id: LANG_SOUND_SETTINGS desc: in the main menu eng: "Sound Settings" voice: "Sound Settings" new: "Ljudinställning" id: LANG_GENERAL_SETTINGS desc: in the main menu eng: "General Settings" voice: "General Settings" new: "Huvudinställning" id: LANG_INFO desc: in the main menu eng: "Info" voice: "Info" new: "Info" id: LANG_VERSION desc: in the main menu eng: "Version" voice: "Version" new: "Version" id: LANG_DEBUG desc: in the main menu eng: "Debug (Keep Out!)" voice: "Debug, keep out!" new: "Debug (Rör ej!)" id: LANG_USB desc: in the main menu eng: "USB (Sim)" voice: "" new: "USB (Sim)" id: LANG_ROCKBOX_INFO desc: displayed topmost on the info screen eng: "Rockbox Info:" voice: "" new: "Rockboxinfo:" id: LANG_BUFFER_STAT_PLAYER desc: the buffer size player-screen width, %d MB %d fraction of MB eng: "Buf: %d.%03dMB" voice: "" new: "Buf: %d.%03dMB" id: LANG_BUFFER_STAT_RECORDER desc: the buffer size recorder-screen width, %d MB %d fraction of MB eng: "Buffer: %d.%03dMB" voice: "" new: "Buffert: %d.%03dMB" id: LANG_BATTERY_CHARGE desc: tells that the battery is charging, instead of battery level eng: "Battery: Charging" voice: "" new: "Batteriladdning" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_LOAD desc: displayed on screen while loading a playlist eng: "Loading..." voice: "" new: "Laddar..." id: LANG_PLAYLIST_SHUFFLE desc: displayed on screen while shuffling a playlist eng: "Shuffling..." voice: "" new: "Slumpar..." id: LANG_PLAYINDICES_PLAYLIST desc: in playlist.indices() when playlist is full eng: "Playlist" voice: "Playlist" new: "Spellista" id: LANG_PLAYINDICES_BUFFER desc: in playlist.indices() when playlist is full eng: "Buffer Full" voice: "" new: "Full buffert" id: LANG_SETTINGS_SAVE_PLAYER desc: displayed if save settings has failed eng: "Save Failed" voice: "" new: "Spara misslyckades" id: LANG_SETTINGS_BATTERY_PLAYER desc: if save settings has failed eng: "Partition?" voice: "" new: "Partition?" id: LANG_SETTINGS_SAVE_RECORDER desc: displayed if save settings has failed eng: "Save Failed" voice: "" new: "Spara misslyckades" id: LANG_SETTINGS_BATTERY_RECORDER desc: if save settings has failed eng: "No partition?" voice: "" new: "Ingen partition?" id: LANG_TIME_SET desc: used in set_time() eng: "ON To Set" voice: "" new: "PÅ för att ställa" id: LANG_TIME_REVERT desc: used in set_time() eng: "OFF To Revert" voice: "" new: "AV för att återgå" id: LANG_CONTRAST desc: in settings_menu eng: "Contrast" voice: "Contrast" new: "Kontrast" id: LANG_SHUFFLE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Shuffle" voice: "Shuffle" new: "Slumpa" id: LANG_PLAY_SELECTED desc: in settings_menu eng: "Play Selected First" voice: "Play Selected File First" new: "Spela den valda först" id: LANG_SORT_CASE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Sort Case Sensitive" voice: "Sort Case Sensitive" new: "Sortera skiftlägeskänsligt" id: LANG_RESUME desc: in settings_menu eng: "Resume" voice: "Resume" new: "Återuppta" id: LANG_OFF desc: Used in a lot of places eng: "Off" voice: "Off" new: "Av" id: LANG_RESUME_SETTING_ASK desc: in settings_menu eng: "Ask" voice: "Ask" new: "Fråga" id: LANG_ON desc: Used in a lot of places eng: "On" voice: "On" new: "På" id: LANG_BACKLIGHT desc: in settings_menu eng: "Backlight" voice: "Backlight" new: "Skärmljus" id: LANG_SCROLL desc: in settings_menu eng: "Scroll Speed Setting Example" voice: "" new: "Exempel på rullningshastighet" id: LANG_DISCHARGE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Deep Discharge" voice: "Deep Discharge" new: "Total urladdning" id: LANG_TIME desc: in settings_menu eng: "Set Time/Date" voice: "Set Time and Date" new: "Ställ tid/datum" id: LANG_SPINDOWN desc: in settings_menu eng: "Disk Spindown" voice: "Disk Spindown" new: "Diskdeaktivering" id: LANG_FFRW_STEP desc: in settings_menu eng: "FF/RW Min Step" voice: "Minimum Step" new: "FF/RW min. steg" id: LANG_FFRW_ACCEL desc: in settings_menu eng: "FF/RW Accel" voice: "Acceleration" new: "FF/RW acceleration" id: LANG_FOLLOW desc: in settings_menu eng: "Follow Playlist" voice: "Follow Playlist" new: "Följ spellistan" id: LANG_RESET_ASK_RECORDER desc: confirm to reset settings eng: "Are You Sure?" voice: "" new: "Är du säker?" id: LANG_RESET_DONE_SETTING desc: visual confirmation after settings reset eng: "Settings" voice: "" new: "Inställningar" id: LANG_RESET_DONE_CLEAR desc: visual confirmation after settings reset eng: "Cleared" voice: "" new: "Nollställd" id: LANG_RESET_DONE_CANCEL desc: Visual confirmation of cancelation eng: "Canceled" voice: "" new: "Avbruten" id: LANG_CASE_MENU desc: DEPRECATED eng: "" voice: "" new: "" id: LANG_SCROLL_MENU desc: in display_settings_menu() eng: "Scrolling" voice: "Scrolling" new: "Rullning" id: LANG_RESET desc: in system_settings_menu() eng: "Reset Settings" voice: "Reset Settings" new: "Återställ inställningar" id: LANG_PLAYBACK desc: in settings_menu() eng: "Playback" voice: "Playback" new: "Spelinställning" id: LANG_FILE desc: in settings_menu() eng: "File View" voice: "File View" new: "Filvy" id: LANG_DISPLAY desc: in settings_menu() eng: "Display" voice: "Display" new: "Skärm" id: LANG_SYSTEM desc: in settings_menu() eng: "System" voice: "System" new: "Systemet" id: LANG_VOLUME desc: in sound_settings eng: "Volume" voice: "Volume" new: "Volym" id: LANG_BALANCE desc: in sound_settings eng: "Balance" voice: "Balance" new: "Balans" id: LANG_BASS desc: in sound_settings eng: "Bass" voice: "Bass" new: "Bas" id: LANG_TREBLE desc: in sound_settings eng: "Treble" voice: "Treble" new: "Diskant" id: LANG_LOUDNESS desc: in sound_settings eng: "Loudness" voice: "Loudness" new: "Loudness" id: LANG_BBOOST desc: DEPRECATED eng: "" voice: "" new: "" id: LANG_DECAY desc: in sound_settings eng: "AV Decay Time" voice: "" new: "AV falltid" id: LANG_CHANNEL_MENU desc: in sound_settings eng: "Channels" voice: "Channels" new: "Kanaler" id: LANG_CHANNEL desc: in sound_settings eng: "Channel Configuration" voice: "" new: "Kanalkonfigurering" id: LANG_CHANNEL_STEREO desc: in sound_settings eng: "Stereo" voice: "Stereo" new: "Stereo" id: LANG_CHANNEL_MONO desc: in sound_settings eng: "Mono" voice: "Mono" new: "Mono" id: LANG_CHANNEL_LEFT desc: in sound_settings eng: "Mono Left" voice: "Mono Left" new: "Mono vänster" id: LANG_CHANNEL_RIGHT desc: in sound_settings eng: "Mono Right" voice: "Mono Right" new: "Mono höger" id: LANG_AUTOVOL desc: in sound_settings eng: "Auto Volume" voice: "Auto Volume" new: "Automatvolym" id: LANG_SHOWDIR_ERROR_BUFFER desc: in showdir(), displayed on screen when you reach buffer limit eng: "Dir Buffer" voice: "" new: "Filsystembufferten" id: LANG_SHOWDIR_ERROR_FULL desc: in showdir(), displayed on screen when you reach buffer limit eng: "Is Full!" voice: "" new: "Är full!" id: LANG_RESUME_ASK desc: question