path: root/www/manual/wormlet.t
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diff --git a/www/manual/wormlet.t b/www/manual/wormlet.t
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-#define _PAGE_ Wormlet
-#include "head.t"
-#include "manual.t"
-<p> Wormlet is a multi-user multi-worm game on a multi-threaded multi-functional
-rockbox console. You navigate a humgry little worm. Help
-your worm to find food and to avoid poisoned argh-tiles. The goal
-is to turn your tiny worm into a big worm as long as possible.</p>
-<h2>System requirements</h2>
-<p>To play Wormlet you need an Archos Jukebox Recorder upgraded with Rockbox open
-source jukebox firmware. Ensure that your version of Rockbox has games complied
-in. Note that not all Rockbox versions contain Wormlet as the games are a
-optional at compile time.</p>
-<p>For 2-player games a remote control is not necessary but recommended. If you
-try to hold the Jukebox in the four hands of two players you'll find out why.
-Games with three players are only possible using a remote control.</p>
-<h2>Start the game</h2>
-<p>Hit F1 on the jukebox to enter the menu. Use the arrow keys to select the
-entry 'Games' and then 'Wormlet'.</p>
-<h2>Game Options</h2>
-<p>Before the game starts a configuration panel appears. Here you select the
-number of players, the number of worms and the control mode of the game.</p>
-<p>With the up and down keys of the Jukebox you can adjust the number of
-players that take part in the game. To each player a worm will be assigned.
-If there are more worms than players in the game those worms will be
-steered by the Jukebox with artificial stupidity. This enables you to play
-against opponents if you lack of friends. If you are smart: maybe you should
-put away Wormlet every now and then to make new friends that can steer the
-worms more intelligently than artificial stupidity. Although: sometimes human
-stipidity outstupids artificial stupidity... But that doesn't apply to _your_
-<p>By specifying 0 players you enter the couch-potato-mode. All worms are
-controlled by artificial stupidity and thus out of control. Grab some popcorn
-and watch the worms fight each other. Maybe you feel like supporting a worm
-of your choice loudly.</p>
-Adjust the number of worms that take part in the game. Note that you can have
-more worms than players but not more players than worms. Worms without a player
-are controlled by artificial stupidity.
-Using the F1 key you can select the control mode. The available control modes
-depend on the number of players taking part in the game. Only in single player
-games the 4 Key control is available. It would be unfair if you had to
-distinguish four keys while your opponent is already busy with only two ....
-<table border=1>
- <tr>
- <td>Players</td>
- <td>Modes</td>
- <td>Player 1</td>
- <td>Player 2</td>
- <td>Player 3</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>0</td>
- <td>Out of control</td>
- <th colspan=3>
- With no player taking part in the game all worms are out of control and
- steered by artificial stupidity.
- </th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan=2>1</td>
- <td>2 Key control</td>
- <td>
- on Jukebox<br>
- left: turn worm left<br>
- right: turn worm right
- </td>
- <td>-</td>
- <td>-</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>4 Key control</td>
- <td>
- on Jukebox<br>
- left: make worm creep left<br>
- up: make worm creep up<br>
- right: make worm creep right<br>
- down: make worm creep down
- </td>
- <td>-</td>
- <td>-</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan=2>2</td>
- <td>Remote Control</td>
- <td>
- on Jukebox<br>
- left: turn worm left<br>
- right: turn worm right<br>
- </td>
- <td>
- on remote control<br>
- Volume down: turn worm left</br>
- Volume up: turn worm right<br>
- </td>
- <td>-</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>No rem. control</td>
- <td>
- on Jukebox<br>
- left: turn worm left<br>
- right: turn worm right<br>
- </td>
- <td>
- on Jukebox<br>
- F2: turn worm left</br>
- F3: turn worm right<br>
- </td>
- <td>-</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>3</td>
- <td>Remote control</td>
- <td>
- on Jukebox<br>
- left: turn worm left<br>
- right: turn worm right<br>
- </td>
- <td>
- on remote control<br>
- Volume down: turn worm left</br>
- Volume up: turn worm right<br>
- </td>
- <td>
- on Jukebox<br>
- F2: turn worm left</br>
- F3: turn worm right<br>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<h3>Start the game</h3>
-<p>When you have finished selecting the game options you start the game by
-pressing the 'play' or 'on' button. The field is populated with food,
-argh tiles and of course the worms. According to your selectin up to
-three worms appear. All worms start creeping to the right.
