path: root/apps
diff options
authorLinus Nielsen Feltzing <>2004-04-21 07:32:42 +0000
committerLinus Nielsen Feltzing <>2004-04-21 07:32:42 +0000
commit75b575a75014f886caef57a8faf6582252bfb9ed (patch)
tree375628feed109dfe051d62fbf5c1ffe06f68cbcf /apps
parent1de3dd570de9a223ef6294159047ce272859e388 (diff)
Now uses grayscalescvs diff -u apps/plugins/mandelbrot.c! Plus some internal changes, like removing TAB chars, and preventing unnecessary redraws etc.
git-svn-id: svn:// a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
Diffstat (limited to 'apps')
1 files changed, 705 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/apps/plugins/mandelbrot.c b/apps/plugins/mandelbrot.c
index 3c948e8130..11c51bb556 100644
--- a/apps/plugins/mandelbrot.c
+++ b/apps/plugins/mandelbrot.c
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@
* Copyright (C) 2004 Matthias Wientapper
- * Thanks to Jens Arnold and Joerg Hohensohn for the speed tips.
- * Boy, that was a hell of a code review ;-)
* All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License.
* See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement.
@@ -18,11 +16,8 @@
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
- *
- * further optimization ideas:
- * - incremental recalculation when moving
- *
+#ifndef SIMULATOR
#include "plugin.h"
#ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP // this is not fun on the player
@@ -36,9 +31,603 @@ static int y_min;
static int y_max;
static int delta;
static int max_iter;
+static unsigned char *gbuf;
+static unsigned int gbuf_size = 0;
+/**************** Begin grayscale framework ******************/
+/* This is a generic framework to use grayscale display within
+ * rockbox plugins. It obviously does not work for the player.
+ *
+ * If you want to use grayscale display within a plugin, copy
+ * this section (up to "End grayscale framework") into your
+ * source and you are able to use it. For detailed documentation
+ * look at the head of each public function.
+ *
+ * It requires a global Rockbox api pointer in "rb" and uses
+ * timer 4 so you cannot use timer 4 for other purposes while
+ * displaying grayscale.
+ *
+ * The framework consists of 3 sections:
+ *
+ * - internal core functions and definitions
+ * - public core functions
+ * - public optional functions
+ *
+ * Usually you will use functions from the latter two sections
+ * in your code. You can cut out functions from the third section
+ * that you do not need in order to not waste space. Don't forget
+ * to cut the prototype as well.
+ */
+/**** internal core functions and definitions ****/
+/* You do not want to touch these if you don't know exactly what
+ * you're doing.
+ */
+#define IMIA4 (*((volatile unsigned long*)0x09000180)) /* timer 4 */
+#define GRAY_RUNNING 0x0001 /* grayscale overlay is running */
+#define GRAY_DEFERRED_UPDATE 0x0002 /* lcd_update() requested */
+typedef struct
+ int x;
+ int by; /* 8-pixel units */
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ int bheight; /* 8-pixel units */
+ int plane_size;
+ int depth; /* number_of_bitplanes = (number_of_grayscales - 1) */
+ int cur_plane; /* for the timer isr */
+ unsigned long randmask; /* mask for random value in graypixel() */
+ unsigned long flags; /* various flags, see #defines */
+ unsigned char *data; /* pointer to start of bitplane data */
+ unsigned long *bitpattern; /* pointer to start of pattern table */
+} tGraybuf;
+static tGraybuf *graybuf = NULL;
