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authorAndrew Mahone <>2009-08-13 08:02:29 +0000
committerAndrew Mahone <>2009-08-13 08:02:29 +0000
commite04f95eab9eaf51fcef2f56c258ea68d8df97d9d (patch)
parentce00e283b5c54523ebc9e8c83f5a59f4823d3139 (diff)
LCD bitmap driver code consolidation from FS#4817:
Move text-drawing code into firmware-drivers/lcd-bitmap-common.c, included by the various driver files. Add new static function LCDFN(putsxyofs_style) to draw styled text, and use it in both LCDFN(puts_style_offset) and LCDFN(scroll_fn). Merge lcd_gradient_rect functions, with new function containing simplified code for drawing one line of a multi-line gradient. git-svn-id: svn:// a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
6 files changed, 336 insertions, 1236 deletions
diff --git a/firmware/drivers/lcd-16bit.c b/firmware/drivers/lcd-16bit.c
index 882bfa0854..7238d7a923 100644
--- a/firmware/drivers/lcd-16bit.c
+++ b/firmware/drivers/lcd-16bit.c
@@ -638,70 +638,6 @@ void lcd_fillrect(int x, int y, int width, int height)
while (dst < dst_end);
-/* Fill a rectangle with a gradient */
-static void lcd_gradient_rect(int x1, int x2, int y, int h)
- int old_pattern = current_vp->fg_pattern;
- if (h == 0) return;
- int h_r = RGB_UNPACK_RED(current_vp->lss_pattern) << 16;
- int h_b = RGB_UNPACK_BLUE(current_vp->lss_pattern) << 16;
- int h_g = RGB_UNPACK_GREEN(current_vp->lss_pattern) << 16;
- int rstep = (h_r - ((signed)RGB_UNPACK_RED(current_vp->lse_pattern) << 16)) / h;
- int gstep = (h_g - ((signed)RGB_UNPACK_GREEN(current_vp->lse_pattern) << 16)) / h;
- int bstep = (h_b - ((signed)RGB_UNPACK_BLUE(current_vp->lse_pattern) << 16)) / h;
- int count;
- current_vp->fg_pattern = current_vp->lss_pattern;
- for(count = 0; count < h; count++) {
- lcd_hline(x1, x2, y + count);
- h_r -= rstep;
- h_g -= gstep;
- h_b -= bstep;
- current_vp->fg_pattern = LCD_RGBPACK(h_r >> 16, h_g >> 16, h_b >> 16);
- }
- current_vp->fg_pattern = old_pattern;
-#define H_COLOR(lss, lse, cur_line, max_line) \
- (((lse) - (lss)) * (cur_line) / (max_line) + (lss))
-/* Fill a rectangle with a gradient for scrolling line. To draw a gradient that
- covers several lines, we need to know how many lines will be covered
- (the num_lines arg), and which one is the current line within the selection
- (the cur_line arg). */
-static void lcd_gradient_rect_scroll(int x1, int x2, int y, int h,
- unsigned char num_lines, unsigned char cur_line)
- if (h == 0 || num_lines == 0) return;
- unsigned tmp_lss = current_vp->lss_pattern;
- unsigned tmp_lse = current_vp->lse_pattern;
- int lss_r = (signed)RGB_UNPACK_RED(current_vp->lss_pattern);
- int lss_b = (signed)RGB_UNPACK_BLUE(current_vp->lss_pattern);
- int lss_g = (signed)RGB_UNPACK_GREEN(current_vp->lss_pattern);
- int lse_r = (signed)RGB_UNPACK_RED(current_vp->lse_pattern);
- int lse_b = (signed)RGB_UNPACK_BLUE(current_vp->lse_pattern);
- int lse_g = (signed)RGB_UNPACK_GREEN(current_vp->lse_pattern);
- int h_r = H_COLOR(lss_r, lse_r, cur_line, num_lines);
- int h_g = H_COLOR(lss_g, lse_g, cur_line, num_lines);
- int h_b = H_COLOR(lss_b, lse_b, cur_line, num_lines);
- lcd_set_selector_start(LCD_RGBPACK(h_r, h_g, h_b));
- int l_r = H_COLOR(lss_r, lse_r, cur_line+1, num_lines);
- int l_g = H_COLOR(lss_g, lse_g, cur_line+1, num_lines);
- int l_b = H_COLOR(lss_b, lse_b, cur_line+1, num_lines);
- lcd_set_selector_end(LCD_RGBPACK(l_r, l_g, l_b));
- lcd_gradient_rect(x1, x2, y, h);
- current_vp->lss_pattern = tmp_lss;
- current_vp->lse_pattern = tmp_lse;
/* About Rockbox' internal monochrome bitmap format:
* A bitmap contains one bit for every pixel that defines if that pixel is
@@ -977,285 +913,4 @@ void lcd_bitmap_transparent(const fb_data *src, int x, int y,
lcd_bitmap_transparent_part(src, 0, 0, width, x, y, width, height);
-/* put a string at a given pixel position, skipping first ofs pixel columns */
-static void lcd_putsxyofs(int x, int y, int ofs, const unsigned char *str)
- unsigned short ch;
- unsigned short *ucs;
- struct font* pf = font_get(current_vp->font);
- ucs = bidi_l2v(str, 1);
- while ((ch = *ucs++) != 0 && x < current_vp->width)
- {
- int width;
- const unsigned char *bits;
- /* get proportional width and glyph bits */
- width = font_get_width(pf,ch);
- if (ofs > width)
- {
- ofs -= width;
- continue;
- }
- bits = font_get_bits(pf, ch);
- lcd_mono_bitmap_part(bits, ofs, 0, width, x, y, width - ofs, pf->height);
- x += width - ofs;
- ofs = 0;
- }
-/* put a string at a given pixel position */
-void lcd_putsxy(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str)
- lcd_putsxyofs(x, y, 0, str);
-/*** line oriented text output ***/
-/* put a string at a given char position */
-void lcd_puts(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str)
- lcd_puts_style_offset(x, y, str, STYLE_DEFAULT, 0);
-void lcd_puts_style(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str, int style)
- lcd_puts_style_offset(x, y, str, style, 0);
-void lcd_puts_offset(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str, int offset)
- lcd_puts_style_offset(x, y, str, STYLE_DEFAULT, offset);
-/* put a string at a given char position, style, and pixel position,
- * skipping first offset pixel columns */
-void lcd_puts_style_offset(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str, int style,
- int offset)
- int xpos,ypos,w,h,xrect;
- int lastmode = current_vp->drawmode;
- int oldfgcolor = current_vp->fg_pattern;
- int oldbgcolor = current_vp->bg_pattern;
- /* make sure scrolling is turned off on the line we are updating */
- lcd_scroll_stop_line(current_vp, y);
- if(!str || !str[0])
- return;
- lcd_getstringsize(str, &w, &h);
- xpos = x*w / utf8length(str);
- ypos = y*h;
- current_vp->drawmode = (style & STYLE_INVERT) ?
