#ifndef PLATFORM_H_INCLUDED #define PLATFORM_H_INCLUDED #include "rbcodecconfig.h" #include "rbcodecplatform.h" /* #ifndef ROCKBOX # define __PCTOOL__ # define RBCODEC_NOT_ROCKBOX # define ROCKBOX #endif #ifndef HAVE_STRLCPY size_t strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz); #endif */ #ifndef ARRAYLEN # define ARRAYLEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) #endif #ifndef MIN # define MIN(x, y) ((x)<(y) ? (x) : (y)) #endif #ifndef MAX # define MAX(x, y) ((x)>(y) ? (x) : (y)) #endif #ifndef BIT_N # define BIT_N(n) (1U << (n)) #endif #ifndef MASK_N /* Make a mask of n contiguous bits, shifted left by 'shift' */ # define MASK_N(type, n, shift) \ ((type)((((type)1 << (n)) - (type)1) << (shift))) #endif #ifndef INIT_ATTR # define INIT_ATTR #endif /* #ifdef CODEC # ifdef debugf # undef debugf # endif # ifdef logf # undef logf # endif #else # ifndef DEBUGF # define DEBUGF debugf # endif # ifndef debugf # define debugf(...) do { } while (0) # endif # ifndef logf # define logf(...) do { } while (0) # endif # ifndef panicf # define panicf(...) do { } while (0) # endif #endif #ifndef ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF # define ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(fmt, arg1) #endif #ifndef LIKELY # define LIKELY(x) (x) #endif #ifndef UNLIKELY # define UNLIKELY(x) (x) #endif */ #ifndef CACHEALIGN_ATTR # define CACHEALIGN_ATTR #endif /* #ifndef DATA_ATTR # define DATA_ATTR #endif */ #ifndef IBSS_ATTR # define IBSS_ATTR #endif #ifndef ICODE_ATTR # define ICODE_ATTR #endif #ifndef ICONST_ATTR # define ICONST_ATTR #endif #ifndef IDATA_ATTR # define IDATA_ATTR #endif /* #ifndef INIT_ATTR # define INIT_ATTR #endif */ #ifndef MEM_ALIGN_ATTR # define MEM_ALIGN_ATTR #endif #ifndef CACHEALIGN_SIZE # define CACHEALIGN_SIZE 1 #endif /* #ifndef HAVE_CLIP_SAMPLE_16 static inline int32_t clip_sample_16(int32_t sample) { if ((int16_t)sample != sample) sample = 0x7fff ^ (sample >> 31); return sample; } #endif */ #ifdef HAVE_PITCHCONTROL /* precision of the pitch and speed variables */ /* One zero per decimal (100 means two decimal places */ #define PITCH_SPEED_PRECISION 100L #define PITCH_SPEED_100 (100L * PITCH_SPEED_PRECISION) /* 100% speed */ #endif /* HAVE_PITCHCONTROL */ int find_first_set_bit(uint32_t value); #endif /* PLATFORM_H_INCLUDED */