/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) 2006 by Tomasz Malesinski * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ /* #define LCD_DEBUG #define BUTTONS */ /* #include "config.h" */ #include #include "pnx0101.h" #include "ifp_usb_serial.h" #ifdef BUTTONS #include "kernel.h" #include "button.h" #include "system.h" #endif #ifdef LCD_DEBUG #include "lcd.h" #include "sprintf.h" #endif #define ISP1582_BASE (0x24100000) #define ISP1582_ADDRESS (*(volatile unsigned char *)ISP1582_BASE) #define ISP1582_MODE (*(volatile unsigned short *)(ISP1582_BASE + 0xc)) #define ISP1582_INTCONF (*(volatile unsigned char *)(ISP1582_BASE + 0x10)) #define ISP1582_OTG (*(volatile unsigned char *)(ISP1582_BASE + 0x12)) #define ISP1582_INTEN (*(volatile unsigned long *)(ISP1582_BASE + 0x14)) #define ISP1582_EPINDEX (*(volatile unsigned char *)(ISP1582_BASE + 0x2c)) #define ISP1582_CTRLFUN (*(volatile unsigned char *)(ISP1582_BASE + 0x28)) #define ISP1582_DATA (*(volatile unsigned short *)(ISP1582_BASE + 0x20)) #define ISP1582_BUFLEN (*(volatile unsigned short *)(ISP1582_BASE + 0x1c)) #define ISP1582_BUFSTAT (*(volatile unsigned char *)(ISP1582_BASE + 0x1e)) #define ISP1582_MAXPKSZ (*(volatile unsigned short *)(ISP1582_BASE + 0x04)) #define ISP1582_EPTYPE (*(volatile unsigned short *)(ISP1582_BASE + 0x08)) #define ISP1582_INT (*(volatile unsigned long *)(ISP1582_BASE + 0x18)) #define ISP1582_CHIPID (*(volatile unsigned long *)(ISP1582_BASE + 0x70)) #define ISP1582_FRAMENO (*(volatile unsigned short *)(ISP1582_BASE + 0x74)) #define ISP1582_UNLOCK (*(volatile unsigned short *)(ISP1582_BASE + 0x7c)) #define ISP1582_UNLOCK_CODE 0xaa37 #define DIR_RX 0 #define DIR_TX 1 #define TYPE_BULK 2 #define STATE_DEFAULT 0 #define STATE_ADDRESS 1 #define STATE_CONFIGURED 2 #define N_ENDPOINTS 2 struct usb_endpoint { unsigned char *out_buf; short out_len; short out_ptr; void (*out_done)(int, unsigned char *, int); unsigned char out_in_progress; unsigned char *in_buf; short in_min_len; short in_max_len; short in_ptr; void (*in_done)(int, unsigned char *, int); unsigned char in_ack; unsigned char halt[2]; unsigned char enabled[2]; short max_pkt_size[2]; }; static char usb_connect_state; static struct usb_endpoint endpoints[N_ENDPOINTS]; static unsigned char setup_pkt_buf[8]; static unsigned char setup_out_buf[8]; static unsigned char usb_state; static unsigned char usb_remote_wakeup; #ifdef LCD_DEBUG static unsigned char int_count[32]; static int log_pos_x = 0; static int log_pos_y = 3; #endif static void nop_f(void) { } #ifdef LCD_DEBUG static void log_char(char c) { char s[2]; s[0] = c; s[1] = 0; lcd_puts(log_pos_x, log_pos_y, s); lcd_update(); log_pos_x++; if (log_pos_x >= 16) { log_pos_x = 0; log_pos_y++; if (log_pos_y > 5) log_pos_y = 3; } } #else #define log_char(c) #endif #define SERIAL_BUF_SIZE 1024 struct serial_fifo { unsigned char buf[SERIAL_BUF_SIZE]; short head, tail; }; static struct serial_fifo serial_in_fifo; static struct serial_fifo serial_out_fifo; static unsigned char serial_in_pkt[64]; static unsigned char device_descriptor[18] = { 0x12, /* length */ 0x01, /* descriptor