path: root/firmware/target/arm
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authorAndree Buschmann <>2011-01-02 21:43:14 +0000
committerAndree Buschmann <>2011-01-02 21:43:14 +0000
commit9f78d3809707cd38d49be1557c311c9a95aca2ef (patch)
tree98271cc5d492880353616f110477acfce3de69ae /firmware/target/arm
parentcacc64a4feef33dfd2aef2a1092f110ac196382b (diff)
Submit FS#11843 v17. Integrate YUV-blitting of nano 2G to nano1G/color LCD driver. Additionally refactor RGB and YUV screen updates to use same code fragments and save some binsize. YUV speedup is +3-4%, RGB 1/4 screen +2%.
git-svn-id: svn:// a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
Diffstat (limited to 'firmware/target/arm')
2 files changed, 334 insertions, 273 deletions
diff --git a/firmware/target/arm/ipod/lcd-as-color-nano.S b/firmware/target/arm/ipod/lcd-as-color-nano.S
index d4df4d496a..f6f9cc5be3 100755
--- a/firmware/target/arm/ipod/lcd-as-color-nano.S
+++ b/firmware/target/arm/ipod/lcd-as-color-nano.S
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* $Id:$
- * Copyright (C) 2010 by Andree Buschmann
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 by Andree Buschmann
* Generic asm helper function used by YUV blitting.
@@ -24,129 +24,264 @@
#include "config.h"
#include "cpu.h"
- .section .icode, "ax", %progbits
+ * #define FORCE_FIFO_WAIT
+ *
+ * This is not needed in YUV blitting when the LCD IF is fast enough. In this
+ * case YUV-to-RGB conversion per pixel needs longer than the transfer of a
+ * pixel via the LCD IF.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "config.h"
+/* Set FIFO wait for both iPod Color and iPod nano1G until we know for which
+ * devices we can switch this off. */
+ .section .icode, "ax", %progbits
-* void lcd_yuv_write_inner_loop(unsigned char const * const ysrc,
-* unsigned char const * const usrc,
-* unsigned char const * const vsrc,
-* int width);
-* YUV- > RGB565 conversion
-* |R| |1.000000 -0.000001 1.402000| |Y'|
-* |G| = |1.000000 -0.334136 -0.714136| |Pb|
-* |B| |1.000000 1.772000 0.000000| |Pr|
-* Scaled, normalized, rounded and tweaked to yield RGB 565:
-* |R| |74 0 101| |Y' - 16| >> 9
-* |G| = |74 -24 -51| |Cb - 128| >> 8
-* |B| |74 128 0| |Cr - 128| >> 9
+ * extern void lcd_write_yuv420_lines(unsigned char const * const src[3],
+ * const unsigned LCD_BASE,
+ * int width,
+ * int stride);
+ *
+ * Conversion from Motion JPEG and MPEG Y'PbPr to RGB is:
+ * |R| |1.164 0.000 1.596| |Y' - 16|
+ * |G| = |1.164 -0.391 -0.813| |Pb - 128|
+ * |B| |1.164 2.018 0.000| |Pr - 128|
+ *
+ * Scaled, normalized, rounded and tweaked to yield RGB 565:
+ * |R| |74 0 101| |Y' - 16| >> 9
+ * |G| = |74 -24 -51| |Cb - 128| >> 8
+ * |B| |74 128 0| |Cr - 128| >> 9
+ *
+ * Converts two lines from YUV to RGB565 and writes to LCD at once. First loop
+ * loads Cb/Cr, calculates the chroma offset and saves them to buffer. Within
+ * the second loop these chroma offset are reloaded from buffer. Within each
+ * loop two pixels are calculated and written to LCD.