-The worm of player 1 is the top most worm, player 2 controls the worm in
-the middle, the third worm is driven by player 3. </p>
-<h2>The game</h2>
-<p>Use the control keys of your worm to navigate around obstacles and find
-food. Worms can not stop creeping besides when dead. Dead worms are no fun.
-Be careful as your worm will try to eat anything that you steer it
-across. It doesn't distinguish wether it's eatable or not.</p>
-<p>The small quadratical hollow pieces are food. By creeping your worm over a
-food tile you make it eat. After you ate your worm grows. Each time a piece
-of food has been eaten a new piece of food will pop up somewhere.
-Unfortunately for each new food that appears two new argh pieces will appear,
-You surely wondered what the heaven an argh might be. An argh is a
-black quadratical poisoned piece - slightly bigger than food - that makes a
-worm say "Argh!" when creeping against. A worm that tried to eat an argh is
-dead. Thus you must avoid eating argh under any circumstances. Arghs have
-the annoying tendency to accumulate.
-Thou shall not eat worms. Neither other worms nor yourself. Eating worms is
-plasphemic canibalism, not healthy and causes instant death. And it doesn't
-help you anyway: you can't hurt the other worm by biting it. It will go
-on creeping happily and eat all the food you left on the table.
-Don't creep against the walls. Walls are not eatable. Creeping a worm against
-a wall causes it a headache it doesn't survive.
-<h3>Game over</h3>
-The game is over when all worms are dead. The longest worm wins the game.
-<h3>Pause the game</h3>
-Press the play key to pause the game. Hit play again to resume the game.
-<h3>Stop the game</h3>
-There are two ways to stop a running game.
-<li>If you want to quit Wormlet entirely
-simply hit the off button. The game will stop immediately and you will return
-to the game menu.
-<li>If you want to stop the game and still see the screen hit the on button. This
-freezes the game. If you hit the on button again a new game starts with the same
-configuration. To return to the games menu you can hit the stop button.
-A stopped game can not be resumed.
-<h2>The score board</h2>
-On the right side of the game field you can see the score board. For each worm
-it displays its status and its length. The top most entry displays the state of
-worm 1, the second worm 3 and the third worm 3. When a worm dies it's entry on the
-score board turns black.
-Here the current length of the worm is displayed. When a worm is on food it
-grows by one pixel for each step it creeps.
-That's the normal state of a worm. Worms are always hungry and want to eat.
-It's good to have a hungry worm since it means that your worm is alive. But
-it's better to get your worm growing.
-When your worm has eaten a piece of food it starts growing. For each step
-it creeps it can grow by one pixel. One piece of food lasts for 7 steps.
-After your worm has crept 7 steps the food is used up. If you encounter
-another piece of food while growing don't hesitate to eat it. It will increase
-your growing state for another 7 steps.
-This indicats that you crashed your poor worm against a wall. That was evil.
-Go and find something hard and smash it against your forehead so you feel
-what you did to your worm. And don't use your Jukebox. You might damage it and
-with its soft blue rubber edges that wouldn't hurt enough anyway.
-If your score board entry displays "Argh" it means your worm is dead because of
-trying to eat an argh. Until we can make the worm say "Argh!" it's your
-job to say "Argh!" aloud.
-Your worm tried to eat another worm or even itself. That's why it's dead now.
-Maybe your opponent has managed to build a trap with his worm. Try to
-do the same with him in the next game.
-<li>During the first games you will be busy with controlling your worm. Try to
-avoid other worms and creep far away from them. Wait until they curled up
-themselves and collect the food afterwards. Don't bother if the other worms
-grow longer than yours - you can catch up after they've died.
-<li>When you are more experienced watch the tactics of other worms. Especially
-those worms controlled by artificial stupidity head straight for the nearest
-piece of food. Let the other worm have it's next piece of food and head for
-the food it would probably want next. Try to put yourself between the opponent
-and that food. From now on you can 'control' the other worm by blocking it.
-You could trap it
-by making a 1 pixel wide U-turn. You also could move from food to food and make
-sure you keep between your opponent and the food. So you can always reach it
-before your opponent.
-<li>While playing the game the Jukebox still can play music. For single player
-game use any music you like. For berzerk games with 2 players use hard rock and
-for 3 player games use heavy metal or X-Phobie
-(<a href=""></a>).
-<li>Play fair and don't kick your opponent on the big toe or poke him in the eye.
-That's wouldn't be bad manners.
-#include "foot.t"