--[[ __________ __ ___. Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ $Id$ Example Lua script Copyright (C) 2009 by Maurus Cuelenaere This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ]]-- require("actions") -- Contains rb.actions & rb.contexts --require("buttons") -- Contains rb.buttons; not needed in this example -- Example function which splashes a message for x seconds function sayhello(seconds) local message = string.format("Hello world from LUA for %d seconds", seconds) rb.splash(seconds * rb.HZ, message) end -- Helper function which draws a (transparent) image at the center of the screen function draw_image(img) local x, y = (rb.LCD_WIDTH - img:width()) / 2, (rb.LCD_HEIGHT - img:height()) / 2 local func = rb.lcd_bitmap_transparent_part or rb.lcd_bitmap_part -- Fallback version for grayscale targets or rb.lcd_mono_bitmap_part -- Fallback version for mono targets func(img, 0, 0, img:width(), x, y, img:width(), img:height()) rb.lcd_update() end -- Helper function that acts like a normal printf() would do local line = 0 function printf(...) local msg = string.format(...) local res, w, h = rb.font_getstringsize(msg, rb.FONT_UI) if(w >= rb.LCD_WIDTH) then rb.lcd_puts_scroll(0, line, msg) else rb.lcd_puts(0, line, msg) end rb.lcd_update() line = line + 1 if(h * line >= rb.LCD_HEIGHT) then line = 0 end end -- Helper function which reads the contents of a file function file_get_contents(filename) local file = io.open(filename, "r") if not file then return nil end local contents = file:read("*all") -- See Lua manual for more information file:close() -- GC takes care of this if you would've forgotten it return contents end -- Helper function which saves contents to a file function file_put_contents(filename, contents) local file = io.open(filename, "w+") -- See Lua manual for more information if not file then return false end local ret = file:write(contents) == true file:close() -- GC takes care of this if you would've forgotten it return ret end -- Clear the screen rb.lcd_clear_display() -- Draw an X on the screen rb.lcd_drawline(0, 0, rb.LCD_WIDTH, rb.LCD_HEIGHT) rb.lcd_drawline(rb.LCD_WIDTH, 0, 0, rb.LCD_HEIGHT) if(rb.lcd_rgbpack ~= nil) then -- Only do this when we're on a color target, i.e. when LCD_RGBPACK is available local rectangle = rb.new_image(10, 15) -- Create a new image with width 10 and height 15 for i=1, 10 do for j=1, 15 do rectangle:set(i, j, rb.lcd_rgbpack(200, i*20, j*20)) -- Set the pixel at position i, j to the specified color end end -- rb.lcd_bitmap_part(src, src_x, src_y, stride, x, y, width, height) rb.lcd_bitmap_part(rectangle, 0, 0, 10, rb.LCD_WIDTH/2-5, rb.LCD_HEIGHT/10-1, 10, 10) -- Draws our rectangle at the top-center of the screen end -- Load a BMP file in the variable backdrop local backdrop = rb.read_bmp_file("/.rockbox/icons/tango_small_viewers.bmp") -- This image should always be present... or rb.read_bmp_file("/.rockbox/icons/tango_small_viewers_mono.bmp") -- ... if not, try using the mono version... or rb.read_bmp_file("/.rockbox/icons/viewers.bmp") -- ... or try using the builtin version -- Draws the image using our own draw_image() function; see up draw_image(backdrop) -- Flush the contents from the framebuffer to the LCD rb.lcd_update() -- Sleep for 2 seconds local seconds = 2 rb.sleep(seconds * rb.HZ) -- rb.HZ equals to the amount of ticks that fit in 1 second -- Call the function sayhello() with arguments seconds sayhello(seconds) -- Clear display rb.lcd_clear_display() -- Construct a pathname using the current path and a file name local pathname = rb.current_path() .. "test.txt" -- Put the string 'Hello from Lua!' in pathname file_put_contents(pathname, "Hello from Lua!") -- Splash the contents of pathname printf(file_get_contents(pathname)) line = line + 1 -- Add empty line -- Some examples of how bitlib works printf("1 | 2 = %d <> 7 & 3 = %d", bit.bor(1, 2), bit.band(7, 3)) printf("~8 = %d <> 5 ^ 1 = %d", bit.bnot(8), bit.bxor(5, 1)) line = line + 1 -- Add empty line -- Display some long lines for i=0, 4 do printf("This is a %slong line!", string.rep("very very very ", i)) rb.yield() -- Always try to yield to give other threads some breathing space! end -- Loop until the user exits the program repeat local action = rb.get_action(rb.contexts.CONTEXT_STD, rb.HZ) until action == rb.actions.ACTION_STD_CANCEL -- For a reference list of all functions available, see apps/plugins/lua/rocklib.c (and apps/plugin.h)