path: root/rbutil/rbutilqt/rbutil_de.ts
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2008-07-02RBUtil: Sync Dutch language and do lupdate for othersMaurus Cuelenaere1-62/+120
2008-06-30rbutil: improve german translation a bit (mostly file -> datei)Dominik Wenger1-32/+32
2008-06-30rbutil: update german translation.Dominik Wenger1-110/+92
2008-06-25RBUtil: 1) Add Dutch languageMaurus Cuelenaere1-397/+776
2008-05-11Set svn:eol-style on files from the rbutil directory and its subdirectories.Nicolas Pennequin1-2538/+2538
2008-01-20rbutil: lupdate on all languages, updated german lang.Dominik Wenger1-116/+360
2008-01-06rbutil: Updated german translation. (also lupdate on all translations)Dominik Wenger1-1864/+2294
2007-09-03update german translation a bit. Still incomplete.Dominik Riebeling1-1760/+1864
2007-08-26rbutilqt: first attempt to Small and Complete Installation, could be improved.Dominik Wenger1-586/+1760
2007-07-29support for translating rbutil. Translation files (*.qm) can be in the binary...Dominik Riebeling1-217/+160
2007-07-25First stab at porting rbutil to Qt4. Currently only installing a current or a...Dominik Riebeling1-0/+643