/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * Oscilloscope, with the thought-to-be impossible horizontal aspect! * * Copyright (C) 2004 Jens Arnold * * All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License. * See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef SIMULATOR /* not for simulator by now */ #include "plugin.h" #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP /* and also not for the Player */ #if CONFIG_CODEC != SWCODEC /* only for MAS-targets */ PLUGIN_HEADER /* The different drawing modes */ #define DRAW_MODE_FILLED 0 #define DRAW_MODE_OUTLINE 1 #define DRAW_MODE_PIXEL 2 #define DRAW_MODE_COUNT 3 #define MAX_PEAK 0x8000 /* variable button definitions */ #if CONFIG_KEYPAD == RECORDER_PAD #define OSCILLOSCOPE_QUIT BUTTON_OFF #define OSCILLOSCOPE_SCROLL BUTTON_F1 #define OSCILLOSCOPE_MODE BUTTON_F2 #define OSCILLOSCOPE_PAUSE BUTTON_PLAY #define OSCILLOSCOPE_VOL_UP BUTTON_UP #define OSCILLOSCOPE_VOL_DOWN BUTTON_DOWN #elif CONFIG_KEYPAD == ONDIO_PAD #define OSCILLOSCOPE_QUIT BUTTON_OFF #define OSCILLOSCOPE_SCROLL BUTTON_RIGHT #define OSCILLOSCOPE_MODE BUTTON_MENU #define OSCILLOSCOPE_PAUSE BUTTON_LEFT #define OSCILLOSCOPE_VOL_UP BUTTON_UP #define OSCILLOSCOPE_VOL_DOWN BUTTON_DOWN #endif /* unsigned 16 bit multiplication (a single instruction on the SH) */ #define MULU16(a, b) ((unsigned long) \ (((unsigned short) (a)) * ((unsigned short) (b)))) /* global variables */ struct plugin_api* rb; /* global api struct pointer */ int x = 0; int draw_mode = DRAW_MODE_FILLED; bool scroll = true; int left_val; int right_val; bool new_val = false; /* prototypes */ void lcd_scroll_left(int count, bool black_border); void timer_isr(void); void cleanup(void *parameter); enum plugin_status plugin_start(struct plugin_api* api, void* parameter); /* implementation */ void lcd_scroll_left(int count, bool black_border) { int by; unsigned filler; unsigned char *ptr; if ((unsigned) count >= LCD_WIDTH) return; filler = black_border ? 0xFF : 0; for (by = 0; by < (LCD_HEIGHT/8); by++) { ptr = rb->lcd_framebuffer + MULU16(LCD_WIDTH, by); asm volatile ( "mov %0,r1 \n" /* check if both source... */ "or %2,r1 \n" /* ...and offset are even */ "shlr r1 \n" /* -> lsb = 0 */ "bf .sl_start2 \n" /* -> copy word-wise */ "add #-1,%2 \n" /* copy byte-wise */ ".sl_loop1: \n" "mov.b @%0+,r1 \n" "mov.b r1,@(%2,%0) \n" "cmp/hi %0,%1 \n" "bt .sl_loop1 \n" "bra .sl_end \n" "nop \n" ".sl_start2: \n" /* copy word-wise */ "add #-2,%2 \n" ".sl_loop2: \n" "mov.w @%0+,r1 \n" "mov.w r1,@(%2,%0) \n" "cmp/hi %0,%1 \n" "bt .sl_loop2 \n" ".sl_end: \n" : /* outputs */ : /* inputs */ /* %0 */ "r"(ptr + count), /* %1 */ "r"(ptr + LCD_WIDTH), /* %2 */ "z"(-count) : /* clobbers */ "r1" ); rb->memset(ptr + LCD_WIDTH - count, filler, count); } } void timer_isr(void) { static int last_left, last_right; bool full_update = false; if (new_val) { if ((unsigned)x >= LCD_WIDTH) { if (scroll) { lcd_scroll_left(1, false); x = LCD_WIDTH-1; full_update = true; } else x = 0; } rb->lcd_set_drawmode(DRMODE_SOLID|DRMODE_INVERSEVID); rb->lcd_drawline(x, 0, x, LCD_HEIGHT-1); rb->lcd_set_drawmode(DRMODE_SOLID); switch (draw_mode) { case DRAW_MODE_FILLED: rb->lcd_drawline(x, LCD_HEIGHT/2+1, x, LCD_HEIGHT/2+1 + left_val); rb->lcd_drawline(x, LCD_HEIGHT/2-1, x, LCD_HEIGHT/2-1 - right_val); break; case DRAW_MODE_OUTLINE: if (x > 0) { rb->lcd_drawline(x - 1, LCD_HEIGHT/2+1 + last_left, x, LCD_HEIGHT/2+1 + left_val); rb->lcd_drawline(x - 1, LCD_HEIGHT/2-1 - last_right, x, LCD_HEIGHT/2-1 - right_val); break; } /* else fall through */ case DRAW_MODE_PIXEL: rb->lcd_drawpixel(x, LCD_HEIGHT/2+1 + left_val); rb->lcd_drawpixel(x, LCD_HEIGHT/2-1 - right_val); break; } if (full_update) rb->lcd_update(); else rb->lcd_update_rect(MAX(x - 1, 0), 0, 2, LCD_HEIGHT); last_left = left_val; last_right = right_val; x++; new_val = false; } } void cleanup(void *parameter) { (void)parameter; rb->timer_unregister(); } enum plugin_status plugin_start(struct plugin_api* api, void* parameter) { int button, vol; bool exit = false; bool paused = false; (void)parameter; rb = api; rb->timer_register(1, NULL, FREQ / 67, 1, timer_isr); while (!exit) { if (!paused) { /* read the volume info from MAS */ left_val = rb->mas_codec_readreg(0xC) / (MAX_PEAK / (LCD_HEIGHT/2-2)); right_val = rb->mas_codec_readreg(0xD) / (MAX_PEAK / (LCD_HEIGHT/2-2)); new_val = true; } rb->yield(); button = rb->button_get(paused); switch (button) { case OSCILLOSCOPE_QUIT: exit = true; break; case OSCILLOSCOPE_SCROLL: scroll = !scroll; break; case OSCILLOSCOPE_MODE: draw_mode++; draw_mode = draw_mode % DRAW_MODE_COUNT; break; case OSCILLOSCOPE_PAUSE: paused = !paused; break; case OSCILLOSCOPE_VOL_UP: case OSCILLOSCOPE_VOL_UP | BUTTON_REPEAT: vol = rb->global_settings->volume; if (vol < rb->sound_max(SOUND_VOLUME)) { vol++; rb->sound_set(SOUND_VOLUME, vol); rb->global_settings->volume = vol; } break; case OSCILLOSCOPE_VOL_DOWN: case OSCILLOSCOPE_VOL_DOWN | BUTTON_REPEAT: vol = rb->global_settings->volume; if (vol > rb->sound_min(SOUND_VOLUME)) { vol--; rb->sound_set(SOUND_VOLUME, vol); rb->global_settings->volume = vol; } break; default: if (rb->default_event_handler_ex(button, cleanup, NULL) == SYS_USB_CONNECTED) return PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED; break; } } cleanup(NULL); return PLUGIN_OK; } #endif /* if using MAS */ #endif /* if HAVE_LCD_BITMAP */ #endif /* SIMULATOR */