path: root/rbutil/rbutilqt/rbutilqt.qrc
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2007-08-05rbutilQt: added Talkfile creation.Dominik Wenger1-0/+1
2007-08-02Remove mountpoint entry line from installation form and use config setting in...Dominik Riebeling1-1/+3
2007-08-01Update configuration dialog and disable unimplemented items. Add some nice ic...Dominik Riebeling1-4/+6
2007-07-31rbutilQt: the progressloggergui now uses little icons along the text. Dominik Wenger1-4/+7
2007-07-29support for translating rbutil. Translation files (*.qm) can be in the binary...Dominik Riebeling1-1/+2
2007-07-26Use a html version of gpl for the licence in the about box. Make the box use ...Martin Arver1-0/+1
2007-07-25First stab at porting rbutil to Qt4. Currently only installing a current or a...Dominik Riebeling1-0/+21