--[[ __________ __ ___. Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ $Id$ Example Lua RBIMAGE script Copyright (C) 2009 by Maurus Cuelenaere -- some prior work Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ]]-- require("actions") -- Contains rb.actions & rb.contexts -- require("buttons") -- Contains rb.buttons -- not needed for this example local _math = require("math_ex") -- missing math sine cosine, sqrt, clamp functions local _timer = require("timer") local _clr = require("color") -- clrset, clrinc provides device independent colors local _lcd = require("lcd") -- lcd helper functions local _print = require("print") -- advanced text printing local _img = require("image") -- image manipulation save, rotate, resize, tile, new, load local _img_save = require("image_save") local _blit = require("blit") -- handy list of blit operations local _draw = require("draw") -- draw all the things (primitives) local _draw_floodfill = require("draw_floodfill") local _draw_text = require("draw_text") --local scrpath = rb.current_path()" --package.path = scrpath .. "/?.lua;" .. package.path --add lua_scripts directory to path require("printmenu") --menu --[[ RBIMAGE library functions NOTE!! on x, y coordinates + width & height ---------------------------------------------- When making a new image you specify the width and height say (10, 20). Intutively (at least to me) (0,0) (offset addressing) would reference the first pixel (top left) and the last pixel (bottom, right) would be (w-1, h-1) or (9, 19) but the original rbimage library (like lua) uses 1-based arrays (ordinal addressing) for the image data so the first pixel is (1,1) and the last pixel is (w, h) this presents a bit of a problem when interfacing with the internal rockbox functions as you must remeber to convert all lua coordinates to 0 based coordinates. I have opted to not change this in the name of compatibility with old scripts NOTE2!! on width & height versus offset_x & offset_y :copy() ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The only place where RBIMAGE deviates from (ordinal addressing) is in the blit / copy function sx, sy and dx, dy still refer to the same pixel as all the other functions but offset_x, and offset_y are zero based Example (assuming same sized images) dst:copy(src, 1,1, 1,1, 0, 0) would copy the first pixel from src to the first pixel of dst dst:copy(src, 1,1, 1,1, dst:width()-1, dst:height()-1) would copy all of src to dst this might be a bit confusing but makes reversing images (negative offsets) easier. Since offsets are auto calculated if empty or out of range you could call it as dst:copy(src, 1,1, 1,1, dst:width(), dst:height()) or even dst:copy(src, 1,1, 1,1) if you prefered and get the same result ]] --'CONSTANTS' (in lua there really is no such thing as all vars are mutable) -------------------------------------------------------- --colors for fg/bg ------------------------ local WHITE = _clr.set(-1, 255, 255, 255) local BLACK = _clr.set(0, 0, 0, 0) local RED = _clr.set(WHITE, 255) local GREEN = _clr.set(WHITE, 0, 255) local BLUE = _clr.set(WHITE, 0, 0, 255) ------------------------------------------- local clrs local CANCEL_BUTTON = rb.actions.PLA_CANCEL -- EXAMPLES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLES--------------------------------------------------------------------- function