+ */
.align 2
- .global lcd_yuv_write_inner_loop
- .type lcd_yuv_write_inner_loop, %function
- @ r0 = ysrc
- @ r1 = usrc
- @ r2 = vsrc
- @ r3 = width
- stmfd sp!, { r4-r11, lr } @ save regs
- mov r4, #0x70000000 @ r4 = LCD2_BLOCK_CTRL - 0x20
- add r4, r4, #0x8a00 @
- add r5, r4, #0x100 @ r5 = LCD2_BLOCK_DATA
-10: @ loop
- ldrb r7, [r1], #1 @ *usrc++
- ldrb r8, [r2], #1 @ *vsrc++
- sub r7, r7, #128 @ Cb -= 128
- sub r8, r8, #128 @ Cr -= 128
- add r10, r8, r8, asl #2 @ Cr*101
- add r10, r10, r8, asl #5
- add r10, r10, r8, asl #6
- add r11, r8, r8, asl #1 @ Cr*51 + Cb*24
- add r11, r11, r11, asl #4
- add r11, r11, r7, asl #3
- add r11, r11, r7, asl #4
- add r12, r7, #2 @ r12 = bu = (Cb*128 + 256) >> 9
- mov r12, r12, asr #2
- add r10, r10, #256 @ r10 = rv = (Cr*101 + 256) >> 9
- mov r10, r10, asr #9
- rsb r11, r11, #128 @ r11 = guv = (-r11 + 128) >> 8
- mov r11, r11, asr #8
-@ pixel_1
- ldrb r7, [r0], #1 @ *ysrc++
- sub r7, r7, #16 @ Y = (Y' - 16) * 37
- add r8, r7, r7, asl #2
- add r7, r8, r7, asl #5
- add r9, r10, r7, asr #8 @ R = (Y >> 8) + rv
- add r8, r11, r7, asr #7 @ G = (Y >> 7) + guv
- add r7, r12, r7, asr #8 @ B = (Y >> 8) + bu
- cmp r9, #31 @ clamp R
- mvnhi r9, r9, asr #31
- andhi r9, r9, #31
- cmp r8, #63 @ clamp G
- mvnhi r8, r8, asr #31
- andhi r8, r8, #63
- cmp r7, #31 @ clamp B
- mvnhi r7, r7, asr #31
- andhi r7, r7, #31
- orr r6, r7, r8, lsl #5 @ pack pixel
- orr r6, r6, r9, lsl #11
- mov r7, r6, lsl #8 @ swap bytes
- and r7, r7, #0xff00
- add r6, r7, r6, lsr #8
-@ pixel_2
- ldrb r7, [r0], #1 @ *ysrc++
- sub r7, r7, #16 @ Y = (Y' - 16) * 37
- add r8, r7, r7, asl #2
- add r7, r8, r7, asl #5
- add r9, r10, r7, asr #8 @ R = (Y >> 8) + rv
- add r8, r11, r7, asr #7 @ G = (Y >> 7) + guv
- add r7, r12, r7, asr #8 @ B = (Y >> 8) + bu
- cmp r9, #31 @ clamp R
- mvnhi r9, r9, asr #31
- andhi r9, r9, #31
- cmp r8, #63 @ clamp G
- mvnhi r8, r8, asr #31
- andhi r8, r8, #63
- cmp r7, #31 @ clamp B
- mvnhi r7, r7, asr #31
- andhi r7, r7, #31
- orr r7, r7, r8, lsl #5 @ pack pixel
- orr r7, r7, r9, lsl #11
- orr r6, r6, r7, lsl #24 @ swap bytes and add pixels simultaneously
- mov r7, r7, lsr #8
- orr r6, r6, r7, lsl #16
-#if 1
-11: @ while (!(LCD2_BLOCK_CTRL & LCD2_BLOCK_TXOK));
- ldr r11, [r4, #0x20] @
- tst r11, #0x1000000 @
- beq 11b @
+ .global lcd_write_yuv420_lines
+ .type lcd_write_yuv420_lines, %function
+ /* r0 = src = yuv_src */
+ /* r1 = dst = LCD_BASE */
+ /* r2 = width */
+ /* r3 = stride */
+ stmfd sp!, { r4-r10, lr } /* save non-scratch */
+ ldmia r0, { r9, r10, r12 } /* r9 = yuv_src[0] = Y'_p */
+ /* r10 = yuv_src[1] = Cb_p */
+ /* r12 = yuv_src[2] = Cr_p */
+ add r3, r9, r3 /* r3 = &ysrc[stride] */
+ add r4, r2, r2, asr #1 /* chroma buffer lenght = width/2 *3 */
