\subsection{BrickMania} \screenshot{plugins/images/ss-brickmania}{BrickMania}% {img:brickmania} BrickMania is a clone of the classic game Breakout. The aim of the game is to destroy all the bricks by hitting them with the ball once or more. Sometimes a special falls down when you destroy a brick. For a special to take effect, you must catch it with the paddle. Look out for the bad ones.\\ \subsubsection{Specials} \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabularx}{.75\textwidth}{clX}\toprule \textbf{Displayed} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Description}\\\midrule N & Normal & Returns paddle to normal.\\ D & Die & Ball dies; lose a life.\\ L & Life & Gain a life.\\ F & Fire & Allows you to shoot bricks with paddle.\\ G & Glue & Ball sticks to paddle each time it hits.\\ B & Ball & Immediately fires another ball.\\ FL & Flip & Flip left / right movement.\\\bottomrule \end{tabularx} \end{center} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{btnmap}{}{} \ButtonLeft\ / \ButtonRight \opt{SANSA_C200_PAD}{\\ \ButtonVolDown\ / \ButtonVolUp} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD,IPOD_3G_PAD,SANSA_E200_PAD}{\\ \ButtonScrollBack\ / \ButtonScrollFwd} & Moves the paddle\\ \opt{RECORDER_PAD,IAUDIO_X5_PAD}{\ButtonPlay\ / \ButtonUp} \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonMenu\ / \ButtonUp} \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD,SANSA_C200_PAD,GIGABEAT_PAD,MROBE100_PAD} {\ButtonSelect\ / \ButtonUp} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD,IPOD_3G_PAD,SANSA_E200_PAD}{\ButtonSelect} \opt{IRIVER_H10_PAD}{\ButtonPlay\ / \ButtonScrollUp} & Release the ball / Fire\\ \opt{RECORDER_PAD,ONDIO_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonOff} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD,IPOD_3G_PAD}{\ButtonMenu} \opt{IAUDIO_X5_PAD,IRIVER_H10_PAD,SANSA_E200_PAD,SANSA_C200_PAD,GIGABEAT_PAD,MROBE100_PAD}{\ButtonPower} & Open menu / Quit\\ \end{btnmap} \end{table}