/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) 2005 David Dent * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "plugin.h" #include "errno.h" #include "lib/playback_control.h" #include "lib/display_text.h" #define DEFAULT_FILES PLUGIN_APPS_DATA_DIR "/disktidy.config" #define CUSTOM_FILES PLUGIN_APPS_DATA_DIR "/disktidy_custom.config" #define LAST_RUN_STATS_FILE PLUGIN_APPS_DATA_DIR "/disktidy.stats" #define DIR_STACK_SIZE 25 struct dir_info { DIR *dir; int path_length; long size; }; /* Store directory info when traversing file system */ struct dir_stack { struct dir_info dirs[DIR_STACK_SIZE]; int size; }; struct run_statistics { int files_removed; /* Number of files removed */ int dirs_removed; /* Number of directories removed */ int run_duration; /* Duration of last run in seconds */ double removed_size; /* Size of items removed */ #if CONFIG_RTC struct tm last_run_time; /* Last time disktidy was run */ #endif }; struct tidy_type { char filestring[64]; int pre; int post; bool directory; bool remove; } tidy_types[64]; static struct run_statistics run_stats; static size_t tidy_type_count; static bool user_abort; static bool tidy_loaded_and_changed = false; static bool stats_file_exists = false; static void dir_stack_init(struct dir_stack *dstack) { dstack->size = 0; } static inline int dir_stack_size(struct dir_stack *dstack) { return dstack->size; } static inline bool dir_stack_push(struct dir_stack *dstack, struct dir_info dinfo) { if (dstack->size == DIR_STACK_SIZE) { return false; } dstack->dirs[dstack->size++] = dinfo; return true; } static inline bool dir_stack_pop(struct dir_stack *dstack, struct dir_info *dinfo) { if (dstack->size == 0) { return false; } *dinfo = dstack->dirs[--dstack->size]; return true; } static void add_item(const char* name, int index) { struct tidy_type *entry = &tidy_types[index]; rb->strcpy(entry->filestring, name); if (name[rb->strlen(name)-1] == '/') { entry->directory = true; entry->filestring[rb->strlen(name)-1] = '\0'; } else entry->directory = false; char *a = rb->strchr(entry->filestring, '*'); if (a) { entry->pre = a - entry->filestring; entry->post = rb->strlen(a+1); } else { entry->pre = -1; entry->post = -1; } } static int find_file_string(const char *file, char *last_group) { char temp[MAX_PATH]; int idx_last_group = -1; bool folder = false; rb->strcpy(temp, file); if (temp[rb->strlen(temp)-1] == '/') { folder = true; temp[rb->strlen(temp)-1] = '\0'; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < tidy_type_count; i++) if (!rb->strcmp(tidy_types[i].filestring, temp) && folder == tidy_types[i].directory) return i; else if (!rb->strcmp(tidy_types[i].filestring, last_group)) idx_last_group = i; if (file[0] == '<' || idx_last_group == -1) return tidy_type_count; /* not found, so insert it into its group */ for (unsigned i=idx_last_group; iidx_last_group;i--) rb->memcpy(&tidy_types[i], &tidy_types[i-1], sizeof(struct tidy_type)); tidy_type_count++; add_item(file, idx_last_group+1); return idx_last_group+1; } static void tidy_load_file(const char* file) { int fd = rb->open(file, O_RDONLY); char buf[MAX_PATH], *str, *remove; char last_group[MAX_PATH] = ""; if (fd < 0) return; while ((tidy_type_count < sizeof(tidy_types) / sizeof(tidy_types[0])) && rb->read_line(fd, buf, MAX_PATH)) { if (!rb->settings_parseline(buf, &str, &remove)) continue; if (*str == '\\') /* escape first character ? */ str++; unsigned i = find_file_string(str, last_group); tidy_types[i].remove = rb->strcmp(remove, "yes"); if (i >= tidy_type_count) { i = tidy_type_count; add_item(str, i); tidy_type_count++; } if (str[0] == '<') rb->strcpy(last_group, str); } rb->close(fd); } static bool save_run_stats(void) { int fd = rb->open(LAST_RUN_STATS_FILE, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666); if (fd < 0) { return false; } bool save_success = rb->write(fd, &run_stats, sizeof(struct run_statistics)) > 0; rb->close(fd); return save_success; } static bool load_run_stats(void) { int fd = rb->open(LAST_RUN_STATS_FILE, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { return false; } bool