diff options
authorWilliam Wilgus <>2024-05-05 14:11:47 -0400
committerWilliam Wilgus <>2024-05-05 14:11:47 -0400
commitf55483a9668f2e27d155a94ff157d79145147a70 (patch)
parentc34076b2a591f8fc134b73d664fd8bd0b438d8ec (diff)
lua --remove files moved to include directory
Change-Id: Ic9256cb28126dba89b1458109c717f846f5b6d38
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 1001 deletions
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts.lua b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 43593d96b0..0000000000
--- a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
- * __________ __ ___.
- * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
- * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
- * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
- * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
- * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
- * $Id$
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
- * KIND, either express or implied.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-local scrpath = rb.current_path() .. "/lua_scripts/"
-package.path = scrpath .. "/?.lua;" .. package.path --add lua_scripts directory to path
-rb.actions = nil
-package.loaded["actions"] = nil
-local excludedsrc = ";filebrowse.lua;fileviewers.lua;printmenu.lua;dbgettags.lua;"
-local Icon_Plugin = 0x9
-local function get_files(path, norecurse, finddir, findfile, f_t, d_t)
- local quit = false
- local files = f_t or {}
- local dirs = d_t or {}
- local function f_filedir(name)
- --default find function
- -- example: return name:find(".mp3", 1, true) ~= nil
- if name:len() <= 2 and (name == "." or name == "..") then
- return false
- end
- if string.find(excludedsrc, ";" .. name .. ";") then
- return false
- end
- if string.sub(name, -4) == ".lua" then
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- local function d_filedir(name)
- --default discard function
- return false
- end
- if finddir == nil then
- finddir = f_filedir
- elseif type(finddir) ~= "function" then
- finddir = d_filedir
- end
- if findfile == nil then
- findfile = f_filedir
- elseif type(findfile) ~= "function" then
- findfile = d_filedir
- end
- local function _get_files(path, cancelbtn)
- local sep = ""
- if string.sub(path, - 1) ~= "/" then sep = "/" end
- for fname, isdir in luadir.dir(path) do
- if isdir and finddir(fname) then
- table.insert(dirs, path .. sep ..fname)
- elseif not isdir and findfile(fname) then
- table.insert(files, path .. sep ..fname)
- end
- if rb.get_plugin_action(0) == cancelbtn then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- local function cmp_alphanum (op1, op2)
- local type1= type(op1)
- local type2 = type(op2)
- if type1 ~= type2 then
- return type1 < type2
- else
- if type1 == "string" then
- op1 = op1:upper()
- op2 = op2:upper()
- end
- return op1 < op2
- end
- end
- table.insert(dirs, path) -- root
- for key,value in pairs(dirs) do
- --luadir.dir may error out so we need to do the call protected
- _, quit = pcall(_get_files, value, CANCEL_BUTTON)
- if quit == true or norecurse then
- break;
- end
- end
- table.sort(files, cmp_alphanum)
- table.sort(dirs, cmp_alphanum)
- return dirs, files
-end -- get_files
-function icon_fn(item, icon)
- if item ~= 0 then
- icon = Icon_Plugin
- else
- icon = -1
- end
- return icon
--- uses print_table and get_files to display simple file browser
-function script_choose(dir, title)
- local dstr
- local hstr = title
- local norecurse = true
- local f_finddir = false -- function to match directories; nil all, false none
- local f_findfile = nil -- function to match files; nil all, false none
- local t_linedesc = {show_icons = true, icon_fn = icon_fn}
- local p_settings = {wrap = true, hasheader = true, justify = "left", linedesc = t_linedesc}
- local files = {}
- local dirs = {}
- local item = 1
- rb.lcd_clear_display()
- while item > 0 do
- dirs, files = get_files(dir, norecurse, f_finddir, f_findfile, dirs, files)
- for i=1, #dirs do dirs[i] = nil end -- empty table for reuse
- table.insert(dirs, 1, hstr)
- for i = 1, #files do
- table.insert(dirs, "\t" .. string.gsub(files[i], ".*/",""))
- end
- --print_menu(menu_t, func_t, selected, settings, copy_screen)
- _, item = print_menu(dirs, nil, 0, p_settings)
- -- If item was selected follow directory or return filename
- item = item or -1
- if item > 0 then
- dir = files[item - 1]
- if not rb.dir_exists("/" .. dir) then
- return dir
- end
- end
- end
-end -- file_choose
-local script_path = script_choose(scrpath, "lua scripts")
-if script_path then rb.restart_lua(script_path) end
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/dbgettags.lua b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/dbgettags.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e9f26393d..0000000000
--- a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/dbgettags.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
--- dbgettags.lua Bilgus 2017
- * __________ __ ___.
- * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
- * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
- * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
- * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
- * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
- * $Id$
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
- * KIND, either express or implied.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-local CANCEL_BUTTON = rb.actions.PLA_CANCEL
-local sINVALIDDATABASE = "Invalid Database"
-local sERROROPENING = "Error opening"
--- tag cache header
-sTCVERSION = string.char(0x10)
-sTCHEADER = string.reverse("TCH" .. sTCVERSION)
-DATASZ = 4 -- int32_t
-TCHSIZE = 3 * DATASZ -- 3 x int32_t
--- Converts array of bytes to proper endian
-function bytesLE_n(str)
- str = str or ""
- local tbyte={str:byte(1, -1)}
- local bpos = 1
- local num = 0
- for k = 1,#tbyte do -- (k = #t, 1, -1 for BE)
- num = num + tbyte[k] * bpos
- bpos = bpos * 256
- end
- return num
--- uses database files to retrieve database tags
--- adds all unique tags into a lua table
--- ftable is optional
-function get_tags(filename, hstr, ftable)
- if not filename then return end
- if not ftable then ftable = {} end
- hstr = hstr or filename
- local file ='/' .. filename or "", "r") --read
- if not file then rb.splash(100, sERROROPENING .. " " .. filename) return end
- local fsz = file:seek("end")
- local posln = 0
- local tag_len = TCHSIZE
- local idx
- local function readchrs(count)
- if posln >= fsz then return nil end
- file:seek("set", posln)
- posln = posln + count
- return file:read(count)
- end
- -- check the header and get size + #entries
- local tagcache_header = readchrs(DATASZ) or ""
- local tagcache_sz = readchrs(DATASZ) or ""
- local tagcache_entries = readchrs(DATASZ) or ""
- if tagcache_header ~= sTCHEADER or
- bytesLE_n(tagcache_sz) ~= (fsz - TCHSIZE) then
- rb.splash(100, sINVALIDDATABASE .. " " .. filename)
- return
- end
- -- local tag_entries = bytesLE_n(tagcache_entries)
- for k, v in pairs(ftable) do ftable[k] = nil end -- clear table
- ftable[1] = hstr
- local tline = #ftable + 1
- ftable[tline] = ""
- local str = ""
- while true do
- tag_len = bytesLE_n(readchrs(DATASZ))
- readchrs(DATASZ) -- idx = bytesLE_n(readchrs(DATASZ))
- str = readchrs(tag_len) or ""
- str = string.match(str, "(%Z+)%z") -- \0 terminated string
- if str then
- if ftable[tline - 1] ~= str then -- Remove dupes
- ftable[tline] = str
- tline = tline + 1
- end
- elseif posln >= fsz then
- break
- end
- if rb.get_plugin_action(0) == CANCEL_BUTTON then
- break
- end
- end
- file:close()
- return ftable
-end -- get_tags
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/filebrowse.lua b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/filebrowse.lua
deleted file mode 100755
index 0640ec3764..0000000000
--- a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/filebrowse.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
- * __________ __ ___.
- * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
- * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
- * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
- * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
- * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
- * $Id$
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
- * KIND, either express or implied.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-if ... == nil then rb.splash(rb.HZ * 3, "use 'require'") end
-local _lcd = require("lcd")
-local _timer = require("timer")
---[[ returns a sorted tables of directories and (another) of files
--- path is the starting path; norecurse == true.. only that path will be searched
--- findfile & finddir are definable search functions
--- if not defined all files/dirs are returned if false is passed.. none
--- or you can provide your own function see below..
--- f_t and d_t allow you to pass your own tables for re-use but isn't necessary
-local function get_files(path, norecurse, finddir, findfile, sort_by, f_t, d_t)
- local quit = false
- local sort_by_function -- forward declaration
- local filepath_function -- forward declaration
- local files = f_t or {}
- local dirs = d_t or {}
- local function f_filedir(name)
- --default find function
- -- example: return name:find(".mp3", 1, true) ~= nil
- if name:len() <= 2 and (name == "." or name == "..") then
- return false
- end
- return true
- end
- local function d_filedir(name)
- --default discard function
- return false
- end
- if finddir == nil then
- finddir = f_filedir
- elseif type(finddir) ~= "function" then
- finddir = d_filedir
- end
- if findfile == nil then
- findfile = f_filedir
- elseif type(findfile) ~= "function" then
- findfile = d_filedir
- end
- local function _get_files(path, cancelbtn)
- local sep = ""
- local filepath
- local finfo_t
- if string.sub(path, - 1) ~= "/" then sep = "/" end
- for fname, isdir, finfo_t in luadir.dir(path, true) do
- if isdir and finddir(fname) then
- table.insert(dirs, path .. sep ..fname)
- elseif not isdir and findfile(fname) then
- filepath = filepath_function(path, sep, fname, finfo_t.attribute, finfo_t.size, finfo_t.time)
- table.insert(files, filepath)
- end
- if rb.get_plugin_action(0) == cancelbtn then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- local function cmp_alphanum (op1, op2)
- local type1= type(op1)
- local type2 = type(op2)
- if type1 ~= type2 then
- return type1 < type2
- else
- if type1 == "string" then
- op1 = op1:upper()
- op2 = op2:upper()
- return sort_by_function(op1, op2)
- end
- return op1 < op2
- end
- end
- _lcd:splashf(1, "Searching for Files")
- if sort_by == "name" then
- sort_by_function = function(s1, s2) return s1 < s2 end
- filepath_function = function(path, sep, fname, fattrib, fsize, ftime)
- return string.format("%s%s%s;", path, sep, fname)
- end
- elseif sort_by == "size" then
- filepath_function = function(path, sep, fname, fattrib, fsize, ftime)
- return string.format("%s%s%s; At:%d, Sz:%d, Tm:%d", path, sep, fname, fattrib, fsize, ftime)
- end
- sort_by_function = function(s1, s2)
- local v1, v2
- v1 = string.match(s1, "SZ:(%d+)")
- v2 = string.match(s2, "SZ:(%d+)")
- if v1 or v2 then
- return tonumber(v1 or 0) < tonumber(v2 or 0)
- end
- return s1 < s2
- end
- elseif sort_by == "date" then
- filepath_function = function(path, sep, fname, fattrib, fsize, ftime)
- return string.format("%s%s%s; At:%d, Sz:%d, Tm:%d", path, sep, fname, fattrib, fsize, ftime)
- end
- sort_by_function = function(s1, s2)
- local v1, v2
- v1 = string.match(s1, "TM:(%d+)")
- v2 = string.match(s2, "TM:(%d+)")
