diff options
authorSolomon Peachy <>2020-07-27 01:10:34 -0400
committerSolomon Peachy <>2020-07-27 14:58:38 -0400
commit2305966d847f9891d9b5589abd8c52a176d3c3fa (patch)
parentc81e1e1bf1addf05af62d14047fad3a3cfb4c76c (diff)
updatelang: New tool to update language files.
Change-Id: I3c18bb34770b4b4b321199149a2ea693dfbdb7f4
3 files changed, 500 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/apps/lang/lang.make b/apps/lang/lang.make
index c5db820326..807ac0f53f 100644
--- a/apps/lang/lang.make
+++ b/apps/lang/lang.make
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ CLEANOBJS += $(BUILDDIR)/lang/max_language_size.h $(BUILDDIR)/lang/lang*
#DUMMY := $(shell mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)/apps/lang)
# Calculate the maximum language size. Currently based on the file size
-# of the largest lng file. Subtract 10 due to HEADER_SIZE and
+# of the largest lng file. Subtract 10 due to HEADER_SIZE and
# TODO: In the future generate this file within genlang or another script
# in order to only calculate the maximum size based on the core strings.
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ $(BUILDDIR)/lang_enum.h: $(BUILDDIR)/lang/lang.h
# NOTE: for some weird reasons in GNU make, multi targets rules WITH patterns actually express
# the fact that the two files are created as the result of one invocation of the rule
-$(BUILDDIR)/%.lng $(BUILDDIR)/%.vstrings: $(ROOTDIR)/%.lang $(BUILDDIR)/apps/genlang-features
+$(BUILDDIR)/%.lng $(BUILDDIR)/%.vstrings: $(ROOTDIR)/%.lang $(BUILDDIR)/apps/genlang-features $(TOOLSDIR)/genlang $(TOOLSDIR)/updatelang
$(call PRINTS,GENLANG $(subst $(ROOTDIR)/,,$<))
$(SILENT)mkdir -p $(dir $@)
- $(SILENT)$(TOOLSDIR)/genlang -u -e=$(APPSDIR)/lang/$(ENGLISH).lang $< > $@.tmp
+ $(SILENT)$(TOOLSDIR)/updatelang $(APPSDIR)/lang/$(ENGLISH).lang $< $@.tmp
$(SILENT)$(TOOLSDIR)/genlang -e=$(APPSDIR)/lang/$(ENGLISH).lang -t=$(MODELNAME):`cat $(BUILDDIR)/apps/genlang-features` -i=$(TARGET_ID) -b=$*.lng -c=$*.vstrings $@.tmp
$(SILENT)rm -f $@.tmp
diff --git a/tools/updatelang b/tools/updatelang
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a139bc77f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/updatelang
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -s -w
+# __________ __ ___.
+# Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
+# Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
+# Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
+# Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
+# \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Solomon Peachy
+use Clone 'clone';
+use utf8;
+use File::Basename;
+sub trim {
+ my ($string) = @_;
+ $string =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $string =~ s/\s+$//;
+ return $string;
+sub parselangfile {
+ my ($filename) = @_;
+ my %phrases;
+ my @order;
+ my %empty = ( #'phrase' => {},
+ #'source' => {},
+ #'dest' => {},
+ #'voice' => {},
+ 'notes' => "",
+ 'new' => 0
+ );
+ my %thisphrase = %empty;
+ open(FH, "<$filename") || die ("Can't open $filename");
+ my @lines = <FH>;
+ close(FH);
+ my $pos = 'lang';
+ my $id = '';
+ my @comments;
+ foreach my $line (@lines) {
+ $line = trim($line);
+ if($line =~ /^ *#/) {
+ push(@comments, "$line\n") if ($pos eq 'lang');
+ # comments are ignored!
