/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * MOD Codec for rockbox * * Written from scratch by Rainer Sinsch * exclusivly for Rockbox in February 2008 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ /************** * This version supports large files directly from internal memory management. * There is a drawback however: It may happen that a song is not completely * loaded when the internal rockbox-ringbuffer (approx. 28MB) is filled up * As a workaround make sure you don't have directories with mods larger * than a total of 28MB *************/ #include "debug.h" #include "codeclib.h" #include #include #include #include #include CODEC_HEADER #define CHUNK_SIZE (1024*2) /* This codec supports MOD Files: * */ static int32_t samples[CHUNK_SIZE] IBSS_ATTR; /* The sample buffer */ /* Instrument Data */ struct s_instrument { /* Sample name / description */ /*char description[22];*/ /* Sample length in bytes */ unsigned short length; /* Sample finetuning (-8 - +7) */ signed char finetune; /* Sample volume (0 - 64) */ signed char volume; /* Sample Repeat Position */ unsigned short repeatoffset; /* Sample Repeat Length */ unsigned short repeatlength; /* Offset to sample data */ unsigned int sampledataoffset; }; /* Song Data */ struct s_song { /* Song name / title description */ /*char szTitle[20];*/ /* No. of channels in song */ unsigned char noofchannels; /* No. of instruments used (either 15 or 31) */ unsigned char noofinstruments; /* How many patterns are beeing played? */ unsigned char songlength; /* Where to jump after the song end? */ unsigned char songendjumpposition; /* Pointer to the Pattern Order Table */ unsigned char *patternordertable; /* Pointer to the pattern data */ void *patterndata; /* Pointer to the sample buffer */ signed char *sampledata; /* Instrument data */ struct s_instrument instrument[31]; }; struct s_modchannel { /* Current Volume */ signed char volume; /* Current Offset to period in PeriodTable of notebeeing played (can be temporarily negative) */ short periodtableoffset; /* Current Period beeing played */ short period; /* Current effect */ unsigned char effect; /* Current parameters of effect */ unsigned char effectparameter; /* Current Instrument beeing played */ unsigned char instrument; /* Current Vibrato Speed */ unsigned char vibratospeed; /* Current Vibrato Depth */ unsigned char vibratodepth; /* Current Position for Vibrato in SinTable */ unsigned char vibratosinpos; /* Current Tremolo Speed */ unsigned char tremolospeed; /* Current Tremolo Depth */ unsigned char tremolodepth; /* Current Position for Tremolo in SinTable */ unsigned char tremolosinpos; /* Current Speed of Effect "Slide Note up" */ unsigned char slideupspeed; /* Current Speed of Effect "Slide Note down" */ unsigned char slidedownspeed; /* Current Speed of the "Slide to Note" effect */ unsigned char slidetonotespeed; /* Current Period of the "Slide to Note" effect */ unsigned short slidetonoteperiod; }; struct s_modplayer { /* Ticks per Line */ unsigned char ticksperline; /* Beats per Minute */ unsigned char bpm; /* Position of the Song in the Pattern Table (0-127) */ unsigned char patterntableposition; /* Current Line (may be temporarily < 0) */ signed char currentline; /* Current Tick */ signed char currenttick; /* How many samples are required to calculate for each tick? */ unsigned int samplespertick; /* Information about the channels */ struct s_modchannel modchannel[8]; /* The Amiga Period Table (+1 because we use index 0 for period 0 = no new note) */ unsigned short periodtable[37*8+1]; /* The sinus table [-255,255] */ signed short sintable[0x40]; /* Is the glissando effect enabled? */ bool glissandoenabled; /* Is the Amiga Filter enabled? */ bool amigafilterenabled; /* The pattern-line where the loop is carried out (set with e6 command) */ unsigned char