path: root/lib
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4 files changed, 176 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rbcodec/codecs/cRSID/C64/C64.c b/lib/rbcodec/codecs/cRSID/C64/C64.c
index 81dca35542..f8e7a9a116 100644
--- a/lib/rbcodec/codecs/cRSID/C64/C64.c
+++ b/lib/rbcodec/codecs/cRSID/C64/C64.c
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "../libcRSID.h"
+#include "libcRSIDc64.h"
#include "MEM.c"
#include "CPU.c"
diff --git a/lib/rbcodec/codecs/cRSID/C64/libcRSIDc64.h b/lib/rbcodec/codecs/cRSID/C64/libcRSIDc64.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5100680768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rbcodec/codecs/cRSID/C64/libcRSIDc64.h
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// cRSID lightweight RealSID (integer-only) library-header (with API-calls) by Hermit (Mihaly Horvath)
+#define LIBCRSIDC64_HEADER //used to prevent double inclusion of this header-file
+typedef struct cRSID_CPUinstance cRSID_CPUinstance;
+typedef struct cRSID_SIDinstance cRSID_SIDinstance;
+typedef struct cRSID_CIAinstance cRSID_CIAinstance;
+typedef struct cRSID_VICinstance cRSID_VICinstance;
+//Internal functions
+// C64/C64.c
+cRSID_C64instance* cRSID_createC64 (cRSID_C64instance* C64, unsigned short samplerate);
+void cRSID_setC64 (cRSID_C64instance* C64); //configure hardware (SIDs) for SID-tune
+void cRSID_initC64 (cRSID_C64instance* C64); //hard-reset
+int cRSID_emulateC64 (cRSID_C64instance* C64);
+static inline short cRSID_playPSIDdigi (cRSID_C64instance* C64);
+// C64/MEM.c
+static inline unsigned char* cRSID_getMemReadPtr (register unsigned short address); //for global cSID_C64 fast-access
+static inline unsigned char* cRSID_getMemReadPtrC64 (cRSID_C64instance* C64, register unsigned short address); //maybe slower
+static inline unsigned char* cRSID_getMemWritePtr (register unsigned short address); //for global cSID_C64 fast-access
+static inline unsigned char* cRSID_getMemWritePtrC64 (cRSID_C64instance* C64, register unsigned short address); //maybe slower
+static inline unsigned char cRSID_readMem (register unsigned short address); //for global cSID_C64 fast-access
+static inline unsigned char cRSID_readMemC64 (cRSID_C64instance* C64, register unsigned short address); //maybe slower
+static inline void cRSID_writeMem (register unsigned short address, register unsigned char data); //for global cSID_C64 fast-access
+static inline void cRSID_writeMemC64 (cRSID_C64instance* C64, register unsigned short address, register unsigned char data); //maybe slower
+void cRSID_setROMcontent (cRSID_C64instance* C64); //KERNAL, BASIC
+void cRSID_initMem (cRSID_C64instance* C64);
+// C64/CPU.c
+void cRSID_initCPU (cRSID_CPUinstance* CPU, unsigned short mempos);
+unsigned char cRSID_emulateCPU (void); //direct instances inside for hopefully faster operation
+static inline char cRSID_handleCPUinterrupts (cRSID_CPUinstance* CPU);
+// C64/SID.c
+void cRSID_createSIDchip (cRSID_C64instance* C64, cRSID_SIDinstance* SID, unsigned short model, unsigned short baseaddress);
+void cRSID_initSIDchip (cRSID_SIDinstance* SID);
+void cRSID_emulateADSRs (cRSID_SIDinstance *SID, char cycles);
+int cRSID_emulateWaves (cRSID_SIDinstance* SID);
+// C64/CIA.c
+void cRSID_createCIAchip (cRSID_C64instance* C64, cRSID_CIAinstance* CIA, unsigned short baseaddress);
