path: root/apps
diff options
authorZakk Roberts <>2006-05-29 10:21:22 +0000
committerZakk Roberts <>2006-05-29 10:21:22 +0000
commite6f12e987d06c8c9673fc79d126de373fff7835e (patch)
tree5520f941b1f011c6c17f8ba53b8b9acb0ea2f7e3 /apps
parent70b643038855ab4bc63d7178054a78170516ac11 (diff)
Entirely rewritten credits roll for bitmap LCDs, loosely based on my Clock credits roll. Text flies in from left, a line at a time, until the LCD is full, and then each line flies out and a new line flies in, until the list of names is exhausted. Significantly improves readability on H1x0, and probably on all other models as well.
git-svn-id: svn:// a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
Diffstat (limited to 'apps')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/apps/plugins/credits.c b/apps/plugins/credits.c
index b726771edc..52c0394367 100644
--- a/apps/plugins/credits.c
+++ b/apps/plugins/credits.c
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ enum plugin_status plugin_start(struct plugin_api* api, void* parameter)
rb = api;
+ rb->backlight_set_timeout(1);
@@ -50,15 +52,18 @@ enum plugin_status plugin_start(struct plugin_api* api, void* parameter)
+ rb->backlight_set_timeout(rb->global_settings->backlight_timeout);
return PLUGIN_OK;
void roll_credits(void)
int numnames = sizeof(credits)/sizeof(char*);
int curr_name = 0;
- int curr_len = rb->utf8length(credits[0]);
+ int curr_len = utf8length(credits[0]);
int curr_index = 0;
int curr_line = 0;
int name, len, new_len, line, x;
@@ -77,7 +82,7 @@ void roll_credits(void)
int x2;
if (x < 0)
- rb->lcd_puts(0, line, credits[name] + rb->utf8seek(credits[name], -x));
+ rb->lcd_puts(0, line, credits[name] + utf8seek(credits[name], -x));
rb->lcd_puts(x, line, credits[name]);
@@ -90,7 +95,7 @@ void roll_credits(void)
if ((unsigned)x2 < 11)
rb->lcd_putc(x2, line, '*');
- new_len = rb->utf8length(credits[name]);
+ new_len = utf8length(credits[name]);
x += MAX(len/2 + 2, len - new_len/2 + 1);
len = new_len;
@@ -102,67 +107,181 @@ void roll_credits(void)
if (++curr_name >= numnames)
- new_len = rb->utf8length(credits[curr_name]);
+ new_len = utf8length(credits[curr_name]);
curr_index -= MAX(curr_len/2 + 2, curr_len - new_len/2 + 1);
curr_len = new_len;
curr_line ^= 1;
-static int minisin[]={
-#if 1
- 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0,
void roll_credits(void)
- int i;
- int line = 0;
- int numnames = sizeof(credits)/sizeof(char*);
- char buffer[40];
+ #define PAUSE_TIME 1.2
+ #define ANIM_SPEED 35
+ #define PAUSE_TIME 0
+ #define ANIM_SPEED 100
+ #define PAUSE_TIME 0
+ #define ANIM_SPEED 35
+ #define PAUSE_TIME 1
+ #define ANIM_SPEED 40
- int y=LCD_HEIGHT;
+ #define NUM_VISIBLE_LINES (LCD_HEIGHT/font_h - 1)
+ #define CREDITS_TARGETPOS ((LCD_WIDTH/2)-(credits_w/2))
- int height;
- int width;
- int sinstep=0;
+ int i=0, j=0, namepos=0, offset_dummy, btn;
+ int name_w, name_h, name_targetpos=1, font_h;
+ int credits_w, credits_pos;
+ int numnames = (sizeof(credits)/sizeof(char*));
+ char name[40], elapsednames[20];
+ rb->lcd_clear_display();
+ rb->lcd_update();
- rb->lcd_getstringsize((unsigned char *)"A", &width, &height);
+ rb->lcd_getstringsize("A", NULL, &font_h);
- while(1) {
- rb->lcd_clear_display();
- for ( i=0; i <= (LCD_HEIGHT-y)/height; i++ )
- rb->lcd_putsxy(0, i*height+y,
- (unsigned char *)(line+i<numnames?credits[line+i]:""));
- rb->snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), " [Credits] %2d/%2d ",
- line+1, numnames);
+ /* snprintf "credits" text, and save the width and height */
+ rb->snprintf(elapsednames, sizeof(elapsednames), "[Credits] %d/%d",
+ j+1, numnames);
+ rb->lcd_getstringsize(elapsednames, &credits_w, NULL);
+ /* fly in "credits" text from the left */
+ for(credits_pos = 0 - credits_w; credits_pos <= CREDITS_TARGETPOS;
+ credits_pos += (CREDITS_TARGETPOS-credits_pos + 14) / 7)
+ {
- rb->lcd_fillrect(0, 0, LCD_WIDTH, height);
+ rb->lcd_fillrect(0, 0, LCD_WIDTH, font_h);
- rb->lcd_putsxy(0, 0, (unsigned char *)buffer);
- rb->lcd_update();
