/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) 2006 Peter D'Hoye * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "plugin.h" bool its_a_dir = false; char str_filename[MAX_PATH]; char str_dirname[MAX_PATH]; char str_size[64]; char str_dircount[64]; char str_filecount[64]; char str_date[64]; char str_time[64]; char str_title[MAX_PATH]; char str_artist[MAX_PATH]; char str_album[MAX_PATH]; char str_duration[32]; int num_properties; static const char* props_file[] = { "[Path]", str_dirname, "[Filename]", str_filename, "[Size]", str_size, "[Date]", str_date, "[Time]", str_time, "[Artist]", str_artist, "[Title]", str_title, "[Album]", str_album, "[Duration]", str_duration, }; static const char* props_dir[] = { "[Path]", str_dirname, "[Subdirs]", str_dircount, "[Files]", str_filecount, "[Size]", str_size, }; static const char human_size_prefix[4] = { '\0', 'K', 'M', 'G' }; static unsigned human_size_log(unsigned long long size) { const size_t n = sizeof(human_size_prefix)/sizeof(human_size_prefix[0]); unsigned i; /* margin set at 10K boundary: 10239 B +1 => 10 KB */ for(i=0; i < n-1 && size >= 10*1024; i++) size >>= 10; /* div by 1024 */ return i; } static bool file_properties(char* selected_file) { bool found = false; char tstr[MAX_PATH]; DIR* dir; struct dirent* entry; struct mp3entry id3; char* ptr = rb->strrchr(selected_file, '/') + 1; int dirlen = (ptr - selected_file); rb->strlcpy(tstr, selected_file, dirlen + 1); dir = rb->opendir(tstr); if (dir) { while(0 != (entry = rb->readdir(dir))) { struct dirinfo info = rb->dir_get_info(dir, entry); if(!rb->strcmp(entry->d_name, selected_file+dirlen)) { unsigned log; rb->snprintf(str_dirname, sizeof str_dirname, "%s", tstr); rb->snprintf(str_filename, sizeof str_filename, "%s", selected_file+dirlen); log = human_size_log((unsigned long)info.size); rb->snprintf(str_size, sizeof str_size, "%lu %cB", ((unsigned long)info.size) >> (log*10), human_size_prefix[log]); struct tm tm; rb->gmtime_r(&info.mtime, &tm); rb->snprintf(str_date, sizeof str_date, "%04d/%02d/%02d", tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday); rb->snprintf(str_time, sizeof str_time, "%02d:%02d:%02d", tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec); num_properties = 5; #if (CONFIG_CODEC == SWCODEC) int fd = rb->open(selected_file, O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0 && rb->get_metadata(&id3, fd, selected_file)) #else if (!rb->mp3info(&id3, selected_file)) #endif { long dur = id3.length / 1000; /* seconds */ rb->snprintf(str_artist, sizeof str_artist, "%s", id3.artist ? id3.artist : ""); rb->snprintf(str_title, sizeof str_title, "%s", id3.title ? id3.title : ""); rb->snprintf(str_album, sizeof str_album, "%s", id3.album ? id3.album : ""); num_properties += 3; if (dur > 0) { if (dur < 3600) rb->snprintf(str_duration, sizeof str_duration, "%d:%02d", (int)(dur / 60), (int)(dur % 60)); else rb->snprintf(str_duration, sizeof str_duration, "%d:%02d:%02d", (int)(dur / 3600), (int)(dur % 3600 / 60), (int)(dur % 60)); num_properties++; } } #if (CONFIG_CODEC == SWCODEC) rb->close(fd); #endif found = true; break; } } rb->closedir(dir); } return found; } typedef struct { char dirname[MAX_PATH]; int len; unsigned int dc; unsigned int fc; unsigned long long bc; } DPS; static bool _dir_properties(DPS* dps) { /* recursively scan directories in search of files and informs the user of the progress */ bool result; static long lasttick=0; int dirlen; DIR* dir; struct dirent* entry; result = true; dirlen = rb->strlen(dps->dirname); dir = rb->opendir(dps->dirname); if (!dir) { rb->splashf(HZ*2, "%s", dps->dirname); return false; /* open error */ } /* walk through the directory content */ while(result && (0 != (entry = rb->readdir(dir)))) { struct dirinfo info = rb->dir_get_info(dir, entry); /* append name to current directory */ rb->snprintf(dps->dirname+dirlen, dps->len-dirlen, "/%s", entry->d_name); if (info.attribute & ATTR_DIRECTORY) { unsigned log; if (!rb->strcmp((char *)entry->d_name, ".") || !rb->strcmp((char *)entry->d_name, "..")) continue; /* skip these */ dps->dc++; /* new directory */ if (*rb->current_tick - lasttick > (HZ/8)) { lasttick = *rb->current_tick; rb->lcd_clear_display(); rb->lcd_puts(0,0,"SCANNING..."); rb->lcd_puts(0,1,dps->dirname); rb->lcd_puts(0,2,entry->d_name); rb->lcd_putsf(0,3,"Directories: %d", dps->dc); rb->lcd_putsf(0,4,"Files: %d", dps->fc); log = human_size_log(dps->bc); rb->lcd_putsf(0,5,"Size: %lu %cB", (unsigned long)(dps->bc >> (10*log)), human_size_prefix[log]); rb->lcd_update(); } /* recursion */ result = _dir_properties(dps); } else { dps->fc++; /* new file */ dps->bc += info.size; } if(ACTION_STD_CANCEL == rb->get_action(CONTEXT_STD,TIMEOUT_NOBLOCK)) result = false; rb->yield(); } rb->closedir(dir); return result; } static bool dir_properties(char* selected_file) { unsigned log; DPS dps = { .len = MAX_PATH, .dc = 0, .fc = 0, .bc = 0, }; rb->strlcpy(dps.dirname, selected_file, MAX_PATH); #ifdef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ rb->cpu_boost(true); #endif if(false == _dir_properties(&dps)) return false; #ifdef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ rb->cpu_boost(false); #endif rb->strlcpy(str_dirname, selected_file, MAX_PATH); rb->snprintf(str_dircount, sizeof str_dircount, "%d", dps.dc); rb->snprintf(str_filecount, sizeof str_filecount, "%d", dps.fc); log = human_size_log(dps.bc); rb->snprintf(str_size, sizeof str_size, "%ld %cB", (long) (dps.bc >> (log*10)), human_size_prefix[log]); num_properties = 4; return true; } static const char * get_props(int selected_item, void* data, char *buffer, size_t buffer_len) { (void)data; if(its_a_dir) { if(selected_item >= (int)(sizeof(props_dir) / sizeof(props_dir[0]))) { rb->strlcpy(buffer, "ERROR", buffer_len); } else { rb->strlcpy(buffer, props_dir[selected_item], buffer_len); } } else { if(selected_item >= (int)(sizeof(props_file) / sizeof(props_file[0]))) { rb->strlcpy(buffer, "ERROR", buffer_len); } else { rb->strlcpy(buffer, props_file[selected_item], buffer_len); } } return buffer; } enum plugin_status plugin_start(const void* parameter) { struct gui_synclist properties_lists; int button; bool quit = false, usb = false; char file[MAX_PATH]; if(!parameter) return PLUGIN_ERROR; rb->strcpy(file, (const char *) parameter); #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREEN rb->touchscreen_set_mode(rb->global_settings->touch_mode); #endif /* determine if it's a file or a directory */ bool found = false; DIR* dir; struct dirent* entry; char* ptr = rb->strrchr(file, '/') + 1; int dirlen = (ptr - file); rb->strlcpy(str_dirname, file, dirlen + 1); dir = rb->opendir(str_dirname); if (dir) { while(0 != (entry = rb->readdir(dir))) { if(!rb->strcmp(entry->d_name, file+dirlen)) { struct dirinfo info = rb->dir_get_info(dir, entry); its_a_dir = info.attribute & ATTR_DIRECTORY ? true : false; found = true; break; } } rb->closedir(dir); } /* now we know if it's a file or a dir or maybe something failed */ if(!found) { /* weird: we couldn't find the entry. This Should Never Happen (TM) */ rb->splashf(0, "File/Dir not found: %s", file); rb->action_userabort(TIMEOUT_BLOCK); return PLUGIN_OK; } /* get the info depending on its_a_dir */ if(!(its_a_dir ? dir_properties(file) : file_properties(file))) { /* something went wrong (to do: tell user what it was (nesting,...) */ rb->splash(0, "Failed to gather information"); rb->action_userabort(TIMEOUT_BLOCK); return PLUGIN_OK; } #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP FOR_NB_SCREENS(i) rb->viewportmanager_theme_enable(i, true, NULL); #endif rb->gui_synclist_init(&properties_lists, &get_props, file, false, 2, NULL); rb->gui_synclist_set_title(&properties_lists, its_a_dir ? "Directory properties" : "File properties", NOICON); rb->gui_synclist_set_icon_callback(&properties_lists, NULL); rb->gui_synclist_set_nb_items(&properties_lists, num_properties * 2); rb->gui_synclist_limit_scroll(&properties_lists, true); rb->gui_synclist_select_item(&properties_lists, 0); rb->gui_synclist_draw(&properties_lists); while(!quit) { button = rb->get_action(CONTEXT_LIST, HZ); /* HZ so the status bar redraws corectly */ if (rb->gui_synclist_do_button(&properties_lists,&button,LIST_WRAP_ON)) continue; switch(button) { case ACTION_STD_CANCEL: quit = true; break; default: if (rb->default_event_handler(button) == SYS_USB_CONNECTED) { quit = true; usb = true; } break; } } #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP FOR_NB_SCREENS(i) rb->viewportmanager_theme_undo(i, false); #endif return usb? PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED: PLUGIN_OK; }