/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) 2006 Jonathan Gordon * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "plugin.h" #include "lib/playback_control.h" #define MAX_LINE_LEN 2048 static unsigned char *buffer; static size_t buffer_size; static size_t char_count = 0; static int line_count = 0; static int last_action_line = 0; static int last_char_index = 0; static bool audio_buf = false; static char temp_line[MAX_LINE_LEN]; static char copy_buffer[MAX_LINE_LEN]; static char filename[MAX_PATH]; static char eol[3]; static bool newfile; #define ACTION_INSERT 0 #define ACTION_GET 1 #define ACTION_REMOVE 2 #define ACTION_UPDATE 3 #define ACTION_CONCAT 4 static char* _do_action(int action, char* str, int line); #ifndef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ #define do_action _do_action #else static char* do_action(int action, char* str, int line) { char *r; rb->cpu_boost(1); r = _do_action(action,str,line); rb->cpu_boost(0); return r; } #endif static char* _do_action(int action, char* str, int line) { int len, lennew; int i=0,c=0; if (line>=last_action_line) { i = last_action_line; c = last_char_index; } while (istrlen(&buffer[c])+1; i++; } switch (action) { case ACTION_INSERT: len = rb->strlen(str)+1; if ( char_count+ len > buffer_size ) return NULL; rb->memmove(&buffer[c+len],&buffer[c],char_count-c); rb->strcpy(&buffer[c],str); char_count += len; line_count++; break; case ACTION_GET: if (line > line_count) return &buffer[0]; break; case ACTION_REMOVE: if (line > line_count) return NULL; len = rb->strlen(&buffer[c])+1; rb->memmove(&buffer[c],&buffer[c+len],char_count-c-len); char_count -= len; line_count--; break; case ACTION_UPDATE: if (line > line_count) return NULL; len = rb->strlen(&buffer[c])+1; lennew = rb->strlen(str)+1; if ( char_count+ lennew-len > buffer_size ) return NULL; rb->memmove(&buffer[c+lennew],&buffer[c+len],char_count-c-len); rb->strcpy(&buffer[c],str); char_count += lennew-len; break; case ACTION_CONCAT: if (line > line_count) return NULL; rb->memmove(&buffer[c-1],&buffer[c],char_count-c); char_count--; line_count--; break; default: return NULL; } last_action_line = i; last_char_index = c; return &buffer[c]; } static const char* list_get_name_cb(int selected_item, void* data, char* buf, size_t buf_len) { (void)data; char *b = do_action(ACTION_GET, 0, selected_item); /* strlcpy(dst, src, siz) returns strlen(src) */ if (rb->strlcpy(buf, b, buf_len) >= buf_len) { rb->strcpy(&buf[buf_len-10], " ..."); } return buf; } static void get_eol_string(char* fn) { int fd; char t; /* assume LF first */ rb->strcpy(eol,"\n"); if (!fn || !fn[0]) return; fd = rb->open(fn,O_RDONLY); if (fd<0) return; while (1) { if (!rb->read(fd,&t,1) || t == '\n') { break; } if (t == '\r') { if (rb->read(fd,&t,1) && t=='\n') rb->strcpy(eol,"\r\n"); else rb->strcpy(eol,"\r"); break; } } rb->close(fd); return; } static bool save_changes(int overwrite) { int fd; int i; if (newfile || !overwrite) { if(rb->kbd_input(filename,MAX_PATH) < 0) { newfile = true; return false; } } fd = rb->open(filename,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666); if (fd < 0) { newfile = true; rb->splash(HZ*2, "Changes NOT saved"); return false; } rb->lcd_clear_display(); #ifdef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ rb->cpu_boost(1); #endif for (i=0;ifdprintf(fd,"%s%s", do_action(ACTION_GET, 