id: LANG_SET_BOOL_YES desc: bool true representation user: *: "Yes" *: "Da" *: "" id: LANG_SET_BOOL_NO desc: bool false representation user: *: "No" *: "Ne" *: "" id: LANG_ON desc: Used in a lot of places user: *: "On" *: "Vklop" *: "" id: LANG_OFF desc: Used in a lot of places user: *: "Off" *: "Izkljuci" *: "" id: LANG_RESUME_SETTING_ASK desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Ask" *: "Vprasaj" *: "" id: LANG_ALWAYS desc: (player) the jump scroll shall be done "always user: *: "Always" *: "Vedno" *: "" id: LANG_MENU_SETTING_CANCEL desc: Visual confirmation of canceling a changed setting user: *: "Canceled" *: "Odpovedano" *: "" id: LANG_FAILED desc: Something failed. To be appended after above actions user: *: "Failed" *: "Ni uspelo" *: "" id: LANG_SOUND_SETTINGS desc: in the main menu user: *: "Sound Settings" *: "Nastavitev zvoka" *: "" id: LANG_GENERAL_SETTINGS desc: in the main menu user: *: "General Settings" *: "Splosne nastavitve" *: "" id: LANG_RECORDING desc: in the main menu user: *: "Recording" *: "Snemanje" *: "" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_MENU desc: in main menu. user: *: "Playlist Options" *: "Moznosti seznama" *: "" id: LANG_INFO desc: in the main menu user: *: "Info" *: "Info" *: "" id: LANG_VOLUME desc: in sound_settings user: *: "Volume" *: "Glasnost" *: "" id: LANG_BASS desc: in sound_settings user: *: "Bass" *: "Nizki toni" *: "" id: LANG_TREBLE desc: in sound_settings user: *: "Treble" *: "Visoki toni" *: "" id: LANG_BALANCE desc: in sound_settings user: *: "Balance" *: "Nastavitev levo-desno" *: "" id: LANG_CHANNEL_MENU desc: in sound_settings user: *: "Channels" *: "Kanali" *: "" id: LANG_CHANNEL desc: in sound_settings user: *: "Channel Configuration" *: "Nastavitev kanalov" *: "" id: LANG_CHANNEL_STEREO desc: in sound_settings user: *: "Stereo" *: "Stereo" *: "" id: LANG_CHANNEL_MONO desc: in sound_settings user: *: "Mono" *: "Mono" *: "" id: LANG_CHANNEL_LEFT desc: in sound_settings user: *: "Mono Left" *: "Mono levo" *: "" id: LANG_CHANNEL_RIGHT desc: in sound_settings user: *: "Mono Right" *: "Mono desno" *: "" id: LANG_CHANNEL_KARAOKE desc: in sound_settings user: *: "Karaoke" *: "Karaoke" *: "" id: LANG_LOUDNESS desc: in sound_settings user: *: "Loudness" *: "Glasnost" *: "" id: LANG_AUTOVOL desc: in sound_settings user: *: "Auto Volume" *: "Avtomatska glasnost" *: "" id: LANG_DECAY desc: in sound_settings user: *: "AV Decay Time" *: "AV zakasnitev" *: "" id: LANG_PLAYBACK desc: in settings_menu() user: *: "Playback" *: "Predvajanje" *: "" id: LANG_FILE desc: in settings_menu() user: *: "File View" *: "Pogled datotek" *: "" id: LANG_DISPLAY desc: in settings_menu() user: *: "Display" *: "Zaslon" *: "" id: LANG_SYSTEM desc: in settings_menu() user: *: "System" *: "Sistem" *: "" id: LANG_RESET desc: in system_settings_menu() user: *: "Reset Settings" *: "Resetiraj nastavitve" *: "" id: LANG_RESET_ASK_RECORDER desc: confirm to reset settings user: *: "Are You Sure?" *: "Si preprican?" *: "" id: LANG_CONFIRM_WITH_PLAY_RECORDER desc: Generic recorder string to use to confirm user: *: "PLAY = Yes" *: "PLAY = Da" h100,h120,h300: "NAVI = Da" *: "" id: LANG_CANCEL_WITH_ANY_RECORDER desc: Generic recorder string to use to cancel user: *: "Any Other = No" *: "Drugo = Ne" *: "" id: LANG_RESET_DONE_SETTING desc: visual confirmation after settings reset user: *: "Settings" *: "Nastavljeno" *: "" id: LANG_RESET_DONE_CLEAR desc: visual confirmation after settings reset user: *: "Cleared" *: "Pocisceno" *: "" id: LANG_RESET_DONE_CANCEL desc: Visual confirmation of cancelation user: *: "Canceled" *: "Odpovedano" *: "" id: LANG_SAVE_SETTINGS desc: in system_settings_menu() user: *: "Write .cfg file" *: "Zapisi .cfg" *: "" id: LANG_SETTINGS_SAVE_PLAYER desc: displayed if save settings has failed user: *: "Save Failed" *: "Napaka pri shranjevanju" *: "" id: LANG_SETTINGS_BATTERY_PLAYER desc: if save settings has failed user: *: "Batt. Low?" *: "Prazna baterija?" *: "" id: LANG_SETTINGS_SAVE_RECORDER desc: displayed if save settings has failed user: *: "Save Failed" *: "Napaka pri shranjevanju" *: "" id: LANG_SETTINGS_BATTERY_RECORDER desc: if save settings has failed user: *: "Is Battery Low?" *: "Je baterija prazna?" *: "" id: LANG_RECORDING_SETTINGS desc: in the main menu user: *: "Recording Settings" *: "Snemanje - nastavitve" *: "" id: LANG_CREATE_PLAYLIST desc: Menu option for creating a playlist user: *: "Create Playlist" *: "Pripravi seznam skladb" *: "" id: LANG_SAVE_DYNAMIC_PLAYLIST desc: in playlist menu. user: *: "Save Dynamic Playlist" *: "Shrani seznam skladb" *: "" id: LANG_RECURSE_DIRECTORY desc: In playlist menu user: *: "Recursively Insert Directories" *: "Vstavi mape vzvratno" *: "" id: LANG_VERSION desc: in the main menu user: *: "Version" *: "Vizitka" *: "" id: LANG_DEBUG desc: in the main menu user: *: "Debug (Keep Out!)" *: "Debug (Ne uporabljaj!)" *: "" id: LANG_USB desc: in the main menu user: *: "USB (Sim)" *: "USB (Sim)" *: "" id: LANG_SHUFFLE desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Shuffle" *: "Nakljucno" *: "" id: LANG_REPEAT desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Repeat" *: "Ponovitev" *: "" id: LANG_REPEAT_ALL desc: repeat playlist once all songs have completed user: *: "All" *: "Vse" *: "" id: LANG_REPEAT_ONE desc: repeat one song user: *: "One" *: "Eno" *: "" id: LANG_PLAY_SELECTED desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Play Selected First" *: "Predvajaj najprej izbrane" *: "" id: LANG_RESUME desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Resume" *: "Nadaljuj" *: "" id: LANG_MP3BUFFER_MARGIN desc: MP3 buffer margin time user: *: "Anti-Skip Buffer" *: "Anti-Skip Buffer" *: "" id: LANG_FADE_ON_STOP desc: options menu to set fade on stop or pause user: *: "Fade On Stop/Pause" *: "Pojemanje ob ustavljanju/odmoru" *: "" id: LANG_SORT_CASE desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Sort Case Sensitive" *: "Razporedi po obliki crk" *: "" id: LANG_FILTER desc: setting name for dir filter user: *: "Show Files" *: "Pokazi datoteke" *: "" id: LANG_FILTER_ALL desc: show all files user: *: "All" *: "Vse" *: "" id: LANG_FILTER_SUPPORTED desc: show all file types supported by Rockbox user: *: "Supported" *: "Samo podprte" *: "" id: LANG_FILTER_MUSIC desc: show only music-related files user: *: "Music" *: "Glasba" *: "" id: LANG_FILTER_PLAYLIST desc: show only playlist user: *: "Playlists" *: "Seznam skladb" *: "" id: LANG_FOLLOW desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Follow Playlist" *: "Sledi seznamu skladb" *: "" id: LANG_SHOW_ICONS desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Show Icons" *: "Pokazi ikone" *: "" id: LANG_SCROLL_MENU desc: in display_settings_menu() user: *: "Scroll" *: "Premikanje" *: "" id: LANG_PM_MENU desc: in the display menu user: *: "Peak Meter" *: "Graficni prikaz" *: "" id: LANG_POWEROFF_IDLE desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Idle Poweroff" *: "Izkljucitev ob nedelovanju" *: "" id: LANG_SLEEP_TIMER desc: sleep timer setting user: *: "Sleep Timer" *: "Nastavitev avtoizklopa" *: "" id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_ALARM_MENU desc: The name of the additional entry in the main menu for the RTC alarm mod. user: *: "Wake-Up Alarm" *: "Bujenje" *: "" id: LANG_RECORDING_QUALITY desc: in the recording settings user: *: "Quality" *: "Kakovost" *: "" id: LANG_RECORDING_FREQUENCY desc: in the recording settings user: *: "Frequency" *: "Frekvenca" *: "" id: LANG_RECORDING_SOURCE desc: in the recording settings user: *: "Source" *: "Vir snemanja" *: "" id: LANG_RECORDING_SRC_MIC desc: in the recording settings user: *: "Mic" *: "Mikrofon" *: "" id: LANG_RECORDING_SRC_LINE desc: in the recording settings user: *: "Line In" *: "Analogni vhod" *: "" id: LANG_RECORDING_SRC_DIGITAL desc: in the recording settings user: *: "Digital" *: "Digitalni vhod" *: "" id: LANG_RECORDING_CHANNELS desc: in the recording settings user: *: "Channels" *: "Kanali" *: "" id: LANG_RECORDING_EDITABLE desc: Editable recordings setting user: *: "Independent frames" *: "Neodvisni okviri" *: "" id: LANG_RECORD_TIMESPLIT desc: Prompt for record timer interval setting, in the record settings menu user: *: "Time Split" *: "Razdelitev posnetka" *: "" id: LANG_FFRW_STEP desc: in settings_menu user: *: "FF/RW Min Step" *: "hitro previjanje - min stopnja" *: "" id: LANG_FFRW_ACCEL desc: in settings_menu user: *: "FF/RW Accel" *: "hitro previjanje - pospesek" *: "" id: LANG_BACKLIGHT desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Backlight" *: "Osvetlitev ozadja" *: "" id: LANG_BACKLIGHT_ON_WHEN_CHARGING desc: in display_settings_menu user: *: "Backlight On When Plugged" *: "Osvetlitev pri napajanju" *: "" id: LANG_CAPTION_BACKLIGHT desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Caption backlight" *: "Osvetlitev ozadja" *: "" id: LANG_CONTRAST desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Contrast" *: "Kontrast" *: "" id: LANG_INVERT desc: in settings_menu user: *: "LCD Mode" *: "LCD prikaz" *: "" id: LANG_INVERT_LCD_NORMAL desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Normal" *: "Normalno" *: "" id: LANG_INVERT_LCD_INVERSE desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Inverse" *: "Negativ" *: "" id: LANG_INVERT_CURSOR desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Line Selector" *: "Kurzor" *: "" id: LANG_INVERT_CURSOR_POINTER desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Pointer" *: "Pointer" *: "" id: LANG_INVERT_CURSOR_BAR desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Bar(Inverse)" *: "Negativni drsnik" *: "" id: LANG_SCROLL_SPEED desc: in display_settings_menu() user: *: "Scroll Speed" *: "Hitrost premikanja" *: "" id: LANG_SCROLL desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Scroll Speed Setting Example" *: "Preizkus hitrosti premikanja" *: "" id: LANG_SCROLL_DELAY desc: Delay before scrolling user: *: "Scroll Start Delay" *: "Zamik zacetka pregledovanja" *: "" id: LANG_SCROLL_STEP desc: Pixels to advance per scroll user: *: "Scroll Step Size" *: "Stopnja premika pri pregledovanju" *: "" id: LANG_SCROLL_STEP_EXAMPLE desc: Pixels to advance per scroll user: *: "Scroll Step Size Setting Example Text" *: "Test stopnje premika" *: "" id: LANG_BIDIR_SCROLL desc: Bidirectional scroll limit user: *: "Bidirectional Scroll Limit" *: "Omejitev dvosmernega pregleda" *: "" id: LANG_JUMP_SCROLL desc: (player) menu altarnative for jump scroll user: *: "Jump scroll" *: "Skokovito premikanje" *: "" id: LANG_ONE_TIME desc: (player) the jump scroll shall be done "one time user: *: "One time" *: "En krat" *: "" id: LANG_JUMP_SCROLL_DELAY desc: (player) Delay before making a jump scroll user: *: "Jump Scroll Delay" *: "Zakasnitev skoka" *: "" id: LANG_SCROLL_BAR desc: display menu, F3 substitute user: *: "Scroll Bar" *: "Drsnik" *: "" id: LANG_STATUS_BAR desc: display menu, F3 substitute user: *: "Status Bar" *: "Prikaz stanja" *: "" id: LANG_VOLUME_DISPLAY desc: Volume type title user: *: "Volume Display" *: "Prikaz glasnosti" *: "" id: LANG_BATTERY_DISPLAY desc: Battery type title user: *: "Battery Display" *: "Prikaz baterij" *: "" id: LANG_DISPLAY_GRAPHIC desc: Label for type of icon display user: *: "Graphic" *: "Graficno" *: "" id: LANG_DISPLAY_NUMERIC desc: Label for type of icon display user: *: "Numeric" *: "Stevilcno" *: "" id: LANG_PM_RELEASE desc: in the peak meter menu user: *: "Peak Release" *: "Sprostitev vrha" *: "" id: LANG_PM_UNITS_PER_READ desc: in the peak meter menu user: *: "Units Per Read" *: "Enot na branje" *: "" id: LANG_PM_PEAK_HOLD desc: in the peak meter menu user: *: "Peak Hold Time" *: "Zakasnitev vrha" *: "" id: LANG_PM_CLIP_HOLD desc: in the peak meter menu user: *: "Clip Hold Time" *: "Zadrzevanje klipa" *: "" id: LANG_PM_ETERNAL desc: in the peak meter menu user: *: "Eternal" *: "Neskoncno" *: "" id: LANG_PM_SCALE desc: in the peak meter menu user: *: "Scale" *: "Lestvica" *: "" id: LANG_PM_DBFS desc: in the peak meter menu user: *: "Logarithmic(dB)" *: "Logaritmicna(dB)" *: "" id: LANG_PM_LINEAR desc: in the peak meter menu user: *: "Linear(%)" *: "Linearna(%)" *: "" id: LANG_PM_MIN desc: in the peak meter menu user: *: "Minimum Of Range" *: "Najmanjsa vrednost" *: "" id: LANG_PM_MAX desc: in the peak meter menu user: *: "Maximum Of Range" *: "Najvecja vrednost" *: "" id: LANG_BATTERY_CAPACITY desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Battery Capacity" *: "Velikost baterije" *: "" id: LANG_SPINDOWN desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Disk