#!/usr/bin/env perl ############################################################################ # __________ __ ___. # Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ # Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / # Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < # Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ # \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ # $Id$ # # Copyright (C) 2019 by William Wilgus # # All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License. # See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement. # # This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. # ############################################################################ #rockbox to lua define generator, add names of constants to the array to include if ($#ARGV + 1 != 1) { warn "no definition type defined"; exit; } my $def_type = $ARGV[0]; #warn "$def_type\n"; my $lua_table; my @rockbox_defines; if ($def_type eq "rb_defines") { $lua_table = "rb"; @rockbox_defines = ( '^HZ$', '^LCD_(DEPTH|HEIGHT|WIDTH)$', '^MODEL_NAME$', '^SCREEN_MAIN$', '^LCD_DEFAULT_(FG|BG)$', '^LCD_REMOTE_(DEPTH|HEIGHT|WIDTH)$', '^LCD_.+(BRIGHT|DARK)COLOR', '^SCREEN_REMOTE$', '^FONT_SYSFIXED$', '^FONT_UI$', '^PLAYBACK_EVENT_.*', '^PLAYLIST_(INSERT|PREPEND|REPLACE)', '^TOUCHSCREEN_(POINT|BUTTON)$', '^SYS_CHARGER_(DIS|)CONNECTED$', '^SYS_(TIMEOUT|POWEROFF)$', '^SYS_USB_(DIS|)CONNECTED$', '^HOME_DIR$', '^PLUGIN_DIR$', '^PLUGIN(_APPS_|_GAMES_|_)DATA_DIR$', '^ROCKBOX_DIR$', '^VIEWERS_DATA_DIR$'); } elsif ($def_type eq "sound_defines") { $lua_table = "rb.sound_settings"; @rockbox_defines = ( '^(?!.*LAST_SETTING)SOUND_'); } my @captured_defines; my @names_seen; my @all_defines; ############# precompile regex for speed ############# my $def_regex = qr/#define\s+([^\s\r\n]+)\s+([^\r\n]+)/; my $quot_regex = qr/.*([\"\']).*/; my $num_regex = qr/.*([\+\-\*\\|&\d]).*/; my $configh_regex = qr/^\s*#define\s*__CONFIG_H__\s*$/; my $config_h = "?"; my $exclude_regex = qr/^#define\s*_?POSIX.*/; my $exclude_enum_regex = qr/^#define\s*(_SC_|_PC_|_CS_).*/; print < #include #define stringify(s) #s /* auto generated defines */ EOF ; while(my $line = ) { if($config_h eq "?" && $line =~ $configh_regex) { $config_h = $line; } next if($config_h eq "?"); #don't capture till we get to the config file next if($line =~ $exclude_regex); if($line =~ $def_regex) #does it begin with #define? { push(@all_defines, $line); #save all defines for possible ambiguous macros $name = $1; next if $name =~ /^(ATTRIBUTE_|print|__).*/; #don't add reserved $value = $2; if(grep($name =~ $_, @rockbox_defines)) { push(@names_seen, $name); push(@captured_defines, {'name' => $name, 'value' => $value}); print $line } else { $name =~ s{(\(.*\))}{}gx; #remove (...) on function type macros #ifndef guard so we don't clash with the host printf "#ifndef %s\n%s#endif\n\n", $name, $line; } } elsif($line =~ /^(?!.*;)enum.*{/) #enum { { next if($line =~ /enum\s*__.*/); #don't add reserved print $line; next if($line =~ /.*};.*/); do_enum($line) } elsif($line =~ /^(?!.*[;\(\)])enum.*/) #enum { next if($line =~ /enum\s*__.*/); #don't add reserved #need to be careful might be a function returning enum my $lastline = $line; next if($line =~ /.*};.*/); ($line = ); if($line =~ /.*{.*/) { print $lastline; print $line; } else { next; } do_enum($line) } elsif($line =~ /^enum.*{[^;]+};.*/) #enum { { next if($line =~ /enum\s*__.*/); #don't add reserved next if(do_enum($line)); } } #warn "total defines: ".scalar @all_defines; #warn "captured defines: ".scalar @captured_defines; #Sort the functions my @sorted_defines = sort { @$a{'name'} cmp @$b{'name'} } @captured_defines; printf "int main(void)\n{\n"; printf "\tprintf(\"--[[Autogenerated rockbox constants]]\\n\\n\");\n\n"; printf "\tprintf(\"%s = %s or {}\\n\");\n", $lua_table, $lua_table; # Print the C array foreach my $define (@sorted_defines) { if(@$define{'value'} =~ /^0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+$/) #hex number { printf "\tprintf(\"%s[\\\"%%s\\\"] = 0x%%x\\n\", stringify(%s), %s);\n", $lua_table, @$define{'name'}, @$define{'name'}; } elsif(@$define{'value'} =~ /^[0-9]+$/) #number { printf "\tprintf(\"%s[\\\"%%s\\\"] = %%d\\n\", stringify(%s), %s);\n", $lua_table, @$define{'name'}, @$define{'name'}; } else #might be a string but we don't know since the macro isn't expanded far enough { my $max_depth = 10; my $var = @$define{'value'}; while($max_depth > 0) #follow the chain of #defines until we can see what type { $max_depth--; $var = "\\\s*#define\\s+$var\\s+.*"; #warn $var; if(my ($x) = grep($_ =~ /($var)/, @all_defines)) #check all the defines { #warn $x; if($x =~ $def_regex) { $var = $2; #warn $var; last if ($var =~ $quot_regex); last if ($var =~ $num_regex); next } #warn "end ".$var; last } else { $var = @$define{'value'}; last } } if ($var =~$quot_regex) #has a quote it is a string { #guard with empty literals "" so gcc throws an error if it isn't a string printf "\tprintf(\"%s[\\\"%%s\\\"] = \\\"%%s\\\"\\n\", stringify(%s), \"\" %s \"\");\n", $lua_table, @$define{'name'}, @$define{'name'}; } elsif ($var =~$num_regex) #it must be a number { printf "\tprintf(\"%s[\\\"%%s\\\"] = %%d\\n\", stringify(%s), %s);\n", $lua_table, @$define{'name'}, @$define{'name'}; } else { warn "Skipping ".@$define{'name'}." indeterminate macro type\n"; } } } print < $name, 'value' => $value}); } } return 1; } while($line = ) { next if($line =~ $exclude_enum_regex); if($line =~ /.*};.*/) { print $line; last } elsif($line =~ /([^\s,\t]+)\s*=?.*,?/) { $name = $1; #printf "%s WHATTT?", $name; $value = "0"; #enums are always integers } print $line; if(grep($name =~ $_, @rockbox_defines)) { push(@names_seen, $name); push(@captured_defines, {'name' => $name, 'value' => $value}); } } return 0; }