ }/*switch op*/
+ data_set(ds->elem, ds->x, ds->y, &dst);
+ return 1;
+} /* blit_transform */
-static int rli_new(lua_State *L)
+static int invert_transform(lua_State *L,
+ struct rli_iter_d *ds,
+ struct rli_iter_d *ss,
+ int op,
+ fb_data *color)
- int width = luaL_checkint(L, 1);
- int height = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
+ (void) L;
+ (void) color;
+ (void) op;
+ (void) ss;
+ fb_data val = invert_color(data_get(ds->elem, ds->x, ds->y));
+ data_set(ds->elem, ds->x, ds->y, &val);
+ return 1;
+} /* invert_transform */
+#endif /* RLI_EXTENDED */
+/* RLI to LUA Interface functions *********************************************/
+RLI_LUA rli_new(lua_State *L)
+{ /* [width, height] */
+ int width = luaL_optint(L, 1, LCD_WIDTH);
+ int height = luaL_optint(L, 2, LCD_HEIGHT);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, width > 0, 1, ERR_IDX_RANGE);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, height > 0, 2, ERR_IDX_RANGE);
rli_alloc(L, width, height);
return 1;
-static struct rocklua_image* rli_checktype(lua_State *L, int arg)
+RLI_LUA rli_set(lua_State *L)
- void *ud = luaL_checkudata(L, arg, ROCKLUA_IMAGE);
- luaL_argcheck(L, ud != NULL, arg, "'" ROCKLUA_IMAGE "' expected");
- return (struct rocklua_image*) ud;
+ /*(set) (dst*, [x1, y1, clr, clip]) */
+ /* get and set share the same underlying function */
+ return rli_setget(L, false);
+RLI_LUA rli_get(lua_State *L)
+ /*(get) (dst*, [x1, y1, clip]) */
+ /* get and set share the same underlying function */
+ return rli_setget(L, true);
-static int rli_width(lua_State *L)
+RLI_LUA rli_height(lua_State *L)
+ struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, a->height);
+ return 1;
+RLI_LUA rli_width(lua_State *L)
struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1);
lua_pushnumber(L, a->width);
return 1;
-static int rli_height(lua_State *L)
+RLI_LUA rli_equal(lua_State *L)
struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1);
- lua_pushnumber(L, a->height);
+ struct rocklua_image *b = rli_checktype(L, 2);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, a->data == b->data);
return 1;
-static fb_data* rli_element(lua_State *L)
+RLI_LUA rli_size(lua_State *L)
struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1);
- int x = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
- int y = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, a->elems);
+ return 1;
+RLI_LUA rli_raw(lua_State *L)
+ /*val = (img*, index, [new_val]) */
+ struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1);
+ size_t i = (unsigned) luaL_checkint(L, 2);
+ fb_data val;
- luaL_argcheck(L, 1 <= x && x <= a->width, 2,
- "index out of range");
- luaL_argcheck(L, 1 <= y && y <= a->height, 3,
- "index out of range");
+ luaL_argcheck(L, i > 0 && i <= (a->elems), 2, ERR_IDX_RANGE);
- /* return element address */
- return &a->data[a->width * (y - 1) + (x - 1)];
+ lua_pushnumber(L, FB_UNPACK_SCALAR_LCD(a->data[i-1]));
+ if(!lua_isnoneornil(L, 3))
+ {
+ val = FB_SCALARPACK((unsigned) luaL_checknumber(L, 3));
+ a->data[i-1] = val;
+ }
+ return 1;
-static int rli_set(lua_State *L)
+RLI_LUA rli_tostring(lua_State *L)
- fb_data newvalue = FB_SCALARPACK((unsigned)luaL_checknumber(L, 4));
- *rli_element(L) = newvalue;
- return 0;
+ /* (img, [infoitem]) */
+ struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1);
+ int item = (unsigned) luaL_optint(L, 2, 0);
+ size_t bytes = a->elems * sizeof(fb_data);
+ switch(item)
+ {
+ default:
+ case RLI_INFO_ALL:
+ {
+ lua_pushfstring(L,
+ ROCKLUA_IMAGE ": %dx%d, %d elements, %d bytes, %d-bit depth, %d pack",
