path: root/lib/rbcodec/codecs/libspc
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-07-30iPod Classic: disable IRAM1Cástor Muñoz1-2/+2
2013-05-26SPC Codec ARMv5: I didn't have fast gauss quite right.Michael Sevakis1-5/+5
2013-05-23SPC Codec: Add ARMv5 optimized code. Easy peasy.Michael Sevakis4-1/+291
2013-05-21SPC Codec: Simplify configuration and assume nothing need be disabled.Michael Sevakis1-33/+21
2013-05-21SPC Codec: Need to restore a bit more data from cached waves.Michael Sevakis2-59/+53
2013-05-21Fix FS#9577 - SNES player missing tracks on certain SPCsMichael Sevakis2-44/+85
2013-05-21Fix 87021f7 errors. There is no this->echo_pos when SPC_NOECHO != 0.Michael Sevakis1-1/+1
2013-05-21SPC Codec: Refactor for CPU and clean up some things.Michael Sevakis12-1295/+1690
2012-04-25Add codecs to librbcodec.Sean Bartell8-0/+3691