path: root/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
5 files changed, 142 insertions, 608 deletions
diff --git a/tools/bdf2c b/tools/bdf2c
deleted file mode 100755
index 6832e5ce8f..0000000000
--- a/tools/bdf2c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl -w
-# Convert BDF files to incore MWCFONT structure 'C' source
-# Copyright (c) 2002 by Greg Haerr <>
-# from The Microwindows Project (
-# modified 09/13/02 correct output when no DEFAULT_CHAR, allow numeric font name
-# modified 09/12/02 added -limit <max_encode_hex_value> option
-# modified on 09/10/02 by G Haerr
-# - fixed DWIDTH 0 parsing
-# - don't limit font size to 0x7e characters
-# - changed offset data to unsigned long for large fonts
-# - don't generate width table if fixed-width
-# - added defaultchar to output
-# - added bits_size member for loadable fonts
-# modified on 3/26/00 by G Haerr added ascent field, fixed $IMAGE_BITS
-# modified on 2/10/00 by K Harris to accept any size input character
-# modified by G Haerr from bdftobogl for 16 bit MWIMAGEBITS
-# originally from BOGL - Ben's Own Graphics Library <>.
-use POSIX;
-$name = (reverse split /\//, $0)[0];
-$limit_char = 65535;
-while (defined $ARGV[0]) {
- my $arg = shift;
- if (($arg eq "-limit") && scalar(@ARGV) > 0) {
- $limit_char = hex shift;
- } elsif ($arg =~ "-.+") {
- print "$name: unknown option '$arg'\n";
- exit 1;
- } else {
- unshift(@ARGV, $arg);
- last;
- }
-if ($#ARGV < 0) {
- print "Usage: $name [-limit <max_encode_hex_value>] font.bdf > font.c\n";
- exit 1;
-$IMAGE_BITS = 16;
-$IMAGE_MASK = 0xffff;
-$file = $ARGV[0];
-$font = $file;
-$font =~ s/\.bdf//;
-$font =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9_/_/cs;
-print "/* Generated by $name on ", substr(`date`, 0, -1), ". */\n";
-print "#include \"font.h\"\n\n";
-open BDF, "<$file" || die;
-while (<BDF>) {
- chop;
- $pixel_size = $1 if /^PIXEL_SIZE (\d+)$/;
- $font_ascent = $1 if /^FONT_ASCENT (\d+)$/;
- $font_descent = $1 if /^FONT_DESCENT (\d+)$/;
- $font_name = $1 if /^FONT (.*)$/;
- $default_char = $1 if /^DEFAULT_CHAR (\d+)$/;
- ($fbbw, $fbbh, $fbbx, $fbby) = ($1, $2, $3, $4) if /^FONTBOUNDINGBOX (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+)/;
- last if /^CHARS /;
-$font_width = $fbbw - $fbbx;
-undef $fbbw, undef $fbbh, undef $fbbx, undef $fbby;
-print "/* Font information:\n\n";
-print " name: $font_name\n";
-print " pixel size: $pixel_size\n" if defined $pixel_size;
-print " ascent: $font_ascent\n";
-print " descent: $font_descent\n";
-print "*/\n\n";
-print "/* Font character bitmap data. */\n";
-print "static MWIMAGEBITS _${font}_bits[] = {\n";
-$ch_height = $font_ascent + $font_descent;
-$ofs = 0;
-$maxwidth = 0;
-$firstchar = -1;
-$lastchar = -1;
-while (<BDF>) {
- chop;
- undef $encoding, undef $width, undef $bbx, undef $bby, undef $bbw, undef $bbh if /^STARTCHAR /;
- $encoding = $1 if /^ENCODING (\d+)/;
- last if defined $encoding && $encoding > $limit_char;
- $width = $1 if /^DWIDTH (-?\d+)/;
- $width = $font_width if defined $width && $width <= 0;
- ($bbw, $bbh, $bbx, $bby) = ($1, $2, $3, $4) if /^BBX (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+)/;
- if (/^BITMAP$/) {
- next if !defined $encoding;
- $firstchar = $encoding if $firstchar < 0;
- $lastchar = $encoding if $lastchar < $encoding;
- $encoding_tab[$encoding] = $ofs;
- $width -= $bbx, $bbx = 0 if $bbx < 0;
- $width[$encoding] = $width;
- $maxwidth = $width if $width > $maxwidth;
- $ch_words = int (($width+$IMAGE_BITS-1)/$IMAGE_BITS);
- $ch_bits = $ch_words*$IMAGE_BITS;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $ch_height; $i++) {
