path: root/rbutil/rbutilqt/logger/src/AbstractStringAppender.cpp
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diff --git a/rbutil/rbutilqt/logger/src/AbstractStringAppender.cpp b/rbutil/rbutilqt/logger/src/AbstractStringAppender.cpp
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- Copyright (c) 2010 Boris Moiseev (cyberbobs at gmail dot com) Nikolay Matyunin (matyunin.n at gmail dot com)
- Copyright (C) 2012 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
- as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file
- LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// Local
-#include "AbstractStringAppender.h"
-// Qt
-#include <QReadLocker>
-#include <QWriteLocker>
-#include <QDateTime>
-#include <QRegularExpression>
-#include <QCoreApplication>
-#include <QThread>
- * \class AbstractStringAppender
- *
- * \brief The AbstractStringAppender class provides a convinient base for appenders working with plain text formatted
- * logs.
- *
- * AbstractSringAppender is the simple extension of the AbstractAppender class providing the convinient way to create
- * custom log appenders working with a plain text formatted log targets.
- *
- * It have the formattedString() protected function that formats the logging arguments according to a format set with
- * setFormat().
- *
- * This class can not be directly instantiated because it contains pure virtual function inherited from AbstractAppender
- * class.
- *
- * For more detailed description of customizing the log output format see the documentation on the setFormat() function.
- */
-const char formattingMarker = '%';
-//! Constructs a new string appender object
- : m_format(QLatin1String("%{time}{yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.zzz} [%{type:-7}] <%{function}> %{message}\n"))
-//! Returns the current log format string.
- * The default format is set to "%{time}{yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.zzz} [%{type:-7}] <%{function}> %{message}\n". You can set a different log record
- * format using the setFormat() function.
- *
- * \sa setFormat(const QString&)
- */
-QString AbstractStringAppender::format() const
- QReadLocker locker(&m_formatLock);
- return m_format;
-//! Sets the logging format for writing strings to the log target with this appender.
- * The string format seems to be very common to those developers who have used a standart sprintf function.
- *
- * Log output format is a simple QString with the special markers (starting with % sign) which will be replaced with
- * it's internal meaning when writing a log record.
- *
- * Controlling marker begins with the percent sign (%) which is followed by the command inside {} brackets
- * (the command describes, what will be put to log record instead of marker).
- * Optional field width argument may be specified right after the command (through the colon symbol before the closing bracket)
- * Some commands requires an additional formatting argument (in the second {} brackets).
- *
- * Field width argument works almost identically to the \c QString::arg() \c fieldWidth argument (and uses it
- * internally). For example, \c "%{type:-7}" will be replaced with the left padded debug level of the message
- * (\c "Debug ") or something. For the more detailed description of it you may consider to look to the Qt
- * Reference Documentation.
- *
- * Supported marker commands are:
- * \arg \c %{time} - timestamp. You may specify your custom timestamp format using the second {} brackets after the marker,
- * timestamp format here will be similiar to those used in QDateTime::toString() function. For example,
- * "%{time}{dd-MM-yyyy, HH:mm}" may be replaced with "17-12-2010, 20:17" depending on current date and time.
- * The default format used here is "HH:mm:ss.zzz".
- * \arg \c %{type} - Log level. Possible log levels are shown in the Logger::LogLevel enumerator.
- * \arg \c %{Type} - Uppercased log level.
- * \arg \c %{typeOne} - One letter log level.
- * \arg \c %{TypeOne} - One uppercase letter log level.
- * \arg \c %{File} - Full source file name (with path) of the file that requested log recording. Uses the \c __FILE__
- * preprocessor macro.
- * \arg \c %{file} - Short file name (with stripped path).
- * \arg \c %{line} - Line number in the source file. Uses the \c __LINE__ preprocessor macro.
- * \arg \c %{Function} - Name of function that called on of the LOG_* macros. Uses the \c Q_FUNC_INFO macro provided with
- * Qt.
- * \arg \c %{function} - Similiar to the %{Function}, but the function name is stripped using stripFunctionName
- * \arg \c %{message} - The log message sent by the caller.
- * \arg \c %{category} - The log category.
- * \arg \c %{appname} - Application name (returned by QCoreApplication::applicationName() function).
- * \arg \c %{pid} - Application pid (returned by QCoreApplication::applicationPid() function).
- * \arg \c %{threadid} - ID of current thread.
- * \arg \c %% - Convinient marker that is replaced with the single \c % mark.
