# __________ __ ___. # Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ # Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / # Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < # Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ # \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ # $Id$ # # Win32 GNUSH makefile by Felix Arends # # # USAGE OF THIS MAKEFILE # # call this makefile from commandline: make -f win32.mak # # to create a recorder target: make -f win32.mak RECORDER=1 # to cerate a recorder target with propfonts: make -f win32.mak RECORDER=1 PROPFONTS=1 # to create a recorder target without games: make -f win32.mak RECORDER=1 DISABLE_GAMES=1 # to create a player target: make -f win32.mak PLAYER=1 # to create an old player target: make -f win32.mak PLAYER_OLD=1 # CC = sh-elf-gcc LD = sh-elf-ld AR = sh-elf-ar AS = sh-elf-as OC = sh-elf-objcopy LANGUAGE = english FIRMWARE := ../firmware TOOLS := ../tools DOCSDIR := ../docs INCLUDES= -I$(FIRMWARE)/include -I$(FIRMWARE) -I$(FIRMWARE)/common -I$(FIRMWARE)/drivers -I$(FIRMWARE)/malloc -I. # Pick a target to build for TARGET=-DARCHOS_RECORDER=1 ifdef RECORDER TARGET=-DARCHOS_RECORDER=1 else ifdef PLAYER TARGET=-DARCHOS_PLAYER=1 else ifdef PLAYER_OLD TARGET=-DARCHOS_PLAYER_OLD=1 endif endif endif # store output files in this directory: OBJDIR = . DEFINES = -DAPPSVERSION=\"CVS\" ifdef DISABLE_GAMES DEFINES += -DDISABLE_GAMES endif ifdef PROPFONTS DEFINES += -DLCD_PROPFONTS endif CFLAGS = -O -W -Wall -m1 -nostdlib -ffreestanding -Wstrict-prototypes -fomit-frame-pointer -fschedule-insns $(INCLUDES) $(DEFINES) AFLAGS += -small -relax ifdef DEBUG DEFINES += -DDEBUG CFLAGS += -g LDS := $(FIRMWARE)/gdb.lds else LDS := $(FIRMWARE)/app.lds endif SRC := $(wildcard *.c) ifeq ($(TARGET),-DARCHOS_RECORDER=1) SRC += $(wildcard recorder/*.c) CFLAGS += -Irecorder OUTNAME = ajbrec.ajz else SRC += $(wildcard player/*.c) CFLAGS += -Iplayer OUTNAME = archos.mod endif OBJS := $(OBJDIR)/lang.o $(SRC:%.c=$(OBJDIR)/%.o) all : $(OBJDIR)/$(OUTNAME) $(OBJDIR)/librockbox.a: make -C $(FIRMWARE) -f win32.mak TARGET=$(TARGET) DEBUG=$(DEBUG) OBJDIR=$(OBJDIR) PLAYER=$(PLAYER) PLAYER_OLD=$(PLAYER_OLD) $(OBJDIR)/archos.elf : $(OBJS) $(LDS) $(OBJDIR)/librockbox.a $(CC) -Os -nostdlib -o $(OBJDIR)/archos.elf $(OBJS) -L$(OBJDIR) -lrockbox -lgcc -L$(FIRMWARE) -T$(LDS) -Wl,-Map,$(OBJDIR)/archos.map $(OBJDIR)/archos.bin : $(OBJDIR)/archos.elf $(OC) -O binary $(OBJDIR)/archos.elf $(OBJDIR)/archos.bin $(OBJDIR)/archos.asm: $(OBJDIR)/archos.bin ../tools/sh2d -sh1 $(OBJDIR)/archos.bin > $(OBJDIR)/archos.asm $(OBJDIR)/$(OUTNAME) : $(OBJDIR)/archos.bin $(TOOLS)/scramble $(OBJDIR)/archos.bin $(OBJDIR)/$(OUTNAME) $(OBJDIR)/credits.raw: $(DOCSDIR)/CREDITS perl credits.pl < $< > $(OBJDIR)/$@ $(OBJDIR)/credits.o: $(OBJDIR)/credits.c $(OBJDIR)/credits.h $(OBJDIR)/credits.raw $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(TARGET) -c $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/build.lang: lang/$(LANGUAGE).lang perl ../tools/uplang lang/english.lang $< > $@ $(OBJDIR)/lang.o: $(OBJDIR)/build.lang perl -s ../tools/genlang -p=$(OBJDIR)/lang $< $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(OBJDIR)/lang.c -o $@ dist: tar czvf dist.tar.gz Makefile main.c start.s app.lds clean: -rm -f $(OBJS) $(OBJDIR)/$(OUTNAME) $(OBJDIR)/archos.asm \ $(OBJDIR)/archos.bin $(OBJDIR)/archos.elf $(OBJDIR)/archos.map \ $(OBJDIR)/build.lang $(OBJDIR)/lang.c $(OBJDIR)/lang.h \ $(OBJDIR)/credits.raw make -C $(FIRMWARE) -f win32.mak TARGET=$(TARGET) DEBUG=$(DEBUG) OBJDIR=$(OBJDIR) clean DEPS:=.deps DEPDIRS:=$(DEPS) $(DEPS)/recorder -include $(SRC:%.c=$(OBJDIR)/$(DEPS)/%.d)