- for (my $k = 0; $k < $ch_words; $k++) {
- $bm[$i][$k] = 0;
- }
- }
- for (my $i = 0; ; $i++) {
- $_ = <BDF>;
- chop;
- last if /^ENDCHAR$/;
- @hexnibbles = split //,$_;
- for (my $k=0; $k<$ch_words; $k++) {
- $ndx = $k*$IMAGE_NIBBLES;
- $padnibbles = @hexnibbles - $ndx;
- last if $padnibbles <= 0; # if bbx pushes bits into next word
- # and no more bits from bdf file
- $padnibbles = 0 if $padnibbles >= $IMAGE_NIBBLES;
- $value = hex join '',@hexnibbles[$ndx..($ndx+$IMAGE_NIBBLES-1-$padnibbles)];
- $value = $value << ($padnibbles*$IMAGE_NIBBLES);
- $bm[$ch_height - $font_descent - $bby - $bbh + $i][$k] |=
- $value >> ($bbx);
- if ($bbx) { # handle overflow into next image_word
- $bm[$ch_height - $font_descent - $bby - $bbh + $i][$k+1] =
- ($value << ($IMAGE_BITS - $bbx)) & $IMAGE_MASK;
- }
- }
- }
-### printf "\n/* Character %c (0x%02x):\n", $encoding, $encoding;
- printf "\n/* Character (0x%02x):\n", $encoding;
- print " bbw=$bbw, bbh=$bbh, bbx=$bbx, bby=$bby, width=$width\n";
- print " +", ("-" x $ch_bits), "+\n";
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $ch_height; $i++) {
- print " |";
- for (my $k = 0; $k < $ch_words; $k++) {
- for (my $j = $IMAGE_BITS - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) {
- print $bm[$i][$k] & (1 << $j) ? "*" : " ";
- }
- }
- print "|\n";
- }
- print " +", ("-" x $ch_bits), "+ */\n";
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $ch_height; $i++) {
- for ($k=0; $k<$ch_words; $k++) {
- $ofs++;
- printf "0x%04x, ", $bm[$i][$k];
- }
- printf "\n";
- }
- }
-print "};\n\n";
-##print STDERR "Maximum character width=$maxwidth\n";
-$default_char = $firstchar if !defined $default_char;
-print "/* Character->glyph mapping. */\n";
-print "static unsigned long _${font}_offset[] = {\n";
-for (my $i = $firstchar; $i <= $lastchar; $i++) {
- my $char = $i;
- my $ofs = $encoding_tab[$i];
- $ofs = $encoding_tab[$default_char], $char = $default_char if !defined $ofs;
-### printf " $ofs,\t/* %c (0x%02x) */\n", $char, $i;
- printf " $ofs,\t/* (0x%02x) */\n", $i;
-print "};\n\n";
-$gen_width_table = 0;
-for (my $i = $firstchar; $i <= $lastchar; $i++) {
- my $char = $i;
- my $width = $width[$i];
- $width = $width[$default_char] if !defined $encoding_tab[$i];
- $gen_width_table = 1 if $width != $maxwidth
-if ($gen_width_table) {
- print "/* Character width data. */\n";
- print "static unsigned char _${font}_width[] = {\n";
- for (my $i = $firstchar; $i <= $lastchar; $i++) {
- my $char = $i;
- my $width = $width[$i];
- $width = $width[$default_char], $char = $default_char if !defined $encoding_tab[$i];
- ### printf " $width,\t/* %c (0x%02x) */\n", $char, $i;
- printf " $width,\t/* (0x%02x) */\n", $i;
- }
- print "};\n\n";
-$size = $lastchar - $firstchar + 1;
-print "/* Exported structure definition. */\n";
-print "MWCFONT font_${font} = {\n";
-print " \"$font\",\n";
-print " $maxwidth,\n";
-print " $ch_height,\n";
-print " $font_ascent,\n";
-print " $firstchar,\n";
-print " $size,\n";
-print " _${font}_bits,\n";
-print " _${font}_offset,\n";
-if ($gen_width_table) {
- print " _${font}_width,\n";
-} else { print " 0, /* fixed width*/\n"; }
-print " $default_char,\n";
-print " sizeof(_${font}_bits)/sizeof(MWIMAGEBITS),\n";
-print "};\n";
diff --git a/tools/bdf2fnt b/tools/bdf2fnt
deleted file mode 100755
index 2793d11764..0000000000
--- a/tools/bdf2fnt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# bdf2fnt - shell script to convert a BDF file to RBF format
-# usage: bdf2fnt bdffile (don't use .bdf extension!)