- if (style & STYLE_COLORED) {
- if (current_vp->drawmode == DRMODE_SOLID)
- current_vp->fg_pattern = style & STYLE_COLOR_MASK;
- else
- current_vp->bg_pattern = style & STYLE_COLOR_MASK;
- }
- current_vp->drawmode ^= DRMODE_INVERSEVID;
- xrect = xpos + MAX(w - offset, 0);
- if (style & STYLE_GRADIENT) {
- current_vp->drawmode = DRMODE_FG;
- if (CURLN_UNPACK(style) == 0)
- lcd_gradient_rect(xpos, current_vp->width, ypos, h*NUMLN_UNPACK(style));
- current_vp->fg_pattern = current_vp->lst_pattern;
- }
- else if (style & STYLE_COLORBAR) {
- current_vp->drawmode = DRMODE_FG;
- current_vp->fg_pattern = current_vp->lss_pattern;
- lcd_fillrect(xpos, ypos, current_vp->width - xpos, h);
- current_vp->fg_pattern = current_vp->lst_pattern;
- }
- else {
- lcd_fillrect(xrect, ypos, current_vp->width - xrect, h);
- current_vp->drawmode = (style & STYLE_INVERT) ?
- }
- lcd_putsxyofs(xpos, ypos, offset, str);
- current_vp->drawmode = lastmode;
- current_vp->fg_pattern = oldfgcolor;
- current_vp->bg_pattern = oldbgcolor;
-/*** scrolling ***/
-void lcd_puts_scroll(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string)
- lcd_puts_scroll_style(x, y, string, STYLE_DEFAULT);
-void lcd_puts_scroll_style(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string, int style)
- lcd_puts_scroll_style_offset(x, y, string, style, 0);
-void lcd_puts_scroll_offset(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string, int offset)
- lcd_puts_scroll_style_offset(x, y, string, STYLE_DEFAULT, offset);
-/* Initialise a scrolling line at (x,y) in current viewport */
-void lcd_puts_scroll_style_offset(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string,
- int style, int offset)
- struct scrollinfo* s;
- int w, h;
- if ((unsigned)y >= (unsigned)current_vp->height)
- return;
- /* remove any previously scrolling line at the same location */
- lcd_scroll_stop_line(current_vp, y);
- if (lcd_scroll_info.lines >= LCD_SCROLLABLE_LINES) return;
- s = &lcd_scroll_info.scroll[lcd_scroll_info.lines];
- s->start_tick = current_tick + lcd_scroll_info.delay;
- s->style = style;
- lcd_puts_style_offset(x,y,string,style,offset);
- lcd_getstringsize(string, &w, &h);
- if (current_vp->width - x * 8 < w) {
- /* prepare scroll line */
- char *end;
- memset(s->line, 0, sizeof s->line);
- strcpy(s->line, string);
- /* get width */
- s->width = lcd_getstringsize(s->line, &w, &h);
- /* scroll bidirectional or forward only depending on the string
- width */
- if ( lcd_scroll_info.bidir_limit ) {
- s->bidir = s->width < (current_vp->width) *
- (100 + lcd_scroll_info.bidir_limit) / 100;
- }
- else
- s->bidir = false;
- if (!s->bidir) { /* add spaces if scrolling in the round */
- strcat(s->line, " ");
- /* get new width incl. spaces */
- s->width = lcd_getstringsize(s->line, &w, &h);
- }
- end = strchr(s->line, '\0');
- strlcpy(end, string, current_vp->width/2);
- s->vp = current_vp;
- s->y = y;
- s->len = utf8length(string);
- s->offset = offset;
- s->startx = x * s->width / s->len;
- s->backward = false;
- lcd_scroll_info.lines++;
- }
-void lcd_scroll_fn(void)
- struct font* pf;
- struct scrollinfo* s;
- int index;
- int xpos, ypos;
- int lastmode;
- unsigned old_fgcolor;
- unsigned old_bgcolor;
- struct viewport* old_vp = current_vp;
- for ( index = 0; index < lcd_scroll_info.lines; index++ ) {
- s = &lcd_scroll_info.scroll[index];
- /* check pause */
- if (TIME_BEFORE(current_tick, s->start_tick))
- continue;
- lcd_set_viewport(s->vp);
- old_fgcolor = current_vp->fg_pattern;
- old_bgcolor = current_vp->bg_pattern;
- if (s->style&STYLE_COLORED) {
- if (s->style&STYLE_MODE_MASK) {
- current_vp->fg_pattern = old_fgcolor;
- current_vp->bg_pattern = s->style&STYLE_COLOR_MASK;
- }
- else {
- current_vp->fg_pattern = s->style&STYLE_COLOR_MASK;
- current_vp->bg_pattern = old_bgcolor;
- }
- }
- if (s->backward)
- s->offset -= lcd_scroll_info.step;
- else
- s->offset += lcd_scroll_info.step;
- pf = font_get(current_vp->font);
- xpos = s->startx;
- ypos = s->y * pf->height;
- if (s->bidir) { /* scroll bidirectional */
- if (s->offset <= 0) {
- /* at beginning of line */
- s->offset = 0;
- s->backward = false;
- s->start_tick = current_tick + lcd_scroll_info.delay * 2;
- }
- if (s->offset >= s->width - (current_vp->width - xpos)) {
- /* at end of line */
- s->offset = s->width - (current_vp->width - xpos);
- s->backward = true;
- s->start_tick = current_tick + lcd_scroll_info.delay * 2;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* scroll forward the whole time */
- if (s->offset >= s->width)
- s->offset %= s->width;
- }
- lastmode = current_vp->drawmode;
- switch (s->style&STYLE_MODE_MASK) {
- current_vp->drawmode = DRMODE_SOLID|DRMODE_INVERSEVID;
- break;
- /* Solid colour line selector */
- current_vp->drawmode = DRMODE_FG;
- current_vp->fg_pattern = current_vp->lss_pattern;
- lcd_fillrect(xpos, ypos, current_vp->width - xpos, pf->height);
- current_vp->fg_pattern = current_vp->lst_pattern;
- break;
- /* Gradient line selector */
- current_vp->drawmode = DRMODE_FG;
- lcd_gradient_rect_scroll(xpos, current_vp->width, ypos, (signed)pf->height,
- NUMLN_UNPACK(s->style),
- CURLN_UNPACK(s->style));
- current_vp->fg_pattern = current_vp->lst_pattern;
- break;
- default:
- current_vp->drawmode = DRMODE_SOLID;
- break;
- }
- lcd_putsxyofs(xpos, ypos, s->offset, s->line);
- current_vp->drawmode = lastmode;
- current_vp->fg_pattern = old_fgcolor;
- current_vp->bg_pattern = old_bgcolor;
- lcd_update_viewport_rect(xpos, ypos, current_vp->width - xpos, pf->height);
- }
- lcd_set_viewport(old_vp);
+#include "lcd-bitmap-common.c"
diff --git a/firmware/drivers/lcd-1bit-vert.c b/firmware/drivers/lcd-1bit-vert.c
index f11fd6fdf9..db8cc6771b 100644
--- a/firmware/drivers/lcd-1bit-vert.c
