path: root/firmware/export/config/sonynwze360.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2024-03-31rolo: simplify parsing scramble header in load_firmware()Aidan MacDonald1-5/+0
2020-10-03imx233: Enable 96/192K playback for all imx233 targets that have roomSolomon Peachy1-7/+3
2020-09-30audio: Add support for 192 and 176KHz playbackSolomon Peachy1-1/+1
2020-07-24[4/4] Remove HAVE_LCD_BITMAP, as it's now the only choice.Solomon Peachy1-2/+2
2020-07-24[3/4] Completely remove HWCODEC supportSolomon Peachy1-2/+2
2017-10-29Add boot data support to rockbox.William Wilgus1-0/+2
2016-12-12imx233: add capability to boot OF or updater instead of RockboxAmaury Pouly1-0/+3
2015-01-08Get rid of USE_ROCKBOX_USBAmaury Pouly1-1/+0
2014-03-03Implement lcd_get_dpi() for all bitmap targets.Thomas Martitz1-0/+2
2013-11-20sonynwz: rework keymap based on lebellium's work and enable volume in listAmaury Pouly1-0/+3
2013-10-22imx233: extend partition window support to be more genericAmaury Pouly1-0/+1
2013-09-25Initial commit for the sony NWZ-E360 and NWZ-E370Amaury Pouly1-0/+183