- if v1 or v2 then
- return tonumber(v1 or 0) < tonumber(v2 or 0)
- end
- return s1 < s2
- end
- end
- table.insert(dirs, path) -- root
- for key,value in pairs(dirs) do
- --luadir.dir may error out so we need to do the call protected
- -- _get_files(value, CANCEL_BUTTON)
- _, quit = pcall(_get_files, value, CANCEL_BUTTON)
- if quit == true or norecurse then
- break;
- end
- end
- table.sort(files, cmp_alphanum)
- table.sort(dirs, cmp_alphanum)
- return dirs, files
-end -- get_files
--- uses print_table and get_files to display simple file browser
--- sort_by "date" "name" "size"
--- descending true/false
-function file_choose(dir, title, sort_by, descending)
- local dstr, hstr = ""
- if not title then
- dstr = "%d items found in %0d.%02d seconds"
- else
- hstr = title
- end
- if not sort_by then sort_by = "name" end
- sort_by = sort_by:lower()
- -- returns whole seconds and remainder
- local function tick2seconds(ticks)
- local secs = (ticks / rb.HZ)
- local csecs = (ticks - (secs * rb.HZ))
- return secs, csecs
- end
- local norecurse = true
- local f_finddir = nil -- function to match directories; nil all, false none
- local f_findfile = nil -- function to match files; nil all, false none
- local p_settings = {wrap = true, hasheader = true}
- local timer
- local files = {}
- local dirs = {}
- local item = 1
- _lcd:clear()
- while item > 0 do
- if not title then
- timer = _timer()
- end
- dirs, files = get_files(dir, norecurse, f_finddir, f_findfile, sort_by, dirs, files)
- local parentdir = dirs[1]
- for i = 1, #dirs do
- dirs[i] = "\t" .. dirs[i]
- end
- if not descending then
- for i = 1, #files do
- -- only store file name .. strip attributes from end
- table.insert(dirs, "\t" .. string.match(files[i], "[^;]+") or "?")
- end
- else
- for i = #files, 1, -1 do
- -- only store file name .. strip attributes from end
- table.insert(dirs, "\t" .. string.match(files[i], "[^;]+") or "?")
- end
- end
- for i=1, #files do files[i] = nil end -- empty table for reuse
- if not title then
- hstr = string.format(dstr, #dirs - 1, tick2seconds(timer:stop()))
- end
- table.insert(dirs, 1, hstr)
- item = print_table(dirs, #dirs, p_settings)
- -- If item was selected follow directory or return filename
- if item > 0 then
- dir = string.gsub(dirs[item], "%c+","")
- if not rb.dir_exists("/" .. dir) then
- return dir
- end
- end
- if dir == parentdir then
- dir = dir:sub(1, dir:match(".*()/") - 1)
- if dir == "" then dir = "/" end
- end
- for i=1, #dirs do dirs[i] = nil end -- empty table for reuse
- end
-end -- file_choose
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/fileviewers.lua b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/fileviewers.lua
deleted file mode 100755
index c686f3eeda..0000000000
--- a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/fileviewers.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
- * __________ __ ___.
- * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
- * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
- * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
- * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
- * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
- * $Id$
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
- * KIND, either express or implied.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-if ... == nil then rb.splash(rb.HZ * 3, "use 'require'") end
-local _clr = require("color")
-local _lcd = require("lcd")
-local _print = require("print")
-local _timer = require("timer")
-local CANCEL_BUTTON = rb.actions.PLA_CANCEL
--- builds an index of byte position of every line at each bufsz increment