+/** prototypes **/
+void timer_set(unsigned period);
+void timer4_isr(void) __attribute__((interrupt_handler));
+void graypixel(int x, int y, unsigned long pattern);
+void grayinvertmasked(int x, int yb, unsigned char mask);
+/** implementation **/
+/* setup ISR and timer registers */
+void timer_set(unsigned period)
+ if (period)
+ {
+ and_b(~0x10, &TSTR); /* Stop the timer 4 */
+ and_b(~0x10, &TSNC); /* No synchronization */
+ and_b(~0x10, &TMDR); /* Operate normally */
+ IMIA4 = (unsigned long) timer4_isr; /* install ISR */
+ and_b(~0x01, &TSR4);
+ TIER4 = 0xF9; /* Enable GRA match interrupt */
+ GRA4 = (unsigned short)(period/4 - 1);
+ TCR4 = 0x22; /* clear at GRA match, sysclock/4 */
+ IPRD = (IPRD & 0xFF0F) | 0x0010; /* interrupt priority 1 (lowest) */
+ or_b(0x10, &TSTR); /* start timer 4 */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ and_b(~0x10, &TSTR); /* stop the timer 4 */
+ IPRD = (IPRD & 0xFF0F); /* disable interrupt */
+ }
+/* timer interrupt handler: display next bitplane */
+void timer4_isr(void) /* IMIA4 */
+ and_b(~0x01, &TSR4); /* clear the interrupt */
+ rb->lcd_blit(graybuf->data + (graybuf->plane_size * graybuf->cur_plane),
+ graybuf->x, graybuf->by, graybuf->width, graybuf->bheight,
+ graybuf->width);
+ if (++graybuf->cur_plane >= graybuf->depth)
+ graybuf->cur_plane = 0;
+ if (graybuf->flags & GRAY_DEFERRED_UPDATE) /* lcd_update() requested? */
+ {
+ int x1 = MAX(graybuf->x, 0);
+ int x2 = MIN(graybuf->x + graybuf->width, LCD_WIDTH);
+ int y1 = MAX(graybuf->by << 3, 0);
+ int y2 = MIN((graybuf->by + graybuf->bheight) << 3, LCD_HEIGHT);
+ if(y1 > 0) /* refresh part above overlay, full width */
+ rb->lcd_update_rect(0, 0, LCD_WIDTH, y1);
+ if(y2 < LCD_HEIGHT) /* refresh part below overlay, full width */
+ rb->lcd_update_rect(0, y2, LCD_WIDTH, LCD_HEIGHT - y2);
+ if(x1 > 0) /* refresh part to the left of overlay */
+ rb->lcd_update_rect(0, y1, x1, y2 - y1);
+ if(x2 < LCD_WIDTH) /* refresh part to the right of overlay */
+ rb->lcd_update_rect(x2, y1, LCD_WIDTH - x2, y2 - y1);
+ graybuf->flags &= ~GRAY_DEFERRED_UPDATE; /* clear request */
+ }
+/* Set a pixel to a specific bit pattern
+ * This is the fundamental graphics primitive, asm optimized */
+void graypixel(int x, int y, unsigned long pattern)
+ static short random_buffer;
+ register long address, mask, random;
+ /* Some (pseudo-)random function must be used here to shift
+ * the bit pattern randomly, otherwise you would get flicker
+ * and/or moire.
+ * Since rand() is relatively slow, I've implemented a simple,
+ * but very fast pseudo-random generator based on linear
+ * congruency in assembler. It delivers 16 pseudo-random bits
+ * in each iteration.
+ */
+ /* simple but fast pseudo-random generator */
+ asm(
+ "mov.w @%1,%0 \n" /* load last value */
+ "mov #75,r1 \n"
+ "mulu %0,r1 \n" /* multiply by 75 */
+ "sts macl,%0 \n" /* get result */
+ "add #74,%0 \n" /* add another 74 */
+ "mov.w %0,@%1 \n" /* store new value */
+ /* Since the lower bits are not very random: */
+ "shlr8 %0 \n" /* get bits 8..15 (need max. 5) */
+ "and %2,%0 \n" /* mask out unneeded bits */
+ : /* outputs */
+ /* %0 */ "=&r"(random)
+ : /* inputs */
+ /* %1 */ "r"(&random_buffer),
+ /* %2 */ "r"(graybuf->randmask)
+ : /* clobbers */
+ "r1","macl"
+ );
+ /* precalculate mask and byte address in first bitplane */
+ asm(
+ "mov %3,%0 \n" /* take y as base for address offset */
+ "shlr2 %0 \n" /* shift right by 3 (= divide by 8) */
+ "shlr %0 \n"