+ rb->lcd_putsxy(credits_pos, 0, elapsednames);
+ rb->lcd_update_rect(0, 0, LCD_WIDTH, font_h);
+ rb->sleep(HZ/ANIM_SPEED);
+ }
- if (rb->button_get_w_tmo(HZ/20) & BUTTON_REL)
- return;
+ /* first screen's worth of lines fly in */
+ for(i=0; i<NUM_VISIBLE_LINES; i++)
+ {
+ rb->snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s", credits[i]);
+ rb->lcd_getstringsize(name, &name_w, &name_h);
+ rb->snprintf(elapsednames, sizeof(elapsednames), "[Credits] %d/%d",
+ i+1, numnames);
+ rb->lcd_getstringsize(elapsednames, &credits_w, NULL);
+ rb->lcd_putsxy(CREDITS_TARGETPOS, 0, elapsednames);
- y-= minisin[sinstep];
- sinstep++;
- sinstep &= 0x0f; /* wrap */
+ for(namepos = 0-name_w; namepos <= name_targetpos;
+ namepos += (name_targetpos - namepos + 14) / 7)
+ {
+ rb->lcd_set_drawmode(DRMODE_SOLID|DRMODE_INVERSEVID);
+ rb->lcd_fillrect(0, font_h*(i+1), LCD_WIDTH, font_h); /* clear any trails left behind */
+ rb->lcd_set_drawmode(DRMODE_SOLID);
+ rb->lcd_putsxy(namepos, font_h*(i+1), name);
+ rb->lcd_update_rect(0, font_h*(i+1), LCD_WIDTH, font_h);
+ rb->lcd_update_rect(CREDITS_TARGETPOS, 0, credits_w, font_h);
- if(y<0) {
- line++;
- if(line >= numnames)
+ /* exit on keypress */
+ btn = rb->button_get_w_tmo(HZ/ANIM_SPEED);
+ if (btn != BUTTON_NONE && !(btn & BUTTON_REL))
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ j+=i;
+ /* pause for a bit if needed */
+ btn = rb->button_get_w_tmo(HZ*PAUSE_TIME); /* exit on keypress */
+ if (btn != BUTTON_NONE && !(btn & BUTTON_REL))
+ return;
+ /* now begin looping the in-out animation */
+ while(j < numnames)
+ {
+ /* just a screen's worth at a time */
+ for(i=0; i<NUM_VISIBLE_LINES; i++)
+ {
+ if(j+i >= numnames)
- y+=height;
+ offset_dummy=1;
+ rb->snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s", credits[j+i-NUM_VISIBLE_LINES]);
+ rb->lcd_getstringsize(name, &name_w, &name_h);
+ /* fly out an existing line.. */
+ while(namepos<LCD_WIDTH+offset_dummy)
+ {
+ rb->lcd_set_drawmode(DRMODE_SOLID|DRMODE_INVERSEVID);
+ rb->lcd_fillrect(0, font_h*(i+1), LCD_WIDTH, font_h); /* clear trails */
+ rb->lcd_set_drawmode(DRMODE_SOLID);
+ rb->lcd_putsxy(namepos, font_h*(i+1), name);
+ rb->lcd_update_rect(0, font_h*(i+1), LCD_WIDTH, font_h);
+ /* exit on keypress */
+ btn = rb->button_get_w_tmo(HZ/ANIM_SPEED);
+ if (btn != BUTTON_NONE && !(btn & BUTTON_REL))
+ return;
+ namepos += offset_dummy;
+ offset_dummy++;
+ }
+ rb->snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s", credits[j+i]);
+ rb->lcd_getstringsize(name, &name_w, &name_h);
+ rb->snprintf(elapsednames, sizeof(elapsednames), "[Credits] %d/%d",
+ j+i+1, numnames);
+ rb->lcd_getstringsize(elapsednames, &credits_w, NULL);
+ rb->lcd_putsxy(CREDITS_TARGETPOS, 0, elapsednames);
+ for(namepos = 0-name_w; namepos <= name_targetpos;
+ namepos += (name_targetpos - namepos + 14) / 7)
+ {
+ rb->lcd_set_drawmode(DRMODE_SOLID|DRMODE_INVERSEVID);
+ rb->lcd_fillrect(0, font_h*(i+1), LCD_WIDTH, font_h);
+ rb->lcd_set_drawmode(DRMODE_SOLID);
+ rb->lcd_putsxy(namepos, font_h*(i+1), name);
+ rb->lcd_update_rect(0, font_h*(i+1), LCD_WIDTH, font_h);
+ rb->lcd_update_rect(CREDITS_TARGETPOS, 0, credits_w, font_h);
+ /* exit on keypress */
+ btn = rb->button_get_w_tmo(HZ/ANIM_SPEED);
+ if (btn != BUTTON_NONE && !(btn & BUTTON_REL))
+ return;
+ }
+ namepos = name_targetpos;
+ /* ..and repeat. */
+ j+=i;
+ btn = rb->button_get_w_tmo(HZ*PAUSE_TIME); /* exit on keypress */
+ if (btn != BUTTON_NONE && !(btn & BUTTON_REL))
+ return;
+ }
+ btn = rb->button_get_w_tmo(HZ); /* exit on keypress */
+ if (btn != BUTTON_NONE && !(btn & BUTTON_REL))
+ return;
+ offset_dummy = 1;
+ /* now make the text exit to the right */
+ for(credits_pos = (LCD_WIDTH/2)-(credits_w/2); credits_pos <= LCD_WIDTH+offset_dummy;
+ credits_pos += offset_dummy, offset_dummy++)
+ {
+ rb->lcd_set_drawmode(DRMODE_SOLID|DRMODE_INVERSEVID);
+ rb->lcd_fillrect(0, 0, LCD_WIDTH, font_h);
+ rb->lcd_set_drawmode(DRMODE_SOLID);
+ rb->lcd_putsxy(credits_pos, 0, elapsednames);
+ rb->lcd_update();