my_blit(dst_val, dx, dy, src_val, sx, sy) -- user defined blit operation --this function gets called for every pixel you specify --you may change pixels in both the source and dest image --return nil to stop early if _lcd.DEPTH < 2 then return src_val end if dst_val == WHITE and bit.band(dx, 1) == 1 and bit.band(dy, 1) == 1 then return BLACK; elseif dst_val == WHITE then return src_val end return dst_val end function create_logo() --[[creates a small logo from data array]] -- moves scope of white and black from global to local local WHITE = WHITE local BLACK = BLACK --[[small array with 16 bits of data per element (16-bits in y direction) while the number of elements (32) is the x direction. in other words 16 rows X 32 columns, totally abritrary actually you could easily rotate or flip it by changing the for loops below ]] local logo = {0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0x8001, 0x8001, 0x9E7F, 0x9E7F, 0x9E7F, 0x9E7F, 0x9E3F, 0x9E3F, 0x804F, 0x804F, 0xC0E1, 0xC0F1, 0xFFFD, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0x8001, 0x8001, 0xFF01, 0xFF01, 0xFEFB, 0xFEFB, 0xFDFD, 0xFDFD, 0xFDFD, 0xFCF9, 0xFE03, 0xFE03, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF} local img, img1, img2, img3 img = _img.new(_lcd.W, _lcd.H) img:clear(BLACK) --[[always clear an image after you create it if you intend to do any thing besides copy something entirely to it as there is no guarantee what state the data within is in, it could be all 0's or it could be every digit of PI ]] -- check for an error condition bail if error if(not img or not logo) then return nil end local logosz = table.getn(logo) local bits = 16 -- each element contains 16 pixels local data = 0 for i=1, math.min(logosz, _lcd.W) do for j=0, math.min(bits, _lcd.H) do if bit.band(bit.lshift(1, bits - j), logo[i]) > 0 then data = WHITE else data = BLACK end -- Set the pixel at position i, j+1 to the copied data img:set(i, j + 1, data) end end -- make a new image the size of our generated logo img1 = _img.new(logosz + 1, bits + 1) -- img.copy(dest, source, dx, dy, sx, sy, [w, h]) img1:copy(img, 1, 1, 1, 1) --[[lua does auto garbage collection, but it is still a good idea to set large items to nil when done anyways]] img = nil local sl -- new image size if _lcd.W < _lcd.H then sl = _lcd.W / 3 else sl = _lcd.H / 3 end -- make sl always even by subtracting 1 if needed sl = bit.band(sl, bit.bnot(1)) if sl < 16 then sl = 16 end img2 = _img.new(sl, sl) --img2:clear(BLACK) -- doesn't need cleared since we copy to it entirely --[[we are going to resize the image since the data supplied is 32 x 16 pixels its really tiny on most screens]] _img.resize(img2, img1) img1 = nil img3 = _img.new(sl, sl) img3:clear(BLACK) if IS_COLOR_TARGET == true then local c_yellow = _clr.set(WHITE, 0xFC, 0xC0, 0x00) local c_grey = _clr.set(WHITE, 0xD4, 0xE3, 0xF3) local c_dkgrey = _clr.set(WHITE, 0xB4, 0xC3, 0xD3) -- if dest pixel == source pixel make dest pixel yellow img3:copy(img2, 1, 1, 1, 1, nil, nil, false, _blit.BDEQS, c_yellow) -- xor src pixel to dest pixel if both are 0 or both are 1 dest = 0 img2:copy(img3, 1, 1, 2, 1, nil, nil, false, _blit.BXOR) -- if dest pixel color > src pixel color copy grey to dest img2:copy(img3, 1, 1, 1, 1, nil, nil, false, _blit.BDGTS, c_grey) -- set