#include "config.h" ENTRY(start) OUTPUT_FORMAT(elf32-sh) INPUT(target/sh/crt0.o) #define DRAMSIZE (MEMORYSIZE * 0x100000) #define DRAMORIG 0x09000000 #define IRAMORIG 0x0f000000 #define IRAMSIZE 0x1000 #define FLASHORIG 0x02000000 + ROM_START #define FLASHSIZE 256K - ROM_START MEMORY { DRAM : ORIGIN = DRAMORIG, LENGTH = DRAMSIZE IRAM : ORIGIN = IRAMORIG, LENGTH = IRAMSIZE FLASH : ORIGIN = FLASHORIG, LENGTH = FLASHSIZE } SECTIONS { .vectors : { _datacopy = .; } > FLASH .data : AT ( _datacopy ) { _datastart = .; KEEP(*(.resetvectors)); *(.resetvectors); KEEP(*(.vectors)); *(.vectors); . = ALIGN(0x200); *(.icode) *(.irodata) *(.idata) *(.data*) . = ALIGN(0x4); _dataend = .; . = ALIGN(0x10); /* Maintain proper alignment for .text section */ } > IRAM /* TRICK ALERT! Newer versions of the linker don't allow output sections to overlap even if one of them is empty, so advance the location pointer "by hand" */ .text LOADADDR(.data) + SIZEOF(.data) : { *(.init.text) *(.text*) . = ALIGN(0x4); } > FLASH .rodata : { *(.rodata*) . = ALIGN(0x4); _iramcopy = .; } > FLASH .stack : { *(.stack) _stackbegin = .; stackbegin = .; . += 0x2000; _stackend = .; stackend = .; } > IRAM .bss : { _edata = .; *(.ibss) *(.bss*) *(COMMON) _end = .; } > IRAM }