--- in filename; bufsz == 1 would be every line; saves to filename.ext.idx_ext
--- lnbyte should be nil for text files and number of bytes per line for binary
-local function build_file_index(filename, idx_ext, bufsz, lnbyte)
- if not filename then return end
- local file ='/' .. filename, "r") --read
- if not file then _lcd:splashf(100, "Can't open %s", filename) return end
- local fsz = file:seek("end")
- local fsz_kb = fsz / 1024
- local count
- local ltable = {0} --first index is the beginning of the file
- local timer = _timer()
- local fread
- _lcd:splashf(100, "Indexing file %d Kb", (fsz / 1024))
- if lnbyte then
- fread = function(f) return f:read(lnbyte) end
- else
- lnbyte = -1
- fread = function(f) return f:read("*l") end
- end
- file:seek("set", 0)
- for i = 1, fsz do
- if i % bufsz == 0 then
- local loc = file:seek()
- ltable[#ltable + 1] = loc
- _lcd:splashf(1, "Parsing %d of %d Kb", loc / 1024, fsz_kb)
- end
- if rb.get_plugin_action(0) == CANCEL_BUTTON then
- return
- end
- if not fread(file) then
- count = i
- break
- end
- end
- local fileidx ='/' .. filename .. idx_ext, "w+") -- write/erase
- if fileidx then
- fileidx:write(fsz .. "\n")
- fileidx:write(count .. "\n")
- fileidx:write(bufsz .. "\n")
- fileidx:write(lnbyte .. "\n")
- fileidx:write(table.concat(ltable, "\n"))
- fileidx:close()
- _lcd:splashf(100, "Finished in %d seconds", timer.stop() / rb.HZ)
- collectgarbage("collect")
- else
- error("unable to save index file")
- end
-end -- build_file_index
---- returns size of original file, total lines buffersize, and table filled
--- with line offsets in index file -> filename
-local function load_index_file(filename)
- local filesz, count, bufsz, lnbyte
- local ltable
- local fileidx ='/' .. filename, "r") --read
- if fileidx then
- local idx = -3
- ltable = {}
- fileidx:seek("set", 0)
- for line in fileidx:lines() do
- if idx == -3 then
- filesz = tonumber(line)
- elseif idx == -2 then
- count = tonumber(line)
- elseif idx == -1 then
- bufsz = tonumber(line)
- elseif idx == 0 then
- lnbyte = tonumber(line)
- else
- ltable[idx] = tonumber(line)
- end
- idx = idx + 1
- end
- fileidx:close()
- end
- return lnbyte, filesz, count, bufsz, ltable
-end -- load_index_file
--- creates a fixed index with fixed line lengths, perfect for viewing hex files
--- not so great for reading text files but works as a fallback
-local function load_fixed_index(bytesperline, filesz, bufsz)
- local lnbyte = bytesperline
- local count = (filesz + lnbyte - 1) / lnbyte + 1
- local idx_t = {} -- build index
- for i = 0, filesz, bufsz do
- idx_t[#idx_t + 1] = lnbyte * i
- end
- return lnbyte, filesz, count, bufsz, idx_t
-end -- load_fixed_index
--- uses print_table to display a whole file
-function print_file(filename, maxlinelen, settings)
- if not filename then return end
- local file ='/' .. filename or "", "r") --read
- if not file then _lcd:splashf(100, "Can't open %s", filename) return end
- maxlinelen = 33
- local hstr = filename
- local ftable = {}
- table.insert(ftable, 1, hstr)
- local tline = #ftable + 1
- local remln = maxlinelen
- local posln = 1
- for line in file:lines() do
- if line then
- if maxlinelen then
- if line == "" then
- ftable[tline] = ftable[tline] or ""
- tline = tline + 1
- remln = maxlinelen
- else
- line = line:match("%w.+") or ""
- end
- local linelen = line:len()
- while linelen > 0 do
- local fsp = line:find("%s", posln + remln - 5) or 0x0
- fsp = fsp - (posln + remln)
- if fsp >= 0 then
- local fspr = fsp
- fsp = line:find("%s", posln + remln) or linelen
- fsp = fsp - (posln + remln)
