\chapter{Plugins} \newpage Plugins are little programs that Rockbox can load and run. Plugins have the file extension .rock. Most of them can be started from the main menu if you put them in the \textbf{/.rockbox/rocks} directory. Press PLAY on them to start them. Viewer plugins get started automatically by ``playing'' an associated file (i.e. text files, chip8 games), or from the ``Open with'' option on the File menu. Plugins listed here have the platforms they run under (Player for Jukebox players, Recorder for Jukebox recorders including Jukebox FM, and Ondio for the Ondio SP and FM). If no platforms are listed then the plugin runs on all Rockbox platforms.\\ \textbf{The plugin loader} Only one plugin can be loaded at a time. Plugins run in the GUI thread and have exclusive control over the user interface. This means you cannot switch back and forth between a plugin and Rockbox. A plugin is loaded, run and then exited, which returns control to Rockbox. Music will carry on playing whilst plugins are being run. \section{Games} See also the Chip{}-8 emulator on page \pageref{ref:Chip8emulator}. \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300}{\input{plugins/flipit.tex}} \opt{player}{\input{plugins/jackpot.tex}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300}{\input{plugins/minesweeper.tex}} \opt{player}{\input{plugins/nim.tex}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300}{\input{plugins/rockblox.tex}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300}{\input{plugins/sliding.tex}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio}{\input{plugins/snake.tex}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300}{\input{plugins/snake2.tex}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300}{\input{plugins/sokoban.tex}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300}{\input{plugins/solitaire.tex}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio}{\input{plugins/star.tex}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm}{\input{plugins/wormlet.tex}} \section{Demos} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300}{\input{plugins/bounce.tex}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300}{\input{plugins/cube.tex}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300}{\input{plugins/grayscale.tex}} {\input{plugins/hello.tex}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300}{\input{plugins/mandelbrot.tex}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300}{\input{plugins/mosaic.tex}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio}{\input{plugins/oscillograph.tex}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300}{\input{plugins/snow.tex}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio}{\input{plugins/vumeter.tex}} \section{\label{ref:Viewersplugins}Viewers} Viewers are plugins which are associated with specific file extensions. They cannot be run directly but are started by ``playing'' the associated file. Viewers are stored in the \textbf{/.rockbox/viewers/ }directory. \subsection{\label{ref:Chip8emulator}Chip{}-8 Emulator (Recorder, Ondio)} The Chip{}-8 Emulator allows you to play many old chip8 games found on the Net. It modifies Rockbox, so file extensions .ch8 will be recognised as chip8 games. Just press PLAY on a .ch8 file to start a game. There are lots of tiny Chip8 games (usually only about 256 bytes to a couple of KB) which were made popular by the HP48 calculator's emulator for them. The original Chip8 had 64x32 pixel graphics, and the new superchip emulator supports 128x64 graphics, which almost fits on the Recorder's display. The only problem is they are based on a 4x4 keyboard, but since most games do not use all of the buttons, this can easily be worked around. Some places where can you can find .ch8 files: \begin{itemize} \item The original chip8 patch had several attached: \url{http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=628509&group_id=44306&atid=439120} \item Check out the HP48 chip games section: \url{http://www.hpcalc.org/hp48/games/chip/} \item Check out the PC emulator by the guy who wrote the HP48 emulator: \url{http://www.pdc.kth.se/~lfo/chip8/CHIP8.htm} \item Links to other chip8 emulators: \url{http://www.zophar.net/chip8.html} \end{itemize} \subsection{JPEG viewer (Recorder, Ondio)} Press PLAY on a .jpg file in order to view the contents using Rockbox's greyscale library. Use the arrow keys to move around the image, PLAY to zoom in and ON to zoom out. Press OFF to exit the viewer. Note: JPEGs that use progressive scan encoding are not supported and will produce an error. \subsection{Movie Player (Recorder, Ondio)} Play movies on your Jukebox! In order to do this, movies must be in AVI format, and then converted to .RVF, Rockbox's own video format. For more details on how to use this plugin, please see \url{http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/VideoTutorial}. \subsection{Rockbox\_flash (Recorder, Ondio)} {\centering\itshape [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=4.059cm,height=2.32cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img57.png} \newline Rockbox flash \par} For ``playing'' .UCL files on flashed Jukeboxes. Reprograms the flash memory of the Jukebox unit (see page \pageref{ref:Rockboxinflash} for details). \subsection{Search} This plugin can be used on playlists. It searches through the playlist that it is opened on looking for any occurrences of the string entered by the user. The results of this search are saved to a new playlist, \textbf{search\_results.m3u}, within the same directory as the original playlist. \subsection{Sort} This plugin takes a file and sorts it in forward alphabetical order. Case is ignored. This is useful for ordering playlists generated by the ``Create Playlist'' menu option (see page \pageref{ref:Playlistsubmenu}). \subsection{Text Viewer} This is a Viewer for text files with word wrap. Just press PLAY on a .txt file to display it. Has controls to handle various styles of text formatting. Has top{}-of{}-file and bottom{}-of{}-file buttons. You can view files without a .txt extension by using \textbf{Open with ..} from the Play Screen menu \subsubsection{Controls} \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{F1 (Recorder) / ON{}-MINUS (Player): } toggles Word mode between Wrap and Chop: \begin{itemize} \item Wrap breaks lines at white space or hyphen. \item Chop breaks lines at the maximum column limit. \end{itemize} \item \textbf{F2 (Recorder) / ON{}-MENU{}-PLUS (Player): } cycles Line mode through Normal, Join and Expand: \begin{itemize} \item Normal breaks lines at newline characters. \item Join ignores unpaired newline characters (i.e., joins lines). Useful for adopting the orphans that occur with e{}-mail style (i.e.,pre{}-wrapped) text files. \item Expand doubles unpaired newlines (i.e., adds a blank line). Useful for making the paragraphs clearer in some book style text files. \end{itemize} \item \textbf{F3 (Recorder) / ON{}-PLUS (Player):} toggles View mode between Narrow and Wide: \begin{itemize} \item Narrow sets maximum column to the screen width. \item Wide sets maximum column to 114. Useful for navigating large files. (Currently, Wide and Join cannot be selected together.) \end{itemize} \item \textbf{ON{}-F1 (Recorder):} toggles Page mode between Normal and Overlap: \begin{itemize} \item Normal sets page{}-down/page{}-up to one full screen. \item Overlap tells page{}-down/page{}-up to retain one line from previous screen. \end{itemize} \item \textbf{ON{}-F3 (Recorder):} toggles Scrollbar mode, for the current View mode. \begin{itemize} \item Narrow mode has no scrollbar by default, until toggled. \item Wide mode has a scrollbar by default, until toggled. \item If file fits on one screen, there is no scrollbar and ON{}-F3 has no effect. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} Settings are not remembered after the viewer has been exited. Keys are as follows: \subsubsection{Recorder} \begin{tabular}[c]{|p{3.317cm}|p{7.104cm}|} \hline {\centering\bfseries\itshape KEY \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape ACTION \par} \\\hline {\centering UP \par} & Page{}-up (one screen up) \\\hline {\centering DOWN \par} & Page{}-down (one screen down) \\\hline {\centering LEFT \par} & Top of file (Narrow mode)\newline One screen left (Wide mode) \\\hline {\centering RIGHT \par} & Bottom of file (Narrow mode)\newline One screen right (Wide mode) \\\hline {\centering ON{}-UP \par} & One line up \\\hline {\centering ON{}-DOWN \par} & One line down \\\hline {\centering ON{}-LEFT \par} & One column left \\\hline {\centering ON{}-RIGHT \par} & One column right \\\hline {\centering OFF \par} & Exit text viewer \\\hline \end{tabular} \subsubsection{Player} \begin{tabular}[c]{|p{3.291cm}|p{7.131cm}|} \hline {\centering\bfseries\itshape KEY \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape ACTION \par} \\\hline {\centering MINUS \par} & Page{}-up (one screen up) \\\hline {\centering PLUS \par} & Page{}-down (one screen down) \\\hline {\centering MENU MINUS \par} & Top of file (Narrow mode)\newline One screen left (Wide mode) \\\hline {\centering MENU PLUS \par} & Bottom of file (Narrow mode)\newline One screen right (Wide mode) \\\hline {\centering STOP \par} & Exit text viewer \\\hline \end{tabular} \subsubsection{Compatibility} \begin{itemize} \item Correctly reads plain text files in Unix, Win/DOS, or Macintosh format. Latin{}-alphabet Unicode files are a l m o s t r e a d a b l e. \item Currently prefers fixed{}-width fonts. With proportional fonts, pretends all characters are the width of a lower{}-case 'o'. \item Currently messages are in English \item Does not currently support right{}-to{}-left languages. \end{itemize} \subsection{VBRfix} This function scans a VBR (Variable Bitrate) MP3 file and