/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) 2008 Dan Everton (safetydan) * Copyright (C) 2009 Maurus Cuelenaere * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #define lrockimg_c #define LUA_LIB #define ICON_PADDING_S "1" #include "lua.h" #include "lauxlib.h" #include "rocklib.h" #include "rocklib_img.h" /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Rockbox Lua image wrapper * * Some devices(1-bit / 2-bit displays) have packed bit formats that * need to be unpacked in order to work on them at a pixel level. * * The internal formats of these devices do not follow the same paradigm * for image sizes either; We still display the actual width and height to * the user but store stride based on the native values * * Conversion between native addressing and per pixel addressing * incurs extra overhead but it is much faster to do it * on the 'C' side rather than in lua. * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define ROCKLUA_IMAGE LUA_ROCKLIBNAME ".image" /* mark for RLI to LUA Interface functions (luaState *L) is the only argument */ #define RLI_LUA static int #ifndef ABS #define ABS(a)(((a) < 0) ? - (a) :(a)) #endif struct rocklua_image { int width; int height; int stride; size_t elems; fb_data *data; fb_data dummy[1][1]; }; /* holds iterator data for rlimages */ struct rli_iter_d { int x , y; int x1, y1; int x2, y2; int dx, dy; fb_data *elem; struct rocklua_image *img; }; /* __tostring information enums */ enum rli_info {RLI_INFO_ALL = 0, RLI_INFO_TYPE, RLI_INFO_WIDTH, RLI_INFO_HEIGHT, RLI_INFO_ELEMS, RLI_INFO_BYTES, RLI_INFO_DEPTH, RLI_INFO_FORMAT, RLI_INFO_ADDRESS}; #ifdef HAVE_LCD_COLOR static inline fb_data invert_color(fb_data rgb) { uint8_t r = 0xFFU - FB_UNPACK_RED(rgb); uint8_t g = 0xFFU - FB_UNPACK_GREEN(rgb); uint8_t b = 0xFFU - FB_UNPACK_BLUE(rgb); return FB_RGBPACK(r, g, b); } #else /* !HAVE_LCD_COLOR */ #define invert_color(c) (~c) #endif /* HAVE_LCD_COLOR */ #if (LCD_DEPTH > 2) /* no native to pixel mapping needed */ #define pixel_to_fb(x, y, o, n) {(void) x; (void) y; do { } while (0);} #define pixel_to_native(x, y, xn, yn) {*xn = x; *yn = y;} #define init_pixelmask(x, y, m, p) do { } while (0) #else /* some devices need x | y coords shifted to match native format */ static fb_data x_shift = FB_SCALARPACK(0); static fb_data y_shift = FB_SCALARPACK(0); static fb_data xy_mask = FB_SCALARPACK(0); static const fb_data *pixelmask = NULL; /* conversion between packed native formats and individual pixel addressing */ static inline void init_pixelmask(fb_data *x_shift, fb_data *y_shift, fb_data *xy_mask, const fb_data **pixelmask) { #if(LCD_PIXELFORMAT == VERTICAL_PACKING) && LCD_DEPTH == 1 static const fb_data pixelmask_v1[8] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80}; *pixelmask = pixelmask_v1; (void) x_shift; *y_shift = 3U; *xy_mask = ((1 << (*y_shift)) - 1); #elif(LCD_PIXELFORMAT == VERTICAL_PACKING) && LCD_DEPTH == 2 static const fb_data pixelmask_v2[4] = {0x03, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC0}; *pixelmask = pixelmask_v2; (void) x_shift; *y_shift = 2U; *xy_mask = ((1 << (*y_shift)) - 1); #elif(LCD_PIXELFORMAT == VERTICAL_INTERLEAVED) && LCD_DEPTH == 2 static const fb_data pixelmask_vi2[8] = {0x0101, 0x0202, 0x0404, 0x0808, 0x1010, 0x2020, 0x4040, 0x8080}; *pixelmask = pixelmask_vi2; (void) x_shift; *y_shift = 3U; *xy_mask = ((1 << (*y_shift)) - 1); #elif(LCD_PIXELFORMAT == HORIZONTAL_PACKING) && LCD_DEPTH == 2 /* MSB on left */ static const fb_data pixelmask_h2[4] = {0x03, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC0}; *pixelmask = pixelmask_h2; (void) y_shift; *x_shift = 2U; *xy_mask = ((1 << (*x_shift)) - 1); #else #warning Unknown Pixel Format #endif /* LCD_PIXELFORMAT */ } /* init_pixelmask */ static inline void pixel_to_native(int x, int y, int *x_native, int *y_native) { *x_native = ((x - 1) >> x_shift) + 1; *y_native = ((y - 1) >> y_shift) + 1; } /* pixel_to_native */ static inline fb_data set_masked_pixel(fb_data old, fb_data new, fb_data mask, int bit_n) { /*equivalent of: (old & (~mask)) | ((new << bit_n) & mask);*/ return old ^ ((old ^ (new << bit_n)) & mask); } /* set_masked_pixel */ static inline fb_data get_masked_pixel(fb_data val, fb_data mask, int bit_n) { val = val & mask; return val >> bit_n; } /* get_masked_pixel */ /* conversion between packed native formats and individual pixel addressing */ static void pixel_to_fb(int x, int y, fb_data *oldv, fb_data *newv) { fb_data mask; int bit_n; #if(LCD_PIXELFORMAT == VERTICAL_INTERLEAVED) && LCD_DEPTH == 2 (void) x; const uint16_t greymap_vi2[4] = {0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0100, 0x0101}; bit_n = (y - 1) & xy_mask; mask = pixelmask[bit_n]; *newv = greymap_vi2[*newv &(0x3)]; /* [0-3] => greymap */ *newv = set_masked_pixel(*oldv, *newv, mask, bit_n); *oldv = get_masked_pixel(*oldv, mask, bit_n); if((*oldv) > 1) /* greymap => [0-3] */ *oldv = ((*oldv) & 0x1U) + 2U; /* 2, 3 */ else *oldv &= 1U; /* 0, 1 */ #elif(LCD_DEPTH <= 2) if(y_shift) bit_n = (y - 1) & xy_mask; else if(x_shift) bit_n = xy_mask - ((x - 1) & xy_mask); /*MSB on left*/ if(y_shift || x_shift) { mask = pixelmask[bit_n]; bit_n *= LCD_DEPTH; *newv = set_masked_pixel(*oldv, *newv, mask, bit_n); *oldv = get_masked_pixel(*oldv, mask, bit_n); } #else #error Unknown Pixel Format #endif /* LCD_PIXELFORMAT == VERTICAL_INTERLEAVED && LCD_DEPTH == 2 */ } /* pixel_to_fb */ #endif /* (LCD_DEPTH > 2) no native to pixel mapping needed */ /* Internal worker functions for image data array *****************************/ static inline fb_data lua_to_fbscalar(lua_State *L, int