+void cRSID_initCIAchip (cRSID_CIAinstance* CIA);
+static inline char cRSID_emulateCIA (cRSID_CIAinstance* CIA, char cycles);
+static inline void cRSID_writeCIAIRQmask (cRSID_CIAinstance* CIA, unsigned char value);
+static inline void cRSID_acknowledgeCIAIRQ (cRSID_CIAinstance* CIA);
+// C64/VIC.c
+void cRSID_createVICchip (cRSID_C64instance* C64, cRSID_VICinstance* VIC, unsigned short baseaddress);
+void cRSID_initVICchip (cRSID_VICinstance* VIC);
+static inline char cRSID_emulateVIC (cRSID_VICinstance* VIC, char cycles);
+static inline void cRSID_acknowledgeVICrasterIRQ (cRSID_VICinstance* VIC);
+// host/file.c
+int cRSID_loadSIDfile (unsigned char* SIDfileData, char* filename, int maxlen); //load SID-file to a memory location (and return size)
+// host/audio.c
+void* cRSID_initSound (cRSID_C64instance* C64, unsigned short samplerate, unsigned short buflen);
+void cRSID_startSound (void);
+void cRSID_stopSound (void);
+void cRSID_closeSound (void);
+void cRSID_generateSound (cRSID_C64instance* C64, unsigned char* buf, unsigned short len);
+struct cRSID_CPUinstance {
+ cRSID_C64instance* C64; //reference to the containing C64
+ unsigned int PC;
+ short int A, SP;
+ unsigned char X, Y, ST; //STATUS-flags: N V - B D I Z C
+ unsigned char PrevNMI; //used for NMI leading edge detection
+struct cRSID_SIDinstance {
+ //SID-chip data:
+ cRSID_C64instance* C64; //reference to the containing C64
+ unsigned short ChipModel; //values: 8580 / 6581
+ unsigned short BaseAddress; //SID-baseaddress location in C64-memory (IO)
+ unsigned char* BasePtr; //SID-baseaddress location in host's memory
+ //ADSR-related:
+ unsigned char ADSRstate[15];
+ unsigned short RateCounter[15];
+ unsigned char EnvelopeCounter[15];
+ unsigned char ExponentCounter[15];
+ //Wave-related:
+ int PhaseAccu[15]; //28bit precision instead of 24bit
+ int PrevPhaseAccu[15]; //(integerized ClockRatio fractionals, WebSID has similar solution)
+ unsigned char SyncSourceMSBrise;
+ unsigned int RingSourceMSB;
+ unsigned int NoiseLFSR[15];
+ unsigned int PrevWavGenOut[15];
+ unsigned char PrevWavData[15];
+ //Filter-related:
+ int PrevLowPass;
+ int PrevBandPass;
+ //Output-stage:
+ signed int PrevVolume; //lowpass-filtered version of Volume-band register
+struct cRSID_CIAinstance {
+ cRSID_C64instance* C64; //reference to the containing C64
+ char ChipModel; //old or new CIA? (have 1 cycle difference in cases)
+ unsigned short BaseAddress; //CIA-baseaddress location in C64-memory (IO)
+ unsigned char* BasePtrWR; //CIA-baseaddress location in host's memory for writing
+ unsigned char* BasePtrRD; //CIA-baseaddress location in host's memory for reading
+struct cRSID_VICinstance {
+ cRSID_C64instance* C64; //reference to the containing C64
+ char ChipModel; //(timing differences between models?)
+ unsigned short BaseAddress; //VIC-baseaddress location in C64-memory (IO)
+ unsigned char* BasePtrWR; //VIC-baseaddress location in host's memory for writing
+ unsigned char* BasePtrRD; //VIC-baseaddress location in host's memory for reading
+ unsigned short RasterLines;
+ unsigned char RasterRowCycles;
+ unsigned char RowCycleCnt;
+struct cRSID_C64instance {
+ //platform-related:
+ unsigned short SampleRate;
+ //C64-machine related:
+ unsigned char VideoStandard; //0:NTSC, 1:PAL (based on the SID-header field)
+ unsigned int CPUfrequency;