type */ 0x10, 0x01, /* USB version (1.1) */ 0xff, 0xff, /* class and subclass */ 0xff, /* protocol */ 0x40, /* max packet size 0 */ 0x02, 0x41, /* vendor (iRiver) */ 0x07, 0xee, /* product (0xee07) */ 0x01, 0x00, /* device version */ 0x01, /* manufacturer string */ 0x02, /* product string */ 0x00, /* serial number string */ 0x01 /* number of configurations */ }; static unsigned char cfg_descriptor[32] = { 0x09, /* length */ 0x02, /* descriptor type */ 0x20, 0x00, /* total length */ 0x01, /* number of interfaces */ 0x01, /* configuration value */ 0x00, /* configuration string */ 0x80, /* attributes (none) */ 0x32, /* max power (100 mA) */ /* interface descriptor */ 0x09, /* length */ 0x04, /* descriptor type */ 0x00, /* interface number */ 0x00, /* alternate setting */ 0x02, /* number of endpoints */ 0xff, /* interface class */ 0xff, /* interface subclass */ 0xff, /* interface protocol */ 0x00, /* interface string */ /* endpoint IN */ 0x07, /* length */ 0x05, /* descriptor type */ 0x81, /* endpoint 1 IN */ 0x02, /* attributes (bulk) */ 0x40, 0x00, /* max packet size */ 0x00, /* interval */ /* endpoint OUT */ 0x07, /* length */ 0x05, /* descriptor type */ 0x01, /* endpoint 1 IN */ 0x02, /* attributes (bulk) */ 0x40, 0x00, /* max packet size */ 0x00 /* interval */ }; static unsigned char lang_descriptor[4] = { 0x04, /* length */ 0x03, /* descriptor type */ 0x09, 0x04 /* English (US) */ }; #define N_STRING_DESCRIPTORS 2 static unsigned char string_descriptor_vendor[] = { 0x2e, 0x03, 'i', 0, 'R', 0, 'i', 0, 'v', 0, 'e', 0, 'r', 0, ' ', 0, 'L', 0, 't', 0, 'd', 0, ' ', 0, 'a', 0, 'n', 0, 'd', 0, ' ', 0, 'R', 0, 'o', 0, 'c', 0, 'k', 0, 'b', 0, 'o', 0, 'x', 0}; static unsigned char string_descriptor_product[] = { 0x1c, 0x03, 'i', 0, 'R', 0, 'i', 0, 'v', 0, 'e', 0, 'r', 0, ' ', 0, 'i', 0, 'F', 0, 'P', 0, '7', 0, '0', 0, '0', 0}; static unsigned char *string_descriptor[N_STRING_DESCRIPTORS] = { string_descriptor_vendor, string_descriptor_product }; static inline int ep_index(int n, int dir) { return (n << 1) | dir; } static inline int epidx_dir(int idx) { return idx & 1; } static inline int epidx_n(int idx) { return idx >> 1; } int usb_connected(void) { return GPIO7_READ & 1; } static inline void usb_select_endpoint(int idx) { ISP1582_EPINDEX = idx; } static inline void usb_select_setup_endpoint(void) { ISP1582_EPINDEX = 0x20; } void usb_setup_endpoint(int idx, int max_pkt_size, int type) { struct usb_endpoint *ep; usb_select_endpoint(idx); ISP1582_MAXPKSZ = max_pkt_size; /* |= is in the original firmware */ ISP1582_EPTYPE |= 0x1c | type; /* clear buffer */ ISP1582_CTRLFUN |= 0x10; ISP1582_INTEN |= (1 << (10 + idx)); ep = &(endpoints[epidx_n(idx)]); ep->halt[epidx_dir(idx)] = 0; ep->enabled[epidx_dir(idx)] = 1; ep->out_in_progress = 0; ep->in_min_len = -1; ep->in_ack = 0; ep->max_pkt_size[epidx_dir(idx)] = max_pkt_size; } void usb_disable_endpoint(int idx) { usb_select_endpoint(idx); ISP1582_EPTYPE &= 8; ISP1582_INTEN &= ~(1 << (10 + idx)); endpoints[epidx_n(idx)].enabled[epidx_dir(idx)] = 1; } void usb_reconnect(void) { int i; ISP1582_MODE &= ~1; /* SOFTCT off */ for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) nop_f(); ISP1582_MODE |= 1; /* SOFTCT on */ } void usb_cleanup(void) { ISP1582_MODE &= ~1; /* SOFTCT off */ } void usb_setup(int reset) { int i; for (i = 0; i < N_ENDPOINTS; i++) endpoints[i].enabled[0] = endpoints[i].enabled[1] = 0; ISP1582_UNLOCK = ISP1582_UNLOCK_CODE; if (!reset) ISP1582_MODE = 0x88; /* CLKAON | GLINTENA */ ISP1582_INTCONF = 0x57; ISP1582_INTEN = 0xd39; ISP1582_ADDRESS = reset ? 