img3 to grey img3:clear(c_dkgrey) end -- make a WHITE square in the middle img3:clear(WHITE, 4,4, img3:width() - 3, img3:height() - 3) img3:copy(img2, 1, 1, 1, 1, nil, nil, false, _blit.CUSTOM, my_blit) img2 = nil _img_save(img3, "pix.bmp") return img3 end -- copy_logo -- draws an olive erm ball and returns it function create_ball() local sl -- image size if _lcd.W < _lcd.H then sl = _lcd.W / 5 else sl = _lcd.H / 5 end -- make sl always even by subtracting 1 if needed sl = bit.band(sl, bit.bnot(1)) if sl < 16 then sl = 16 end local img = _img.new(sl, sl) img:clear(0) _draw.circle_filled(img, sl/2, sl/2, sl/2 - 1, _clr.set(-1, 255), _clr.set(0, 100)) _draw.circle_filled(img, sl/3, sl/3, sl/10, _clr.set(-1, 255, 0, 0)) return img end -- bounces img around on screen function bounce_image(img) local timer = _timer() -- creates a new timer -- saves index local wait -- make a copy of the current screen for later local screen_img = _lcd:duplicate() local img_sqy = _img.new(img:width() + img:width() / 8, img:height()) local img_sqx = _img.new(img:width(), img:height() + img:height() / 8) _img.resize(img_sqy, img) _img.resize(img_sqx, img) -- moves definition of CANCEL_BUTTON from global to local local CANCEL_BUTTON = CANCEL_BUTTON -------------------------------------------------------- local imgn = img local hold = 0 local sx = 1 -- starting x local sy = 1 -- starting y local ex = _lcd.W - img:width() - 2 local ey = _lcd.H - img:width() - 2 -- threshold resets speed, inverts image local tx = ex / 5 local ty = ey / 5 local last_x = sx local last_y = sy local x = sx local y = sy local dx = 1 local dy = 1 -- negative width\height cause the image to be drawn from the opposite end local fx = _lcd.W local fy = _lcd.H local function invert_images() img:invert(); img_sqx:invert() img_sqy:invert() end local loops = (_lcd.W * _lcd.H) / 2 while (loops > 0) do if IS_COLOR_TARGET then if bit.band(loops, 128) == 128 then _lcd:copy(imgn, x, y, 1, 1, fx, fy, false, _blit.BOR) _lcd:copy(screen_img, x, y, x, y, imgn:width(), imgn:height(), false, _blit.BDEQC, imgn:get(1,1)) else _lcd:copy(imgn, x, y, 1, 1, fx, fy, false, _blit.BSNEC, imgn:get(1,1)) end else local blitop if imgn:get(1,1) ~= 0 then blitop = _blit.BSNOT else blitop = _blit.BXOR end _lcd:copy(imgn, x, y, 1, 1, fx, fy, false, blitop, WHITE) end if hold < 1 then imgn = img else hold = hold - 1 end _lcd:update() x = x + dx y = y + dy if y >= ey or y <= sy then dy = (-dy) fy = (-fy) imgn = img_sqy hold = 3 if dx < 0 and y < 10 then dx = dx - 5 end if dx > tx then dx = 5; dy = 5; invert_images() end end if x >= ex or x <= sx then dx = (-dx) fx = (-fx) imgn = img_sqx hold = 3 if dy < 0 and x < 10 then dy = dy - 5 end if dy > ty then dx = 5; dy = 5; invert_images() end end x = _math.clamp(x, sx, ex) y = _math.clamp(y, sy, ey) -- copy original image back to screen _lcd:copy(screen_img) loops = loops -1 wait = timer:check(true) --checks timer and updates last time if wait >= 5 then wait = 0 elseif wait < 5 then wait = 5 - wait end -- 0 = timeout immediately -- ( -1 would be never timeout, and >0 is amount of 'ticks' before timeout) if rb.get_plugin_action(wait) == CANCEL_BUTTON then break; end end timer:stop() -- destroys timer, also returns time since last time -- leave the screen how we found it _lcd:copy(screen_img) end -- image_bounce -- draws a gradient using available colors function draw_gradient(img, x, y, w, h, direction, clrs) x = x or 1 y = y or 1 w = w or img:width() - x h = h or img:height() - y local zstep = 0 local step = 1 if IS_COLOR_TARGET == true then -- Only do this when we're on a color target local z = 1 local c = 1 clrs = clrs or {255,255,255} local function gradient_rgb(p, c1, c2) -- tried squares of difference but blends were very abrupt local r = c1.r + (p * (c2.r - c1.r) / 10500) local g = c1.g + (p * (c2.g - c1.g) / 10000) local b = c1.b + (p * (c2.b - c1.b) / 09999) return _clr.set(nil, r, g, b) end local function check_z() if z > 10000 and c < #clrs - 1 then z = 1 c = c + 1 elseif z > 10000 then z = 10000 end end if direction == "V" then zstep = math.max(1, (10000 / ((w - 1) / (#clrs - 1)) + bit.band(#clrs, 1))) for i=x, w + x do check_z() _draw.vline(img, i, y, h, gradient_rgb(z, clrs[c], clrs[c + 1])) z = z + zstep end else zstep = math.max(1, (10000 / ((h - 1) / (#clrs - 1)) + bit.band(#clrs, 1))) for j=y, h + y do check_z() _draw.hline(img, x, j, w, gradient_rgb(z, clrs[c], clrs[c + 1])) z = z + zstep end end else -- not a color target but might be greyscale local clr = _clr.set(-1) for i=x, w + x do for j=y, h + y do -- Set the pixel at position i, j to the specified color img:set(i, j, clr) end clr = _clr.inc(clr, 1) end end --rb.sleep(1000) end -- draw_gradient function twist(img) --[[ local fg if rb.lcd_get_foreground then fg = rb.lcd_get_foreground() end]] local ims = {} ims.strip = _img.tile(img, img:width(), _lcd.H + img:height()) ims.y_init = {img:height(), 1} ims.y_finl = {1, img:height()} ims.y_inc = {-2, 4} ims.y_pos = nil -- together define the width of the overall object local x_off=(_lcd.W/2) local m = _lcd.W local z = -m local zi = 1 -- angles of rotation for each leaf local ANGLES = {0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315} local elems = #ANGLES local _XCOORD = {} -- color alternates each leaf local colors = { WHITE, _clr.set(0, 0, 0, 0) } local c = 0 -- calculated position of each point in the sine wave(s) local xs, xe --[[--Profiling code local timer = _timer.start()]] for rot = 0, 6000, 4 do _lcd:clear(BLACK) for y=1, _lcd.H do local function get_sines() local sc = m + z if sc == 0 then sc = 1 -- prevent divide by 0 elseif sc + z > _lcd.W then zi = -1 colors[2] = _clr.inc(colors[2], 1, 0, 50, 0) elseif sc + z < -(_lcd.W) then zi = 1 colors[1] = _clr.inc(colors[1], -1, 0, 10, 0) end if colors[2] == colors[1] then colors[2] = _clr.inc(colors[2], 1) end for j = 1, elems do _XCOORD[j] = _math.d_sin(y + ANGLES[j] + rot) / sc + x_off end _XCOORD[0] = _XCOORD[elems] -- loop table for efficient wrap end get_sines() for k = 1, elems do xs = _XCOORD[k] xe = _XCOORD[(k+1) % elems] if xs < 1 or xe > _lcd.W then while xs < 1 or xe > _lcd.W do m = m + 1 -- shift m in order to scale object min/max get_sines() xs = _XCOORD[k] xe = _XCOORD[(k+1) % elems] end end c = (c % 2) + 1 if xs < xe then -- defines the direction of leaves & fills them _lcd:set(xs, y, colors[c]) _lcd:set(xe, y, colors[c]) _lcd:line(xs + 1, y, xe - 1, y, colors[3 - c], true) end end end do -- stripes and shifts image strips; blits it into the colors(1) leaves local y local y_col = 1 local w = ims.strip:width() - 1 local h = ims.strip:height() - 1 if ims.y_pos ~= nil then for