+++ b/firmware/drivers/lcd-1bit-vert.c
@@ -692,226 +692,4 @@ void LCDFN(bitmap)(const unsigned char *src, int x, int y, int width,
LCDFN(bitmap_part)(src, 0, 0, width, x, y, width, height);
-/* put a string at a given pixel position, skipping first ofs pixel columns */
-static void LCDFN(putsxyofs)(int x, int y, int ofs, const unsigned char *str)
- unsigned short ch;
- unsigned short *ucs;
- struct font* pf = font_get(current_vp->font);
- ucs = bidi_l2v(str, 1);
- while ((ch = *ucs++) != 0 && x < current_vp->width)
- {
- int width;
- const unsigned char *bits;
- /* get proportional width and glyph bits */
- width = font_get_width(pf, ch);
- if (ofs > width)
- {
- ofs -= width;
- continue;
- }
- bits = font_get_bits(pf, ch);
- LCDFN(mono_bitmap_part)(bits, ofs, 0, width, x, y, width - ofs,
- pf->height);
- x += width - ofs;
- ofs = 0;
- }
-/* put a string at a given pixel position */
-void LCDFN(putsxy)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str)
- LCDFN(putsxyofs)(x, y, 0, str);
-/*** Line oriented text output ***/
-/* put a string at a given char position */
-void LCDFN(puts)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str)
- LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(x, y, str, STYLE_DEFAULT, 0);
-void LCDFN(puts_style)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str, int style)
- LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(x, y, str, style, 0);
-void LCDFN(puts_offset)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str, int offset)
- LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(x, y, str, STYLE_DEFAULT, offset);
-/* put a string at a given char position, style, and pixel position,
- * skipping first offset pixel columns */
-void LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str,
- int style, int offset)
- int xpos,ypos,w,h,xrect;
- int lastmode = current_vp->drawmode;
- /* make sure scrolling is turned off on the line we are updating */
- LCDFN(scroll_stop_line)(current_vp, y);
- if(!str || !str[0])
- return;
- LCDFN(getstringsize)(str, &w, &h);
- xpos = x*w / utf8length(str);
- ypos = y*h;
- current_vp->drawmode = (style & STYLE_INVERT) ?
- LCDFN(putsxyofs)(xpos, ypos, offset, str);
- current_vp->drawmode ^= DRMODE_INVERSEVID;
- xrect = xpos + MAX(w - offset, 0);
- LCDFN(fillrect)(xrect, ypos, current_vp->width - xrect, h);
- current_vp->drawmode = lastmode;
-/*** scrolling ***/
-void LCDFN(puts_scroll)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string)
- LCDFN(puts_scroll_style)(x, y, string, STYLE_DEFAULT);
-void LCDFN(puts_scroll_style)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string,
- int style)
- LCDFN(puts_scroll_style_offset)(x, y, string, style, 0);
-void LCDFN(puts_scroll_offset)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string,
- int offset)
- LCDFN(puts_scroll_style_offset)(x, y, string, STYLE_DEFAULT, offset);
-void LCDFN(puts_scroll_style_offset)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string,
- int style, int offset)
- struct scrollinfo* s;
- int w, h;
- if ((unsigned)y >= (unsigned)current_vp->height)
- return;
- /* remove any previously scrolling line at the same location */
- LCDFN(scroll_stop_line)(current_vp, y);
- if (LCDFN(scroll_info.lines) >= LCDM(SCROLLABLE_LINES)) return;
- s = &LCDFN(scroll_info).scroll[LCDFN(scroll_info).lines];
- s->start_tick = current_tick + LCDFN(scroll_info).delay;
- s->style = style;
- if (style & STYLE_INVERT) {
- LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(x,y,string,STYLE_INVERT,offset);
- }
- else
- LCDFN(puts_offset)(x,y,string,offset);
- LCDFN(getstringsize)(string, &w, &h);
- if (current_vp->width - x * 8 < w) {
- /* prepare scroll line */
- char *end;
- memset(s->line, 0, sizeof s->line);
- strcpy(s->line, string);
- /* get width */
- s->width = LCDFN(getstringsize)(s->line, &w, &h);
- /* scroll bidirectional or forward only depending on the string
- width */
- if ( LCDFN(scroll_info).bidir_limit ) {
- s->bidir = s->width < (current_vp->width) *
- (100 + LCDFN(scroll_info).bidir_limit) / 100;
- }
- else
- s->bidir = false;
- if (!s->bidir) { /* add spaces if scrolling in the round */
- strcat(s->line, " ");
- /* get new width incl. spaces */
- s->width = LCDFN(getstringsize)(s->line, &w, &h);
- }
- end = strchr(s->line, '\0');
- strlcpy(end, string, current_vp->width/2);
- s->vp = current_vp;
- s->y = y;
- s->len = utf8length(string);
- s->offset = offset;
- s->startx = x * s->width / s->len;
- s->backward = false;
- LCDFN(scroll_info).lines++;
- }
-void LCDFN(scroll_fn)(void)
- struct font* pf;
- struct scrollinfo* s;
- int index;
- int xpos, ypos;
- int lastmode;
- struct viewport* old_vp = current_vp;
- for ( index = 0; index < LCDFN(scroll_info).lines; index++ ) {
- s = &LCDFN(scroll_info).scroll[index];
- /* check pause */
- if (TIME_BEFORE(current_tick, s->start_tick))
- continue;
- LCDFN(set_viewport)(s->vp);
- if (s->backward)
- s->offset -= LCDFN(scroll_info).step;
- else
- s->offset += LCDFN(scroll_info).step;
- pf = font_get(current_vp->font);
- xpos = s->startx;
- ypos = s->y * pf->height;
- if (s->bidir) { /* scroll bidirectional */
- if (s->offset <= 0) {
- /* at beginning of line */
- s->offset = 0;
- s->backward = false;
- s->start_tick = current_tick + LCDFN(scroll_info).delay * 2;
- }
- if (s->offset >= s->width - (current_vp->width - xpos)) {
- /* at end of line */
- s->offset = s->width - (current_vp->width - xpos);
- s->backward = true;
- s->start_tick = current_tick + LCDFN(scroll_info).delay * 2;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* scroll forward the whole time */
- if (s->offset >= s->width)
- s->offset %= s->width;
- }
- lastmode = current_vp->drawmode;
- current_vp->drawmode = (s->style&STYLE_INVERT) ?