-# Example: bdf2fnt courB08
-# creates ./courB08.fnt and /tmp/courB08.c
-# the .fnt file can be renamed /system.fnt for loading
-# the .c file can be moved to firmware dir to compile-in font
-# convert from bdf to C source
-./bdf2c $1.bdf > /tmp/$1.c
-# compile writerbf with linked C source font
-gcc -DARCHOS_RECORDER -DFONT=font_$1 -I../firmware -I../firmware/common -o /tmp/writerbf writerbf.c /tmp/$1.c
-# run writerbf, will write linked incore font to .rbf format
-rm /tmp/writerbf
-# load .rbf font and display it for test
-gcc -DARCHOS_RECORDER -DMAX_FONT_SIZE=500000 -I../firmware/common -o /tmp/loadrbf loadrbf.c
-/tmp/loadrbf $1.fnt > /tmp/$1.1
-rm /tmp/loadrbf
-# link .c font and diff with .fnt load for test
-gcc -DARCHOS_RECORDER -DFONT=font_$1 -I../firmware -I../firmware/common -o /tmp/loadrbf loadrbf.c /tmp/$1.c
-/tmp/loadrbf > /tmp/$1.2
-rm /tmp/loadrbf
-# we diff the output to ensure correctness
-diff /tmp/$1.1 /tmp/$1.2
-# clean up
-rm /tmp/$1.1 /tmp/$1.2
-#rm /tmp/$1.c
diff --git a/tools/convbdf.c b/tools/convbdf.c
index c8e5837575..00db9ae61f 100644
--- a/tools/convbdf.c
+++ b/tools/convbdf.c
@@ -16,31 +16,31 @@
/* loadable font magic and version #*/
#define VERSION "RB11"
-/* MWIMAGEBITS helper macros*/
-#define MWIMAGE_WORDS(x) (((x)+15)/16) /* image size in words*/
-#define MWIMAGE_SHIFTBIT(m) ((MWIMAGEBITS) ((m) << 1))
+/* bitmap_t helper macros*/
+#define BITMAP_WORDS(x) (((x)+15)/16) /* image size in words*/
+#define BITMAP_BYTES(x) (BITMAP_WORDS(x)*sizeof(bitmap_t))
+#define BITMAP_BITSPERIMAGE (sizeof(bitmap_t) * 8)
+#define BITMAP_BITVALUE(n) ((bitmap_t) (((bitmap_t) 1) << (n)))
+#define BITMAP_SHIFTBIT(m) ((bitmap_t) ((m) << 1))
-typedef unsigned short MWIMAGEBITS; /* bitmap image unit size*/
+typedef unsigned short bitmap_t; /* bitmap image unit size*/
/* builtin C-based proportional/fixed font structure */
/* based on The Microwindows Project */
-typedef struct {
+struct font {
char * name; /* font name*/
int maxwidth; /* max width in pixels*/
int height; /* height in pixels*/
int ascent; /* ascent (baseline) height*/
int firstchar; /* first character in bitmap*/
int size; /* font size in glyphs*/
- MWIMAGEBITS * bits; /* 16-bit right-padded bitmap data*/
- unsigned long * offset; /* offsets into bitmap data*/
- unsigned char * width; /* character widths or NULL if fixed*/
+ bitmap_t* bits; /* 16-bit right-padded bitmap data*/
+ unsigned long* offset; /* offsets into bitmap data*/
+ unsigned char* width; /* character widths or NULL if fixed*/
int defaultchar; /* default char (not glyph index)*/
- long bits_size; /* # words of MWIMAGEBITS bits*/
+ long bits_size; /* # words of bitmap_t bits*/
/* unused by runtime system, read in by convbdf*/
char * facename; /* facename of font*/
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ typedef struct {
int pixel_size;
int descent;
int fbbw, fbbh, fbbx, fbby;
/* END font.h*/
#define isprefix(buf,str) (!strncmp(buf, str, strlen(str)))
@@ -64,19 +64,19 @@ int limit_char = 65535;
int oflag = 0;
char outfile[256];
-void usage(void);
-void getopts(int *pac, char ***pav);
-int convbdf(char *path);
+void usage(void);
+void getopts(int *pac, char ***pav);
+int convbdf(char *path);
-void free_font(PMWCFONT pf);
-PMWCFONT bdf_read_font(char *path);
-int bdf_read_header(FILE *fp, PMWCFONT pf);
-int bdf_read_bitmaps(FILE *fp, PMWCFONT pf);
-char * bdf_getline(FILE *fp, char *buf, int len);
-MWIMAGEBITS bdf_hexval(unsigned char *buf, int ndx1, int ndx2);
+void free_font(struct font* pf);
+struct font* bdf_read_font(char *path);
+int bdf_read_header(FILE *fp, struct font* pf);
+int bdf_read_bitmaps(FILE *fp, struct font* pf);
+char * bdf_getline(FILE *fp, char *buf, int len);
+bitmap_t bdf_hexval(unsigned char *buf, int ndx1, int ndx2);
-int gen_c_source(PMWCFONT pf, char *path);
-int gen_fnt_file(PMWCFONT pf, char *path);
+int gen_c_source(struct font* pf, char *path);
+int gen_fnt_file(struct font* pf, char *path);
@@ -96,8 +96,7 @@ usage(void)
/* parse command line options*/
-getopts(int *pac, char ***pav)