updates/creates the Xing VBR header. The Xing header contains information about the VBR stream used to calculate average bit rate, time information and to more accurately fwd/rew in the stream. This function is especially useful when the playback of a file skips, fwd/rew does not work correctly or the time display is incorrect. Run VBRfix on files you record with your Jukebox. The header is not present in the recorded files and VBRfix adds this header. Note: VBRfix can only run when music is turned off (since it uses the same memory as the player) and can take a while to complete if run on big files. \section{Applications} \subsection{Battery\_test} {\centering\itshape [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=3.704cm,height=2.117cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img58.png} \textmd{ } [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=4.598cm,height=1.976cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img59.png} \newline Recorder battery test Player battery test \par} This plugin simulates normal power drain by spinning up the disk and reading a big file once every 90 seconds (or thereabouts). Each spin up also writes the battery level to a log file. The test stops when battery level reaches 4\% in order to avoid being unable to write to the disk. The power usage data is saved to a file in the root directory of the Jukebox. This plugin can sometimes be useful for diagnosing problems with battery charging. \subsection{Calculator (Recorder, Ondio)} {\centering\itshape [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=3.889cm,height=2.223cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img60.png} \newline Calculator \par} This is a simple scientific calculator for use on the Jukebox. It works like a standard calculator. Move using the arrow keys and press PLAY to press a button. Pressing the ``1st'' button will toggle between other available maths functions on the right hand side. \subsection{Calendar (Recorder, Ondio)} {\centering\itshape [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=3.9cm,height=2.23cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img61.png} \newline Calendar \par} This is a small and simple calendar application with memo saving function. Dots indicate dates with memos. To add a new memo press PLAY on the date. Includes one off, annual, monthly, and weekly memos: \begin{tabular}[c]{|p{2.6469998cm}|p{3.95cm}|} \hline {\centering\bfseries\itshape KEY \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape ACTION \par} \\\hline {\centering PLAY \par} & monthly \\\hline {\centering LEFT \par} & weekly \\\hline {\centering RIGHT \par} & annually \\\hline {\centering ON \par} & one off \\\hline {\centering STOP \par} & exit \\\hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Chess Clock} {\centering\itshape [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=4.634cm,height=1.984cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img62.png} \newline Chess Clock \par} The chess clock plugin is designed to simulate a chess clock, but it can be used in any kind of game with up to ten players. \subsubsection{Setup} \begin{itemize} \item First enter the number of players (1{}-10) (press PLAY to continue). \item Then set the total game time in mm:ss (press PLAY to continue, STOP to go back). \item Then the maximum round time is entered. For example, this could be used to play Scrabble for a maximum of 15 minutes each, with each round taking no longer than one minute. (press PLAY to continue). \item Done. Player 1 starts in paused mode. So press PLAY to start. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{While playing} The number of the current player is displayed on the top line. The time below is the time remaining for that round (and possibly also the total time left if different). Keys are as follows: \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{|p{1.917cm}|p{2.7649999cm}|p{1.7049999cm}|p{9.433001cm}|} \hline {\centering\bfseries\itshape PLAYER \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape RECORDER \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape ONDIO \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape FUNCTION \par} \\\hline {\centering ON \par} & {\centering OFF \par} & {\centering ONOFF \par} & Exit plugin \\\hline {\centering STOP \par} & {\centering LEFT \par} & {\centering LEFT \par} & Restart round for the player \\\hline {\centering PLAY \par} & {\centering PLAY \par} & {\centering RIGHT \par} & Pausing the time (press again to continue) \\\hline {\centering RIGHT \par} & {\centering UP \par} & {\centering UP \par} & Switch to next player \\\hline {\centering LEFT \par} & {\centering DOWN \par} & {\centering DOWN \par} & Switch to previous player \\\hline {\centering MENU \par} & {\centering F1 \par} & {\centering MODE \par} & Enter a simple menu \\\hline \end{tabular}\end{center} From the menu it is possible