#include #include "plugin.h" #include "inttypes.h" #include #ifndef MIKMOD_SUPP_H #define MIKMOD_SUPP_H #undef WIN32 #define NO_DEPACKERS // We don't support these //#define NO_HQMIXER // We don't have the oomph #ifndef NO_MMSUPP_DEFINES #define snprintf(...) rb->snprintf(__VA_ARGS__) #define fdprintf(...) rb->fdprintf(__VA_ARGS__) #define vsnprintf(...) rb->vsnprintf(__VA_ARGS__) #define srand(a) rb->srand(a) #define rand() rb->rand() #define qsort(a,b,c,d) rb->qsort(a,b,c,d) #define atoi(a) rb->atoi(a) #undef strlen #define strlen(a) rb->strlen(a) #undef strcpy #define strcpy(a,b) rb->strcpy(a,b) #undef strcat #define strcat(a,b) rb->strcat(a,b) #undef strncmp #define strncmp(a,b,c) rb->strncmp(a,b,c) #undef strcasecmp #define strcasecmp(a,b) rb->strcasecmp(a,b) #undef open #define open(a,b) rb->open(a,b) #undef lseek #define lseek(a,b,c) rb->lseek(a,b,c) #undef close #define close(a) rb->close(a) #undef read #define read(a,b,c) rb->read(a,b,c) #undef write #define write(a,b,c) rb->write(a,b,c) #undef filesize #define filesize(a) rb->filesize(a) #endif #define malloc(x) tlsf_malloc(x) #define free(x) tlsf_free(x) #define realloc(x,y) tlsf_realloc(x,y) #define calloc(x,y) tlsf_calloc(x,y) #undef strncat #define strncat mmsupp_strncat #undef printf #define printf mmsupp_printf #undef sprintf #define sprintf mmsupp_sprintf #define fprintf(...) char* mmsupp_strncat(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n); void mmsupp_printf(const char *fmt, ...); int mmsupp_sprintf(char *buf, const char *fmt, ... ); extern const struct plugin_api * rb; #ifdef SIMULATOR #define SAMPLE_RATE SAMPR_44 /* Required by Simulator */ #elif ((CONFIG_PLATFORM & PLATFORM_HOSTED) || defined(CPU_MIPS)) #define SAMPLE_RATE SAMPR_44 /* All MIPS and hosted targets are fast */ #elif defined(CPU_ARM) /* Treat ARMv5+ as fast */ #if (ARM_ARCH >= 5) #define SAMPLE_RATE SAMPR_44 #else #define SAMPLE_RATE HW_SAMPR_MIN_GE_22 #endif #else /* !CPU_ARM */ /* Treat everyone else as slow */ #define SAMPLE_RATE HW_SAMPR_MIN_GE_22 #endif /* !SIMULATOR */ #define BUF_SIZE 4096*8 #define NBUF 2 /* LibMikMod defines */ #define HAVE_SNPRINTF 1 #ifndef INT_MAX #define INT_MAX 2147483647 #endif #endif