+void getopts(int *pac, char ***pav)
char *p;
char **av;
@@ -171,8 +170,7 @@ getopts(int *pac, char ***pav)
/* remove directory prefix and file suffix from full path*/
-char *
-basename(char *path)
+char *basename(char *path)
char *p, *b;
static char base[256];
@@ -193,10 +191,9 @@ basename(char *path)
return base;
-convbdf(char *path)
+int convbdf(char *path)
+ struct font* pf;
int ret = 0;
pf = bdf_read_font(path);
@@ -223,8 +220,7 @@ convbdf(char *path)
return ret;
-main(int ac, char **av)
+int main(int ac, char **av)
int ret = 0;
@@ -251,8 +247,7 @@ main(int ac, char **av)
/* free font structure*/
-free_font(PMWCFONT pf)
+void free_font(struct font* pf)
if (!pf)
@@ -270,11 +265,10 @@ free_font(PMWCFONT pf)
/* build incore structure from .bdf file*/
-bdf_read_font(char *path)
+struct font* bdf_read_font(char *path)
FILE *fp;
+ struct font* pf;
fp = fopen(path, "rb");
if (!fp) {
@@ -282,7 +276,7 @@ bdf_read_font(char *path)
return NULL;
- pf = (PMWCFONT)calloc(1, sizeof(MWCFONT));
+ pf = (struct font*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct font));
if (!pf)
goto errout;
@@ -308,8 +302,7 @@ bdf_read_font(char *path)
/* read bdf font header information, return 0 on error*/
-bdf_read_header(FILE *fp, PMWCFONT pf)
+int bdf_read_header(FILE *fp, struct font* pf)
int encoding;
int nchars, maxwidth;
@@ -391,7 +384,10 @@ bdf_read_header(FILE *fp, PMWCFONT pf)
fprintf(stderr, "Error: bad 'ENCODING'\n");
return 0;
- if (encoding >= 0 && encoding <= limit_char && encoding >= start_char) {
+ if (encoding >= 0 &&
+ encoding <= limit_char &&
+ encoding >= start_char) {
if (firstchar > encoding)
firstchar = encoding;
if (lastchar < encoding)
@@ -411,7 +407,9 @@ bdf_read_header(FILE *fp, PMWCFONT pf)
pf->height = pf->ascent + pf->descent;
/* calc default char*/
- if (pf->defaultchar < 0 || pf->defaultchar < firstchar)
+ if (pf->defaultchar < 0 ||
+ pf->defaultchar < firstchar ||
+ pf->defaultchar > limit_char )
pf->defaultchar = firstchar;
/* calc font size (offset/width entries)*/
@@ -423,10 +421,10 @@ bdf_read_header(FILE *fp, PMWCFONT pf)
maxwidth = pf->fbbw;
/* initially use font maxwidth * height for bits allocation*/
- pf->bits_size = nchars * MWIMAGE_WORDS(maxwidth) * pf->height;
+ pf->bits_size = nchars * BITMAP_WORDS(maxwidth) * pf->height;
/* allocate bits, offset, and width arrays*/
- pf->bits = (MWIMAGEBITS *)malloc(pf->bits_size * sizeof(MWIMAGEBITS) + EXTRA);
+ pf->bits = (bitmap_t *)malloc(pf->bits_size * sizeof(bitmap_t) + EXTRA);
pf->offset = (unsigned long *)malloc(pf->size * sizeof(unsigned long));
pf->width = (unsigned char *)malloc(pf->size * sizeof(unsigned char));
@@ -439,8 +437,7 @@ bdf_read_header(FILE *fp, PMWCFONT pf)
/* read bdf font bitmaps, return 0 on error*/
-bdf_read_bitmaps(FILE *fp, PMWCFONT pf)
+int bdf_read_bitmaps(FILE *fp, struct font* pf)
long ofs = 0;
int maxwidth = 0;
@@ -494,7 +491,7 @@ bdf_read_bitmaps(FILE *fp, PMWCFONT pf)
if (strequal(buf, "BITMAP")) {
- MWIMAGEBITS *ch_bitmap = pf->bits + ofs;
+ bitmap_t *ch_bitmap = pf->bits + ofs;
int ch_words;
if (encoding < 0)
@@ -520,11 +517,11 @@ bdf_read_bitmaps(FILE *fp, PMWCFONT pf)
pf->width[encoding-pf->firstchar] = width;
/* clear bitmap*/
- memset(ch_bitmap, 0, MWIMAGE_BYTES(width) * pf->height);
+ memset(ch_bitmap, 0, BITMAP_BYTES(width) * pf->height);
- ch_words = MWIMAGE_WORDS(width);
+ ch_words = BITMAP_WORDS(width);
#define BM(row,col) (*(ch_bitmap + ((row)*ch_words) + (col)))
/* read bitmaps*/
for (i=0; ; ++i) {
@@ -539,30 +536,30 @@ bdf_read_bitmaps(FILE *fp, PMWCFONT pf)
hexnibbles = strlen(buf);
for (k=0; k<ch_words; ++k) {
- int ndx = k * MWIMAGE_NIBBLES;
+ int ndx = k * BITMAP_NIBBLES;
int padnibbles = hexnibbles - ndx;
+ bitmap_t value;
if (padnibbles <= 0)
- if (padnibbles >= MWIMAGE_NIBBLES)
+ if (padnibbles >= BITMAP_NIBBLES)
padnibbles = 0;
value = bdf_hexval((unsigned char *)buf,
- ndx, ndx+MWIMAGE_NIBBLES-1-padnibbles);
- value <<= padnibbles * MWIMAGE_NIBBLES;
+ ndx, ndx+BITMAP_NIBBLES-1-padnibbles);
+ value <<= padnibbles * BITMAP_NIBBLES;