to delete a player, modify the round time for the current player or set the total time for the game. When the round time is up for a player the message ``ROUND UP!'' is shown (press NEXT to continue). When the total time is up for a player the message ``TIME UP!''is shown. Then player will then be removed from the timer. \subsection{Clock (Recorder)} {\centering\itshape [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=3.528cm,height=2.016cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img63.png} \newline Clock \par} This is a fully featured analogue and digital clock program. \subsubsection{Key configuration} \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{|p{2.411cm}|p{6.012cm}|} \hline {\centering\bfseries\itshape KEY \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape ACTION \par} \\\hline {\centering F1 \par} & Help \\\hline {\centering F2 \par} & Start / Stop stopwatch \\\hline {\centering F2 (Hold) \par} & Reset stopwatch \\\hline {\centering F3 \par} & Options \\\hline {\centering Play \par} & Select clock mode \\\hline {\centering UP \par} & Enable idle power off \\\hline {\centering DOWN \par} & Disable idle power off \\\hline {\centering RIGHT \par} & Enable backlight \\\hline {\centering LEFT \par} & Disable backlight \\\hline {\centering OFF \par} & Save settings to disk and exit \\\hline \end{tabular}\end{center} \subsubsection{Backlight configuration} If RIGHT or LEFT is not pressed during clock operation (with the exception of at the Help/Options/Mode Selector/Credit screens) then the backlight timeout will remain your Rockbox default setting (example, 15 seconds). If RIGHT or LEFT is pressed, Clock will set the backlight to ON or OFF, respectively. When Clock is exited, your default Rockbox setting for Backlight will be restored. \subsubsection{Saving Settings} Settings are saved to disk when Clock is exited. They are saved to \textbf{/.rockbox/rocks/.clock\_settings''}. To reset your settings back to the defaults, simply navigate to this file using Rockbox, highlight it, and press the ON+PLAY keys to get the Delete option. This way you can feel free to experiment with the settings {}- and you could even load separate settings, say, one for your desk at home and one for in the car {}- by keeping two files in your \textbf{/.rockbox/rocks} folder such as ``h.clock\_settings'' and ``c.clock\_settings''. Simply remove the ``h'' for your home settings to go into effect, or add the ``h'' back and take off the ``c'' for your car settings. In the future, loading different settings will probably be made easier through a built{}-in settings file loader in Clock. \subsection{Euro Converter (Player)} {\centering\itshape [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=4.671cm,height=2cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img64.png} \newline Euro converter \par} This plugin converts euros back into pre{}-euro currency. The country for which is does this is selectable by pressing the MENU key. The MINUS and PLUS keys move the cursor between the digits and the PLAY and STOP keys increase and decrease the current digit. The amount in the old currency is displayed on the second line. \subsection{Favorites} {\centering\itshape [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=4.667cm,height=1.998cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img65.png} \newline Favorites \par} When listening to any song you can open it with this plugin and it will add the current song to a special playlist of all songs you selected in \textbf{/favorites.m3u}. \subsection{Firmware\_flash (Recorder, Ondio)} {\centering\mdseries\itshape [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=3.634cm,height=2.076cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img66.png} \newline Firmware\_flash \par} Use when flashing Rockbox (see page \pageref{ref:FlashingRockboxReal}. In the ideal case, you'll need this tool only once. For safety reasons you may wish to delete \textbf{firmware\_flash.rock} from \textbf{/.rockbox/rocks} once flashing is complete. \subsection{Metronome} This plugin can be used as a metronome to keep time during music practice. Adjust the tempo though the interface or by tapping it out on the appropriate button. \begin{tabular}[c]{|p{2.587cm}|p{2.55cm}|p{2.62cm}|p{4.952cm}|} \hline {\centering\bfseries\itshape PLAYER \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape RECORDER \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape ONDIO \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape FUNCTION \par} \\\hline {\centering STOP \par} & {\centering OFF \par} & {\centering ONOFF \par} & Exit plugin \\\hline {\centering PLAY \par} & {\centering PLAY \par} & {\centering ~ \par} & Start / Stop \\\hline {\centering ON \par} & {\centering ON \par} & {\centering ~ \par} & Tap tempo \\\hline {\centering ~ \par} & {\centering ~ \par} & {\centering MODE \par} & Start / Tap