/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Teruaki Kawashima * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "plugin.h" #include "lib/playback_control.h" #include "lib/configfile.h" #include "lib/helper.h" #include #define MAX_LINE_LEN 256 #define LRC_BUFFER_SIZE 0x3000 /* 12 kiB */ #if PLUGIN_BUFFER_SIZE >= 0x10000 /* no id3 support for low mem targets */ /* define this to read lyrics in id3 tag */ #define LRC_SUPPORT_ID3 #endif /* define this to show debug info in menu */ /* #define LRC_DEBUG */ enum lrc_screen { PLUGIN_OTHER = 0x200, LRC_GOTO_MAIN, LRC_GOTO_MENU, LRC_GOTO_EDITOR, }; struct lrc_word { long time_start; short count; short width; unsigned char *word; }; struct lrc_brpos { short count; short width; }; struct lrc_line { long time_start; long old_time_start; off_t file_offset; /* offset of time tag in file */ short nword; short width; short nline[NB_SCREENS]; struct lrc_line *next; struct lrc_word *words; }; struct preferences { /* display settings */ #if LCD_DEPTH > 1 unsigned active_color; unsigned inactive_color; #endif #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP bool wrap; bool wipe; bool active_one_line; int align; /* 0: left, 1: center, 2: right */ bool statusbar_on; bool display_title; #endif bool display_time; bool backlight_on; /* file settings */ char lrc_directory[64]; int encoding; #ifdef LRC_SUPPORT_ID3 bool read_id3; #endif }; static struct preferences prefs, old_prefs; static unsigned char *lrc_buffer; static size_t lrc_buffer_size; static size_t lrc_buffer_used, lrc_buffer_end; enum extention_types {LRC, LRC8, SNC, TXT, NUM_TYPES, ID3_SYLT, ID3_USLT}; static const char *extentions[NUM_TYPES] = { ".lrc", ".lrc8", ".snc", ".txt", }; static struct lrc_info { struct mp3entry *id3; long elapsed; long length; long ff_rewind; int audio_status; char mp3_file[MAX_PATH]; char lrc_file[MAX_PATH]; char *title; /* use lrc_buffer */ char *artist; /* use lrc_buffer */ enum extention_types type; long offset; /* msec */ off_t offset_file_offset; /* offset of offset tag in file */ int nlrcbrpos; int nlrcline; struct lrc_line *ll_head, **ll_tail; bool found_lrc; bool loaded_lrc; bool changed_lrc; bool too_many_lines; /* true if nlrcline >= max_lrclines after calc pos */ #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP bool wipe; /* false if lyrics is unsynched */ #endif } current; static char temp_buf[MAX(MAX_LINE_LEN,MAX_PATH)]; #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP static int uifont = -1; static int font_ui_height = 1; static struct viewport vp_info[NB_SCREENS]; #endif static struct viewport vp_lyrics[NB_SCREENS]; #define AUDIO_PAUSE (current.audio_status & AUDIO_STATUS_PAUSE) #define AUDIO_PLAY (current.audio_status & AUDIO_STATUS_PLAY) #define AUDIO_STOP (!(current.audio_status & AUDIO_STATUS_PLAY)) /******************************* * lrc_set_time *******************************/ #define LST_SET_MSEC 0x00010000 #define LST_SET_SEC 0x00020000 #define LST_SET_MIN 0x00040000 #define LST_SET_HOUR 0x00080000 #include "lib/pluginlib_actions.h" #define LST_SET_TIME (LST_SET_MSEC|LST_SET_SEC|LST_SET_MIN|LST_SET_HOUR) #ifdef HAVE_LCD_CHARCELLS #define LST_OFF_Y 0 #else /* HAVE_LCD_BITMAP */ #define LST_OFF_Y 1 #endif static int lrc_set_time(const char *title, const char *unit, long *pval, int step, int min, int max, int flags) { const struct button_mapping *lst_contexts[] = { pla_main_ctx, #ifdef HAVE_REMOTE_LCD pla_remote_ctx, #endif }; /* how many */ const unsigned char formats[4][8] = {"%03ld.", "%02ld.", "%02ld:", "%02ld:"}; const unsigned int maxs[4] = {1000, 60, 60, 24}; const unsigned int scls[4] = {1, 1000, 60*1000, 60*60*1000}; char buffer[32]; long value = *pval, scl_step = step, i = 0; int pos = 0, last_pos = 0, pos_min = 3, pos_max = 0; int x = 0, y = 0, p_start = 0, p_end = 0; int ret = 10; if (!(flags&LST_SET_TIME)) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (flags&(LST_SET_MSEC< i) pos_min = i; if (pos_max < i) pos_max = i; } } pos = pos_min; rb->button_clear_queue(); rb->lcd_clear_display(); rb->lcd_puts_scroll(0, LST_OFF_Y, title); while (ret == 10) { int len = 0; long abs_val = value; long segvals[4] = {-1, -1, -1, -1}; /* show negative value like -00:01 but 00:-1 */ if (value < 0) { buffer[len++] = '-'; abs_val = -value; } buffer[len] = 0; /* calc value of each segments */ for (i = pos_min; i <= pos_max; i++) { segvals[i] = abs_val % maxs[i]; abs_val /= maxs[i]; } segvals[i-1] += abs_val * maxs[i-1]; for (i = pos_max; i >= pos_min; i--) { if (pos == i) { rb->lcd_getstringsize(buffer, &x, &y); p_start = len; } rb->snprintf(&buffer[len], 32-len, formats[i], segvals[i]); len += rb->strlen(&buffer[len]); if (pos == i) p_end = len; } buffer[len-1] = 0; /* remove last separater */ if (unit != NULL) { rb->snprintf(&buffer[len], 32-len, " (%s)", unit); } rb->lcd_puts(0, LST_OFF_Y+1, buffer); if (pos_min != pos_max) { /* draw cursor */ buffer[p_end-1] = 0; #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP rb->lcd_set_drawmode(DRMODE_SOLID|DRMODE_INVERSEVID); rb->lcd_putsxy(x, y*(1+LST_OFF_Y), &buffer[p_start]); rb->lcd_set_drawmode(DRMODE_SOLID); #else rb->lcd_put_cursor(x+rb->utf8length(&buffer[p_start])-1, y, 0x7F); #endif } rb->lcd_update(); int button = pluginlib_getaction(TIMEOUT_BLOCK, lst_contexts, ARRAYLEN(lst_contexts)); int mult = 1; #ifdef HAVE_LCD_CHARCELLS if (pos_min != pos_max) rb->lcd_remove_cursor(); #endif switch (button) { case PLA_UP_REPEAT: case PLA_DOWN_REPEAT: mult *= 10; case PLA_DOWN: case PLA_UP: if (button == PLA_DOWN_REPEAT || button == PLA_DOWN) mult *= -1; if (pos != last_pos) { scl_step = ((scls[pos]/scls[pos_min]+step-1)/step) * step; last_pos = pos; } value += scl_step * mult; if (value > max) value = max; if (value < min) value = min; break; case PLA_LEFT: case PLA_LEFT_REPEAT: if (++pos > pos_max) pos = pos_min; break; case PLA_RIGHT: case PLA_RIGHT_REPEAT: if (--pos < pos_min) pos = pos_max; break; case PLA_SELECT: *pval = value; ret = 0; break; case PLA_CANCEL: case PLA_EXIT: rb->splash(HZ, "Cancelled"); ret = -1; break; default: if (rb->default_event_handler(button) == SYS_USB_CONNECTED) ret = 1; break; } } rb->lcd_clear_display(); rb->lcd_update(); return ret; } /******************************* * misc stuff *******************************/ static void reset_current_data(void) { current.title = NULL; current.artist = NULL; current.offset = 0; current.offset_file_offset = -1; current.nlrcbrpos = 0; current.nlrcline = 0; current.ll_head = NULL; current.ll_tail = ¤t.ll_head; current.loaded_lrc = false; current.changed_lrc = false; current.too_many_lines = false; lrc_buffer_used = 0; lrc_buffer_end = lrc_buffer_size; } /* check space and add str to lrc_buffer. * return NULL if there is not enough buffer. */ static char *lrcbufadd(const char*str, bool join) { if (join) lrc_buffer_used--; size_t siz = rb->strlen(str)+1; char *pos = &lrc_buffer[lrc_buffer_used]; if (lrc_buffer_used + siz > lrc_buffer_end) return NULL; rb->strcpy(pos, str); lrc_buffer_used += siz; return pos; } static void *alloc_buf(size_t siz) { siz = (siz+3) & ~3; if (lrc_buffer_used + siz > lrc_buffer_end) return NULL; lrc_buffer_end -= siz; return &lrc_buffer[lrc_buffer_end]; } static void *new_lrc_word(long time_start, char *word, bool join) { struct lrc_word *lrc_word; if ((lrc_word = alloc_buf(sizeof(struct lrc_word))) == NULL) return NULL; if ((lrc_word->word = lrcbufadd(word, join)) == NULL) return NULL; lrc_word->time_start = time_start; return lrc_word; } static bool add_lrc_line(struct lrc_line *lrc_line, char *word) { lrc_line->nword = 0; lrc_line->next = NULL; lrc_line->words = NULL; if (word) { if ((lrc_line->words = new_lrc_word(-1, word, false)) == NULL) return false; lrc_line->nword++; } *current.ll_tail = lrc_line; current.ll_tail = &(lrc_line->next); current.nlrcline++; return true; } static struct lrc_line *get_lrc_line(int idx) { static struct lrc_line *lrc_line = NULL; static int n = 0; if (idx < n) { lrc_line = current.ll_head; n = 0; } while (n < idx && lrc_line) { lrc_line = lrc_line->next; n++; } return lrc_line; } static char *get_lrc_str(struct lrc_line *lrc_line) { return lrc_line->words[lrc_line->nword-1].word; } static long get_time_start(struct lrc_line *lrc_line) { if (!lrc_line) return current.length+20; long time = lrc_line->time_start + current.offset; return time < 0? 