BM(pf->height - pf->descent - bby - bbh + i, k) |=
value >> bbx;
/* handle overflow into next image word*/
if (bbx) {
BM(pf->height - pf->descent - bby - bbh + i, k+1) =
- value << (MWIMAGE_BITSPERIMAGE - bbx);
+ value << (BITMAP_BITSPERIMAGE - bbx);
- ofs += MWIMAGE_WORDS(width) * pf->height;
+ ofs += BITMAP_WORDS(width) * pf->height;
@@ -590,7 +587,7 @@ bdf_read_bitmaps(FILE *fp, PMWCFONT pf)
encodetable = 1;
- l += MWIMAGE_WORDS(pf->width[i]) * pf->height;
+ l += BITMAP_WORDS(pf->width[i]) * pf->height;
if (!encodetable) {
@@ -611,23 +608,25 @@ bdf_read_bitmaps(FILE *fp, PMWCFONT pf)
/* reallocate bits array to actual bits used*/
if (ofs < pf->bits_size) {
- pf->bits = realloc(pf->bits, ofs * sizeof(MWIMAGEBITS));
+ pf->bits = realloc(pf->bits, ofs * sizeof(bitmap_t));
pf->bits_size = ofs;
- } else if (ofs > pf->bits_size) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Warning: DWIDTH spec > max FONTBOUNDINGBOX\n");
- if (ofs > pf->bits_size+EXTRA) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error: Not enough bits initially allocated\n");
- return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ofs > pf->bits_size) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: DWIDTH spec > max FONTBOUNDINGBOX\n");
+ if (ofs > pf->bits_size+EXTRA) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Not enough bits initially allocated\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pf->bits_size = ofs;
- pf->bits_size = ofs;
return 1;
/* read the next non-comment line, returns buf or NULL if EOF*/
-char *
-bdf_getline(FILE *fp, char *buf, int len)
+char *bdf_getline(FILE *fp, char *buf, int len)
int c;
char *b;
@@ -653,36 +652,37 @@ bdf_getline(FILE *fp, char *buf, int len)
/* return hex value of portion of buffer*/
-bdf_hexval(unsigned char *buf, int ndx1, int ndx2)
+bitmap_t bdf_hexval(unsigned char *buf, int ndx1, int ndx2)
- MWIMAGEBITS val = 0;
+ bitmap_t val = 0;
int i, c;
for (i=ndx1; i<=ndx2; ++i) {
c = buf[i];
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
c -= '0';
- else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
- c = c - 'A' + 10;
- else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
- c = c - 'a' + 10;
- else c = 0;
+ else
+ if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
+ c = c - 'A' + 10;
+ else
+ if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
+ c = c - 'a' + 10;
+ else
+ c = 0;
val = (val << 4) | c;
return val;
/* generate C source from in-core font*/
-gen_c_source(PMWCFONT pf, char *path)
+int gen_c_source(struct font* pf, char *path)
FILE *ofp;
int i;
int did_defaultchar = 0;
int did_syncmsg = 0;
time_t t = time(0);
- MWIMAGEBITS *ofs = pf->bits;
+ bitmap_t *ofs = pf->bits;
char buf[256];
char obuf[256];
char hdr1[] = {
@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ gen_c_source(PMWCFONT pf, char *path)
"/* Font character bitmap data. */\n"
- "static MWIMAGEBITS _%s_bits[] = {\n"
+ "static bitmap_t _font_bits[] = {\n"
ofp = fopen(path, "w");
@@ -712,7 +712,6 @@ gen_c_source(PMWCFONT pf, char *path)
fprintf(stderr, "Can't create %s\n", path);
return 1;
- fprintf(stderr, "Generating %s\n", path);
strcpy(buf, ctime(&t));
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0;
@@ -727,8 +726,7 @@ gen_c_source(PMWCFONT pf, char *path)
pf->firstchar+pf->size-1, pf->firstchar+pf->size-1,
pf->defaultchar, pf->defaultchar,
pf->width? "yes": "no",
- pf->copyright? pf->copyright: "",
- pf->name);
+ pf->copyright? pf->copyright: "");
/* generate bitmaps*/
for (i=0; i<pf->size; ++i) {
@@ -736,15 +734,16 @@ gen_c_source(PMWCFONT pf, char *path)
int bitcount = 0;
int width = pf->width ? pf->width[i] : pf->maxwidth;
int height = pf->height;
- MWIMAGEBITS *bits = pf->bits + (pf->offset? pf->offset[i]: (height * i));
- MWIMAGEBITS bitvalue;
+ bitmap_t *bits = pf->bits + (pf->offset? pf->offset[i]: (height * i));
+ bitmap_t bitvalue;
* Generate bitmap bits only if not this index isn't
* the default character in encode map, or the default
* character hasn't been generated yet.