tempo \\\hline {\centering ~ \par} & {\centering ~ \par} & {\centering HOLD MODE \par} & Stop \\\hline {\centering MINUS/PLUS \par} & {\centering LEFT/RIGHT \par} & {\centering LEFT/RIGHT \par} & Adjust tempo \\\hline {\centering ON+MINUS/\newline ON+PLUS \par} & {\centering UP/DOWN \par} & {\centering UP/DOWN \par} & Adjust volume \\\hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Split Editor (Recorder, Ondio)} When recording an mp3 file, it is common practice to start the recording a little bit early and stop it a little bit late to ensure all the desired sound is recorded. This results in recordings that contain extra snippets of sound and the beginning and end. Unfortunately these snippets can not be deleted easily because they are stored in the same file as the desired recording. The purpose of the split editor is to split a mp3 file (the input file) at a point in time (split point). Two new files can be generated from the input file. The first file contains the part before the split point and the second file contains the part after the split point. Once this process has been successful the original file can be deleted or kept as a backup. The whole process of splitting a mp3 file consists of three steps: \begin{enumerate} \item defining the split point \item generating the result files. \item if desired delete the input file (with the browser, not the split editor) \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{How to use the Split Editor} \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Pause near the split point} When the device plays the song just hit the PAUSE button, when playback has roughly reached the split point. This need not be very precise as the split point can be fine tuned later. \item \textbf{Open the split editor} Open the plugin. A screen similar to the one below will appear. {\centering\itshape [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=3.701cm,height=2.11cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img67.gif} \newline The Split Editor \par} {\centering\upshape Here is an explanation of the areas marked in red on the screenshot. \par} \begin{enumerate} \item The waveform \newline \newline The waveform displays the volume of the song over time. It will appear as the song plays and help to visually identify the point in time where the split is desired \item The split point indicator\newline \newline The split point indicator is a vertical line with a small triangle at the top end. It is the most important control element of the split editor. It can be moved with the LEFT and RIGHT buttons. Later, when you have fine tuned the split point, the song will be split at this position. \item The split time\newline \newline At the top of the window a time value is displayed. This is the point in time within the song at which the split point indicator is positioned. \item The locator\newline \newline Another vertical bar represents the position locator. It moves along as the song plays. In contrast to the split point indicator it has no triangles at the ends. \item The time bar\newline \newline The time bar displays the current position within the song relative to the whole song. The entire length of the time bar represents the song length. The length of the solid part of the time bar represents the position and length of the displayed part of the song. \item The scale mode\newline \newline Directly above the F3 button the scale mode is displayed. The waveform can be scaled either logarithmically or linearly. In logarithmic scale mode the letters ``dB'' are displayed, in linear mode ``\%''. Use F3 to switch between these modes. Linear mode usually gives better optical hints with commercially recorded music. For quiet recordings, especially of human speech, the logarithmic scale often is preferable. \item The loop mode \newline \newline Directly above the F2 button the loop mode icon is displayed. There are 4 different loop modes. Pressing F2 changes to the next loop mode. \begin{itemize} \item [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=0.794cm,height=0.476cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img68.gif} Playback loops around the split point indicator. This mode is best used when searching and zooming for the desired point at which to split the recording. \item [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=0.794cm,height=0.476cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img69.gif} Playback loops from the split point indicator to the end of the visible area. This mode is best used when fine tuning the split indicator position at the beginning of a recording. \item [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=0.794cm,height=0.476cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img70.gif} Playback loops from the beginning of the visible area to the split point. This mode is best used when fine tuning the split indicator