+ "mulu %0,%2 \n" /* multiply with width */
+ "and #7,%3 \n" /* get lower 3 bits of y */
+ "sts macl,%0 \n" /* get mulu result */
+ "add %4,%0 \n" /* add base + x to get final address */
+ "mov %3,%1 \n" /* move lower 3 bits of y out of r0 */
+ "mova .pp_table,%3 \n" /* get address of mask table in r0 */
+ "bra .pp_end \n" /* skip the table */
+ "mov.b @(%3,%1),%1 \n" /* get entry from mask table */
+ ".align 2 \n"
+ ".pp_table: \n" /* mask table */
+ ".byte 0x01 \n"
+ ".byte 0x02 \n"
+ ".byte 0x04 \n"
+ ".byte 0x08 \n"
+ ".byte 0x10 \n"
+ ".byte 0x20 \n"
+ ".byte 0x40 \n"
+ ".byte 0x80 \n"
+ ".pp_end: \n"
+ : /* outputs */
+ /* %0 */ "=&r"(address),
+ /* %1 */ "=&r"(mask)
+ : /* inputs */
+ /* %2 */ "r"(graybuf->width),
+ /* %3 = r0 */ "z"(y),
+ /* %4 */ "r"(graybuf->data + x)
+ : /* clobbers */
+ "macl"
+ );
+ /* the hard part: set bits in all bitplanes according to pattern */
+ asm(
+ "cmp/hs %1,%5 \n" /* random >= depth ? */
+ "bf .p_ntrim \n"
+ "sub %1,%5 \n" /* yes: random -= depth */
+ /* it's sufficient to do this once, since the mask guarantees
+ * random < 2 * depth */
+ ".p_ntrim: \n"
+ /* calculate some addresses */
+ "mulu %4,%1 \n" /* end address offset */
+ "not %3,r1 \n" /* get inverse mask (for "and") */
+ "sts macl,%1 \n" /* result of mulu */
+ "mulu %4,%5 \n" /* address offset of <random>'th plane */
+ "add %2,%1 \n" /* end offset -> end address */
+ "sts macl,%5 \n" /* result of mulu */
+ "add %2,%5 \n" /* address of <random>'th plane */
+ "bra .p_start1 \n"
+ "mov %5,r2 \n" /* copy address */
+ /* first loop: set bits from <random>'th bitplane to last */
+ ".p_loop1: \n"
+ "mov.b @r2,r3 \n" /* get data byte */
+ "shlr %0 \n" /* shift bit mask, sets t bit */
+ "and r1,r3 \n" /* reset bit (-> "white") */
+ "bf .p_white1 \n" /* t=0? -> "white" bit */
+ "or %3,r3 \n" /* set bit ("black" bit) */
+ ".p_white1: \n"
+ "mov.b r3,@r2 \n" /* store data byte */
+ "add %4,r2 \n" /* advance address to next bitplane */
+ ".p_start1: \n"
+ "cmp/hi r2,%1 \n" /* address < end address ? */
+ "bt .p_loop1 \n"
+ "bra .p_start2 \n"
+ "nop \n"
+ /* second loop: set bits from first to <random-1>'th bitplane
+ * Bit setting works the other way round here to equalize average
+ * execution times for bright and dark pixels */
+ ".p_loop2: \n"
+ "mov.b @%2,r3 \n" /* get data byte */
+ "shlr %0 \n" /* shift bit mask, sets t bit */
+ "or %3,r3 \n" /* set bit (-> "black") */
+ "bt .p_black2 \n" /* t=1? -> "black" bit */
+ "and r1,r3 \n" /* reset bit ("white" bit) */
+ ".p_black2: \n"
+ "mov.b r3,@%2 \n" /* store data byte */
+ "add %4,%2 \n" /* advance address to next bitplane */
+ ".p_start2: \n"
+ "cmp/hi %2,%5 \n" /* address < <random>'th address ? */
+ "bt .p_loop2 \n"
+ : /* outputs */
+ : /* inputs */
+ /* %0 */ "r"(pattern),
+ /* %1 */ "r"(graybuf->depth),
+ /* %2 */ "r"(address),
+ /* %3 */ "r"(mask),
+ /* %4 */ "r"(graybuf->plane_size),
+ /* %5 */ "r"(random)
+ : /* clobbers */
+ "r1", "r2", "r3", "macl"
+ );
+/* Invert the bits for 1-8 pixels within the buffer */
+void grayinvertmasked(int x, int yb, unsigned char mask)
+ asm(
+ "mulu %4,%5 \n" /* width * by (offset of row) */
+ "mov #0,r1 \n" /* current_plane = 0 */
+ "sts macl,r2 \n" /* get mulu result */
+ "add r2,%1 \n" /* -> address in 1st bitplane */
+ ".i_loop: \n"
+ "mov.b @%1,r2 \n" /* get data byte */
+ "add #1,r1 \n" /* current_plane++; */
+ "xor %2,r2 \n" /* invert bits */
+ "mov.b r2,@%1 \n" /* store data byte */
+ "add %3,%1 \n" /* advance address to next bitplane */