- if math.abs(fspr) < fsp then fsp = fspr end
- end
- if fsp > 5 or fsp < -5 then fsp = 0 end
- local str = line:sub(posln, posln + remln + fsp)
- local slen = str:len()
- ftable[tline] = ftable[tline] or ""
- ftable[tline] = ftable[tline] .. str
- linelen = linelen - slen
- if linelen > 0 then
- tline = tline + 1
- posln = posln + slen
- remln = maxlinelen
- --loop continues
- else
- ftable[tline] = ftable[tline] .. " "
- remln = maxlinelen - slen
- posln = 1
- --loop ends
- end
- end
- else
- ftable[#ftable + 1] = line
- end
- end
- end
- file:close()
- _lcd:clear()
- _print.clear()
- if not settings then
- settings = {}
- settings.justify = "center"
- settings.wrap = true
- settings.msel = true
- end
- settings.hasheader = true
- settings.co_routine = nil
- settings.ovfl = "manual"
- local sel =
- print_table(ftable, #ftable, settings)
- _lcd:splashf(rb.HZ * 2, "%d items {%s}", #sel, table.concat(sel, ", "))
- ftable = nil
-end -- print_file
--- uses print_table to display a portion of a file
-function print_file_increment(filename, settings)
- if not filename then return end
- local file ='/' .. filename, "r") --read
- if not file then _lcd:splashf(100, "Can't open %s", filename) return end
- local fsz = file:seek("end")
- local bsz = 1023
- --if small file do it the easier way and load whole file to table
- if fsz < 60 * 1024 then
- file:close()
- print_file(filename, settings)
- return
- end
- local ext = ".idx"
- local lnbyte, filesz, count, bufsz, idx_t = load_index_file(filename .. ext)
- if not idx_t or fsz ~= filesz then -- build file index
- build_file_index(filename, ext, bsz)
- lnbyte, filesz, count, bufsz, idx_t = load_index_file(filename .. ext)
- end
- -- if invalid or user canceled creation fallback to a fixed index
- if not idx_t or fsz ~= filesz or count <= 0 then
- _lcd:splashf(rb.HZ * 5, "Unable to read file index %s", filename .. ext)
- lnbyte, filesz, count, bufsz, idx_t = load_fixed_index(32, fsz, bsz)
- end
- if not idx_t or fsz ~= filesz or count <= 0 then
- _lcd:splashf(rb.HZ * 5, "Unable to load file %s", filename)
- return
- end
- local hstr = filename
- local file_t = setmetatable({},{__mode = "kv"}) --weak keys and values
- -- this allows them to be garbage collected as space is needed
- -- rebuilds when needed
- local ovf = 0
- local lpos = 1
- local timer = _timer()
- file:seek("set", 0)
- function print_co()
- while true do
- collectgarbage("step")
- file_t[1] = hstr --position 1 is ALWAYS header/title
- for i = 1, bufsz + ovf do
- file_t[lpos + i] = file:read ("*l")
- end
- ovf = 0
- lpos = lpos + bufsz
- local bpos = coroutine.yield()
- if bpos <= lpos then -- roll over or scroll up
- bpos = (bpos - bufsz) + bpos % bufsz
- timer:check(true)
- end
- lpos = bpos - bpos % bufsz
- if lpos < 1 then
- lpos = 1
- elseif lpos > count - bufsz then -- partial fill
- ovf = count - bufsz - lpos
- end
- --get position in file of the nearest indexed line
- file:seek("set", idx_t[bpos / bufsz + 1])
- -- on really large files if it has been more than 10 minutes
- -- since the user scrolled up the screen wipe out the prior
- -- items to free memory
- if lpos % 5000 == 0 and timer:check() > rb.HZ * 600 then
- for i = 1, lpos - 100 do
- file_t[i] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- co = coroutine.create(print_co)
- _lcd:clear()
- _print.clear()
- if not settings then
- settings = {}
- settings.justify = "center"
- settings.wrap = true
- end
- settings.hasheader = true
- settings.co_routine = co
- settings.msel = false
- settings.ovfl = "manual"
- table.insert(file_t, 1, hstr) --position 1 is header/title
- local sel =