0, i), eol); } #ifdef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ rb->cpu_boost(0); #endif rb->close(fd); if (newfile || !overwrite) /* current directory may have changed */ rb->reload_directory(); newfile = false; return true; } static void setup_lists(struct gui_synclist *lists, int sel) { rb->gui_synclist_init(lists,list_get_name_cb,0, false, 1, NULL); rb->gui_synclist_set_icon_callback(lists,NULL); rb->gui_synclist_set_nb_items(lists,line_count); rb->gui_synclist_limit_scroll(lists,true); rb->gui_synclist_select_item(lists, sel); rb->gui_synclist_draw(lists); } enum { MENU_RET_SAVE = -1, MENU_RET_NO_UPDATE, MENU_RET_UPDATE, }; static int do_item_menu(int cur_sel) { int ret = MENU_RET_NO_UPDATE; MENUITEM_STRINGLIST(menu, "Line Options", NULL, "Cut/Delete", "Copy", "Insert Above", "Insert Below", "Concat To Above", "Save", "Playback Control"); switch (rb->do_menu(&menu, NULL, NULL, false)) { case 0: /* cut */ rb->strlcpy(copy_buffer, do_action(ACTION_GET, 0, cur_sel), MAX_LINE_LEN); do_action(ACTION_REMOVE, 0, cur_sel); ret = MENU_RET_UPDATE; break; case 1: /* copy */ rb->strlcpy(copy_buffer, do_action(ACTION_GET, 0, cur_sel), MAX_LINE_LEN); ret = MENU_RET_NO_UPDATE; break; case 2: /* insert above */ if (!rb->kbd_input(copy_buffer,MAX_LINE_LEN)) { do_action(ACTION_INSERT,copy_buffer,cur_sel); copy_buffer[0]='\0'; ret = MENU_RET_UPDATE; } break; case 3: /* insert below */ if (!rb->kbd_input(copy_buffer,MAX_LINE_LEN)) { do_action(ACTION_INSERT,copy_buffer,cur_sel+1); copy_buffer[0]='\0'; ret = MENU_RET_UPDATE; } break; case 4: /* cat to above */ if (cur_sel>0) { do_action(ACTION_CONCAT,0,cur_sel); ret = MENU_RET_UPDATE; } break; case 5: /* save */ ret = MENU_RET_SAVE; break; case 6: /* playback menu */ if (!audio_buf) playback_control(NULL); else rb->splash(HZ, "Cannot restart playback"); ret = MENU_RET_NO_UPDATE; break; default: ret = MENU_RET_NO_UPDATE; break; } return ret; } #ifdef HAVE_LCD_COLOR #define hex2dec(c) (((c) >= '0' && ((c) <= '9')) ? (toupper(c)) - '0' : \ (toupper(c)) - 'A' + 10) static int my_hex_to_rgb(const char* hex, int* color) { int ok = 1; int i; int red, green, blue; if (rb->strlen(hex) == 6) { for (i=0; i < 6; i++ ) { if (!isxdigit(hex[i])) { ok=0; break; } } if (ok) { red = (hex2dec(hex[0]) << 4) | hex2dec(hex[1]); green = (hex2dec(hex[2]) << 4) | hex2dec(hex[3]); blue = (hex2dec(hex[4]) << 4) | hex2dec(hex[5]); *color = LCD_RGBPACK(red,green,blue); return 0; } } return -1; } #endif /* HAVE_LCD_COLOR */ /* this is the plugin entry point */ enum plugin_status plugin_start(const void* parameter) { int fd; struct gui_synclist lists; bool exit = false; int button; bool changed = false; int cur_sel=0; #ifdef HAVE_LCD_COLOR bool edit_colors_file = false; #endif copy_buffer[0]='\0'; #if LCD_DEPTH > 1 rb->lcd_set_backdrop(NULL); #endif buffer = rb->plugin_get_buffer(&buffer_size); #ifdef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ rb->cpu_boost(1); #endif if (parameter) { #ifdef HAVE_LCD_COLOR char *c = NULL; #endif rb->strlcpy(filename, (char*)parameter, MAX_PATH); get_eol_string(filename); fd = rb->open(filename,O_RDONLY); if (fd<0) { rb->splashf(HZ*2, "Couldnt open file: %s", filename); return PLUGIN_ERROR; } #ifdef HAVE_LCD_COLOR c = rb->strrchr(filename, '.'); if (c && !rb->strcmp(c, ".colours")) edit_colors_file = true; #endif if (buffer_size <= (size_t)rb->filesize(fd) + 0x400) { buffer = rb->plugin_get_audio_buffer(&buffer_size); audio_buf = true; } /* read in the file */ while (rb->read_line(fd,temp_line,MAX_LINE_LEN) > 0) { if (!do_action(ACTION_INSERT,temp_line,line_count)) { rb->splashf(HZ*2,"Error reading file: %s",(char*)parameter); rb->close(fd); return PLUGIN_ERROR; } } rb->close(fd); newfile = false; } else { rb->strcpy(filename,"/"); rb->strcpy(eol,"\n"); newfile = true; } #ifdef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ rb->cpu_boost(0); #endif /* now dump it in the list */ setup_lists(&lists,0); rb->lcd_update(); while (!exit) { rb->gui_synclist_draw(&lists); cur_sel = rb->gui_synclist_get_sel_pos(&lists); button = rb->get_action(CONTEXT_LIST,TIMEOUT_BLOCK); if (rb->gui_synclist_do_button(&lists,&button,LIST_WRAP_UNLESS_HELD)) continue; switch (button) { case ACTION_STD_OK: { if (line_count) rb->strlcpy(temp_line, do_action(ACTION_GET, 0, cur_sel), MAX_LINE_LEN); #ifdef HAVE_LCD_COLOR if (edit_colors_file && line_count) { char *name = temp_line, *value = NULL; char extension[16]; int color, old_color; bool temp_changed = false; MENUITEM_STRINGLIST(menu, "Edit What?", NULL, "Extension", "Colour"); rb->settings_parseline(temp_line, &name, &value); rb->strlcpy(extension, name, sizeof(extension)); if (value) my_hex_to_rgb(value, &color); else color = 0; switch (rb->do_menu(&menu, NULL, NULL, false)) { case 0: temp_changed = !rb->kbd_input(extension, sizeof(extension)); break; case 1: old_color = color; rb->set_color(rb->screens[SCREEN_MAIN], name, &color, -1); temp_changed = (value == NULL) || (color != old_color); break; } if (temp_changed) { rb->snprintf(temp_line, MAX_LINE_LEN, "%s: %02X%02X%02X", extension, RGB_UNPACK_RED(color), RGB_UNPACK_GREEN(color), RGB_UNPACK_BLUE(color)); do_action(ACTION_UPDATE, temp_line, cur_sel); changed = true; } } else #endif if (!rb->kbd_input(temp_line,MAX_LINE_LEN)) { if (line_count) do_action(ACTION_UPDATE,temp_line,cur_sel); else do_action(ACTION_INSERT,temp_line,cur_sel); changed = true; } } break; case ACTION_STD_CONTEXT: /* These targets have unintuitive STD_MENU keymaps, so we use context keymap instead; We don't need the "delete line" action, since this can be done via the menu. */ #if (CONFIG_KEYPAD != SAMSUNG_YH92X_PAD) && (CONFIG_KEYPAD != SAMSUNG_YH820_PAD) if (!line_count) break; rb->strlcpy(copy_buffer, do_action(ACTION_GET, 0, cur_sel), MAX_LINE_LEN); do_action(ACTION_REMOVE, 0, cur_sel); changed = true; break; case ACTION_STD_MENU: #endif { /* do the item menu */ switch (do_item_menu(cur_sel)) { case MENU_RET_SAVE: if(save_changes(1)) changed = false; break; case MENU_RET_UPDATE: changed = true; break; case MENU_RET_NO_UPDATE: break; } } break; case ACTION_STD_CANCEL: if (changed) { MENUITEM_STRINGLIST(menu, "Do What?", NULL, "Return", "Playback Control", "Save Changes", "Save As...", "Save and Exit", "Ignore Changes and Exit"); switch (rb->do_menu(&menu, NULL, NULL, false)) { case 0: break; case 1: if (!audio_buf) playback_control(NULL); else rb->splash(HZ, "Cannot restart playback"); break; case 2: //save to disk if(save_changes(1)) changed = 0; break; case 3: if(save_changes(0)) changed = 0; break; case 4: if(save_changes(1)) exit=1; break; case 5: exit=1; break; } } else exit=1; break; } rb->gui_synclist_set_nb_items(&lists,line_count); if(line_count > 0 && line_count <= cur_sel) rb->gui_synclist_select_item(&lists,line_count-1); } return PLUGIN_OK; }