+ unsigned short SampleClockRatio; //ratio of CPU-clock and samplerate
+ //SID-file related:
+ union {
+ cRSID_SIDheader* SIDheader;
+ char* SIDfileData;
+ };
+ unsigned short Attenuation;
+ char RealSIDmode;
+ char PSIDdigiMode;
+ unsigned char SubTune;
+ unsigned short LoadAddress;
+ unsigned short InitAddress;
+ unsigned short PlayAddress;
+ unsigned short EndAddress;
+ char TimerSource; //for current subtune, 0:VIC, 1:CIA (as in SID-header)
+ //PSID-playback related:
+ //char CIAisSet; //for dynamic CIA setting from player-routine (RealSID substitution)
+ int FrameCycles;
+ int FrameCycleCnt; //this is a substitution in PSID-mode for CIA/VIC counters
+ short PrevRasterLine;
+ short SampleCycleCnt;
+ short TenthSecondCnt;
+ char Finished;
+ char Returned;
+ unsigned char IRQ; //collected IRQ line from devices
+ unsigned char NMI; //collected NMI line from devices
+ //Hardware-elements:
+ cRSID_CPUinstance CPU;
+ cRSID_VICinstance VIC;
+ //Overlapping system memories, which one is read/written in an address region depends on CPU-port bankselect-bits)
+ //Address $00 and $01 - data-direction and data-register of port built into CPU (used as bank-selection) (overriding RAM on C64)
+ unsigned char RAMbank[0x10100]; //$0000..$FFFF RAM (and RAM under IO/ROM/CPUport)
+ unsigned char IObankWR[0x10100]; //$D000..$DFFF IO-RAM (registers) to write (VIC/SID/CIA/ColorRAM/IOexpansion)
+ unsigned char IObankRD[0x10100]; //$D000..$DFFF IO-RAM (registers) to read from (VIC/SID/CIA/ColorRAM/IOexpansion)
+ unsigned char ROMbanks[0x10100]; //$1000..$1FFF/$9000..$9FFF (CHARGEN), $A000..$BFFF (BASIC), $E000..$FFFF (KERNAL)
+cRSID_C64instance cRSID_C64; //the only global object (for faster & simpler access than with struct-pointers, in some places)
diff --git a/lib/rbcodec/codecs/cRSID/host/audio.c b/lib/rbcodec/codecs/cRSID/host/audio.c
index 2e06279113..2cfd5dac0b 100644
--- a/lib/rbcodec/codecs/cRSID/host/audio.c
+++ b/lib/rbcodec/codecs/cRSID/host/audio.c
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ void cRSID_generateSound(cRSID_C64instance* C64instance, unsigned char *buf, uns
-static inline signed short cRSID_generateSample (cRSID_C64instance* C64) { //call this from custom buffer-filler
+signed short cRSID_generateSample (cRSID_C64instance* C64) { //call this from custom buffer-filler
static int Output;
if (C64->PSIDdigiMode) Output += cRSID_playPSIDdigi(C64);
diff --git a/lib/rbcodec/codecs/cRSID/libcRSID.h b/lib/rbcodec/codecs/cRSID/libcRSID.h
index 23c8dbcd28..18dadc4a58 100644
--- a/lib/rbcodec/codecs/cRSID/libcRSID.h
+++ b/lib/rbcodec/codecs/cRSID/libcRSID.h
@@ -10,13 +10,9 @@ enum cRSID_StatusCodes { CRSID_STATUS_OK=0, CRSID_ERROR_INIT=-1, CRSID_ERROR_
typedef struct cRSID_SIDheader cRSID_SIDheader;
typedef struct cRSID_C64instance cRSID_C64instance;
-typedef struct cRSID_CPUinstance cRSID_CPUinstance;
-typedef struct cRSID_SIDinstance cRSID_SIDinstance;
-typedef struct cRSID_CIAinstance cRSID_CIAinstance;
-typedef struct cRSID_VICinstance cRSID_VICinstance;
-cRSID_C64instance cRSID_C64; //the only global object (for faster & simpler access than with struct-pointers, in some places)
+extern cRSID_C64instance cRSID_C64; //the only global object (for faster & simpler access than with struct-pointers, in some places)
// Main API functions (mainly in libcRSID.c)
@@ -30,61 +26,7 @@ void cRSID_close (void); //close sound etc.