i = 1, #ims.y_pos do ims.y_pos[i] = ims.y_pos[i] + ims.y_inc[i] if (ims.y_inc[i] > 0 and ims.y_pos[i] > ims.y_finl[i]) or (ims.y_inc[i] < 0 and ims.y_pos[i] < ims.y_finl[i]) then ims.y_pos[i] = ims.y_init[i] end end else ims.y_pos = {ims.y_init[1], ims.y_init[2]} end for ix = 1, _lcd.W, w do y_col = y_col + 1 y = ims.y_pos[(y_col % 2) + 1] if _lcd.DEPTH > 1 then _lcd:copy(ims.strip, ix, 1, 1, y, w, h, false, _blit.BDEQC, colors[1]) else _lcd:copy(ims.strip, ix, 1, 1, y, w, h, false, _blit.BSAND) end end end _lcd:update() z = z + zi if rb.get_plugin_action(0) == CANCEL_BUTTON then break end collectgarbage("step") end --[[--Profiling code _print.f("%d", _timer.stop(timer)) rb.sleep(rb.HZ * 10)]] end -- twist function draw_target(img) local clr = _clr.set(0, 0, 0, 0) -- make a copy of original screen for restoration local screen_img = _lcd:duplicate() rad_m = math.min(_lcd.W, _lcd.H) for s = -_lcd.W /4, 16 do img:copy(screen_img) s = math.max(1, math.abs(s)) for r = 1, rad_m /2 - 10, s do clr = _clr.inc(clr, 1, r * 5, r * 10, r * 20) _draw.circle(img, _lcd.CX, _lcd.CY, r, clr) end _lcd:update() if rb.get_plugin_action( 20) == CANCEL_BUTTON then z = 16; break; end end end -- draw_target function draw_sweep(img, cx, cy, radius, color) local timer = _timer() --creates a new timer saves index local wait local x local y --make a copy of original screen for restoration local screen_img = _lcd:duplicate() _draw.circle(img, cx, cy, radius, color) for d = 630, 270, - 5 do if d % 45 == 0 then img:copy(screen_img) _draw.circle(img, cx, cy, radius, color) l = 0 end x = cx + radius * _math.d_cos(d) / 10000 y = cy + radius * _math.d_sin(d) / 10000 _draw.line(img, cx, cy, x, y, color) l = l + 1 if l > 1 then x1 = cx + (radius - 1) * _math.d_cos(d + 1) / 10000 y1 = cy + (radius - 1) * _math.d_sin(d + 1) / 10000 _draw_floodfill(img, x1, y1, BLACK, color) end _lcd:update() wait = timer:check(true) --checks timer and updates last time if wait >= 50 then wait = 0 elseif wait < 50 then wait = 50 - wait end if rb.get_plugin_action( wait) == CANCEL_BUTTON then break end end timer:stop() --destroys timer, also returns time since last time screen_img = nil end -- draw_sweep function rotate_image(img) local blitop = _blit.BOR local i = 1 local d = 0 local ximg local x, y, w, h, xr, yr ximg = _img.rotate(img, 45) -- image will be largest at this point w = ximg:width() h = ximg:height() xr = (_lcd.W - w) / 2 yr = (_lcd.H - h) / 2 --make a copy of original screen for restoration local screen_img -- = _lcd:duplicate() screen_img =_img.new(w, h) screen_img :copy(_LCD, 1, 1, xr, yr, w, h) --_print.f("CW") --[[--Profiling code local timer = _timer.start()]] while d >= 0 do ximg = _img.rotate(img, d) w = ximg:width() h = ximg:height() x = (_lcd.W - w) / 2 y = (_lcd.H - h) / 2 -- copy our rotated image onto the background _lcd:copy(ximg, x, y, 1, 1, w, h, false, blitop) _lcd:update() --restore the portion of the background we destroyed _lcd:copy(screen_img, xr, yr, 1, 1) if d > 0 and d % 360 == 0 then _lcd:copy(ximg, x, y, 1, 1, w, h) _lcd:update() if i == 1 then i = 0 end if d == 1440 or i < 0 then if i < 0 then i = i - 5 else i = - 5 end blitop = _blit.BXOR --_print.f("CCW") --rb.sleep(rb.HZ) else i = i + 5 --_print.f("CW") --rb.sleep(rb.HZ) end end d = d + i if rb.get_plugin_action(0) == CANCEL_BUTTON