/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) 2010 Thomas Martitz, Andree Buschmann * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "plugin.h" #if PLUGIN_BUFFER_SIZE <= 0x8000 #define BUF_SIZE (1<<12) /* 16 KB = (1<<12)*sizeof(int) */ #elif PLUGIN_BUFFER_SIZE <= 0x10000 #define BUF_SIZE (1<<13) /* 32 KB = (1<<13)*sizeof(int) */ #elif PLUGIN_BUFFER_SIZE <= 0x20000 #define BUF_SIZE (1<<14) /* 64 KB = (1<<14)*sizeof(int) */ #else #define BUF_SIZE (1<<15) /* 128 KB = (1<<15)*sizeof(int) */ #endif #define LOOP_REPEAT_DRAM 256 #define MAX_REPEAT_DRAM 512 static int loop_repeat_dram = LOOP_REPEAT_DRAM; static volatile int buf_dram[BUF_SIZE] MEM_ALIGN_ATTR; #if defined(PLUGIN_USE_IRAM) #if PLUGIN_BUFFER_SIZE <= 0x8000 #define IBUF_SIZE (1<<12) /* 16 KB = (1<<12)*sizeof(int) */ #else #define IBUF_SIZE (1<<13) /* 32 KB = (1<<13)*sizeof(int) */ #endif #define LOOP_REPEAT_IRAM 256 #define MAX_REPEAT_IRAM 512 static int loop_repeat_iram = LOOP_REPEAT_DRAM; static volatile int buf_iram[IBUF_SIZE] IBSS_ATTR MEM_ALIGN_ATTR; #endif /* (Byte per loop * loops)>>20 * ticks per s * 10 / ticks = dMB per s */ #define dMB_PER_SEC(buf_size, cnt, delta) ((((buf_size*sizeof(int)*cnt)>>20)*HZ*10)/delta) static void memset_test(volatile int *buf, int buf_size, int loop_cnt) { size_t buf_bytes = buf_size*sizeof(buf[0]); for(int i = 0; i < loop_cnt; i++) { memset((void*)buf, 0xff, buf_bytes); } } static void memcpy_test(volatile int *buf, int buf_size, int loop_cnt) { /* half-size memcpy since memory regions must not overlap */ void* half_buf = (void*)(&buf[buf_size/2]); size_t half_buf_bytes = buf_size * sizeof(buf[0]) / 2; /* double loop count to compensate for half size memcpy */ for(int i = 0; i < loop_cnt*2; i++) { memcpy((void*)&buf[0], half_buf, half_buf_bytes); } } static void write_test(volatile int *buf, int buf_size, int loop_cnt) { #if defined(CPU_ARM) asm volatile ( "mov r0, #0 \n" "mov r1, #1 \n" "mov r2, #2 \n" "mov r3, #3 \n" "mov r6, %[loops] \n" ".outer_loop_read: \n" "mov r4, %[buf_p] \n" "mov r5, %[size] \n" ".inner_loop_read: \n" "stmia r4!, {r0-r3} \n" "stmia r4!, {r0-r3} \n" "subs r5, r5, #8 \n" "bgt .inner_loop_read \n" "subs r6, r6, #1 \n" "bgt .outer_loop_read \n" : : [loops] "r" (loop_cnt), [size] "r" (buf_size), [buf_p] "r" (buf) : "r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "memory", "cc" ); #else for(int i = 0; i < loop_cnt; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < buf_size; j+=4) { buf[j ] = j; buf[j+1] = j+1; buf[j+2] = j+2; buf[j+3] = j+3; } } #endif } static void read_test(volatile int *buf, int buf_size, int loop_cnt) { #if defined(CPU_ARM) asm volatile ( "mov r6, %[loops] \n" ".outer_loop_write: \n" "mov r4, %[buf_p] \n" "mov r5, %[size] \n" ".inner_loop_write: \n" "ldmia r4!, {r0-r3} \n" "subs r5, r5, #8 \n" "ldmia r4!, {r0-r3} \n" "bgt .inner_loop_write \n" "subs r6, r6, #1 \n" "bgt .outer_loop_write \n" : : [loops] "r" (loop_cnt), [size] "r" (buf_size), [buf_p] "r" (buf) : "r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "memory", "cc" ); #else int x; for(int i = 0; i < loop_cnt; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < buf_size; j+=4) { x = buf[j ]; x = buf[j+2]; x = buf[j+3]; x = buf[j+4]; } } (void)x; #endif } enum test_type { READ, WRITE, MEMSET, MEMCPY, }; static const char tests[][7] = { [READ] = "read ", [WRITE] = "write ", [MEMSET] = "memset", [MEMCPY] = "memcpy", }; static int line; #define TEST_MEM_PRINTF(...) rb->screens[0]->putsf(0, line++, __VA_ARGS__) static int test(volatile int *buf, int buf_size, int loop_cnt, enum test_type type) { int delta, dMB; int last_tick = *rb->current_tick; int ret = 0; switch(type) { case READ: read_test(buf, buf_size, loop_cnt); break; case WRITE: write_test(buf, buf_size, loop_cnt); break; case MEMSET: memset_test(buf, buf_size, loop_cnt); break; case MEMCPY: memcpy_test(buf, buf_size, loop_cnt); break; } delta = *rb->current_tick - last_tick; if (delta <= 20) { /* The loop_cnt will be increased for the next measurement set until * each measurement at least takes 10 ticks. This is to ensure a * minimum accuracy. */ ret = 1; } delta = delta>0 ? delta : delta+1; dMB = dMB_PER_SEC(buf_size, loop_cnt, delta); TEST_MEM_PRINTF("%s: %3d.%d MB/s (%3d ms)", tests[type], dMB/10, dMB%10, delta*10); return ret; } enum plugin_status plugin_start(const void* parameter) { (void)parameter; bool done = false; #ifdef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ bool boost = false; #endif int count = 0; rb->lcd_setfont(FONT_SYSFIXED); rb->screens[0]->clear_display(); TEST_MEM_PRINTF("patience, may take some seconds..."); rb->screens[0]->update(); while (!done) { line = 0; int ret; rb->screens[0]->clear_display(); #ifdef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ TEST_MEM_PRINTF("%s", boost?"boosted":"unboosted"); TEST_MEM_PRINTF("clock: %3d.%d MHz", (*rb->cpu_frequency)/1000000, (*rb->cpu_frequency)%1000000); #endif TEST_MEM_PRINTF("loop#: %d", ++count); TEST_MEM_PRINTF("DRAM cnt: %d size: %d MB", loop_repeat_dram, (loop_repeat_dram*BUF_SIZE*sizeof(buf_dram[0]))>>20); ret = 0; ret |= test(buf_dram, BUF_SIZE, loop_repeat_dram, READ); ret |= test(buf_dram, BUF_SIZE, loop_repeat_dram, WRITE); ret |= test(buf_dram, BUF_SIZE, loop_repeat_dram, MEMSET); ret |= test(buf_dram, BUF_SIZE, loop_repeat_dram, MEMCPY); if (ret != 0 && loop_repeat_dram < MAX_REPEAT_DRAM) loop_repeat_dram *= 2; #if defined(PLUGIN_USE_IRAM) TEST_MEM_PRINTF("IRAM cnt: %d size: %d MB", loop_repeat_iram, (loop_repeat_iram*BUF_SIZE*sizeof(buf_iram[0]))>>20); ret = 0; ret |= test(buf_iram, BUF_SIZE, loop_repeat_iram, READ); ret |= test(buf_iram, BUF_SIZE, loop_repeat_iram, WRITE); ret |= test(buf_iram, BUF_SIZE, loop_repeat_iram, MEMSET); ret |= test(buf_iram, BUF_SIZE, loop_repeat_iram, MEMCPY); if (ret != 0 && loop_repeat_iram < MAX_REPEAT_IRAM) loop_repeat_iram *= 2; #endif rb->screens[0]->update(); switch (rb->get_action(CONTEXT_STD, HZ/5)) { #ifdef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ case ACTION_STD_PREV: if (!boost) { rb->cpu_boost(true); boost = true; } break; case ACTION_STD_NEXT: if (boost) { rb->cpu_boost(false); boost = false; } break; #endif case ACTION_STD_CANCEL: done = true; break; } } return PLUGIN_OK; }