cRSID_SIDheader* cRSID_processSIDfile (cRSID_C64instance* C64, unsigned char* filedata, int filesize); //in host/file.c, copy SID-data to C64 memory
void cRSID_initSIDtune (cRSID_C64instance* C64, cRSID_SIDheader* SIDheader, char subtune); //init tune/subtune
-static inline signed short cRSID_generateSample (cRSID_C64instance* C64); //in host/audio.c, calculate a single sample
-//Internal functions
-// C64/C64.c
-cRSID_C64instance* cRSID_createC64 (cRSID_C64instance* C64, unsigned short samplerate);
-void cRSID_setC64 (cRSID_C64instance* C64); //configure hardware (SIDs) for SID-tune
-void cRSID_initC64 (cRSID_C64instance* C64); //hard-reset
-int cRSID_emulateC64 (cRSID_C64instance* C64);
-static inline short cRSID_playPSIDdigi (cRSID_C64instance* C64);
-// C64/MEM.c
-static inline unsigned char* cRSID_getMemReadPtr (register unsigned short address); //for global cSID_C64 fast-access
-static inline unsigned char* cRSID_getMemReadPtrC64 (cRSID_C64instance* C64, register unsigned short address); //maybe slower
-static inline unsigned char* cRSID_getMemWritePtr (register unsigned short address); //for global cSID_C64 fast-access
-static inline unsigned char* cRSID_getMemWritePtrC64 (cRSID_C64instance* C64, register unsigned short address); //maybe slower
-static inline unsigned char cRSID_readMem (register unsigned short address); //for global cSID_C64 fast-access
-static inline unsigned char cRSID_readMemC64 (cRSID_C64instance* C64, register unsigned short address); //maybe slower
-static inline void cRSID_writeMem (register unsigned short address, register unsigned char data); //for global cSID_C64 fast-access
-static inline void cRSID_writeMemC64 (cRSID_C64instance* C64, register unsigned short address, register unsigned char data); //maybe slower
-void cRSID_setROMcontent (cRSID_C64instance* C64); //KERNAL, BASIC
-void cRSID_initMem (cRSID_C64instance* C64);
-// C64/CPU.c
-void cRSID_initCPU (cRSID_CPUinstance* CPU, unsigned short mempos);
-unsigned char cRSID_emulateCPU (void); //direct instances inside for hopefully faster operation
-static inline char cRSID_handleCPUinterrupts (cRSID_CPUinstance* CPU);
-// C64/SID.c
-void cRSID_createSIDchip (cRSID_C64instance* C64, cRSID_SIDinstance* SID, unsigned short model, unsigned short baseaddress);
-void cRSID_initSIDchip (cRSID_SIDinstance* SID);
-void cRSID_emulateADSRs (cRSID_SIDinstance *SID, char cycles);
-int cRSID_emulateWaves (cRSID_SIDinstance* SID);
-// C64/CIA.c
-void cRSID_createCIAchip (cRSID_C64instance* C64, cRSID_CIAinstance* CIA, unsigned short baseaddress);
-void cRSID_initCIAchip (cRSID_CIAinstance* CIA);
-static inline char cRSID_emulateCIA (cRSID_CIAinstance* CIA, char cycles);
-static inline void cRSID_writeCIAIRQmask (cRSID_CIAinstance* CIA, unsigned char value);
-static inline void cRSID_acknowledgeCIAIRQ (cRSID_CIAinstance* CIA);
-// C64/VIC.c
-void cRSID_createVICchip (cRSID_C64instance* C64, cRSID_VICinstance* VIC, unsigned short baseaddress);
-void cRSID_initVICchip (cRSID_VICinstance* VIC);
-static inline char cRSID_emulateVIC (cRSID_VICinstance* VIC, char cycles);
-static inline void cRSID_acknowledgeVICrasterIRQ (cRSID_VICinstance* VIC);
-// host/file.c
-int cRSID_loadSIDfile (unsigned char* SIDfileData, char* filename, int maxlen); //load SID-file to a memory location (and return size)
-// host/audio.c
-void* cRSID_initSound (cRSID_C64instance* C64, unsigned short samplerate, unsigned short buflen);
-void cRSID_startSound (void);
-void cRSID_stopSound (void);
-void cRSID_closeSound (void);
-void cRSID_generateSound (cRSID_C64instance* C64, unsigned char* buf, unsigned short len);
+signed short cRSID_generateSample (cRSID_C64instance* C64); //in host/audio.c, calculate a single sample
struct cRSID_SIDheader { //Offset: default/info:
@@ -114,108 +56,4 @@ struct cRSID_SIDheader { //Offset: default/info:
}; //music-program follows right after the header
