path: root/rbutil/rbutilqt/logger
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2020-08-08rbutil: Update CuteLogger to most recent upstream.Dominik Riebeling22-1235/+2194
Update to the most recent git version. This changes the folder structure and renames some classes to follow upstream. Restore MSVC static link fix, and fix wrong variable in qmake project file. Change-Id: I874bb9ed60e37af09a841988e771fd341414d145
2015-05-02Separate logger / quazip project file parts.Dominik Riebeling1-0/+19
Move to separate project include file for better readability and reusability. Change-Id: If75805be8fad4aec8ede600f5c616a9412ac0505
2013-11-04Fix cutelogger with MSVC.Dominik Riebeling1-0/+4
We're compiling cutelogger directly, not as DLL. Therefore we must not add __declspec attributes to the header. Change-Id: I41b87fd4ba34dfbcd0d37245ff1c1f279139bb33
2013-11-04Use cutelogger for Rockbox Utility internal trace.Dominik Riebeling15-0/+1941
Change tracing from qDebug() to use cutelogger, which is available under the LGPL2.1. This allows to automatically add filename and line number to the log, and also provides multiple log levels. Change-Id: I5dbdaf902ba54ea99f07ae10a07467c52fdac910