path: root/rbutil/rbutilqt/base/httpget.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2009-10-14Add cache index file to HttpGet class to maintain a list of hash - file origi...Dominik Riebeling1-0/+18
2009-09-19rbutil: dont output a error if rbutil follows a http redirect.Dominik Wenger1-4/+6
2009-05-19RFC2616 requires requests made to proxies to use the absoluteURI form while H...Dominik Riebeling1-6/+21
2009-04-17Simplify a debug output case and fix a gcc warning (as reported in FS#10124, ...Dominik Riebeling1-4/+5
2009-03-22Don't connect the headerFinished slot during each get. Fixes the header resul...Dominik Riebeling1-5/+9
2009-03-21Cleanup HttpGet debugging output: make it somewhat more silent and streamline...Dominik Riebeling1-30/+25
2009-03-21Don't ignore errors when finishing a HTTP request for cached request as that ...Dominik Riebeling1-5/+1
2009-03-21HttpGet: if downloaded data should be written to output buffer make sure the ...Dominik Riebeling1-0/+5
2009-03-08Some HttpGet cleanup: use references when setting options.Dominik Riebeling1-1/+1
2008-10-12Separate basic functionality from GUI parts by moving it into a separate fold...Dominik Riebeling1-0/+413