/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg (2002) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "stdarg.h" #include "string.h" #include "rbunicode.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "kernel.h" #include "screen_access.h" #include "lang.h" #include "settings.h" #include "talk.h" #include "splash.h" #include "viewport.h" #include "strptokspn_r.h" #include "scrollbar.h" #include "font.h" static long progress_next_tick = 0; #define MAXLINES (LCD_HEIGHT/6) #define MAXBUFFER 512 #define RECT_SPACING 2 #define SPLASH_MEMORY_INTERVAL (HZ) static bool splash_internal(struct screen * screen, const char *fmt, va_list ap, struct viewport *vp, int addl_lines) { char splash_buf[MAXBUFFER]; struct splash_lines { const char *str; size_t len; } lines[MAXLINES]; const char *next; const char *lastbreak = NULL; const char *store = NULL; int line = 0; int x = 0; int y, i; int space_w, w, chr_h; int width, height; int maxw = 0; int fontnum = vp->font; char lastbrkchr; size_t len, next_len; const char matchstr[] = "\r\n\f\v\t "; font_getstringsize(" ", &space_w, &chr_h, fontnum); y = chr_h + (addl_lines * chr_h); vsnprintf(splash_buf, sizeof(splash_buf), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); /* break splash string into display lines, doing proper word wrap */ next = strptokspn_r(splash_buf, matchstr, &next_len, &store); if (!next) return false; /* nothing to display */ lines[line].len = next_len; lines[line].str = next; while (true) { w = font_getstringnsize(next, next_len, NULL, NULL, fontnum); if (lastbreak) { len = next - lastbreak; int next_w = len * space_w; if (x + next_w + w > vp->width - RECT_SPACING*2 || lastbrkchr != ' ') { /* too wide, or control character wrap */ if (x > maxw) maxw = x; if ((y + chr_h * 2 > vp->height) || (line >= (MAXLINES-1))) break; /* screen full or out of lines */ x = 0; y += chr_h; lines[++line].len = next_len; lines[line].str = next; } else { /* restore & calculate spacing */ lines[line].len += next_len + 1; x += next_w; } } x += w; lastbreak = next + next_len; lastbrkchr = *lastbreak; next = strptokspn_r(NULL, matchstr, &next_len, &store); if (!next) { /* no more words */ if (x > maxw) maxw = x; break; } } /* prepare viewport * First boundaries, then the grey filling, then the black border and finally * the text*/ screen->scroll_stop(); width = maxw + 2*RECT_SPACING; height = y + 2*RECT_SPACING; if (width > vp->width) width = vp->width; if (height > vp->height) height = vp->height; vp->x += (vp->width - width) / 2; vp->y += (vp->height - height) / 2; vp->width = width; vp->height = height; vp->flags |= VP_FLAG_ALIGN_CENTER; #if LCD_DEPTH > 1 if (screen->depth > 1) { vp->drawmode = DRMODE_FG; /* can't do vp->fg_pattern here, since set_foreground does a bit more on * greyscale */ screen->set_foreground(SCREEN_COLOR_TO_NATIVE(screen, LCD_LIGHTGRAY)); } else #endif vp->drawmode = (DRMODE_SOLID|DRMODE_INVERSEVID); screen->fill_viewport(); #if LCD_DEPTH > 1 if (screen->depth > 1) /* can't do vp->fg_pattern here, since set_foreground does a bit more on * greyscale */ screen->set_foreground(SCREEN_COLOR_TO_NATIVE(screen, LCD_BLACK)); else #endif vp->drawmode = DRMODE_SOLID; screen->draw_border_viewport(); /* print the message to screen */ for(i = 0, y = RECT_SPACING; i <= line; i++, y+= chr_h) { screen->putsxyf(0, y, "%.*s", lines[i].len, lines[i].str); } return true; /* needs update */ } void splashf(int ticks, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; /* If fmt is a lang ID then get the corresponding string (which still might contain % place holders). */ fmt = P2STR((unsigned char *)fmt); FOR_NB_SCREENS(i) { struct screen * screen = &(screens[i]); struct viewport vp; viewport_set_defaults(&vp, screen->screen_type); struct viewport *last_vp = screen->set_viewport(&vp); va_start(ap, fmt); if (splash_internal(screen, fmt, ap, &vp, 0)) screen->update_viewport(); va_end(ap); screen->set_viewport(last_vp); } if (ticks) sleep(ticks); } void splash(int ticks, const char *str) { #if !defined(SIMULATOR) long id; /* fmt may be a so called virtual pointer. See settings.h. */ if((id = P2ID((const unsigned char*)str)) >= 0) /* If fmt specifies a voicefont ID, and voice menus are enabled, then speak it. */ cond_talk_ids_fq(id); #endif splashf(ticks, "%s", P2STR((const unsigned char*)str)); } /* set delay before progress meter is shown */ void splash_progress_set_delay(long delay_ticks) { progress_next_tick = current_tick + delay_ticks; } /* splash a progress meter */ void splash_progress(int current, int total, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int vp_flag = VP_FLAG_VP_DIRTY; /* progress update tick */ long now = current_tick; if (current < total) { if(TIME_BEFORE(now, progress_next_tick)) return; /* limit to 20fps */ progress_next_tick = now + HZ/20; vp_flag = 0; /* don't mark vp dirty to prevent flashing */ } /* If fmt is a lang ID then get the corresponding string (which still might contain % place holders). */ fmt = P2STR((unsigned char *)fmt); FOR_NB_SCREENS(i) { struct screen * screen = &(screens[i]); struct viewport vp; viewport_set_defaults(&vp, screen->screen_type); struct viewport *last_vp = screen->set_viewport_ex(&vp, vp_flag); va_start(ap, fmt); if (splash_internal(screen, fmt, ap, &vp, 1)) { int size = screen->getcharheight(); int x = RECT_SPACING; int y = vp.height - size - RECT_SPACING; int w = vp.width - RECT_SPACING * 2; int h = size; #ifdef HAVE_LCD_COLOR const int sb_flags = HORIZONTAL | FOREGROUND; #else const int sb_flags = HORIZONTAL; #endif gui_scrollbar_draw(screen, x, y, w, h, total, 0, current, sb_flags); screen->update_viewport(); } va_end(ap); screen->set_viewport(last_vp); } }