- if (pf->offset && (pf->offset[i] == pf->offset[pf->defaultchar-pf->firstchar])) {
+ if (pf->offset &&
+ (pf->offset[i] == pf->offset[pf->defaultchar-pf->firstchar])) {
if (did_defaultchar)
did_defaultchar = 1;
@@ -763,13 +762,13 @@ gen_c_source(PMWCFONT pf, char *path)
if (x == 0) fprintf(ofp, " |");
if (bitcount <= 0) {
bitvalue = *bits++;
- fprintf(ofp, MWIMAGE_TESTBIT(bitvalue)? "*": " ");
+ fprintf(ofp, BITMAP_TESTBIT(bitvalue)? "*": " ");
- bitvalue = MWIMAGE_SHIFTBIT(bitvalue);
+ bitvalue = BITMAP_SHIFTBIT(bitvalue);
if (++x == width) {
fprintf(ofp, "|\n");
@@ -779,13 +778,15 @@ gen_c_source(PMWCFONT pf, char *path)
fprintf(ofp, " +");
- for (x=0; x<width; ++x) fprintf(ofp, "-");
+ for (x=0; x<width; ++x)
+ fprintf(ofp, "-");
fprintf(ofp, "+ */\n");
- } else
+ }
+ else
fprintf(ofp, " */\n");
bits = pf->bits + (pf->offset? pf->offset[i]: (pf->height * i));
- for (x=MWIMAGE_WORDS(width)*pf->height; x>0; --x) {
+ for (x=BITMAP_WORDS(width)*pf->height; x>0; --x) {
fprintf(ofp, "0x%04x,\n", *bits);
if (!did_syncmsg && *bits++ != *ofs++) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: found encoding values in non-sorted order (not an error).\n");
@@ -793,80 +794,79 @@ gen_c_source(PMWCFONT pf, char *path)
- fprintf(ofp, "};\n\n");
+ fprintf(ofp, "};\n\n");
if (pf->offset) {
/* output offset table*/
fprintf(ofp, "/* Character->glyph mapping. */\n"
- "static unsigned long _%s_offset[] = {\n",
- pf->name);
+ "static unsigned long _sysfont_offset[] = {\n");
for (i=0; i<pf->size; ++i)
- fprintf(ofp, " %ld,\t/* (0x%02x) */\n", pf->offset[i], i+pf->firstchar);
+ fprintf(ofp, " %ld,\t/* (0x%02x) */\n",
+ pf->offset[i], i+pf->firstchar);
fprintf(ofp, "};\n\n");
/* output width table for proportional fonts*/
if (pf->width) {
- fprintf(ofp, "/* Character width data. */\n"
- "static unsigned char _%s_width[] = {\n",
- pf->name);
+ fprintf(ofp, "/* Character width data. */\n"
+ "static unsigned char _sysfont_width[] = {\n");
for (i=0; i<pf->size; ++i)
- fprintf(ofp, " %d,\t/* (0x%02x) */\n", pf->width[i], i+pf->firstchar);
+ fprintf(ofp, " %d,\t/* (0x%02x) */\n",
+ pf->width[i], i+pf->firstchar);
fprintf(ofp, "};\n\n");
- /* output MWCFONT struct*/
+ /* output struct font struct*/
if (pf->offset)
- sprintf(obuf, "_%s_offset,", pf->name);
- else sprintf(obuf, "0, /* no encode table*/");
+ sprintf(obuf, "_sysfont_offset,");
+ else
+ sprintf(obuf, "0, /* no encode table*/");
if (pf->width)
- sprintf(buf, "_%s_width,", pf->name);
- else sprintf(buf, "0, /* fixed width*/");
+ sprintf(buf, "_sysfont_width,");
+ else
+ sprintf(buf, "0, /* fixed width*/");
fprintf(ofp, "/* Exported structure definition. */\n"
- "MWCFONT font_%s = {\n"
+ "struct font sysfont = {\n"
" \"%s\",\n"
" %d,\n"
" %d,\n"
" %d,\n"
" %d,\n"
" %d,\n"
- " _%s_bits,\n"
+ " _font_bits,\n"
" %s\n"
" %s\n"
" %d,\n"
- " sizeof(_%s_bits)/sizeof(MWIMAGEBITS),\n"
+ " sizeof(_font_bits)/sizeof(bitmap_t),\n"
- pf->name, pf->name,
+ pf->name,
pf->maxwidth, pf->height,
- pf->name,
- pf->defaultchar,
- pf->name);
+ pf->defaultchar);
return 0;
-static int
