path: root/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/print_lua_func.lua
diff options
authorWilliam Wilgus <>2019-07-26 01:30:00 -0500
committerWilliam Wilgus <>2019-07-29 02:51:29 -0500
commit90118f14cf078358f9ebdee110450b976c9a9e11 (patch)
tree1cbde562e0c83719db2e16f23fc33cef690fd2c3 /apps/plugins/lua_scripts/print_lua_func.lua
parent60c5a29408f7ca05a88ce1a98a4858293925169f (diff)
lua add demo scripts, atexit handler, gui_scrollbar_draw
Change-Id: Ie8794e8a487f73952dae43e036787b6972fdbbee
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/plugins/lua_scripts/print_lua_func.lua')
1 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/print_lua_func.lua b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/print_lua_func.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2642a187b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/print_lua_func.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+--RB LUA show all global variables; BILGUS
+require "actions"
+require "audio"
+require "buttons"
+require "color"
+require "draw"
+require "image"
+require "lcd"
+require "math_ex"
+require "pcm"
+require "playlist"
+require "print"
+--require "settings" --uses a lot of memory
+require "sound"
+local sDumpFile = "/rb-lua_functions.txt"
+local filehandle
+local function a2m_m2a(addr_member)
+ --turns members into addresses; addresses back into members
+ return addr_member
+local function dtTag(sType)
+--convert named type; 'number'.. to short type '[n]...'
+--if '?' supplied print out datatype key; number = [n]...
+ local retType = "?"
+ local typ = {
+ ["nil"] = "nil",
+ ["boolean"] = "b",
+ ["number"] = "n",
+ ["string"] = "s",
+ ["userdata"] = "u",
+ ["function"] = "f",
+ ["thread"] = "thr",
+ ["table"] = "t"
+ }
+ if sType == "?" then retType = "Datatypes: " end
+ for k,v in pairs(typ) do
+ if sType == k then
+ retType = v break
+ elseif (sType == "?") then
+ retType = retType .. " [" ..v.. "] = " .. k
+ end
+ end
+ return " [" ..retType.. "] "
+local function tableByName(tName)
+ --find the longest match possible to an actual table
+ --Name comes in as (table) tName.var so we can pass back out the name found PITA
+ --returns the table found (key and value)
+ local ld = {}
+ local sMatch = ""
+ local kMatch = nil
+ local vMatch = nil
+----FUNCTIONS for tableByName -----------------------------------------------------
+ local function search4Str(n, k, v)
+ local sKey = tostring(k)
+ if string.find (n, sKey,1,true) then
+ if sKey:len() > sMatch:len() then sMatch = sKey kMatch = k vMatch = v end
+ --find the longest match we can
+ end
+ end
+----END FUNCTIONS for tableByName -------------------------------------------------
+ if tName.val ~= nil and tName.val ~= "" then
+ for k, v in pairs(_G) do
+ --_G check both since some tables are only in _G or package.loaded
+ search4Str(tName.val, k, v)
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(package.loaded) do --package.loaded
+ search4Str(tName.val, k, v)
+ end
+ if not string.find (sMatch, "_G",1,true) then sMatch = "_G." .. sMatch end
+ -- put the root _G in if not exist
+ if kMatch and vMatch then ld[kMatch] = vMatch tName.val = sMatch return ld end
+ end
+ tName.val = "_G"
+ return package.loaded --Not Found return default
+local function dump_Tables(tBase, sFunc, tSeen, tRet)
+ --Based on:
+ --Recurse through tBase tables copying all found Tables
+ local sSep=""
+ local ld={}
+ local tNameBuf = {}
+ local sName
+ if sFunc ~= "" then sSep = "." end
+ for k, v in pairs(tBase) do
+ k = tostring(k)
+ tNameBuf[1] = sFunc
+ tNameBuf[2] = sSep
+ tNameBuf[3] = k
+ if k ~= "loaded" and type(v) == "table" and not tSeen[v] then
+ tSeen[v]=sFunc
+ sName = table.concat(tNameBuf)
+ tRet[sName] = a2m_m2a(v) --place all keys into ld[i]=value
+ dump_Tables(v, sName, tSeen, tRet)
+ elseif type(v) == "table" and not tSeen[v] then
+ tSeen[v]=sFunc
+ tRet[table.concat(tNameBuf)] = a2m_m2a(v) -- dump 'loaded' table
+ for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do
+ if not _G[k1] and type(v1) == "table" and not tSeen[v1] then
+ -- dump tables that are loaded but not global
+ tSeen[v1]=sFunc
+ tNameBuf[3] = k1
+ sName = table.concat(tNameBuf)
+ tRet[sName] = a2m_m2a(v1) --place all keys into ld[i]=value
+ dump_Tables(v1, sName, tSeen, tRet)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function dump_Functions(tBase)
+ --Based on:
+ --We already recursed through tBase copying all found tables
+ --we look up the table by name and then (ab)use a2m_m2a() to load the address
+ --after finding the table by address in tBase we will
+ --put the table address of tFuncs in its place
+ local tFuncBuf = {}
+ for k,v in pairs(tBase) do
+ local tTable = a2m_m2a(v)
+ local tFuncs = {}
+ for key, val in pairs(tTable) do
+ if key ~= "loaded" then
+ tFuncBuf[1] = dtTag(type(val))
+ tFuncBuf[2] = tostring(key)
+ tFuncs[table.concat(tFuncBuf)]= val
+ --put the name and value in our tFuncs table
+ end
+ end
+ tBase[k] = a2m_m2a(tFuncs) -- copy the address back to tBase
+ end
+local function get_common_branches(t, tRet)
+ --load t 'names(values)' into keys
+ --strip off long paths then iterate value if it exists
+ --local tRet={}
+ local sBranch = ""
+ local tName = {}
+ for k in pairs(t) do
+ tName["val"]=k
+ tableByName(tName)
+ sBranch = tName.val
+ if tRet[sBranch] == nil then
+ tRet[sBranch] = 1 --first instance of this branch
+ else
+ tRet[sBranch] = tRet[sBranch] + 1
+ end
+ end
+local function pairsByPairs (t, tkSorted)
+ --tkSorted should be an already sorted (i)table with t[keys] in the values
+ --
+ --!!Note: table sort default function does not like numbers as [KEY]!!