0: time; } static void set_time_start(struct lrc_line *lrc_line, long time_start) { time_start -= current.offset; time_start -= time_start%10; if (lrc_line->time_start != time_start) { lrc_line->time_start = time_start; current.changed_lrc = true; } } #define get_word_time_start(x) get_time_start((struct lrc_line *)(x)) #define set_word_time_start(x, t) set_time_start((struct lrc_line *)(x), (t)) static int format_time_tag(char *buf, long t) { return rb->snprintf(buf, 16, "%02ld:%02ld.%02ld", t/60000, (t/1000)%60, (t/10)%100); } /* find start of next line */ static const char *lrc_skip_space(const char *str) { #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP if (prefs.wrap) { while (*str && *str != '\n' && isspace(*str)) str++; } #endif if (*str == '\n') str++; return str; } #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP static bool isbrchr(const unsigned char *str, int len) { const unsigned char *p = "!,-.:;? 、。!,.:;?―"; if (isspace(*str)) return true; while(*p) { int n = rb->utf8seek(p, 1); if (len == n && !rb->strncmp(p, str, len)) return true; p += n; } return false; } #endif /* calculate how many lines is needed to display and store it. * create cache if there is enough space in lrc_buffer. */ static struct lrc_brpos *calc_brpos(struct lrc_line *lrc_line, int i) { struct lrc_brpos *lrc_brpos; struct lrc_word *lrc_word; int nlrcbrpos = 0, max_lrcbrpos; #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP uifont = rb->screens[0]->getuifont(); struct font* pf = rb->font_get(uifont); unsigned short ch; #endif struct snap { int count, width; int nword; int word_count, word_width; const unsigned char *str; } #ifndef HAVE_LCD_CHARCELLS sp, #endif cr; lrc_buffer_used = (lrc_buffer_used+3)&~3; /* 4 bytes aligned */ lrc_brpos = (struct lrc_brpos *) &lrc_buffer[lrc_buffer_used]; max_lrcbrpos = (lrc_buffer_end-lrc_buffer_used) / sizeof(struct lrc_brpos); if (!lrc_line) { /* calc info for all lrcs and store them if possible */ size_t buffer_used = lrc_buffer_used; bool too_many_lines = false; current.too_many_lines = true; for (lrc_line = current.ll_head; lrc_line; lrc_line = lrc_line->next) { FOR_NB_SCREENS(i) { lrc_brpos = calc_brpos(lrc_line, i); if (!too_many_lines) { lrc_buffer_used += lrc_line->nline[i]*sizeof(struct lrc_brpos); if (nlrcbrpos + lrc_line->nline[i] >= max_lrcbrpos) { too_many_lines = true; lrc_buffer_used = buffer_used; calc_brpos(lrc_line, i); } } nlrcbrpos += lrc_line->nline[i]; } } current.too_many_lines = too_many_lines; lrc_buffer_used = buffer_used; current.nlrcbrpos = nlrcbrpos; return NULL; } if (!current.too_many_lines) { /* use stored infos. */ struct lrc_line *temp_lrc = current.ll_head; for (; temp_lrc != lrc_line; temp_lrc = temp_lrc->next) { lrc_brpos += temp_lrc->nline[SCREEN_MAIN]; #ifdef HAVE_REMOTE_LCD lrc_brpos += temp_lrc->nline[SCREEN_REMOTE]; #endif } #if NB_SCREENS >= 2 while (i) lrc_brpos += lrc_line->nline[--i]; #endif return lrc_brpos; } /* calculate number of lines, line width and char count for each line. */ lrc_line->width = 0; cr.nword = lrc_line->nword; lrc_word = lrc_line->words+cr.nword; cr.str = (lrc_word-1)->word; #ifndef HAVE_LCD_CHARCELLS sp.word_count = 0; sp.word_width = 0; sp.nword = 0; sp.count = 0; sp.width = 0; #endif do { cr.count = 0; cr.width = 0; #ifndef HAVE_LCD_CHARCELLS sp.str = NULL; #endif while (1) { while(cr.nword > 0 && cr.str >= (lrc_word-1)->word) { cr.nword--; lrc_word--; lrc_word->count = 0; lrc_word->width = 0; } if (*cr.str == 0 || *cr.str == '\n') break; int c, w; #ifdef HAVE_LCD_CHARCELLS c = rb->utf8seek(cr.str, 1); w = 1; #else c = ((intptr_t)rb->utf8decode(cr.str, &ch) - (intptr_t)cr.str); if (rb->is_diacritic(ch, NULL)) w = 0; else w = rb->font_get_width(pf, ch); if (cr.count && prefs.wrap && isbrchr(cr.str, c)) { /* remember position of last space */ rb->memcpy(&sp, &cr, sizeof(struct snap)); sp.word_count = lrc_word->count; sp.word_width = lrc_word->width; if (!isspace(*cr.str) && cr.width+w <= vp_lyrics[i].width) { sp.count += c; sp.width += w; sp.word_count += c; sp.word_width += w; sp.str += c; } } if (cr.count && cr.width+w > vp_lyrics[i].width) { if (sp.str != NULL) /* wrap */ { rb->memcpy(&cr, &sp, sizeof(struct snap)); lrc_word = lrc_line->words+cr.nword; lrc_word->count = sp.word_count; lrc_word->width = sp.word_width; } break; } #endif cr.count += c; cr.width += w; lrc_word->count += c; lrc_word->width += w; cr.str += c; } lrc_line->width += cr.width; lrc_brpos->count = cr.count; lrc_brpos->width = cr.width; nlrcbrpos++; lrc_brpos++; cr.str = lrc_skip_space(cr.str); } while (*cr.str && nlrcbrpos < max_lrcbrpos); lrc_line->nline[i] = nlrcbrpos; while (cr.nword > 0) { cr.nword--; lrc_word--; lrc_word->count = 0; lrc_word->width = 0; } return lrc_brpos-nlrcbrpos; } /* sort lyrics by time using stable sort. */ static void sort_lrcs(void) { struct lrc_line *p = current.ll_head, **q = NULL, *t; long time_max = 0; current.ll_head = NULL; current.ll_tail = ¤t.ll_head; while (p != NULL) { t = p->next; /* remove problematic lrc_lines. * it would cause problem in display_lrc_line() if nword is 0. */ if (p->nword) { q = p->time_start >= time_max? current.ll_tail: ¤t.ll_head; while ((*q) && (*q)->time_start <= p->time_start) q = &((*q)->next); p->next = *q; *q = p; if (!p->next) { time_max = p->time_start; current.ll_tail = &p->next; } } p = t; } if (!current.too_many_lines) calc_brpos(NULL, 0); /* stored data depends on order of lrcs if exist */ } static void init_time_tag(void) { struct lrc_line *lrc_line = current.ll_head; int nline = 0; if (current.type == TXT || current.type == ID3_USLT) { /* set time tag according to length of audio and total line count * for not synched lyrics, so that scroll speed is almost constant. */ for (; lrc_line; lrc_line = lrc_line->next) { lrc_line->time_start = nline * current.length / current.nlrcbrpos; lrc_line->time_start -= lrc_line->time_start%10; lrc_line->old_time_start = -1; nline += lrc_line->nline[SCREEN_MAIN]; #ifdef HAVE_REMOTE_LCD nline += lrc_line->nline[SCREEN_REMOTE]; #endif } } else { /* reset timetags to the value read from file */ for (; lrc_line; lrc_line = lrc_line->next) { lrc_line->time_start = lrc_line->old_time_start; } sort_lrcs(); } current.changed_lrc = false; } /******************************* * Serch lrc file. *******************************/ /* search in same or parent directries of playing file. * assume playing file is /aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd.mp3, * this function searchs lrc file following order. * /aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd.lrc * /aaa/bbb/ddd.lrc * /aaa/ddd.lrc * /ddd.lrc */ /* taken from apps/recorder/albumart.c */ static void fix_filename(char* name) { static const char invalid_chars[] = "*/:<>?