loopstartline; /* Number of times to loop */ unsigned char looptimes; }; struct s_channel { /* Panning (0 = left, 16 = right) */ unsigned char panning; /* Sample frequency of the channel */ unsigned short frequency; /* Position of the sample currently played */ unsigned int samplepos; /* Fractual Position of the sample currently player */ unsigned int samplefractpos; /* Loop Sample */ bool loopsample; /* Loop Position Start */ unsigned int loopstart; /* Loop Position End */ unsigned int loopend; /* Is The channel beeing played? */ bool channelactive; /* The Volume (0..64) */ signed char volume; /* The last sampledata beeing played (required for interpolation) */ signed short lastsampledata; }; struct s_mixer { /* The channels */ struct s_channel channel[32]; }; struct s_song modsong IDATA_ATTR; /* The Song */ struct s_modplayer modplayer IDATA_ATTR; /* The Module Player */ struct s_mixer mixer IDATA_ATTR; const unsigned short mixingrate = 44100; STATICIRAM void mixer_playsample(int channel, int instrument) ICODE_ATTR; void mixer_playsample(int channel, int instrument) { struct s_channel *p_channel = &mixer.channel[channel]; struct s_instrument *p_instrument = &modsong.instrument[instrument]; p_channel->channelactive = true; p_channel->samplepos = p_instrument->sampledataoffset; p_channel->samplefractpos = 0; p_channel->loopsample = (p_instrument->repeatlength > 2); if (p_channel->loopsample) { p_channel->loopstart = p_instrument->repeatoffset + p_instrument->sampledataoffset; p_channel->loopend = p_channel->loopstart + p_instrument->repeatlength; } else p_channel->loopend = p_instrument->length + p_instrument->sampledataoffset; /* Remember the instrument */ modplayer.modchannel[channel].instrument = instrument; } static inline void mixer_stopsample(int channel) { mixer.channel[channel].channelactive = false; } static inline void mixer_continuesample(int channel) { mixer.channel[channel].channelactive = true; } static inline void mixer_setvolume(int channel, int volume) { mixer.channel[channel].volume = volume; } static inline void mixer_setpanning(int channel, int panning) { mixer.channel[channel].panning = panning; } static inline void mixer_setamigaperiod(int channel, int amigaperiod) { /* Just to make sure we don't devide by zero * amigaperiod shouldn't 0 anyway - if it is the case * then something terribly went wrong */ if (amigaperiod == 0) return; mixer.channel[channel].frequency = 3579546 / amigaperiod; } /* Initialize the MOD Player with default values and precalc tables */ STATICIRAM void initmodplayer(void) ICODE_ATTR; void initmodplayer(void) { unsigned int i,c; /* Calculate Amiga Period Values * Start with Period 907 (= C-1 with Finetune -8) and work upwards */ double f = 907.0f; /* Index 0 stands for no note (and therefore no period) */ modplayer.periodtable[0] = 0; for (i=1;i<297;i++) { modplayer.periodtable[i] = (unsigned short) f; f /= 1.0072464122237039; /* = pow(2.0f, 1.0f/(12.0f*8.0f)); */ } /* * This is a more accurate but also time more consuming approach * to calculate the amiga period table * Commented out for speed purposes const int finetuning = 8; const int octaves = 3; for (int halftone=0;halftone<=finetuning*octaves*12+7;halftone++) { float e = pow(2.0f, halftone/(12.0f*8.0f)); float f = 906.55f/e; modplayer.periodtable[halfetone+1] = (int)(f+0.5f); } */ /* Calculate Protracker Vibrato sine table * The routine makes use of the Harmonical Oscillator Approach * for calculating sine tables * (see http://membres.lycos.fr/amycoders/tutorials/sintables.html) * The routine presented here calculates a complete sine wave * with 64 values in range [-255,255] */ float a, b, d, dd; d = 0.09817475f; /* = 2*PI/64 */ dd = d*d; a = 0; b = d; for (i=0;i<0x40;i++) { modplayer.sintable[i] = (int)(255*a); a = a+b; b = b-dd*a; } /* Set Default Player Values */ modplayer.currentline = 