+ mov r4, r4, asl #2 /* use words for str/ldm possibility */
+ add r4, r4, #19 /* plus room for 4 additional words, */
+ bic r4, r4, #3 /* rounded up to multiples of 4 byte */
+ sub sp, sp, r4 /* and allocate on stack */
+ stmia sp, {r1-r4} /* LCD_BASE, width, &ysrc[stride], stack_alloc */
+ mov r7, r2 /* r7 = loop count */
+ add r8, sp, #16 /* chroma buffer */
+ add lr, r1, #0x100 /* LCD data port = LCD2_BASE + 0x100 */
+ /* 1st loop start */
+10: /* loop start */
+ ldrb r0, [r10], #1 /* r0 = *usrc++ = *Cb_p++ */
+ ldrb r1, [r12], #1 /* r1 = *vsrc++ = *Cr_p++ */
+ sub r0, r0, #128 /* r0 = Cb-128 */
+ sub r1, r1, #128 /* r1 = Cr-128 */
+ add r2, r1, r1, asl #1 /* r2 = Cr*51 + Cb*24 */
+ add r2, r2, r2, asl #4
+ add r2, r2, r0, asl #3
+ add r2, r2, r0, asl #4
+ add r4, r1, r1, asl #2 /* r1 = Cr*101 */
+ add r4, r4, r1, asl #5
+ add r1, r4, r1, asl #6
+ add r1, r1, #256 /* r1 = rv = (r1 + 256) >> 9 */
+ mov r1, r1, asr #9
+ rsb r2, r2, #128 /* r2 = guv = (-r2 + 128) >> 8 */
+ mov r2, r2, asr #8
+ add r0, r0, #2 /* r0 = bu = (Cb*128 + 256) >> 9 */
+ mov r0, r0, asr #2
+ stmia r8!, {r0-r2} /* store r0, r1 and r2 to chroma buffer */
+ /* 1st loop, first pixel */
+ ldrb r5, [r9], #1 /* r5 = *ysrc++ = *Y'_p++ */
+ sub r5, r5, #16 /* r5 = (Y'-16) * 74 */
+ add r3, r5, r5, asl #2
+ add r5, r3, r5, asl #5
+ add r6, r1, r5, asr #8 /* r6 = r = (Y >> 9) + rv */
+ add r3, r2, r5, asr #7 /* r3 = g = (Y >> 8) + guv */
+ add r4, r0, r5, asr #8 /* r4 = b = (Y >> 9) + bu */
+ orr r5, r6, r4 /* check if clamping is needed... */
+ orr r5, r5, r3, asr #1 /* all */
+ cmp r5, #31
+ bls 15f /* -> no clamp */
+ cmp r6, #31 /* clamp r */
+ mvnhi r6, r6, asr #31
+ andhi r6, r6, #31
+ cmp r3, #63 /* clamp g */
+ mvnhi r3, r3, asr #31
+ andhi r3, r3, #63
+ cmp r4, #31 /* clamp b */
+ mvnhi r4, r4, asr #31
+ andhi r4, r4, #31
+15: /* no clamp */
+ /* calculate pixel_1 and save to r4 for later pixel packing */
+ orr r4, r4, r3, lsl #5 /* pixel_1 = r<<11 | g<<5 | b */
+ orr r4, r4, r6, lsl #11 /* r4 = pixel_1 */
+ /* 1st loop, second pixel */
+ ldrb r5, [r9], #1 /* r5 = *ysrc++ = *Y'_p++ */
+ sub r5, r5, #16 /* r5 = (Y'-16) * 74 */
+ add r3, r5, r5, asl #2
+ add r5, r3, r5, asl #5
+ add r6, r1, r5, asr #8 /* r6 = r = (Y >> 9) + rv */
+ add r3, r2, r5, asr #7 /* r3 = g = (Y >> 8) + guv */
+ add r5, r0, r5, asr #8 /* r5 = b = (Y >> 9) + bu */
+ orr r0, r6, r5 /* check if clamping is needed... */
+ orr r0, r0, r3, asr #1 /* all */
+ cmp r0, #31
+ bls 15f /* -> no clamp */
+ cmp r6, #31 /* clamp r */
+ mvnhi r6, r6, asr #31
+ andhi r6, r6, #31
+ cmp r3, #63 /* clamp g */
+ mvnhi r3, r3, asr #31
+ andhi r3, r3, #63
+ cmp r5, #31 /* clamp b */
+ mvnhi r5, r5, asr #31
+ andhi r5, r5, #31
+15: /* no clamp */
+ /* calculate pixel_2 and pack with pixel_1 before writing */
