Library: PDa (Pure Data Anywhere) Imported: 2009-05-22 by Wincent Balin (GSoC), commit by Peter D'Hoye This directory structure contains the Pure Data Anywhere implementation LICENSING INFORMATION PDa is licensed under the Standard Improved BSD License and is copyrighted by Miller Puckette and others IMPORT DETAILS PDbox is based on PDa 0.6 which is based on pd-0.37-4 (around the end of 2004). Additionally a minor patch was applied to the file s_loader.c to prevent loading of shared libraries, which would not work in Rockbox anyway. The changes applied fall into three categories: networking, file operations and others. As Rockbox does not have a networking, a lightweight messaging system was implemented for communication. File operations differ under Rockbox from those under desktop operating systems a little. Most, if not all changes are recognizable by their using of the ROCKBOX preprocessor variable (i.e. #ifdef ROCKBOX, #endif /* ROCKBOX */).