narg) { lua_Integer luaint = lua_tointeger(L, narg); fb_data val = FB_SCALARPACK((unsigned) luaint); return val; } static inline void swap_int(bool swap, int *v1, int *v2) { if(swap) { int val = *v1; *v1 = *v2; *v2 = val; } } /* swap_int */ /* Throws error if x or y are out of bounds notifies user which narg indice the out of bound variable originated */ static void bounds_check_xy(lua_State *L, struct rocklua_image *img, int nargx, int x, int nargy, int y) { int narg; if(x > img->width || x < 1) narg = nargx; else if(y <= img->height && y > 0) return; /* note -- return if no error */ else narg = nargy; luaL_argerror(L, narg, ERR_IDX_RANGE); } /* bounds_check_xy */ static struct rocklua_image* rli_checktype(lua_State *L, int arg) { #if 0 return (struct rocklua_image*) luaL_checkudata(L, arg, ROCKLUA_IMAGE); #else /* cache result */ static struct rocklua_image* last = NULL; void *ud = lua_touserdata(L, arg); if(ud != NULL) { if(ud == last) return last; else if (lua_getmetatable(L, arg)) { /* does it have a metatable? */ luaL_getmetatable(L, ROCKLUA_IMAGE); /* get correct metatable */ if (lua_rawequal(L, -1, -2)) { /* does it have the correct mt? */ lua_pop(L, 2); /* remove both metatables */ last = (struct rocklua_image*) ud; return last; } } } luaL_typerror(L, arg, ROCKLUA_IMAGE); /* else error */ return NULL; /* to avoid warnings */ #endif } /* rli_checktype */ static struct rocklua_image * alloc_rlimage(lua_State *L, bool alloc_data, int width, int height) { /* rliimage is pushed on the stack it is up to you to pop it */ struct rocklua_image *img; const size_t sz_header = sizeof(struct rocklua_image); size_t sz_data = 0; size_t n_elems; int w_native; int h_native; pixel_to_native(width, height, &w_native, &h_native); n_elems = (size_t)(w_native * h_native); if(alloc_data) /* if this a new image we need space for image data */ sz_data = n_elems * sizeof(fb_data); /* newuserdata pushes the userdata onto the stack */ img = (struct rocklua_image *) lua_newuserdata(L, sz_header + sz_data); luaL_getmetatable(L, ROCKLUA_IMAGE); lua_setmetatable(L, -2); /* apparent w/h is stored but behind the scenes native w/h is used */ img->width = width; img->height = height; img->stride = STRIDE_MAIN(w_native, h_native); img->elems = n_elems; return img; } /* alloc_rlimage */ static inline void rli_wrap(lua_State *L, fb_data *src, int width, int height) { /* rliimage is pushed on the stack it is up to you to pop it */ struct rocklua_image *a = alloc_rlimage(L, false, width, height); a->data = src; } /* rli_wrap */ static inline fb_data* rli_alloc(lua_State *L, int width, int height) { /* rliimage is pushed on the stack it is up to you to pop it */ struct rocklua_image *a = alloc_rlimage(L, true, width, height); a->data = &a->dummy[0][0]; /* ref to beginning of alloc'd img data */ return a->data; } /* rli_alloc */ static inline fb_data data_set(fb_data *elem, int x, int y, fb_data *val) { fb_data old_val; fb_data new_val; if(elem) { old_val = *elem; if(val) { new_val = *val; pixel_to_fb(x, y, &old_val, &new_val); *elem = new_val; } else pixel_to_fb(x, y, &old_val, &new_val); } else old_val = FB_SCALARPACK(0); return old_val; } /* data_set */ static inline fb_data data_get(fb_data *elem, int x, int y) { return data_set(elem, x, y, NULL); } /* data_get */ static inline fb_data* rli_get_element(struct rocklua_image* img, int x, int y) { int stride = img->stride; size_t elements = img->elems; fb_data *data = img->data; pixel_to_native(x, y, &x, &y); #if defined(LCD_STRIDEFORMAT) && LCD_STRIDEFORMAT == VERTICAL_STRIDE /* column major address */ size_t data_address = (stride * (x - 1)) + (y - 1); /* y needs bound between 0 and stride otherwise overflow to prev/next x */ if(y <= 0 || y > stride || data_address >= elements) return NULL; /* data overflow */ #else /* row major address */ size_t data_address = (stride * (y - 1)) + (x - 1); /* x needs bound between 0 and stride otherwise overflow to prev/next y */ if(x <= 0 || x > stride || data_address >= elements) return NULL; /* data overflow */ #endif return &data[data_address]; /* return element address */ } /* rli_get_element */ /* Lua to C Interface for pixel set and get functions */ static int rli_setget(lua_State *L, bool is_get, int narg_clip) { /*(set) (dst*, [x1, y1, clr, clip]) */ /*(get) (dst*, [x1, y1, clip]) */ struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1); int x = lua_tointeger(L, 2); int y = lua_tointeger(L, 3); fb_data clr; /* Arg 4 is color if set element */ fb_data *element = rli_get_element(a, x, y); if(!element) { if(!lua_toboolean(L, narg_clip)) /* Error if !clip */ bounds_check_xy(L, a, 2, x, 3, y); lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } if(is_get) /* get element */ lua_pushinteger(L, FB_UNPACK_SCALAR_LCD(data_get(element, x, y))); else /* set element */ { clr = lua_to_fbscalar(L, 4); lua_pushinteger(L, FB_UNPACK_SCALAR_LCD(data_set(element, x, y, &clr))); } /* returns old value */ return 1; } /* rli_setget */ #ifdef RLI_EXTENDED static bool rli_iter_init(struct rli_iter_d *d, struct rocklua_image *img, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int dx, int dy, bool swx, bool swy) { swap_int((swx), &x1, &x2); swap_int((swy), &y1, &y2); /* stepping in the correct x direction ? */ if((dx ^ (x2 - x1)) < 0) dx = -dx; /* stepping in the correct y direction ? */ if((dy ^ (y2 - y1)) < 0) dy = -dy; d->img = img; d->x = x1; d->y = y1; d->x1 = x1; d->y1 = y1; d->x2 = x2; d->y2 = y2; d->dx = dx; d->dy = dy; d->elem = rli_get_element(img, d->x, d->y); return(dx != 0 || dy != 0); } /* rli_iter_init */ static struct