\\|"; while (1) { if (*name == 0) return; if (*name == '"') *name = '\''; else if (rb->strchr(invalid_chars, *name)) *name = '_'; name++; } } static bool find_lrc_file_helper(const char *base_dir) { char fname[MAX_PATH]; char *names[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; char *p, *dir; int i, len; /* /aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd.mp3 * dir <--q names[0] */ /* assuming file name starts with '/' */ rb->strcpy(temp_buf, current.mp3_file); /* get file name and remove extension */ names[0] = rb->strrchr(temp_buf, '/')+1; if ((p = rb->strrchr(names[0], '.')) != NULL) *p = 0; if (current.id3->title && rb->strcmp(names[0], current.id3->title)) { rb->strlcpy(fname, current.id3->title, sizeof(fname)); fix_filename(fname); names[1] = fname; } dir = temp_buf; p = names[0]-1; do { int n; *p = 0; for (n = 0; ; n++) { if (n == 0) { len = rb->snprintf(current.lrc_file, MAX_PATH, "%s%s/", base_dir, dir); } else if (n == 1) { /* check file in subfolder named prefs.lrc_directory * in the directory of mp3 file. */ if (prefs.lrc_directory[0] == '/') { len = rb->snprintf(current.lrc_file, MAX_PATH, "%s%s/", dir, prefs.lrc_directory); } else continue; } else break; DEBUGF("check file in %s\n", current.lrc_file); if (!rb->dir_exists(current.lrc_file)) continue; for (current.type = 0; current.type < NUM_TYPES; current.type++) { for (i = 0; names[i] != NULL; i++) { rb->snprintf(¤t.lrc_file[len], MAX_PATH-len, "%s%s", names[i], extentions[current.type]); if (rb->file_exists(current.lrc_file)) { DEBUGF("found: `%s'\n", current.lrc_file); return true; } } } } } while ((p = rb->strrchr(dir, '/')) != NULL); return false; } /* return true if a lrc file is found */ static bool find_lrc_file(void) { reset_current_data(); DEBUGF("find lrc file for `%s'\n", current.mp3_file); /* find .lrc file */ if (find_lrc_file_helper("")) return true; if (prefs.lrc_directory[0] == '/' && rb->dir_exists(prefs.lrc_directory)) { if (find_lrc_file_helper(prefs.lrc_directory)) return true; } current.lrc_file[0] = 0; return false; } /******************************* * Load file. *******************************/ /* check tag format and calculate value of the tag. * supported tag: ti, ar, offset * supported format of time tag: [mm:ss], [mm:ss.xx], [mm:ss.xxx] * returns value of timega if tag is time tag, -1 if tag is supported tag, * -10 otherwise. */ static char *parse_int(char *ptr, int *val) { *val = rb->atoi(ptr); while (isdigit(*ptr)) ptr++; return ptr; } static long get_time_value(char *tag, bool read_id_tags, off_t file_offset) { long time; char *ptr; int val; if (read_id_tags) { if (!rb->strncmp(tag, "ti:", 3)) { if (!current.id3->title || rb->strcmp(&tag[3], current.id3->title)) current.title = lrcbufadd(&tag[3], false); return -1; } if (!rb->strncmp(tag, "ar:", 3)) { if (!current.id3->artist || rb->strcmp(&tag[3], current.id3->artist)) current.artist = lrcbufadd(&tag[3], false); return -1; } if (!rb->strncmp(tag, "offset:", 7)) { current.offset = rb->atoi(&tag[7]); current.offset_file_offset = file_offset; return -1; } } /* minute */ ptr = parse_int(tag, &val); if (ptr-tag < 1 || ptr-tag > 2 || *ptr != ':') return -10; time = val * 60000; /* second */ tag = ptr+1; ptr = parse_int(tag, &val); if (ptr-tag != 2 || (*ptr != '.' && *ptr != ':' && *ptr != '\0')) return -10; time += val * 1000; if (*ptr != '\0') { /* milliseccond */ tag = ptr+1; ptr = parse_int(tag, &val); if (ptr-tag < 2 || ptr-tag > 3 || *ptr != '\0') return -10; time += ((ptr-tag)==3 ?val: val*10); } return time; } /* format: * [time tag]line * [time tag]...[time tag]line * [time tag]word... */ static bool parse_lrc_line(char *line, off_t file_offset) { struct lrc_line *lrc_line = NULL, *first_lrc_line = NULL; long time, time_start; char *str, *tagstart, *tagend; struct lrc_word *lrc_word; int nword = 0; /* parse [time tag]...[time tag] type tags */ str = line; while (1) { if (*str != '[') break; tagend = rb->strchr(str, ']'); if (tagend == NULL) break; *tagend = 0; time = get_time_value(str+1, !lrc_line, file_offset); *tagend++ = ']'; if (time < 0) break; lrc_line = alloc_buf(sizeof(struct lrc_line)); if (lrc_line == NULL) return false; if (!first_lrc_line) first_lrc_line = lrc_line; lrc_line->file_offset = file_offset; lrc_line->time_start = (time/10)*10; lrc_line->old_time_start = lrc_line->time_start; add_lrc_line(lrc_line, NULL); file_offset += (intptr_t)tagend - (intptr_t)str; str = tagend; } if (!first_lrc_line) return true; /* no time tag in line */ lrc_line = first_lrc_line; if (lrcbufadd("", false) == NULL) return false; /* parse ... type tags */ /* [time tag]...[time tag]line type tags share lrc_line->words and can't * use lrc_line->words->timestart. use lrc_line->time_start instead. */ time_start = -1; tagstart = str; while (*tagstart) { tagstart = rb->strchr(tagstart, '<'); if (!tagstart) break; tagend = rb->strchr(tagstart, '>'); if (!tagend) break; *tagend = 0; time = get_time_value(tagstart+1, false, file_offset + ((intptr_t)tagstart - (intptr_t)str)); *tagend++ = '>'; if (time < 0) { tagstart++; continue; } *tagstart = 0; /* found word time tag. */ if (*str || time_start != -1) { if ((lrc_word = new_lrc_word(time_start, str, true)) == NULL) return false; nword++; } file_offset += (intptr_t)tagend - (intptr_t)str; tagstart = str = tagend; time_start = time; } if ((lrc_word = new_lrc_word(time_start, str, true)) == NULL) return false; nword++; /* duplicate lrc_lines */ while (lrc_line) { lrc_line->nword = nword; lrc_line->words = lrc_word; lrc_line = lrc_line->next; } return true; } /* format: * \xa2\xe2hhmmssxx\xa2\xd0 * line 1 * line 2 * \xa2\xe2hhmmssxx\xa2\xd0 * line 3 * ... */ static bool parse_snc_line(char *line, off_t file_offset) { #define SNC_TAG_START "\xa2\xe2" #define SNC_TAG_END "\xa2\xd0" /* SNC_TAG can be dencoded, so use * temp_buf which contains native data */ if (!rb->memcmp(temp_buf, SNC_TAG_START, 2) && !rb->memcmp(temp_buf+10, SNC_TAG_END, 2)) /* time tag */ { const char *pos = temp_buf+2; /* skip SNC_TAG_START */ int hh, mm, ss, xx; hh = (pos[0]-'0')*10+(pos[1]-'0'); pos += 2; mm = (pos[0]-'0')*10+(pos[1]-'0'); pos += 2; ss = (pos[0]-'0')*10+(pos[1]-'0'); pos += 2; xx = (pos[0]-'0')*10+(pos[1]-'0'); pos += 2; pos += 2; /* skip SNC_TAG_END */ /* initialize */ struct lrc_line *lrc_line = alloc_buf(sizeof(struct lrc_line)); if (lrc_line == NULL) return false; lrc_line->file_offset = file_offset+2; lrc_line->time_start = hh*3600000+mm*60000+ss*1000+xx*10; lrc_line->old_time_start = lrc_line->time_start; if (!add_lrc_line(lrc_line, "")) return false; if (pos[0]==0) return true; /* encode rest of line and add to buffer */ rb->iso_decode(pos, line, prefs.encoding, rb->strlen(pos)+1); } if (current.ll_head) { rb->strcat(line, "\n"); if (lrcbufadd(line, true) == NULL) return false; } return true; } static bool parse_txt_line(char *line, off_t file_offset) { /* initialize */ struct lrc_line *lrc_line = alloc_buf(sizeof(struct lrc_line)); if (lrc_line == NULL) return false; lrc_line->file_offset = file_offset; lrc_line->time_start = 0; lrc_line->old_time_start = -1; if (!add_lrc_line(lrc_line, line)) return false; return true; } static void load_lrc_file(void) { char utf8line[MAX_LINE_LEN*3]; int fd; int encoding = prefs.encoding; bool (*line_parser)(char *line, off_t) = NULL; off_t file_offset, readsize; switch(current.type) { case LRC8: encoding = UTF_8; /* .lrc8 is utf8 */ /* fall through */ case LRC: line_parser = parse_lrc_line; break; case SNC: line_parser = parse_snc_line; break; case TXT: line_parser = parse_txt_line; break; default: return; } fd = rb->open(current.lrc_file, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) return; { /* check encoding */ #define BOM "\xef\xbb\xbf" #define BOM_SIZE 3 unsigned char header[BOM_SIZE]; unsigned char* (*utf_decode)(const unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int) = NULL; rb->read(fd, header, BOM_SIZE); if (!rb->memcmp(header, BOM, BOM_SIZE)) /* UTF-8 */ { encoding = UTF_8; } else if (!rb->memcmp(header, "\xff\xfe", 2)) /* UTF-16LE */ { utf_decode = rb->utf16LEdecode; } else if (!rb->memcmp(header, "\xfe\xff", 2)) /* UTF-16BE */ { utf_decode = rb->utf16BEdecode; } else { rb->lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); } if (utf_decode) { /* convert encoding of file from UTF-16 to UTF-8 */ char temp_file[MAX_PATH]; int fe; rb->lseek(fd, 2, SEEK_SET); rb->snprintf(temp_file, MAX_PATH, "%s~", current.lrc_file); fe = rb->creat(temp_file, 0666); if (fe < 0) { rb->close(fd); return; } rb->write(fe, BOM, BOM_SIZE); while ((readsize = rb->read(fd, temp_buf, MAX_LINE_LEN)) > 0) { char *end = utf_decode(temp_buf, utf8line, readsize/2); rb->write(fe, utf8line, end-utf8line); } rb->close(fe); rb->close(fd); rb->remove(current.lrc_file); rb->rename(temp_file, current.lrc_file); fd = rb->open(current.lrc_file, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) return; rb->lseek(fd, BOM_SIZE, SEEK_SET); /* skip bom */ encoding = UTF_8; } } file_offset = rb->lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); /* used in line_parser */ while ((readsize = rb->read_line(fd, temp_buf, MAX_LINE_LEN)) > 0) { /* note: parse_snc_line() reads temp_buf for native data. */ rb->iso_decode(temp_buf, utf8line, encoding, readsize+1); if (!line_parser(utf8line, file_offset)) break; file_offset += readsize; } rb->close(fd); current.loaded_lrc = true; calc_brpos(NULL, 0); init_time_tag(); return; } #ifdef LRC_SUPPORT_ID3 /******************************* * read lyrics from id3 *******************************/ static unsigned long unsync(unsigned long b0, unsigned long b1, unsigned long b2, unsigned long b3) { return (((long)(b0 & 0x7F) << (3*7)) | ((long)(b1 & 0x7F) << (2*7)) | ((long)(b2 & 0x7F) << (1*7)) | ((long)(b3 & 0x7F) << (0*7))); } static unsigned long bytes2int(unsigned long b0, unsigned long b1, unsigned long b2, unsigned long b3) { return (((long)(b0 & 0xFF) << (3*8)) | ((long)(b1 & 0xFF) << (2*8)) | ((long)(b2 & 0xFF) << (1*8)) | ((long)(b3 & 0xFF) << (0*8))); } static int unsynchronize(char* tag, int len, bool *ff_found) { int i; unsigned char c; unsigned char *rp, *wp; bool _ff_found = false; if(ff_found) _ff_found = *ff_found; wp = rp = (unsigned char *)tag; rp = (unsigned char *)tag; for(i = 0; iread(fd, wp, remaining); if(rc <= 0) return rc; i = unsynchronize(wp, remaining, ff_found); remaining -= i; wp += i; } return len; } static unsigned char* utf8cpy(const unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, int count) { rb->strlcpy(dst, src, count+1); return dst+rb->strlen(dst); } static void parse_id3v2(int fd) { int minframesize; int size; long framelen; char header[10]; char tmp[8]; unsigned char version; int bytesread = 0; unsigned char global_flags; int flags; bool global_unsynch = false; bool global_ff_found = false; bool unsynch = false; int rc; enum {NOLT, SYLT, USLT} type = NOLT; /* Bail out if the tag is shorter than 10 bytes */ if(current.id3->id3v2len < 10) return; /* Read the ID3 tag version from the header */ if(10 != rb->read(fd, header, 10)) return; /* Get the total ID3 tag size */ size = current.id3->id3v2len - 10; version = current.id3->id3version; switch ( version ) { case ID3_VER_2_2: minframesize = 8; break; case ID3_VER_2_3: minframesize = 12; break; case ID3_VER_2_4: minframesize = 12; break; default: /* unsupported id3 version */ return; } global_flags = header[5]; /* Skip the extended header if it is present */ if(global_flags & 0x40) { if(version == ID3_VER_2_3) { if(10 != rb->read(fd, header, 10)) return; /* The 2.3 extended header size doesn't include the header size field itself. Also, it is not unsynched. */ framelen = bytes2int(header[0], header[1], header[2], header[3]) + 4; /* Skip the rest of the header */ rb->lseek(fd, framelen - 10, SEEK_CUR); } if(version >= ID3_VER_2_4) { if(4 != rb->read(fd, header, 4)) return; /* The 2.4 extended header size does include the entire header, so here we can just skip it. This header is unsynched. */ framelen = unsync(header[0], header[1], header[2], header[3]); rb->lseek(fd, framelen - 4, SEEK_CUR); } } /* Is unsynchronization applied? */ if(global_flags & 0x80) { global_unsynch = true; } /* We must have at least minframesize bytes left for the * remaining frames to be interesting */ while (size >= minframesize) { flags = 0; /* Read frame header and check length */ if(version >= ID3_VER_2_3) { if(global_unsynch && version <= ID3_VER_2_3) rc = read_unsynched(fd, header, 10, &global_ff_found); else rc = rb->read(fd, header, 10); if(rc != 10) return; /* Adjust for the 10 bytes we read */ size -= 10; flags = bytes2int(0, 0, header[8], header[9]); if (version >= ID3_VER_2_4) { framelen = unsync(header[4], header[5], header[6], header[7]); } else { /* version .3 files don't use synchsafe ints for * size */ framelen = bytes2int(header[4], header[5], header[6], header[7]); } } else { if(6 != rb->read(fd, header, 6)) return; /* Adjust for the 6 bytes we read */ size -= 6; framelen = bytes2int(0, header[3], header[4], header[5]); } if(framelen == 0){ if (header[0] == 0 && header[1] == 0 && header[2] == 0) return; else continue; } unsynch = false; if(flags) { if (version >= ID3_VER_2_4) { if(flags & 0x0040) { /* Grouping identity */ rb->lseek(fd, 1, SEEK_CUR); /* Skip 1 byte */ framelen--; } } else { if(flags & 0x0020) { /* Grouping identity */ rb->lseek(fd, 1, SEEK_CUR); /* Skip 1 byte */ framelen--; } } if(flags & 0x000c) /* Compression or encryption */ { /* Skip it */ size -= framelen; rb->lseek(fd, framelen, SEEK_CUR); continue; } if(flags & 0x0002) /* Unsynchronization */ unsynch = true; if (version >= ID3_VER_2_4) { if(flags & 0x0001) { /* Data length indicator */ if(4 != rb->read(fd, tmp, 4)) return; /* We don't need the data length */ framelen -= 4; } } } if (framelen == 0) continue; if (framelen < 0) return; if(!rb->memcmp( header, "SLT", 3 ) || !rb->memcmp( header, "SYLT", 4 )) { /* found a supported tag */ type = SYLT; break; } else if(!rb->memcmp( header, "ULT", 3 ) || !rb->memcmp( header, "USLT", 4 )) { /* found a supported tag */ type = USLT; break; } else { /* not a supported tag*/ if(global_unsynch && version <= ID3_VER_2_3) { size -= read_unsynched(fd, lrc_buffer, framelen, &global_ff_found); } else { size -= framelen; if( rb->lseek(fd, framelen, SEEK_CUR) == -1 ) return; } } } if(type == NOLT) return; int encoding = 0, chsiz; char *tag, *p, utf8line[MAX_LINE_LEN*3]; unsigned char* (*utf_decode)(const unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int) = NULL; /* use middle of lrc_buffer to store tag data. */ if(framelen >= LRC_BUFFER_SIZE/3) framelen = LRC_BUFFER_SIZE/3-1; tag = lrc_buffer+LRC_BUFFER_SIZE*2/3-framelen-1; if(global_unsynch && version <= ID3_VER_2_3) bytesread = read_unsynched(fd, tag, framelen, &global_ff_found); else bytesread = rb->read(fd, tag, framelen); if( bytesread != framelen ) return; if(unsynch || (global_unsynch && version >= ID3_VER_2_4)) bytesread = unsynchronize(tag, bytesread, NULL); tag[bytesread] = 0; encoding = tag[0]; p = tag; /* skip some data */ if(type == SYLT) { p += 6; } else { p += 4; } /* check encoding and skip content descriptor */ switch (encoding) { case 0x01: /* Unicode with or without BOM */ case 0x02: /* Now check if there is a BOM (zero-width non-breaking space, 0xfeff) and if it is in little or big endian format */ if(!rb->memcmp(p, "\xff\xfe", 2)) { /* Little endian? */ utf_decode = rb->utf16LEdecode; } else if(!rb->memcmp(p, "\xfe\xff", 2)) { /* Big endian? */ utf_decode = rb->utf16BEdecode; } else utf_decode = NULL; encoding = NUM_CODEPAGES; do { size = p[0] | p[1]; p += 2; } while(size); chsiz = 2; break; default: utf_decode = utf8cpy; if(encoding == 0x03) /* UTF-8 encoded string */ encoding = UTF_8; else encoding = prefs.encoding; p += rb->strlen(p)+1; chsiz = 1; break; } if(encoding == NUM_CODEPAGES) { /* check if there is a BOM */ if(!rb->memcmp(p, "\xff\xfe", 2)) { /* Little endian? */ utf_decode = rb->utf16LEdecode; p += 2; } else if(!rb->memcmp(p, "\xfe\xff", 2)) { /* Big endian? */ utf_decode = rb->utf16BEdecode; p += 2; } else if(!utf_decode) { /* If there is no BOM (which is a specification violation), let's try to guess it. If one of the bytes is 0x00, it is probably the most significant one. */ if(p[1] == 0) utf_decode = rb->utf16LEdecode; else utf_decode = rb->utf16BEdecode; } } bytesread -= (intptr_t)p - (intptr_t)tag; tag = p; while ( bytesread > 0 && lrc_buffer_used+bytesread < LRC_BUFFER_SIZE*2/3 && LRC_BUFFER_SIZE*2/3 < lrc_buffer_end) { bool is_crlf = false; struct lrc_line *lrc_line = alloc_buf(sizeof(struct lrc_line)); if(!lrc_line) break; lrc_line->file_offset = -1; if(type == USLT) { /* replace 0x0a and 0x0d with 0x00 */ p = tag; while(1) { utf_decode(p, tmp, 2); if(!tmp[0]) break; if(tmp[0] == 0x0d || tmp[0] == 0x0a) { if(tmp[0] == 0x0d && tmp[1] == 0x0a) is_crlf = true; p[0] = 0; p[chsiz-1] = 0; break; } p += chsiz; } } if(encoding == NUM_CODEPAGES) { unsigned char* utf8 = utf8line; p = tag; do { utf8 = utf_decode(p, utf8, 1); p += 2; } while(*(utf8-1)); } else { size = rb->strlen(tag)+1; rb->iso_decode(tag, utf8line, encoding, size); p = tag+size; } if(type == SYLT) { /* timestamp */ lrc_line->time_start = bytes2int(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]); lrc_line->old_time_start = lrc_line->time_start; p += 4; utf_decode(p, tmp, 1); if(tmp[0] == 0x0a) p += chsiz; } else { /* USLT */ lrc_line->time_start = 0; lrc_line->old_time_start = -1; if(is_crlf) p += chsiz; } bytesread -= (intptr_t)p - (intptr_t)tag; tag = p; if(!add_lrc_line(lrc_line, utf8line)) break; } current.type = ID3_SYLT-SYLT+type; rb->strcpy(current.lrc_file, current.mp3_file); current.loaded_lrc = true; calc_brpos(NULL, 0); init_time_tag(); return; } static bool read_id3(void) { int fd; if(current.id3->codectype != AFMT_MPA_L1 && current.id3->codectype != AFMT_MPA_L2 && current.id3->codectype != AFMT_MPA_L3) return false; fd = rb->open(current.mp3_file, O_RDONLY); if(fd < 0) return false; current.loaded_lrc = false; parse_id3v2(fd); rb->close(fd); return current.loaded_lrc; } #endif /* LRC_SUPPORT_ID3 */ /******************************* * Display information *******************************/ static void display_state(void) { const char *str = NULL; if (AUDIO_STOP) str = "Audio Stopped"; else if (current.found_lrc) { if (!current.loaded_lrc) str = "Loading lrc"; else if (!current.ll_head) str = "No lyrics"; } #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP const char *info = NULL; if (AUDIO_PLAY && prefs.display_title) { char *title = (current.title? current.title: current.id3->title); char *artist = (current.artist? current.artist: current.id3->artist); if (artist != NULL && title != NULL) { rb->snprintf(temp_buf, MAX_LINE_LEN, "%s/%s", title, artist); info = temp_buf; } else if (title != NULL) info = title; else if (current.mp3_file[0] == '/') info = rb->strrchr(current.mp3_file, '/')+1; else info = "(no info)"; } int w, h; struct screen* display; FOR_NB_SCREENS(i) { display = rb->screens[i]; display->set_viewport(&vp_info[i]); display->clear_viewport(); if (info) display->puts_scroll(0, 0, info); if (str) { display->set_viewport(&vp_lyrics[i]); display->clear_viewport(); display->getstringsize(str, &w, &h); if (vp_lyrics[i].width - w < 0) display->puts_scroll(0, vp_lyrics[i].height/font_ui_height/2, str); else display->putsxy((vp_lyrics[i].width - w)*prefs.align/2, (vp_lyrics[i].height-font_ui_height)/2, str); display->set_viewport(&vp_info[i]); } display->update_viewport(); display->set_viewport(NULL); } #else /* there is no place to display title or artist. */ rb->lcd_clear_display(); if (str) rb->lcd_puts_scroll(0, 0, str); rb->lcd_update(); #endif /* HAVE_LCD_BITMAP */ } static void display_time(void) { rb->snprintf(temp_buf, MAX_LINE_LEN, "%ld:%02ld/%ld:%02ld", current.elapsed/60000, (current.elapsed/1000)%60, current.length/60000, (current.length)/1000%60); #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP int y = (prefs.display_title? font_ui_height:0); FOR_NB_SCREENS(i) { struct screen* display = rb->screens[i]; display->set_viewport(&vp_info[i]); display->setfont(FONT_SYSFIXED); display->putsxy(0, y, temp_buf); rb->gui_scrollbar_draw(display, 0, y+SYSFONT_HEIGHT+1, vp_info[i].width, SYSFONT_HEIGHT-2, current.length, 0, current.elapsed, HORIZONTAL); display->update_viewport_rect(0, y, vp_info[i].width, SYSFONT_HEIGHT*2); display->setfont(uifont); display->set_viewport(NULL); } #else rb->lcd_puts(0, 0, temp_buf); rb->lcd_update(); #endif /* HAVE_LCD_BITMAP */ } /******************************* * Display lyrics *******************************/ #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP static inline void set_to_default(struct screen *display) { #if (LCD_DEPTH > 1) #ifdef HAVE_REMOTE_LCD if (display->screen_type != SCREEN_REMOTE) #endif display->set_foreground(prefs.active_color); #endif display->set_drawmode(DRMODE_SOLID); } static inline void set_to_active(struct screen *display) { #if (LCD_DEPTH > 1) #ifdef HAVE_REMOTE_LCD if (display->screen_type == SCREEN_REMOTE) display->set_drawmode(DRMODE_INVERSEVID); else #endif { display->set_foreground(prefs.active_color); display->set_drawmode(DRMODE_SOLID); } #else /* LCD_DEPTH == 1 */ display->set_drawmode(DRMODE_INVERSEVID); #endif } static inline void set_to_inactive(struct screen *display) { #if (LCD_DEPTH > 1) #ifdef HAVE_REMOTE_LCD if (display->screen_type != SCREEN_REMOTE) #endif display->set_foreground(prefs.inactive_color); #endif display->set_drawmode(DRMODE_SOLID); } static int display_lrc_line(struct lrc_line *lrc_line, int ypos, int i) { struct screen *display = rb->screens[i]; struct lrc_word *lrc_word; struct lrc_brpos *lrc_brpos; long time_start, time_end, elapsed; int count, width, nword; int xpos; const char *str; bool active_line; time_start = get_time_start(lrc_line); time_end = get_time_start(lrc_line->next); active_line = (time_start <= current.elapsed && time_end > current.elapsed); if (!lrc_line->width) { /* empty line. draw bar during interval. */ long rin = current.elapsed - time_start; long len = time_end - time_start; if (current.wipe && active_line && len >= 3500) { elapsed = rin * vp_lyrics[i].width / len; set_to_inactive(display); display->fillrect(elapsed, ypos+font_ui_height/4+1, vp_lyrics[i].width-elapsed-1, font_ui_height/2-2); set_to_active(display); display->drawrect(0, ypos+font_ui_height/4, vp_lyrics[i].width, font_ui_height/2); display->fillrect(1, ypos+font_ui_height/4+1, elapsed-1, font_ui_height/2-2); set_to_default(display); } return ypos + font_ui_height; } lrc_brpos = calc_brpos(lrc_line, i); /* initialize line */ xpos = (vp_lyrics[i].width - lrc_brpos->width)*prefs.align/2; count = 0; width = 0; active_line = active_line || !prefs.active_one_line; nword = lrc_line->nword-1; lrc_word = lrc_line->words + nword; str = lrc_word->word; /* only time_start of first word could be -1 */ if (lrc_word->time_start != -1) time_end = get_word_time_start(lrc_word); else time_end = time_start; do { time_start = time_end; if (nword > 0) time_end = get_word_time_start(lrc_word-1); else time_end = get_time_start(lrc_line->next); if (time_start > current.elapsed || !active_line) { /* inactive */ elapsed = 0; } else if (!current.wipe || time_end <= current.elapsed) { /* active whole word */ elapsed = lrc_word->width; } else { /* wipe word */ long rin = current.elapsed - time_start; long len = time_end - time_start; elapsed = rin * lrc_word->width / len; } int word_count = lrc_word->count; int word_width = lrc_word->width; set_to_active(display); while (word_count > 0 && word_width > 0) { int c = lrc_brpos->count - count; int w = lrc_brpos->width - width; if (c > word_count || w > word_width) { c = word_count; w = word_width; } if (elapsed <= 0) { set_to_inactive(display); } else if (elapsed < w) { /* wipe text */ display->fillrect(xpos, ypos, elapsed, font_ui_height); set_to_inactive(display); display->fillrect(xpos+elapsed, ypos, w-elapsed, font_ui_height); #if (LCD_DEPTH > 1) #ifdef HAVE_REMOTE_LCD if (display->screen_type == SCREEN_REMOTE) display->set_drawmode(DRMODE_INVERSEVID); else #endif display->set_drawmode(DRMODE_BG); #else display->set_drawmode(DRMODE_INVERSEVID); #endif } rb->strlcpy(temp_buf, str, c+1); display->putsxy(xpos, ypos, temp_buf); str += c; xpos += w; count += c; width += w; word_count -= c; word_width -= w; elapsed -= w; if (count >= lrc_brpos->count || width >= lrc_brpos->width) { /* prepare for next line */ lrc_brpos++; str = lrc_skip_space(str); xpos = (vp_lyrics[i].width - lrc_brpos->width)*prefs.align/2; ypos += font_ui_height; count = 0; width = 0; } } lrc_word--; } while (nword--); set_to_default(display); return ypos; } #endif /* HAVE_LCD_BITMAP */ static void display_lrcs(void) { long time_start, time_end, rin, len; int nline[NB_SCREENS] = {0}; struct lrc_line *lrc_center = current.ll_head; if (!lrc_center) return; while (get_time_start(lrc_center->next) <= current.elapsed) { nline[SCREEN_MAIN] += lrc_center->nline[SCREEN_MAIN]; #ifdef HAVE_REMOTE_LCD nline[SCREEN_REMOTE] += lrc_center->nline[SCREEN_REMOTE]; #endif lrc_center = lrc_center->next; } time_start = get_time_start(lrc_center); time_end = get_time_start(lrc_center->next); rin = current.elapsed - time_start; len = time_end - time_start; struct screen *display; FOR_NB_SCREENS(i) { display = rb->screens[i]; /* display current line at the center of the viewport */ display->set_viewport(&vp_lyrics[i]); display->clear_viewport(); #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP struct lrc_line *lrc_line; int y, ypos = 0, nblines = vp_lyrics[i].height/font_ui_height; y = (nblines-1)/2; if (rin < 0) { /* current.elapsed < time of first lrc */ if (!current.wipe) ypos = (time_start - current.elapsed) * font_ui_height / time_start; else y++; } else if (len > 0) { if (!current.wipe) ypos = - rin * lrc_center->nline[i] * font_ui_height / len; else { long elapsed = rin * lrc_center->width / len; struct lrc_brpos *lrc_brpos = calc_brpos(lrc_center, i); while (elapsed > lrc_brpos->width) { elapsed -= lrc_brpos->width; y--; lrc_brpos++; } } } /* find first line to display */ y -= nline[i]; lrc_line = current.ll_head; while (y < -lrc_line->nline[i]) { y += lrc_line->nline[i]; lrc_line = lrc_line->next; } ypos += y*font_ui_height; while (lrc_line && ypos < vp_lyrics[i].height) { ypos = display_lrc_line(lrc_line, ypos, i); lrc_line = lrc_line->next; } if (!lrc_line && ypos < vp_lyrics[i].height) display->putsxy(0, ypos, "[end]"); #else /* HAVE_LCD_CHARCELLS */ struct lrc_line *lrc_line = lrc_center; struct lrc_brpos *lrc_brpos = calc_brpos(lrc_line, i); long elapsed = 0; const char *str = get_lrc_str(lrc_line); int x = vp_lyrics[i].width/2, y = 0; if (rin >= 0 && len > 0) { elapsed = rin * lrc_center->width / len; while (elapsed > lrc_brpos->width) { elapsed -= lrc_brpos->width; str = lrc_skip_space(str+lrc_brpos->count); lrc_brpos++; } } rb->strlcpy(temp_buf, str, lrc_brpos->count+1); x -= elapsed; if (x < 0) display->puts(0, y, temp_buf + rb->utf8seek(temp_buf, -x)); else display->puts(x, y, temp_buf); x += rb->utf8length(temp_buf)+1; lrc_line = lrc_line->next; if (!lrc_line && x < vp_lyrics[i].width) { if (x < vp_lyrics[i].width/2) x = vp_lyrics[i].width/2; display->puts(x, y, "[end]"); } #endif /* HAVE_LCD_BITMAP */ display->update_viewport(); display->set_viewport(NULL); } } /******************************* * Browse lyrics and edit time. *******************************/ /* point playing line in lyrics */ static enum themable_icons get_icon(int selected, void * data) { (void) data; struct lrc_line *lrc_line = get_lrc_line(selected); if (lrc_line) { long time_start = get_time_start(lrc_line); long time_end = get_time_start(lrc_line->next); long elapsed = current.id3->elapsed; if (time_start <= elapsed && time_end > elapsed) return Icon_Moving; } return Icon_NOICON; } static const char *get_lrc_timeline(int selected, void *data, char *buffer, size_t buffer_len) { (void) data; struct lrc_line *lrc_line = get_lrc_line(selected); if (lrc_line) { format_time_tag(temp_buf, get_time_start(lrc_line)); rb->snprintf(buffer, buffer_len, "[%s]%s", temp_buf, get_lrc_str(lrc_line)); return buffer; } return NULL; } static void save_changes(void) { char new_file[MAX_PATH], *p; bool success = false; int fd, fe; if (!current.changed_lrc) return; rb->splash(HZ/2, "Saving changes..."); if (current.type == TXT || current.type > NUM_TYPES) { /* save changes to new .lrc file */ rb->strcpy(new_file, current.lrc_file); p = rb->strrchr(new_file, '.'); rb->strcpy(p, extentions[LRC]); } else { /* file already exists. use temp file. */ rb->snprintf(new_file, MAX_PATH, "%s~", current.lrc_file); } fd = rb->creat(new_file, 0666); fe = rb->open(current.lrc_file, O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0 && fe >= 0) { struct lrc_line *lrc_line, *temp_lrc; off_t curr = 0, next = 0, size = 0, offset = 0; for (lrc_line = current.ll_head; lrc_line; lrc_line = lrc_line->next) { /* apply offset and set old_time_start -1 to indicate that time tag is not saved yet. */ lrc_line->time_start = get_time_start(lrc_line); lrc_line->old_time_start = -1; } current.offset = 0; if (current.type > NUM_TYPES) { curr = -1; rb->write(fd, BOM, BOM_SIZE); } else size = rb->filesize(fe); while (curr < size) { /* find offset of next tag */ lrc_line = NULL; for (temp_lrc = current.ll_head, next = size; temp_lrc; temp_lrc = temp_lrc->next) { offset = temp_lrc->file_offset; if (offset < next && temp_lrc->old_time_start == -1) { lrc_line = temp_lrc; next = offset; if (offset <= curr) break; } } offset = current.offset_file_offset; if (offset >= 0 && offset < next) { lrc_line = NULL; next = offset; current.offset_file_offset = -1; } if (next > curr) { if (curr == -1) curr = 0; /* copy before the next tag */ while (curr < next) { ssize_t count = next-curr; if (count > MAX_LINE_LEN) count = MAX_LINE_LEN; if (rb->read(fe, temp_buf, count)!=count) break; rb->write(fd, temp_buf, count); curr += count; } if (curr < next || curr >= size) break; } /* write tag to new file and skip tag in backup */ if (lrc_line != NULL) { lrc_line->file_offset = rb->lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); lrc_line->old_time_start = lrc_line->time_start; long t = lrc_line->time_start; if (current.type == SNC) { rb->fdprintf(fd, "%02ld%02ld%02ld%02ld", (t/3600000)%100, (t/60000)%60, (t/1000)%60, (t/10)%100); /* skip time tag */ curr += rb->read(fe, temp_buf, 8); } else /* LRC || LRC8 */ { format_time_tag(temp_buf, t); rb->fdprintf(fd, "[%s]", temp_buf); } if (next == -1) { rb->fdprintf(fd, "%s\n", get_lrc_str(lrc_line)); } } if (current.type == LRC || current.type == LRC8) { /* skip both time tag and offset tag */ while (curr++read(fe, temp_buf, 1)==1) if (temp_buf[0]==']') break; } } success = (curr>=size); } if (fe >= 0) rb->close(fe); if (fd >= 0) rb->close(fd); if (success) { if (current.type == TXT || current.type > NUM_TYPES) { current.type = LRC; rb->strcpy(current.lrc_file, new_file); } else { rb->remove(current.lrc_file); rb->rename(new_file, current.lrc_file); } } else { rb->remove(new_file); rb->splash(HZ, "Could not save changes."); } rb->reload_directory(); current.changed_lrc = false; } static int timetag_editor(void) { struct gui_synclist gui_editor; struct lrc_line *lrc_line; bool exit = false; int button, idx, selected = 0; if (current.id3 == NULL || !current.ll_head) { rb->splash(HZ, "No lyrics"); return LRC_GOTO_MAIN; } get_lrc_line(-1); /* initialize static variables */ for (lrc_line = current.ll_head, idx = 0; lrc_line; lrc_line = lrc_line->next, idx++) { long time_start = get_time_start(lrc_line); long time_end = get_time_start(lrc_line->next); long elapsed = current.id3->elapsed; if (time_start <= elapsed && time_end > elapsed) selected = idx; } rb->gui_synclist_init(&gui_editor, &get_lrc_timeline, NULL, false, 1, NULL); rb->gui_synclist_set_nb_items(&gui_editor, current.nlrcline); rb->gui_synclist_set_icon_callback(&gui_editor, get_icon); rb->gui_synclist_set_title(&gui_editor, "Timetag Editor", Icon_Menu_functioncall); rb->gui_synclist_select_item(&gui_editor, selected); rb->gui_synclist_draw(&gui_editor); while (!exit) { button = rb->get_action(CONTEXT_TREE, TIMEOUT_BLOCK); if (rb->gui_synclist_do_button(&gui_editor, &button, LIST_WRAP_UNLESS_HELD)) continue; switch (button) { case ACTION_STD_OK: idx = rb->gui_synclist_get_sel_pos(&gui_editor); lrc_line = get_lrc_line(idx); if (lrc_line) { set_time_start(lrc_line, current.id3->elapsed-500); rb->gui_synclist_draw(&gui_editor); } break; case ACTION_STD_CONTEXT: idx = rb->gui_synclist_get_sel_pos(&gui_editor); lrc_line = get_lrc_line(idx); if (lrc_line) { long temp_time = get_time_start(lrc_line); if (lrc_set_time(get_lrc_str(lrc_line), NULL, &temp_time, 10, 0, current.length, LST_SET_MSEC|LST_SET_SEC|LST_SET_MIN) == 1) return PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED; set_time_start(lrc_line, temp_time); rb->gui_synclist_draw(&gui_editor); } break; case ACTION_TREE_STOP: case ACTION_STD_CANCEL: exit = true; break; default: if (rb->default_event_handler(button) == SYS_USB_CONNECTED) return PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED; break; } } FOR_NB_SCREENS(idx) rb->screens[idx]->scroll_stop(); if (current.changed_lrc) { MENUITEM_STRINGLIST(save_menu, "Save Changes?", NULL, "Yes", "No (save later)", "Discard All Changes") button = 0; exit = false; while (!exit) { switch (rb->do_menu(&save_menu, &button, NULL, false)) { case 0: sort_lrcs(); save_changes(); exit = true; break; case 1: sort_lrcs(); exit = true; break; case 2: init_time_tag(); exit = true; break; case