+ orr r5, r5, r3, lsl #5 /* pixel_2 = r<<11 | g<<5 | b */
+ orr r5, r5, r6, lsl #11 /* r5 = pixel_2 */
+ /* wait for FIFO half full */
+ ldr r3, [lr, #-0xE0] /* while !(LCD2_BLOCK_CTRL & 0x1000000); */
+ tst r3, #0x1000000
+ beq .fifo_wait1
- str r6, [r5] @ send two pixels
- subs r3, r3, #2 @ decrease width
- bgt 10b @ loop
+ mov r3, r4, lsl #8 /* swap pixel_1 */
+ and r3, r3, #0xff00
+ add r4, r3, r4, lsr #8
+ orr r4, r4, r5, lsl #24 /* swap pixel_2 and pack with pixel_1 */
+ mov r5, r5, lsr #8
+ orr r4, r4, r5, lsl #16
+ str r4, [lr] /* write pixel_1 and pixel_2 */
+ subs r7, r7, #2 /* check for loop end */
+ bgt 10b /* back to beginning */
+ /* 1st loop end */
+ /* Reload several registers for pointer rewinding for next loop */
+ add r8, sp, #16 /* chroma buffer */
+ ldmia sp, { r1, r7, r9} /* r1 = LCD_BASE */
+ /* r7 = loop count */
+ /* r9 = &ysrc[stride] */
+ /* 2nd loop start */
+20: /* loop start */
+ /* restore r0 (bu), r1 (rv) and r2 (guv) from chroma buffer */
+ ldmia r8!, {r0-r2}
+ /* 2nd loop, first pixel */
+ ldrb r5, [r9], #1 /* r5 = *ysrc++ = *Y'_p++ */
+ sub r5, r5, #16 /* r5 = (Y'-16) * 74 */
+ add r3, r5, r5, asl #2
+ add r5, r3, r5, asl #5
+ add r6, r1, r5, asr #8 /* r6 = r = (Y >> 9) + rv */
+ add r3, r2, r5, asr #7 /* r3 = g = (Y >> 8) + guv */
+ add r4, r0, r5, asr #8 /* r4 = b = (Y >> 9) + bu */
+ orr r5, r6, r4 /* check if clamping is needed... */
+ orr r5, r5, r3, asr #1 /* all */
+ cmp r5, #31
+ bls 15f /* -> no clamp */
+ cmp r6, #31 /* clamp r */
+ mvnhi r6, r6, asr #31
+ andhi r6, r6, #31
+ cmp r3, #63 /* clamp g */
+ mvnhi r3, r3, asr #31
+ andhi r3, r3, #63
+ cmp r4, #31 /* clamp b */
+ mvnhi r4, r4, asr #31
+ andhi r4, r4, #31
+15: /* no clamp */
+ /* calculate pixel_1 and save to r4 for later pixel packing */
+ orr r4, r4, r3, lsl #5 /* pixel_1 = r<<11 | g<<5 | b */
+ orr r4, r4, r6, lsl #11 /* r4 = pixel_1 */
+ /* 2nd loop, second pixel */
+ ldrb r5, [r9], #1 /* r5 = *ysrc++ = *Y'_p++ */
+ sub r5, r5, #16 /* r5 = (Y'-16) * 74 */
+ add r3, r5, r5, asl #2
+ add r5, r3, r5, asl #5
+ add r6, r1, r5, asr #8 /* r6 = r = (Y >> 9) + rv */
+ add r3, r2, r5, asr #7 /* r3 = g = (Y >> 8) + guv */
+ add r5, r0, r5, asr #8 /* r5 = b = (Y >> 9) + bu */
+ orr r0, r6, r5 /* check if clamping is needed... */
+ orr r0, r0, r3, asr #1 /* all */
+ cmp r0, #31
+ bls 15f /* -> no clamp */
+ cmp r6, #31 /* clamp r */
+ mvnhi r6, r6, asr #31
+ andhi r6, r6, #31
+ cmp r3, #63 /* clamp g */
+ mvnhi r3, r3, asr #31
+ andhi r3, r3, #63
+ cmp r5, #31 /* clamp b */
+ mvnhi r5, r5, asr #31
+ andhi r5, r5, #31
+15: /* no clamp */
+ /* calculate pixel_2 and pack with pixel_1 before writing */
+ orr r5, r5, r3, lsl #5 /* pixel_2 = r<<11 | g<<5 | b */
+ orr r5, r5, r6, lsl #11 /* r5 = pixel_2 */
