path: root/rbutil/rbutilqt/base/bootloaderinstallams.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2020-11-19rbutil: Modernize code to use C++11 nullptr.Dominik Riebeling1-2/+2
2016-08-15rbutil: enable "done" signal on bootloader uninstallCástor Muñoz1-0/+1
2013-11-04Use cutelogger for Rockbox Utility internal trace.Dominik Riebeling1-8/+9
2013-08-18Fix typo in source string.Dominik Riebeling1-1/+1
2013-06-09Add note to AMS bootloader installation about OF file.Dominik Riebeling1-17/+19
2011-10-19Remove svn keyword lines from sources.Dominik Riebeling1-1/+0
2011-05-13Make the AMS bootloader prompt slightly more specific.Michael Giacomelli1-1/+3
2010-05-24mkamsboot/rbutil/amsinfo : do not try to detect the model of a given Sansa AM...Rafaël Carré1-16/+17
2010-02-19rbutil: link to the Sansa forums when the user is requested to download a San...Rafaël Carré1-3/+5
2010-02-19mkamsboot: prevents 2 potential problemsRafaël Carré1-2/+6
2010-01-19Make Rockbox Utility build again and make some strings translatable. Break so...Dominik Riebeling1-5/+10
2010-01-19rbutil: add a few qDebug outputs, to better track the install process in Boot...Dominik Wenger1-1/+11
2009-11-22rbutilqt: always rename the OF to the name specified in rbtutil.iniRafaël Carré1-4/+2
2009-10-26Add a pointer to the manual and wiki for finding an OF file for AMS bootloade...Dominik Riebeling1-5/+8
2009-08-15rbutil: move extern "C" declaration into mkamsboot.h Dominik Wenger1-4/+1
2009-08-15rbutil: add ams sansa targets. (FS#10185)Dominik Wenger1-0/+176