/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// __ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / __ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( (__) ) \___| ( | \_\ ( (__) ) ( * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) 2020 William Wilgus * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ /* open_plugins.rock interfaces with the open_plugin core * * When opened directly it acts as a viewer for the plugin.dat file * this allows you to edit the paths and parameters for * core shortcuts as well as your added plugins * * If a plugin is supplied to the viewer it is added to the dat file * * If instead the plugin has previously been added then it is run * with the parameters previously supplied */ #include "plugin.h" #include "lang_enum.h" #include "../open_plugin.h" #define ROCK_EXT "rock" #define ROCK_LEN 5 #define OP_EXT "opx" #define OP_LEN 4 #define OP_PLUGIN_RESTART (PLUGIN_GOTO_PLUGIN | 0x8000) #define MENU_ID_MAIN "0" #define MENU_ID_EDIT "1" static int fd_dat; static struct gui_synclist lists; struct open_plugin_entry_t op_entry; const off_t op_entry_sz = sizeof(struct open_plugin_entry_t); /* we only need the names for the first menu so don't bother reading paths yet */ const off_t op_name_sz = OPEN_PLUGIN_NAMESZ + (op_entry.name - (char*)&op_entry); static uint32_t op_entry_add_path(const char *key, const char *plugin, const char *parameter, bool use_key); static bool _yesno_pop(const char* text) { const char *lines[]={text}; const struct text_message message={lines, 1}; bool ret = (rb->gui_syncyesno_run(&message,NULL,NULL)== YESNO_YES); FOR_NB_SCREENS(i) rb->screens[i]->clear_viewport(); return ret; } static size_t pathbasename(const char *name, const char **nameptr) { const char *p = name; const char *q = p; const char *r = q; while (*(p = GOBBLE_PATH_SEPCH(p))) { q = p; p = GOBBLE_PATH_COMP(++p); r = p; } if (r == name && p > name) q = p, r = q--; /* root - return last slash */ /* else path is an empty string */ *nameptr = q; return r - q; } static bool op_entry_read(int fd, int selected_item, off_t data_sz) { rb->memset(&op_entry, 0, op_entry_sz); op_entry.lang_id = -1; return ((selected_item >= 0) && (rb->lseek(fd, selected_item * op_entry_sz, SEEK_SET) >= 0) && (rb->read(fd, &op_entry, data_sz) == data_sz)); } static bool op_entry_read_name(int fd, int selected_item) { return op_entry_read(fd, selected_item, op_name_sz); } static int op_entry_read_opx(const char *path) { int ret = -1; off_t filesize; int fd_opx; int len; len = rb->strlen(path); if(len > OP_LEN && rb->strcasecmp(&((path)[len-OP_LEN]), "." OP_EXT) == 0) { fd_opx = rb->open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd_opx) { filesize = rb->filesize(fd_opx); ret = filesize; if (filesize == op_entry_sz && !op_entry_read(fd_opx, 0, op_entry_sz)) ret = 0; rb->close(fd_opx); } } return ret; } static void op_entry_export(int selection) { int len; int fd = -1; char filename [MAX_PATH + 1]; if (!op_entry_read(fd_dat, selection, op_entry_sz)) goto