+ --see *sortbyKeys*cmp_alphanum*
+ local i = 0 -- iterator variable
+ local iter = function () -- iterator function
+ i = i + 1
+ if tkSorted[i] == nil then return nil
+ else return tkSorted[i], t[tkSorted[i]]
+ end
+ end
+ return iter
+local function sortbyKeys(t, tkSorted)
+ --loads keys of (t) into values of tkSorted
+ --and then sorts them
+ --tkSorted has integer keys (see ipairs)
+----FUNCTIONS for sortByKeys -------------
+ local cmp_alphanum = function (op1, op2)
+ local type1= type(op1)
+ local type2 = type(op2)
+ if type1 ~= type2 then
+ return type1 < type2
+ else
+ return op1 < op2
+ end
+ end
+----END FUNCTIONS for sortByKeys ---------
+ for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(tkSorted, n) end
+ table.sort(tkSorted, cmp_alphanum)--table.sort(tkSorted)
+local function funcprint(tBuf, strName, value)
+ local sType = type(value)
+ local sVal = ""
+ local sHex = ""
+ tBuf[#tBuf + 1] = "\t"
+ tBuf[#tBuf + 1] = strName
+ if nil ~= string.find (";string;number;userdata;boolean;", sType, 1, true) then
+ --If any of the above types print the contents of variable
+ sVal = tostring(value)
+ if type(value) == "number" then
+ sHex = " = 0x" .. string.format("%x", value)
+ else
+ sHex = ""
+ sVal = string.gsub(sVal, "\n", "\\n") --replace newline with \n
+ end
+ tBuf[#tBuf + 1] = " : "
+ tBuf[#tBuf + 1] = sVal
+ tBuf[#tBuf + 1] = sHex
+ end
+ tBuf[#tBuf + 1] = "\r\n"
+local function errorHandler( err )
+ filehandle:write(" ERROR:" .. err .. "\n")
+ local _NIL = nil
+ local tSeen= {}
+ local tcBase = {}
+ local tkSortCbase = {}
+ local tMods= {}
+ local tkSortMods = {}
+ local tWriteBuf = {}
+ local n = 0 -- count of how many items were found
+ filehandle =, "w+") --overwrite
+ tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = "*Loaded Modules* \n"
+ xpcall( function()
+ dump_Tables(tableByName({["val"] = "_G"}),"", tSeen, tMods)
+ --you can put a table name here if you just wanted to display
+ --only its items, ex. "os" or "rb" or "io"
+ --However, it has to be accessible directly from _G
+ --so "rb.actions" wouldn't return anything since its technically
+ --enumerated through _G.rb
+ end , errorHandler )
+ tSeen = nil
+ xpcall( function()dump_Functions(tMods)end , errorHandler )
+ get_common_branches(tMods, tcBase)
+ sortbyKeys(tcBase, tkSortCbase)
+ sortbyKeys(tMods, tkSortMods)
+ for k, v in pairsByPairs(tcBase, tkSortCbase ) do
+ n = n + 1
+ if n ~= 1 then
+ tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = ", "
+ end
+ tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = tostring(k)
+ if n >= 3 then -- split loaded modules to multiple lines
+ n = 0
+ tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = "\r\n"
+ end
+ if #tWriteBuf > 25 then
+ filehandle:write(table.concat(tWriteBuf))
+ for i=1, #tWriteBuf do tWriteBuf[i] = _NIL end -- reuse table
+ end
+ end
+ tcBase= nil tkSortCbase= nil
+ tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = "\r\n"
+ tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = dtTag("?")
+ tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = "\r\n\r\n"
+ tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = "Functions: \r\n"
+ n = 0
+ for key, val in pairsByPairs(tMods, tkSortMods) do
+ local tkSorted = {}
+ local tFuncs = a2m_m2a(val)
+ sortbyKeys(tFuncs, tkSorted)
+ tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = "\r\n"
+ tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = tostring(key)
+ tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = "\r\n"
+ for k, v in pairsByPairs(tFuncs, tkSorted) do
+ n = n + 1
+ funcprint(tWriteBuf, k,v)
+ if #tWriteBuf > 25 then
+ filehandle:write(table.concat(tWriteBuf))
+ for i=1, #tWriteBuf do tWriteBuf[i] = _NIL end -- reuse table
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = "\r\n\r\n"
+ tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = n
+ tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = " Items Found \r\n"
+ filehandle:write(table.concat(tWriteBuf))
+ for i=1, #tWriteBuf do tWriteBuf[i] = _NIL end -- empty table
+ filehandle:close()
+ rb.splash(rb.HZ * 5, n .. " Items dumped to : " .. sDumpFile)
+ --rb.splash(500, collectgarbage("count"))