asked at the begining when resume is on eng: "Resume?" voice: "" new: "Återuppta?" id: LANG_RESUME_CONFIRM_PLAYER desc: possible answers to resume question eng: "(PLAY/STOP)" voice: "" new: "(Ja/Nej)" id: LANG_KEYLOCK_ON_PLAYER desc: displayed when key lock is on eng: "Key Lock ON" voice: "" new: "Lås på" id: LANG_KEYLOCK_OFF_PLAYER desc: displayed when key lock is turned off eng: "Key Lock OFF" voice: "" new: "Lås av" id: LANG_KEYLOCK_ON_RECORDER desc: displayed when key lock is on eng: "Key Lock Is ON" voice: "" new: "Tangentlåset är PÅ" id: LANG_KEYLOCK_OFF_RECORDER desc: displayed when key lock is turned off eng: "Key Lock Is OFF" voice: "" new: "Tangentlåset är AV" id: LANG_MUTE_ON_PLAYER desc: displayed when mute is on eng: "Mute ON" voice: "" new: "Tyst på" id: LANG_MUTE_OFF_PLAYER desc: displayed when mute is off eng: "Mute OFF" voice: "" new: "Tyst av" id: LANG_MUTE_ON_RECORDER desc: displayed when mute is on eng: "Mute Is ON" voice: "" new: "Tyst är PÅ" id: LANG_MUTE_OFF_RECORDER desc: displayed when mute is off eng: "Mute Is OFF" voice: "" new: "Tyst är AV" id: LANG_ID3_INFO desc: in the browse_id3() function eng: "-ID3 Info- " voice: "" new: "-ID3 Info- " id: LANG_ID3_SCREEN desc: in the browse_id3() function eng: "--Screen-- " voice: "" new: "--Skärm--" id: LANG_ID3_TITLE desc: in wps eng: "[Title]" voice: "" new: "[Titel]" id: LANG_ID3_NO_TITLE desc: in wps when no title is avaible eng: "" voice: "" new: "" id: LANG_ID3_ARTIST desc: in wps eng: "[Artist]" voice: "" new: "[Artist]" id: LANG_ID3_NO_ARTIST desc: in wps when no artist is avaible eng: "" voice: "" new: "" id: LANG_ID3_ALBUM desc: in wps eng: "[Album]" voice: "" new: "[Album]" id: LANG_ID3_NO_ALBUM desc: in wps when no album is avaible eng: "" voice: "" new: "" id: LANG_ID3_TRACKNUM desc: in wps eng: "[Tracknum]" voice: "" new: "[Spår]" id: LANG_ID3_NO_TRACKNUM desc: in wps if no track number is avaible eng: "" voice: "" new: "" id: LANG_ID3_LENGHT desc: in wps eng: "[Length]" voice: "" new: "[Längd]" id: LANG_ID3_PLAYLIST desc: in wps eng: "[Playlist]" voice: "" new: "[Spellista]" id: LANG_ID3_BITRATE desc: in wps eng: "[Bitrate]" voice: "" new: "[Datahastighet]" id: LANG_ID3_FRECUENCY desc: in wps eng: "[Frequency]" voice: "" new: "[Frekvens]" id: LANG_ID3_PATH desc: in wps eng: "[Path]" voice: "" new: "[Sökväg]" id: LANG_PITCH_UP desc: in wps eng: "Pitch Up" voice: "" new: "Höj tonläget" id: LANG_PITCH_DOWN desc: in wps eng: "Pitch Down" voice: "" new: "Sänk tonläget" id: LANG_PAUSE desc: in wps eng: "Pause" voice: "" new: "Paus" id: LANG_F2_MODE desc: in wps F2 pressed eng: "Mode:" voice: "" new: "Läge:" id: LANG_F3_STATUS desc: in wps F3 pressed eng: "Status" voice: "" new: "Status-" id: LANG_F3_SCROLL desc: in wps F3 pressed eng: "Scroll" voice: "" new: "Rull-" id: LANG_F3_BAR desc: in wps F3 pressed eng: "Bar" voice: "" new: "List" id: LANG_END_PLAYLIST_PLAYER desc: when playlist has finished eng: "End Of List" voice: "" new: "Listan slut" id: LANG_END_PLAYLIST_RECORDER desc: when playlist has finished eng: "End Of Song List" voice: "" new: "Slut på spellistan" id: LANG_POWEROFF_IDLE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Idle Poweroff" voice: "Idle Poweroff" new: "Autoavstängning" id: LANG_LANGUAGE_LOADED desc: shown when a language has been loaded from the dir browser eng: "New Language" voice: "" new: "Nytt språk" id: LANG_FILTER desc: setting name for dir filter eng: "Show Files" voice: "Show Files" new: "Visa filer" id: LANG_FILTER_MUSIC desc: show only music-related files eng: "Music" voice: "Music" new: "Musik" id: LANG_FILTER_SUPPORTED desc: show all file types supported by Rockbox eng: "Supported" voice: "Supported" new: "Hanterade" id: LANG_FILTER_ALL desc: show all files eng: "All" voice: "All" new: "Alla" id: LANG_SET_BOOL_YES desc: bool true representation eng: "Yes" voice: "Yes" new: "Ja" id: LANG_SET_BOOL_NO desc: bool false representation eng: "No" voice: "No" new: "Nej" id: LANG_BACKLIGHT_ON_WHEN_CHARGING desc: in display_settings_menu eng: "Backlight On When Plugged" voice: "Backlight On When Plugged" new: "Laddningsbelysning" id: LANG_PM_CLIP_HOLD desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Clip Hold Time" voice: "Clip Hold Time" new: "Klipphålltid" id: LANG_PM_ETERNAL desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Eternal" voice: "Eternal" new: "Oändlig" id: LANG_PM_MENU desc: in the display menu eng: "Peak Meter" voice: "Peak Meter" new: "Toppmätare" id: LANG_PM_PEAK_HOLD desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Peak Hold Time" voice: "Peak Hold Time" new: "Topphålltid" id: LANG_PM_RELEASE desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Peak Release" voice: "Peak Release" new: "Toppsläppning" id: LANG_PM_UNITS_PER_READ desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Units Per Read" voice: "Units Per Read" new: "Enheter per läsning" id: LANG_REPEAT desc: in settings_menu eng: "Repeat" voice: "Repeat" new: "Repetera" id: LANG_REPEAT_ALL desc: repeat playlist once all songs have completed eng: "All" voice: "All" new: "Alla" id: LANG_REPEAT_ONE desc: repeat one song eng: "One" voice: "One" new: "En" id: LANG_12_HOUR_CLOCK desc: option for 12 hour clock eng: "12 Hour Clock" voice: "12 Hour Clock" new: "12-timmarsvisning" id: LANG_24_HOUR_CLOCK desc: option for 24 hour clock eng: "24 Hour Clock" voice: "24 Hour Clock" new: "24-timmarsvisning" id: LANG_RESET_CANCEL desc: confirm to reset settings eng: "OFF=Cancel" voice: "" new: "AV=Avbryt" id: LANG_RESET_CONFIRM desc: confirm to reset settings eng: "PLAY=Reset" voice: "" new: "SPELA=Återställ" id: LANG_TIMEFORMAT desc: select the time format of time in status bar eng: "Time Format" voice: "Time Format" new: "Tidsformat" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_THURSDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday eng: "Thu" voice: "" new: "Tor" id: LANG_MONTH_APRIL desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Apr" voice: "April" new: "Apr" id: LANG_MONTH_AUGUST desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Aug" voice: "August" new: "Aug" id: LANG_MONTH_DECEMBER desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Dec" voice: "December" new: "Dec" id: LANG_MONTH_FEBRUARY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Feb" voice: "February" new: "Feb" id: LANG_MONTH_JANUARY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Jan" voice: "January" new: "Jan" id: LANG_MONTH_JULY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Jul" voice: "July" new: "Jul" id: LANG_MONTH_JUNE desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Jun" voice: "June" new: "Jun" id: LANG_MONTH_MARCH desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Mar" voice: "March" new: "Mar" id: LANG_MONTH_MAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "May" voice: "May" new: "Maj" id: LANG_MONTH_NOVEMBER desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Nov" voice: "November" new: "Nov" id: LANG_MONTH_OCTOBER desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Oct" voice: "October" new: "Okt" id: LANG_MONTH_SEPTEMBER desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Sep" voice: "September" new: "Sep" id: LANG_RESUME_SETTING_ASK_ONCE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Ask Once" voice: "Ask Once" new: "Fråga en gång" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_FRIDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday eng: "Fri" voice: "" new: "Fre" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_MONDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday eng: "Mon" voice: "" new: "Mån" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_SATURDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday eng: "Sat" voice: "" new: "Lör" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_SUNDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday eng: "Sun" voice: "" new: "Sön" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_TUESDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday eng: "Tue" voice: "" new: "Tis" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_WEDNESDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday eng: "Wed" voice: "" new: "Ons" id: LANG_BATTERY_DISPLAY desc: Battery type title eng: "Battery Display" voice: "Battery Display" new: "Batterivisning" id: LANG_DISK_FREE_STAT desc: disk size info eng: "Free: %d.%dGB" voice: "Free diskspace:" new: "Ledigt: %d.%dGB" id: LANG_DISK_STAT desc: disk size info eng: "Disk: %d.%dGB" voice: "" new: "Disk: %d.%dGB" id: LANG_DISPLAY_GRAPHIC desc: Label for type of icon display eng: "Graphic" voice: "Graphic" new: "Grafik" id: LANG_DISPLAY_NUMERIC desc: Label for type of icon display eng: "Numeric" voice: "Numeric" new: "Numerisk" id: LANG_PM_DBFS desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Logarithmic(dB)" voice: "Logarithmic decibel" new: "Logaritmisk(dB)" id: LANG_PM_ENERGY_SAVER desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Save Energy" voice: "Save Energy" new: "Energispar" id: LANG_PM_HIGH_PERFORMANCE desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "High performance" voice: "High performance" new: "Bästa prestanda" id: LANG_PM_LINEAR desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Linear(%)" voice: "Linear percent" new: "Linjär(%)" id: LANG_PM_MAX desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Maximum Of Range" voice: "Maximum Of Range" new: "Maximalt värde" id: LANG_PM_MIN desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Minimum Of Range" voice: "Minimum Of Range" new: "Minimalt värde" id: LANG_PM_PERFORMANCE desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Performance" voice: "Performance" new: "Prestanda" id: LANG_PM_SCALE desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Scale" voice: "Scale" new: "Skala" id: LANG_RECORDING desc: in the main menu eng: "Recording" voice: "Recording" new: "Inspelning" id: LANG_RECORDING_CHANNELS desc: in the recording settings eng: "Channels" voice: "Channels" new: "Kanaler" id: LANG_RECORDING_FREQUENCY desc: in the recording settings eng: "Frequency" voice: "Frequency" new: "Frekvens" id: LANG_RECORDING_GAIN desc: in the recording screen eng: "Gain" voice: "" new: "Förstärkning" id: LANG_RECORDING_LEFT desc: in the recording screen eng: "Left" voice: "" new: "Vänster" id: LANG_RECORDING_QUALITY desc: in the recording settings eng: "Quality" voice: "Quality" new: "Kvalitet" id: LANG_RECORDING_RIGHT desc: in the recording screen eng: "Right" voice: "" new: "Höger" id: LANG_RECORDING_SETTINGS desc: in the main menu eng: "Recording Settings" voice: "Recording Settings" new: "Inspelningsinställningar" id: LANG_RECORDING_SOURCE desc: in the recording settings eng: "Source" voice: "Source" new: "Källa" id: LANG_RECORDING_SRC_DIGITAL desc: in the recording settings eng: "Digital" voice: "Digital" new: "Digital" id: LANG_RECORDING_SRC_LINE desc: in the recording settings eng: "Line In" voice: "Line In" new: "Linjeingång" id: LANG_RECORDING_SRC_MIC desc: in the recording settings eng: "Mic" voice: "Microphone" new: "Mikrofon" id: LANG_VOLUME_DISPLAY desc: Volume type title eng: "Volume Display" voice: "Volume Display" new: "Volymdisplay" id: LANG_FILTER_PLAYLIST desc: show only playlist eng: "Playlists" voice: "Playlists" new: "Låtlistor" id: LANG_POWEROFF desc: disk poweroff flag eng: "Disk Poweroff" voice: "Disk Poweroff" new: "Diskavstängning" id: LANG_BATTERY_TIME desc: battery level in % and estimated time remaining eng: "%d%% %dh %dm" voice: "Battery level" new: "%d%% %dh %dmin" id: LANG_SLEEP_TIMER desc: sleep timer setting eng: "Sleep Timer" voice: "Sleep Timer" new: "Insomningstid" id: LANG_BATTERY_CAPACITY desc: in settings_menu eng: "Battery Capacity" voice: "Battery Capacity" new: "Batterikapacitet" id: LANG_BATTERY_TOPOFF_CHARGE desc: in info display, shows that top off charge is running eng: "Battery: Top-Off Chg" voice: "" new: "Batteri: Top-Off-laddning" id: LANG_BATTERY_TRICKLE_CHARGE desc: in info display, shows that trickle charge is running eng: "Battery: Trickle Chg" voice: "" new: "Batteri: Underhållsladdning" id: LANG_BIDIR_SCROLL desc: Bidirectional scroll limit eng: "Bidirectional Scroll Limit" voice: "Bidirectional Scroll Limit" new: "Gräns för dubbelriktad rullning" id: LANG_MP3BUFFER_MARGIN desc: MP3 buffer margin time eng: "Anti-Skip Buffer" voice: "Anti-Skip Buffer" new: "Antiskak-buffert" id: LANG_SCROLL_DELAY desc: Delay before scrolling eng: "Scroll Start Delay" voice: "Scroll Start Delay" new: "Fördröjning av rullningsstart" id: LANG_SCROLL_SPEED desc: in display_settings_menu() eng: "Scroll Speed" voice: "Scroll Speed" new: "Rullningshastighet" id: LANG_SCROLL_STEP desc: Pixels to advance per scroll eng: "Scroll Step Size" voice: "Scroll Step Size" new: "Rullningssteg" id: LANG_SCROLL_STEP_EXAMPLE desc: Pixels to advance per scroll eng: "Scroll Step Size Setting Example Text" voice: "" new: "Exempel för att sätta rullningsstegning" id: LANG_TRICKLE_CHARGE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Trickle Charge" voice: "Trickle Charge" new: "Underhållsladdning" id: LANG_MENU_SETTING_CANCEL desc: Visual confirmation of canceling a changed setting eng: "Canceled" voice: "" new: "Avbrutet" id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_ALARM_MENU desc: The name of the additional entry in the main menu for the RTC alarm mod. eng: "Wake-Up Alarm" voice: "Wake-Up Alarm" new: "Väckarklocka" id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_ERROR desc: The text that tells that the time is incorrect (for the RTC alarm mod). eng: "Alarm