- *
- * \note Format doesn't add \c '\\n' to the end of the format line. Please consider adding it manually.
- *
- * \sa format()
- * \sa stripFunctionName()
- * \sa Logger::LogLevel
- */
-void AbstractStringAppender::setFormat(const QString& format)
- QWriteLocker locker(&m_formatLock);
- m_format = format;
-//! Strips the long function signature (as added by Q_FUNC_INFO macro)
- * The string processing drops the returning type, arguments and template parameters of function. It is definitely
- * useful for enchancing the log output readability.
- * \return stripped function name
- */
-QString AbstractStringAppender::stripFunctionName(const char* name)
- return QString::fromLatin1(qCleanupFuncinfo(name));
-// The function was backported from Qt5 sources (qlogging.h)
-QByteArray AbstractStringAppender::qCleanupFuncinfo(const char* name)
- QByteArray info(name);
- // Strip the function info down to the base function name
- // note that this throws away the template definitions,
- // the parameter types (overloads) and any const/volatile qualifiers.
- if (info.isEmpty())
- return info;
- int pos;
- // skip trailing [with XXX] for templates (gcc)
- pos = info.size() - 1;
- if (info.endsWith(']')) {
- while (--pos) {
- if ( == '[')
- info.truncate(pos);
- }
- }
- bool hasLambda = false;
- QRegularExpression lambdaRegex("::<lambda\\(.*?\\)>");
- QRegularExpressionMatch match = lambdaRegex.match(QString::fromLatin1(info));
- int lambdaIndex = match.capturedStart();
- if (lambdaIndex != -1)
- {
- hasLambda = true;
- info.remove(lambdaIndex, match.capturedLength());
- }
- // operator names with '(', ')', '<', '>' in it
- static const char operator_call[] = "operator()";
- static const char operator_lessThan[] = "operator<";
- static const char operator_greaterThan[] = "operator>";
- static const char operator_lessThanEqual[] = "operator<=";
- static const char operator_greaterThanEqual[] = "operator>=";
- // canonize operator names
- info.replace("operator ", "operator");
- // remove argument list
- forever {
- int parencount = 0;
- pos = info.lastIndexOf(')');
- if (pos == -1) {
- // Don't know how to parse this function name
- return info;
- }
- // find the beginning of the argument list
- --pos;
- ++parencount;
- while (pos && parencount) {
- if ( == ')')
- ++parencount;
- else if ( == '(')
- --parencount;
- --pos;
- }
- if (parencount != 0)
- return info;
- info.truncate(++pos);
- if ( - 1) == ')') {
- if (info.indexOf(operator_call) == pos - (int)strlen(operator_call))
- break;
- // this function returns a pointer to a function
- // and we matched the arguments of the return type's parameter list
- // try again
- info.remove(0, info.indexOf('('));
- info.chop(1);
- continue;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (hasLambda)
- info.append("::lambda");
- // find the beginning of the function name
- int parencount = 0;
- int templatecount = 0;
- --pos;
- // make sure special characters in operator names are kept
- if (pos > -1) {
- switch ( {
- case ')':
- if (info.indexOf(operator_call) == pos - (int)strlen(operator_call) + 1)
- pos -= 2;
- break;
- case '<':
- if (info.indexOf(operator_lessThan) == pos - (int)strlen(operator_lessThan) + 1)
- --pos;
- break;
- case '>':
- if (info.indexOf(operator_greaterThan) == pos - (int)strlen(operator_greaterThan) + 1)
- --pos;
- break;
- case '=': {
- int operatorLength = (int)strlen(operator_lessThanEqual);
- if (info.indexOf(operator_lessThanEqual) == pos - operatorLength + 1)
- pos -= 2;
- else if (info.indexOf(operator_greaterThanEqual) == pos - operatorLength + 1)
- pos -= 2;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- while (pos > -1) {
- if (parencount < 0 || templatecount < 0)
- return info;
- char c =;
- if (c == ')')
- ++parencount;
- else if (c == '(')
- --parencount;
- else if (c == '>')
- ++templatecount;
- else if (c == '<')
- --templatecount;
- else if (c == ' ' && templatecount == 0 && parencount == 0)
- break;
- --pos;
- }
- info = info.mid(pos + 1);
- // remove trailing '*', '&' that are part of the return argument
- while (( == '*')
- || ( == '&'))
- info = info.mid(1);
- // we have the full function name now.