then break; end end _lcd:copy(ximg, x, y, 1, 1, w, h) --[[-- Profiling code _print.f("%d", _timer.stop(timer)) rb.sleep(rb.HZ * 10)]] end -- rotate_image -- shows blitting with a mask function blit_mask(dst) local timer = _timer() local r = math.min(_lcd.CX, _lcd.CY) / 5 local bmask = _img.new(_lcd.W, _lcd.H) bmask:clear(0) _draw.circle_filled(bmask, _lcd.CX, _lcd.CY, r, WHITE) local color = _clr.set(0, 0, 0 ,0) for z = 0, 100 do z = z + timer:check(true) color = _clr.inc(color, 1, z * 5, z * 10, z * 20) dst:copy(bmask, 1, 1, 1, 1, nil, nil, false, _blit.BSAND, color) _lcd:update() if rb.get_plugin_action(0) == CANCEL_BUTTON then break end end end -- blit_mask -- draws an X on the screen function draw_x() _draw.line(_LCD, 1, 1, _lcd.W, _lcd.H, WHITE) _draw.line(_LCD, _lcd.W, 1, 1, _lcd.H, WHITE) _draw.hline(_LCD, 10, _lcd.CY , _lcd.W - 21, WHITE) _draw.vline(_LCD, _lcd.CX, 20 , _lcd.H - 41, WHITE) _draw.rect(_LCD, _lcd.CX - 17, _lcd.CY - 17, 34, 34, WHITE) _lcd:update() rb.sleep(100) end -- draw_x --fills an image with random colors function random_img(img) local min = _clr.set(0, 0, 0, 0) local max = _clr.set(-1, 255, 255, 255) math.randomseed(rb.current_tick()) for x = 1, img:width() do for y = 1, img:height() do img:set(x, y, math.random(min, max)) end end end -- random_img function rainbow_img(img) --draw a gradient using available colors if IS_COLOR_TARGET == true then --R O Y G B I V clrs = { {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255}, -- white {r = 000, g = 000, b = 000}, -- black {r = 200, g = 000, b = 000}, -- red {r = 255, g = 000, b = 000}, -- red {r = 255, g = 100, b = 033}, -- orange {r = 255, g = 127, b = 000}, -- orange {r = 255, g = 200, b = 033}, -- yellow {r = 255, g = 255, b = 000}, -- yellow {r = 050, g = 255, b = 000}, -- green {r = 000, g = 125, b = 125}, -- green {r = 000, g = 000, b = 255}, -- blue {r = 033, g = 025, b = 200}, -- indigo {r = 075, g = 000, b = 150}, -- indigo {r = 127, g = 000, b = 150}, -- violet {r = 150, g = 000, b = 255}, -- violet {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255}, -- white {r = 000, g = 000, b = 000}, -- black } else end draw_gradient(img, 1, 1, nil, nil, "V", clrs) end -- rainbow_img -- draws a rounded rectangle with text function rock_lua() local res, w, h = _lcd:text_extent("W", rb.FONT_UI) w = _lcd.W - 10 h = h + 4 _draw.rounded_rect_filled(_LCD, 5, 5, w, h, 15, WHITE) _draw_text(_LCD, 5, 5, w, h, nil, BLACK, "ROCKlua!") _lcd:update() rb.sleep(100) end -- rock_lua -- draws a rounded rectangle with long text function long_text() local txt = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890" local res, w, h = _lcd:text_extent(txt, rb.FONT_UI) local resp, wp, hp = _lcd:text_extent(" ", rb.FONT_UI) local wait = 0 w = w + wp * 3 h = h + 4 local img = _img.new(w + 1, h) img:clear(BLACK) _draw.rounded_rect_filled(img, 1, 1, w, h, 15, WHITE) _draw_text(img, 1, 2, nil, nil, nil, BLACK, txt) for p = -w + 1, w - 1 do wait = 0 p = math.abs(p) _lcd:copy(img, 1, _lcd.H - h, w - p, 1) _lcd:update() if p == 0 or w - p == 1 then wait = 100; rb.sleep(50) end if rb.get_plugin_action(wait) == CANCEL_BUTTON then break end end end -- long_text -- creates or loads an image to use as logo function get_logo() local logo_img = _img.load("/pix.bmp") --loads the previously saved image (if we saved