failure; rb->snprintf(filename, MAX_PATH, "%s/%s", PLUGIN_APPS_DIR, op_entry.name); if( !rb->kbd_input( filename, MAX_PATH, NULL ) ) { len = rb->strlen(filename); if(len > OP_LEN && filename[len] != PATH_SEPCH && rb->strcasecmp(&((filename)[len-OP_LEN]), "." OP_EXT) != 0) { rb->strcat(filename, "." OP_EXT); } fd = rb->open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666); if (fd >= 0 && rb->write(fd, &op_entry, op_entry_sz) == op_entry_sz) { rb->close(fd); rb->splashf( 1*HZ, "File Saved (%s)", filename ); return; } rb->close(fd); } failure: rb->splashf( 2*HZ, "Save Failed (%s)", filename ); } static void op_entry_set_name(void) { char tmp_buf[OPEN_PLUGIN_NAMESZ+1]; rb->strlcpy(tmp_buf, op_entry.name, OPEN_PLUGIN_NAMESZ); if (rb->kbd_input(tmp_buf, OPEN_PLUGIN_NAMESZ, NULL) >= 0) rb->strlcpy(op_entry.name, tmp_buf, OPEN_PLUGIN_NAMESZ); } static int op_entry_set_path(void) { int ret = 0; struct browse_context browse; char tmp_buf[OPEN_PLUGIN_BUFSZ+1]; if (op_entry.path[0] == '\0') rb->strcpy(op_entry.path, PLUGIN_DIR"/"); rb->browse_context_init(&browse, SHOW_ALL, BROWSE_SELECTONLY, rb->str(LANG_ADD), Icon_Plugin, op_entry.path, NULL); browse.buf = tmp_buf; browse.bufsize = OPEN_PLUGIN_BUFSZ; if (rb->rockbox_browse(&browse) == GO_TO_PREVIOUS) { ret = rb->strlcpy(op_entry.path, tmp_buf, OPEN_PLUGIN_BUFSZ); if (ret > OPEN_PLUGIN_BUFSZ) ret = 0; } return ret; } static int op_entry_set_param_path(void) { int ret = 0; struct browse_context browse; char tmp_buf[OPEN_PLUGIN_BUFSZ+1]; if (op_entry.param[0] == '\0') rb->strcpy(tmp_buf, "/"); else rb->strcpy(tmp_buf, op_entry.param); rb->browse_context_init(&browse, SHOW_ALL, BROWSE_SELECTONLY, "", Icon_Plugin, tmp_buf, NULL); browse.buf = tmp_buf; browse.bufsize = OPEN_PLUGIN_BUFSZ; if (rb->rockbox_browse(&browse) == GO_TO_PREVIOUS) { ret = rb->strlcpy(op_entry.param, tmp_buf, OPEN_PLUGIN_BUFSZ); if (ret > OPEN_PLUGIN_BUFSZ) ret = 0; } return ret; } static void op_entry_set_param(void) { if (_yesno_pop(ID2P(LANG_BROWSE))) op_entry_set_param_path(); char tmp_buf[OPEN_PLUGIN_BUFSZ+1]; rb->strlcpy(tmp_buf, op_entry.param, OPEN_PLUGIN_BUFSZ); if (rb->kbd_input(tmp_buf, OPEN_PLUGIN_BUFSZ, NULL) >= 0) rb->strlcpy(op_entry.param, tmp_buf, OPEN_PLUGIN_BUFSZ); } static int op_et_exclude_hash(struct open_plugin_entry_t *op_entry, int item, void *data) { (void)item; if (op_entry->hash == 0 || op_entry->name[0] == '\0') return 0; if (data) { uint32_t *hash = data; if (op_entry->hash != *hash) return 1; } return 0; } static int op_et_exclude_builtin(struct open_plugin_entry_t *op_entry, int item, void *data) { (void)item; (void)data; if (op_entry->lang_id >= 0) return 0; else if(op_entry->hash == 0 || op_entry->name[0] == '\0') return 0; return 1; } static int op_et_exclude_user(struct open_plugin_entry_t *op_entry, int item, void *data) { (void)item; (void)data; if (op_entry->lang_id < 0) return 0; else if (op_entry->hash == 0 || op_entry->name[0] == '\0') return 0; return 1; } static int op_entry_transfer(int fd, int fd_tmp, int(*compfn)(struct open_plugin_entry_t*, int, void*), void *data) { int entries = -1; if (fd_tmp && fd && rb->lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0) { entries = 0; while (rb->read(fd, &op_entry, op_entry_sz) == op_entry_sz) { if (compfn && compfn(&op_entry, entries, data) > 0) { rb->write(fd_tmp, &op_entry, op_entry_sz); entries++; } } } return entries + 1; } static uint32_t op_entry_add_path(const char *key, const char *plugin, const char *parameter, bool use_key) { int len; uint32_t hash; uint32_t newhash; char *pos = "";; int fd_tmp = -1; use_key = (use_key == true && key != NULL); if (key) { open_plugin_get_hash(key, &hash); op_entry.hash = hash; } else if (op_entry.lang_id < 0 && plugin) { /* need to keep the old hash so we can remove the old entry */ hash = op_entry.hash; open_plugin_get_hash(plugin, &newhash); op_entry.hash = newhash; } else hash = op_entry.hash; if (plugin) { /* name */ if (use_key) { op_entry.lang_id = -1; rb->strlcpy(op_entry.name, key, OPEN_PLUGIN_NAMESZ); } if (pathbasename(plugin, (const char **)&pos) == 0) pos = "\0"; if (op_entry.name[0] == '\0' || op_entry.lang_id >= 0) rb->strlcpy(op_entry.name, pos, OPEN_PLUGIN_NAMESZ); len = rb->strlen(pos); if(len > ROCK_LEN && rb->strcasecmp(&(pos[len-ROCK_LEN]), "." ROCK_EXT) == 0) { fd_tmp = rb->open(OPEN_PLUGIN_DAT ".tmp", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666); if (fd_tmp < 0) return 0; /* path */ if (plugin != op_entry.path) rb->strlcpy(op_entry.path, plugin, OPEN_PLUGIN_BUFSZ); if(parameter) { if (parameter[0] == '\0' && _yesno_pop(ID2P(LANG_PARAMETER))) { op_entry_set_param(); } else if (parameter != op_entry.param) rb->strlcpy(op_entry.param, parameter, OPEN_PLUGIN_BUFSZ); /* hash on the parameter path if it is a file */ if (op_entry.lang_id <0 && key == op_entry.path && rb->file_exists(op_entry.param)) { open_plugin_get_hash(op_entry.path, &newhash); op_entry.hash = newhash; } } rb->write(fd_tmp, &op_entry, op_entry_sz); /* add new entry first */ } else if(op_entry_read_opx(plugin) == op_entry_sz) { fd_tmp = rb->open(OPEN_PLUGIN_DAT ".tmp", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666); if (fd_tmp < 0) return 0; if (op_entry.lang_id <0 && rb->file_exists(op_entry.param)) open_plugin_get_hash(op_entry.param, &hash); else open_plugin_get_hash(op_entry.path, &hash); op_entry.hash = hash; rb->write(fd_tmp, &op_entry, op_entry_sz); /* add new entry first */ } else { if (op_entry.lang_id != LANG_SHORTCUTS) rb->splashf(HZ / 2, rb->str(LANG_OPEN_PLUGIN_NOT_A_PLUGIN), pos); return 0; } } if (op_entry_transfer(fd_dat, fd_tmp, op_et_exclude_hash, &hash) > 0) { rb->close(fd_tmp); rb->close(fd_dat); rb->remove(OPEN_PLUGIN_DAT); rb->rename(OPEN_PLUGIN_DAT ".tmp", OPEN_PLUGIN_DAT); } else { rb->close(fd_tmp); rb->remove(OPEN_PLUGIN_DAT ".tmp"); hash = 0; } return hash; } void op_entry_browse_add(int selection) { char* key; op_entry_read(fd_dat, selection, op_entry_sz); if (op_entry_set_path() > 0) { if (op_entry.lang_id >= 0) key = rb->str(op_entry.lang_id); else key = op_entry.path; op_entry_add_path(key, op_entry.path, NULL, false); } } static void op_entry_remove(int selection) { int