- LCDFN(putsxyofs)(xpos, ypos, s->offset, s->line);
- current_vp->drawmode = lastmode;
- LCDFN(update_viewport_rect)(xpos, ypos, current_vp->width - xpos, pf->height);
- }
- LCDFN(set_viewport)(old_vp);
+#include "lcd-bitmap-common.c"
diff --git a/firmware/drivers/lcd-2bit-horz.c b/firmware/drivers/lcd-2bit-horz.c
index 463eece569..bb540a9ae1 100644
--- a/firmware/drivers/lcd-2bit-horz.c
+++ b/firmware/drivers/lcd-2bit-horz.c
@@ -956,223 +956,4 @@ void lcd_bitmap(const unsigned char *src, int x, int y, int width, int height)
lcd_bitmap_part(src, 0, 0, width, x, y, width, height);
-/* put a string at a given pixel position, skipping first ofs pixel columns */
-static void lcd_putsxyofs(int x, int y, int ofs, const unsigned char *str)
- unsigned short ch;
- unsigned short *ucs;
- struct font* pf = font_get(current_vp->font);
- ucs = bidi_l2v(str, 1);
- while ((ch = *ucs++) != 0 && x < current_vp->width)
- {
- int width;
- const unsigned char *bits;
- /* get proportional width and glyph bits */
- width = font_get_width(pf,ch);
- if (ofs > width)
- {
- ofs -= width;
- continue;
- }
- bits = font_get_bits(pf, ch);
- lcd_mono_bitmap_part(bits, ofs, 0, width, x, y, width - ofs,
- pf->height);
- x += width - ofs;
- ofs = 0;
- }
-/* put a string at a given pixel position */
-void lcd_putsxy(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str)
- lcd_putsxyofs(x, y, 0, str);
-/*** line oriented text output ***/
-/* put a string at a given char position */
-void lcd_puts(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str)
- lcd_puts_style_offset(x, y, str, STYLE_DEFAULT, 0);
-void lcd_puts_style(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str, int style)
- lcd_puts_style_offset(x, y, str, style, 0);
-void lcd_puts_offset(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str, int offset)
- lcd_puts_style_offset(x, y, str, STYLE_DEFAULT, offset);
-/* put a string at a given char position, style, and pixel position,
- * skipping first offset pixel columns */
-void lcd_puts_style_offset(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str,
- int style, int offset)
- int xpos,ypos,w,h,xrect;
- int lastmode = current_vp->drawmode;
- /* make sure scrolling is turned off on the line we are updating */
- lcd_scroll_stop_line(current_vp, y);
- if(!str || !str[0])
- return;
- lcd_getstringsize(str, &w, &h);
- xpos = x*w / utf8length((char *)str);
- ypos = y*h;
- current_vp->drawmode = (style & STYLE_INVERT) ?
- lcd_putsxyofs(xpos, ypos, offset, str);
- current_vp->drawmode ^= DRMODE_INVERSEVID;
- xrect = xpos + MAX(w - offset, 0);
- lcd_fillrect(xrect, ypos, current_vp->width - xrect, h);
- current_vp->drawmode = lastmode;
-/*** scrolling ***/
-void lcd_puts_scroll(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string)
- lcd_puts_scroll_style(x, y, string, STYLE_DEFAULT);
-void lcd_puts_scroll_style(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string, int style)
- lcd_puts_scroll_style_offset(x, y, string, style, 0);
-void lcd_puts_scroll_offset(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string, int offset)
- lcd_puts_scroll_style_offset(x, y, string, STYLE_DEFAULT, offset);
-void lcd_puts_scroll_style_offset(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string,
- int style, int offset)
- struct scrollinfo* s;
- int w, h;
- if ((unsigned)y >= (unsigned)current_vp->height)
- return;
- /* remove any previously scrolling line at the same location */
- lcd_scroll_stop_line(current_vp, y);
- if (lcd_scroll_info.lines >= LCD_SCROLLABLE_LINES) return;
- s = &lcd_scroll_info.scroll[lcd_scroll_info.lines];
- s->start_tick = current_tick + lcd_scroll_info.delay;
- s->style = style;
- if (style & STYLE_INVERT) {
- lcd_puts_style_offset(x,y,string,STYLE_INVERT,offset);
- }
- else
- lcd_puts_offset(x,y,string,offset);
- lcd_getstringsize(string, &w, &h);
- if (current_vp->width - x * 8 < w) {
- /* prepare scroll line */
- char *end;
- memset(s->line, 0, sizeof s->line);
- strcpy(s->line, (char *)string);
- /* get width */
- s->width = lcd_getstringsize((unsigned char *)s->line, &w, &h);
- /* scroll bidirectional or forward only depending on the string
- width */
- if ( lcd_scroll_info.bidir_limit ) {
- s->bidir = s->width < (current_vp->width) *
- (100 + lcd_scroll_info.bidir_limit) / 100;
- }
- else
- s->bidir = false;
- if (!s->bidir) { /* add spaces if scrolling in the round */
- strcat(s->line, " ");
- /* get new width incl. spaces */
- s->width = lcd_getstringsize((unsigned char *)s->line, &w, &h);
- }
- end = strchr(s->line, '\0');
- strlcpy(end, (char *)string, current_vp->width/2);
- s->vp = current_vp;
- s->y = y;
- s->len = utf8length((char *)string);
- s->offset = offset;
- s->startx = x * s->width / s->len;
- s->backward = false;
- lcd_scroll_info.lines++;
- }
-void lcd_scroll_fn(void)
- struct font* pf;
- struct scrollinfo* s;
- int index;
- int xpos, ypos;
- int lastmode;
- struct viewport* old_vp = current_vp;
- for ( index = 0; index < lcd_scroll_info.lines; index++ ) {
- s = &lcd_scroll_info.scroll[index];
- /* check pause */
- if (TIME_BEFORE(current_tick, s->start_tick))
- continue;
- lcd_set_viewport(s->vp);
- if (s->backward)
- s->offset -= lcd_scroll_info.step;
- else
- s->offset += lcd_scroll_info.step;
- pf = font_get(current_vp->font);
- xpos = s->startx;
- ypos = s->y * pf->height;
- if (s->bidir) { /* scroll bidirectional */
- if (s->offset <= 0) {
- /* at beginning of line */
- s->offset = 0;
- s->backward = false;
- s->start_tick = current_tick + lcd_scroll_info.delay * 2;
- }
- if (s->offset >= s->width - (current_vp->width - xpos)) {
- /* at end of line */
- s->offset = s->width - (current_vp->width - xpos);
- s->backward = true;
- s->start_tick = current_tick + lcd_scroll_info.delay * 2;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* scroll forward the whole time */
- if (s->offset >= s->width)
- s->offset %= s->width;
- }
- lastmode = current_vp->drawmode;
- current_vp->drawmode = (s->style&STYLE_INVERT) ?