+ "cmp/hi r1,%0 \n" /* current_plane < depth ? */
+ "bt .i_loop \n"
+ : /* outputs */
+ : /* inputs */
+ /* %0 */ "r"(graybuf->depth),
+ /* %1 */ "r"(graybuf->data + x),
+ /* %2 */ "r"(mask),
+ /* %3 */ "r"(graybuf->plane_size),
+ /* %4 */ "r"(graybuf->width),
+ /* %5 */ "r"(yb)
+ : /* clobbers */
+ "r1", "r2", "macl"
+ );
+/*** public core functions ***/
+/** prototypes **/
+int gray_init_buffer(unsigned char *gbuf, int gbuf_size, int width,
+ int bheight, int depth);
+void gray_release_buffer(void);
+void gray_position_display(int x, int by);
+void gray_show_display(bool enable);
+/** implementation **/
+/* Prepare the grayscale display buffer
+ *
+ * arguments:
+ * gbuf = pointer to the memory area to use (e.g. plugin buffer)
+ * gbuf_size = max usable size of the buffer
+ * width = width in pixels (1..112)
+ * bheight = height in 8-pixel units (1..8)
+ * depth = desired number of grayscales - 1 (1..32)
+ *
+ * result:
+ * = depth if there was enough memory
+ * < depth if there wasn't enough memory. The number of displayable
+ * grayscales is smaller than desired, but it still works
+ * = 0 if there wasn't even enough memory for 1 bitplane (black & white)
+ *
+ * You can request any depth from 1 to 32, not just powers of 2. The routine
+ * performs "graceful degradation" if the memory is not sufficient for the
+ * desired depth. As long as there is at least enough memory for 1 bitplane,
+ * it creates as many bitplanes as fit into memory, although 1 bitplane will
+ * only deliver black & white display.
+ *
+ * The total memory needed can be calculated as follows:
+ * total_mem =
+ * sizeof(tGraymap) (= 48 bytes currently)
+ * + sizeof(long) (= 4 bytes)
+ * + (width * bheight + sizeof(long)) * depth
+ */
+int gray_init_buffer(unsigned char *gbuf, int gbuf_size, int width,
+ int bheight, int depth)
+ int plane_size;
+ int possible_depth;
+ int i, j;
+ if (width > LCD_WIDTH || bheight > (LCD_HEIGHT >> 3) || depth < 1)
+ return 0;
+ plane_size = width * bheight;
+ possible_depth = (gbuf_size - sizeof(tGraybuf) - sizeof(unsigned long))
+ / (plane_size + sizeof(unsigned long));
+ if (possible_depth < 1)
+ return 0;
+ depth = MIN(depth, 32);
+ depth = MIN(depth, possible_depth);
+ graybuf = (tGraybuf *) gbuf; /* global pointer to buffer structure */
+ graybuf->x = 0;
+ graybuf->by = 0;
+ graybuf->width = width;
+ graybuf->height = bheight << 3;
+ graybuf->bheight = bheight;
+ graybuf->plane_size = plane_size;
+ graybuf->depth = depth;
+ graybuf->cur_plane = 0;
+ graybuf->flags = 0;
+ graybuf->data = gbuf + sizeof(tGraybuf);
+ graybuf->bitpattern = (unsigned long *) (graybuf->data
+ + depth * plane_size);
+ i = depth;
+ j = 8;
+ while (i != 0)
+ {
+ i >>= 1;
+ j--;
+ }
+ graybuf->randmask = 0xFF >> j;
+ /* initial state is all white */
+ rb->memset(graybuf->data, 0, depth * plane_size);
+ /* Precalculate the bit patterns for all possible pixel values */
+ for (i = 0; i <= depth; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned long pattern = 0;
+ int value = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < depth; j++)
+ {
+ pattern <<= 1;
+ value += i;
+ if (value >= depth)
+ value -= depth; /* "white" bit */
+ else
+ pattern |= 1; /* "black" bit */
+ }
+ /* now the lower <depth> bits contain the pattern */
+ graybuf->bitpattern[i] = pattern;
+ }
+ return depth;
+/* Release the grayscale display buffer
+ *
+ * Switches the grayscale overlay off at first if it is still running,
+ * then sets the pointer to NULL.