-struct cRSID_CPUinstance {
- cRSID_C64instance* C64; //reference to the containing C64
- unsigned int PC;
- short int A, SP;
- unsigned char X, Y, ST; //STATUS-flags: N V - B D I Z C
- unsigned char PrevNMI; //used for NMI leading edge detection
-struct cRSID_SIDinstance {
- //SID-chip data:
- cRSID_C64instance* C64; //reference to the containing C64
- unsigned short ChipModel; //values: 8580 / 6581
- unsigned short BaseAddress; //SID-baseaddress location in C64-memory (IO)
- unsigned char* BasePtr; //SID-baseaddress location in host's memory
- //ADSR-related:
- unsigned char ADSRstate[15];
- unsigned short RateCounter[15];
- unsigned char EnvelopeCounter[15];
- unsigned char ExponentCounter[15];
- //Wave-related:
- int PhaseAccu[15]; //28bit precision instead of 24bit
- int PrevPhaseAccu[15]; //(integerized ClockRatio fractionals, WebSID has similar solution)
- unsigned char SyncSourceMSBrise;
- unsigned int RingSourceMSB;
- unsigned int NoiseLFSR[15];
- unsigned int PrevWavGenOut[15];
- unsigned char PrevWavData[15];
- //Filter-related:
- int PrevLowPass;
- int PrevBandPass;
- //Output-stage:
- signed int PrevVolume; //lowpass-filtered version of Volume-band register
-struct cRSID_CIAinstance {
- cRSID_C64instance* C64; //reference to the containing C64
- char ChipModel; //old or new CIA? (have 1 cycle difference in cases)
- unsigned short BaseAddress; //CIA-baseaddress location in C64-memory (IO)
- unsigned char* BasePtrWR; //CIA-baseaddress location in host's memory for writing
- unsigned char* BasePtrRD; //CIA-baseaddress location in host's memory for reading
-struct cRSID_VICinstance {
- cRSID_C64instance* C64; //reference to the containing C64
- char ChipModel; //(timing differences between models?)
- unsigned short BaseAddress; //VIC-baseaddress location in C64-memory (IO)
- unsigned char* BasePtrWR; //VIC-baseaddress location in host's memory for writing
- unsigned char* BasePtrRD; //VIC-baseaddress location in host's memory for reading
- unsigned short RasterLines;
- unsigned char RasterRowCycles;
- unsigned char RowCycleCnt;
-struct cRSID_C64instance {
- //platform-related:
- unsigned short SampleRate;
- //C64-machine related:
- unsigned char VideoStandard; //0:NTSC, 1:PAL (based on the SID-header field)
- unsigned int CPUfrequency;
- unsigned short SampleClockRatio; //ratio of CPU-clock and samplerate
- //SID-file related:
- union {
- cRSID_SIDheader* SIDheader;
- char* SIDfileData;
- };
- unsigned short Attenuation;
- char RealSIDmode;
- char PSIDdigiMode;
- unsigned char SubTune;
- unsigned short LoadAddress;
- unsigned short InitAddress;
- unsigned short PlayAddress;
- unsigned short EndAddress;
- char TimerSource; //for current subtune, 0:VIC, 1:CIA (as in SID-header)
- //PSID-playback related:
- //char CIAisSet; //for dynamic CIA setting from player-routine (RealSID substitution)
- int FrameCycles;
- int FrameCycleCnt; //this is a substitution in PSID-mode for CIA/VIC counters
- short PrevRasterLine;
- short SampleCycleCnt;
- short TenthSecondCnt;
- char Finished;
- char Returned;
- unsigned char IRQ; //collected IRQ line from devices
- unsigned char NMI; //collected NMI line from devices
- //Hardware-elements:
- cRSID_CPUinstance CPU;
- cRSID_VICinstance VIC;
- //Overlapping system memories, which one is read/written in an address region depends on CPU-port bankselect-bits)
- //Address $00 and $01 - data-direction and data-register of port built into CPU (used as bank-selection) (overriding RAM on C64)
- unsigned char RAMbank[0x10100]; //$0000..$FFFF RAM (and RAM under IO/ROM/CPUport)
- unsigned char IObankWR[0x10100]; //$D000..$DFFF IO-RAM (registers) to write (VIC/SID/CIA/ColorRAM/IOexpansion)
- unsigned char IObankRD[0x10100]; //$D000..$DFFF IO-RAM (registers) to read from (VIC/SID/CIA/ColorRAM/IOexpansion)
- unsigned char ROMbanks[0x10100]; //$1000..$1FFF/$9000..$9FFF (CHARGEN), $A000..$BFFF (BASIC), $E000..$FFFF (KERNAL)