0x80: 0; usb_setup_endpoint(ep_index(0, DIR_RX), 64, 0); usb_setup_endpoint(ep_index(0, DIR_TX), 64, 0); ISP1582_MODE |= 1; /* SOFTCT on */ usb_state = STATE_DEFAULT; usb_remote_wakeup = 0; } static int usb_get_packet(unsigned char *buf, int max_len) { int len, i; len = ISP1582_BUFLEN; if (max_len < 0 || max_len > len) max_len = len; i = 0; while (i < len) { unsigned short d = ISP1582_DATA; if (i < max_len) buf[i] = d & 0xff; i++; if (i < max_len) buf[i] = (d >> 8) & 0xff; i++; } return max_len; } static void usb_receive(int n) { int len; if (endpoints[n].halt[DIR_RX] || !endpoints[n].enabled[DIR_RX] || endpoints[n].in_min_len < 0 || !endpoints[n].in_ack) return; endpoints[n].in_ack = 0; usb_select_endpoint(ep_index(n, DIR_RX)); len = usb_get_packet(endpoints[n].in_buf + endpoints[n].in_ptr, endpoints[n].in_max_len - endpoints[n].in_ptr); endpoints[n].in_ptr += len; if (endpoints[n].in_ptr >= endpoints[n].in_min_len) { endpoints[n].in_min_len = -1; if (endpoints[n].in_done) (*(endpoints[n].in_done))(n, endpoints[n].in_buf, endpoints[n].in_ptr); } } static int usb_out_buffer_full(int ep) { usb_select_endpoint(ep_index(ep, DIR_TX)); if (ISP1582_EPTYPE & 4) return (ISP1582_BUFSTAT & 3) == 3; else return (ISP1582_BUFSTAT & 3) != 0; } static void usb_send(int n) { int max_pkt_size, len; int i; unsigned char *p; #ifdef LCD_DEBUG if (endpoints[n].halt[DIR_TX]) log_char('H'); if (!endpoints[n].out_in_progress) log_char('$'); #endif if (endpoints[n].halt[DIR_TX] || !endpoints[n].enabled[DIR_TX] || !endpoints[n].out_in_progress) return; if (endpoints[n].out_ptr < 0) { endpoints[n].out_in_progress = 0; if (endpoints[n].out_done) (*(endpoints[n].out_done))(n, endpoints[n].out_buf, endpoints[n].out_len); return; } if (usb_out_buffer_full(n)) { log_char('F'); return; } usb_select_endpoint(ep_index(n, DIR_TX)); max_pkt_size = endpoints[n].max_pkt_size[DIR_TX]; len = endpoints[n].out_len - endpoints[n].out_ptr; if (len > max_pkt_size) len = max_pkt_size; log_char('0' + (len % 10)); ISP1582_BUFLEN = len; p = endpoints[n].out_buf + endpoints[n].out_ptr; i = 0; while (len - i >= 2) { ISP1582_DATA = p[i] | (p[i + 1] << 8); i += 2; } if (i < len) ISP1582_DATA = p[i]; endpoints[n].out_ptr += len; /* if (endpoints[n].out_ptr == endpoints[n].out_len && len < max_pkt_size) */ if (endpoints[n].out_ptr == endpoints[n].out_len) endpoints[n].out_ptr = -1; } static void usb_stall_endpoint(int idx) { usb_select_endpoint(idx); ISP1582_CTRLFUN |= 1; endpoints[epidx_n(idx)].halt[epidx_dir(idx)] = 1; } static void usb_unstall_endpoint(int idx) { usb_select_endpoint(idx); ISP1582_CTRLFUN &= ~1; ISP1582_EPTYPE &= ~8; ISP1582_EPTYPE |= 8; ISP1582_CTRLFUN |= 0x10; if (epidx_dir(idx) == DIR_TX) endpoints[epidx_n(idx)].out_in_progress = 0; else { endpoints[epidx_n(idx)].in_min_len = -1; endpoints[epidx_n(idx)].in_ack = 0; } endpoints[epidx_n(idx)].halt[epidx_dir(idx)] = 0; } static void usb_status_ack(int dir) { log_char(dir ? '@' : '#'); usb_select_endpoint(ep_index(0, dir)); ISP1582_CTRLFUN |= 2; } static void usb_set_address(int adr) { ISP1582_ADDRESS = adr | 0x80; } static void usb_data_stage_enable(int dir) { usb_select_endpoint(ep_index(0, dir)); ISP1582_CTRLFUN |= 4; } static void usb_request_error(void) { usb_stall_endpoint(ep_index(0, DIR_TX)); usb_stall_endpoint(ep_index(0, DIR_RX)); } static void usb_receive_block(unsigned char *buf, int min_len, int max_len, void (*in_done)(int, unsigned char *, int), int ep) { endpoints[ep].in_done = in_done; endpoints[ep].in_buf = buf; endpoints[ep].in_max_len = max_len; endpoints[ep].in_min_len = min_len; endpoints[ep].in_ptr = 0; usb_receive(ep); } static void usb_send_block(unsigned char *buf, int len, void (*done)(int, unsigned char *, int), int ep) { endpoints[ep].out_done = done; endpoints[ep].out_buf = buf; endpoints[ep].out_len = len; endpoints[ep].out_ptr = 0; endpoints[ep].out_in_progress = 1; usb_send(ep); } static void out_send_status(int n, unsigned char *buf, int len) { (void)n; (void)buf; (void)len; usb_status_ack(DIR_RX); } static void usb_send_block_and_status(unsigned char *buf, int len, int ep) { usb_send_block(buf, len, out_send_status, ep); } static void usb_setup_set_address(int adr) { usb_set_address(adr); usb_state = adr ? STATE_ADDRESS : STATE_DEFAULT; usb_status_ack(DIR_TX); } static void usb_send_descriptor(unsigned char *device_descriptor, int descriptor_len, int buffer_len) { int len = descriptor_len < buffer_len ? descriptor_len : buffer_len; usb_send_block_and_status(device_descriptor, len, 0); } static void usb_setup_get_descriptor(int type, int index, int lang, int len) { (void)lang; usb_data_stage_enable(DIR_TX); switch (type) { case 1: if (index == 0) usb_send_descriptor(device_descriptor, sizeof(device_descriptor), len); else usb_request_error(); break; case 2: if (index == 0) usb_send_descriptor(cfg_descriptor, sizeof(cfg_descriptor), len); else usb_request_error(); break; case 3: if (index == 0) usb_send_descriptor(lang_descriptor, sizeof(lang_descriptor), len); else if (index <= N_STRING_DESCRIPTORS) usb_send_descriptor(string_descriptor[index - 1], string_descriptor[index - 1][0], len); else usb_request_error(); break; default: usb_request_error(); } } static void usb_setup_get_configuration(void) { setup_out_buf[0] = (usb_state == STATE_CONFIGURED) ? 1 : 0; usb_data_stage_enable(DIR_TX); usb_send_block_and_status(setup_out_buf, 1, 0); } static void usb_setup_interface(void) { usb_setup_endpoint(ep_index(1, DIR_RX), 64, TYPE_BULK); usb_setup_endpoint(ep_index(1, DIR_TX), 64, TYPE_BULK); } static void usb_setup_set_configuration(int value) { switch (value) { case 0: usb_disable_endpoint(ep_index(1, DIR_RX)); usb_disable_endpoint(ep_index(1, DIR_TX)); usb_state = STATE_ADDRESS; usb_status_ack(DIR_TX); break; case 1: usb_setup_interface(); usb_state = STATE_CONFIGURED; usb_status_ack(DIR_TX); break; default: usb_request_error(); } } static void usb_send_status(void) { usb_data_stage_enable(DIR_TX); usb_send_block_and_status(setup_out_buf, 2, 0); } static void usb_setup_get_device_status(void) { setup_out_buf[0] = (usb_remote_wakeup != 0) ? 2 : 0; setup_out_buf[1] = 0; usb_send_status(); } static void usb_setup_clear_device_feature(int feature) { if (feature == 1) { usb_remote_wakeup = 0; usb_status_ack(DIR_TX); } else usb_request_error(); } static void usb_setup_set_device_feature(int feature) { if (feature == 1) { usb_remote_wakeup = 1; usb_status_ack(DIR_TX); } else usb_request_error(); } static void usb_setup_clear_endpoint_feature(int endpoint, int feature) { if (usb_state != STATE_CONFIGURED || feature != 0) usb_request_error(); else if ((endpoint & 0xf) == 1) { usb_unstall_endpoint(ep_index(endpoint & 0xf, endpoint >> 7)); usb_status_ack(DIR_TX); } else usb_request_error(); } static void usb_setup_set_endpoint_feature(int endpoint, int feature) { if (usb_state != STATE_CONFIGURED || feature != 0) usb_request_error(); else if ((endpoint & 0xf) == 1) { usb_stall_endpoint(ep_index(endpoint & 0xf, endpoint >> 7)); usb_status_ack(DIR_TX); } else usb_request_error(); } static void usb_setup_get_interface_status(int interface) { if (usb_state != STATE_CONFIGURED || interface != 0) usb_request_error(); else { setup_out_buf[0] = setup_out_buf[1] = 0; usb_send_status(); } } static void usb_setup_get_endpoint_status(int endpoint) { if ((usb_state == STATE_CONFIGURED && (endpoint & 0xf) <= 1) || (usb_state == STATE_ADDRESS && (endpoint & 0xf) == 0)) { setup_out_buf[0] = endpoints[endpoint & 0xf].halt[endpoint >> 7]; setup_out_buf[1] = 0; usb_send_status(); } else usb_request_error(); } static void usb_setup_get_interface(int interface) { if (usb_state != STATE_CONFIGURED || interface != 0) usb_request_error(); else { setup_out_buf[0] = 0; usb_data_stage_enable(DIR_TX); usb_send_block_and_status(setup_out_buf, 1, 0); } } static void usb_setup_set_interface(int interface, int setting) { if (usb_state != STATE_CONFIGURED || interface != 0 || setting != 0) usb_request_error(); else { usb_setup_interface(); usb_status_ack(DIR_TX); } } static void usb_handle_setup_pkt(unsigned char *pkt) { switch ((pkt[0] << 8) | pkt[1]) { case 0x0005: log_char('A'); usb_setup_set_address(pkt[2]); break; case 0x8006: log_char('D'); usb_setup_get_descriptor(pkt[3], pkt[2], (pkt[5] << 8) | pkt[4], (pkt[7] << 8) | pkt[6]); break; case 0x8008: usb_setup_get_configuration(); break; case 0x0009: usb_setup_set_configuration(pkt[2]); break; case 0x8000: usb_setup_get_device_status(); break; case 0x8100: usb_setup_get_interface_status(pkt[4]); break; case 0x8200: usb_setup_get_endpoint_status(pkt[4]); break; case 0x0001: usb_setup_clear_device_feature(pkt[2]); break; case 0x0201: usb_setup_clear_endpoint_feature(pkt[4], pkt[2]); break; case 0x0003: usb_setup_set_device_feature(pkt[2]); break; case 0x0203: usb_setup_set_endpoint_feature(pkt[4], pkt[2]); break; case 0x810a: usb_setup_get_interface(pkt[4]); break; case 0x010b: usb_setup_set_interface(pkt[4], pkt[2]); break; case 0x0103: /* set interface feature */ case 0x0101: /* clear interface feature */ case 0x0007: /* set descriptor */ case 0x820c: /* synch frame */ default: usb_request_error(); } } static void usb_handle_setup_rx(void) { int len; #ifdef LCD_DEBUG char s[20]; int i; #endif usb_select_setup_endpoint(); len = usb_get_packet(setup_pkt_buf, 8); if (len == 8) usb_handle_setup_pkt(setup_pkt_buf); #ifdef LCD_DEBUG /* snprintf(s, 10, "l%02x", len); lcd_puts(0, 5, s); */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) snprintf(s + i * 2, 3, "%02x", setup_pkt_buf[i]); lcd_puts(0, 0, s); lcd_update(); #endif } static void usb_handle_data_int(int ep, int dir) { if (dir == DIR_TX) usb_send(ep); else { endpoints[ep].in_ack = 1; usb_receive(ep); } } static void usb_handle_int(int i) { #ifdef LCD_DEBUG /* char s[10]; snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%02d", i); lcd_puts(0, 2, s); lcd_update(); */ int_count[i]++; if (i == 10) log_char('o'); if (i == 11) log_char('i'); if (i == 12) log_char('O'); if (i == 13) log_char('I'); #endif if (i >= 10) usb_handle_data_int((i - 10) / 2, i % 2); else { switch (i) { case 0: log_char('r'); usb_setup(1); break; case 8: log_char('s'); usb_handle_setup_rx(); break; } } } void usb_handle_interrupts(void) { #ifdef LCD_DEBUG char s[20]; #endif while (1) { unsigned long ints; int i; #ifdef LCD_DEBUG /* snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "i%08lx", ISP1582_INT); lcd_puts(0, 2, s); */ #endif ints = ISP1582_INT & ISP1582_INTEN; if (!ints) break; i = 0; while (!(ints & (1 << i))) i++; ISP1582_INT = 1 << i; usb_handle_int(i); #ifdef LCD_DEBUG for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) snprintf(s + i * 2, 3, "%02x", int_count[i]); lcd_puts(0, 6, s); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) snprintf(s + i * 2, 3, "%02x", int_count[i + 8]); lcd_puts(0, 7, s); #endif } #ifdef LCD_DEBUG /* lcd_puts(0, 3, usb_connected() ? "C" : "N"); lcd_update(); */ #endif } static inline int fifo_mod(int n) { return (n >= SERIAL_BUF_SIZE) ? n - SERIAL_BUF_SIZE : n; } static void fifo_init(struct serial_fifo *fifo) { fifo->head = fifo->tail = 0; } static int fifo_empty(struct serial_fifo *fifo) { return fifo->head == fifo->tail; } static int fifo_full(struct serial_fifo *fifo) { return fifo_mod(fifo->head + 1) == fifo->tail; } static void fifo_remove(struct serial_fifo *fifo, int n) { fifo->tail = fifo_mod(fifo->tail + n); } /* Not used: static void fifo_add(struct serial_fifo *fifo, int n) { fifo->head = fifo_mod(fifo->head + n); } static void fifo_free_block(struct serial_fifo *fifo, unsigned char **ptr, int *len) { *ptr = fifo->buf + fifo->head; if (fifo->head >= fifo->tail) { int l = SERIAL_BUF_SIZE - fifo->head; if (fifo->tail == 0) l--; *len = l; } else *len = fifo->tail - fifo->head - 1; } */ static int fifo_free_space(struct serial_fifo *fifo) { if (fifo->head >= fifo->tail) return SERIAL_BUF_SIZE - (fifo->head - fifo->tail) - 1; else return fifo->tail - fifo->head - 1; } static int fifo_get_byte(struct serial_fifo *fifo) { int r = fifo->buf[fifo->tail]; fifo->tail = fifo_mod(fifo->tail + 1); return r; } static void fifo_put_byte(struct serial_fifo *fifo, int b) { fifo->buf[fifo->head] = b; fifo->head = fifo_mod(fifo->head + 1); } static void fifo_full_block(struct serial_fifo *fifo, unsigned char **ptr, int *len) { *ptr = fifo->buf + fifo->tail; if (fifo->head >= fifo->tail) *len = fifo->head - fifo->tail; else *len = SERIAL_BUF_SIZE - fifo->tail; } static void serial_fill_in_fifo(int ep, unsigned char *buf, int len); static void serial_free_out_fifo(int ep, unsigned char *buf, int len); static void serial_restart_input(int ep) { if (fifo_free_space(&serial_in_fifo) >= 64) usb_receive_block(serial_in_pkt, 1, 64, serial_fill_in_fifo, ep); } static void serial_fill_in_fifo(int ep, unsigned char *buf, int len) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) fifo_put_byte(&serial_in_fifo, buf[i]); serial_restart_input(ep); } static void serial_restart_output(int ep) { unsigned char *block; int blen; fifo_full_block(&serial_out_fifo, &block, &blen); if (blen) { #ifdef LCD_DEBUG char s[20]; snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "o%03lx/%03x", block - serial_out_fifo.buf, blen); lcd_puts(0, 2, s); lcd_update(); #endif usb_send_block(block, blen, serial_free_out_fifo, ep); } } static void serial_free_out_fifo(int ep, unsigned char *buf, int len) { (void)buf; fifo_remove(&serial_out_fifo, len); serial_restart_output(ep); } void usb_serial_handle(void) { #ifdef BUTTONS static int t = 0; t++; if (t >= 1000) { int b; t = 0; yield(); b = button_get(false); if (b == BUTTON_PLAY) system_reboot(); else if (b & BUTTON_REL) usb_reconnect(); } #endif if (!usb_connect_state) { if (usb_connected()) { int i; GPIO3_SET = 4; (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x80005004) = 2; (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x80005008) = 0; for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) nop_f(); usb_setup(0); usb_connect_state = 1; } } else { if (!usb_connected()) { usb_connect_state = 0; usb_cleanup(); } else { usb_handle_interrupts(); if (usb_state == STATE_CONFIGURED) { if (endpoints[1].in_min_len < 0) serial_restart_input(1); if (!endpoints[1].out_in_progress) serial_restart_output(1); } } } } /* Not used: static int usb_serial_in_empty(void) { return fifo_empty(&serial_in_fifo); } */ int usb_serial_get_byte(void) { while (fifo_empty(&serial_in_fifo)) usb_serial_handle(); return fifo_get_byte(&serial_in_fifo); } int usb_serial_try_get_byte(void) { int r; if (fifo_empty(&serial_in_fifo)) r = -1; else r = fifo_get_byte(&serial_in_fifo); usb_serial_handle(); return r; } /* Not used: static int usb_serial_out_full(void) { return fifo_full(&serial_out_fifo); } */ void usb_serial_put_byte(int b) { while (fifo_full(&serial_out_fifo)) usb_serial_handle(); fifo_put_byte(&serial_out_fifo, b); usb_serial_handle(); } int usb_serial_try_put_byte(int b) { int r = -1; if (!fifo_full(&serial_out_fifo)) { fifo_put_byte(&serial_out_fifo, b); r = 0; } usb_serial_handle(); return r; } void usb_serial_init(void) { fifo_init(&serial_in_fifo); fifo_init(&serial_out_fifo); usb_connect_state = 0; }