+ /* wait for FIFO half full */
+ ldr r3, [lr, #-0xE0] /* while !(LCD2_BLOCK_CTRL & 0x1000000); */
+ tst r3, #0x1000000
+ beq .fifo_wait2
+ mov r3, r4, lsl #8 /* swap pixel_1 */
+ and r3, r3, #0xff00
+ add r4, r3, r4, lsr #8
+ orr r4, r4, r5, lsl #24 /* swap pixel_2 and pack with pixel_1 */
+ mov r5, r5, lsr #8
+ orr r4, r4, r5, lsl #16
+ str r4, [lr] /* write pixel_1 and pixel_2 */
+ subs r7, r7, #2 /* check for loop end */
+ bgt 20b /* back to beginning */
+ /* 2nd loop end */
+ ldr r3, [sp, #12]
+ add sp, sp, r3 /* deallocate buffer */
+ ldmpc regs=r4-r10 /* restore registers */
- ldmpc regs=r4-r11 @ restore regs
- .ltorg @ dump constant pool
- .size lcd_yuv_write_inner_loop, .-lcd_yuv_write_inner_loop
+ .ltorg
+ .size lcd_write_yuv420_lines, .-lcd_write_yuv420_lines
diff --git a/firmware/target/arm/ipod/lcd-color_nano.c b/firmware/target/arm/ipod/lcd-color_nano.c
index e3b9ea8eb6..8cff7bda21 100644
--- a/firmware/target/arm/ipod/lcd-color_nano.c
+++ b/firmware/target/arm/ipod/lcd-color_nano.c
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
#include "system.h"
#include "hwcompat.h"
+/*** macros ***/
+#define SWAP_INT(X,Y) {int tmp=X; X=Y; Y=tmp;}
/* LCD command codes for HD66789R */
#define LCD_CNTL_RAM_ADDR_SET 0x21
@@ -120,25 +123,11 @@ void lcd_init_device(void)
-/*** update functions ***/
-extern void lcd_yuv_write_inner_loop(unsigned char const * const ysrc,
- unsigned char const * const usrc,
- unsigned char const * const vsrc,
- int width);
-#define CSUB_X 2
-#define CSUB_Y 2
-/* Performance function to blit a YUV bitmap directly to the LCD */
-void lcd_blit_yuv(unsigned char * const src[3],
- int src_x, int src_y, int stride,
- int x, int y, int width, int height)
+/* Helper function to set up drawing region and start drawing */
+static void lcd_setup_drawing_region(int x, int y, int width, int height)
- int h;
int y0, x0, y1, x1;
- width = (width + 1) & ~1;
/* calculate the drawing region */
y0 = x; /* start horiz */
@@ -159,21 +148,8 @@ void lcd_blit_yuv(unsigned char * const src[3],
lcd_cmd_data(0x15, y1); /* end vert */
lcd_cmd_data(0x16, x1); /* end horiz */
} else {
- /* swap max horiz < start horiz */
- if (y1 < y0) {
- int t;
- t = y0;
- y0 = y1;
- y1 = t;
- }
- /* swap max vert < start vert */
- if (x1 < x0) {
- int t;
- t = x0;
- x0 = x1;
- x1 = t;
- }
+ if (y1 < y0) SWAP_INT(y0,y1) /* swap max horiz < start horiz */
+ if (x1 < x0) SWAP_INT(x0,x1) /* swap max vert < start vert */
/* max horiz << 8 | start horiz */
lcd_cmd_data(LCD_CNTL_HORIZ_RAM_ADDR_POS, (y1 << 8) | y0);
@@ -194,167 +170,117 @@ void lcd_blit_yuv(unsigned char * const src[3],
- const int stride_div_csub_x = stride/CSUB_X;
- h=0;
- while (1)
- {
- /* upsampling, YUV->RGB conversion and reduction to RGB565 in one go */