+ a->width, a->height, a->elems, bytes, LCD_DEPTH, LCD_PIXELFORMAT);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RLI_INFO_TYPE: { lua_pushfstring(L, ROCKLUA_IMAGE ); break; }
+ case RLI_INFO_WIDTH: { lua_pushfstring(L, "%d", a->width ); break; }
+ case RLI_INFO_HEIGHT: { lua_pushfstring(L, "%d", a->height ); break; }
+ case RLI_INFO_ELEMS: { lua_pushfstring(L, "%d", a->elems ); break; }
+ case RLI_INFO_BYTES: { lua_pushfstring(L, "%d", bytes ); break; }
+ case RLI_INFO_DEPTH: { lua_pushfstring(L, "%d", LCD_DEPTH ); break; }
+ case RLI_INFO_FORMAT: { lua_pushfstring(L, "%d", LCD_PIXELFORMAT); break; }
+ case RLI_INFO_ADDRESS: { lua_pushfstring(L, "%p", a->data); break; }
+ }
+ return 1;
+RLI_LUA rli_ellipse(lua_State *L)
+ /* (dst*, x1, y1, x2, y2, [clr, fillclr, clip]) */
+ /* line and ellipse share the same init function */
+ return rli_line_ellipse(L, true);
-static int rli_get(lua_State *L)
+RLI_LUA rli_line(lua_State *L)
- lua_pushnumber(L, FB_UNPACK_SCALAR_LCD(*rli_element(L)));
+ /* (dst*, x1, y1, [x2, y2, clr, clip]) */
+ /* line and ellipse share the same init function */
+ return rli_line_ellipse(L, false);
+RLI_LUA rli_iterator(lua_State *L) {
+ /* see rli_iterator_factory */
+ struct rli_iter_d *ds;
+ ds = (struct rli_iter_d *) lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
+ if(ds->dx != 0 || ds->dy != 0)
+ {
+ lua_pushnumber(L, FB_UNPACK_SCALAR_LCD(data_get(ds->elem, ds->x, ds->y)));
+ lua_pushinteger(L, ds->x);
+ lua_pushinteger(L, ds->y);
+ next_rli_iter(ds); /* load next element */
+ return 3;
+ }
+ return 0; /* nothing left to do */
+RLI_LUA rli_iterator_factory(lua_State *L) {
+ /* (src*, [x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy]) */
+ struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1); /*image we wish to iterate*/
+ struct rli_iter_d *ds;
+ int x1 = luaL_optint(L, 2, 1);
+ int y1 = luaL_optint(L, 3, 1);
+ int x2 = luaL_optint(L, 4, a->width - x1 + 1);
+ int y2 = luaL_optint(L, 5, a->height - y1 + 1);
+ int dx = luaL_optint(L, 6, 1);
+ int dy = luaL_optint(L, 7, 1);
+ /* create new iter + pushed onto stack */
+ ds = (struct rli_iter_d *) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(struct rli_iter_d));
+ init_rli_iter(ds, a, x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, false, false);
+ /* returns the iter function with embedded iter data(up values) */
+ lua_pushcclosure(L, &rli_iterator, 1);
return 1;
-static int rli_tostring(lua_State *L)
+RLI_LUA rli_marshal(lua_State *L) /* also invert */
+ /* (img*, [x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, clip, function]) */
struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1);
- lua_pushfstring(L, ROCKLUA_IMAGE ": %dx%d", a->width, a->height);
- return 1;
+ struct rli_iter_d ds;
+ int x1 = luaL_optint(L, 2, 1);
+ int y1 = luaL_optint(L, 3, 1);
+ int x2 = luaL_optint(L, 4, a->width);
+ int y2 = luaL_optint(L, 5, a->height);
+ int dx = luaL_optint(L, 6, 1);
+ int dy = luaL_optint(L, 7, 1);
+ bool clip = luaL_optboolean(L, 8, false);
+ int lf_ref = LUA_NOREF; /* de-ref'd without consequence */
+ int (*rli_trans)(lua_State *, struct rli_iter_d *, struct rli_iter_d *, int, fb_data *);
+ rli_trans = invert_transform; /* default transformation */
+ if(!clip)
+ {
+ bounds_check_xy(L, a, 2, x1, 3, y1);
+ bounds_check_xy(L, a, 4, x2, 5, y2);
+ }
+ init_rli_iter(&ds, a, x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, false, false);
+ if(lua_isfunction(L, 9)) /* custom function */
+ {
+ rli_trans = custom_transform;
+ lf_ref = register_luafunc(L, 9);
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ luaL_argcheck(L, clip || (ds.elem != NULL), 1, ERR_DATA_OVF);
+ if(!(*rli_trans)(L, &ds, NULL, lf_ref, NULL))
+ break; /* Custom op can quit early */
+ } while(next_rli_iter(&ds));
+ luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, lf_ref); /* de-reference custom function */
+ return 0;
+RLI_LUA rli_copy(lua_State *L)
+ /* (dst*, src*, [d_x, d_y, s_x, s_y, x_off, y_off, clip, [op, funct/clr]]) */
+ struct rocklua_image *d = rli_checktype(L, 1); /*dst*/
+ struct rocklua_image *s = rli_checktype(L, 2); /*src*/
+ struct rli_iter_d ds; /*dst*/
+ struct rli_iter_d ss; /*src*/
+ /* copy whole image if possible */
+ if(s->elems == d->elems && s->width == d->width && lua_gettop(L) < 3)
+ {
+ memcpy(d->data, s->data, d->elems * sizeof(fb_data));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int d_x = luaL_optint(L, 3, 1);
+ int d_y = luaL_optint(L, 4, 1);
+ int s_x = luaL_optint(L, 5, 1);
+ int s_y = luaL_optint(L, 6, 1);
+ int w = MIN(d->width - d_x, s->width - s_x);
+ int h = MIN(d->height - d_y, s->height - s_y);
+ int x_off = luaL_optint(L, 7, w);
+ int y_off = luaL_optint(L, 8, h);
+ bool clip = luaL_optboolean(L, 9, false);
+ int op = luaL_optint(L, 10, 0);
+ fb_data clr = 0; /* 11 is custom function | color */
+ bool d_swx = (x_off < 0); /* dest swap */
+ bool d_swy = (y_off < 0);
+ bool s_swx = false; /* src swap */
+ bool s_swy = false;
+ int (*rli_trans)(lua_State *, struct rli_iter_d *, struct rli_iter_d *, int, fb_data *);
+ rli_trans = blit_transform; /* default transformation */
+ int lf_ref = LUA_NOREF; /* de-ref'd without consequence */
+ if(!clip) /* Out of bounds is not allowed */
+ {
+ bounds_check_xy(L, d, 3, d_x, 4, d_y);
+ bounds_check_xy(L, s, 5, s_x, 6, s_y);
+ }
+ else if (w < 0 || h < 0) /* not an error but nothing to display */
+ return 0;
+ w = MIN(w, ABS(x_off));
+ h = MIN(h, ABS(y_off));
+ /* if(s->data == d->data) need to care about fill direction */
+ if(d_x > s_x)
+ {
+ d_swx = !d_swx;
+ s_swx = !s_swx;
+ }
+ if(d_y > s_y)
+ {
+ d_swy = !d_swy;
+ s_swy = !s_swy;
+ }
+ init_rli_iter(&ds, d, d_x, d_y, d_x + w, d_y + h, 1, 1, d_swx, d_swy);
+ init_rli_iter(&ss, s, s_x, s_y, s_x + w, s_y + h, 1, 1, s_swx, s_swy);
+ if (op == 0xFF && lua_isfunction(L, 11)) /* custom function specified.. */
+ {
+ rli_trans = custom_transform;
+ lf_ref = register_luafunc(L, 11);
+ op = lf_ref;
+ }
+ else
+ clr = FB_SCALARPACK((unsigned) luaL_optnumber(L, 11, LCD_BLACK));
+ do
+ {
+ if(!clip)
+ {
+ luaL_argcheck(L, ss.elem != NULL, 2, ERR_DATA_OVF);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, ds.elem != NULL, 1, ERR_DATA_OVF);
+ }
+ if(!(*rli_trans)(L, &ds, &ss, op, &clr))
+ break; /* Custom op can quit early */
+ } while(next_rli_iter(&ds) && next_rli_iter(&ss));
+ luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, lf_ref); /* de-reference custom function */
+ return 0;
+RLI_LUA rli_clear(lua_State *L)
+ /* (dst*, [color, x1, y1, x2, y2, clip]) */
+ struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1);
+ struct rli_iter_d ds;
+ fb_data clr = FB_SCALARPACK((unsigned) luaL_optnumber(L, 2, LCD_BLACK));
+ int x1 = luaL_optint(L, 3, 1);
+ int y1 = luaL_optint(L, 4, 1);
+ int x2 = luaL_optint(L, 5, a->width);
+ int y2 = luaL_optint(L, 6, a->height);
+ bool clip = luaL_optboolean(L, 7, false);
+ if(!clip)
+ {
+ bounds_check_xy(L, a, 3, x1, 4, y1);
+ bounds_check_xy(L, a, 5, x2, 6, y2);
+ }
+ init_rli_iter(&ds, a, x1, y1, x2, y2, 1, 1, false, false);
+ do
+ {
+ luaL_argcheck(L, clip || (ds.elem != NULL), 1, ERR_DATA_OVF);
+ data_set(ds.elem, ds.x, ds.y, &clr);
+ } while(next_rli_iter(&ds));
+ return 0;
+#endif /* RLI_EXTENDED */
+/* Rli Image methods exported to lua */
static const struct luaL_reg rli_lib [] =
{"__tostring", rli_tostring},
- {"set", rli_set},
- {"get", rli_get},
- {"width", rli_width},
- {"height", rli_height},
+ {"_data", rli_raw},
