path: root/rbutil/rbutilqt/createvoicewindow.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2011-10-19Remove svn keyword lines from sources.Dominik Riebeling1-1/+0
2011-10-02Rockbox Utility: listen to translation change events.Dominik Riebeling1-0/+1
2010-02-28Save values set in voice window before calling configuration dialog.Dominik Riebeling1-0/+1
2009-05-09rbutil: make RbSettings a static class. (FS#10183 with improvements)Dominik Wenger1-3/+1
2009-04-29rbutil: completely rework how tts and encoders are configured. (FS#10070)Dominik Wenger1-1/+1
2008-06-30Add missing keywords property.Dominik Riebeling1-1/+1
2008-06-28Updated our source code header to explicitly mention that we are GPL v2 orDaniel Stenberg1-2/+4
2008-03-14when changing settings from the Talk and Voice window also update the main wi...Dominik Riebeling1-0/+3
2008-03-01oops, removed a bit too much.Dominik Riebeling1-0/+2
2008-03-01Fix voicefile / talkfile generation windows not updating the displayed settin...Dominik Riebeling1-6/+2
2008-01-25rbtutil: introduce a RbSettings class help code reuse, and minimises duplicat...Dominik Wenger1-5/+3
2008-01-19rbutilqt: made the sapi TTS more configurable, you can now select a specific ...Dominik Wenger1-2/+1
2008-01-11rbutil: added creation of voice files with rbutil.Dominik Wenger1-0/+56