0; modplayer.currenttick = 0; modplayer.patterntableposition = 0; modplayer.bpm = 125; modplayer.ticksperline = 6; modplayer.glissandoenabled = false; /* Disable glissando */ modplayer.amigafilterenabled = false; /* Disable the Amiga Filter */ /* Default Panning Values */ int panningvalues[8] = {4,12,12,4,4,12,12,4}; for (c=0;c<8;c++) { /* Set Default Panning */ mixer_setpanning(c, panningvalues[c]); /* Reset channels in the MOD Player */ memset(&modplayer.modchannel[c], 0, sizeof(struct s_modchannel)); /* Don't play anything */ mixer.channel[c].channelactive = false; } } /* Load the MOD File from memory */ STATICIRAM bool loadmod(void *modfile) ICODE_ATTR; bool loadmod(void *modfile) { int i; unsigned char *periodsconverted; /* We don't support PowerPacker 2.0 Files */ if (memcmp((char*) modfile, "PP20", 4) == 0) return false; /* Get the File Format Tag */ char *fileformattag = (char*)modfile + 1080; /* Find out how many channels and instruments are used */ if (memcmp(fileformattag, "2CHN", 4) == 0) {modsong.noofchannels = 2; modsong.noofinstruments = 31;} else if (memcmp(fileformattag, "M.K.", 4) == 0) {modsong.noofchannels = 4; modsong.noofinstruments = 31;} else if (memcmp(fileformattag, "M!K!", 4) == 0) {modsong.noofchannels = 4; modsong.noofinstruments = 31;} else if (memcmp(fileformattag, "4CHN", 4) == 0) {modsong.noofchannels = 4; modsong.noofinstruments = 31;} else if (memcmp(fileformattag, "FLT4", 4) == 0) {modsong.noofchannels = 4; modsong.noofinstruments = 31;} else if (memcmp(fileformattag, "6CHN", 4) == 0) {modsong.noofchannels = 6; modsong.noofinstruments = 31;} else if (memcmp(fileformattag, "8CHN", 4) == 0) {modsong.noofchannels = 8; modsong.noofinstruments = 31;} else if (memcmp(fileformattag, "OKTA", 4) == 0) {modsong.noofchannels = 8; modsong.noofinstruments = 31;} else if (memcmp(fileformattag, "CD81", 4) == 0) {modsong.noofchannels = 8; modsong.noofinstruments = 31;} else { /* The file has no format tag, so most likely soundtracker */ modsong.noofchannels = 4; modsong.noofinstruments = 15; } /* Get the Song title * Skipped here * strncpy(modsong.szTitle, (char*)pMODFile, 20); */ /* Get the Instrument information */ for (i=0;idescription, (char*)p, 22); */ p += 22; instrument->length = (((p[0])<<8) + p[1]) << 1; p+=2; instrument->finetune = *p++ & 0x0f; /* Treat finetuning as signed nibble */ if (instrument->finetune > 7) instrument->finetune -= 16; instrument->volume = *p++; instrument->repeatoffset = (((p[0])<<8) + p[1]) << 1; p+= 2; instrument->repeatlength = (((p[0])<<8) + p[1]) << 1; } /* Get the pattern information */ unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)modfile + 20 + modsong.noofinstruments*30; modsong.songlength = *p++; modsong.songendjumpposition = *p++; modsong.patternordertable = p; /* Find out how many patterns are used within this song */ int maxpatterns = 0; for (i=0;i<128;i++) if (modsong.patternordertable[i] > maxpatterns) maxpatterns = modsong.patternordertable[i]; maxpatterns++; /* use 'restartposition' (historically set to 127) which is not used here as a marker that periods have already been converted */ periodsconverted = (char*)modfile + 20 + modsong.noofinstruments*30 + 1; /* Get the pattern data; ST doesn't have fileformattag, so 4 bytes less */ modsong.patterndata = periodsconverted + (modsong.noofinstruments==15 ? 