- lcd_putsxyofs(xpos, ypos, s->offset, s->line);
- current_vp->drawmode = lastmode;
- lcd_update_viewport_rect(xpos, ypos, current_vp->width - xpos, pf->height);
- }
- lcd_set_viewport(old_vp);
+#include "lcd-bitmap-common.c"
diff --git a/firmware/drivers/lcd-2bit-vert.c b/firmware/drivers/lcd-2bit-vert.c
index 57d27d2ead..7342cbd4ff 100644
--- a/firmware/drivers/lcd-2bit-vert.c
+++ b/firmware/drivers/lcd-2bit-vert.c
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ void lcd_clear_viewport(void)
lastmode = current_vp->drawmode;
/* Invert the INVERSEVID bit and set basic mode to SOLID */
- current_vp->drawmode = (~lastmode & DRMODE_INVERSEVID) |
+ current_vp->drawmode = (~lastmode & DRMODE_INVERSEVID) |
lcd_fillrect(0, 0, current_vp->width, current_vp->height);
@@ -1002,226 +1002,4 @@ void lcd_bitmap(const fb_data *src, int x, int y, int width, int height)
lcd_bitmap_part(src, 0, 0, width, x, y, width, height);
-/* put a string at a given pixel position, skipping first ofs pixel columns */
-static void lcd_putsxyofs(int x, int y, int ofs, const unsigned char *str)
- unsigned short ch;
- unsigned short *ucs;
- struct font* pf = font_get(current_vp->font);
- ucs = bidi_l2v(str, 1);
- while ((ch = *ucs++) != 0 && x < current_vp->width)
- {
- int width;
- const unsigned char *bits;
- /* get proportional width and glyph bits */
- width = font_get_width(pf,ch);
- if (ofs > width)
- {
- ofs -= width;
- continue;
- }
- bits = font_get_bits(pf, ch);
- lcd_mono_bitmap_part(bits, ofs, 0, width, x, y, width - ofs,
- pf->height);
- x += width - ofs;
- ofs = 0;
- }
-/* put a string at a given pixel position */
-void lcd_putsxy(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str)
- lcd_putsxyofs(x, y, 0, str);
-/*** line oriented text output ***/
-/* put a string at a given char position */
-void lcd_puts(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str)
- lcd_puts_style_offset(x, y, str, STYLE_DEFAULT, 0);
-void lcd_puts_style(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str, int style)
- lcd_puts_style_offset(x, y, str, style, 0);
-void lcd_puts_offset(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str, int offset)
- lcd_puts_style_offset(x, y, str, STYLE_DEFAULT, offset);
-/* put a string at a given char position, style, and pixel position,
- * skipping first offset pixel columns */
-void lcd_puts_style_offset(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str,
- int style, int offset)
- int xpos,ypos,w,h,xrect;
- int lastmode = current_vp->drawmode;
- /* make sure scrolling is turned off on the line we are updating */
- lcd_scroll_stop_line(current_vp, y);
- if(!str || !str[0])
- return;
- lcd_getstringsize(str, &w, &h);
- xpos = x*w / utf8length((char *)str);
- ypos = y*h;
- current_vp->drawmode = (style & STYLE_INVERT) ?
- lcd_putsxyofs(xpos, ypos, offset, str);
- current_vp->drawmode ^= DRMODE_INVERSEVID;
- xrect = xpos + MAX(w - offset, 0);
- lcd_fillrect(xrect, ypos, current_vp->width - xrect, h);
- current_vp->drawmode = lastmode;
-/*** scrolling ***/
-void lcd_puts_scroll(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string)
- lcd_puts_scroll_style(x, y, string, STYLE_DEFAULT);
-void lcd_puts_scroll_style(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string, int style)
- lcd_puts_scroll_style_offset(x, y, string, style, 0);
-void lcd_puts_scroll_offset(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string, int offset)
- lcd_puts_scroll_style_offset(x, y, string, STYLE_DEFAULT, offset);
-void lcd_puts_scroll_style_offset(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string,
- int style, int offset)
- struct scrollinfo* s;
- int w, h;
- if ((unsigned)y >= (unsigned)current_vp->height)
- return;
- /* remove any previously scrolling line at the same location */
- lcd_scroll_stop_line(current_vp, y);
- if (lcd_scroll_info.lines >= LCD_SCROLLABLE_LINES) return;
- s = &lcd_scroll_info.scroll[lcd_scroll_info.lines];
- s->start_tick = current_tick + lcd_scroll_info.delay;
- s->style = style;
- if (style & STYLE_INVERT) {
- lcd_puts_style_offset(x,y,string,STYLE_INVERT,offset);
- }
- else
- lcd_puts_offset(x,y,string,offset);
- lcd_getstringsize(string, &w, &h);
- if (current_vp->width - x * 8< w) {
- /* prepare scroll line */
- char *end;
- memset(s->line, 0, sizeof s->line);
- strcpy(s->line, (char *)string);
- /* get width */
- s->width = lcd_getstringsize((unsigned char *)s->line, &w, &h);
- /* scroll bidirectional or forward only depending on the string
- width */
- if ( lcd_scroll_info.bidir_limit ) {
- s->bidir = s->width < (current_vp->width) *
- (100 + lcd_scroll_info.bidir_limit) / 100;
- }
- else
- s->bidir = false;
- if (!s->bidir) { /* add spaces if scrolling in the round */
- strcat(s->line, " ");
- /* get new width incl. spaces */
- s->width = lcd_getstringsize((unsigned char *)s->line, &w, &h);
- }
- end = strchr(s->line, '\0');
- strlcpy(end, (char *)string, current_vp->width/2);
- s->vp = current_vp;
- s->y = y;
- s->len = utf8length((char *)string);
- s->offset = offset;
- s->startx = x * s->width / s->len;
- s->backward = false;
- lcd_scroll_info.lines++;
- }
-void lcd_scroll_fn(void)
- struct font* pf;
- struct scrollinfo* s;
- int index;
- int xpos, ypos;
- int lastmode;
- struct viewport* old_vp = current_vp;
- for ( index = 0; index < lcd_scroll_info.lines; index++ ) {
- s = &lcd_scroll_info.scroll[index];
- /* check pause */
- if (TIME_BEFORE(current_tick, s->start_tick))
- continue;
- lcd_set_viewport(s->vp);
- if (s->backward)
- s->offset -= lcd_scroll_info.step;
- else
- s->offset += lcd_scroll_info.step;
- pf = font_get(current_vp->font);
- xpos = s->startx;
- ypos = s->y * pf->height;
- if (s->bidir) { /* scroll bidirectional */
- if (s->offset <= 0) {
- /* at beginning of line */
- s->offset = 0;
- s->backward = false;
- s->start_tick = current_tick + lcd_scroll_info.delay * 2;
- }
- if (s->offset >= s->width - (current_vp->width - xpos)) {
- /* at end of line */
- s->offset = s->width - (current_vp->width - xpos);
- s->backward = true;
- s->start_tick = current_tick + lcd_scroll_info.delay * 2;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* scroll forward the whole time */
- if (s->offset >= s->width)
- s->offset %= s->width;
- }
- lastmode = current_vp->drawmode;
- current_vp->drawmode = (s->style&STYLE_INVERT) ?