+ * DO CALL either this function or at least gray_show_display(false)
+ * before you exit, otherwise nasty things may happen.
+ */
+void gray_release_buffer(void)
+ gray_show_display(false);
+ graybuf = NULL;
+/* Set position of the top left corner of the grayscale overlay
+ *
+ * arguments:
+ * x = left margin in pixels
+ * by = top margin in 8-pixel units
+ *
+ * You may set this in a way that the overlay spills across the right or
+ * bottom display border. In this case it will simply be clipped by the
+ * LCD controller. You can even set negative values, this will clip at the
+ * left or top border. I did not test it, but the limits may be +127 / -128
+ *
+ * If you use this while the grayscale overlay is running, the now-freed area
+ * will be restored.
+ */
+void gray_position_display(int x, int by)
+ if (graybuf == NULL)
+ return;
+ graybuf->x = x;
+ graybuf->by = by;
+ if (graybuf->flags & GRAY_RUNNING)
+ graybuf->flags |= GRAY_DEFERRED_UPDATE;
+/* Switch the grayscale overlay on or off
+ *
+ * arguments:
+ * enable = true: the grayscale overlay is switched on if initialized
+ * = false: the grayscale overlay is switched off and the regular lcd
+ * content is restored
+ *
+ * DO NOT call lcd_update() or any other api function that directly accesses
+ * the lcd while the grayscale overlay is running! If you need to do
+ * lcd_update() to update something outside the grayscale overlay area, use
+ * gray_deferred_update() instead.
+ *
+ * Other functions to avoid are:
+ * lcd_blit() (obviously), lcd_update_rect(), lcd_set_contrast(),
+ * lcd_set_invert_display(), lcd_set_flip(), lcd_roll()
+ *
+ * The grayscale display consumes ~50 % CPU power (for a full screen overlay,
+ * less if the overlay is smaller) when switched on. You can switch the overlay
+ * on and off as many times as you want.
+ */
+void gray_show_display(bool enable)
+ if (graybuf == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (enable)
+ {
+ graybuf->flags |= GRAY_RUNNING;
+ timer_set(FREQ / 67);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ timer_set(0);
+ graybuf->flags &= ~GRAY_RUNNING;
+ rb->lcd_update(); /* restore whatever there was before */
+ }
+/*** public optional functions ***/
+/* Here are the various graphics primitives. Cut out functions you do not
+ * need in order to keep plugin code size down.