Time Is Too Soon!" voice: "" new: "Väckning om för kort tid!" id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_KEYS desc: Shown key functions in alarm menu (for the RTC alarm mod). eng: "PLAY=Set OFF=Cancel" voice: "" new: "PLAY=Sätt OFF=Avbryt" id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_SHUTDOWN desc: The text that tells the user that the alarm time is ok and the device shuts off (for the RTC alarm mod). eng: "Shutting Down..." voice: "" new: "Stannar..." id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_TIME desc: The current alarm time shown in the alarm menu for the RTC alarm mod. eng: "Alarm Time: %02d:%02d" voice: "" new: "Alarm: %02d:%02d" id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_TIME_TO_GO desc: The time until the alarm will go off shown in the alarm menu for the RTC alarm mod. eng: "Waking Up In %d:%02d" voice: "" new: "Vaknar om %d:%02d" id: LANG_CREATE_PLAYLIST desc: Menu option for creating a playlist eng: "Create Playlist" voice: "Create Playlist" new: "Skapa spellista" id: LANG_CREATING desc: Screen feedback during playlist creation eng: "Creating" voice: "" new: "Skapar" id: LANG_DELETE desc: The verb/action Delete eng: "Delete" voice: "Delete" new: "Radera" id: LANG_DELETED desc: A file has beed deleted eng: "Deleted" voice: "" new: "Raderad" id: LANG_FAILED desc: Something failed. To be appended after above actions eng: "Failed" voice: "" new: "misslyckades" id: LANG_QUEUE desc: The verb/action Queue eng: "Queue" voice: "Queue" new: "Köa" id: LANG_REALLY_DELETE desc: Really Delete? eng: "Delete?" voice: "" new: "Radera?" id: LANG_RENAME desc: The verb/action Rename eng: "Rename" voice: "Rename" new: "Ändra namn" id: LANG_PLAYER_KEYBOARD_ABORT desc: Abort alternative in player keyboard interaction eng: "Abort" voice: "" new: "Avbryt" id: LANG_PLAYER_KEYBOARD_ACCEPT desc: Accept alternative in player keyboard interaction eng: "Accept" voice: "" new: "Utför" id: LANG_PLAYER_KEYBOARD_BACKSPACE desc: Backspace alternative in player keyboard interaction eng: "Backspace" voice: "" new: "Backsteg" id: LANG_PLAYER_KEYBOARD_DELETE desc: Delete alternative in player keyboard interaction eng: "Delete" voice: "" new: "Radera" id: LANG_ID3_GENRE desc: ID3 frame 'genre' eng: "[Genre]" voice: "" new: "[Genre]" id: LANG_ID3_NO_INFO desc: ID3 info is missing eng: "" voice: "" new: "" id: LANG_ID3_YEAR desc: ID3 info 'year' eng: "[Year]" voice: "" new: "[År]" id: LANG_MENU_SHOW_ID3_INFO desc: Menu option to start id3 viewer eng: "Show ID3 Info" voice: "Show ID3 Info" new: "Visa ID3 info" id: LANG_FADE_ON_STOP desc: options menu to set fade on stop or pause eng: "Fade On Stop/Pause" voice: "Fade On Stop and Pause" new: "Tona bort vid stop/paus" id: LANG_RECORDING_SIZE desc: Display of recorded file size eng: "Size:" voice: "" new: "Storlek:" id: LANG_RECORDING_TIME desc: Display of recorded time eng: "Time:" voice: "" new: "Tid:" id: LANG_SETTINGS_LOADED1 desc: Feedback shown when a .cfg file is loaded eng: "Settings" voice: "" new: "Inställningar" id: LANG_SETTINGS_LOADED2 desc: Feedback shown when a .cfg file is loaded eng: "Loaded" voice: "" new: "Inläst" id: LANG_CHANNEL_KARAOKE desc: in sound_settings eng: "Karaoke" voice: "Karaoke" new: "Karaoke" id: LANG_CHANNEL_STEREO_NARROW_PLAYER desc: in sound_settings eng: "St. Narrow" voice: "Stereo Narrow" new: "Smal stereo" id: LANG_CHANNEL_STEREO_NARROW_RECORDER desc: in sound_settings eng: "Stereo Narrow" voice: "Stereo Narrow" new: "Smal stereo" id: LANG_CHANNEL_STEREO_WIDE desc: in sound_settings eng: "Stereo Wide" voice: "Stereo Wide" new: "Bred stereo" id: LANG_INVERT desc: in settings_menu eng: "LCD Mode" voice: "LCD Mode" new: "LCD-Läge" id: LANG_SOKOBAN_ON desc: DEPRECATED eng: "" voice: "" new: "" id: LANG_SAVE_SETTINGS desc: in system_settings_menu() eng: "Write .cfg file" voice: "Write configuration file" new: "Skriv .cfg-fil" id: LANG_SETTINGS_SAVED1 desc: Feedback shown when a .cfg file is saved eng: "Settings" voice: "" new: "Inställning" id: LANG_SETTINGS_SAVED2 desc: Feedback shown when a .cfg file is saved eng: "Saved" voice: "" new: "Sparad" id: LANG_VBRFIX_NOT_VBR desc: DEPRECATED eng: "" voice: "" new: "" id: LANG_VBRFIX_STOP_PLAY desc: DEPRECATED eng: "" voice: "" new: "" id: LANG_VBRFIX desc: DEPRECATED eng: "" voice: "" new: "" id: LANG_STATUS_BAR desc: display menu, F3 substitute eng: "Status Bar" voice: "Status Bar" new: "Statuslist" id: LANG_SCROLL_BAR desc: display menu, F3 substitute eng: "Scroll Bar" voice: "Scroll Bar" new: "Rullningslist" id: LANG_INVERT_CURSOR desc: in settings_menu eng: "Line Selector" voice: "Line Selector" new: "Radväljare" id: LANG_RECORDING_EDITABLE desc: Editable recordings setting eng: "Independent frames" voice: "Independent frames" new: "Oberoende ramar" id: LANG_CAPTION_BACKLIGHT desc: in settings_menu eng: "Caption backlight" voice: "Caption backlight" new: "Rubrikbelysning" id: LANG_INVERT_CURSOR_BAR desc: in settings_menu eng: "Bar(Inverse)" voice: "Inverse Bar" new: "Streck(Inverterad)" id: LANG_INVERT_CURSOR_POINTER desc: in settings_menu eng: "Pointer" voice: "Pointer" new: "Pekare" id: LANG_INVERT_LCD_INVERSE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Inverse" voice: "Inverse" new: "Inverterad" id: LANG_INVERT_LCD_NORMAL desc: in settings_menu eng: "Normal" voice: "Normal" new: "Normal" id: LANG_MAX_FILES_IN_DIR desc: in settings_menu eng: "Max files in dir browser" voice: "Max files in directory browser" new: "Max filer i filväljaren" id: LANG_MAX_FILES_IN_PLAYLIST desc: in settings_menu eng: "Max playlist size" voice: "Max playlist size" new: "Max storlek på spellistan" id: LANG_JUMP_SCROLL desc: (player) menu altarnative for jump scroll eng: "Jump scroll" voice: "Jump scroll" new: "Hopprullning" id: LANG_ONE_TIME desc: (player) the jump scroll shall be done "one time" eng: "One time" voice: "One time" new: "En gång" id: LANG_ALWAYS desc: (player) the jump scroll shall be done "always" eng: "Always" voice: "Always" new: "Alltid" id: LANG_BOOT_CHANGED desc: File browser discovered the boot file was changed eng: "Boot changed" voice: "" new: "Ändrad start" id: LANG_CANCEL_WITH_ANY_RECORDER desc: Generic recorder string to use to cancel eng: "Any Other = No" voice: "" new: "Någon annan = Nej" id: LANG_CAR_ADAPTER_MODE desc: Displayed for setting car adapter mode to on/off eng: "Car Adapter Mode" voice: "Car Adapter Mode" new: "Biltillsatsläge" id: LANG_CONFIRM_WITH_PLAY_RECORDER desc: Generic recorder string to use to confirm eng: "PLAY = Yes" voice: "" new: "Spela = Ja" id: LANG_CUSTOM_CFG desc: in setting_menu() eng: "Browse .cfg files" voice: "Browse configuration files" new: "Se .cfg-filer" id: LANG_CUSTOM_FONT desc: in setting_menu() eng: "Browse Fonts" voice: "Browse Fonts" new: "Se fonter" id: LANG_DISK_FULL