-WRITEBYTE(FILE *fp, unsigned char c)
+static int writebyte(FILE *fp, unsigned char c)
return putc(c, fp) != EOF;
-static int
-WRITESHORT(FILE *fp, unsigned short s)
+static int writeshort(FILE *fp, unsigned short s)
putc(s, fp);
return putc(s>>8, fp) != EOF;
-static int
-WRITELONG(FILE *fp, unsigned long l)
+static int writelong(FILE *fp, unsigned long l)
putc(l, fp);
putc(l>>8, fp);
@@ -874,30 +874,28 @@ WRITELONG(FILE *fp, unsigned long l)
return putc(l>>24, fp) != EOF;
-static int
-WRITESTR(FILE *fp, char *str, int count)
+static int writestr(FILE *fp, char *str, int count)
return fwrite(str, 1, count, fp) == count;
-static int
-WRITESTRPAD(FILE *fp, char *str, int totlen)
+static int writestrpad(FILE *fp, char *str, int totlen)
int ret;
- while (str && *str && totlen > 0)
+ while (str && *str && totlen > 0) {
if (*str) {
ret = putc(*str++, fp);
+ }
while (--totlen >= 0)
ret = putc(' ', fp);
return ret;
/* generate .fnt format file from in-core font*/
-gen_fnt_file(PMWCFONT pf, char *path)
+int gen_fnt_file(struct font* pf, char *path)
FILE *ofp;
int i;
@@ -907,44 +905,43 @@ gen_fnt_file(PMWCFONT pf, char *path)
fprintf(stderr, "Can't create %s\n", path);
return 1;
- fprintf(stderr, "Generating %s\n", path);
/* write magic and version #*/
+ writestr(ofp, VERSION, 4);
/* internal font name*/
- WRITESTRPAD(ofp, pf->name, 64);
+ writestrpad(ofp, pf->name, 64);
/* copyright*/
- WRITESTRPAD(ofp, pf->copyright, 256);
+ writestrpad(ofp, pf->copyright, 256);
/* font info*/
- WRITESHORT(ofp, pf->maxwidth);
- WRITESHORT(ofp, pf->height);
- WRITESHORT(ofp, pf->ascent);
- WRITESHORT(ofp, 0);
- WRITELONG(ofp, pf->firstchar);
- WRITELONG(ofp, pf->defaultchar);
- WRITELONG(ofp, pf->size);
+ writeshort(ofp, pf->maxwidth);
+ writeshort(ofp, pf->height);
+ writeshort(ofp, pf->ascent);
+ writeshort(ofp, 0);
+ writelong(ofp, pf->firstchar);
+ writelong(ofp, pf->defaultchar);
+ writelong(ofp, pf->size);
/* variable font data sizes*/
- WRITELONG(ofp, pf->bits_size); /* # words of MWIMAGEBITS*/
- WRITELONG(ofp, pf->offset? pf->size: 0); /* # longs of offset*/
- WRITELONG(ofp, pf->width? pf->size: 0); /* # bytes of width*/
+ writelong(ofp, pf->bits_size); /* # words of bitmap_t*/
+ writelong(ofp, pf->offset? pf->size: 0); /* # longs of offset*/
+ writelong(ofp, pf->width? pf->size: 0); /* # bytes of width*/
/* variable font data*/
for (i=0; i<pf->bits_size; ++i)
- WRITESHORT(ofp, pf->bits[i]);
+ writeshort(ofp, pf->bits[i]);
if (ftell(ofp) & 2)
- WRITESHORT(ofp, 0); /* pad to 32-bit boundary*/
+ writeshort(ofp, 0); /* pad to 32-bit boundary*/
if (pf->offset)
for (i=0; i<pf->size; ++i)
- WRITELONG(ofp, pf->offset[i]);
+ writelong(ofp, pf->offset[i]);
if (pf->width)
for (i=0; i<pf->size; ++i)
- WRITEBYTE(ofp, pf->width[i]);
+ writebyte(ofp, pf->width[i]);
return 0;
diff --git a/tools/loadrbf.c b/tools/loadrbf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 769195ea99..0000000000
--- a/tools/loadrbf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- * Load an rbf font, store in incore format and display - or -
- * Read an incore font and display it.