- const unsigned char *ysrc = src[0] + stride * src_y + src_x;
- const int uvoffset = stride_div_csub_x * (src_y/CSUB_Y) +
- (src_x/CSUB_X);
+/* Line write helper function for lcd_yuv_blit. Writes two lines of yuv420. */
+extern void lcd_write_yuv420_lines(unsigned char const * const src[3],
+ const unsigned int lcd_baseadress,
+ int width,
+ int stride);
- const unsigned char *usrc = src[1] + uvoffset;
- const unsigned char *vsrc = src[2] + uvoffset;
+/* Performance function to blit a YUV bitmap directly to the LCD */
+void lcd_blit_yuv(unsigned char * const src[3],
+ int src_x, int src_y, int stride,
+ int x, int y, int width, int height)
+ int z;
+ unsigned char const * yuv_src[3];
- int pixels_to_write;
+ width = (width + 1) & ~1; /* ensure width is even */
+ height = (height + 1) & ~1; /* ensure height is even */
- if (h==0)
- {
+ lcd_setup_drawing_region(x, y, width, height);
- if (height == 0) break;
+ z = stride * src_y;
+ yuv_src[0] = src[0] + z + src_x;
+ yuv_src[1] = src[1] + (z >> 2) + (src_x >> 1);
+ yuv_src[2] = src[2] + (yuv_src[1] - src[1]);
- pixels_to_write = (width * height) * 2;
- h = height;
+ while (height > 0) {
+ int r, h, pixels_to_write;
- /* calculate how much we can do in one go */
- if (pixels_to_write > 0x10000)
- {
- h = (0x10000/2) / width;
- pixels_to_write = (width * h) * 2;
- }
+ pixels_to_write = (width * height) * 2;
+ h = height;
- height -= h;
- LCD2_BLOCK_CTRL = 0x10000080;
- LCD2_BLOCK_CONFIG = 0xc0010000 | (pixels_to_write - 1);
- LCD2_BLOCK_CTRL = 0x34000000;
+ /* calculate how much we can do in one go */
+ if (pixels_to_write > 0x10000) {
+ h = ((0x10000/2) / width) & ~1; /* ensure h is even */
+ pixels_to_write = (width * h) * 2;
- lcd_yuv_write_inner_loop(ysrc,usrc,vsrc,width);
- src_y++;
- h--;
+ LCD2_BLOCK_CTRL = 0x10000080;
+ LCD2_BLOCK_CONFIG = 0xc0010000 | (pixels_to_write - 1);
+ LCD2_BLOCK_CTRL = 0x34000000;
+ r = h>>1; /* lcd_write_yuv420_lines writes two lines at once */
+ do {
+ lcd_write_yuv420_lines(yuv_src, LCD2_BASE, width, stride);
+ yuv_src[0] += stride << 1;
+ yuv_src[1] += stride >> 1;
+ yuv_src[2] += stride >> 1;
+ } while (--r > 0);
+ /* transfer of pixels_to_write bytes finished */
+ height -= h;
+/* Helper function writes 'count' consecutive pixels from src to LCD IF */
+static void lcd_write_line(int count, unsigned long *src)
+ do {
+ while (!(LCD2_BLOCK_CTRL & LCD2_BLOCK_TXOK)); /* FIFO wait */
+ LCD2_BLOCK_DATA = *src++; /* output 2 pixels */
+ count -= 2;
+ } while (count > 0);
/* Update a fraction of the display. */
void lcd_update_rect(int x, int y, int width, int height)
- int y0, x0, y1, x1;
- int newx,newwidth;
unsigned long *addr;
- /* Ensure x and width are both even - so we can read 32-bit aligned