rli_iter_d * rli_iter_create(lua_State *L) { struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1); int x1 = luaL_optint(L, 2, 1); int y1 = luaL_optint(L, 3, 1); int x2 = luaL_optint(L, 4, a->width); int y2 = luaL_optint(L, 5, a->height); int dx = luaL_optint(L, 6, 1); int dy = luaL_optint(L, 7, 1); bool clip = lua_toboolean(L, 8); if(!clip) { bounds_check_xy(L, a, 2, x1, 3, y1); bounds_check_xy(L, a, 4, x2, 5, y2); } struct rli_iter_d *ds; /* create new iter + pushed onto stack */ ds = (struct rli_iter_d *) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(struct rli_iter_d)); rli_iter_init(ds, a, x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, false, false); return ds; } /* steps to the next point(x, y) by delta x/y, stores pointer to element returns true if x & y haven't reached x2 & y2 if limit reached - element set to NULL, deltas set to 0 & false returned */ static bool next_rli_iter(struct rli_iter_d *d) { if((d->dx > 0 && d->x < d->x2) || (d->dx < 0 && d->x > d->x2)) d->x += d->dx; else if((d->dy > 0 && d->y < d->y2) || (d->dy < 0 && d->y > d->y2)) { d->x = d->x1; /* Reset x*/ d->y += d->dy; } else { d->elem = NULL; d->dx = 0; d->dy = 0; return false; } d->elem = rli_get_element(d->img, d->x, d->y); return true; } /* next_rli_iter */ static void d_line(struct rocklua_image *img, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, fb_data *clr) { /* NOTE! clr passed as pointer */ /* Bresenham midpoint line algorithm */ fb_data *element; int r_a = x2 - x1; /* range of x direction called 'a' for now */ int r_b = y2 - y1; /* range of y direction called 'b' for now */ int s_a = (r_a > 0) - (r_a < 0); /* step of a direction -1, 0, 1 */ int s_b = (r_b > 0) - (r_b < 0); /* step of b direction -1, 0, 1 */ int d_err; int numpixels; int *a1 = &x1; /* pointer to the x var 'a' */ int *b1 = &y1; /* pointer to the y var 'b' */ r_a = ABS(r_a);/* instead of negative range we switch step */ r_b = ABS(r_b);/* instead of negative range we switch step */ if(r_b > r_a) /*if rangeY('b') > rangeX('a') swap their identities */ { a1 = &y1; /* pointer to the y var 'a' */ b1 = &x1; /* pointer to the x var 'b' */ swap_int((true), &r_a, &r_b); swap_int((true), &s_a, &s_b); } d_err = ((r_b << 1) - r_a) >> 1; /* preload err of 1 step (px centered) */ /* add 1 extra point to make the whole line */ numpixels = r_a + 1; r_a -= r_b; /* pre-subtract 'a' - 'b' */ for(; numpixels > 0; numpixels--) { element = rli_get_element(img, x1, y1); data_set(element, x1, y1, clr); if(d_err >= 0) /* 0 is our target midpoint(exact point on the line) */ { *b1 += s_b; /* whichever axis is in 'b' stepped(-1 or +1) */ d_err -= r_a; } else d_err += r_b; /* only add 'b' when d_err < 0 */ *a1 += s_a; /* whichever axis is in 'a' stepped(-1 or +1) */ } } /* d_line */ /* ellipse worker function */ static void d_ellipse_elements(struct rocklua_image * img, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, fb_data *clr, fb_data *fillclr) { fb_data *element; if(fillclr) { d_line(img, x1, y1, x2, y1, fillclr); /* I. II.*/ d_line(img, x1, y2, x2, y2, fillclr); /* III.IV.*/ } element = rli_get_element(img, x2, y1); data_set(element, x2, y1, clr); /* I. Quadrant +x +y */ element = rli_get_element(img, x1, y1); data_set(element, x1, y1, clr); /* II. Quadrant -x +y */ element = rli_get_element(img, x1, y2); data_set(element, x1, y2, clr); /* III. Quadrant -x -y */ element = rli_get_element(img, x2, y2); data_set(element, x2, y2, clr); /* IV. Quadrant +x -y */ } /* d_ellipse_elements */ static void d_ellipse(struct rocklua_image *img, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, fb_data *clr, fb_data *fillclr) { /* NOTE! clr and fillclr passed as pointers */ /* Rasterizing algorithm derivative of work by Alois Zingl */ #if (LCD_WIDTH > 1024 || LCD_HEIGHT > 1024) && defined(INT64_MAX) /* Prevents overflow on large screens */ int64_t dx, dy, err, e1; #else int32_t dx, dy, err, e1; #endif /* if called with swapped points .. exchange them */ swap_int((x1 > x2), &x1, &x2); swap_int((y1 > y2), &y1, &y2); int a = x2 - x1; /* diameter */ int b = y2 - y1; /* diameter */ if(a == 0 || b == 0) return; /* not an error but nothing to display */ int b1 = (b & 1); b = b - (1 - b1); int a2 = (a * a); int b2 = (b * b); dx = ((1 - a) * b2) >> 1; /* error increment */ dy = (b1 * a2) >> 1; /* error increment */ err = dx + dy + b1 * a2; /* error of 1.step */ y1 += (b + 1) >> 1; y2 = y1 - b1; do { d_ellipse_elements(img, x1, y1, x2, y2, clr, fillclr); e1 = err; if(e1 <= (dy >> 1)) /* target midpoint - y step */ { y1++; y2--; dy += a2; err += dy; } if(e1 >= (dx >> 1) || err > (dy >> 1)) /* target midpoint - x step */ { x1++; x2--; dx += b2; err += dx; } } while(x1 <= x2); if (fillclr && x1 - x2 <= 2) fillclr = clr; while (y1 - y2 < b) /* early stop of flat ellipse a=1 finish tip */ { d_ellipse_elements(img, x1, y1, x2, y2, clr, fillclr); y1++; y2--; } } /* d_ellipse */ /* Lua to C Interface for line and ellipse */ static int rli_line_ellipse(lua_State *L, bool is_ellipse, int narg_clip) { struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1); int x1 = luaL_checkint(L, 2); int y1 = luaL_checkint(L, 3); int x2 = luaL_optint(L, 4, x1); int y2 = luaL_optint(L, 5, y1); fb_data clr = lua_to_fbscalar(L, 6); fb_data fillclr; /* fill color is index 7 if is_ellipse */ fb_data *p_fillclr = NULL; bool clip = lua_toboolean(L, narg_clip); if(!clip) { bounds_check_xy(L, a, 2, x1, 3, y1); bounds_check_xy(L, a, 4, x2, 5, y2); } if(is_ellipse) { if(lua_type(L, 7) == LUA_TNUMBER) { fillclr = lua_to_fbscalar(L, 7); p_fillclr = &fillclr; } d_ellipse(a, x1, y1, x2, y2, &clr, p_fillclr); } else