desc: in recording screen eng: "The disk is full. Press OFF to continue." voice: "" new: "Disken är full. Tryck AV för att fortsätta." id: LANG_FIRMWARE desc: in the main menu eng: "Browse Firmwares" voice: "Browse Firmwares" new: "Se fasta programvaror" id: LANG_INSERT desc: in onplay menu. insert a track/playlist into dynamic playlist. eng: "Insert" voice: "Insert" new: "Sätt in" id: LANG_INSERT_FIRST desc: in onplay menu. insert a track/playlist into dynamic playlist. eng: "Insert next" voice: "Insert next" new: "Sätt in nästa" id: LANG_INSERT_LAST desc: in onplay menu. append a track/playlist into dynamic playlist. eng: "Insert last" voice: "Insert last" new: "Sätt in sist" id: LANG_JUMP_SCROLL_DELAY desc: (player) Delay before making a jump scroll eng: "Jump Scroll Delay" voice: "Jump Scroll Delay" new: "Hopprullningsfördröjning" id: LANG_LANGUAGE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Language" voice: "Language" new: "Språk" id: LANG_OFF_ABORT desc: Used on recorder models eng: "OFF to abort" voice: "" new: "AV för avbryt" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_ACCESS_ERROR desc: Playlist error eng: "Error accessing playlist file" voice: "" new: "Kan ej nå filen med spellistan" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_CONTROL_ACCESS_ERROR desc: Playlist error eng: "Error accessing playlist control file" voice: "" new: "Kan ej nå filen för spellistekontroll" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_CONTROL_INVALID desc: Playlist resume error eng: "Playlist control file is invalid" voice: "" new: "Filen för spellistekontroll är inte korrekt" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_CONTROL_UPDATE_ERROR desc: Playlist error eng: "Error updating playlist control file" voice: "" new: "Fel vid uppdatering av file för spellistekontroll" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_DIRECTORY_ACCESS_ERROR desc: Playlist error eng: "Error accessing directory" voice: "" new: "Kan inte nå katalogen" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_INSERT_COUNT desc: splash number of tracks inserted eng: "Inserted %d tracks (%s)" voice: "" new: "Insatta %d spår (%s)" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_MENU desc: in main menu. eng: "Playlist Options" voice: "Playlist Options" new: "Val för spellista" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_QUEUE_COUNT desc: splash number of tracks queued eng: "Queued %d tracks (%s)" voice: "" new: "Köat %d spår (%s)" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_SAVE_COUNT desc: splash number of tracks saved eng: "Saved %d tracks (%s)" voice: "" new: "Sparat %d spår (%s)" id: LANG_PLUGINS desc: in main_menu() eng: "Browse Plugins" voice: "Browse Plugins" new: "Se insticksmoduler" id: LANG_PLUGIN_CANT_OPEN desc: Plugin open error message eng: "Can't open %s" voice: "" new: "Kan inte öppna %s" id: LANG_PLUGIN_ERROR desc: The plugin return an error code eng: "Plugin returned error" voice: "" new: "Insticksmodulen gav fel" id: LANG_PLUGIN_WRONG_MODEL desc: The plugin is not compatible with the archos model trying to run it eng: "Incompatible model" voice: "" new: "Icke kompatibel model" id: LANG_PLUGIN_WRONG_VERSION desc: The plugin is not compatible with the rockbox version trying to run it eng: "Incompatible version" voice: "" new: "Icke kompatibel version" id: LANG_QUEUE_FIRST desc: in onplay menu. queue a track/playlist into dynamic playlist. eng: "Queue next" voice: "Queue next" new: "Köa nästa" id: LANG_QUEUE_LAST desc: in onplay menu. queue a track/playlist at end of playlist. eng: "Queue last" voice: "Queue last" new: "Köa sist" id: LANG_READ_FAILED desc: There was an error reading a file eng: "Failed reading %s" voice: "" new: "Misslyckad läsning %s" id: LANG_REBOOT_NOW desc: Do you want to reboot? eng: "Reboot now?" voice: "" new: "Starta om nu?" id: LANG_RECORD_TIMESPLIT desc: Prompt for record timer interval setting, in the record settings menu eng: "Time Split" voice: "Time Split" new: "Tidsdelning" id: LANG_RECORD_TIMESPLIT_REC desc: Display of record timer interval setting, on the record screen eng: "Split time:" voice: "" new: "Tidsdelning:" id: LANG_RECURSE_DIRECTORY desc: In playlist menu eng: "Recursively Insert Directories" voice: "Recursively Insert Directories" new: "Sätt in kataloger rekursivt" id: LANG_RECURSE_DIRECTORY_QUESTION desc: Asked from onplay screen eng: "Recursively?" voice: "" new: "Rekursivt?" id: LANG_SAVE_DYNAMIC_PLAYLIST desc: in playlist menu. eng: "Save Current Playlist" voice: "Save Current Playlist" new: "Spara aktuell spellista" id: LANG_SHOW_ICONS desc: in settings_menu eng: "Show Icons" voice: "Show Icons" new: "Visa ikoner" id: LANG_STOP_ABORT desc: Used on player models eng: "STOP to abort" voice: "" new: "STANNA för avbryt" id: LANG_WHILE_PLAYING desc: in settings_menu() eng: "Browse .wps files" voice: "Browse while-playing-screen files" new: "Se .wps-filer" id: LANG_BUTTONBAR_MENU desc: in button bar eng: "Menu" voice: "" new: "Meny" id: LANG_FM_BUTTONBAR_PRESETS desc: in button bar eng: "Preset" voice: "" new: "Förinställning" id: LANG_FM_DELETE_PRESET desc: in radio screen eng: "Remove preset" voice: "" new: "Ta bort förinställning" id: LANG_FM_NO_FREE_PRESETS desc: in radio screen eng: "The preset list is full" voice: "" new: "Listan med förinställningar är full" id: LANG_FM_NO_PRESETS desc: in radio screen eng: "The preset list is empty" voice: "" new: "Listan med förinställningar är tom" id: LANG_FM_PRESET_SAVE_FAILED desc: in radio screen eng: "Preset save failed" voice: "" new: "Fel vid spara förinställningar" id: LANG_FM_SAVE_PRESET desc: in radio screen eng: "Save preset" voice: "" new: "Spara förinställningar" id: LANG_FM_STATION desc: in radio screen eng: "Station: %d.%dMHz" voice: "" new: "Kanal: %d.%dMHz" id: LANG_LINE_IN desc: in settings_menu eng: "Line In" voice: "Line In" new: "Linjeingång" id: LANG_NO_FILES desc: in settings_menu eng: "No files" voice: "" new: "Inga filer" id: LANG_FM_BUTTONBAR_RECORD desc: in main menu eng: "Record" voice: "" new: "Spela in" id: LANG_FM_RADIO desc: in main menu eng: "FM Radio" voice: "FM Radio" new: "FM Radio" id: LANG_MOVE desc: The verb/action Move eng: "Move" voice: "Move" new: "Flytta" id: LANG_MOVE_FAILED desc: Error message displayed in playlist viewer eng: "Move failed" voice: "" new: "Flytten misslyckades" id: LANG_VIEW_DYNAMIC_PLAYLIST desc: in playlist menu. eng: "View Current Playlist" voice: "View Current Playlist" new: "Se aktuell spellista" id: LANG_FLIP_DISPLAY desc: in settings_menu, option to turn display+buttos by 180 degreed eng: "Upside Down" voice: "Upside Down" new: "Upp-och-ner" id: LANG_RECORD_PRERECORD desc: in recording and radio screen eng: "Prerecording" voice: "" new: "Förinspelning" id: LANG_RECORD_PRERECORD_TIME desc: in recording settings_menu eng: "Prerecord time" voice: "Pre-Record time" new: "Förinspelningstid" id: LANG_AUTO_BOOKMARK_QUERY desc: prompt for user to decide to create an bookmark eng: "Create a Bookmark?" voice: "" new: "Skapa bokmärke?" id: LANG_BARS_MENU desc: in the display sub menu eng: "Status-/Scrollbar" voice: "Status- and Scrollbar" new: "Status-/Rullningslist" id: LANG_BATTERY_MENU desc: in the system sub menu eng: "Battery" voice: "Battery" new: "Batteri" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_AUTOLOAD_QUERY desc: prompt for user to decide to create a bookmark eng: "Load Last Bookmark?" voice: "" new: "Ladda förra bokmärket?" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_CREATE_FAILURE desc: Indicates bookmark was not created eng: "Bookmark Failed!" voice: "" new: "Bokmärket misslyckades!" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_CREATE_SUCCESS desc: Indicates bookmark was successfully created eng: "Bookmark Created" voice: "" new: "Bokmärket skapat" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_LOAD_EMPTY desc: Indicates bookmark was empty eng: "Bookmark Empty" voice: "" new: "Tomt bokmärke" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_MENU desc: Text on main menu to get to bookmark commands eng: "Bookmarks" voice: "Bookmarks" new: "Bokmärken" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_MENU_CREATE desc: Used off of the bookmark menu to create a bookmark eng: "Create Bookmark" voice: "Create Bookmark" new: "Skapa bokmärke" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_MENU_LIST desc: Used off of the bookmark menu to list available bookmarks for the currently playing directory or M3U eng: "List Bookmarks" voice: "List Bookmarks" new: "Lista bokmärken" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_MENU_RECENT_BOOKMARKS desc: Text for the menu text to access the most recent bookmarks list eng: "Recent Bookmarks" voice: "Recent Bookmarks" new: "Nya bokmärken" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_SELECT_BOOKMARK_TEXT desc: Used on the bookmark select window to label bookmark number eng: "Bookmark" voice: "" new: "Bokmärke" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_SELECT_DELETE desc: Used on the bookmark select window to indicated the bookmark delete option eng: "ON+Play = Delete" voice: "" new: "ON+Play = Ta bort" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_SELECT_EXIT desc: From the bookmark list screen, allows user to exit eng: "OFF = Exit" voice: "" new: "OFF = Utgång" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_SELECT_INDEX_TEXT desc: Used on the bookmark select window to label index number eng: "Index" voice: "Index" new: "Index" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_SELECT_LIST_BOOKMARKS desc: From the auto-load screen, allows user to list all bookmarks eng: "Down = List" voice: "" new: "Down = Lista" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_SELECT_PLAY desc: Used on the bookmark select window to indicated the play option eng: "PLAY = Select" voice: "" new: "PLAY = Välj" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_SELECT_TIME_TEXT desc: Used on the bookmark select window to label elapsed time eng: "Time" voice: "Time" new: "Tid" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_SETTINGS desc: in general settings eng: "Bookmarking" voice: "Bookmarking" new: "Sätt bokmärken" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_SETTINGS_AUTOCREATE desc: prompt for user to decide to create an bookmark eng: "Bookmark on Stop" voice: "Bookmark on Stop" new: "Bokmärke vid stop" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_SETTINGS_AUTOLOAD desc: prompt for user to decide to create a bookmark eng: "Load Last Bookmark" voice: "Load Last Bookmark" new: "Ladda senaste bokmärket" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_SETTINGS_MAINTAIN_RECENT_BOOKMARKS desc: Configuration option to maintain a list of recent bookmarks eng: "Maintain a List of Recent Bookmarks?" voice: "Maintain a List of Recent Bookmarks?" new: "Spara en lista av nya bokmärken?" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_SETTINGS_RECENT_ONLY_ASK desc: Save in recent bookmarks only eng: "Ask - Recent only" voice: "Ask - Recent only" new: "Fråga - Bara nya" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_SETTINGS_RECENT_ONLY_YES desc: Save in recent bookmarks only eng: "Yes - Recent only" voice: "Yes - Recent only" new: "Ja - Bara nya" id: LANG_BOOKMARK_SETTINGS_UNIQUE_ONLY desc: Save only on bookmark for each playlist in recent bookmarks eng: "Unique only" voice: "Unique only" new: "Bara unika" id: LANG_DISK_MENU desc: in the system sub menu eng: "Disk" voice: "Disk" new: "Disk" id: LANG_INFO_MENU desc: in the info sub menu eng: "Rockbox Info" voice: "Rockbox Info" new: "Rockbox info" id: LANG_LCD_MENU desc: in the display sub menu eng: "LCD Settings" voice: "LCD Settings" new: "LCD-inställning" id: LANG_LIMITS_MENU desc: in the system sub menu eng: "Limits" voice: "Limits" new: "Gränser" id: LANG_MANAGE_MENU desc: in the system sub menu eng: "Manage Settings" voice: "Manage Settings" new: "Administrera inställningar" id: LANG_RECORDING_MENU desc: in the recording sub menu eng: "Recording screen" voice: "Recording screen" new: "Inspelningsskärm" id: LANG_TIME_MENU desc: in the system sub menu eng: "Time & Date" voice: "Time and Date" new: "Tid & datum" id: LANG_WIND_MENU desc: in the playback sub menu eng: "FFwd/Rewind" voice: "Fast forward and Rewind" new: "Snabbspolning/Returspolning" id: LANG_CREATE_DIR desc: in main menu eng: "Create directory" voice: "Create directory" new: "Skapa katalog" id: LANG_RECORD_CURRENT_DIR desc: in recording directory options eng: "Current dir" voice: "Current directory" new: "Aktuell katalog" id: LANG_RECORD_DIRECTORY desc: in recording settings_menu eng: "Directory" voice: "Directory" new: "Katalog" id: LANG_DISPLAY_FULL_PATH desc: track display options eng: "Full path" voice: "Full path" new: "Hela sökvägen" id: LANG_DISPLAY_TRACK_NAME_ONLY desc: track display options eng: "Track name only" voice: "Track name only" new: "Endast spårnamnet" id: LANG_FILE_OPTIONS desc: in playlist viewer on+play menu eng: "File Options" voice: "File Options" new: "Filalternativ" id: LANG_REMOVE desc: in playlist viewer on+play menu eng: "Remove" voice: "Remove" new: "Ta bort" id: LANG_SHOW_INDICES desc: in playlist viewer menu eng: "Show Indices" voice: "Show Indices" new: "Visa index" id: LANG_TRACK_DISPLAY desc: in playlist viewer on+play menu eng: "Track Display" voice: "Track Display" new: "Spårvisning" id: LANG_VIEW desc: in on+play menu eng: "View" voice: "View" new: "Visa" id: LANG_BUTTON_BAR desc: in settings menu eng: "Button bar" voice: "Button bar" new: "Knapprad" id: LANG_DIRBROWSE_F1 desc: in dir browser, F1 button bar text eng: "Menu" voice: "" new: "Meny" id: LANG_DIRBROWSE_F2 desc: in dir browser, F2 button bar text eng: "Option" voice: "" new: "Alternativ" id: LANG_DIRBROWSE_F3 desc: in dir browser, F3 button bar text eng: "LCD" voice: "" new: "LCD" id: VOICE_BILLION desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "billion" new: "" id: VOICE_DB desc: spoken only, a unit postfix eng: "" voice: "decibel" new: "" id: VOICE_EIGHT desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "8" new: "" id: VOICE_EIGHTEEN desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "18" new: "" id: VOICE_EIGHTY desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "80" new: "" id: VOICE_ELEVEN desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "11" new: "" id: VOICE_FIFE desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "5" new: "" id: VOICE_FIFTEEN desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "15" new: "" id: VOICE_FIFTY desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "50" new: "" id: VOICE_FORTY desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "40" new: "" id: VOICE_FOUR desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "4" new: "" id: VOICE_FOURTEEN desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "14" new: "" id: VOICE_GIGABYTE desc: spoken only, a unit postfix eng: "" voice: "gigabyte" new: "" id: VOICE_HOUR desc: spoken only, a unit postfix eng: "" voice: "hour" new: "" id: VOICE_HOURS desc: spoken only, a unit postfix eng: "" voice: "hours" new: "" id: VOICE_HUNDRED desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "hundred" new: "" id: VOICE_KHZ desc: spoken only, a unit postfix eng: "" voice: "kilohertz" new: "" id: VOICE_MEGABYTE desc: spoken only, a unit postfix, currently not used eng: "" voice: "megabyte" new: "" id: VOICE_MILLION desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "million" new: "" id: VOICE_MILLISECONDS desc: spoken only, a unit postfix eng: "" voice: "milliseconds" new: "" id: VOICE_MINUS desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "minus" new: "" id: VOICE_MINUTE desc: spoken only, a unit postfix eng: "" voice: "minute" new: "" id: VOICE_MINUTES desc: spoken only, a unit postfix eng: "" voice: "minutes" new: "" id: VOICE_NINE desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "9" new: "" id: VOICE_NINETEEN desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "19" new: "" id: VOICE_NINETY desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "90" new: "" id: VOICE_ONE desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "1" new: "" id: VOICE_PERCENT desc: spoken only, a unit postfix eng: "" voice: "percent" new: "" id: VOICE_PLUS desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "plus" new: "" id: VOICE_POINT desc: spoken only, decimal separator for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "point" new: "" id: VOICE_SECOND desc: spoken only, a unit postfix eng: "" voice: "second" new: "" id: VOICE_SECONDS desc: spoken only, a unit postfix eng: "" voice: "seconds" new: "" id: VOICE_SEVEN desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "7" new: "" id: VOICE_SEVENTEEN desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "17" new: "" id: VOICE_SEVENTY desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "70" new: "" id: VOICE_SIX desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "6" new: "" id: VOICE_SIXTEEN desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "16" new: "" id: VOICE_SIXTY desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "60" new: "" id: VOICE_TEN desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "10" new: "" id: VOICE_THIRTEEN desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "13" new: "" id: VOICE_THIRTY desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "30" new: "" id: VOICE_THOUSAND desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "thousand" new: "" id: VOICE_THREE desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "3" new: "" id: VOICE_TWELVE desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "12" new: "" id: VOICE_TWENTY desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "20" new: "" id: VOICE_TWO desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "2" new: "" id: VOICE_ZERO desc: spoken only, for composing numbers eng: "" voice: "0" new: "" id: LANG_DELETE_DIR desc: in on+play menu eng: "Delete directory" voice: "delete directory" new: "Ta bort katalog" id: LANG_VOICE desc: root of voice menu eng: "Voice" voice: "Voice" new: "Röst" id: LANG_VOICE_DIR desc: item of voice menu, set the "talkbox" mode for directories eng: "Voice Directories" voice: "Voice Directories" new: "Röstkataloger" id: LANG_VOICE_DIR_ENTER desc: DEPRECATED eng: "" voice: "" new: "" id: LANG_VOICE_DIR_HOVER desc: "talkbox" mode for directories + files eng: ".talk mp3 clip" voice: "talk mp3 clip" new: "säg mp3-klippet" id: LANG_VOICE_FILE desc: item of voice menu, set the voive mode for files eng: "Voice Filenames" voice: "Voice Filenames" new: "Röstfilnamn" id: LANG_VOICE_MENU desc: item of voice menu, enable/disable the voice UI eng: "Voice Menus" voice: "Voice Menus" new: "Röstmeny" id: LANG_VOICE_NUMBER desc: "talkbox" mode for files+directories eng: "Numbers" voice: "Numbers" new: "Siffror" id: LANG_VOICE_SPELL desc: "talkbox" mode for files+directories eng: "Spell" voice: "Spell" new: "Stava" id: VOICE_CHAR_A desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "A" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_B desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "B" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_C desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "C" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_D desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "D" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_E desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "E" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_F desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "F" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_G desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "G" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_H desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "H" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_I desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "I" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_J desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "J" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_K desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "K" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_L desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "L" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_M desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "M" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_N desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "N" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_O desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "O" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_P desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "P" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_Q desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "Q" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_R desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "R" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_S desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "S" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_T desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "T" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_U desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "U" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_V desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "V" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_W desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "W" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_X desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "X" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_Y desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "Y" new: "" id: VOICE_CHAR_Z desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" voice: "Z" new: "" id: VOICE_CURRENT_TIME desc: spoken only, for wall clock announce eng: "" voice: "Current time:" new: "" id: VOICE_DIR desc: spoken only, prefix for directory number eng: "" voice: "folder" new: "" id: VOICE_EXT_AJZ desc: spoken only, for file extension eng: "" voice: "firmware" new: "" id: VOICE_EXT_BMARK desc: spoken only, for file extension and the word in general eng: "" voice: "bookmark" new: "" id: VOICE_EXT_CFG desc: spoken only, for file extension eng: "" voice: "configuration" new: "" id: VOICE_EXT_FONT desc: spoken only, for file extension eng: "" voice: "font" new: "" id: VOICE_EXT_MPA desc: spoken only, for file extension eng: "" voice: "audio" new: "" id: VOICE_EXT_ROCK desc: spoken only, for file extension eng: "" voice: "plugin" new: "" id: VOICE_EXT_TXT desc: spoken only, for file extension eng: "" voice: "text" new: "" id: VOICE_EXT_UCL desc: spoken only, for file extension eng: "" voice: "flash" new: "" id: VOICE_EXT_WPS desc: spoken only, for file extension eng: "" voice: "while-playing-screen" new: "" id: VOICE_FILE desc: spoken only, prefix for file number eng: "" voice: "file" new: "" id: VOICE_HERTZ desc: spoken only, a unit postfix eng: "" voice: "hertz" new: "" id: VOICE_MILLIAMPHOURS desc: spoken only, a unit postfix eng: "" voice: "milli-amp hours" new: "" id: VOICE_PER_SEC desc: spoken only, a unit postfix eng: "" voice: "per second" new: "" id: VOICE_PIXEL desc: spoken only, a unit postfix eng: "" voice: "pixel" new: "" id: LANG_FILETYPES_EXTENSION_FULL desc: Extension array full eng: "Extension array full" voice: "" new: "Tillägssamlingen är full" id: LANG_FILETYPES_FULL desc: Filetype array full eng: "Filetype array full" voice: "" new: "Filtypssamlingen är full" id: LANG_FILETYPES_PLUGIN_NAME_LONG desc: Viewer plugin name too long eng: "Plugin name too long" voice: "" new: "Insticksnamnet är för långt" id: LANG_FILETYPES_STRING_BUFFER_EMPTY desc: Filetype string buffer empty eng: "Filetype string buffer empty" voice: "" new: "Strängbufferten för filtyper är tom" id: LANG_ONPLAY_OPEN_WITH desc: Onplay open with eng: "Open with" voice: "open with" new: "Öppna med" id: LANG_SORT_ALPHA desc: browser sorting setting eng: "Alphabetical" voice: "Alphabetical" new: "Alfabetiskt" id: LANG_SORT_DATE desc: browser sorting setting eng: "by date" voice: "by date" new: "på datum" id: LANG_SORT_DATE_REVERSE desc: browser sorting setting eng: "by newest date" voice: "by newest date" new: "på senaste datum" id: LANG_SORT_DIR desc: browser sorting setting eng: "Sort Directories" voice: "sort directories" new: "Sortera kataloger" id: LANG_SORT_FILE desc: browser sorting setting eng: "Sort Files" voice: "sort files" new: "Sortera filer" id: LANG_SORT_TYPE desc: browser sorting setting eng: "by type" voice: "by type" new: "på typ" id: LANG_FM_BUTTONBAR_ACTION desc: in radio screen eng: "Action" voice: "" new: "Sätt igång" id: LANG_FM_BUTTONBAR_ADD desc: in radio screen eng: "Add" voice: "" new: "Addera" id: LANG_FM_BUTTONBAR_EDIT desc: in radio screen eng: "Edit" voice: "" new: "Redigera" id: LANG_FM_BUTTONBAR_EXIT desc: in radio screen eng: "Exit" voice: "" new: "Gå ur" id: LANG_FM_EDIT_PRESET desc: in radio screen eng: "Edit preset" voice: "" new: "Redigera förinställningar" id: LANG_FM_MONO_MODE desc: in radio screen eng: "Force mono" voice: "" new: "Tvinga mono" id: LANG_MDB_CENTER desc: in sound settings eng: "MDB Center frequency" voice: "MDB Center frequency" new: "MDB Mittfrekvens" id: LANG_MDB_ENABLE desc: in sound settings eng: "MDB Enable" voice: "MDB Enable" new: "Aktivera MDB" id: LANG_MDB_HARMONICS desc: in sound settings eng: "MDB Harmonics" voice: "MDB Harmonics" new: "MDB Övertoner" id: LANG_MDB_SHAPE desc: in sound settings eng: "MDB Shape" voice: "MDB Shape" new: "MDB Form" id: LANG_MDB_STRENGTH desc: in sound settings eng: "MDB Strength" voice: "MDB Strength" new: "MDB Styrka" id: LANG_SUPERBASS desc: in sound settings eng: "Super bass" voice: "Super bass" new: "Superbas" id: LANG_CONFIRM_SHUTDOWN desc: in shutdown screen eng: "Press OFF to shut down" voice: "" new: "Tryck på AV för att avsluta" id: LANG_ID3_ORDER desc: in playback settings screen eng: "ID3 tag priority" voice: "ID3 tag priority" new: "ID3-tag-prioritet" id: LANG_ID3_V1_FIRST desc: in playback settings screen eng: "V1 then V2" voice: "Version 1 then version 2" new: "V1 följt av V2" id: LANG_ID3_V2_FIRST desc: in playback settings screen eng: "V2 then V1" voice: "Version 2 then version 1" new: "V2 följt av V1" id: LANG_SHUTDOWN desc: in main menu eng: "Shut down" voice: "Shut down" new: "Avsluta" id: LANG_SHUTTINGDOWN desc: in main menu eng: "Shutting down..." voice: "" new: "Avslutar..." id: LANG_INSTALLATION_INCOMPLETE desc: in browse root eng: "Installation incomplete" voice: "" new: "Installationen ofullständig" id: LANG_NO_ROCKBOX_DIR desc: in browse root eng: "No .rockbox directory" voice: "" new: "Ingen .rockbox katalog" id: LANG_REMOVE_MMC desc: before acknowledging usb in case an MMC is inserted (Ondio) eng: "Please remove inserted MMC" new: "Var vänlig ta bort instucken MMC" id: VOICE_DOT desc: spoken only, for spelling eng: "" new: id: VOICE_PAUSE desc: spoken only, for spelling, a split second of silence (difficult to author) eng: "" new: