/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) 2005 by Miika Pekkarinen * * All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License. * See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ /** * Basic structure on this file was copied from dbtree.c and modified to * support the tag cache interface. */ #include #include #include #include "system.h" #include "kernel.h" #include "splash.h" #include "icons.h" #include "tree.h" #include "settings.h" #include "tagcache.h" #include "tagtree.h" #include "lang.h" #include "logf.h" #include "playlist.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "gui/list.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "atoi.h" #define FILE_SEARCH_INSTRUCTIONS ROCKBOX_DIR "/tagnavi.config" static int tagtree_play_folder(struct tree_context* c); static char searchstring[32]; #define MAX_TAGS 5 struct search_instruction { char name[64]; int tagorder[MAX_TAGS]; int tagorder_count; struct tagcache_search_clause clause[MAX_TAGS][TAGCACHE_MAX_CLAUSES]; int clause_count[MAX_TAGS]; int result_seek[MAX_TAGS]; }; static struct search_instruction *si, *csi; static int si_count = 0; static const char *strp; static int current_offset; static int current_entry_count; static int get_token_str(char *buf, int size) { /* Find the start. */ while (*strp != '"' && *strp != '\0') strp++; if (*strp == '\0' || *(++strp) == '\0') return -1; /* Read the data. */ while (*strp != '"' && *strp != '\0' && --size > 0) *(buf++) = *(strp++); *buf = '\0'; if (*strp != '"') return -2; strp++; return 0; } #define MATCH(tag,str1,str2,settag) \ if (!strcasecmp(str1, str2)) { \ *tag = settag; \ return 1; \ } static int get_tag(int *tag) { char buf[32]; int i; /* Find the start. */ while (*strp == ' ' && *strp != '\0') strp++; if (*strp == '\0') return 0; for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(buf)-1; i++) { if (*strp == '\0' || *strp == ' ') break ; buf[i] = *strp; strp++; } buf[i] = '\0'; MATCH(tag, buf, "album", tag_album); MATCH(tag, buf, "artist", tag_artist); MATCH(tag, buf, "bitrate", tag_bitrate); MATCH(tag, buf, "composer", tag_composer); MATCH(tag, buf, "genre", tag_genre); MATCH(tag, buf, "length", tag_length); MATCH(tag, buf, "title", tag_title); MATCH(tag, buf, "tracknum", tag_tracknumber); MATCH(tag, buf, "year", tag_year); logf("NO MATCH: %s\n", buf); if (buf[0] == '?') return 0; return -1; } static int get_clause(int *condition) { char buf[4]; int i; /* Find the start. */ while (*strp == ' ' && *strp != '\0') strp++; if (*strp == '\0') return 0; for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(buf)-1; i++) { if (*strp == '\0' || *strp == ' ') break ; buf[i] = *strp; strp++; } buf[i] = '\0'; MATCH(condition, buf, "=", clause_is); MATCH(condition, buf, "==", clause_is); MATCH(condition, buf, ">", clause_gt); MATCH(condition, buf, ">=", clause_gteq); MATCH(condition, buf, "<", clause_lt); MATCH(condition, buf, "<=", clause_lteq); MATCH(condition, buf, "~", clause_contains); MATCH(condition, buf, "^", clause_begins_with); MATCH(condition, buf, "$", clause_ends_with); return 0; } static bool add_clause(struct search_instruction *inst, int tag, int type, const char *str) { int len = strlen(str); struct tagcache_search_clause *clause; if (inst->clause_count[inst->tagorder_count] >= TAGCACHE_MAX_CLAUSES) { logf("Too many clauses"); return false; } clause = &inst->clause[inst->tagorder_count] [inst->clause_count[inst->tagorder_count]]; if (len >= (int)sizeof(clause->str) - 1) { logf("Too long str in condition"); return false; } clause->tag = tag; clause->type = type; if (len == 0) clause->input = true; else clause->input = false; if (tagcache_is_numeric_tag(tag)) { clause->numeric = true; clause->numeric_data = atoi(str); } else { clause->numeric = false; strcpy(clause->str, str); } inst->clause_count[inst->tagorder_count]++; return true; } static int get_condition(struct search_instruction *inst) { int tag; int condition; char buf[32]; switch (*strp) { case '?': case ' ': case '&': strp++; return 1; case ':': strp++; case '\0': return 0; } if (get_tag(&tag) <= 0) return -1; if (get_clause(&condition) <= 0) return -2; if (get_token_str(buf, sizeof buf) < 0) return -3; logf("got clause: %d/%d [%s]", tag, condition, buf); add_clause(inst, tag, condition, buf); return 1; } /* example search: * "Best" artist ? year >= "2000" & title !^ "crap" & genre = "good genre" \ * : album ? year >= "2000" : songs * ^ begins with * * contains * $ ends with */ static bool parse_search(struct search_instruction *inst, const char *str) { int ret; memset(inst, 0, sizeof(struct search_instruction)); strp = str; if (get_token_str(inst->name, sizeof inst->name) < 0) { logf("No name found."); return false; } while (inst->tagorder_count < MAX_TAGS) { ret = get_tag(&inst->tagorder[inst->tagorder_count]); if (ret < 0) { logf("Parse error #1"); return false; } if (ret == 0) break ; logf("tag: %d", inst->tagorder[inst->tagorder_count]); while (get_condition(inst) > 0) ; inst->tagorder_count++; } return true; } static struct tagcache_search tcs, tcs2; static int compare(const void *p1, const void *p2) { struct tagentry *e1 = (struct tagentry *)p1; struct tagentry *e2 = (struct tagentry *)p2; return strncasecmp(e1->name, e2->name, MAX_PATH); } void tagtree_init(void) { int fd; char buf[256]; int pos = 0; si_count = 0; fd = open(FILE_SEARCH_INSTRUCTIONS, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { logf("Search instruction file not found."); return ; } si = (struct search_instruction *)(((long)audiobuf & ~0x03) + 0x04); while ( 1 ) { char *p; char *next = NULL; int rc; rc = read(fd, &buf[pos], sizeof(buf)-pos-1); if (rc >= 0) buf[pos+rc] = '\0'; if ( (p = strchr(buf, '\r')) != NULL) { *p = '\0'; next = ++p; } else p = buf; if ( (p = strchr(p, '\n')) != NULL) { *p = '\0'; next = ++p; } if (!parse_search(si + si_count, buf)) break; si_count++; if (next) { pos = sizeof(buf) - ((long)next - (long)buf) - 1; memmove(buf, next, pos); } else break ; } close(fd); audiobuf += sizeof(struct search_instruction) * si_count + 4; } bool show_search_progress(bool init, int count) { static int last_tick = 0; if (init) { last_tick = current_tick; return true; } if (current_tick - last_tick > HZ/2) { gui_syncsplash(0, true, str(LANG_PLAYLIST_SEARCH_MSG), count, #if CONFIG_KEYPAD == PLAYER_PAD str(LANG_STOP_ABORT) #else str(LANG_OFF_ABORT) #endif ); if (SETTINGS_CANCEL == button_get(false)) return false; last_tick = current_tick; } return true; } int retrieve_entries(struct tree_context *c, struct tagcache_search *tcs, int offset, bool init) { struct tagentry *dptr = (struct tagentry *)c->dircache; int i; int namebufused = 0; int total_count = 0; int special_entry_count = 0; int extra = c->currextra; int tag; bool sort = false; if (init #ifdef HAVE_TC_RAMCACHE && !tagcache_is_ramcache() #endif ) { show_search_progress(true, 0); gui_syncsplash(0, true, str(LANG_PLAYLIST_SEARCH_MSG), 0, csi->name); } if (c->currtable == allsubentries) { tag = tag_title; extra--; } else tag = csi->tagorder[extra]; if (!tagcache_search(tcs, tag)) return -1; for (i = 0; i < extra; i++) { tagcache_search_add_filter(tcs, csi->tagorder[i], csi->result_seek[i]); sort = true; } for (i = 0; i < csi->clause_count[extra]; i++) { tagcache_search_add_clause(tcs, &csi->clause[extra][i]); sort = true; } current_offset = offset; current_entry_count = 0; c->dirfull = false; if (tag != tag_title) { if (offset == 0) { dptr->newtable = allsubentries; dptr->name = str(LANG_TAGNAVI_ALL_TRACKS); dptr++; current_entry_count++; } special_entry_count++; } total_count += special_entry_count; while (tagcache_get_next(tcs)) { if (total_count++ < offset) continue; dptr->newtable = navibrowse; dptr->extraseek = tcs->result_seek; if (!tcs->ramsearch || tag == tag_title) { int tracknum = -1; dptr->name = &c->name_buffer[namebufused]; if (tag == tag_title) { dptr->newtable = playtrack; if (c->currtable != allsubentries && c->dirlevel > 1) tracknum = tagcache_get_numeric(tcs, tag_tracknumber); } if (tracknum > 0) { snprintf(dptr->name, c->name_buffer_size - namebufused, "%02d. %s", tracknum, tcs->result); namebufused += strlen(dptr->name) + 1; if (namebufused >= c->name_buffer_size) { logf("chunk mode #1: %d", current_entry_count); c->dirfull = true; sort = false; break ; } } else { namebufused += tcs->result_len; if (namebufused >= c->name_buffer_size) { logf("chunk mode #2: %d", current_entry_count); c->dirfull = true; sort = false; break ; } strcpy(dptr->name, tcs->result); } } else dptr->name = tcs->result; dptr++; current_entry_count++; if (current_entry_count >= global_settings.max_files_in_dir) { logf("chunk mode #3: %d", current_entry_count); c->dirfull = true; sort = false; break ; } if (init && !tcs->ramsearch) { if (!show_search_progress(false, i)) { tagcache_search_finish(tcs); return current_entry_count; } } } if (sort) qsort(c->dircache + special_entry_count * c->dentry_size, current_entry_count - special_entry_count, c->dentry_size, compare); if (!init) { tagcache_search_finish(tcs); return current_entry_count; } while (tagcache_get_next(tcs)) { if (!tcs->ramsearch) { if (!show_search_progress(false, total_count)) break; } total_count++; } tagcache_search_finish(tcs); return total_count; } static int load_root(struct tree_context *c) { struct tagentry *dptr = (struct tagentry *)c->dircache; int i; c->currtable = root; for (i = 0; i < si_count; i++) { dptr->name = (si+i)->name; dptr->newtable = navibrowse; dptr->extraseek = i; dptr++; } current_offset = 0; current_entry_count = i; return i; } int tagtree_load(struct tree_context* c) { int count; int table = c->currtable; c->dentry_size = sizeof(struct tagentry); if (!table) { c->dirfull = false; table = root; c->currtable = table; } switch (table) { case root: count = load_root(c); break; case allsubentries: case navibrowse: logf("navibrowse..."); count = retrieve_entries(c, &tcs, 0, true); break; default: logf("Unsupported table %d\n", table); return -1; } if (count < 0) { c->dirlevel = 0; count = load_root(c); gui_syncsplash(HZ, true, str(LANG_TAGCACHE_BUSY)); } /* The _total_ numer of entries available. */ c->dirlength = c->filesindir = count; return count; } int tagtree_enter(struct tree_context* c) { int rc = 0; struct tagentry *dptr; int newextra; int seek; dptr = tagtree_get_entry(c, c->selected_item); c->dirfull = false; newextra = dptr->newtable; seek = dptr->extraseek; if (c->dirlevel >= MAX_DIR_LEVELS) return 0; c->selected_item_history[c->dirlevel]=c->selected_item; c->table_history[c->dirlevel] = c->currtable; c->extra_history[c->dirlevel] = c->currextra; c->pos_history[c->dirlevel] = c->firstpos; c->dirlevel++; switch (c->currtable) { case root: c->currextra = newextra; if (newextra == navibrowse) { int i, j; csi = si+seek; c->currextra = 0; /* Read input as necessary. */ for (i = 0; i < csi->tagorder_count; i++) { for (j = 0; j < csi->clause_count[i]; j++) { if (!csi->clause[i][j].input) continue; rc = kbd_input(searchstring, sizeof(searchstring)); if (rc == -1 || !searchstring[0]) { c->dirlevel--; return 0; } if (csi->clause[i][j].numeric) csi->clause[i][j].numeric_data = atoi(searchstring); else strncpy(csi->clause[i][j].str, searchstring, sizeof(csi->clause[i][j].str)-1); } } } c->currtable = newextra; break; case navibrowse: case allsubentries: if (newextra == playtrack) { c->dirlevel--; if (tagtree_play_folder(c) >= 0) rc = 2; break; } c->currtable = newextra; csi->result_seek[c->currextra] = seek; if (c->currextra < csi->tagorder_count-1) c->currextra++; else c->dirlevel--; break; default: c->dirlevel--; break; } c->selected_item=0; gui_synclist_select_item(&tree_lists, c->selected_item); return rc; } void tagtree_exit(struct tree_context* c) { c->dirfull = false; c->dirlevel--; c->selected_item=c->selected_item_history[c->dirlevel]; gui_synclist_select_item(&tree_lists, c->selected_item); c->currtable = c->table_history[c->dirlevel]; c->currextra = c->extra_history[c->dirlevel]; c->firstpos = c->pos_history[c->dirlevel]; } int tagtree_get_filename(struct tree_context* c, char *buf, int buflen) { struct tagentry *entry; entry = tagtree_get_entry(c, c->selected_item); if (!tagcache_search(&tcs, tag_filename)) return -1; tagcache_search_add_filter(&tcs, tag_title, entry->extraseek); if (!tagcache_get_next(&tcs)) { tagcache_search_finish(&tcs); return -2; } strncpy(buf, tcs.result, buflen-1); tagcache_search_finish(&tcs); return 0; } static int tagtree_play_folder(struct tree_context* c) { int i; char buf[MAX_PATH]; if (playlist_create(NULL, NULL) < 0) { logf("Failed creating playlist\n"); return -1; } cpu_boost(true); if (!tagcache_search(&tcs, tag_filename)) { gui_syncsplash(HZ, true, str(LANG_TAGCACHE_BUSY)); return -1; } for (i=0; i < c->filesindir; i++) { if (!show_search_progress(false, i)) break; if (!tagcache_retrieve(&tcs, tagtree_get_entry(c, i)->extraseek, buf, sizeof buf)) { continue; } playlist_insert_track(NULL, buf, PLAYLIST_INSERT, false); } tagcache_search_finish(&tcs); cpu_boost(false); if (global_settings.playlist_shuffle) c->selected_item = playlist_shuffle(current_tick, c->selected_item); if (!global_settings.play_selected) c->selected_item = 0; gui_synclist_select_item(&tree_lists, c->selected_item); playlist_start(c->selected_item,0); return 0; } struct tagentry* tagtree_get_entry(struct tree_context *c, int id) { struct tagentry *entry = (struct tagentry *)c->dircache; int realid = id - current_offset; /* Load the next chunk if necessary. */ if (realid >= current_entry_count || realid < 0) { if (retrieve_entries(c, &tcs2, MAX(0, id - (current_entry_count / 2)), false) < 0) { logf("retrieve failed"); return NULL; } realid = id - current_offset; } return &entry[realid]; } #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP const char* tagtree_get_icon(struct tree_context* c) #else int tagtree_get_icon(struct tree_context* c) #endif { int icon; switch (c->currtable) { case navibrowse: if (csi->tagorder[c->currextra] == tag_title) icon = Icon_Audio; else icon = Icon_Folder; break; case allsubentries: icon = Icon_Audio; break; default: icon = Icon_Folder; break; } #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP return (char *)bitmap_icons_6x8[icon]; #else return icon; #endif }