Spindown" *: "Upocasnitev diska" *: "" id: LANG_POWEROFF desc: disk poweroff flag user: *: "Disk Poweroff" *: "Izklop diska" *: "" id: LANG_TIME desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Set Time/Date" *: "Nastavi uro/datum" *: "" id: LANG_TIMEFORMAT desc: select the time format of time in status bar user: *: "Time Format" *: "Prikaz casa 12/24" *: "" id: LANG_12_HOUR_CLOCK desc: option for 12 hour clock user: *: "12 Hour Clock" *: "12 urno" *: "" id: LANG_24_HOUR_CLOCK desc: option for 24 hour clock user: *: "24 Hour Clock" *: "24 urno" *: "" id: LANG_MAX_FILES_IN_DIR desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Max files in dir browser" *: "Najvec datotek v brskalniku" *: "" id: LANG_MAX_FILES_IN_PLAYLIST desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Max playlist size" *: "Skrajna velikost seznama" *: "" id: LANG_MENU_SHOW_ID3_INFO desc: Menu option to start id3 viewer user: *: "Show ID3 Info" *: "Pokazi ID3 Info" *: "" id: LANG_RENAME desc: The verb/action Rename user: *: "Rename" *: "Preimenovanje" *: "" id: LANG_DELETE desc: The verb/action Delete user: *: "Delete" *: "Brisi" *: "" id: LANG_REALLY_DELETE desc: Really Delete? user: *: "Delete?" *: "Naj zbrisem?" *: "" id: LANG_DELETED desc: A file has beed deleted user: *: "Deleted" *: "Zbrisano" *: "" id: LANG_INSERT desc: in onplay menu. insert a track/playlist into dynamic playlist. user: *: "Insert" *: "Vstavi" *: "" id: LANG_INSERT_FIRST desc: in onplay menu. insert a track/playlist into dynamic playlist. user: *: "Insert next" *: "Vstavi za tem" *: "" id: LANG_INSERT_LAST desc: in onplay menu. append a track/playlist into dynamic playlist. user: *: "Insert last" *: "Vstavi na konec" *: "" id: LANG_QUEUE desc: The verb/action Queue user: *: "Queue" *: "Vrsta" *: "" id: LANG_QUEUE_FIRST desc: in onplay menu. queue a track/playlist into dynamic playlist. user: *: "Queue next" *: "Uvrsti naslednjega" *: "" id: LANG_QUEUE_LAST desc: in onplay menu. queue a track/playlist at end of playlist. user: *: "Queue last" *: "Razvrsti na konec" *: "" id: LANG_ROCKBOX_INFO desc: displayed topmost on the info screen user: *: "Rockbox Info:" *: "Rockbox Info:" *: "" id: LANG_BUFFER_STAT_PLAYER desc: the buffer size player-screen width, %d MB %d fraction of MB user: *: "Buf: %d.%03dMB" *: "Buf: %d.%03dMB" *: "" id: LANG_BUFFER_STAT_RECORDER desc: the buffer size recorder-screen width, %d MB %d fraction of MB user: *: "Buffer: %d.%03dMB" *: "Buffer: %d.%03dMB" *: "" id: LANG_BATTERY_CHARGE desc: tells that the battery is charging, instead of battery level user: *: "Battery: Charging" *: "Polnenje baterij" *: "" id: LANG_BATTERY_TOPOFF_CHARGE desc: in info display, shows that top off charge is running user: *: "Battery: Top-Off Chg" *: "Baterije napolnjene" *: "" id: LANG_BATTERY_TRICKLE_CHARGE desc: in info display, shows that trickle charge is running user: *: "Battery: Trickle Chg" *: "Trajno polnjene baterije" *: "" id: LANG_BATTERY_TIME desc: battery level in % and estimated time remaining user: *: "%d%% %dh %dm" *: "%d%% %dh %dm" *: "" id: LANG_PITCH_UP desc: in wps user: *: "Pitch Up" *: "Zvisanje" *: "" id: LANG_PITCH_DOWN desc: in wps user: *: "Pitch Down" *: "Znizanje" *: "" id: LANG_PAUSE desc: in wps user: *: "Pause" *: "Premor" *: "" id: LANG_F2_MODE desc: in wps F2 pressed user: *: "Mode:" *: "Nacin:" *: "" id: LANG_F3_STATUS desc: in wps F3 pressed user: *: "Status" *: "Stanje" *: "" id: LANG_F3_SCROLL desc: in wps F3 pressed user: *: "Scroll" *: "Premikaj" *: "" id: LANG_F3_BAR desc: in wps F3 pressed user: *: "Bar" *: "Drsnik" *: "" id: LANG_TIME_SET desc: used in set_time() user: *: "ON To Set" *: "ON Nastavi" *: "" id: LANG_TIME_REVERT desc: used in set_time() user: *: "OFF To Revert" *: "OFF Preklici" *: "" id: LANG_KEYLOCK_ON_PLAYER desc: displayed when key lock is on user: *: "Key Lock ON" *: "Zakleni gumbe" *: "" id: LANG_KEYLOCK_OFF_PLAYER desc: displayed when key lock is turned off user: *: "Key Lock OFF" *: "Odkleni gumbe" *: "" id: LANG_KEYLOCK_ON_RECORDER desc: displayed when key lock is on user: *: "Key Lock Is ON" *: "Gumbi so odklenjeni" *: "" id: LANG_KEYLOCK_OFF_RECORDER desc: displayed when key lock is turned off user: *: "Key