MENU_ATTACHED_USB: return PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED; } } } return LRC_GOTO_MAIN; } /******************************* * Settings. *******************************/ static void load_or_save_settings(bool save) { static const char config_file[] = "lrcplayer.cfg"; static struct configdata config[] = { #ifdef HAVE_LCD_COLOR { TYPE_INT, 0, 0xffffff, { .int_p = &prefs.inactive_color }, "inactive color", NULL }, #endif #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP { TYPE_BOOL, 0, 1, { .bool_p = &prefs.wrap }, "wrap", NULL }, { TYPE_BOOL, 0, 1, { .bool_p = &prefs.wipe }, "wipe", NULL }, { TYPE_BOOL, 0, 1, { .bool_p = &prefs.active_one_line }, "active one line", NULL }, { TYPE_INT, 0, 2, { .int_p = &prefs.align }, "align", NULL }, { TYPE_BOOL, 0, 1, { .bool_p = &prefs.statusbar_on }, "statusbar on", NULL }, { TYPE_BOOL, 0, 1, { .bool_p = &prefs.display_title }, "display title", NULL }, #endif { TYPE_BOOL, 0, 1, { .bool_p = &prefs.display_time }, "display time", NULL }, { TYPE_BOOL, 0, 1, { .bool_p = &prefs.backlight_on }, "backlight on", NULL }, { TYPE_STRING, 0, sizeof(prefs.lrc_directory), { .string = prefs.lrc_directory }, "lrc directory", NULL }, { TYPE_INT, -1, NUM_CODEPAGES-1, { .int_p = &prefs.encoding }, "encoding", NULL }, #ifdef LRC_SUPPORT_ID3 { TYPE_BOOL, 0, 1, { .bool_p = &prefs.read_id3 }, "read id3", NULL }, #endif }; if (!save) { /* initialize setting */ #if LCD_DEPTH > 1 prefs.active_color = rb->lcd_get_foreground(); prefs.inactive_color = LCD_LIGHTGRAY; #endif #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP prefs.wrap = true; prefs.wipe = true; prefs.active_one_line = false; prefs.align = 1; /* center */ prefs.statusbar_on = false; prefs.display_title = true; #endif prefs.display_time = true; prefs.backlight_on = false; #ifdef LRC_SUPPORT_ID3 prefs.read_id3 = true; #endif rb->strcpy(prefs.lrc_directory, "/Lyrics"); prefs.encoding = -1; /* default codepage */ configfile_load(config_file, config, ARRAYLEN(config), 0); } else if (rb->memcmp(&old_prefs, &prefs, sizeof(prefs))) { rb->splash(0, "Saving Settings"); configfile_save(config_file, config, ARRAYLEN(config), 0); } rb->memcpy(&old_prefs, &prefs, sizeof(prefs)); } static bool lrc_theme_menu(void) { enum { #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP LRC_MENU_STATUSBAR, LRC_MENU_DISP_TITLE, #endif LRC_MENU_DISP_TIME, #ifdef HAVE_LCD_COLOR LRC_MENU_INACTIVE_COLOR, #endif LRC_MENU_BACKLIGHT, }; int selected = 0; bool exit = false, usb = false; MENUITEM_STRINGLIST(menu, "Theme Settings", NULL, #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP "Show Statusbar", "Display Title", #endif "Display Time", #ifdef HAVE_LCD_COLOR "Inactive Colour", #endif "Backlight Always On"); while (!exit && !usb) { switch (rb->do_menu(&menu, &selected, NULL, false)) { #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP case LRC_MENU_STATUSBAR: usb = rb->set_bool("Show Statusbar", &prefs.statusbar_on); break; case LRC_MENU_DISP_TITLE: usb = rb->set_bool("Display Title", &prefs.display_title); break; #endif case LRC_MENU_DISP_TIME: usb = rb->set_bool("Display Time", &prefs.display_time); break; #ifdef HAVE_LCD_COLOR case LRC_MENU_INACTIVE_COLOR: usb = rb->set_color(NULL, "Inactive Colour", &prefs.inactive_color, -1); break; #endif case LRC_MENU_BACKLIGHT: usb = rb->set_bool("Backlight Always On", &prefs.backlight_on); break; case MENU_ATTACHED_USB: usb = true; break; default: exit = true; break; } } return usb; } #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP static bool lrc_display_menu(void) { enum { LRC_MENU_WRAP, LRC_MENU_WIPE, LRC_MENU_ALIGN, LRC_MENU_LINE_MODE, }; int selected = 0; bool exit = false, usb = false; MENUITEM_STRINGLIST(menu, "Display Settings", NULL, "Wrap", "Wipe", "Alignment", "Activate Only Current Line"); struct opt_items align_names[] = { {"Left", -1}, {"Centre", -1}, {"Right", -1}, }; while (!exit && !usb) { switch (rb->do_menu(&menu, &selected, NULL, false)) { case LRC_MENU_WRAP: usb = rb->set_bool("Wrap", &prefs.wrap); break; case LRC_MENU_WIPE: usb = rb->set_bool("Wipe", &prefs.wipe); break; case LRC_MENU_ALIGN: usb = rb->set_option("Alignment", &prefs.align, INT, align_names, 3, NULL); break; case LRC_MENU_LINE_MODE: usb = rb->set_bool("Activate Only Current Line", &prefs.active_one_line); break; case MENU_ATTACHED_USB: usb = true; break; default: exit = true; break; } } return usb; } #endif /* HAVE_LCD_BITMAP */ static bool lrc_lyrics_menu(void) { enum { LRC_MENU_ENCODING, #ifdef LRC_SUPPORT_ID3 LRC_MENU_READ_ID3, #endif LRC_MENU_LRC_DIR, }; int selected = 0; bool exit = false, usb = false; struct opt_items cp_names[NUM_CODEPAGES+1]; int old_val; MENUITEM_STRINGLIST(menu, "Lyrics Settings", NULL, "Encoding", #ifdef LRC_SUPPORT_ID3 "Read ID3 tag", #endif "Lrc Directry"); cp_names[0].string = "Use default codepage"; cp_names[0].voice_id = -1; for (old_val = 1; old_val < NUM_CODEPAGES+1; old_val++) { cp_names[old_val].string = rb->get_codepage_name(old_val-1); cp_names[old_val].voice_id = -1; } while (!exit && !usb) { switch (rb->do_menu(&menu, &selected, NULL, false)) { case LRC_MENU_ENCODING: prefs.encoding++; old_val = prefs.encoding; usb = rb->set_option("Encoding", &prefs.encoding, INT, cp_names, NUM_CODEPAGES+1, NULL); if (prefs.encoding != old_val) { save_changes(); if (current.type < NUM_TYPES) { /* let reload lrc file to apply encoding setting */ reset_current_data(); } } prefs.encoding--; break; #ifdef LRC_SUPPORT_ID3 case LRC_MENU_READ_ID3: usb = rb->set_bool("Read ID3 tag", &prefs.read_id3); break; #endif case LRC_MENU_LRC_DIR: rb->strcpy(temp_buf, prefs.lrc_directory); if (!rb->kbd_input(temp_buf, sizeof(prefs.lrc_directory))) rb->strcpy(prefs.lrc_directory, temp_buf); break; case MENU_ATTACHED_USB: usb = true; break; default: exit = true; break; } } return usb; } #ifdef LRC_DEBUG static const char* lrc_debug_data(int selected, void * data, char * buffer, size_t buffer_len) { (void)data; switch (selected) { case 0: rb->strlcpy(buffer, current.mp3_file, buffer_len); break; case 1: rb->strlcpy(buffer, current.lrc_file, buffer_len); break; case 2: rb->snprintf(buffer, buffer_len, "buf usage: %d,%d/%d", (int)lrc_buffer_used, (int)lrc_buffer_end, (int)lrc_buffer_size); break; case 3: rb->snprintf(buffer, buffer_len, "line count: %d,%d", current.nlrcline, current.nlrcbrpos); break; case 4: rb->snprintf(buffer, buffer_len, "loaded lrc? %s", current.loaded_lrc?"yes":"no"); break; case 5: rb->snprintf(buffer, buffer_len, "too many lines? %s", current.too_many_lines?"yes":"no"); break; default: return NULL; } return buffer; } static bool lrc_debug_menu(void) { struct simplelist_info info; rb->simplelist_info_init(&info, "Debug Menu", 6, NULL); info.hide_selection = true; info.scroll_all = true; info.get_name = lrc_debug_data; return rb->simplelist_show_list(&info); } #endif /* returns one of enum lrc_screen or enum plugin_status */ static int lrc_menu(void) { enum { LRC_MENU_THEME, #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP LRC_MENU_DISPLAY, #endif LRC_MENU_LYRICS, LRC_MENU_PLAYBACK, #ifdef LRC_DEBUG LRC_MENU_DEBUG, #endif LRC_MENU_OFFSET, LRC_MENU_TIMETAG_EDITOR, LRC_MENU_QUIT, }; MENUITEM_STRINGLIST(menu, "Lrcplayer Menu", NULL, "Theme Settings", #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP "Display Settings", #endif "Lyrics Settings", "Playback Control", #ifdef LRC_DEBUG "Debug Menu", #endif "Time Offset", "Timetag Editor", "Quit"); int selected = 0, ret = LRC_GOTO_MENU; bool usb = false; while (ret == LRC_GOTO_MENU) { switch (rb->do_menu(&menu, &selected, NULL, false)) { case LRC_MENU_THEME: usb = lrc_theme_menu(); break; #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP case LRC_MENU_DISPLAY: usb = lrc_display_menu(); break; #endif case LRC_MENU_LYRICS: usb = lrc_lyrics_menu(); break; case LRC_MENU_PLAYBACK: usb = playback_control(NULL); ret = LRC_GOTO_MAIN; break; #ifdef LRC_DEBUG case LRC_MENU_DEBUG: usb = lrc_debug_menu(); ret = LRC_GOTO_MAIN; break; #endif case LRC_MENU_OFFSET: usb = (lrc_set_time("Time Offset", "sec", ¤t.offset, 10, -60*1000, 60*1000, LST_SET_MSEC|LST_SET_SEC) == 