+ */
+/** prototypes **/
+/* functions affecting the whole display */
+void gray_clear_display(void);
+//void gray_black_display(void);
+//void gray_deferred_update(void);
+/* scrolling functions */
+//void gray_scroll_left(int count, bool black_border);
+//void gray_scroll_right(int count, bool black_border);
+//void gray_scroll_up8(bool black_border);
+//void gray_scroll_down8(bool black_border);
+//void gray_scroll_up1(bool black_border);
+//void gray_scroll_down1(bool black_border);
+/* pixel functions */
+void gray_drawpixel(int x, int y, int brightness);
+//void gray_invertpixel(int x, int y);
+/* line functions */
+//void gray_drawline(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int brightness);
+//void gray_invertline(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+/* rectangle functions */
+//void gray_drawrect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int brightness);
+//void gray_fillrect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int brightness);
+//void gray_invertrect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+/* bitmap functions */
+//void gray_drawgraymap(unsigned char *src, int x, int y, int nx, int ny);
+//void gray_drawbitmap(unsigned char *src, int x, int y, int nx, int ny,
+// bool draw_bg, int fg_brightness, int bg_brightness);
+/** implementation **/
+/* Clear the grayscale display (sets all pixels to white)
+ */
+void gray_clear_display(void)
+ if (graybuf == NULL)
+ return;
+ rb->memset(graybuf->data, 0, graybuf->depth * graybuf->plane_size);
+/* Set the grayscale display to all black
+ */
+void gray_black_display(void)
+ if (graybuf == NULL)
+ return;
+ rb->memset(graybuf->data, 0xFF, graybuf->depth * graybuf->plane_size);
+/* Do a lcd_update() to show changes done by rb->lcd_xxx() functions (in areas
+ * of the screen not covered by the grayscale overlay). If the grayscale
+ * overlay is running, the update will be done in the next call of the
+ * interrupt routine, otherwise it will be performed right away. See also
+ * comment for the gray_show_display() function.
+ */
+void gray_deferred_update(void)
+ if (graybuf != NULL && (graybuf->flags & GRAY_RUNNING))
+ graybuf->flags |= GRAY_DEFERRED_UPDATE;
+ else
+ rb->lcd_update();
+/* Set a pixel to a specific gray value
+ *
+ * brightness is 0..255 (black to white) regardless of real bit depth
+ */
+void gray_drawpixel(int x, int y, int brightness)
+ if (graybuf == NULL || x >= graybuf->width || y >= graybuf->height
+ || brightness > 255)
+ return;
+ graypixel(x, y, graybuf->bitpattern[(brightness
+ * (graybuf->depth + 1)) >> 8]);
+/* Invert a pixel
+ *
+ * The bit pattern for that pixel in the buffer is inverted, so white
+ * becomes black, light gray becomes dark gray etc.
+ */
+void gray_invertpixel(int x, int y)
+ if (graybuf == NULL || x >= graybuf->width || y >= graybuf->height)
+ return;
+ grayinvertmasked(x, (y >> 3), 1 << (y & 7));
+/**************** end grayscale framework ********************/
void init_mandelbrot_set(void){
- x_min = -5<<25; // -2.5<<26
+ x_min = -5<<25; // -2.0<<26
x_max = 1<<26; // 1.0<<26
y_min = -1<<26; // -1.0<<26
y_max = 1<<26; // 1.0<<26
@@ -53,11 +642,14 @@ void calc_mandelbrot_set(void){
int x_pixel, y_pixel;
int x, x2, y, y2, a, b;
int x_fact, y_fact;
+ int brightness;
start_tick = *rb->current_tick;
- rb->lcd_clear_display();
- rb->lcd_update();
+// rb->lcd_clear_display();
+// rb->lcd_update();
+ gray_clear_display();
x_fact = (x_max - x_min) / LCD_WIDTH;
y_fact = (y_max - y_min) / LCD_HEIGHT;
@@ -81,115 +673,132 @@ void calc_mandelbrot_set(void){
y = 2 * x * y + b;
x = x2 - y2 + a;
// "coloring"
- if ( (n_iter > max_iter) ||
- (n_iter == (max_iter >> 1)) ||
- (n_iter == (max_iter >> 2)) ||
- (n_iter == (max_iter >> 3))
- ){