129 : 133); /* Convert the period values in the mod file to offsets * in our periodtable (but only, if we haven't done this yet) */ p = (unsigned char *) modsong.patterndata; if (*periodsconverted != 0xfe) { int note, note2, channel; for (note=0;note> 8) | (p[0] & 0xf0); p[1] = periodoffset & 0xff; p += 4; } /* Remember that we already converted the periods, * in case the file gets reloaded by rewinding * with 0xfe (arbitary magic value > 127) */ *periodsconverted = 0xfe; } /* Get the samples * Calculation: The Samples come after the pattern data * We know that there are nMaxPatterns and each pattern requires * 4 bytes per note and per channel. * And of course there are always lines in each channel */ modsong.sampledata = (signed char*) modsong.patterndata + maxpatterns*4*modsong.noofchannels*64; int sampledataoffset = 0; for (i=0;i> 7 is used in the original protracker source code */ mixer_setamigaperiod(channel, p_modchannel->period+ ((p_modchannel->vibratodepth * modplayer.sintable[p_modchannel->vibratosinpos])>>7)); /* Foward in Sine Table */ p_modchannel->vibratosinpos += p_modchannel->vibratospeed; p_modchannel->vibratosinpos &= 0x3f; } /* Apply tremolo to channel * (same as vibrato, but only apply on volume instead of pitch) */ STATICIRAM void tremolo(int channel) ICODE_ATTR; void tremolo(int channel) { struct s_modchannel *p_modchannel = &modplayer.modchannel[channel]; /* Apply Tremolo * >> 6 is used in the original protracker source code */ int volume = (p_modchannel->volume * modplayer.sintable[p_modchannel->tremolosinpos])>>6; if (volume > 64) volume = 64; else if (volume < 0) volume = 0; mixer_setvolume(channel, volume); /* Foward in Sine Table */ p_modchannel->tremolosinpos += p_modchannel->tremolosinpos; p_modchannel->tremolosinpos &= 0x3f; } /* Apply Slide to Note effect to channel */ STATICIRAM void slidetonote(int channel) ICODE_ATTR; void slidetonote(int channel) { struct s_modchannel *p_modchannel = &modplayer.modchannel[channel]; /* If there hasn't been any slide-to note set up, then return */ if (p_modchannel->slidetonoteperiod == 0) return; /* Slide note up */ if (p_modchannel->slidetonoteperiod > p_modchannel->period) { p_modchannel->period += p_modchannel->slidetonotespeed; if (p_modchannel->period > p_modchannel->slidetonoteperiod) p_modchannel->period = p_modchannel->slidetonoteperiod; } /* Slide note down */ else if (p_modchannel->slidetonoteperiod < p_modchannel->period) { p_modchannel->period -= p_modchannel->slidetonotespeed; if (p_modchannel->period < p_modchannel->slidetonoteperiod) p_modchannel->period = p_modchannel->slidetonoteperiod; } mixer_setamigaperiod(channel, p_modchannel->period); } /* Apply Slide to Note effect on channel, * but this time with glissando enabled */ STATICIRAM void slidetonoteglissando(int channel) ICODE_ATTR; void slidetonoteglissando(int channel) { struct s_modchannel *p_modchannel = &modplayer.modchannel[channel]; /* Slide note up */ if (p_modchannel->slidetonoteperiod > p_modchannel->period) { p_modchannel->period = modplayer.periodtable[p_modchannel->periodtableoffset+=8]; if (p_modchannel->period > p_modchannel->slidetonoteperiod) p_modchannel->period = p_modchannel->slidetonoteperiod; } /* Slide note down */ else { p_modchannel->period = modplayer.periodtable[p_modchannel->periodtableoffset-=8]; if (p_modchannel->period < p_modchannel->slidetonoteperiod) p_modchannel->period = p_modchannel->slidetonoteperiod; } mixer_setamigaperiod(channel, p_modchannel->period); } /* Apply Volume Slide */ STATICIRAM void volumeslide(int channel, int effectx, int effecty) ICODE_ATTR; void volumeslide(int channel, int effectx, int effecty) { struct s_modchannel *p_modchannel = &modplayer.modchannel[channel]; /* If both X and Y Parameters are non-zero, then the y value is ignored */ if (effectx > 0) { p_modchannel->volume += effectx; if (p_modchannel->volume > 64) p_modchannel->volume = 64; } else { p_modchannel->volume -= effecty; if (p_modchannel->volume < 0) p_modchannel->volume = 0; } mixer_setvolume(channel, p_modchannel->volume); } /* Play the current line (at tick 0) */ STATICIRAM void playline(int pattern, int line) ICODE_ATTR; void playline(int pattern, int line) { int c; /* Get pointer to the current pattern */ unsigned char *p_line = (unsigned char*)modsong.patterndata; p_line += pattern*64*4*modsong.noofchannels; p_line += line*4*modsong.noofchannels; /* Only allow one Patternbreak Commando per Line */ bool patternbreakdone = false; for (c=0;c> 4); short periodtableoffset = ((p_note[0] & 0x0f) << 8) | p_note[1]; p_modchannel->effect = p_note[2] & 0x0f; p_modchannel->effectparameter = p_note[3]; /* Remember Instrument and set Volume if new Instrument triggered */ if (samplenumber > 0) { /* And trigger new sample, if new instrument was set */ if (samplenumber-1 != p_modchannel->instrument) { /* Advance the new sample to the same offset * the old sample was beeing played */ int oldsampleoffset = mixer.channel[c].samplepos - modsong.instrument[ p_modchannel->instrument].sampledataoffset; mixer_playsample(c, samplenumber-1); mixer.channel[c].samplepos += oldsampleoffset; } /* Remember last played instrument on channel */ p_modchannel->instrument = samplenumber-1; /* Set Volume to standard instrument volume, * if not overwritten by volume effect */ if (p_modchannel->effect != 0x0c) { p_modchannel->volume = modsong.instrument[ p_modchannel->instrument].volume; mixer_setvolume(c, p_modchannel->volume); } } /* Trigger new sample if note available */ if (periodtableoffset > 0) { /* Restart instrument only when new sample triggered */ if (samplenumber != 0) mixer_playsample(c, (samplenumber > 0) ? samplenumber-1 : p_modchannel->instrument); /* Set the new amiga period * (but only, if there is no slide to note effect) */ if ((p_modchannel->effect != 0x3) && (p_modchannel->effect != 0x5)) { /* Apply finetuning to sample */ p_modchannel->periodtableoffset = periodtableoffset + modsong.instrument[p_modchannel->instrument].finetune; p_modchannel->period = modplayer.periodtable[ p_modchannel->periodtableoffset]; mixer_setamigaperiod(c, p_modchannel->period); /* When a new note is played without slide to note setup, * then disable slide to note */ modplayer.modchannel[c].slidetonoteperiod = p_modchannel->period; } } int effectx = p_modchannel->effectparameter>>4; int effecty = p_modchannel->effectparameter&0x0f; switch (p_modchannel->effect) { /* Effect 0: Arpeggio */ case 0x00: /* Set the base period on tick 0 */ if (p_modchannel->effectparameter > 0) mixer_setamigaperiod(c, modplayer.periodtable[ p_modchannel->periodtableoffset]); break; /* Slide up (Portamento up) */ case 0x01: if (p_modchannel->effectparameter > 0) p_modchannel->slideupspeed = p_modchannel->effectparameter; break; /* Slide down (Portamento down) */ case 0x02: if (p_modchannel->effectparameter > 0) p_modchannel->slidedownspeed = p_modchannel->effectparameter; break; /* Slide to Note */ case 0x03: if (p_modchannel->effectparameter > 0) p_modchannel->slidetonotespeed = p_modchannel->effectparameter; /* Get the slide to note directly from the pattern buffer */ if (periodtableoffset > 0) p_modchannel->slidetonoteperiod = modplayer.periodtable[periodtableoffset + modsong.instrument[ p_modchannel->instrument].finetune]; /* If glissando is enabled apply the effect directly here */ if (modplayer.glissandoenabled) slidetonoteglissando(c); break; /* Set Vibrato */ case 0x04: if (effectx > 0) p_modchannel->vibratospeed = effectx; if (effecty > 0) p_modchannel->vibratodepth = effecty; break; /* Effect 0x06: Slide to note */ case 0x05: /* Get the slide to note directly from the pattern buffer */ if (periodtableoffset > 0) p_modchannel->slidetonoteperiod = modplayer.periodtable[periodtableoffset + modsong.instrument[ p_modchannel->instrument].finetune]; break; /* Effect 0x06 is "Continue Effects" */ /* It is not processed on tick 0 */ case 0x06: break; /* Set Tremolo */ case 0x07: if (effectx > 0) p_modchannel->tremolodepth = effectx; if (effecty > 0) p_modchannel->tremolospeed = effecty; break; /* Set fine panning */ case 0x08: /* Internal panning goes from 0..15 * Scale the fine panning value to that range */ mixer.channel[c].panning = p_modchannel->effectparameter>>4; break; /* Set