entries = rb->lseek(fd_dat, 0, SEEK_END) / op_entry_sz; int32_t hash = 0; int lang_id = -1; if (entries > 0 && _yesno_pop(ID2P(LANG_REMOVE))) { op_entry_read(fd_dat, selection, op_entry_sz); if (rb->lseek(fd_dat, selection * op_entry_sz, SEEK_SET) >= 0) { if (op_entry.lang_id >= 0) { lang_id = op_entry.lang_id; hash = op_entry.hash; } rb->memset(&op_entry, 0, op_entry_sz); op_entry.lang_id = lang_id; op_entry.hash = hash; rb->write(fd_dat, &op_entry, op_entry_sz); } } } static void op_entry_remove_empty(void) { bool resave = false; if (fd_dat && rb->lseek(fd_dat, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0) { while (resave == false && rb->read(fd_dat, &op_entry, op_entry_sz) == op_entry_sz) { if (op_entry.hash == 0) resave = true; } } if (resave) { int fd_tmp = rb->open(OPEN_PLUGIN_DAT ".tmp", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666); if (fd_tmp < 0) return; if ((op_entry_transfer(fd_dat, fd_tmp, &op_et_exclude_user, NULL) + op_entry_transfer(fd_dat, fd_tmp, &op_et_exclude_builtin, NULL)) > 0) { rb->close(fd_tmp); rb->close(fd_dat); rb->remove(OPEN_PLUGIN_DAT); rb->rename(OPEN_PLUGIN_DAT ".tmp", OPEN_PLUGIN_DAT); } else { rb->close(fd_tmp); rb->remove(OPEN_PLUGIN_DAT ".tmp"); } } } static int op_entry_run(void) { int ret = PLUGIN_ERROR; char* path; char* param; if (op_entry.hash != 0 && op_entry.path[0] != '\0') { //rb->splash(1, ID2P(LANG_OPEN_PLUGIN)); path = op_entry.path; param = op_entry.param; if (param[0] == '\0') param = NULL; ret = rb->plugin_open(path, param); } return ret; } static const char* list_get_name_cb(int selected_item, void* data, char* buf, size_t buf_len) { /*TODO memoize names so we don't keep reading the disk when not necessary */ if (data == (void*) &MENU_ID_MAIN) /* check address */ { if (op_entry_read_name(fd_dat, selected_item)) { if (op_entry.lang_id >= 0) rb->snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s [%s] ", rb->str(op_entry.lang_id), op_entry.name); else if (rb->strlcpy(buf, op_entry.name, buf_len) >= buf_len) rb->strcpy(&buf[buf_len-10], " ..."); } else return "?"; } else /* op_entry should already be loaded */ { switch(selected_item) { case 0: return ID2P(LANG_NAME); case 1: if (op_entry.lang_id >= 0) rb->snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s [%s] ", rb->str(op_entry.lang_id), op_entry.name); else if (rb->strlcpy(buf, op_entry.name, buf_len) >= buf_len) rb->strcpy(&buf[buf_len-10], " ..."); break; case 2: return ID2P(LANG_DISPLAY_FULL_PATH); case 3: if (rb->strlcpy(buf, op_entry.path, buf_len) >= buf_len) rb->strcpy(&buf[buf_len-10], " ..."); break; case 4: return ID2P(LANG_PARAMETER); case 5: if (op_entry.param[0] == '\0') return "[NULL]"; else if (rb->strlcpy(buf, op_entry.param, buf_len) >= buf_len) rb->strcpy(&buf[buf_len-10], " ..."); break; case 6: return ""; case 7: return ID2P(LANG_BACK); default: return "?"; } } return buf; } static int list_voice_cb(int list_index, void* data) { if (data == (void*) &MENU_ID_MAIN) /* check address */ { if (op_entry_read_name(fd_dat, list_index)) { if (op_entry.lang_id >= 0) { rb->talk_id(op_entry.lang_id, false); rb->talk_id(VOICE_PAUSE, true); rb->talk_force_enqueue_next(); } return rb->talk_spell(op_entry.name, false); } } else { switch(list_index) { case 0: rb->talk_id(LANG_NAME, false); rb->talk_id(VOICE_PAUSE, true); if (op_entry.lang_id >= 0) { rb->talk_id(op_entry.lang_id, true); rb->talk_id(VOICE_PAUSE, true); rb->talk_force_enqueue_next(); } return rb->talk_spell(op_entry.name, false); case 2: return rb->talk_id(LANG_DISPLAY_FULL_PATH, false); case 4: return rb->talk_id(LANG_PARAMETER, false); case 6: return rb->talk_id(LANG_BACK, false); default: return 0; } } return 0; } static void synclist_set(char* menu_id, int selection, int items, int sel_size) { if (selection < 0) selection = 0; rb->gui_synclist_init(&lists,list_get_name_cb, menu_id, false, sel_size, NULL); rb->gui_synclist_set_icon_callback(&lists,NULL); rb->gui_synclist_set_voice_callback(&lists, list_voice_cb); rb->gui_synclist_set_nb_items(&lists,items); rb->gui_synclist_limit_scroll(&lists,true); rb->gui_synclist_select_item(&lists, selection); list_voice_cb(selection, menu_id); } static int context_menu_cb(int action, const struct menu_item_ex *this_item, struct gui_synclist *this_list) { (void)this_item; int selection = rb->gui_synclist_get_sel_pos(this_list); if(action == ACTION_ENTER_MENUITEM) { if (selection == 0 && op_entry.lang_id >= 0 && op_entry.lang_id != LANG_OPEN_PLUGIN) { rb->gui_synclist_set_title(this_list, rb->str(op_entry.lang_id), 0); } } else if ((action == ACTION_STD_OK)) { /*Run, Edit, Remove, Export, Blank, Import, Add, Back*/ switch(selection) { case 0:case 1:case 2:case 3:case 5: return ACTION_STD_OK; case 4: /*blank*/ break; default: return ACTION_STD_CANCEL; } rb->gui_synclist_draw(this_list); /* redraw */ return 0; } return action; } static void edit_menu(int selection) { int selected_item; bool exit = false; int action = 0; if (!op_entry_read(fd_dat, selection, op_entry_sz)) return; uint32_t crc = rb->crc_32(&op_entry, op_entry_sz, 0xffffffff); synclist_set(MENU_ID_EDIT, 2, 8, 2); rb->gui_synclist_draw(&lists); while (!exit) { action = rb->get_action(CONTEXT_LIST,TIMEOUT_BLOCK); if (rb->gui_synclist_do_button(&lists,&action,LIST_WRAP_UNLESS_HELD)) continue; selected_item = rb->gui_synclist_get_sel_pos(&lists); switch (action) { case ACTION_STD_OK: if (selected_item == 0) op_entry_set_name(); else if (selected_item == 2) op_entry_set_path(); else if (selected_item == 4) op_entry_set_param(); else exit = true; rb->gui_synclist_draw(&lists); break; case ACTION_STD_CANCEL: exit = true; break; } } if (crc != rb->crc_32(&op_entry, op_entry_sz, 0xffffffff) && _yesno_pop(ID2P(LANG_SAVE)) == true) { char *param = op_entry.param; if (param[0] == '\0') param = NULL; op_entry_add_path(NULL, op_entry.path, param, false); fd_dat = rb->open(OPEN_PLUGIN_DAT, O_RDWR, 0666); } } static int context_menu(int selection) { int selected_item; if (op_entry_read(fd_dat, selection, op_entry_sz)) { MENUITEM_STRINGLIST(menu, op_entry.name, context_menu_cb, ID2P(LANG_RUN), ID2P(LANG_EDIT), ID2P(LANG_REMOVE), ID2P(LANG_EXPORT), ID2P(VOICE_BLANK), ID2P(LANG_ADD), ID2P(LANG_BACK)); selected_item = rb->do_menu(&menu, 0, NULL, false); switch (selected_item) { case 0: /*run*/ return PLUGIN_GOTO_PLUGIN; case 1: /*edit*/ edit_menu(selection); break; case 2: /*remove*/ op_entry_remove(selection); break; case 3: /*export*/ op_entry_export(selection); break; case 4: /*blank*/ break; case 5: /*add*/ op_entry_browse_add(-1); rb->plugin_open(rb->plugin_get_current_filename(), "\0"); return OP_PLUGIN_RESTART; default: break; } return PLUGIN_OK; } return PLUGIN_ERROR; } enum plugin_status plugin_start(const void* parameter) { int ret = PLUGIN_OK; uint32_t hash = 0; int item = -1; int selection = -1; int action; int items; int res; char *path; bool exit = false; const int creat_flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT; reopen_datfile: fd_dat = rb->open(OPEN_PLUGIN_DAT, creat_flags, 0666); if (!fd_dat) exit = true; items = rb->lseek(fd_dat, 0, SEEK_END) / op_entry_sz; if (parameter) { path = (char*)parameter; while (path[0] == ' ') path++; if (rb->strncasecmp(path, "-add", 4) == 0) { parameter = NULL; op_entry_browse_add(-1); rb->close(fd_dat); goto reopen_datfile; } } if (parameter) { path = (char*)parameter; res = op_entry_read_opx(path); if (res >= 0) { if (res == op_entry_sz) { exit = true; ret = op_entry_run(); } } else { open_plugin_get_hash(parameter, &hash); rb->lseek(fd_dat, 0, SEEK_SET); while (rb->read(fd_dat, &op_entry, op_entry_sz) == op_entry_sz) { item++; if (op_entry.hash == hash) { selection = item; break; } } if (selection >= 0) { if (op_entry_read(fd_dat, selection, op_entry_sz)) { ret = op_entry_run(); if (ret == PLUGIN_GOTO_PLUGIN) exit = true; } } else { op_entry_read(fd_dat, selection, op_entry_sz); if (op_entry_add_path(parameter, parameter, "\0", false) > 0) { selection = 0; items++; fd_dat = rb->open(OPEN_PLUGIN_DAT, creat_flags, 0666); if (!fd_dat) exit = true; } } }/* OP_EXT */ } if (items < 1 && !exit) { char* cur_filename = rb->plugin_get_current_filename(); if (op_entry_add_path(rb->str(LANG_ADD), cur_filename, "-add", true)) { rb->close(fd_dat); parameter = NULL; goto reopen_datfile; } rb->close(fd_dat); return PLUGIN_ERROR; } if (!exit) { synclist_set(MENU_ID_MAIN, selection, items, 1); rb->gui_synclist_draw(&lists); while (!exit) { action = rb->get_action(CONTEXT_LIST,TIMEOUT_BLOCK); if (rb->gui_synclist_do_button(&lists,&action,LIST_WRAP_UNLESS_HELD)) continue; selection = rb->gui_synclist_get_sel_pos(&lists); switch (action) { case ACTION_STD_CONTEXT: ret = context_menu(selection); if (ret == OP_PLUGIN_RESTART) { ret = PLUGIN_GOTO_PLUGIN; exit = true; break; } else if (ret != PLUGIN_GOTO_PLUGIN) { synclist_set(MENU_ID_MAIN, selection, items, 1); rb->gui_synclist_draw(&lists); break; } case ACTION_STD_OK: if (op_entry_read(fd_dat, selection, op_entry_sz)) { ret = op_entry_run(); exit = true; } break; case ACTION_STD_CANCEL: { selection = -2; exit = true; break; } } } op_entry_remove_empty(); } rb->close(fd_dat); if (ret != PLUGIN_OK) return ret; else return PLUGIN_OK; }