+ next;
+ } elsif ($pos eq 'phrase' && $line =~ /^([^:]+): ?(.*)$/) {
+ $thisphrase{$pos}->{$1} = $2;
+ if ($1 eq 'id') {
+ push(@order, $2);
+ $id = $2;
+ }
+ } elsif ($pos ne 'phrase' && $line =~ /^([^:]+): ?\"?([^\"]*)\"?$/) {
+ my @targets = split(',', $1);
+ foreach (@targets) {
+ my $l = trim($_);
+ $thisphrase{$pos}->{$l} = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($line eq '</voice>' ||
+ $line eq '</dest>' ||
+ $line eq '</source>' ||
+ $line eq '<phrase>') {
+ $pos = 'phrase';
+ } elsif ($line eq '</phrase>') {
+ $phrases{$id} = clone(\%thisphrase);
+ %thisphrase = %empty;
+ $pos = 'lang';
+ $id = '';
+ } elsif ($line eq '<source>') {
+ $pos = 'source';
+ } elsif ($line eq '<dest>') {
+ $pos = 'dest';
+ } elsif ($line eq '<voice>') {
+ $pos = 'voice';
+ }
+ }
+ $phrases{'HEADER'} = \@comments;
+ $phrases{'ORDER'} = \@order;
+ return %phrases;
+sub combinetgts {
+ my (%tgtmap) = (@_);
+ my %strmap;
+ my %combined;
+ # Reverse-map things
+ foreach my $tgt (sort(keys(%tgtmap))) {
+ next if ($tgt eq '*'); # Do not combine anything with fallback
+ if (defined($strmap{$tgtmap{$tgt}})) {
+ $strmap{$tgtmap{$tgt}} .= ",$tgt";
+ } else {
+ $strmap{$tgtmap{$tgt}} = "$tgt";
+ }
+ }
+ # Copy over default/fallback as it was skipped
+ $combined{'*'} = $tgtmap{'*'};
+ foreach my $str (keys(%strmap)) {
+ $combined{$strmap{$str}} = $str;
+ }
+ return %combined;
+my @ignorelist = split("\n",
+sub not_ignorelist {
+ my ($key) = @_;
+ foreach (@ignorelist) {
+ if ($_ eq $key) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+if($#ARGV != 2) {
+ print "Usage: updatelang <english.lang> <otherlang> [<outfile>|-]\n";
+ exit;
+# Parse master file
+my %english = parselangfile($ARGV[0]);
+my @englishorder = @{$english{'ORDER'}};
+# Parse secondary file
+my %lang = parselangfile($ARGV[1]);
+my @langorder = @{$lang{'ORDER'}};
+my @langheader = @{$lang{'HEADER'}};
+# Clean up
+delete $english{'ORDER'};
+delete $english{'HEADER'};
+delete $lang{'ORDER'};
+delete $lang{'HEADER'};
+# ork out the missing phrases
+my %missing;
+my @missingorder;
+foreach (@englishorder) {
+ $missing{$_} = 1;
+foreach (@langorder) {
+ if (!defined($english{$_})) {
+ delete($lang{$_});
+# print "#!! '$_' no longer needed\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ delete $missing{$_};
+foreach (@englishorder) {
+ push(@missingorder, $_) if defined($missing{$_});
+# And add them to the phrase list.
+foreach (@missingorder) {
+# print "#!! '$_' missing\n";
+ push(@langorder, $_);
+ $lang{$_} = $english{$_};
+ $lang{$_}{'notes'} .= "### This phrase is missing entirely, copying from english!\n";
+ $lang{$_}{'new'} = 1;
+undef @missingorder;
+undef %missing;
+# Sanity-check a few things
+foreach my $id (@langorder) {
+ if (!defined($english{$id})) {
+ next;
+ }
+ my %ep = %{$english{$id}{'phrase'}};
+ my %lp = %{$lang{$id}{'phrase'}};
+ if ($lp{'desc'} ne $ep{'desc'}) {
+ if ($ep{'desc'} eq 'deprecated') {
+ # Nuke all deprecated targets; just copy from English
+# print "#!! '$id' deprecated, deleting\n";
+ $lang{$id} = $english{$id};
+ } else {
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### The 'desc' field for '$id' differs from the english!\n### the previously used desc is commented below:\n### desc: $lp{desc}\n";
+ $lang{$id}{'phrase'}{'desc'} = $english{$id}{'phrase'}{'desc'};
+ # print "#!! '$id' changed description\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined($lp{'user'}) || $lp{'user'} ne $ep{'user'}) {
+ if (!defined($lp{'user'})) {
+ $lp{'user'} = $ep{'user'};
+ }
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### The 'user' field for '$id' differs from the english!\n### the previously used desc is commented below:\n### desc: $lp{user}\n";
+ $lang{$id}{'phrase'}{'user'} = $english{$id}{'phrase'}{'user'};
+# print "#!! '$id' changed user\n";
+ }
+# Check sources
+foreach my $id (@langorder) {
+ if (!defined($english{$id})) {
+ next;
+ }
+ my %ep = %{$english{$id}{'source'}};
+ my %lp;
+ if (defined($lang{$id}{'source'})) {
+ %lp = %{$lang{$id}{'source'}};
+ } else {
+ %lp = ();
+ }
+ foreach my $tgt (keys(%lp)) {
+ if (!defined($ep{$tgt})) {
+ # Delete any targets that have been nuked in master
+ delete($lang{$id}{'source'}{$tgt});
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $tgt (keys(%ep)) {
+ if (!defined($lp{$tgt})) {
+ # If it doesn't exist in the language, copy it from English
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### The <source> section for '$id:$tgt' is missing! Copying from english!\n";
+# print "#!! '$id:$tgt' source missing\n";
+ $lang{$id}{'source'}{$tgt} = $english{$id}{'source'}{$tgt};
+ } elsif ($lp{$tgt} ne $ep{$tgt}) {
+ # If the source string differs, complain, and copy from English
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### The <source> section for '$id:$tgt' differs from the english!\n";
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### the previously used one is commented below:\n";
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### $english{$id}{source}{$tgt}\n";
+# print "#!! '$id:$tgt' source changed ('$lp{$tgt}' vs '$ep{$tgt}')\n";
+ $lang{$id}{'source'}{$tgt} = $english{$id}{'source'}{$tgt};
+ }
+ }
+# Check dests
+foreach my $id (@langorder) {
+ if (!defined($english{$id})) {
+ next;
+ }
+ my %ep = %{$english{$id}{'dest'}};
+ my %lp;
+ if (defined($lang{$id}{'dest'})) {
+ %lp = %{$lang{$id}{'dest'}};
+ } else {
+ %lp = ();
+ }
+ foreach my $tgt (keys(%lp)) {
+ if (!defined($ep{$tgt})) {
+ # Delete any targets that have been nuked in master
+ delete($lang{$id}{'dest'}{$tgt});
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $tgt (keys(%ep)) {
+ if (!defined($lp{$tgt})) {
+ # If it doesn't exist in the language, copy it from English
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### The <dest> section for '$id:$tgt' is missing! Copying from english\n";
+# print "#!! '$id:$tgt' dest missing\n";
+ $lang{$id}{'dest'}{$tgt} = $english{$id}{'dest'}{$tgt};
+ } elsif ($lp{$tgt} ne $ep{$tgt}) {
+ # If the source string differs, complain, and copy from English
+ if ($lp{$tgt} eq '' && $ep{$tgt} ne '') {
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### The <dest> section for '$id:$tgt' is blank! Copying from english!\n";
+# print "#!! '$id:$tgt' dest is blank ('$lp{$tgt}' vs '$ep{$tgt}')\n";
+ $lang{$id}{'source'}{$tgt} = $english{$id}{'source'}{$tgt};
+ } elsif ($lp{$tgt} ne '' && $ep{$tgt} eq '') {
+ # It should be kept blank!
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### The <dest> section for '$id:$tgt' is not blank!\n";
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### the previously used one is commented below:\n";
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### $english{$id}{dest}{$tgt}\n";
+# print "#!! '$id:$tgt' dest not blank ('$lp{$tgt}' vs '$ep{$tgt}')\n";
+ $lang{$id}{'source'}{$tgt} = $english{$id}{'source'}{$tgt};
+ }
+ } elsif ($lp{$tgt} ne 'none' && $lp{$tgt} ne '' && not_ignorelist($id) && !$lang{$id}{'new'}) {
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### The <dest> section for '$id:$tgt' is identical to english!\n";
+# print "#!! '$id:$tgt' dest identical ('$lp{$tgt}')\n";
+ }
+ }
+# Check voices
+foreach my $id (@langorder) {
+ if (!defined($english{$id})) {
+ next;
+ }
+ my %ep = %{$english{$id}{'voice'}};
+ my %lp;
+ if (defined($lang{$id}{'voice'})) {
+ %lp = %{$lang{$id}{'voice'}};
+ } else {
+ %lp = ();
+ }
+ foreach my $tgt (keys(%lp)) {
+ if (!defined($ep{$tgt})) {
+ # Delete any targets that have been nuked in master
+ delete($lang{$id}{'voice'}{$tgt});
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $tgt (keys(%ep)) {
+ if (!defined($lp{$tgt})) {
+ # If it doesn't exist in the language, copy it from English
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### The <voice> section for '$id:$tgt' is missing! Copying from english\n";
+# print "#!! '$id:$tgt' voice missing\n";
+ $lang{$id}{'voice'}{$tgt} = $english{$id}{'voice'}{$tgt};
+ } elsif ($lp{$tgt} ne $ep{$tgt}) {
+ if ($lp{$tgt} eq '' && $ep{$tgt} ne '') {
+ # If the lang voice string is blank, complain, and copy from English
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### The <voice> section for '$id:$tgt' is blank! Copying from english!\n";
+# print "#!! '$id:$tgt' voice is blank ('$lp{$tgt}' vs '$ep{$tgt}')\n";
+ $lang{$id}{'source'}{$tgt} = $english{$id}{'source'}{$tgt};
+ } elsif ($lp{$tgt} ne '' && $ep{$tgt} eq '') {
+ # If it's not blank, clear it and complain!