- *
- * If FONT defined, just link in FONT and display it
- * otherwise, load av[1] and display it
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2002 by Greg Haerr <>
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-/* this should go in a library...*/
-#define DEBUGF printf
-#include "../firmware/loadfont.c"
-#ifdef FONT
-/* printf display an incore font*/
-dispfont(PMWCFONT pf)
- int i;
- printf("Font: '%s' %dx%d ", pf->name, pf->maxwidth, pf->height);
- printf("0x%02x-0x%02x (size %d)\n", pf->firstchar,
- pf->firstchar+pf->size, pf->size);
- printf("\tDefault char 0x%02x ", pf->defaultchar);
- printf("(%s width)\n", pf->width? "proportional": "fixed");
- for (i=0; i<pf->size; ++i) {
- int width = pf->width ? pf->width[i] : pf->maxwidth;
- int height = pf->height;
- int x;
- int bitcount = 0;
- MWIMAGEBITS *bits = pf->bits + (pf->offset? pf->offset[i]: (height * i));
- MWIMAGEBITS bitvalue;
- printf("\nCharacter 0x%02x (width %d)\n", i+pf->firstchar, width);
- printf("+");
- for (x=0; x<width; ++x) printf("-");
- printf("+\n");
- x = 0;
- while (height > 0) {
- if (x == 0) printf("|");
- if (bitcount <= 0) {
- bitvalue = *bits++;
- }
- printf( MWIMAGE_TESTBIT(bitvalue)? "*": " ");
- bitvalue = MWIMAGE_SHIFTBIT(bitvalue);
- --bitcount;
- if (++x == width) {
- printf("|\n");
- --height;
- x = 0;
- bitcount = 0;
- }
- }
- printf("+");
- for (x=0; x<width; ++x) printf("-");
- printf("+\n");
- }
-main(int ac, char **av)
- MWCFONT font;
-#ifdef FONT
- /* if FONT defined, just display linked-in font*/
- extern MWCFONT FONT;
- pf = &FONT;
- if (ac != 2) {
- printf("usage: loadrbf font.rbf\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- pf = rbf_load_font(av[1], &font);
- if (!pf) {
- printf("loadrbf: read error: %s\n", av[1]);
- exit(1);
- }
- dispfont(pf);
- return 0;
diff --git a/tools/writerbf.c b/tools/writerbf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bd55a7c80..0000000000
--- a/tools/writerbf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
- * writerbf - write an incore font in .rbf format.
- * Must be compiled with -DFONT=font_name and linked
- * with compiled in font.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2002 by Greg Haerr <>
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "../firmware/font.h"
-static int
-WRITEBYTE(FILE *fp, unsigned char c)
- return putc(c, fp) != EOF;
-static int
-WRITESHORT(FILE *fp, unsigned short s)
- putc(s, fp);
- return putc(s>>8, fp) != EOF;
-static int
-WRITELONG(FILE *fp, unsigned long l)
- putc(l, fp);
- putc(l>>8, fp);
- putc(l>>16, fp);
- return putc(l>>24, fp) != EOF;
-static int
-WRITESTR(FILE *fp, char *str, int count)
- return fwrite(str, 1, count, fp) == count;
-static int
-WRITESTRPAD(FILE *fp, char *str, int totlen)
- int ret;
- while (*str && totlen > 0)
- if (*str) {
- ret = putc(*str++, fp);
- --totlen;
- }
- while (--totlen >= 0)
- ret = putc(' ', fp);
- return ret;
-/* write font, < 0 return is error*/
-rbf_write_font(PMWCFONT pf)
- FILE *ofp;
- int i;
- char name[256];
- sprintf(name, "%s.fnt", pf->name);
- ofp = fopen(name, "wb");
- if (!ofp)
- return -1;
- /* write magic and version #*/
- /* internal font name*/
- WRITESTRPAD(ofp, pf->name, 64);
- /* copyright - FIXME not converted with bdf2c*/
- WRITESTRPAD(ofp, " ", 256);
- /* font info*/
- WRITESHORT(ofp, pf->maxwidth);
- WRITESHORT(ofp, pf->height);
- WRITESHORT(ofp, pf->ascent);
- WRITESHORT(ofp, 0);
- WRITELONG(ofp, pf->firstchar);
- WRITELONG(ofp, pf->defaultchar);
- WRITELONG(ofp, pf->size);
- /* variable font data sizes*/
- WRITELONG(ofp, pf->bits_size); /* # words of MWIMAGEBITS*/
- WRITELONG(ofp, pf->offset? pf->size: 0); /* # longs of offset*/
- WRITELONG(ofp, pf->width? pf->size: 0); /* # bytes of width*/
- /* variable font data*/
- for (i=0; i<pf->bits_size; ++i)
- WRITESHORT(ofp, pf->bits[i]);
- if (ftell(ofp) & 2)
- WRITESHORT(ofp, 0); /* pad to 32-bit boundary*/
- if (pf->offset)
- for (i=0; i<pf->size; ++i)
- WRITELONG(ofp, pf->offset[i]);
- if (pf->width)
- for (i=0; i<pf->size; ++i)
- WRITEBYTE(ofp, pf->width[i]);
-main(int ac, char **av)
- rbf_write_font(pf);