- rb->lcd_drawpixel(x_pixel,y_pixel);
- }
- }
- /* update block of 8 lines */
- if ((y_pixel & 0x7) == 0)
- rb->lcd_update_rect(0, y_pixel, LCD_WIDTH, 8);
+ brightness = 0;
+ if (n_iter > max_iter){
+ brightness = 0; // black
+ } else {
+ brightness = 255 - (31 * (n_iter & 7));
+ }
+ gray_drawpixel( x_pixel, y_pixel, brightness);
+ }
- /* we want to know how long we had to wait */
- rb->lcd_setfont(FONT_SYSFIXED);
- rb->snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d", (*rb->current_tick - start_tick));
- rb->lcd_puts(0,0,buff);
- rb->snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d", max_iter);
- rb->lcd_puts(0,1,buff);
- rb->lcd_update_rect(0,0,24,16);
enum plugin_status plugin_start(struct plugin_api* api, void* parameter)
+ int grayscales;
+ bool redraw = true;
- (void)parameter;
rb = api;
+ (void)parameter;
+ /* get the remainder of the plugin buffer */
+ gbuf = (unsigned char *) rb->plugin_get_buffer(&gbuf_size);
+ /* initialize the grayscale buffer:
+ * 112 pixels wide, 8 rows (64 pixels) high, (try to) reserve
+ * 16 bitplanes for 17 shades of gray.*/
+ grayscales = gray_init_buffer(gbuf, gbuf_size, 112, 8, 16) + 1;
+ if (grayscales != 17){
+ rb->snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d", grayscales);
+ rb->lcd_puts(0, 1, buff);
+ rb->lcd_update();
+ rb->sleep(HZ*2);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ gray_show_display(true); /* switch on grayscale overlay */
lcd_aspect_ratio = ((LCD_WIDTH<<13) / LCD_HEIGHT)<<13;
/* main loop */
while (true){
+ if(redraw)
+ calc_mandelbrot_set();
- calc_mandelbrot_set();
+ redraw = false;
+ switch (rb->button_get(true)) {
+ case BUTTON_OFF:
+ gray_release_buffer();
+ return PLUGIN_OK;
- /* FIXME: is this the right way to empty the key-queue?
- (Otherwise we have to process things twice :-/ ?! */
- rb->button_get(true);
+ case BUTTON_ON:
+ x_min -= ((delta>>13)*(lcd_aspect_ratio>>13));
+ x_max += ((delta>>13)*(lcd_aspect_ratio>>13));
+ y_min -= delta;
+ y_max += delta;
+ delta = (x_max - x_min) >> 3;
+ redraw = true;
+ break;
+ x_min += ((delta>>13)*(lcd_aspect_ratio>>13));
+ x_max -= ((delta>>13)*(lcd_aspect_ratio>>13));
+ y_min += delta;
+ y_max -= delta;
+ delta = (x_max - x_min) >> 3;
+ redraw = true;
+ break;
+ case BUTTON_UP:
+ y_min -= delta;
+ y_max -= delta;
+ redraw = true;
+ break;
- switch (rb->button_get(true)) {
- case BUTTON_OFF:
- return PLUGIN_OK;
+ y_min += delta;
+ y_max += delta;
+ redraw = true;
+ break;
- case BUTTON_ON:
- x_min -= ((delta>>13)*(lcd_aspect_ratio>>13));
- x_max += ((delta>>13)*(lcd_aspect_ratio>>13));
- y_min -= delta;
- y_max += delta;
- delta = (x_max - x_min) >> 3;
- break;
+ x_min -= delta;
+ x_max -= delta;
+ redraw = true;
+ break;
- x_min += ((delta>>13)*(lcd_aspect_ratio>>13));
- x_max -= ((delta>>13)*(lcd_aspect_ratio>>13));
- y_min += delta;
- y_max -= delta;
- delta = (x_max - x_min) >> 3;
- break;
- case BUTTON_UP:
- y_min -= delta;
- y_max -= delta;
- break;
- y_min += delta;
- y_max += delta;
- break;
- x_min -= delta;
- x_max -= delta;
- break;
- x_min += delta;
- x_max += delta;
- break;
- case BUTTON_F1:
- if (max_iter>5){
- max_iter -= 5;
- }
- break;
- case BUTTON_F2:
- if (max_iter < 195){
- max_iter += 5;
- }
- break;
- case BUTTON_F3:
- init_mandelbrot_set();
- break;
- rb->usb_screen();
- }
+ x_min += delta;
+ x_max += delta;
+ redraw = true;
+ break;
+ case BUTTON_F1:
+ if (max_iter>5){
+ max_iter -= 5;
+ redraw = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case BUTTON_F2:
+ if (max_iter < 195){
+ max_iter += 5;
+ redraw = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case BUTTON_F3:
+ init_mandelbrot_set();
+ redraw = true;
+ break;
+ gray_release_buffer();
+ rb->usb_screen();
+ }
+ gray_release_buffer();
return false;