load_success = rb->read(fd, &run_stats, sizeof(struct run_statistics)) == sizeof(struct run_statistics); rb->close(fd); return load_success; } static enum plugin_status display_run_stats(void) { if (!load_run_stats()) { rb->splash(HZ * 2, "Unable to load last run stats"); return PLUGIN_OK; } #if CONFIG_RTC static const char *months[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; #endif static const char *size_units[] = { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB" }; int magnitude = 0; double rm_size = run_stats.removed_size; while (rm_size >= 1000) { rm_size /= 1024; magnitude++; } char total_removed[8]; rb->snprintf(total_removed, sizeof(total_removed), "%d", run_stats.files_removed + run_stats.dirs_removed); char files_removed[8]; rb->snprintf(files_removed, sizeof(files_removed), "%d", run_stats.files_removed); char dirs_removed[8]; rb->snprintf(dirs_removed, sizeof(dirs_removed), "%d", run_stats.dirs_removed); char removed_size[9]; rb->snprintf(removed_size, sizeof(removed_size), "%d.%d%s", (int)rm_size, (int)((rm_size - (int)rm_size) * 100), size_units[magnitude]); char run_time[9]; rb->snprintf(run_time, sizeof(run_time), "%02d:%02d:%02d", run_stats.run_duration / 3600, run_stats.run_duration / 60, run_stats.run_duration % 60); #if CONFIG_RTC char last_run[18]; rb->snprintf(last_run, sizeof(last_run), "%02d:%02d %d/%s/%d", run_stats.last_run_time.tm_hour, run_stats.last_run_time.tm_min, run_stats.last_run_time.tm_mday, months[run_stats.last_run_time.tm_mon], 2000 + (run_stats.last_run_time.tm_year % 100)); #endif char* last_run_text[] = { "Last Run Stats" , "" , "", "Total Removed: ", total_removed, "", "Files Removed: ", files_removed, "", "Dirs Removed: " , dirs_removed , "", "Removed Size: " , removed_size , "", "Run Time: " , run_time , "", #if CONFIG_RTC "Run: " , last_run #endif }; static struct style_text display_style[] = { { 0, C_ORANGE | TEXT_CENTER }, { 3, C_BLUE }, { 6, C_BLUE }, { 9, C_BLUE }, { 12, C_BLUE }, { 15, C_BLUE }, #if CONFIG_RTC { 18, C_BLUE }, #endif LAST_STYLE_ITEM }; if (display_text(ARRAYLEN(last_run_text), last_run_text, display_style, NULL, true)) { return PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED; } return PLUGIN_OK; } static bool match(struct tidy_type *tidy_type, const char *string, int len) { char *pattern = tidy_type->filestring; if (tidy_type->pre < 0) /* no '*', just compare. */ return !rb->strcmp(pattern, string); /* pattern is too long for the string. avoid 'ab*bc' matching 'abc'. */ if (len < tidy_type->pre + tidy_type->post) return false; /* pattern has '*', compare former part of '*' to the begining of the string and compare next part of '*' to the end of string. */ return !rb->strncmp(pattern, string, tidy_type->pre) && !rb->strcmp(pattern + tidy_type->pre + 1, string + len - tidy_type->post); } static bool tidy_remove_item(const char *item, int attr) { for (struct tidy_type *t = &tidy_types[0]; t < &tidy_types[tidy_type_count]; t++) if (match(t, item, rb->strlen(item))) return t->remove && ((!!(attr&ATTR_DIRECTORY)) == t->directory); return false; } static void tidy_lcd_status(const char *name) { /* display status text */ rb->lcd_clear_display(); rb->lcd_puts(0, 0, "Working ..."); rb->lcd_puts(0, 1, name); rb->lcd_putsf(0, 2, "Cleaned up %d items", run_stats.files_removed + run_stats.dirs_removed); rb->lcd_update(); } static int tidy_path_append_entry(char *path, struct dirent *entry, int *path_length) { int name_len = rb->strlen(entry->d_name); /* for the special case of path="/" this is one bigger but it's not a problem */ int new_length = *path_length + name_len + 1; /* check overflow (keep space for trailing zero) */ if(new_length >= MAX_PATH) return 0; /* special case for path <> "/" */ if(rb->strcmp(path, "/") != 0) { rb->strcat(path + *path_length, "/"); (*path_length)++; } /* strcat is unsafe but the previous check normally avoid any problem */ /* use path_length to optimise */ rb->strcat(path + *path_length, entry->d_name); *path_length += name_len; return 1; } static void tidy_path_remove_entry(char *path, int