- lcd_putsxyofs(xpos, ypos, s->offset, s->line);
- current_vp->drawmode = lastmode;
- lcd_update_viewport_rect(xpos, ypos,
- current_vp->width - xpos, pf->height);
- }
- lcd_set_viewport(old_vp);
+#include "lcd-bitmap-common.c"
diff --git a/firmware/drivers/lcd-2bit-vi.c b/firmware/drivers/lcd-2bit-vi.c
index 0a73f0dd25..47f755f240 100644
--- a/firmware/drivers/lcd-2bit-vi.c
+++ b/firmware/drivers/lcd-2bit-vi.c
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ static struct viewport default_vp =
.bg_pattern = LCDM(DEFAULT_BG)
-static struct viewport *current_vp IBSS_ATTR;
+static struct viewport * current_vp IBSS_ATTR;
static unsigned fg_pattern IBSS_ATTR;
static unsigned bg_pattern IBSS_ATTR;
@@ -1016,225 +1016,4 @@ void LCDFN(bitmap)(const FBFN(data) *src, int x, int y, int width, int height)
LCDFN(bitmap_part)(src, 0, 0, width, x, y, width, height);
-/* put a string at a given pixel position, skipping first ofs pixel columns */
-static void LCDFN(putsxyofs)(int x, int y, int ofs, const unsigned char *str)
- unsigned short ch;
- unsigned short *ucs;
- struct font* pf = font_get(current_vp->font);
- ucs = bidi_l2v(str, 1);
- while ((ch = *ucs++) != 0 && x < current_vp->width)
- {
- int width;
- const unsigned char *bits;
- /* get proportional width and glyph bits */
- width = font_get_width(pf, ch);
- if (ofs > width)
- {
- ofs -= width;
- continue;
- }
- bits = font_get_bits(pf, ch);
- LCDFN(mono_bitmap_part)(bits, ofs, 0, width, x, y, width - ofs,
- pf->height);
- x += width - ofs;
- ofs = 0;
- }
-/* put a string at a given pixel position */
-void LCDFN(putsxy)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str)
- LCDFN(putsxyofs)(x, y, 0, str);
-/*** line oriented text output ***/
-/* put a string at a given char position */
-void LCDFN(puts)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str)
- LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(x, y, str, STYLE_DEFAULT, 0);
-void LCDFN(puts_style)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str, int style)
- LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(x, y, str, style, 0);
-void LCDFN(puts_offset)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str, int offset)
- LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(x, y, str, STYLE_DEFAULT, offset);
-/* put a string at a given char position, style, and pixel position,
- * skipping first offset pixel columns */
-void LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str,
- int style, int offset)
- int xpos,ypos,w,h,xrect;
- int lastmode = current_vp->drawmode;
- /* make sure scrolling is turned off on the line we are updating */
- LCDFN(scroll_stop_line)(current_vp, y);
- if(!str || !str[0])
- return;
- LCDFN(getstringsize)(str, &w, &h);
- xpos = x*w / utf8length((char *)str);
- ypos = y*h;
- current_vp->drawmode = (style & STYLE_INVERT) ?
- LCDFN(putsxyofs)(xpos, ypos, offset, str);
- current_vp->drawmode ^= DRMODE_INVERSEVID;
- xrect = xpos + MAX(w - offset, 0);
- LCDFN(fillrect)(xrect, ypos, current_vp->width - xrect, h);
- current_vp->drawmode = lastmode;
-/*** scrolling ***/
-void LCDFN(puts_scroll)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string)
- LCDFN(puts_scroll_style)(x, y, string, STYLE_DEFAULT);
-void LCDFN(puts_scroll_style)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string, int style)
- LCDFN(puts_scroll_style_offset)(x, y, string, style, 0);
-void LCDFN(puts_scroll_offset)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string, int offset)
- LCDFN(puts_scroll_style_offset)(x, y, string, STYLE_DEFAULT, offset);
-void LCDFN(puts_scroll_style_offset)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string,
- int style, int offset)
- struct scrollinfo* s;
- int w, h;
- if ((unsigned)y >= (unsigned)current_vp->height)
- return;
- /* remove any previously scrolling line at the same location */
- LCDFN(scroll_stop_line)(current_vp, y);
- if (LCDFN(scroll_info).lines >= LCDM(SCROLLABLE_LINES)) return;
- s = &LCDFN(scroll_info).scroll[LCDFN(scroll_info).lines];
- s->start_tick = current_tick + LCDFN(scroll_info).delay;
- s->style = style;
- if (style & STYLE_INVERT) {
- LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(x,y,string,STYLE_INVERT,offset);
- }
- else
- LCDFN(puts_offset)(x,y,string,offset);
- LCDFN(getstringsize)(string, &w, &h);
- if (current_vp->width - x * 8 < w) {
- /* prepare scroll line */
- char *end;
- memset(s->line, 0, sizeof s->line);
- strcpy(s->line, string);
- /* get width */
- s->width = LCDFN(getstringsize)(s->line, &w, &h);
- /* scroll bidirectional or forward only depending on the string
- width */
- if ( LCDFN(scroll_info).bidir_limit ) {
- s->bidir = s->width < (current_vp->width) *
- (100 + LCDFN(scroll_info).bidir_limit) / 100;
- }
- else
- s->bidir = false;
- if (!s->bidir) { /* add spaces if scrolling in the round */
- strcat(s->line, " ");
- /* get new width incl. spaces */
- s->width = LCDFN(getstringsize)(s->line, &w, &h);
- }
- end = strchr(s->line, '\0');
- strlcpy(end, (char *)string, current_vp->width/2);
- s->vp = current_vp;
- s->y = y;
- s->len = utf8length((char *)string);
- s->offset = offset;
- s->startx = x * s->width / s->len;
- s->backward = false;
- LCDFN(scroll_info).lines++;
- }
-void LCDFN(scroll_fn)(void)
- struct font* pf;
- struct scrollinfo* s;
- int index;
- int xpos, ypos;
- int lastmode;
- struct viewport* old_vp = current_vp;
- for ( index = 0; index < LCDFN(scroll_info).lines; index++ ) {
- s = &LCDFN(scroll_info).scroll[index];
- /* check pause */
- if (TIME_BEFORE(current_tick, s->start_tick))
- continue;
- LCDFN(set_viewport)(s->vp);
- if (s->backward)
- s->offset -= LCDFN(scroll_info).step;
- else
- s->offset += LCDFN(scroll_info).step;
- pf = font_get(current_vp->font);
- xpos = s->startx;
- ypos = s->y * pf->height;
- if (s->bidir) { /* scroll bidirectional */
- if (s->offset <= 0) {
- /* at beginning of line */
- s->offset = 0;
- s->backward = false;
- s->start_tick = current_tick + LCDFN(scroll_info).delay * 2;
- }
- if (s->offset >= s->width - (current_vp->width - xpos)) {
- /* at end of line */
- s->offset = s->width - (current_vp->width - xpos);
- s->backward = true;
- s->start_tick = current_tick + LCDFN(scroll_info).delay * 2;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* scroll forward the whole time */
- if (s->offset >= s->width)
- s->offset %= s->width;
- }
- lastmode = current_vp->drawmode;
- current_vp->drawmode = (s->style&STYLE_INVERT) ?