- // clean up the templates
- while ((pos = info.lastIndexOf('>')) != -1) {
- if (!info.contains('<'))
- break;
- // find the matching close
- int end = pos;
- templatecount = 1;
- --pos;
- while (pos && templatecount) {
- char c =;
- if (c == '>')
- ++templatecount;
- else if (c == '<')
- --templatecount;
- --pos;
- }
- ++pos;
- info.remove(pos, end - pos + 1);
- }
- return info;
-//! Returns the string to record to the logging target, formatted according to the format().
- * \sa format()
- * \sa setFormat(const QString&)
- */
-QString AbstractStringAppender::formattedString(const QDateTime& timeStamp, Logger::LogLevel logLevel, const char* file,
- int line, const char* function, const QString& category, const QString& message) const
- QString f = format();
- const int size = f.size();
- QString result;
- int i = 0;
- while (i < f.size())
- {
- QChar c =;
- // We will silently ignore the broken % marker at the end of string
- if (c != QLatin1Char(formattingMarker) || (i + 2) >= size)
- {
- result.append(c);
- }
- else
- {
- i += 2;
- QChar currentChar =;
- QString command;
- int fieldWidth = 0;
- if (currentChar.isLetter())
- {
- command.append(currentChar);
- int j = 1;
- while ((i + j) < size && + j).isLetter())
- {
- command.append(;
- j++;
- }
- i+=j;
- currentChar =;
- // Check for the padding instruction
- if (currentChar == QLatin1Char(':'))
- {
- currentChar =;
- if (currentChar.isDigit() || currentChar.category() == QChar::Punctuation_Dash)
- {
- int j = 1;
- while ((i + j) < size && + j).isDigit())
- j++;
- fieldWidth = f.mid(i, j).toInt();
- i += j;
- }
- }
- }
- // Log record chunk to insert instead of formatting instruction
- QString chunk;
- // Time stamp
- if (command == QLatin1String("time"))
- {
- if ( + 1) == QLatin1Char('{'))
- {
- int j = 1;
- while ((i + 2 + j) < size && + 2 + j) != QLatin1Char('}'))
- j++;
- if ((i + 2 + j) < size)
- {
- chunk = timeStamp.toString(f.mid(i + 2, j));
- i += j;
- i += 2;
- }
- }
- if (chunk.isNull())
- chunk = timeStamp.toString(QLatin1String("HH:mm:ss.zzz"));
- }
- // Log level
- else if (command == QLatin1String("type"))
- chunk = Logger::levelToString(logLevel);
- // Uppercased log level
- else if (command == QLatin1String("Type"))
- chunk = Logger::levelToString(logLevel).toUpper();
- // One letter log level
- else if (command == QLatin1String("typeOne"))
- chunk = Logger::levelToString(logLevel).left(1).toLower();
- // One uppercase letter log level
- else if (command == QLatin1String("TypeOne"))
- chunk = Logger::levelToString(logLevel).left(1).toUpper();
- // Filename
- else if (command == QLatin1String("File"))
- chunk = QLatin1String(file);
- // Filename without a path
- else if (command == QLatin1String("file"))
- chunk = QString(QLatin1String(file)).section(QRegularExpression("[/\\\\]"), -1);
- // Source line number
- else if (command == QLatin1String("line"))
- chunk = QString::number(line);
- // Function name, as returned by Q_FUNC_INFO
- else if (command == QLatin1String("Function"))
- chunk = QString::fromLatin1(function);
- // Stripped function name
- else if (command == QLatin1String("function"))
- chunk = stripFunctionName(function);
- // Log message
- else if (command == QLatin1String("message"))
- chunk = message;
- else if (command == QLatin1String("category"))
- chunk = category;
- // Application pid
- else if (command == QLatin1String("pid"))
- chunk = QString::number(QCoreApplication::applicationPid());
- // Appplication name
- else if (command == QLatin1String("appname"))
- chunk = QCoreApplication::applicationName();
- // Thread ID (duplicates Qt5 threadid debbuging way)
- else if (command == QLatin1String("threadid"))
- chunk = QLatin1String("0x") + QString::number(qlonglong(QThread::currentThread()->currentThread()), 16);
- // We simply replace the double formatting marker (%) with one
- else if (command == QString(formattingMarker))
- chunk = QLatin1Char(formattingMarker);
- // Do not process any unknown commands
- else
- {
- chunk = QString(formattingMarker);
- chunk.append(command);
- }
- result.append(QString(QLatin1String("%1")).arg(chunk, fieldWidth));
- }
- ++i;
- }
- return result;