require("rbsettings") require("settings") --settings.lua rb.system = nil -- remove system settings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local track_data = rb.metadata.mp3_entry local cur_trk = "audio_current_track" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local trackname =, track_data.title) or, track_data.path) if not trackname or trackname == "" then os.exit(1, "No track loaded") else rb.splash(100, trackname) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function dump_albumart(fileout) local t_albumart =, track_data.albumart, "metadata") local t_aaext = {".bmp",".png", ".jpg"} local path =, track_data.path) if t_albumart.pos > 0 and t_albumart.size > 0 and t_albumart.type > 0 then if t_aaext[t_albumart.type] then local filename = "/" .. fileout .. t_aaext[t_albumart.type] local aa =, "w+") -- overwrite if not aa then rb.splash(rb.HZ, "Error writing " .. filename) return end local track =, "r") if not track then rb.splash(rb.HZ, "Error opening " .. path) return end track:seek("set", t_albumart.pos ) for i = 0, t_albumart.size, 32 do aa:write(track:read(32)) end rb.splash(rb.HZ, "Saved: " .. filename) track:close() aa:close() else end end end local function print_setting_table(t_tbl, s_sep) s_sep = s_sep or "" local str = "" local function pfunct(t, sep, s, n) -- recursive print function local vtype for k, v in pairs(t) do vtype = type(v) if vtype == "table" then local f = string.format("%s[%s]", n, k) s = pfunct(v, sep, s, f) elseif vtype == "boolean" then v = v and "true" or "false" s = string.format("%s%s[%s] = %s%s", s, n, k, v, sep) elseif v then s = string.format("%s%s[%s] = %s%s", s, n, k, v, sep) end end return s end return pfunct(t_tbl, s_sep, str, "") end local filename = "/metadata.txt" local file =, "w+") -- overwrite local t_settings if not file then rb.splash(rb.HZ, "Error writing " .. filename) return end ---[[ t_settings = rb.settings.dump(cur_trk, "metadata", "mp3_entry") file:write(trackname .. ":\n") file:write(print_setting_table(t_settings, "\n")) file:write("\n\n") file:close() rb.splash(100, "metadata dumped: " .. filename) if, track_data.has_embedded_albumart) then dump_albumart("/albumart") end