Lock Is OFF" *: "Gumbi so zaklenjeni" *: "" id: LANG_RECORDING_TIME desc: Display of recorded time user: *: "Time:" *: "Cas" *: "" id: LANG_RECORD_TIMESPLIT_REC desc: user: *: "Split time:" *: "Razdelitev posnetka:" *: "" id: LANG_RECORDING_SIZE desc: Display of recorded file size user: *: "Size:" *: "Velikost:" *: "" id: LANG_RECORDING_GAIN desc: in the recording screen user: *: "Gain" *: "Jakost" *: "" id: LANG_RECORDING_LEFT desc: in the recording screen user: *: "Left" *: "Levi kanal" *: "" id: LANG_RECORDING_RIGHT desc: in the recording screen user: *: "Right" *: "Desni kanal" *: "" id: LANG_DISK_FULL desc: in recording screen user: *: "The disk is full. Press OFF to continue." *: "Disk je poln. Pritisni OFF" *: "" id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_TIME desc: The current alarm time shown in the alarm menu for the RTC alarm mod. user: *: "Alarm Time: %02d:%02d" *: "Cas bujenja: %02d:%02d" *: "" id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_TIME_TO_GO desc: The time until the alarm will go off shown in the alarm menu for the RTC alarm mod. user: *: "Waking Up In %d:%02d" *: "Bujenje cez %d:%02d" *: "" id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_SHUTDOWN desc: The text that tells the user that the alarm time is ok and the device shuts off (for the RTC alarm mod). user: *: "Shutting Down..." *: "Ugasanje...." *: "" id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_ERROR desc: The text that tells that the time is incorrect (for the RTC alarm mod). user: *: "Alarm Time Is Too Soon!" *: "Cas bujenja ni pravilen!" *: "" id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_KEYS desc: Shown key functions in alarm menu (for the RTC alarm mod). user: *: "PLAY=Set OFF=Cancel" *: "PLAY=nastavi OFF=Odpovej" *: "" id: LANG_ID3_TITLE desc: in wps user: *: "[Title]" *: "[Naslov]" *: "" id: LANG_ID3_ARTIST desc: in wps user: *: "[Artist]" *: "[Avtor]" *: "" id: LANG_ID3_ALBUM desc: in wps user: *: "[Album]" *: "[Album]" *: "" id: LANG_ID3_TRACKNUM desc: in wps user: *: "[Tracknum]" *: "[Stevika skladbe]" *: "" id: LANG_ID3_GENRE desc: ID3 frame 'genre' user: *: "[Genre]" *: "[Stil]" *: "" id: LANG_ID3_YEAR desc: ID3 info 'year' user: *: "[Year]" *: "[Leto]" *: "" id: LANG_ID3_PLAYLIST desc: in wps user: *: "[Playlist]" *: "[Seznam]" *: "" id: LANG_ID3_BITRATE desc: in wps user: *: "[Bitrate]" *: "[Bitrate]" *: "" id: LANG_ID3_FRECUENCY desc: in wps user: *: "[Frequency]" *: "[Frekvenca]" *: "" id: LANG_ID3_PATH desc: in wps user: *: "[Path]" *: "[Pot]" *: "" id: LANG_ID3_NO_INFO desc: ID3 info is missing user: *: "" *: "" *: "" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_SUNDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday user: *: "Sun" *: "Ned" *: "" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_MONDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday user: *: "Mon" *: "Pon" *: "" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_TUESDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday user: *: "Tue" *: "Tor" *: "" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_WEDNESDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday user: *: "Wed" *: "Sre" *: "" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_THURSDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday user: *: "Thu" *: "Cet" *: "" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_FRIDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday user: *: "Fri" *: "Pet" *: "" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_SATURDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday user: *: "Sat" *: "Sob" *: "" id: LANG_MONTH_JANUARY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname user: *: "Jan" *: "Jan" *: "" id: LANG_MONTH_FEBRUARY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname user: *: "Feb" *: "Feb" *: "" id: LANG_MONTH_MARCH desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname user: *: "Mar" *: "Bar" *: "" id: LANG_MONTH_APRIL desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname user: *: "Apr" *: "Apr" *: "" id: LANG_MONTH_MAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname user: *: "May" *: "Maj" *: "" id: LANG_MONTH_JUNE desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname user: *: "Jun" *: "Jun" *: "" id: LANG_MONTH_JULY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname user: *: "Jul" *: "Jul" *: "" id: LANG_MONTH_AUGUST desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname user: *: "Aug" *: "Avg" *: "" id: LANG_MONTH_SEPTEMBER desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname user: *: "Sep" *: "Sep" *: "" id: LANG_MONTH_OCTOBER desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname user: *: "Oct" *: "Okt" *: "" id: LANG_MONTH_NOVEMBER desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname user: *: "Nov" *: "Nov" *: "" id: LANG_MONTH_DECEMBER desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname user: *: "Dec" *: "Dec" *: "" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_LOAD desc: displayed on screen while loading a playlist user: *: "Loading..." *: "Nalagam..." *: "" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_SHUFFLE desc: displayed on screen while shuffling a playlist user: *: "Shuffling..." *: "Pregled seznama..." *: "" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_BUFFER_FULL desc: in playlist.indices() when playlist is full user: *: "Playlist Buffer Full" *: "Seznam skladb Seznam je poln" *: "" id: LANG_END_PLAYLIST_PLAYER desc: when playlist has finished user: *: "End Of List" *: "Konec seznama" *: "" id: LANG_END_PLAYLIST_RECORDER desc: when playlist has finished user: *: "End Of Song List" *: "Konec seznama" *: "" id: LANG_CREATING desc: Screen feedback during playlist creation user: *: "Creating" *: "Priprava" *: "" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_INSERT_COUNT desc: splash number of tracks inserted user: *: "Inserted %d tracks (%s)" *: "Vstavljeno %d skladb (%s)" *: "" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_QUEUE_COUNT desc: splash number of tracks queued user: *: "Queued %d tracks (%s)" *: "Razvrsceno %d skladb (%s)" *: "" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_SAVE_COUNT desc: splash number of tracks saved user: *: "Saved %d tracks (%s)" *: "Shranjeno %d skladb (%s)" *: "" id: LANG_RECURSE_DIRECTORY_QUESTION desc: Asked from onplay screen user: *: "Recursively?" *: "Vzvratno?" *: "" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_CONTROL_UPDATE_ERROR desc: Playlist error user: *: "Error updating playlist control file" *: "Napaka pri pripravi seznama" *: "" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_ACCESS_ERROR desc: Playlist error user: *: "Error accessing playlist file" *: "Napaka pri dostopu do seznama" *: "" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_CONTROL_ACCESS_ERROR desc: Playlist error user: *: "Error accessing playlist control file" *: "Napaka pri dostopu do seznama" *: "" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_DIRECTORY_ACCESS_ERROR desc: Playlist error user: *: "Error accessing directory" *: "Napaka pri dostopu do mape" *: "" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_CONTROL_INVALID desc: Playlist resume error user: *: "Playlist control file is invalid" *: "Krmilna datotka seznama je pokvarjena" *: "" id: LANG_SHOWDIR_BUFFER_FULL desc: in showdir(), displayed on screen when you reach buffer limit user: *: "Dir Buffer Is Full!" *: "Blazilni prostor Je poln!" *: "" id: LANG_LANGUAGE_LOADED desc: shown when a language has been loaded from the dir browser user: *: "New Language" *: "Nov jezik" *: "" id: LANG_SETTINGS_LOADED desc: Feedback shown when a .cfg file is loaded user: *: "Settings Loaded" *: "Nastavljanje Nalozeno" *: "" id: LANG_SETTINGS_SAVED desc: Feedback shown when a .cfg file is saved user: *: "Settings Saved" *: ".cfg zapisan Shranjeno" *: "" id: LANG_BOOT_CHANGED desc: File browser discovered the boot file was changed user: *: "Boot changed" *: "Osnovna nastavitev spremenjena" *: "" id: LANG_REBOOT_NOW desc: Do you want to reboot? user: *: "Reboot now?" *: "Ponovno zazenem?" *: "" id: LANG_OFF_ABORT desc: Used on recorder models user: *: "OFF to abort" *: "OFF za odpoved" *: "" id: LANG_STOP_ABORT desc: Used on player models user: *: "STOP to abort" *: "STOP za odpoved" *: "" id: LANG_PLUGIN_CANT_OPEN desc: Plugin open error message user: *: "Can't open %s" *: "Ne morem odpreti %s" *: "" id: LANG_READ_FAILED desc: There was an error reading a file user: *: "Failed reading %s" *: "Napaka pri branju %s" *: "" id: LANG_PLUGIN_WRONG_MODEL desc: The plugin is not compatible with the archos model trying to run it user: *: "Incompatible model" *: "Incompatible model" *: "" id: LANG_PLUGIN_WRONG_VERSION desc: The plugin is not compatible with the rockbox version trying to run it user: *: "Incompatible version" *: "Nekompatibilna razlicica" *: "" id: LANG_PLUGIN_ERROR desc: The plugin return an error code user: *: "Plugin returned error" *: "Dodatek javlja napako" *: "" id: LANG_RESUME_CONFIRM_PLAYER desc: possible answers to resume question user: *: "(PLAY/STOP)" *: "(PLAY/STOP)" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_SET_BOOL_YES desc: bool true representation user: *: "Yes" *: "Da" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_SET_BOOL_NO desc: bool false representation user: *: "No" *: "Ne" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_ON desc: Used in a lot of places user: *: "On" *: "Vklop" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_OFF desc: Used in a lot of places user: *: "Off" *: "Izkljuci" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_VOLUME desc: in sound_settings user: *: "Volume" *: "Glasnost" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_CHANNEL_STEREO desc: in sound_settings user: *: "Stereo" *: "Stereo" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_CHANNEL_MONO desc: in sound_settings user: *: "Mono" *: "Mono" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_SHUFFLE desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Shuffle" *: "Nakljucno" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_REPEAT desc: in settings_menu user: *: "Repeat" *: "Ponovitev" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_REPEAT_ALL desc: repeat playlist once all songs have completed user: *: "All" *: "Vse" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_REPEAT_ONE desc: repeat one song user: *: "One" *: "Eno" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_FILTER desc: setting name for dir filter user: *: "Show Files" *: "Pokazi datoteke" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_FILTER_ALL desc: show all files user: *: "All" *: "Vse" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_FILTER_SUPPORTED desc: show all file types supported by Rockbox user: *: "Supported" *: "Samo podprte" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_FILTER_MUSIC desc: show only music-related files user: *: "Music" *: "Glasba" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_FILTER_PLAYLIST desc: show only playlist user: *: "Playlists" *: "Seznam skladb" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_RECORDING_QUALITY desc: in the recording settings user: *: "Quality" *: "Kakovost" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_RECORDING_FREQUENCY desc: in the recording settings user: *: "Frequency" *: "Frekvenca" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_RECORDING_SOURCE desc: in the recording settings user: *: "Source" *: "Vir snemanja" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_RECORDING_SRC_MIC desc: in the recording settings user: *: "Mic" *: "Mikrofon" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_RECORDING_SRC_LINE desc: in the recording settings user: *: "Line In" *: "Analogni vhod" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_RECORDING_SRC_DIGITAL desc: in the recording settings user: *: "Digital" *: "Digitalni vhod" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_RECORDING_CHANNELS desc: in the recording settings user: *: "Channels" *: "Kanali" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_SCROLL_BAR desc: display menu, F3 substitute user: *: "Scroll Bar" *: "Drsnik" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_STATUS_BAR desc: display menu, F3 substitute user: *: "Status Bar" *: "Prikaz stanja" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_PITCH_UP desc: in wps user: *: "Pitch Up" *: "Zvisanje" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_PITCH_DOWN desc: in wps user: *: "Pitch Down" *: "Znizanje" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_F2_MODE desc: in wps F2 pressed user: *: "Mode:" *: "Nacin:" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_RECORDING_TIME desc: Display of recorded time user: *: "Time:" *: "Cas" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_RECORD_TIMESPLIT_REC ### The 'desc' field differs from the english! ### the previously used desc is commented below: ### desc: desc: Display of record timer interval setting, on the record screen user: ### The section differs from the english! ### the previously used one is commented below: ### *: "Split time:" *: "Split Time:" *: "Razdelitev posnetka:" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_RECORDING_SIZE desc: Display of recorded file size user: *: "Size:" *: "Velikost:" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_RECORDING_GAIN desc: in the recording screen user: *: "Gain" *: "Jakost" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_RECORDING_LEFT desc: in the recording screen user: ### The section differs from the english! ### the previously used one is commented below: ### *: "Left" *: "Gain Left" *: "Levi kanal" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_RECORDING_RIGHT desc: in the recording screen user: ### The section differs from the english! ### the previously used one is commented below: ### *: "Right" *: "Gain Right" *: "Desni kanal" *: "" id: LANG_SYSFONT_DISK_FULL desc: in recording screen user: *: "The disk is full. Press OFF to continue." *: "Disk je poln. Pritisni OFF" *: "" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_DIRBROWSE_F3 desc: in dir browser, F3 button bar text user: *: "LCD" *: "LCD" *: "" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_EQUALIZER_BAND_GAIN desc: in the equalizer settings menu user: *: "Gain" *: "Gain" *: "Gain" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_REPEAT_AB desc: repeat one song user: *: "A-B" *: "A-B" *: "A-B" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_DIRBROWSE_F1 desc: in dir browser, F1 button bar text user: *: "Menu" *: "Menu" *: "" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_FLIP_DISPLAY desc: in settings_menu, option to turn display+buttos by 180 degreed user: *: "Upside Down" *: "Upside Down" *: "Upside Down" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_EQUALIZER_BAND_CUTOFF desc: in the equalizer settings menu user: *: "Cutoff Frequency" *: "Cutoff Frequency" *: "Cutoff Frequency" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_RECORD_PRERECORD desc: in recording and radio screen user: *: "Pre-Recording" *: "Pre-Recording" *: "" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_FILTER_ID3DB desc: show ID3 Database user: *: "ID3 Database" *: "ID3 Database" *: "ID3 Database" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_PITCH desc: "pitch" in the pitch screen user: *: "Pitch" *: "Pitch" *: "Pitch" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_EQUALIZER_EDIT_MODE desc: in the equalizer settings menu user: *: "Edit mode: %s" *: "Edit mode: %s" *: "" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_DIRBROWSE_F2 desc: in dir browser, F2 button bar text user: *: "Option" *: "Option" *: "" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_RECORD_TRIGGER desc: in recording settings_menu user: *: "Trigger" *: "Trigger" *: "Trigger" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_AGC_SAFETY desc: AGC preset *: "Safety (clip)" *: "Safety (clip)" *: "Safety (clip)" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_AGC_VOICE desc: AGC preset *: "Voice (fast)" *: "Voice (fast)" *: "Voice (fast)" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_AGC_MEDIUM desc: AGC preset *: "Medium" *: "Medium" *: "Medium" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_AGC_LIVE desc: AGC preset *: "Live (slow)" *: "Live (slow)" *: "Live (slow)" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_AGC_DJSET desc: AGC preset *: "DJ-Set (slow)" *: "DJ-Set (slow)" *: "DJ set (slow)" ### ### This phrase below was not present in the translated file id: LANG_SYSFONT_RECORDING_AGC_MAXGAIN desc: AGC maximum gain in recording screen *: "AGC max. gain" *: "AGC max. gain" *: "AGC maximum gain"