- data from lcd_framebuffer */
- newx=x&~1;
- newwidth=width&~1;
- if (newx+newwidth < x+width) { newwidth+=2; }
- x=newx; width=newwidth;
+ /* Ensure both x and width are even to be able to read 32-bit aligned
+ * data from lcd_framebuffer */
+ x = x & ~1; /* use the smaller even number */
+ width = (width + 1) & ~1; /* use the bigger even number */
- /* calculate the drawing region */
- y0 = x; /* start horiz */
- x0 = y; /* start vert */
- y1 = (x + width) - 1; /* max horiz */
- x1 = (y + height) - 1; /* max vert */
- y0 = y; /* start vert */
- x0 = (LCD_WIDTH - 1) - x; /* start horiz */
- y1 = (y + height) - 1; /* end vert */
- x1 = (x0 - width) + 1; /* end horiz */
- /* setup the drawing region */
- if (lcd_type == 0) {
- lcd_cmd_data(0x12, y0); /* start vert */
- lcd_cmd_data(0x13, x0); /* start horiz */
- lcd_cmd_data(0x15, y1); /* end vert */
- lcd_cmd_data(0x16, x1); /* end horiz */
- } else {
- /* swap max horiz < start horiz */
- if (y1 < y0) {
- int t;
- t = y0;
- y0 = y1;
- y1 = t;
- }
- /* swap max vert < start vert */
- if (x1 < x0) {
- int t;
- t = x0;
- x0 = x1;
- x1 = t;
- }
- /* max horiz << 8 | start horiz */
- lcd_cmd_data(LCD_CNTL_HORIZ_RAM_ADDR_POS, (y1 << 8) | y0);
- /* max vert << 8 | start vert */
- lcd_cmd_data(LCD_CNTL_VERT_RAM_ADDR_POS, (x1 << 8) | x0);
- /* start vert = max vert */
- x0 = x1;
- /* position cursor (set AD0-AD15) */
- /* start vert << 8 | start horiz */
- lcd_cmd_data(LCD_CNTL_RAM_ADDR_SET, ((x0 << 8) | y0));
- /* start drawing */
- lcd_wait_write();
- }
+ lcd_setup_drawing_region(x, y, width, height);
addr = (unsigned long*)&lcd_framebuffer[y][x];
while (height > 0) {
- int c, r;
- int h, pixels_to_write;
+ int r, h, pixels_to_write;
pixels_to_write = (width * height) * 2;
h = height;
/* calculate how much we can do in one go */
if (pixels_to_write > 0x10000) {
- h = (0x10000/2) / width;
+ h = ((0x10000/2) / width) & ~1; /* ensure h is even */
pixels_to_write = (width * h) * 2;
- LCD2_BLOCK_CTRL = 0x10000080;
+ LCD2_BLOCK_CTRL = 0x10000080;
LCD2_BLOCK_CONFIG = 0xc0010000 | (pixels_to_write - 1);
- LCD2_BLOCK_CTRL = 0x34000000;
+ LCD2_BLOCK_CTRL = 0x34000000;
if (LCD_WIDTH == width) {
- /* for each row and column in a single loop */
- for (r = 0; r < h*width; r += 2) {
- /* output 2 pixels */
- LCD2_BLOCK_DATA = *addr++;
- }
+ /* for each row and column in a single call */
+ lcd_write_line(h*width, addr);
+ addr += LCD_WIDTH/2*h;
} else {
/* for each row */
for (r = 0; r < h; r++) {
- /* for each column */
- for (c = 0; c < width; c += 2) {
- /* output 2 pixels */
- LCD2_BLOCK_DATA = *addr++;
- }
- addr += (LCD_WIDTH - width)/2;
+ lcd_write_line(width, addr);
+ addr += LCD_WIDTH/2;
+ /* transfer of pixels_to_write bytes finished */