d_line(a, x1, y1, x2, y2, &clr); return 0; } /* rli_line_ellipse */ static inline int rli_pushpixel(lua_State *L, fb_data color, int x, int y) { lua_pushinteger(L, FB_UNPACK_SCALAR_LCD(color)); lua_pushinteger(L, x); lua_pushinteger(L, y); return 3; } /* User defined pixel manipulations through rli_copy, rli_marshal */ static void custom_transform(lua_State *L, struct rli_iter_d *ds, struct rli_iter_d *ss, int op, fb_data *color) { (void) color; (void) op; fb_data dst; fb_data src; int params; bool done = true; if (true)/*(lua_isfunction(L, -1))*/ { lua_pushvalue(L, -1); /* make a copy of the lua function */ dst = data_get(ds->elem, ds->x, ds->y); params = rli_pushpixel(L, dst, ds->x, ds->y); if(ss) /* Allows src to be omitted */ { src = data_get(ss->elem, ss->x, ss->y); params += rli_pushpixel(L, src, ss->x, ss->y); } lua_call(L, params, 2); /* call custom function w/ n-params & 2 ret */ if(lua_type(L, -2) == LUA_TNUMBER) { done = false; dst = lua_to_fbscalar(L, -2); data_set(ds->elem, ds->x, ds->y, &dst); } if(ss && (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER)) { done = false; src = lua_to_fbscalar(L, -1); data_set(ss->elem, ss->x, ss->y, &src); } lua_pop(L, 2); } if(done) /* signal iter to stop */ { ds->dx = 0; ds->dy = 0; } } /* custom_transform */ /* Pre defined pixel manipulations through rli_copy */ static void blit_transform(lua_State *L, struct rli_iter_d *ds, struct rli_iter_d *ss, int op, fb_data *color) { (void) L; unsigned clr = FB_UNPACK_SCALAR_LCD(*color); unsigned dst = FB_UNPACK_SCALAR_LCD(data_get(ds->elem, ds->x, ds->y)); unsigned src; /* Reuse 0 - 7 for src / clr blits*/ if(op >= 30 && op <= 37) { op -= 30; src = clr; } else src = FB_UNPACK_SCALAR_LCD(data_get(ss->elem, ss->x, ss->y)); switch(op) { default: /* case 30: */ case 0: { dst = src; break; }/* copyS/C */ /* case 31: */ case 1: { dst = src | dst; break; }/* DorS/C */ /* case 32: */ case 2: { dst = src ^ dst; break; }/* DxorS/C */ /* case 33: */ case 3: { dst = ~(src | dst); break; }/* nDorS/C */ /* case 34: */ case 4: { dst = (~src) | dst; break; }/* DornS/C */ /* case 35: */ case 5: { dst = src & dst; break; }/* DandS/C */ /* case 36: */ case 6: { dst = src & (~dst); break; }/* nDandS/C */ /* case 37: */ case 7: { dst = ~src; break; }/* notS/C */ /* mask blits */ case 8: { if(src != 0) { dst = clr; } break; }/* Sand */ case 9: { if(src == 0) { dst = clr; } break; }/* Snot */ case 10: { dst = src | clr; break; }/* SorC */ case 11: { dst = src ^ clr; break; }/* SxorC */ case 12: { dst = ~(src | clr); break; }/* nSorC */ case 13: { dst = src | (~clr); break; }/* SornC */ case 14: { dst = src & clr; break; }/* SandC */ case 15: { dst = (~src) & clr; break; }/* nSandC */ case 16: { dst |= (~src) | clr; break; }/* DornSorC */ case 17: { dst ^= (src & (dst ^ clr)); break; }/* DxorSandDxorC */ case 18: { if(src != clr) { dst = src; } break; } case 19: { if(src == clr) { dst = src; } break; } case 20: { if(src > clr) { dst = src; } break; } case 21: { if(src < clr) { dst = src; } break; } case 22: { if(dst != clr) { dst = src; } break; } case 23: { if(dst == clr) { dst = src; } break; } case 24: { if(dst > clr) { dst = src; } break; } case 25: { if(dst < clr) { dst = src; } break; } case 26: { if(dst != src) { dst = clr; } break; } case 27: { if(dst == src) { dst = clr; } break; } case 28: { if(dst > src) { dst = clr; } break; } case 29: { if(dst < src) { dst = clr; } break; } #if 0 /* src unneeded */ case 30: { dst = clr; break; }/* copyC */ case 31: { dst = clr | dst; break; }/* DorC */ case 32: { dst = clr ^ dst; break; }/* DxorC */ case 33: { dst = ~(clr | dst); break; }/* nDorC */ case 34: { dst = (~clr) | dst; break; }/* DornC */ case 35: { dst = clr & dst; break; }/* DandC */ case 36: { dst = clr & (~dst); break; }/* nDandC */ case 37: { dst = ~clr; break; }/* notC */ #endif }/*switch op*/ fb_data val = FB_SCALARPACK(dst); data_set(ds->elem, ds->x, ds->y, &val); } /* blit_transform */ static void invert_transform(lua_State *L, struct rli_iter_d *ds, struct rli_iter_d *ss, int op, fb_data *color) { (void) L; (void) color; (void) op; (void) ss; fb_data val = invert_color(data_get(ds->elem, ds->x, ds->y)); data_set(ds->elem, ds->x, ds->y, &val); } /* invert_transform */ static void clear_transform(lua_State *L, struct rli_iter_d *ds, struct rli_iter_d *ss, int op, fb_data *color) { (void) L; (void) op; (void) ss; data_set(ds->elem, ds->x, ds->y, color); } /* clear_transform */ #endif /* RLI_EXTENDED */ /* RLI to LUA Interface functions *********************************************/ RLI_LUA rli_new(lua_State *L) { /* [width, height] */ int width = luaL_optint(L, 1, LCD_WIDTH); int height = luaL_optint(L, 2, LCD_HEIGHT); luaL_argcheck(L, width > 0 && height > 0, (width <= 0) ? 