#include "config.h" ENTRY(start) #ifdef CPU_COLDFIRE OUTPUT_FORMAT(elf32-m68k) INPUT(crt0.o) #elif CONFIG_CPU == TCC730 OUTPUT_FORMAT(elf32-calmrisc16) INPUT(crt0.o) #elif defined(CPU_ARM) OUTPUT_FORMAT(elf32-littlearm) OUTPUT_ARCH(arm) INPUT(crt0.o) #else OUTPUT_FORMAT(elf32-sh) INPUT(crt0.o) #endif #if CONFIG_CPU == TCC730 MEMORY { FIRMWARE : ORIGIN = LOADADDRESS, LENGTH = 256K FLASH (RX) : ORIGIN = 0x000000, LENGTH = 1024K ICMEM (RX) : ORIGIN = 0x3FC000, LENGTH = 32K IMEM1 : ORIGIN = 0x200000, LENGTH = 32K IMEM2 : ORIGIN = 0x210000, LENGTH = 16K IMEM3 : ORIGIN = 0x220000, LENGTH = 32K IMEM4 : ORIGIN = 0x230000, LENGTH = 16K DRAM : ORIGIN = 0x000000, LENGTH = 0x3F0000 } SECTIONS { .text LOADADDRESS : { *(.init.text) *(.text) }> FLASH AT> FIRMWARE .icode 0x3FC040: { *(.vectors) *(.icode) }> ICMEM AT> FIRMWARE /* We start at 0x2000, to avoid overwriting Archos' loader datasegment. * If it turns out that we won't call back the loader, this can be set to 0. */ .bss 0x2000 : { *(.bss) . = ALIGN(2); }> DRAM /* Data is put after BSS, to have all strings addresses > VIRT_PTR + VIRT_SIZE. Strings are in rodata, so what we really assert is (.rodata > VIRT_PTR + VIRT_SIZE) See settings.h for details */ .data ALIGN(2): { *(.data) . = ALIGN(2); *(.rodata) . = ALIGN(2); *(.rodata.str1.2) . = ALIGN(2); }> DRAM AT> FIRMWARE .stack ALIGN(2) : { . = . + 0x2000; }> DRAM .idata 0x200000: { *(.idata) }> IMEM1 .idata2 0x220000: { *(.idata2) }> IMEM3 _codesize = SIZEOF(.text); _icodecopy = LOADADDR(.icode); _icodestart = ADDR(.icode); _icodesize = SIZEOF(.icode); _datacopy = LOADADDR(.data); _datastart = ADDR(.data); _datasize = SIZEOF(.data); _bssstart = ADDR(.bss); _bsssize = (SIZEOF(.bss) + 1) & ~ 1; _stackbegin = ADDR(.stack); _stackend = ADDR(.stack) + SIZEOF(.stack); _idatastart = ADDR(.idata); /* FIXME: Where to put audio buffer? */ _audiobuffer = 0; _audiobufend = 0; /* Plugins are not supported on the Gmini*/ _pluginbuf = 0; } #else #define PLUGINSIZE PLUGIN_BUFFER_SIZE #define CODECSIZE CODEC_SIZE #ifdef DEBUG #define STUBOFFSET 0x10000 #else #define STUBOFFSET 0 #endif #define DRAMSIZE (MEMORYSIZE * 0x100000) - PLUGINSIZE - STUBOFFSET - CODECSIZE #if defined(IRIVER_H100_SERIES) || defined(IRIVER_H300) #define DRAMORIG 0x31000000 + STUBOFFSET #define IRAMORIG 0x10000000 #define IRAMSIZE 0xc000 #elif CONFIG_CPU==PP5020 #define DRAMORIG 0x00000000 + STUBOFFSET #define IRAMORIG 0x40000000 #define IRAMSIZE 0xc000 #elif CONFIG_CPU==PNX0101 #define DRAMORIG 0x24000000 + STUBOFFSET #define IRAMORIG 0x400000 #define IRAMSIZE 0x8000 #else #define DRAMORIG 0x09000000 + STUBOFFSET #define IRAMORIG 0x0f000000 #define IRAMSIZE 0x1000 #endif /* End of the audio buffer, where the codec buffer starts */ #define ENDAUDIOADDR (DRAMORIG + DRAMSIZE) /* Where the codec buffer ends, and the plugin buffer starts */ #define ENDADDR (ENDAUDIOADDR + CODECSIZE) MEMORY { DRAM : ORIGIN = DRAMORIG, LENGTH = DRAMSIZE IRAM : ORIGIN = IRAMORIG, LENGTH = IRAMSIZE } SECTIONS { #ifndef CPU_ARM .vectors : { loadaddress = .; _loadaddress = .; KEEP(*(.resetvectors)); *(.resetvectors); KEEP(*(.vectors)); *(.vectors); } > DRAM .text : { #else .text : { loadaddress = .; _loadaddress = .; #endif . = ALIGN(0x200); *(.init.text) *(.text*) #ifdef CPU_ARM *(.glue_7) *(.glue_7t) #endif . = ALIGN(0x4); } > DRAM .rodata : { *(.rodata) /* problems without this, dunno why */ *(.rodata*) *(.rodata.str1.1) *(.rodata.str1.4) . = ALIGN(0x4); /* Pseudo-allocate the copies of the data sections */ _datacopy = .; } > DRAM /* TRICK ALERT! For RAM execution, we put the .data section at the same load address as the copy. Thus, we don't waste extra RAM when we don't actually need the copy. */ .data : AT ( _datacopy ) { _datastart = .; *(.data*) . = ALIGN(0x4); _dataend = .; } > DRAM /DISCARD/ : { *(.eh_frame) } #ifdef CPU_ARM .vectors 0x0 : { _vectorsstart = .; *(.vectors); _vectorsend = .; } AT> DRAM _vectorscopy = LOADADDR(.vectors); #endif #if CONFIG_CPU==PNX0101 .iram IRAMORIG + SIZEOF(.vectors) : #else .iram IRAMORIG : #endif { _iramstart = .; *(.icode) *(.irodata) *(.idata) _iramend = .; } > IRAM AT> DRAM _iramcopy = LOADADDR(.iram); .ibss (NOLOAD) : { _iedata = .; *(.ibss) . = ALIGN(0x4); _iend = .; } > IRAM #if defined(CPU_COLDFIRE) || defined(CPU_ARM) .stack : { *(.stack) stackbegin = .; . += 0x2000; stackend = .; } > IRAM #else /* TRICK ALERT! We want 0x2000 bytes of stack, but we set the section size smaller, and allow the stack to grow into the .iram copy */ .stack ADDR(.data) + SIZEOF(.data) + SIZEOF(.iram): { *(.stack) _stackbegin = . - SIZEOF(.iram); . += 0x2000 - SIZEOF(.iram); _stackend = .; } > DRAM #endif #if defined(CPU_COLDFIRE) .bss ADDR(.data) + SIZEOF(.data) + SIZEOF(.iram): #elif defined(CPU_ARM) .bss ADDR(.data) + SIZEOF(.data) + SIZEOF(.iram) + SIZEOF(.vectors): #else .bss : #endif { _edata = .; *(.bss*) *(COMMON) . = ALIGN(0x4); _end = .; } > DRAM .audiobuf ALIGN(4) : { _audiobuffer = .; audiobuffer = .; } > DRAM .audiobufend ENDAUDIOADDR: { audiobufend = .; _audiobufend = .; } > DRAM .codec ENDAUDIOADDR: { codecbuf = .; _codecbuf = .; } .plugin ENDADDR: { _pluginbuf = .; pluginbuf = .; } } #endif