old_path_length, int *path_length) { path[old_path_length] = '\0'; *path_length = old_path_length; } /* Cleanup when user abort or USB event during tidy_clean */ static void tidy_clean_cleanup(struct dir_stack *dstack, DIR *dir) { struct dir_info dinfo; rb->closedir(dir); while (dir_stack_pop(dstack, &dinfo)) { rb->closedir(dinfo.dir); } } /* Perform iterative depth-first search for files to clean */ static enum plugin_status tidy_clean(char *path, int *path_length) { struct dir_stack dstack; struct dir_info dinfo; struct dirent *entry; struct dirinfo info; DIR *dir, *dir_test; /* Set to true when directory and its contents are to be deleted */ bool rm_all = false; /* Used to mark where rm_all starts and ends */ int rm_all_start_depth = 0; int button; bool remove; int old_path_length; dir_stack_init(&dstack); dir = rb->opendir(path); if (!dir) { /* If can't open / then immediately stop */ return PLUGIN_ERROR; } dinfo.dir = dir; dinfo.path_length = *path_length; /* Size only used when deleting directory so value here doesn't matter */ dinfo.size = 0; dir_stack_push(&dstack, dinfo); while (dir_stack_pop(&dstack, &dinfo)) { /* Restore path to poped dir */ tidy_path_remove_entry(path, dinfo.path_length, path_length); dir = dinfo.dir; tidy_lcd_status(path); while ((entry = rb->readdir(dir))) { /* Check for user input and usb connect */ button = rb->get_action(CONTEXT_STD, TIMEOUT_NOBLOCK); if (button == ACTION_STD_CANCEL) { tidy_clean_cleanup(&dstack, dir); user_abort = true; return PLUGIN_OK; } if (rb->default_event_handler(button) == SYS_USB_CONNECTED) { tidy_clean_cleanup(&dstack, dir); return PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED; } rb->yield(); old_path_length = *path_length; info = rb->dir_get_info(dir, entry); remove = rm_all || tidy_remove_item(entry->d_name, info.attribute); if (info.attribute & ATTR_DIRECTORY) { if (rb->strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0 || rb->strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0) { continue; } if (!remove) { /* Get absolute path, returns an error if path is too long */ if (!tidy_path_append_entry(path, entry, path_length)) { continue; /* Silent error */ } dinfo.dir = dir; dinfo.path_length = old_path_length; dinfo.size = 0; /* This directory doesn't need to be deleted, so try to add the current directory we're in to the stack and search this one for files/directories to delete. If we can't add the current directory to the stack or open the new directory to search then continue on in the current directory. */ if (dir_stack_push(&dstack, dinfo)) { dir_test = rb->opendir(path); if (dir_test) { dir = dir_test; tidy_lcd_status(path); } } } } if (!remove) { continue; } /* Get absolute path, returns an error if path is too long */ if (!tidy_path_append_entry(path, entry, path_length)) { continue; /* Silent error */ } if (info.attribute & ATTR_DIRECTORY) { /* Remove this directory and all files/directories it contains */ dinfo.dir = dir; dinfo.path_length = old_path_length; dinfo.size = info.size; if (dir_stack_push(&dstack, dinfo)) { dir_test = rb->opendir(path); if (dir_test) { dir = dir_test; if (!rm_all) { rm_all = true; rm_all_start_depth = dir_stack_size(&dstack); } tidy_lcd_status(path); } } } else { run_stats.files_removed++; run_stats.removed_size += info.size; rb->remove(path); /* Restore path */ tidy_path_remove_entry(path, old_path_length, path_length); } } rb->closedir(dir); if (rm_all) { /* Check if returned to the directory we started rm_all from */ if (rm_all_start_depth == dir_stack_size(&dstack)) { rm_all = false; } rb->rmdir(path); run_stats.dirs_removed++; run_stats.removed_size += dinfo.size; } } return PLUGIN_OK; } static enum plugin_status tidy_do(void) { /* clean disk and display num of items removed */ char path[MAX_PATH]; run_stats.files_removed = 0; run_stats.dirs_removed = 0; run_stats.removed_size = 0; long start_time = *rb->current_tick; #if CONFIG_RTC run_stats.last_run_time = *rb->get_time(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ rb->cpu_boost(true); #endif rb->strcpy(path, "/"); int path_length = rb->strlen(path); enum plugin_status status = tidy_clean(path, &path_length); #ifdef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ rb->cpu_boost(false); #endif run_stats.run_duration = (*rb->current_tick - start_time) / HZ; stats_file_exists = save_run_stats(); if (status == PLUGIN_OK) { rb->lcd_clear_display(); if (user_abort) { rb->splash(HZ, "User aborted"); rb->lcd_clear_display(); } rb->lcd_update(); rb->splashf(HZ*2, "Cleaned up %d items", run_stats.files_removed + run_stats.dirs_removed); } return status; } static enum themable_icons get_icon(int item, void * data) { (void)data; if (tidy_types[item].filestring[0] == '<') /* special type */ return Icon_Folder; else if (tidy_types[item].remove) return Icon_Cursor; else return Icon_NOICON; } static const char* get_name(int selected_item, void * data, char * buffer, size_t buffer_len) { (void)data; if (tidy_types[selected_item].directory) { rb->snprintf(buffer, buffer_len, "%s/", tidy_types[selected_item].filestring); return buffer; } return tidy_types[selected_item].filestring; } static int list_action_callback(int action, struct gui_synclist *lists) { if (action != ACTION_STD_OK) return action; unsigned selection = rb->gui_synclist_get_sel_pos(lists); if (tidy_types[selection].filestring[0] == '<') { bool all = !rb->strcmp(tidy_types[selection].filestring, "< ALL >"); bool none= !rb->strcmp(tidy_types[selection].filestring, "< NONE >"); if (all || none) { for (unsigned i=0; i */ while (++selection < tidy_type_count && tidy_types[selection].filestring[0] != '<') tidy_types[selection].remove = !tidy_types[selection].remove; } else tidy_types[selection].remove = !tidy_types[selection].remove; tidy_loaded_and_changed = true; return ACTION_REDRAW; } static bool tidy_types_selected(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tidy_type_count; i++) { if (tidy_types[i].filestring[0] != '<' && tidy_types[i].remove) { return true; } } return false; } static int disktidy_menu_cb(int action, const struct menu_item_ex *this_item, struct gui_synclist *this_list) { (void)this_list; int item = ((intptr_t)this_item); if (action == ACTION_REQUEST_MENUITEM && !stats_file_exists && item == 2) { return ACTION_EXIT_MENUITEM; } return action; } static enum plugin_status tidy_lcd_menu(void) { enum plugin_status disktidy_status = PLUGIN_OK; bool exit = false; int selection = 0; struct simplelist_info list; MENUITEM_STRINGLIST(menu, "Disktidy Menu", disktidy_menu_cb, "Start Cleaning", "Files to Clean", "Last Run Stats", "Playback Control", "Quit"); while (!exit && disktidy_status == PLUGIN_OK) { switch(rb->do_menu(&menu, &selection, NULL, false)) { case 0: if (tidy_types_selected()) { disktidy_status = tidy_do(); } else { rb->splash(HZ * 2, "Select at least one file type to clean"); } break; case 1: rb->simplelist_info_init(&list, "Files to Clean", tidy_type_count, NULL); list.get_icon = get_icon; list.get_name = get_name; list.action_callback = list_action_callback; rb->simplelist_show_list(&list); break; case 2: disktidy_status = display_run_stats(); break; case 3: if (playback_control(NULL)) { disktidy_status = PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED; } break; default: exit = true; break; } } return disktidy_status; } /* Creates a file and writes information about what files to delete and what to keep to it. */ static void save_config(void) { int fd = rb->creat(CUSTOM_FILES, 0666); if (fd < 0) return; for (unsigned i=0; ifdprintf(fd, "%s%s%s: %s\n", tidy_types[i].filestring[0] == '#' ? "\\" : "", tidy_types[i].filestring, tidy_types[i].directory ? "/" : "", tidy_types[i].remove ? "yes" : "no"); rb->close(fd); } /* this is the plugin entry point */ enum plugin_status plugin_start(const void* parameter) { (void)parameter; tidy_load_file(DEFAULT_FILES); tidy_load_file(CUSTOM_FILES); if (tidy_type_count == 0) { rb->splash(3*HZ, "Missing disktidy.config file"); return PLUGIN_ERROR; } stats_file_exists = rb->file_exists(LAST_RUN_STATS_FILE); enum plugin_status disktidy_status = tidy_lcd_menu(); if (tidy_loaded_and_changed) { save_config(); } return disktidy_status; }