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### The <voice> section for '$id:$tgt' is not blank!\n";
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### the previously used one is commented below:\n";
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### $english{$id}{voice}{$tgt}\n";
+# print "#!! '$id:$tgt' voice not blank ('$lp{$tgt}' vs '$ep{$tgt}')\n";
+ $lang{$id}{'source'}{$tgt} = $english{$id}{'source'}{$tgt};
+ }
+ } elsif ($lp{$tgt} ne 'none' && $lp{$tgt} ne '' && not_ignorelist($id) && !$lang{$id}{'new'}) {
+ $lang{$id}{'notes'} .= "### The <voice> section for '$id:$tgt' is identical to english!\n";
+# print "#!! '$id:$tgt' voice identical ('$lp{$tgt}')\n";
+ }
+ }
+########## Write new language file
+my $printnotes = 1;
+my @tmp = split(/\./, basename($ARGV[0]));
+my $f1 = $tmp[0];
+@tmp = split(/\./, basename($ARGV[1]));
+my $f2 = $tmp[0];
+if (index($f2, $f1) > -1) {
+ $printnotes = 0;
+undef $f1;
+undef $f2;
+undef @tmp;
+my $fh;
+if ($ARGV[2] ne '-') {
+ open(FH, ">$ARGV[2]") || die ("Can't open $ARGV[2]");
+ $fh = *FH;
+} else {
+ $fh = *STDOUT;
+foreach (@langheader) {
+ print $fh $_;
+my @finalorder = @langorder; # TODO make configurable vs @englishorder
+foreach my $id (@finalorder) {
+ if (!defined($english{$id})) {
+ next;
+ }
+ my %lp;
+ # phrase
+ %lp = %{$lang{$id}{'phrase'}};
+ if (length($lang{$id}{'notes'}) && $printnotes) {
+ print $fh "$lang{$id}{notes}";
+ }
+ print $fh "<phrase>\n";
+ print $fh " id: $lp{id}\n";
+ if ($lp{'desc'} ne '') {
+ print $fh " desc: $lp{desc}\n";
+ } else {
+ print $fh " desc:\n";
+ }
+ print $fh " user: $lp{user}\n";
+ # source
+ %lp = combinetgts(%{$lang{$id}{'source'}});
+ print $fh " <source>\n";
+ foreach my $tgt (sort(keys(%lp))) {
+ if ($lp{$tgt} eq 'none') {
+ print $fh " $tgt: $lp{$tgt}\n";
+ } else {
+ print $fh " $tgt: \"$lp{$tgt}\"\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh " </source>\n";
+ # dest
+ %lp = combinetgts(%{$lang{$id}{'dest'}});
+ print $fh " <dest>\n";
+ foreach my $tgt (sort(keys(%lp))) {
+ if ($lp{$tgt} eq 'none') {
+ print $fh " $tgt: $lp{$tgt}\n";
+ } else {
+ print $fh " $tgt: \"$lp{$tgt}\"\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh " </dest>\n";
+ # voice
+ %lp = combinetgts(%{$lang{$id}{'voice'}});
+ print $fh " <voice>\n";
+ foreach my $tgt (sort(keys(%lp))) {
+ if ($lp{$tgt} eq 'none') {
+ print $fh " $tgt: $lp{$tgt}\n";
+ } else {
+ print $fh " $tgt: \"$lp{$tgt}\"\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh " </voice>\n";
+ # FiN
+ print $fh "</phrase>\n";
+if ($ARGV[2] ne '-') {
+ close(FH);
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 216d514065..fefcc49a10 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ sub generateclips {
if ($existingids) {
$idfile = $existingids;
} else {
- $cmd = "genlang -u -e=$english $langfile > $updfile";
+ $cmd = "updatelang $english $langfile $updfile";
print("> $cmd\n") if $verbose;
$cmd = "genlang -o -t=$target -e=$english $updfile 2>/dev/null > $idfile";