- LCDFN(putsxyofs)(xpos, ypos, s->offset, s->line);
- current_vp->drawmode = lastmode;
- LCDFN(update_viewport_rect)(xpos, ypos,
- current_vp->width - xpos, pf->height);
- }
- LCDFN(set_viewport)(old_vp);
+#include "lcd-bitmap-common.c"
diff --git a/firmware/drivers/lcd-bitmap-common.c b/firmware/drivers/lcd-bitmap-common.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1efd9097e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/drivers/lcd-bitmap-common.c
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+ * __________ __ ___.
+ * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
+ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
+ * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
+ * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
+ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Chapman
+ * Text rendering
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 Shachar Liberman
+ * Offset text, scrolling
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Nicolas Pennequin, Tom Ross, Ken Fazzone, Akio Idehara
+ * Color gradient background
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Mahone
+ * Merged common LCD bitmap code
+ *
+ * Rockbox common bitmap LCD functions
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#ifndef LCDFN /* Not compiling for remote - define macros for main LCD. */
+#define LCDFN(fn) lcd_ ## fn
+#define FBFN(fn) fb_ ## fn
+#define LCDM(ma) LCD_ ## ma
+#define LCDNAME "lcd_"
+#define MAIN_LCD
+#if defined(MAIN_LCD) && defined(HAVE_LCD_COLOR)
+/* Fill a rectangle with a gradient */
+static void lcd_gradient_rect(int x1, int x2, int y, unsigned h,
+ int num_lines, int cur_line)
+ int old_pattern = current_vp->fg_pattern;
+ int step_mul;
+ if (h == 0) return;
+ num_lines *= h;
+ cur_line *= h;
+ step_mul = (1 << 16) / (num_lines);
+ int h_r = RGB_UNPACK_RED(current_vp->lss_pattern);
+ int h_g = RGB_UNPACK_GREEN(current_vp->lss_pattern);
+ int h_b = RGB_UNPACK_BLUE(current_vp->lss_pattern);
+ int rstep = (h_r - RGB_UNPACK_RED(current_vp->lse_pattern)) * step_mul;
+ int gstep = (h_g - RGB_UNPACK_GREEN(current_vp->lse_pattern)) * step_mul;
+ int bstep = (h_b - RGB_UNPACK_BLUE(current_vp->lse_pattern)) * step_mul;
+ h_r = (h_r << 16) + (1 << 15);
+ h_g = (h_g << 16) + (1 << 15);
+ h_b = (h_b << 16) + (1 << 15);
+ if (cur_line)
+ {
+ h_r -= cur_line * rstep;
+ h_g -= cur_line * gstep;
+ h_b -= cur_line * bstep;
+ }
+ unsigned count;
+ for(count = 0; count < h; count++) {
+ current_vp->fg_pattern = LCD_RGBPACK(h_r >> 16, h_g >> 16, h_b >> 16);
+ lcd_hline(x1, x2, y + count);
+ h_r -= rstep;
+ h_g -= gstep;
+ h_b -= bstep;
+ }
+ current_vp->fg_pattern = old_pattern;
+/* put a string at a given pixel position, skipping first ofs pixel columns */
+static void LCDFN(putsxyofs)(int x, int y, int ofs, const unsigned char *str)
+ unsigned short ch;
+ unsigned short *ucs;
+ struct font* pf = font_get(current_vp->font);
+ ucs = bidi_l2v(str, 1);
+ while ((ch = *ucs++) != 0 && x < current_vp->width)
+ {
+ int width;
+ const unsigned char *bits;
+ /* get proportional width and glyph bits */
+ width = font_get_width(pf, ch);
+ if (ofs > width)
+ {
+ ofs -= width;
+ continue;
+ }
+ bits = font_get_bits(pf, ch);
+ LCDFN(mono_bitmap_part)(bits, ofs, 0, width, x, y, width - ofs,
+ pf->height);
+ x += width - ofs;
+ ofs = 0;
+ }
+/* put a string at a given pixel position */
+void LCDFN(putsxy)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str)
+ LCDFN(putsxyofs)(x, y, 0, str);
+static void LCDFN(putsxyofs_style)(int xpos, int ypos,
+ const unsigned char *str, int style,
+ int w, int h, int offset)
+ int lastmode = current_vp->drawmode;
+ int xrect = xpos + MAX(w - offset, 0);
+#if defined(MAIN_LCD) && defined(HAVE_LCD_COLOR)
+ int oldfgcolor = current_vp->fg_pattern;
+ int oldbgcolor = current_vp->bg_pattern;
+ current_vp->drawmode = DRMODE_SOLID | ((style & STYLE_INVERT) ?