Sample Offset */ case 0x09: { struct s_instrument *p_instrument = &modsong.instrument[p_modchannel->instrument]; int sampleoffset = p_instrument->sampledataoffset; if (sampleoffset > p_instrument->length) sampleoffset = p_instrument->length; /* Forward the new offset to the mixer */ mixer.channel[c].samplepos = p_instrument->sampledataoffset + (p_modchannel->effectparameter<<8); mixer.channel[c].samplefractpos = 0; break; } /* Effect 0x0a (Volume slide) is not processed on tick 0 */ /* Position Jump */ case 0x0b: modplayer.currentline = -1; modplayer.patterntableposition = (effectx<<4)+effecty; break; /* Set Volume */ case 0x0c: p_modchannel->volume = p_modchannel->effectparameter; mixer_setvolume(c, p_modchannel->volume); break; /* Pattern break */ case 0x0d: modplayer.currentline = effectx*10 + effecty - 1; if (!patternbreakdone) { patternbreakdone = true; modplayer.patterntableposition++; } break; /* Extended Effects */ case 0x0e: switch (effectx) { /* Set Filter */ case 0x0: modplayer.amigafilterenabled = (effecty == 0); break; /* Fineslide up */ case 0x1: mixer_setamigaperiod(c, p_modchannel->period -= effecty); if (p_modchannel->period < modplayer.periodtable[37*8]) p_modchannel->period = 100; /* Find out the new offset in the period table */ if (p_modchannel->periodtableoffset < 36*8) while (modplayer.periodtable[ p_modchannel->periodtableoffset+8] >= p_modchannel->period) p_modchannel->periodtableoffset+=8; break; /* Fineslide down */ case 0x2: mixer_setamigaperiod(c, p_modchannel->period += effecty); if (p_modchannel->periodtableoffset > 8) while (modplayer.periodtable[ p_modchannel->periodtableoffset-8] <= p_modchannel->period) p_modchannel->periodtableoffset-=8; break; /* Set glissando on/off */ case 0x3: modplayer.glissandoenabled = (effecty > 0); break; /* Set Vibrato waveform */ case 0x4: /* Currently not implemented */ break; /* Set Finetune value */ case 0x5: /* Treat as signed nibble */ if (effecty > 7) effecty -= 16; p_modchannel->periodtableoffset += effecty - modsong.instrument[ p_modchannel->instrument].finetune; p_modchannel->period = modplayer.periodtable[ p_modchannel->periodtableoffset]; modsong.instrument[ p_modchannel->instrument].finetune = effecty; break; /* Pattern loop */ case 0x6: if (effecty == 0) modplayer.loopstartline = line-1; else { if (modplayer.looptimes == 0) { modplayer.currentline = modplayer.loopstartline; modplayer.looptimes = effecty; } else modplayer.looptimes--; if (modplayer.looptimes > 0) modplayer.currentline = modplayer.loopstartline; } break; /* Set Tremolo waveform */ case 0x7: /* Not yet implemented */ break; /* Enhanced Effect 8 is not used */ case 0x8: break; /* Retrigger sample */ case 0x9: /* Only processed on subsequent ticks */ break; /* Fine volume slide up */ case 0xa: p_modchannel->volume += effecty; if (p_modchannel->volume > 64) p_modchannel->volume = 64; mixer_setvolume(c, p_modchannel->volume); break; /* Fine volume slide down */ case 0xb: p_modchannel->volume -= effecty; if (p_modchannel->volume < 0) p_modchannel->volume = 0; mixer_setvolume(c, p_modchannel->volume); break; /* Cut sample */ case 0xc: /* Continue sample */ mixer_continuesample(c); break; /* Note delay (Usage: $ED + ticks to delay note.) */ case 0xd: /* We stop the sample here on tick 0 * and restart it later in the effect */ if (effecty > 0) mixer.channel[c].channelactive = false; break; } break; /* Set Speed */ case 0x0f: if (p_modchannel->effectparameter < 32) modplayer.ticksperline = p_modchannel->effectparameter; else modplayer.bpm = p_modchannel->effectparameter; break; } } } /* Play the current effect of the note (ticks 1..speed) */ STATICIRAM void playeffect(int currenttick) ICODE_ATTR; void playeffect(int currenttick) { int c; for (c=0;cperiod == 0) continue; unsigned char effectx = p_modchannel->effectparameter>>4; unsigned