path: root/firmware/kernel/thread.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-06-12Agptek Rocker: Initial commitMarcin Bukat1-0/+3
2017-01-21Add CPU mode asserts to kernel on blocking functions.Michael Sevakis1-0/+2
2014-08-30Remove I/O priority. It is harmful when used with the new file code.Michael Sevakis1-18/+0
2014-08-25panicf doesn't return so why not tell GCC and $AVE :Michael Sevakis1-1/+0
2014-08-20Make sure load_context is the last thing in switch_thread.Michael Sevakis1-5/+5
2014-08-16Fix warnings from 6ed0087Michael Sevakis1-0/+1
2014-08-16Base scheduler queues off linked lists and do cleanup/consolidationMichael Sevakis1-1184/+653
2014-08-08Fix some more straggling stuffMichael Sevakis1-9/+2
2014-08-08Do some kernel cleanupMichael Sevakis1-374/+26
2014-08-06Fix some stuff for no priority andMichael Sevakis1-8/+2
2014-08-06Add multi-reader, single-writer locks to kernel.Michael Sevakis1-459/+502
2014-03-03kernel: Break out kernel primitives into separate files and move to separate ...Thomas Martitz1-0/+2442