+ if (style & STYLE_COLORED) {
+ if (current_vp->drawmode == DRMODE_SOLID)
+ current_vp->fg_pattern = style & STYLE_COLOR_MASK;
+ else
+ current_vp->bg_pattern = style & STYLE_COLOR_MASK;
+ }
+ current_vp->drawmode ^= DRMODE_INVERSEVID;
+ if (style & STYLE_GRADIENT) {
+ current_vp->drawmode = DRMODE_FG;
+ lcd_gradient_rect(xpos, current_vp->width, ypos, h,
+ NUMLN_UNPACK(style), CURLN_UNPACK(style));
+ current_vp->fg_pattern = current_vp->lst_pattern;
+ }
+ else if (style & STYLE_COLORBAR) {
+ current_vp->drawmode = DRMODE_FG;
+ current_vp->fg_pattern = current_vp->lss_pattern;
+ lcd_fillrect(xpos, ypos, current_vp->width - xpos, h);
+ current_vp->fg_pattern = current_vp->lst_pattern;
+ }
+ else {
+ lcd_fillrect(xrect, ypos, current_vp->width - xrect, h);
+ current_vp->drawmode = (style & STYLE_INVERT) ?
+ }
+ lcd_putsxyofs(xpos, ypos, offset, str);
+ current_vp->fg_pattern = oldfgcolor;
+ current_vp->bg_pattern = oldbgcolor;
+ current_vp->drawmode = DRMODE_SOLID | ((style & STYLE_INVERT) ?
+ LCDFN(fillrect)(xrect, ypos, current_vp->width - xrect, h);
+ current_vp->drawmode ^= DRMODE_INVERSEVID;
+ LCDFN(putsxyofs)(xpos, ypos, offset, str);
+ current_vp->drawmode = lastmode;
+/*** Line oriented text output ***/
+/* put a string at a given char position */
+void LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str,
+ int style, int offset)
+ int xpos, ypos, w, h;
+ LCDFN(scroll_stop_line)(current_vp, y);
+ if(!str || !str[0])
+ return;
+ LCDFN(getstringsize)(str, &w, &h);
+ xpos = x * w / utf8length((char *)str);
+ ypos = y * h;
+ LCDFN(putsxyofs_style)(xpos, ypos, str, style, w, h, offset);
+void LCDFN(puts)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str)
+ LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(x, y, str, STYLE_DEFAULT, 0);
+void LCDFN(puts_style)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str, int style)
+ LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(x, y, str, style, 0);
+void LCDFN(puts_offset)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str, int offset)
+ LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(x, y, str, STYLE_DEFAULT, offset);
+/*** scrolling ***/
+void LCDFN(puts_scroll_style_offset)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string,
+ int style, int offset)
+ int w, h;
+ if ((unsigned)y >= (unsigned)current_vp->height)
+ return;
+ /* remove any previously scrolling line at the same location */
+ lcd_scroll_stop_line(current_vp, y);
+ if (LCDFN(scroll_info.lines) >= LCDM(SCROLLABLE_LINES)) return;
+ if (!string)
+ return;
+ LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(x, y, string, style, offset);
+ LCDFN(getstringsize)(string, &w, &h);
+ if (current_vp->width - x * 8 < w) {
+ /* prepare scroll line */
+ struct scrollinfo* s;
+ s = &LCDFN(scroll_info).scroll[LCDFN(scroll_info).lines];
+ s->start_tick = current_tick + LCDFN(scroll_info).delay;
+ s->style = style;
+ char *end;
+ memset(s->line, 0, sizeof s->line);
+ strcpy(s->line, string);
+ /* get width */
+ s->width = LCDFN(getstringsize)(s->line, &w, &h);
+ /* scroll bidirectional or forward only depending on the string
+ width */
+ if ( LCDFN(scroll_info).bidir_limit ) {
+ s->bidir = s->width < (current_vp->width) *
+ (100 + LCDFN(scroll_info).bidir_limit) / 100;
+ }
+ else
+ s->bidir = false;
+ if (!s->bidir) { /* add spaces if scrolling in the round */
+ strcat(s->line, " ");
+ /* get new width incl. spaces */
+ s->width = LCDFN(getstringsize)(s->line, &w, &h);
+ }
+ end = strchr(s->line, '\0');
+ strlcpy(end, string, current_vp->width/2);
+ s->vp = current_vp;
+ s->y = y;
+ s->len = utf8length(string);
+ s->offset = offset;
+ s->startx = x * s->width / s->len;
+ s->backward = false;
+ LCDFN(scroll_info).lines++;
+ }
+void LCDFN(puts_scroll)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string)
+ LCDFN(puts_scroll_style)(x, y, string, STYLE_DEFAULT);
+void LCDFN(puts_scroll_style)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string,
+ int style)
+ LCDFN(puts_scroll_style_offset)(x, y, string, style, 0);
+void LCDFN(puts_scroll_offset)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string,
+ int offset)
+ LCDFN(puts_scroll_style_offset)(x, y, string, STYLE_DEFAULT, offset);
+void LCDFN(scroll_fn)(void)
+ struct font* pf;
+ struct scrollinfo* s;
+ int index;
+ int xpos, ypos;
+ struct viewport* old_vp = current_vp;
+ for ( index = 0; index < LCDFN(scroll_info).lines; index++ ) {
+ s = &LCDFN(scroll_info).scroll[index];
+ /* check pause */
+ if (TIME_BEFORE(current_tick, s->start_tick))
+ continue;
+ LCDFN(set_viewport)(s->vp);
+ if (s->backward)
+ s->offset -= LCDFN(scroll_info).step;
+ else
+ s->offset += LCDFN(scroll_info).step;
+ pf = font_get(current_vp->font);
+ xpos = s->startx;
+ ypos = s->y * pf->height;
+ if (s->bidir) { /* scroll bidirectional */
+ if (s->offset <= 0) {
+ /* at beginning of line */
+ s->offset = 0;
+ s->backward = false;
+ s->start_tick = current_tick + LCDFN(scroll_info).delay * 2;
+ }
+ if (s->offset >= s->width - (current_vp->width - xpos)) {
+ /* at end of line */
+ s->offset = s->width - (current_vp->width - xpos);
+ s->backward = true;
+ s->start_tick = current_tick + LCDFN(scroll_info).delay * 2;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* scroll forward the whole time */
+ if (s->offset >= s->width)
+ s->offset %= s->width;
+ }
+ LCDFN(putsxyofs_style)(xpos, ypos, s->line, s->style, s->width,
+ pf->height, s->offset);
+ LCDFN(update_viewport_rect)(xpos, ypos, current_vp->width - xpos,
+ pf->height);
+ }
+ LCDFN(set_viewport)(old_vp);