char effecty = p_modchannel->effectparameter&0x0f; switch (p_modchannel->effect) { /* Effect 0: Arpeggio */ case 0x00: if (p_modchannel->effectparameter > 0) { unsigned short newperiodtableoffset; switch (currenttick % 3) { case 0: mixer_setamigaperiod(c, modplayer.periodtable[ p_modchannel->periodtableoffset]); break; case 1: newperiodtableoffset = p_modchannel->periodtableoffset+(effectx<<3); if (newperiodtableoffset < 37*8) mixer_setamigaperiod(c, modplayer.periodtable[ newperiodtableoffset]); break; case 2: newperiodtableoffset = p_modchannel->periodtableoffset+(effecty<<3); if (newperiodtableoffset < 37*8) mixer_setamigaperiod(c, modplayer.periodtable[ newperiodtableoffset]); break; } } break; /* Effect 1: Slide Up */ case 0x01: mixer_setamigaperiod(c, p_modchannel->period -= p_modchannel->slideupspeed); /* Find out the new offset in the period table */ if (p_modchannel->periodtableoffset <= 37*8) while (modplayer.periodtable[ p_modchannel->periodtableoffset] > p_modchannel->period) { p_modchannel->periodtableoffset++; /* Make sure we don't go out of range */ if (p_modchannel->periodtableoffset > 37*8) { p_modchannel->periodtableoffset = 37*8; break; } } break; /* Effect 2: Slide Down */ case 0x02: mixer_setamigaperiod(c, p_modchannel->period += p_modchannel->slidedownspeed); /* Find out the new offset in the period table */ if (p_modchannel->periodtableoffset > 8) while (modplayer.periodtable[ p_modchannel->periodtableoffset] < p_modchannel->period) { p_modchannel->periodtableoffset--; /* Make sure we don't go out of range */ if (p_modchannel->periodtableoffset < 1) { p_modchannel->periodtableoffset = 1; break; } } break; /* Effect 3: Slide to Note */ case 0x03: /* Apply smooth sliding, if no glissando is enabled */ if (modplayer.glissandoenabled == 0) slidetonote(c); break; /* Effect 4: Vibrato */ case 0x04: vibrate(c); break; /* Effect 5: Continue effect 3:'Slide to note', * but also do Volume slide */ case 0x05: slidetonote(c); volumeslide(c, effectx, effecty); break; /* Effect 6: Continue effect 4:'Vibrato', * but also do Volume slide */ case 0x06: vibrate(c); volumeslide(c, effectx, effecty); break; /* Effect 7: Tremolo */ case 0x07: tremolo(c); break; /* Effect 8 (Set fine panning) is only processed at tick 0 */ /* Effect 9 (Set sample offset) is only processed at tick 0 */ /* Effect A: Volume slide */ case 0x0a: volumeslide(c, effectx, effecty); break; /* Effect B (Position jump) is only processed at tick 0 */ /* Effect C (Set Volume) is only processed at tick 0 */ /* Effect D (Pattern Preak) is only processed at tick 0 */ /* Effect E (Enhanced Effect) */ case 0x0e: switch (effectx) { /* Retrigger sample ($E9 + Tick to Retrig note at) */ case 0x9: /* Don't device by zero */ if (effecty == 0) effecty = 1; /* Apply retrig */ if (currenttick % effecty == 0) mixer_playsample(c, p_modchannel->instrument); break; /* Cut note (Usage: $EC + Tick to Cut note at) */ case 0xc: if (currenttick == effecty) mixer_stopsample(c); break; /* Delay note (Usage: $ED + ticks to delay note) */ case 0xd: /* If this is the correct tick, * we start playing the sample now */ if (currenttick == effecty) mixer.channel[c].channelactive = true; break; } break; /* Effect F (Set Speed) is only processed at tick 0 */ } } } static inline int clip(int i) { if (i > 32767) return(32767); else if (i < -32768) return(-32768); else return(i); } STATICIRAM void synthrender(int32_t *renderbuffer, int samplecount) ICODE_ATTR; void synthrender(int32_t *renderbuffer, int samplecount) { /* 125bpm equals to 50Hz (= 0.02s) * => one tick = mixingrate/50, * samples passing in one tick: * mixingrate/(bpm/2.5) = 2.5*mixingrate/bpm */ int32_t *p_left = renderbuffer; /* int in rockbox */ int32_t *p_right = p_left+1; signed short s; int qf_distance, qf_distance2; int i; int c, left, right; for (i=0;i= modplayer.ticksperline) { modplayer.currentline++; modplayer.currenttick = 0; if (modplayer.currentline == 64) { modplayer.patterntableposition++; if (modplayer.patterntableposition >= modsong.songlength) /* This is for Noise Tracker * modplayer.patterntableposition = * modsong.songendjumpposition; * More compatible approach is restart from 0 */ modplayer.patterntableposition=0; modplayer.currentline = 0; } } modplayer.samplespertick = (20*mixingrate/modplayer.bpm)>>3; } /* Mix buffers from here * Walk through all channels */ left=0, right=0; /* If song has not stopped playing */ if (modplayer.patterntableposition < 127) /* Loop through all channels */ for (c=0;c= mixer.channel[c].loopend) { if (mixer.channel[c].loopsample) mixer.channel[c].samplepos -= (mixer.channel[c].loopend- mixer.channel[c].loopstart); else mixer.channel[c].channelactive = false; } /* If the sample has stopped playing don't mix it */ if (!mixer.channel[c].channelactive) continue; /* Get the sample */ s = (signed short)(modsong.sampledata[ mixer.channel[c].samplepos]*mixer.channel[c].volume); /* Interpolate if the sample-frequency is lower * than the mixing rate * If you don't want interpolation simply skip this part */ if (mixer.channel[c].frequency < mixingrate) { /* Low precision linear interpolation * (fast integer based) */ qf_distance = mixer.channel[c].samplefractpos<<16 / mixingrate; qf_distance2 = (1<<16)-qf_distance; s = (qf_distance*s + qf_distance2* mixer.channel[c].lastsampledata)>>16; } /* Save the last played sample for interpolation purposes */ mixer.channel[c].lastsampledata = s; /* Pan the sample */ left += s*(16-mixer.channel[c].panning)>>3; right += s*mixer.channel[c].panning>>3; /* Advance sample */ mixer.channel[c].samplefractpos += mixer.channel[c].frequency; while (mixer.channel[c].samplefractpos > mixingrate) { mixer.channel[c].samplefractpos -= mixingrate; mixer.channel[c].samplepos++; } } /* If we have more than 4 channels * we have to make sure that we apply clipping */ if (modsong.noofchannels > 4) { *p_left = clip(left)<<13; *p_right = clip(right)<<13; } else { *p_left = left<<13; *p_right = right<<13; } p_left+=2; p_right+=2; } } enum codec_status codec_main(void) { size_t n; unsigned char *modfile; int old_patterntableposition; int bytesdone; next_track: if (codec_init()) { return CODEC_ERROR; } if (codec_wait_taginfo() != 0) goto request_next_track; codec_set_replaygain(ci->id3); /* Load MOD file */ /* * This is the save way size_t bytesfree; unsigned int filesize; p = modfile; bytesfree=sizeof(modfile); while ((n = ci->read_filebuf(p, bytesfree)) > 0) { p += n; bytesfree -= n; if (bytesfree == 0) return CODEC_ERROR; } filesize = p-modfile; if (filesize == 0) return CODEC_ERROR; */ /* Directly use mod in buffer */ ci->seek_buffer(0); modfile = ci->request_buffer(&n, ci->filesize); if (!modfile || n < (size_t)ci->filesize) { return CODEC_ERROR; } initmodplayer(); loadmod(modfile); /* Make use of 44.1khz */ ci->configure(DSP_SET_FREQUENCY, 44100); /* Sample depth is 28 bit host endian */ ci->configure(DSP_SET_SAMPLE_DEPTH, 28); /* Stereo output */ ci->configure(DSP_SET_STEREO_MODE, STEREO_INTERLEAVED); /* The main decoder loop */ ci->set_elapsed(0); bytesdone = 0; old_patterntableposition = 0; while (1) { ci->yield(); if (ci->stop_codec || ci->new_track) break; if (ci->seek_time) { /* New time is ready in ci->seek_time */ modplayer.patterntableposition = ci->seek_time/1000; modplayer.currentline = 0; ci->seek_complete(); } if(old_patterntableposition != modplayer.patterntableposition) { ci->set_elapsed(modplayer.patterntableposition*1000+500); old_patterntableposition=modplayer.patterntableposition; } synthrender(samples, CHUNK_SIZE/2); bytesdone += CHUNK_SIZE; ci->pcmbuf_insert(samples, NULL, CHUNK_SIZE/2); } request_next_track: if (ci->request_next_track()) goto next_track; return CODEC_OK; }