# __________ __ ___. # Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ # Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / # Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < # Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ # \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ # $Id$ # LANGS := $(call preprocess, $(APPSDIR)/lang/SOURCES) LANGOBJ := $(LANGS:$(ROOTDIR)/%.lang=$(BUILDDIR)/%.lng) VOICEOBJ := $(LANGS:$(ROOTDIR)/%.lang=$(BUILDDIR)/%.vstrings) LANG_O = $(BUILDDIR)/lang/lang_core.o ENGLISH := english CLEANOBJS += $(BUILDDIR)/lang/max_language_size.h $(BUILDDIR)/lang/lang* # $(BUILDDIR)/apps/lang must exist before we create dependencies on it, # otherwise make will simply ignore those dependencies. # Therefore we create it here. #DUMMY := $(shell mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)/apps/lang) # Calculate the maximum language size. Currently based on the file size # of the largest lng file. Subtract 10 due to HEADER_SIZE and # SUBHEADER_SIZE. # TODO: In the future generate this file within genlang or another script # in order to only calculate the maximum size based on the core strings. $(BUILDDIR)/lang/max_language_size.h: $(LANGOBJ) $(BUILDDIR)/apps/lang/voicestrings.zip $(call PRINTS,GEN $(subst $(BUILDDIR)/,,$@)) $(SILENT)echo "#define MAX_LANGUAGE_SIZE `ls -ln $(BUILDDIR)/apps/lang/*.lng | awk '{print $$5-10}' | sort -n | tail -1`" > $@ $(BUILDDIR)/lang/lang_core.o: $(BUILDDIR)/lang/lang.h $(BUILDDIR)/lang/lang_core.c $(call PRINTS,CC lang_core.c)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(BUILDDIR)/lang/lang_core.c -o $@ # genlang creates *both* lang.c and lang.h but in Make there is no wat to express this rule # (multiple target rules DO NOT express that, they are a simple shortcut for multiple rules) # instead we pretend that genlang create lang_core.c and that lang.c depends from lang.h # it will work fine as long as one never manually removes lang.c and not lang.h, and it will avoid # race conditions such as running genlang twice or worse in parallel with other things! $(BUILDDIR)/lang/lang.h: $(APPSDIR)/lang/$(ENGLISH).lang $(BUILDDIR)/apps/features $(call PRINTS,GEN lang.h) $(SILENT)for f in `cat $(BUILDDIR)/apps/features`; do feat="$$feat:$$f" ; done; \ perl -s $(TOOLSDIR)/genlang -p=$(BUILDDIR)/lang -t=$(MODELNAME)$$feat $< $(BUILDDIR)/lang/lang_core.c: $(BUILDDIR)/lang/lang.h $(BUILDDIR)/lang_enum.h: $(BUILDDIR)/lang/lang.h # NOTE: for some weird reasons in GNU make, multi targets rules WITH patterns actually express # the fact that the two files are created as the result of one invocation of the rule $(BUILDDIR)/%.lng $(BUILDDIR)/%.vstrings: $(ROOTDIR)/%.lang $(BUILDDIR)/apps/genlang-features $(TOOLSDIR)/genlang $(TOOLSDIR)/updatelang $(call PRINTS,GENLANG $(subst $(ROOTDIR)/,,$<)) $(SILENT)mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(SILENT)$(TOOLSDIR)/updatelang $(APPSDIR)/lang/$(ENGLISH).lang $< $@.tmp $(SILENT)$(TOOLSDIR)/genlang -e=$(APPSDIR)/lang/$(ENGLISH).lang -t=$(MODELNAME):`cat $(BUILDDIR)/apps/genlang-features` -i=$(TARGET_ID) -b=$*.lng -c=$*.vstrings $@.tmp $(SILENT)rm -f $@.tmp $(BUILDDIR)/apps/lang/voicestrings.zip: $(VOICEOBJ) $(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/apps/lang/*.talk) $(call PRINTS,ZIP $(subst $(BUILDDIR)/,,$@)) $(SILENT)zip -9 -q $@ $(subst $(BUILDDIR)/,,$^) #copy any included talk files to the /lang directory $(BUILDDIR)/apps/lang/%.talk: $(ROOTDIR)/apps/lang/%.talk $(call PRINTS,CP $(subst $(ROOTDIR)/,,$<))cp $< $(BUILDDIR)/apps/lang