% $Id$ % \section{\label{ref:Bookmarkconfigactual}Bookmarking} Bookmarks allow you to save your current position within a track so that you can return to it at a later time. Bookmarks are saved on a per directory basis (for dynamic playlists) or for individual (saved) playlists. They are stored next to the directory/playlist they reference. You can store multiple bookmarks for the same track. \begin{description} \item [Bookmark on Stop. ]This option controls whether Rockbox writes a bookmark to the disk when playback is stopped. Setting this to \setting{No} turns automatic bookmarking completely off. In contrast \setting{Yes} turns automatic bookmarking on while \setting{Ask} asks on stopping the track if a bookmark should be created. With the above options \setting{Yes} and \setting{Ask} if there is an existing \fname{.bmark} file the current position information will be added to the front of the existing list, up to the maximum number of allowed bookmarks per file (currently 10). If no \fname{.bmark} file exists, one will be created with the new bookmark information. Finally, if the \setting{Maintain a list of Recently Used Bookmarks} option is enabled, the bookmarking information will be added to recent bookmarks list. \begin{description} \item[Yes -- Recent Only.] Turns on automatic bookmarking -- One bookmark only \item[Ask -- Recent Only.] Asks if a bookmark should be created when stopping track -- One bookmark only \end{description} With the two \setting{Recent Only} options, nothing is written to the \fname{.bmark} file. If the \setting{Maintain a list of Recently Used Bookmarks} option is enabled, the bookmarking information will however be added to recent bookmarks list. \note{The \setting{Resume} function remembers your position in the most recently accessed track regardless of how the \setting{Bookmark on Stop} option is set.} \item [Load Last Bookmark. ] When the \setting{Load Last Bookmark} option is set to \setting{Yes}, Rockbox automatically returns to the position of the last bookmark within a file when that file is played. When the \setting{Load Last Bookmark} option is set to \setting{Ask}, Rockbox will give the user the option of starting from the beginning of the track of or from the bookmark. When the \setting{Load Last Bookmark} option is set to \setting{No}, playback always starts from the beginning of the track, and the user must play the bookmark or use the \setting{Load Bookmark} function in the Main Menu, while the file is playing, to resume at the bookmarked location. \item [Maintain a list of Recently Used Bookmarks. ] This list of Most Recent Bookmarks (MRB's) may be accessed through the \setting{Recent Bookmarks} option of the \setting{Bookmarks} sub menu of the Main Menu. When set to \setting{Yes} each new bookmark will be added to the MRB list. Setting this to \setting{No} disables the addition of bookmarks to the MRB list. \setting{Unique Only} behaves like the \setting{Yes} setting but in addition all older entries for the current (dynamic) playlist will be removed from the MRB whenever a new entry is added. \item [Bookmark Actions context menu.] When viewing any bookmark list, pressing the standard context menu key (\ActionStdContext) will bring up the Bookmark Actions context menu. \setting{Resume} will commence playback of the currently-selected bookmark entry. \setting{Delete} will remove just the currently-selected bookmark entry from the list. \end{description}