- print_table(file_t, count, settings)
- file:close()
- idx_t = nil
- file_t = nil
- return sel
-end --print_file_increment
-function print_file_hex(filename, bytesperline, settings)
- if not filename then return end
- local file ='/' .. filename, "r") --read
- if not file then _lcd:splashf(100, "Can't open %s", filename) return end
- local hstr = filename
- local bpl = bytesperline
- local fsz = file:seek("end")
- local filesz = file:seek("end")
- local bufsz = 1023
- local lnbyte = bytesperline
- local count = (filesz + lnbyte - 1) / lnbyte + 1
- local idx_t = {} -- build index
- for i = 0, filesz, bufsz do
- idx_t[#idx_t + 1] = lnbyte * i
- end]]
- local lnbyte, filesz, count, bufsz, idx_t = load_fixed_index(bpl, fsz, 1023)
- local file_t = setmetatable({},{__mode = "kv"}) --weak keys and values
- -- this allows them to be garbage collected as space is needed
- -- rebuilds when needed
- local ovf = 0
- local lpos = 1
- local timer = _timer()
- file:seek("set", 0)
- function hex_co()
- while true do
- collectgarbage("step")
- file_t[1] = hstr --position 1 is ALWAYS header/title
- for i = 1, bufsz + ovf do
- local pos = file:seek()
- local s = file:read (lnbyte)
- if not s then -- EOF
- file_t[lpos + i] = ""
- break;
- end
- local s_len = s:len()
- if s_len > 0 then
- local fmt = "0x%04X: " .. string.rep("%02X ", s_len)
- local schrs = " " .. s:gsub("(%c)", " . ")
- file_t[lpos + i] = string.format(fmt, pos, s:byte(1, s_len)) ..
- schrs
- else
- file_t[lpos + i] = string.format("0x%04X: ", pos)
- end
- end
- ovf = 0
- lpos = lpos + bufsz
- local bpos = coroutine.yield()
- if bpos < lpos then -- roll over or scroll up
- bpos = (bpos - bufsz) + bpos % bufsz
- timer:check(true)
- end
- lpos = bpos - bpos % bufsz
- if lpos < 1 then
- lpos = 1
- elseif lpos > count - bufsz then -- partial fill
- ovf = count - bufsz - lpos
- end
- --get position in file of the nearest indexed line
- file:seek("set", idx_t[bpos / bufsz + 1])
- -- on really large files if it has been more than 10 minutes
- -- since the user scrolled up the screen wipe out the prior
- -- items to free memory
- if lpos % 10000 == 0 and timer:check() > rb.HZ * 600 then
- for i = 1, lpos - 100 do
- file_t[i] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- co = coroutine.create(hex_co)
- local function repl(char)
- local ret = ""
- if char:sub(1,2) == "0x" then
- return string.format("%dd:", tonumber(char:sub(3, -2), 16))
- else
- return string.format("%03d ", tonumber(char, 16))
- end
- end
- _lcd:clear()
- _print.clear()
- local sel, start, vcur = 1
- table.insert(file_t, 1, hstr) --position 1 is header/title
- if not settings then
- settings = {}
- settings.justify = "left"
- settings.wrap = true
- settings.msel = false
- settings.hfgc = _clr.set( 0, 000, 000, 000)
- settings.hbgc = _clr.set(-1, 255, 255, 255)
- settings.ifgc = _clr.set(-1, 255, 255, 255)
- settings.ibgc = _clr.set( 0, 000, 000, 000)
- settings.iselc = _clr.set( 1, 000, 200, 100)
- end
- settings.hasheader = true
- settings.co_routine = co
- settings.start = start
- settings.curpos = vcur
- settings.ovfl = "manual"
- while sel > 0 do
- settings.start = start
- settings.curpos = vcur
- sel, start, vcur = print_table(file_t, count, settings)
- if sel > 1 and file_t[sel] then -- flips between hex and decimal
- local s = file_t[sel]
- if s:sub(-1) == "\b" then
- file_t[sel] = nil
- ovf = -(bufsz - 1)
- coroutine.resume(co, sel) --rebuild this item
- else
- s = s:gsub("(0x%x+:)", repl) .. "\b"
- file_t[sel] = s:gsub("(%x%x%s)", repl) .. "\b"
- end
- end
- end
- file:close()
- idx_t = nil
- file_t = nil
- return sel
-end -- print_file_hex