1); ret = LRC_GOTO_MAIN; break; case LRC_MENU_TIMETAG_EDITOR: ret = LRC_GOTO_EDITOR; break; case LRC_MENU_QUIT: ret = PLUGIN_OK; break; case MENU_ATTACHED_USB: usb = true; break; default: ret = LRC_GOTO_MAIN; break; } if (usb) ret = PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED; } return ret; } /******************************* * Main. *******************************/ /* returns true if song has changed to know when to load new lyrics. */ static bool check_audio_status(void) { static int last_audio_status = 0; if (current.ff_rewind == -1) current.audio_status = rb->audio_status(); current.id3 = rb->audio_current_track(); if ((last_audio_status^current.audio_status)&AUDIO_STATUS_PLAY) { last_audio_status = current.audio_status; return true; } if (AUDIO_STOP || current.id3 == NULL) return false; if (rb->strcmp(current.mp3_file, current.id3->path)) { return true; } return false; } static void ff_rewind(long time, bool resume) { if (AUDIO_PLAY) { if (!AUDIO_PAUSE) { resume = true; rb->audio_pause(); } rb->audio_ff_rewind(time); rb->sleep(HZ/10); /* take affect seeking */ if (resume) rb->audio_resume(); } } static int handle_button(void) { int ret = LRC_GOTO_MAIN; static int step = 0; int limit, button = rb->get_action(CONTEXT_WPS, HZ/10); switch (button) { case ACTION_WPS_BROWSE: #if CONFIG_KEYPAD == ONDIO_PAD /* ondio doesn't have ACTION_WPS_MENU, so use ACTION_WPS_BROWSE for menu */ ret = LRC_GOTO_MENU; break; #endif case ACTION_WPS_STOP: save_changes(); ret = PLUGIN_OK; break; case ACTION_WPS_PLAY: if (AUDIO_STOP && rb->global_status->resume_index != -1) { if (rb->playlist_resume() != -1) { rb->playlist_resume_track(rb->global_status->resume_index, rb->global_status->resume_crc32, rb->global_status->resume_elapsed, rb->global_status->resume_offset); } } else if (AUDIO_PAUSE) rb->audio_resume(); else rb->audio_pause(); break; case ACTION_WPS_SEEKFWD: case ACTION_WPS_SEEKBACK: if (AUDIO_STOP) break; if (current.ff_rewind > -1) { if (button == ACTION_WPS_SEEKFWD) /* fast forwarding, calc max step relative to end */ limit = (current.length - current.ff_rewind) * 3 / 100; else /* rewinding, calc max step relative to start */ limit = (current.ff_rewind) * 3 / 100; limit = MAX(limit, 500); if (step > limit) step = limit; if (button == ACTION_WPS_SEEKFWD) current.ff_rewind += step; else current.ff_rewind -= step; if (current.ff_rewind > current.length-100) current.ff_rewind = current.length-100; if (current.ff_rewind < 0) current.ff_rewind = 0; /* smooth seeking by multiplying step by: 1 + (2 ^ -accel) */ step += step >> (rb->global_settings->ff_rewind_accel + 3); } else { current.ff_rewind = current.elapsed; if (!AUDIO_PAUSE) rb->audio_pause(); step = 1000 * rb->global_settings->ff_rewind_min_step; } break; case ACTION_WPS_STOPSEEK: if (current.ff_rewind == -1) break; ff_rewind(current.ff_rewind, !AUDIO_PAUSE); current.elapsed = current.ff_rewind; current.ff_rewind = -1; break; case ACTION_WPS_SKIPNEXT: rb->audio_next(); break; case ACTION_WPS_SKIPPREV: if (current.elapsed < 3000) rb->audio_prev(); else ff_rewind(0, false); break; case ACTION_WPS_VOLDOWN: limit = rb->sound_min(SOUND_VOLUME); if (--rb->global_settings->volume < limit) rb->global_settings->volume = limit; rb->sound_set(SOUND_VOLUME, rb->global_settings->volume); break; case ACTION_WPS_VOLUP: limit = rb->sound_max(SOUND_VOLUME); if (++rb->global_settings->volume > limit) rb->global_settings->volume = limit; rb->sound_set(SOUND_VOLUME, rb->global_settings->volume); break; case ACTION_WPS_CONTEXT: ret = LRC_GOTO_EDITOR; break; case ACTION_WPS_MENU: ret = LRC_GOTO_MENU; break; default: if(rb->default_event_handler(button) == SYS_USB_CONNECTED) ret = PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED; break; } return ret; } static int lrc_main(void) { int ret = LRC_GOTO_MAIN; long id3_timeout = 0; bool update_display_state = true; #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP /* y offset of vp_lyrics */ int h = (prefs.display_title?font_ui_height:0)+ (prefs.display_time?SYSFONT_HEIGHT*2:0); #endif FOR_NB_SCREENS(i) { #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP rb->viewportmanager_theme_enable(i, prefs.statusbar_on, &vp_info[i]); vp_lyrics[i] = vp_info[i]; vp_lyrics[i].flags &= ~VP_FLAG_ALIGNMENT_MASK; vp_lyrics[i].y += h; vp_lyrics[i].height -= h; #else rb->viewport_set_defaults(&vp_lyrics[i], i); if (prefs.display_time) { vp_lyrics[i].y += 1; /* time */ vp_lyrics[i].height -= 1; } #endif } if (prefs.backlight_on) backlight_ignore_timeout(); #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP /* in case settings that may affect break position * are changed (statusbar_on and wrap). */ if (!current.too_many_lines) calc_brpos(NULL, 0); #endif while (ret == LRC_GOTO_MAIN) { if (check_audio_status()) { update_display_state = true; if (AUDIO_STOP) { current.id3 = NULL; id3_timeout = 0; } else if (rb->strcmp(current.mp3_file, current.id3->path)) { save_changes(); reset_current_data(); rb->strcpy(current.mp3_file, current.id3->path); id3_timeout = *rb->current_tick+HZ*3; current.found_lrc = false; } } if (current.id3 && current.id3->length) { if (current.ff_rewind == -1) { long di = current.id3->elapsed - current.elapsed; if (di < -250 || di > 0) current.elapsed = current.id3->elapsed; } else current.elapsed = current.ff_rewind; current.length = current.id3->length; if (current.elapsed > current.length) current.elapsed = current.length; } else { current.elapsed = 0; current.length = 1; } if (current.id3 && id3_timeout && (TIME_AFTER(*rb->current_tick, id3_timeout) || current.id3->artist)) { update_display_state = true; id3_timeout = 0; current.found_lrc = find_lrc_file(); #ifdef LRC_SUPPORT_ID3 if (!current.found_lrc && prefs.read_id3) { /* no lyrics file found. try to read from id3 tag. */ current.found_lrc = read_id3(); } #endif } else if (current.found_lrc && !current.loaded_lrc) { /* current.loaded_lrc is false after changing encode setting */ update_display_state = true; display_state(); load_lrc_file(); } if (update_display_state) { #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP if (current.type == TXT || current.type == ID3_USLT) current.wipe = false; else current.wipe = prefs.wipe; #endif display_state(); update_display_state = false; } if (AUDIO_PLAY) { if (prefs.display_time) display_time(); if (!id3_timeout) display_lrcs(); } ret = handle_button(); } #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP FOR_NB_SCREENS(i) rb->viewportmanager_theme_undo(i, false); #endif if (prefs.backlight_on) backlight_use_settings(); return ret; } /* this is the plugin entry point */ enum plugin_status plugin_start(const void* parameter) { int ret = LRC_GOTO_MAIN; /* initialize settings. */ load_or_save_settings(false); #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP uifont = rb->screens[0]->getuifont(); font_ui_height = rb->font_get(uifont)->height; #endif lrc_buffer = rb->plugin_get_buffer(&lrc_buffer_size); lrc_buffer = ALIGN_UP(lrc_buffer, 4); /* 4 bytes aligned */ lrc_buffer_size = (lrc_buffer_size - 4)&~3; reset_current_data(); current.id3 = NULL; current.mp3_file[0] = 0; current.lrc_file[0] = 0; current.ff_rewind = -1; current.found_lrc = false; if (parameter && check_audio_status()) { const char *ext; rb->strcpy(current.mp3_file, current.id3->path); /* use passed parameter as lrc file. */ rb->strcpy(current.lrc_file, parameter); if (!rb->file_exists(current.lrc_file)) { rb->splash(HZ, "Specified file dose not exist."); return PLUGIN_ERROR; } ext = rb->strrchr(current.lrc_file, '.'); if (!ext) ext = current.lrc_file; for (current.type = 0; current.type < NUM_TYPES; current.type++) { if (!rb->strcasecmp(ext, extentions[current.type])) break; } if (current.type == NUM_TYPES) { rb->splashf(HZ, "%s is not supported", ext); return PLUGIN_ERROR; } current.found_lrc = true; } while (ret >= PLUGIN_OTHER) { switch (ret) { case LRC_GOTO_MAIN: ret = lrc_main(); break; case LRC_GOTO_MENU: ret = lrc_menu(); break; case LRC_GOTO_EDITOR: ret = timetag_editor(); break; default: ret = PLUGIN_ERROR; break; } } load_or_save_settings(true); return ret; }