+ {"__len", rli_size},
+ {"__eq", rli_equal},
+ {"width", rli_width},
+ {"height", rli_height},
+ {"set", rli_set},
+ {"get", rli_get},
+ {"copy", rli_copy},
+ {"clear", rli_clear},
+ {"invert", rli_marshal},
+ {"marshal", rli_marshal},
+ {"points", rli_iterator_factory},
+ {"line", rli_line},
+ {"ellipse", rli_ellipse},
+#endif /* RLI_EXTENDED */
static inline void rli_init(lua_State *L)
+ /* some devices need x | y coords shifted to match native format */
+ /* conversion between packed native formats and individual pixel addressing */
+ init_pixelmask(&x_shift, &y_shift, &xy_mask, &pixelmask);
luaL_newmetatable(L, ROCKLUA_IMAGE);
lua_pushstring(L, "__index");
@@ -189,57 +1278,45 @@ static inline void rli_init(lua_State *L)
#define SIMPLE_VOID_WRAPPER(func) RB_WRAP(func) { (void)L; func(); return 0; }
/* Helper function for opt_viewport */
-static void check_tablevalue(lua_State *L, const char* key, int tablepos, void* res, bool unsigned_val)
+static void check_tablevalue(lua_State *L,
+ const char* key,
+ int tablepos,
+ void* res,
+ bool is_unsigned)
lua_getfield(L, tablepos, key); /* Find table[key] */
- if(!lua_isnoneornil(L, -1))
- {
- if(unsigned_val)
- *(unsigned*)res = luaL_checkint(L, -1);
- else
- *(int*)res = luaL_checkint(L, -1);
- }
+ int val = luaL_optint(L, -1, 0);
+ if(is_unsigned)
+ *(unsigned*)res = (unsigned) val;
+ else
+ *(int*)res = val;
lua_pop(L, 1); /* Pop the value off the stack */
-static struct viewport* opt_viewport(lua_State *L, int narg, struct viewport* alt)
+static inline struct viewport* opt_viewport(lua_State *L,
+ int narg,
+ struct viewport* vp,
+ struct viewport* alt)
if(lua_isnoneornil(L, narg))
return alt;
- int tablepos = lua_gettop(L);
- struct viewport *vp;
- lua_getfield(L, tablepos, "vp"); /* get table['vp'] */
- if(lua_isnoneornil(L, -1))
- {
- lua_pop(L, 1); /* Pop nil off stack */
- vp = (struct viewport*) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(struct viewport)); /* Allocate memory and push it as udata on the stack */
- memset(vp, 0, sizeof(struct viewport)); /* Init viewport values to 0 */
- lua_setfield(L, tablepos, "vp"); /* table['vp'] = vp (pops value off the stack) */
- }
- else
- {
- vp = (struct viewport*) lua_touserdata(L, -1); /* Reuse viewport struct */
- lua_pop(L, 1); /* We don't need the value on stack */
- }
luaL_checktype(L, narg, LUA_TTABLE);
- check_tablevalue(L, "x", tablepos, &vp->x, false);
- check_tablevalue(L, "y", tablepos, &vp->y, false);
- check_tablevalue(L, "width", tablepos, &vp->width, false);
- check_tablevalue(L, "height", tablepos, &vp->height, false);
+ check_tablevalue(L, "x", narg, &vp->x, false);
+ check_tablevalue(L, "y", narg, &vp->y, false);
+ check_tablevalue(L, "width", narg, &vp->width, false);
+ check_tablevalue(L, "height", narg, &vp->height, false);
- check_tablevalue(L, "font", tablepos, &vp->font, false);
- check_tablevalue(L, "drawmode", tablepos, &vp->drawmode, false);
+ check_tablevalue(L, "font", narg, &vp->font, false);
+ check_tablevalue(L, "drawmode", narg, &vp->drawmode, false);
#if LCD_DEPTH > 1
- check_tablevalue(L, "fg_pattern", tablepos, &vp->fg_pattern, true);
- check_tablevalue(L, "bg_pattern", tablepos, &vp->bg_pattern, true);
+ check_tablevalue(L, "fg_pattern", narg, &vp->fg_pattern, true);
+ check_tablevalue(L, "bg_pattern", narg, &vp->bg_pattern, true);
return vp;
@@ -247,9 +1324,9 @@ static struct viewport* opt_viewport(lua_State *L, int narg, struct viewport* al
- struct viewport *vp = opt_viewport(L, 1, NULL);
+ static struct viewport vp;
int screen = luaL_optint(L, 2, SCREEN_MAIN);
- rb->screens[screen]->set_viewport(vp);
+ rb->screens[screen]->set_viewport(opt_viewport(L, 1, &vp, NULL));
return 0;