position at the end of a recording. \item [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=0.688cm,height=0.476cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img71.gif} Playback doesn't loop, the borders of the visible area as well as the split point indicator are ignored. This mode is best used when playing the song outside of the borders of the displayed region. \end{itemize} \item Perform the split \newline \newline The icon directly above the F1 button indicates its function to execute the split. When split positioning is complete open the save dialogue with F1. \end{enumerate} {\bfseries Controls in the split editor } \end{itemize} \begin{tabular}[c]{|p{2.975cm}|p{3.047cm}|p{6.649cm}|} \hline {\centering\bfseries\itshape Recorder \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape Ondio \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape Function \par} \\\hline {\centering Off \par} & {\centering On/Off \par} & Quit plugin \\\hline {\centering Left/Right \par} & {\centering Left/Right \par} & Move the split point indicator \\\hline {\centering Up/Down \par} & {\centering Up/Down \par} & Zoom in / out \\\hline {\centering Play \par} & {\centering Mode \par} & Play from the split position \\\hline {\centering F1 \par} & {\centering Mode+Left \par} & Enter the save dialogue \\\hline {\centering F2 \par} & {\centering Mode+Up \par} & Toggle loop modes \\\hline {\centering F3 \par} & {\centering Mode+Right \par} & Toggle logarithmic / linear scaling \\\hline {\centering On+Left \par} & {\centering ~ \par} & Play half speed \\\hline {\centering On+Right \par} & {\centering ~ \par} & Play 150\% speed \\\hline {\centering On+Play \par} & {\centering ~ \par} & Play normal speed \\\hline \end{tabular} \subsubsection{Save the files} In the save dialogue it is possible to specify which of the files you want to save and their names. When finished, select ``Save'' and the files will be written to disk. Note that files can not be overwritten, so filenames that don't exist yet must be chosen. If unsure whether the file already exists simply try to save it. If another file with this name exists the dialogue will return and you can choose another filename {\centering\itshape [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=3.701cm,height=2.11cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img72.gif} \newline Save dialogue \par} Controls in the save dialogue \begin{tabular}[c]{|p{2.62cm}|p{2.266cm}|p{3.965cm}|} \hline {\centering\bfseries\itshape RECORDER \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape ONDIO \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape FUNCTION \par} \\\hline {\centering UP/DOWN \par} & {\centering UP/DOWN \par} & Select item \\\hline {\centering PLAY \par} & {\centering RIGHT \par} & Toggle / edit item \\\hline \end{tabular} \subsubsection{Scale} The values in the waveform are scaled according to the settings of the peak meter. These can be altered in the menu \textbf{General Settings {}-{\textgreater} Display{}-{\textgreater} Peak Meter}. If extreme minimum / maximum values are set the waveform might be cut off. A minimum setting of {}-60 dB and a maximum setting of 0 dB are recommended. These settings should be capable of producing useful waveforms for very soft sounds in logarithmic mode (dB). When the editor is used on loud sounds (such as commercial rock or pop music) switching to the linear scale may prove more effective since the logarithmic scale compresses loud noises and makes it more difficult to identify characteristic shapes. Note that it is always possible to toggle the scale with F3. \subsection{Stopwatch} {\centering\itshape [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=3.704cm,height=2.117cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img73.png} \textmd{ } [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics: %\includegraphics[width=4.667cm,height=1.998cm]{images/rockbox-manual-img74.png} \newline Recorder stopwatch Player stopwatch \par} A simple stopwatch program with support for saving times. \subsubsection{Keys are as follows:} \begin{tabular}[c]{|p{2.9029999cm}|p{2.763cm}|p{2.199cm}|p{5.235cm}|} \hline {\centering\bfseries\itshape PLAYER \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape RECORDER \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape ONDIO \par} & {\centering\bfseries\itshape FUNCTION \par} \\\hline {\centering MENU \par} & {\centering OFF \par} & {\centering ONOFF \par} & Quit Plugin \\\hline {\centering PLAY \par} & {\centering PLAY \par} & {\centering RIGHT \par} & Start / stop \\\hline {\centering STOP \par} & {\centering LEFT \par} & {\centering LEFT \par} & Reset timer \\\hline {\centering ON \par} & {\centering ON \par} & {\centering MODE \par} & Take lap time \\\hline {\centering MINUS/PLUS \par} & {\centering DOWN/UP \par} & {\centering DOWN/UP \par} & Scroll through lap times \\\hline \end{tabular}