1 : 2, ERR_IDX_RANGE); rli_alloc(L, width, height); return 1; } RLI_LUA rli_set(lua_State *L) { /*(set) (dst*, [x1, y1, clr, clip]) */ return rli_setget(L, false, 5); } RLI_LUA rli_get(lua_State *L) { /*(get) (dst*, [x1, y1, clip]) */ return rli_setget(L, true, 4); } RLI_LUA rli_equal(lua_State *L) { struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1); struct rocklua_image *b = rli_checktype(L, 2); lua_pushboolean(L, a->data == b->data); return 1; } RLI_LUA rli_height(lua_State *L) { struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1); lua_pushinteger(L, a->height); return 1; } RLI_LUA rli_width(lua_State *L) { struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1); lua_pushinteger(L, a->width); return 1; } RLI_LUA rli_size(lua_State *L) { struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1); lua_pushinteger(L, a->elems); return 1; } RLI_LUA rli_raw(lua_State *L) { /*val = (img*, index, [new_val]) */ struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1); size_t i = (unsigned) lua_tointeger(L, 2); fb_data val; luaL_argcheck(L, i > 0 && i <= (a->elems), 2, ERR_IDX_RANGE); lua_pushinteger(L, FB_UNPACK_SCALAR_LCD(a->data[i-1])); if(lua_type(L, 3) == LUA_TNUMBER) { val = lua_to_fbscalar(L, 3); a->data[i-1] = val; } return 1; } RLI_LUA rli_tostring(lua_State *L) { /* (img, [infoitem]) */ struct rocklua_image *a = rli_checktype(L, 1); int item = lua_tointeger(L, 2); size_t bytes = a->elems * sizeof(fb_data); switch(item) { default: case RLI_INFO_ALL: { lua_pushfstring(L, ROCKLUA_IMAGE ": %dx%d, %d elements, %d bytes, %d-bit depth, %d pack", a->width, a->height, a->elems, bytes, LCD_DEPTH, LCD_PIXELFORMAT); break; } case RLI_INFO_TYPE: { lua_pushfstring(L, ROCKLUA_IMAGE); break; } case RLI_INFO_WIDTH: { lua_pushinteger(L, a->width); break; } case RLI_INFO_HEIGHT: { lua_pushinteger(L, a->height); break; } case RLI_INFO_ELEMS: { lua_pushinteger(L, a->elems); break; } case RLI_INFO_BYTES: { lua_pushinteger(L, bytes); break; } case RLI_INFO_DEPTH: { lua_pushinteger(L, LCD_DEPTH ); break; } case RLI_INFO_FORMAT: { lua_pushinteger(L, LCD_PIXELFORMAT); break; } case RLI_INFO_ADDRESS: { lua_pushfstring(L, "%p", a->data); break; } } /* lua_pushstring(L, lua_tostring(L, -1)); */ lua_tostring(L, -1); /* converts item at index to string */ return 1; } #ifdef RLI_EXTENDED RLI_LUA rli_ellipse(lua_State *L) { /* (dst*, x1, y1, x2, y2, [clr, fillclr, clip]) */ /* line and ellipse share the same init function */ return rli_line_ellipse(L, true, 8); } RLI_LUA rli_line(lua_State *L) { /* (dst*, x1, y1, [x2, y2, clr, clip]) */ /* line and ellipse share the same init function */ return rli_line_ellipse(L, false, 7); } RLI_LUA rli_iterator(lua_State *L) { /* see rli_iterator_factory */ int params = 0; struct rli_iter_d *ds; ds = (struct rli_iter_d *) lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); if(ds->dx != 0 || ds->dy != 0) { params = rli_pushpixel(L, data_get(ds->elem, ds->x, ds->y), ds->x, ds->y); next_rli_iter(ds); /* load next element */ } return params; /* nothing left to do */ } RLI_LUA rli_iterator_factory(lua_State *L) { /* (points) (img*, [x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, clip]) */ /* (indices 1-8 are used by rli_iter_create) */ /* create new iter + pushed onto stack */ rli_iter_create(L); /* returns the iter function with embedded iter data(up values) */ lua_pushcclosure(L, &rli_iterator, 1); return 1; } RLI_LUA rli_marshal(lua_State *L) /* also invert, clear */ { /* (marshal/invert/clear) (img*, [x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, clip, function]) */ /* (indices 1-8 are used by rli_iter_create) */ fb_data clr; void (*rli_trans)(lua_State *, struct rli_iter_d *, struct rli_iter_d *, int, fb_data *); int ltype = lua_type (L, 9); /* create new iter + pushed onto stack */ struct rli_iter_d *ds = rli_iter_create(L); if (ltype == LUA_TNUMBER) { clr = lua_to_fbscalar(L, 9); rli_trans = clear_transform; } else if(ltype == LUA_TFUNCTION) /* custom function */ { rli_trans = custom_transform; lua_pushvalue(L, 9); /* ensure lua function on top of stack */ } else rli_trans = invert_transform; /* default transformation */ do { (*rli_trans)(L, ds, NULL, 0, &clr); } while(next_rli_iter(ds)); return 0; } RLI_LUA rli_copy(lua_State *L) { /* (dst*, src*, [d_x, d_y, s_x, s_y, x_off, y_off, clip, [op, funct/clr]]) */ struct rocklua_image *dst = rli_checktype(L, 1); /* dst */ struct rocklua_image *src = rli_checktype(L, 2); /* src */ struct rli_iter_d ds; /* dst */ struct rli_iter_d ss; /* src */ /* copy whole image if possible */ if(src->elems == dst->elems && src->width == dst->width && lua_gettop(L) < 3) { rb->memcpy(dst->data, src->data, dst->elems * sizeof(fb_data)); return 0; } int d_x = luaL_optint(L, 3, 1); int d_y = luaL_optint(L, 4, 1); int s_x = luaL_optint(L, 5, 1); int s_y = luaL_optint(L, 6, 1); int w = MIN(dst->width - d_x, src->width - s_x); int h = MIN(dst->height - d_y, src->height - s_y); int x_off = luaL_optint(L, 7, w); int y_off = luaL_optint(L, 8, h); bool clip = lua_toboolean(L, 9); int op; /* 10 is operation for blit */ fb_data clr; /* 11 is custom function | color */ bool d_swx = (x_off < 0); /* dest swap */ bool d_swy = (y_off < 0); bool s_swx = false; /* src swap */ bool s_swy = false; void (*rli_trans)(lua_State *, struct rli_iter_d *, struct rli_iter_d *, int, fb_data *); if(!clip) /* Out of bounds is not allowed */ { bounds_check_xy(L, dst, 3, d_x, 4, d_y); bounds_check_xy(L, src, 5, s_x, 6, s_y); w = MIN(w, ABS(x_off)); h = MIN(h, ABS(y_off)); bounds_check_xy(L, dst, 7, d_x + w, 8, d_y + h); bounds_check_xy(L, src, 7, s_x + w, 8, s_y + h); } else { if (w < 0 || h < 0) /* not an error but nothing to display */ return 0; w = MIN(w, ABS(x_off)); h = MIN(h, ABS(y_off)); } /* if src->data == dst->data need to care about fill direction */ if(d_x > s_x) { d_swx = !d_swx; s_swx = !s_swx; } if(d_y > s_y) { d_swy = !d_swy; s_swy = !s_swy; } rli_iter_init(&ds, dst, d_x, d_y, d_x + w, d_y + h, 1, 1, d_swx, d_swy); rli_iter_init(&ss, src, s_x, s_y, s_x + w, s_y + h, 1, 1, s_swx, s_swy); if (lua_type(L, 11) == LUA_TFUNCTION) /* custom function supplied.. */ { rli_trans = custom_transform; lua_settop(L, 11); /* ensure lua function on top of stack */ clr = FB_SCALARPACK(0); op = 0; } else { rli_trans = blit_transform; /* default transformation */ clr = lua_to_fbscalar(L, 11); op = lua_tointeger(L, 10); } do { (*rli_trans)(L, &ds, &ss, op, &clr); } while(next_rli_iter(&ds) && next_rli_iter(&ss)); return 0; } RLI_LUA rli_clear(lua_State *L) { /* (clear) (dst*, [color, x1, y1, x2, y2, clip, dx, dy]) */ lua_settop(L, 9); lua_pushvalue(L, 7); /* clip -- index 8 */ lua_remove(L, 7); lua_pushinteger(L, lua_tointeger(L, 2)); /*color -- index 9*/ lua_remove(L, 2); return rli_marshal(L); /* (img*, [x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, clip, function]) */ } #endif /* RLI_EXTENDED */ /* Rli Image methods exported to lua */ static const struct luaL_reg rli_lib [] = { {"__tostring", rli_tostring}, {"_data", rli_raw}, {"__len", rli_size}, {"__eq", rli_equal}, {"width", rli_width}, {"height", rli_height}, {"set", rli_set}, {"get", rli_get}, #ifdef RLI_EXTENDED {"copy", rli_copy}, {"clear", rli_clear}, {"invert", rli_marshal}, {"marshal", rli_marshal}, {"points", rli_iterator_factory}, {"line", rli_line}, {"ellipse", rli_ellipse}, #endif /* RLI_EXTENDED */ {NULL, NULL} }; /* * ----------------------------- * * Rockbox wrappers start here! * * ----------------------------- */ #define RB_WRAP(func) static int rock_##func(lua_State UNUSED_ATTR *L) #if defined NB_SCREENS && (NB_SCREENS > 1) #define RB_SCREEN_STRUCT(luastate, narg) \ rb->screens[get_screen(luastate, narg)] #define RB_SCREENS(luastate, narg, func, ...) \ rb->screens[get_screen(luastate, narg)]->func(__VA_ARGS__) static int get_screen(lua_State *L, int narg) { int screen = luaL_optint(L, narg, SCREEN_MAIN); if(screen < SCREEN_MAIN) screen = SCREEN_MAIN; else if(screen > NB_SCREENS) screen = NB_SCREENS; return screen; } #else /* only SCREEN_MAIN exists */ #define get_screen(a,b) (SCREEN_MAIN) #define RB_SCREEN_STRUCT(luastate, narg) \ rb->screens[SCREEN_MAIN] #define RB_SCREENS(luastate, narg, func, ...) \ rb->screens[SCREEN_MAIN]->func(__VA_ARGS__) #endif RB_WRAP(lcd_update) { RB_SCREENS(L, 1, update); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_clear_display) { RB_SCREENS(L, 1, clear_display); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_set_drawmode) { int mode = (int) luaL_checkint(L, 1); RB_SCREENS(L, 2, set_drawmode, mode); return 0; } /* helper function for lcd_puts functions */ static const unsigned char * lcd_putshelper(lua_State *L, int *x, int *y) { *x = (int) luaL_checkint(L, 1); *y = (int) luaL_checkint(L, 2); return luaL_checkstring(L, 3); } RB_WRAP(lcd_putsxy) { int x, y; const unsigned char *string = lcd_putshelper(L, &x, &y); RB_SCREENS(L, 4, putsxy, x, y, string); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_puts) { int x, y; const unsigned char * string = lcd_putshelper(L, &x, &y); RB_SCREENS(L, 4, puts, x, y, string); return 0; } /* Helper function for opt_viewport lcd_put_line */ static int check_tablevalue_def(lua_State *L, const char* key, int tablepos, int def) { lua_getfield(L, tablepos, key); /* Find table[key] */ int val; if (lua_isboolean(L, -1)) val = lua_toboolean (L, -1); /*True = 1 and False = 0*/ else val = luaL_optinteger(L, -1, def); lua_pop(L, 1); /* Pop the value off the stack */ return val; } /* Helper function for opt_viewport lcd_put_line */ static int check_tablevalue(lua_State *L, const char* key, int tablepos) { /* returns 0 if key doesn't exist */ return check_tablevalue_def(L, key, tablepos, 0); } RB_WRAP(lcd_put_line) { /*x, y, text, t_linedesc, [screen = MAIN]*/ #if 0 /* height of the line (in pixels). -1 to inherit the height * from the font. The text will be centered if the height is larger, * but the decorations will span the entire height */ int height; /* multiline support: For some decorations (e.g. gradient) to work * across multiple lines (e.g. to draw a line selector across 2 lines) * the line index and line count must be known. For normal, single * lines specify nlines=1 and line=0 */ /* line count of a group */ int16_t nlines; /* index of the line in the group */ int16_t line; /* line text color if STYLE_COLORED is specified, in native * lcd format (convert with LCD_RGBPACK() if necessary) */ unsigned text_color; /* line color if STYLE_COLORBAR or STYLE_GRADIENT is specified, in native * lcd format (convert with LCD_RGBPACK() if necessary) */ unsigned line_color, line_end_color; /* line decorations, see STYLE_DEFAULT etc. */ enum line_styles style; /* whether the line can scroll */ bool scroll; /* height of the line separator (in pixels). 0 to disable drawing * of the separator */ int8_t separator_height; #endif /*LINE_DESC_DEFINIT { .style = STYLE_DEFAULT, .height = -1, .separator_height = 0, .line = 0, .nlines = 1, .scroll = false }*/ struct line_desc linedes = LINE_DESC_DEFINIT; bool is_selected = false; bool show_icons = false; bool show_cursor = false; int line_indent = 0; int item_offset = 0; int x = (int) luaL_checkint(L, 1); int y = (int) luaL_checkint(L, 2); const unsigned char * string = luaL_checkstring(L, 3); int icon = Icon_NOICON; const int narg = 4; if(lua_type(L, narg) == LUA_TTABLE) { /* check_tablevalue only returns INTS */ linedes.line = check_tablevalue(L, "line", narg); linedes.height = check_tablevalue_def(L, "height", narg, -1); linedes.nlines = check_tablevalue_def(L, "nlines", narg, 1); linedes.style = check_tablevalue_def(L, "style", narg, STYLE_DEFAULT); linedes.separator_height = check_tablevalue(L, "separator_height", narg); linedes.scroll = check_tablevalue(L, "scroll", narg) > 0; linedes.text_color = check_tablevalue(L, "text_color", narg); linedes.line_color = check_tablevalue(L, "line_color", narg); linedes.line_end_color = check_tablevalue(L, "line_end_color", narg); icon = check_tablevalue_def(L, "icon", narg, Icon_NOICON); show_icons = check_tablevalue(L, "show_icons", narg) > 0 && icon > Icon_NOICON; show_cursor = check_tablevalue(L, "show_cursor", narg) > 0; is_selected = check_tablevalue(L, "selected", narg) > 0; line_indent = check_tablevalue(L, "indent", narg); item_offset = check_tablevalue(L, "offset", narg); } while (*string == '\t') { line_indent++; string++; } /* mask out gradient and colorbar styles for non-color displays */ if (RB_SCREEN_STRUCT(L, 5)->depth < 16) { if (linedes.style & (STYLE_COLORBAR|STYLE_GRADIENT)) { linedes.style &= ~(STYLE_COLORBAR|STYLE_GRADIENT); linedes.style |= STYLE_INVERT; } linedes.style &= ~STYLE_COLORED; } if (show_cursor && (show_icons && icon > Icon_NOICON)) RB_SCREENS(L, 5, put_line, x, y, &linedes, "$*s$"ICON_PADDING_S"I$i$"ICON_PADDING_S"s$*t", line_indent, is_selected ? Icon_Cursor : Icon_NOICON, icon, item_offset, string); else if (show_cursor || (show_icons && icon > Icon_NOICON)) RB_SCREENS(L, 5, put_line, x, y, &linedes, "$*s$"ICON_PADDING_S"I$*t", line_indent, show_cursor ? (is_selected ? Icon_Cursor:Icon_NOICON):icon, item_offset, string); else RB_SCREENS(L, 5, put_line, x, y, &linedes, "$*s$*t", line_indent, item_offset, string); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_puts_scroll) { int x, y; const unsigned char * string = lcd_putshelper(L, &x, &y); bool result = RB_SCREENS(L, 4, puts_scroll, x, y, string); lua_pushboolean(L, result); return 1; } RB_WRAP(lcd_scroll_stop) { RB_SCREENS(L, 1, scroll_stop); return 0; } static inline struct viewport* opt_viewport(lua_State *L, int narg, struct viewport* vp, struct viewport* alt) { if(lua_isnoneornil(L, narg)) return alt; luaL_checktype(L, narg, LUA_TTABLE); vp->x = check_tablevalue(L, "x", narg); vp->y = check_tablevalue(L, "y", narg); vp->width = check_tablevalue(L, "width", narg); vp->height = check_tablevalue(L, "height", narg); vp->font = check_tablevalue(L, "font", narg); vp->drawmode = check_tablevalue_def(L, "drawmode", narg, DRMODE_SOLID); #if LCD_DEPTH > 1 vp->fg_pattern = (unsigned int) check_tablevalue(L, "fg_pattern", narg); vp->bg_pattern = (unsigned int) check_tablevalue(L, "bg_pattern", narg); #endif return vp; } RB_WRAP(set_viewport) { static struct viewport vp; RB_SCREENS(L, 2, set_viewport, opt_viewport(L, 1, &vp, NULL)); return 0; } RB_WRAP(clear_viewport) { RB_SCREENS(L, 1, clear_viewport); return 0; } RB_WRAP(font_getstringsize) { const unsigned char* str = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); int fontnumber = lua_tointeger(L, 2); int w, h, result; if (fontnumber == FONT_UI) fontnumber = rb->global_status->font_id[SCREEN_MAIN]; else fontnumber = FONT_SYSFIXED; if lua_isnil(L, 2) result = RB_SCREENS(L, 3, getstringsize, str, &w, &h); else result = rb->font_getstringsize(str, &w, &h, fontnumber); lua_pushinteger(L, result); lua_pushinteger(L, w); lua_pushinteger(L, h); return 3; } RB_WRAP(lcd_framebuffer) { int screen = get_screen(L, 1); static struct viewport vp; rb->viewport_set_fullscreen(&vp, screen); rli_wrap(L, vp.buffer->data, RB_SCREEN_STRUCT(L, 1)->lcdwidth, RB_SCREEN_STRUCT(L, 1)->lcdheight); return 1; } RB_WRAP(lcd_setfont) { int font = (int) luaL_checkint(L, 1); RB_SCREENS(L, 2, setfont, font); return 0; } /* helper function for lcd_xxx_bitmap/rect functions */ static void checkint_arr(lua_State *L, int *val, int narg, int elems) { /* fills passed array of integers with lua integers from stack */ for (int i = 0; i < elems; i++) val[i] = luaL_checkint(L, narg + i); } RB_WRAP(gui_scrollbar_draw) { enum {x = 0, y, w, h, items, min_shown, max_shown, flags, eCNT}; int v[eCNT]; checkint_arr(L, v, 1, eCNT); rb->gui_scrollbar_draw(RB_SCREEN_STRUCT(L, 9), v[x], v[y], v[w], v[h], v[items], v[min_shown], v[max_shown], (unsigned) v[flags]); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_mono_bitmap_part) { struct rocklua_image *src = rli_checktype(L, 1); enum {src_x = 0, src_y, stride, x, y, w, h, eCNT}; int v[eCNT]; checkint_arr(L, v, 2, eCNT);; RB_SCREENS(L, 9, mono_bitmap_part, (const unsigned char *)src->data, v[src_x], v[src_y], v[stride], v[x], v[y], v[w], v[h]); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_mono_bitmap) { struct rocklua_image *src = rli_checktype(L, 1); enum {x = 0, y, w, h, eCNT}; int v[eCNT]; checkint_arr(L, v, 2, eCNT); RB_SCREENS(L, 6, mono_bitmap, (const unsigned char *)src->data, v[x], v[y], v[w], v[h]); return 0; } #if LCD_DEPTH > 1 RB_WRAP(lcd_bitmap_part) { struct rocklua_image *src = rli_checktype(L, 1); enum {src_x = 0, src_y, stride, x, y, w, h, eCNT}; int v[eCNT]; checkint_arr(L, v, 2, eCNT); RB_SCREENS(L, 9, bitmap_part, src->data, v[src_x], v[src_y], v[stride], v[x], v[y], v[w], v[h]); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_bitmap) { struct rocklua_image *src = rli_checktype(L, 1); enum {x = 0, y, w, h, eCNT}; int v[eCNT]; checkint_arr(L, v, 2, eCNT); RB_SCREENS(L, 6, bitmap, src->data, v[x], v[y], v[w], v[h]); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_get_backdrop) { fb_data* backdrop = rb->lcd_get_backdrop(); if(backdrop == NULL) lua_pushnil(L); else rli_wrap(L, backdrop, LCD_WIDTH, LCD_HEIGHT); return 1; } RB_WRAP(lcd_set_foreground) { unsigned foreground = (unsigned) luaL_checkint(L, 1); RB_SCREENS(L, 2, set_foreground, foreground); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_get_foreground) { unsigned result = RB_SCREENS(L, 1, get_foreground); lua_pushinteger(L, result); return 1; } RB_WRAP(lcd_set_background) { unsigned background = (unsigned) luaL_checkint(L, 1); RB_SCREENS(L, 2, set_background, background); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_get_background) { unsigned result = RB_SCREENS(L, 1, get_background); lua_pushinteger(L, result); return 1; } #endif /* LCD_DEPTH > 1 */ #if (LCD_DEPTH < 4) && (CONFIG_PLATFORM & PLATFORM_NATIVE) RB_WRAP(lcd_blit_grey_phase) { /* note that by and bheight are in 8-pixel units! */ unsigned char * values = (unsigned char *) luaL_checkstring(L, 1); unsigned char * phases = (unsigned char *) luaL_checkstring(L, 2); enum {bx = 0, by, bw, bh, stride, eCNT}; int v[eCNT]; checkint_arr(L, v, 3, eCNT); rb->lcd_blit_grey_phase(values, phases, v[bx], v[by], v[bw], v[bh], v[stride]); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_blit_mono) { /* note that by and bheight are in 8-pixel units! */ const unsigned char * data = (const unsigned char *) luaL_checkstring(L, 1); enum {x = 0, by, w, bh, stride, eCNT}; int v[eCNT]; checkint_arr(L, v, 3, eCNT); rb->lcd_blit_mono(data, v[x], v[by], v[w], v[bh], v[stride]); return 0; } #endif /* LCD_DEPTH < 4 && CONFIG_PLATFORM & PLATFORM_NATIVE */ #if LCD_DEPTH == 16 RB_WRAP(lcd_bitmap_transparent_part) { struct rocklua_image *src = rli_checktype(L, 1); enum {src_x = 0, src_y, stride, x, y, w, h, eCNT}; int v[eCNT]; checkint_arr(L, v, 2, eCNT); RB_SCREENS(L, 9, transparent_bitmap_part, src->data, v[src_x], v[src_y], v[stride], v[x], v[y], v[w], v[h]); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_bitmap_transparent) { struct rocklua_image *src = rli_checktype(L, 1); enum {x = 0, y, w, h, eCNT}; int v[eCNT]; checkint_arr(L, v, 2, eCNT); RB_SCREENS(L, 6, transparent_bitmap, src->data, v[x], v[y], v[w], v[h]); return 0; } #endif /* LCD_DEPTH == 16 */ RB_WRAP(lcd_update_rect) { enum {x = 0, y, w, h, eCNT}; int v[eCNT]; checkint_arr(L, v, 1, eCNT); RB_SCREENS(L, 5, update_rect, v[x], v[y], v[w], v[h]); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_drawrect) { enum {x = 0, y, w, h, eCNT}; int v[eCNT]; checkint_arr(L, v, 1, eCNT); RB_SCREENS(L, 5, drawrect, v[x], v[y], v[w], v[h]); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_fillrect) { enum {x = 0, y, w, h, eCNT}; int v[eCNT]; checkint_arr(L, v, 1, eCNT); RB_SCREENS(L, 5, fillrect, v[x], v[y], v[w], v[h]); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_drawline) { enum {x1 = 0, y1, x2, y2, eCNT}; int v[eCNT]; checkint_arr(L, v, 1, eCNT); RB_SCREENS(L, 5, drawline, v[x1], v[y1], v[x2], v[y2]); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_hline) { enum {x1 = 0, x2, y, eCNT}; int v[eCNT]; checkint_arr(L, v, 1, eCNT); RB_SCREENS(L, 4, hline, v[x1], v[x2], v[y]); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_vline) { enum {x = 0, y1, y2, eCNT}; int v[eCNT]; checkint_arr(L, v, 1, eCNT); RB_SCREENS(L, 4, vline, v[x], v[y1], v[y2]); return 0; } RB_WRAP(lcd_drawpixel) { int x = (int) luaL_checkint(L, 1); int y = (int) luaL_checkint(L, 2); RB_SCREENS(L, 3, drawpixel, x, y); return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_LCD_COLOR RB_WRAP(lcd_rgbpack) { enum {r = 0, g, b, eCNT}; int v[eCNT]; checkint_arr(L, v, 1, eCNT); int result = LCD_RGBPACK(v[r], v[g], v[b]); lua_pushinteger(L, result); return 1; } RB_WRAP(lcd_rgbunpack) { int rgb = luaL_checkint(L, 1); lua_pushinteger(L, RGB_UNPACK_RED(rgb)); lua_pushinteger(L, RGB_UNPACK_GREEN(rgb)); lua_pushinteger(L, RGB_UNPACK_BLUE(rgb)); return 3; } #endif RB_WRAP(read_bmp_file) { struct bitmap bm; const char* filename = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); bool dither = luaL_optboolean(L, 2, true); bool transparent = luaL_optboolean(L, 3, false); int format = FORMAT_NATIVE; if(dither) format |= FORMAT_DITHER; if(transparent) format |= FORMAT_TRANSPARENT; int result = rb->read_bmp_file(filename, &bm, 0, format | FORMAT_RETURN_SIZE, NULL); if(result > 0) { bm.data = (unsigned char*) rli_alloc(L, bm.width, bm.height); if(rb->read_bmp_file(filename, &bm, result, format, NULL) < 0) { /* Error occured, drop newly allocated image from stack */ lua_pop(L, 1); lua_pushnil(L); } } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } #define R(NAME) {#NAME, rock_##NAME} static const luaL_Reg rocklib_img[] = { /* Graphics */ R(lcd_update), R(lcd_clear_display), R(lcd_set_drawmode), R(lcd_putsxy), R(lcd_puts), R(lcd_put_line), R(lcd_puts_scroll), R(lcd_scroll_stop), R(set_viewport), R(clear_viewport), R(font_getstringsize), R(lcd_framebuffer), R(lcd_setfont), R(gui_scrollbar_draw), R(lcd_mono_bitmap_part), R(lcd_mono_bitmap), #if LCD_DEPTH > 1 R(lcd_get_backdrop), R(lcd_bitmap_part), R(lcd_bitmap), R(lcd_set_foreground), R(lcd_get_foreground), R(lcd_set_background), R(lcd_get_background), #endif /* LCD_DEPTH > 1 */ #if (LCD_DEPTH < 4) && (CONFIG_PLATFORM & PLATFORM_NATIVE) R(lcd_blit_grey_phase), R(lcd_blit_mono), #endif /* LCD_DEPTH < 4 && CONFIG_PLATFORM & PLATFORM_NATIVE */ #if LCD_DEPTH == 16 R(lcd_bitmap_transparent_part), R(lcd_bitmap_transparent), #endif R(lcd_update_rect), R(lcd_drawrect), R(lcd_fillrect), R(lcd_drawline), R(lcd_hline), R(lcd_vline), R(lcd_drawpixel), #ifdef HAVE_LCD_COLOR R(lcd_rgbpack), R(lcd_rgbunpack), #endif R(read_bmp_file), {"new_image", rli_new}, {NULL, NULL} }; #undef R LUALIB_API int luaopen_rock_img(lua_State *L) { /* some devices need x | y coords shifted to match native format */ /* conversion between packed native formats and individual pixel addressing */ init_pixelmask(&x_shift, &y_shift, &xy_mask, &pixelmask); luaL_newmetatable(L, ROCKLUA_IMAGE); lua_pushvalue(L, -1); /* pushes the metatable */ lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index"); /* metatable.__index = metatable */ luaL_register(L, NULL, rli_lib); /*add rli_lib to the image metatable*/ luaL_register(L, LUA_ROCKLIBNAME, rocklib_img); return 1; }