it before) --create a logo if an image wasn't saved previously if(not logo_img) then logo_img = create_logo() end --fallback if(not logo_img) then -- Load a BMP file in the variable backdrop local base = "/.rockbox/icons/" local backdrop = _img.load("/image.bmp") --user supplied image or _img.load(base .. "tango_small_viewers.bmp") or _img.load(base .. "tango_small_viewers_mono.bmp") or _img.load(base .. "tango_small_mono.bmp") or _img.load(base .. "tango_icons.16x16.bmp") or _img.load(base .. "tango_icons_viewers.16x16.bmp") or _img.load(base .. "viewers.bmp") or _img.load(base .. "viewers.6x8x1.bmp") or _img.load(base .. "viewers.6x8x2.bmp") or _img.load(base .. "viewers.6x8x10.bmp") or _img.load(base .. "viewers.6x8x16.bmp") logo_img = backdrop end return logo_img end -- get_logo -- uses print_table to display a menu function main_menu() local mt = { [1] = "Rocklua RLI Example", [2] = "The X", [3] = "Blit Mask", [4] = "Target", [5] = "Sweep", [6] = "Bouncing Ball (olive)", [7] = "The Twist", [8] = "Image Rotation", [9] = "Long Text", [10] = "Rainbow Image", [11] = "Random Image", [12] = "Clear Screen", [13] = "Save Screen", [14] = "Exit" } local ft = { [0] = exit_now, --if user cancels do this function [1] = function(TITLE) return true end, -- shouldn't happen title occupies this slot [2] = function(THE_X) draw_x() end, [3] = function(BLITM) blit_mask(_lcd()) end, [4] = function(TARGT) draw_target(_lcd()) end, [5] = function(SWEEP) local r = math.min(_lcd.CX, _lcd.CY) - 20 draw_sweep(_lcd(), _lcd.CX, _lcd.CY, r, _clr.set(-1, 0, 255, 0)) end, [6] = function(BOUNC) bounce_image(create_ball()) end, [7] = function(TWIST) twist(get_logo()) end, [8] = function(ROTAT) rotate_image(get_logo()) end, [9] = long_text, [10] = function(RAINB) rainbow_img(_lcd()); _lcd:update(); rb.sleep(rb.HZ) end, [11] = function(RANDM) random_img(_lcd()); _lcd:update(); rb.sleep(rb.HZ) end, [12] = function(CLEAR) _lcd:clear(BLACK); rock_lua() end, [13] = function(SAVEI) _LCD:invert(); _img_save(_LCD, "/rocklua.bmp") end, [14] = function(EXIT_) return true end } if _lcd.DEPTH < 2 then table.remove(mt, 10) table.remove(ft, 10) end print_menu(mt, ft) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function exit_now() _lcd:update() _lcd:splashf(rb.HZ * 5, "ran for %d seconds", _timer.stop("main") / rb.HZ) os.exit() end -- exit_now -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --MAIN PROGRAM------------------------------------------------------------------ _timer("main") -- keep track of how long the program ran -- Clear the screen _lcd:clear(BLACK) if _lcd.DEPTH > 1 then --draw a gradient using available colors if IS_COLOR_TARGET == true then clrs = { {r = 255, g = 000, b = 000}, -- red {r = 000, g = 255, b = 000}, -- green {r = 000, g = 000, b = 255}, -- blue } else end local w = bit.rshift(_lcd.W, 2) local h = bit.rshift(_lcd.H, 2) draw_gradient(_lcd(), (_lcd.W - w)/2 - 1, (_lcd.H - h)/3 - 1, w, h, "H", clrs) _lcd:update() rb.sleep(rb.HZ) end do local img = _img.load("/rocklua.bmp") if not img then rock_lua() else _lcd:image(img) end end _lcd:update() rb.sleep(rb.HZ / 2) if rb.cpu_boost then rb.cpu_boost(true) end main_menu() if rb.cpu_boost then rb.cpu_boost(false) end exit_now() -- For a reference list of all functions available, see apps/plugins/lua/rocklib.c (and apps/plugin.h)