#include "version.h" #ifdef USE_PARALLAX #include "wl_def.h" #ifdef USE_FEATUREFLAGS // The lower left tile of every map determines the start texture of the parallax sky. static int GetParallaxStartTexture() { int startTex = ffDataBottomLeft; assert(startTex >= 0 && startTex < PMSpriteStart); return startTex; } #else static int GetParallaxStartTexture() { int startTex; switch(gamestate.episode * 10 + mapon) { case 0: startTex = 20; break; default: startTex = 0; break; } assert(startTex >= 0 && startTex < PMSpriteStart); return startTex; } #endif void DrawParallax(byte *vbuf, unsigned vbufPitch) { int startpage = GetParallaxStartTexture(); int midangle = player->angle * (FINEANGLES / ANGLES); int skyheight = viewheight >> 1; int curtex = -1; byte *skytex; startpage += USE_PARALLAX - 1; for(int x = 0; x < viewwidth; x++) { int curang = pixelangle[x] + midangle; if(curang < 0) curang += FINEANGLES; else if(curang >= FINEANGLES) curang -= FINEANGLES; int xtex = curang * USE_PARALLAX * TEXTURESIZE / FINEANGLES; int newtex = xtex >> TEXTURESHIFT; if(newtex != curtex) { curtex = newtex; skytex = PM_GetTexture(startpage - curtex); } int texoffs = TEXTUREMASK - ((xtex & (TEXTURESIZE - 1)) << TEXTURESHIFT); int yend = skyheight - (wallheight[x] >> 3); if(yend <= 0) continue; for(int y = 0, offs = x; y < yend; y++, offs += vbufPitch) vbuf[offs] = skytex[texoffs + (y * TEXTURESIZE) / skyheight]; } } #endif